Mr. Preston, blessings to you and your family. I'm currently reading through 1st Corinthians, and I would like to listen to an in depth study on 1st Corinthians 15. I've been listening to you for about 10 years, and it has been a great blessing. So many things that just didn't add up untill I learned about audience relevance, time statements, etc. I know you're very busy, but It would be nice to listen to a study on that particular chapter.
Good morning all,,and merry Christmas to all, now ,, Mr preston in John 13:36 Jesus told them ,they can not follow me yet,, ( but thou shalt FOLLOW ME after ) WHERE THEY GONNA FOLLOW JESUS CHRIST HIMSELF TO AFTERWARDS ? If no jew nor any gentile nor believer could follow him "WHITHER I GO " ,,BUT AFTERWARDS,,THEY SHALL FOLLOW HIM,AS HE SAID AND BE WHERE I AM AS HE SAID Revelation 14:4 they followed him where he went !!
John 13:36: Simon Peter said to him, "Lord, where are you going?" Jesus answered him, "Where I go, you cannot follow me now, but you will follow me later." This was what Jesus meant by his ascension and his return in the spirit of his Father at Pentecost. And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again and receive you to myself, that where I am you may be also. And where I go, you know the way (John 14:3-4). Blessing
Truly, truly, I say to you, when you were younger, you used to gird yourself and walk where you wanted to go, but when you are old, you will stretch out your hands, and another will gird you and lead you where you do not want to go. But he said this to indicate the death by which he would glorify God. And when he had said this, he said to him, Follow me (John 21:18-19). The other who will guide him is the spirit of his father, who later caused him to die as a martyr. Blessing
Good morning. We would all agree the resurrection of Rev 20:4-6 begins the 1000yrs right. I think we also would agree that Paul would be in 1 out of these 3 distinctive groups of course. Then how come Paul, without any confusion, nor obfuscation, says I have not partaken in a resurrection like Jesus’s which would’ve been the hope of Israel. When the FP camp says resurrection took place upon conversion from 30 to 70, does that not make the Apostle sound confused needing us to define resurrection instead of Paul? Paul’s hope is to attain, while explicitly saying he has not attained this specific action of resurrection. How do you explain this. Jesus came in 70 at the end of the Mosaic age amongst many past ages, the soul is judged, not body, and the 1000yrs begins. Would you be willing to explain this concept on a video? And in your new book how will you deal with this also? Hoping to attain, and not attaining isn’t any already not yet guarantee or there would be no call to persevere and run the race in hope of attaining. Same for any man today. Phill 3:10 that I may know him and the power of his resurrection, and may share his sufferings, becoming like him in his death, 11 that by any means possible I MAY ATTAIN the resurrection from the dead. Straining Toward the Goal 12 NOT THAT I HAVE ALREADY ATTAINED this or am already perfect, but I press on to make it my own, because Christ Jesus has made me his own.
Paul is speaking about attaining to or being given the first/better resurrection through his own sufferings in Christ. Hebrews 11:35 Women received back their dead, raised to life again. There were others who were tortured, refusing to be released so that they might gain an even better resurrection. The martyrs were given the first/better resurrection, and that better resurrection is the resurrection that Paul is referring to in Phil 3, and not the general resurrection.
Ok, so when do you think this resurrection took place that Paul is hoping to attain? Are you saying as the main FP camp does that Rev 20:4-6 took place incrementally from 30-70 hoping to get to Rev 20:11-15?
Also Hebrews 11:35 is speaking about Elijah resurrecting the widows son in 1st Kings. Just like Lazarus. That deals with a dead body coming back to life,, cause the widow had faith in God. Nothing to do with judgment on the soul, to enter the presence of God, ruling and reigning with Christ l, on His throne, after the life lived in the body, which is a better resurrection. Rev 3:21 in conjunction with Rev 20:4-6. A resurrection like Jesus’s for the soul to enter the presence of God without any mediation what so ever, the goal of the whole telos
@@duaneking273 that is not what the resurrection is about. The first better resurrection is about being given a higher honor. When is not what Paul is speaking about He is speaking about higher resurrection. as in a higher glory and honor for his sacrifice. The resurrection in Rev 20;4-6 is not about being resurrected to eternal life in the Spirit. The martyrs were raised to life when they were born again and received Christ, they did not need a resurrection to life nor were they awaiting that.
@@ophiuchus9071 well we can walk away disagreeing with respect. No point in throwing assertions back and forth with differing interpretations that of course we don’t see eye to eye on. Thank you.
I'm reading a commentary on the book of Revelation that takes the position that it is not eschatological (understood as the end of time/history). Your reminder that the Harvest is eschatological could not be more timely. Revelation is both eschatological AND NOT about the end of history/the end of time.
