I'm wanting to convert my kokatat semi dry top to a full dry top. It has a neoprene neck, I would like to add a latex neck or silicone possibly. Any advice? Thanks I'm in USA
I see you are in the US in California. I'm not sure about a SiTech supplyer there but DUI are in San Diego and their Zip Seal replaceable seals system works well and can also take silicon seals.
Well detailed info. Thanks!
How much centimeters do you fold the neopreen neckseal inwards coz mine is leasing like hell
I'm wanting to convert my kokatat semi dry top to a full dry top. It has a neoprene neck, I would like to add a latex neck or silicone possibly. Any advice? Thanks I'm in USA
I need some of those replaceable seals. Those are nice
I see you are in the US in California. I'm not sure about a SiTech supplyer there but DUI are in San Diego and their Zip Seal replaceable seals system works well and can also take silicon seals.