The "age to come" mentioned in the New Testament is the Messianic Age. The coming Messiah was the only ONE who could save man and destroy death. Beginning right after man's fall in the garden, God made several promises and covenants to accomplish this end (telos). The first Messianic prophecy is found in Genesis 3:15. Satan's head would eventually be crushed. Each of these covenants/promises had the same end goal, i.e. to bring in the Messianic Age. The coming of the kingdom of God on earth "IS" the Messianic Age. And it would be the defeat of Satan's kingdom. The establishment of the New Covenant through the blood of Christ was the power of God unto salvation. And it was the ONLY covenant that could fully defeat death. All of the previous covenants were necessary stepping stones to bring us to Christ. But those previous covenants did NOT cause death to reign. Death had already been reigning since the fall of Adam. And the word "REIGNING" indicates death was at full strength! The people who died in Sodom (before Moses) were just as dead as the people who died in Nineveh (after Moses). In fact, based on what Don has said, it was the first national covenant (Torah) that made Israel ALIVE to begin with. Otherwise, she could not have been put to DEATH through divorcement and separation from God’s presence (by the Assyrians). Don also said this was not referring to biological life and death.
The phrase "Israel's last days" is a _polysemous_ term. It can mean two different things. Only one of which is biblical. The "last days" spoken of in the Bible did indeed belong to Israel. A time anticipated and longed for by Daniel and all the righteous and holy people of God. A time when God would make a New Covenant with the house of Israel. The Spirit of God would be poured out on Israel in the "last days" of the old serpent world. The ruler of that world would be cast out! Everlasting righteousness would become a reality in the "last days" of Satan's reign. Death would be defeated in the "last days" of the one who had the power death, that is the Devil. The holy people would possess the kingdom of God in the "last days" of Satan's dominion. The saints would overcome the wicked one by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony! All in the "last days" of the god of that age! The promised Messiah, Christ Jesus, now sits on the throne of His father David and reigns over the house of Israel forever!
ok Romans 7:9 Once I was alive apart from the law; but when the commandment came, sin sprang to life and I died. Romans 5:14 Nevertheless, death reigned from the time of Adam to the time of Moses, even over those who did not sin by breaking a command, as did Adam, who is a pattern of the one to come. there is no contradiction in Paul's words. That would be like saying there was no sin existing until the commandment came, when the whole purpose of the commandment was to expose the sin that existed.
@@ophiuchus9071 You do not understand Romans 7:7-25. It is not speaking of a "corporate" condition. Paul uses the pronouns "we" and "our" in verses 4-7a. But from 7b onward, he uses the personal pronouns "I" and "me" and "my" almost exclusively. And in verse 25, he says, *"with the mind I myself serve the law of God."* That statement is very personal. A person's mind is very personal. Paul was alive once without the law when he was a child. When he became responsible and conscious toward God, then SIN used the law of God (moral law) as a weapon to cause separation from God. The law was not sin. The law was not death. It was, and still is, like a two edged sword. It can kill or it can be used for good. It just depends on the administration of it. The ministry of the Spirit can use the same law of God (the sword of the Spirit) in a living and loving relationship with God. And against the forces of evil. God delivered Israel from Egyptian bondage because He LOVED them. God gave them His moral laws for the same reason.
I have finally accepted full preterism. I couldn't deny it any longer. I still have a lot of questions and things I haven't reconciled, but I have seen enough to be confident that I could walk away from 7th day Sabbath observance, feast days, and food laws. I've already left my previous congregation.
Don, Merry Christmas. I know this is off topic, forgive me: could you please explain this from the full Preterist point of view? The Bible says in Romans 11:25, "I do not want you to be ignorant of this mystery, brothers and sisters, so that you may not be conceited: Israel has experienced a hardening in part until the FULL NUMBER of the Gentiles (non-Jews, like you and me) has come in, 26 and in this way ALL ISRAEL will be saved." This says all the Non-Jewish believers who are ever going to be saved (fullness of the Gentiles) will be saved and THEN all Israel will be saved. It ABSOLUTELY has NOT happened yet. If it did happen in the first century (Preterists say ALL prophecy was before 70AD) then NOBODY has been saved since. A major problem for the FULL Preterist because AGAIN, all prophecy has been fulfilled. But thank God, the fullness of the Gentiles is still future: we have NOT trusted Christ in vain.
God spoke and created light 🌠 as he gave us his word Jesus Christ! Adam was birthed after being formed throughout The Old Testament into The New Testament. The first "sense" organ that is developed in a fetus and it starts developing (forming) when the fetus is about 1 mm is hearing! Think about that for a minute and consider along with it that our eyes are not open until the birth takes place! When the formation of Adam was finished, he gave birth to The New Creation. The birth pangs and The Birth already happened. We are The New Creation IN Christ Jesus. We are not waiting for all of Israel to be saved. It was in our past that Cheist gathered his Lost Sheep of The House of Israel. He saved a people, a heritage and generation after generation God over sees Jacob Israel. The Lost Sheep of The House of Israel were first called Christians in Antioch.
Mr.Preston. The Southern Kingdom of Judah was not divorced from Yahweh during the Babylonian captivity. If I understand you correctly, Israel became "alive" in marriage to Yahweh when they received the Mosaic covenant at Mount Sinai. And they remained alive as long as they walked in the ways of God. You said that Yahweh killed the 10 Northern tribes of Israel by sending them into Assyrian captivity. In another video, you added that God divorced her and put her to death. Your exact words were, "The divorcement of Israel was the death of Israel." You said this was prophesied in Isaiah 27:9 and following. But you also said Judah and Benjamin (Southern tribes) were killed when they were sent into Babylonian captivity. So this raises another question. Was the Southern Kingdom of Judah made "alive" again after the Babylonian captivity ended? They returned to Jerusalem with a newly rebuilt temple dedicated in 516BC. You said to be restored to the land was resurrection. Was Judah made "alive" again?
@@ophiuchus9071 Your comment makes no sense. The Southern tribes continued to have Jerusalem and Solomon's Temple until the Babylonians destroyed it all in 586BC. But 70 years later, in 516BC, a newly rebuilt temple was dedicated in Jerusalem. So, the Southern Kingdom of Judah, that God never divorced, was back in the land.
@@christyking-jm7fd yes so all of Israel was symbolically dead when the temple was destroyed by Babylon in 586 BC what is missing? my understanding is that Isaiah 27 is a prophecy about when the serpent is punished in 70 AD
@@ophiuchus9071 The destruction of the Temple was not the only factor. According to Don, the Northern Kingdom was "dead" in 721BC because God divorced them and scattered them. The Temple in Jerusalem was still standing at that time. You are making no sense. All of the pagan nations were spiritually dead. It was the default state after the death of Adam. Israel only had "life" because of their covenant relationship with God. The pagans were strangers from the covenants of promise, aliens from the Commonwealth, having no hope and without God in the world (kosmos). Ephesians 2:2, 12
@@ophiuchus9071 This is how Mr.Preston explained it to me a couple of days ago: *MrDonPreston* • 8h ago @christyking-jm7fd Yes, when Israel was in covenant relationship with YHVH, walking in His Ways, they were "living in His presence." When they sinned, they "died" Hosea 13:1-2).
If God loves a joyful giver, then I am blessed because giving to your ministry is a pleasure. No other person has done the study/research and so thoroughly provided record of that study/research as you. I believe that the preterist understanding has the potential to revolutionize our nation and therefore the world. The futurists live in a "sit back and watch it all burn... its God's will" world view and that world view has given the church an excuse to hide from culture. Since the 1980's, every child brought up in the church was told they'd be raptured before they died. why then should we work? why then should we raise children? why then should we stand up for the gospel? In my opinion, the church is wasting a generation waiting for the end of the world. There are pioneers in the movement to put away this unbiblical world view and Mr Don Preston has in my opinion made it more clear than any other in how both history and the new testament writers show preterism as truth. there are many to be named, but look at the youtube landscape and we can see an amassing of new content creators who are spreading the truth. Its incredible to see. Mr. Preston deserves to be supported financially by all of those who are benefitting from his work. I'd encourage all of you to support this ministry.
Teaching and preaching the word is a work in itself: “Do you not know that those who are employed in the temple service get their food from the temple, and those who serve at the altar share in the sacrificial offerings? In the same way, the Lord commanded that those who proclaim the gospel should get their living by the gospel.” 1 Corinthians 9:13-14 ESV
Rapture is imminent church is plan b it will get raptured out as the wedding guests then Jesus will come for the bride 😅 pre trip rapture then great tribulation then millennium kingdom comes on earth. Next event is the rapture.
Hey Don, got any book recommendations on the feasts and sabbaths? Secondly, what is your PayPal username? Also, Happy Early Birthday! May the Lord bless you going into the new year.
Don, as you already know your labors are not in vain! Keep up the good fight. I love starting my mornings off with you delves into the WORD. and FP.
Thank you!!
Looking forward to buying your book on the millennium.
I believe it will be ground breaking!!
Mr. Preston, blessings to you and your family. I'm currently reading through 1st Corinthians, and I would like to listen to an in depth study on
1st Corinthians 15.
I've been listening to you for about 10 years, and it has been a great blessing. So many things that just didn't add up untill I learned about audience relevance, time statements, etc. I know you're very busy, but It would be nice to listen to a study on that particular chapter.
I did an extensive study of 1 Corinthians 15 here on YT:
@MrDonPreston Thank you for your response, I will definitely be listening to that study. May the Lord continue to bless you.
Merry Christmas 🎁
All blessings to You Don and Your family. Thank You for all these videos 😊💗
Don, wishing you and your family a Merry Christmas from NYC.🎄
Merry Christmas!
Hey Don, where to send the donations?
You can reach me through my website, or just use PayPal Thank you!
Merry Christmas 🤶🎅
Merry Christmas Don!
“Old Covenant Age” passed away important to state.
You and my dear departed mother share the same birthday.
Is it possible the MILENNUM started at NUM.16:29 and ended in 70 AD for a season 40 years 30 A.D. - 70 A.D.?? Revelation 20:7-8, Shalom
Retirement is hard work!
They are not Israel's feast they are the feast of the LORD!
There is no delineation. God gave His feasts to Israel and they were thus, Israel's feast days. He was the source, they were the recipients.
Good morning all,,and merry Christmas to all, now ,,
Mr preston in John 13:36
Jesus told them ,they can not follow me yet,,
( but thou shalt FOLLOW ME after )
If no jew nor any gentile nor believer could follow him "WHITHER I GO " ,,BUT AFTERWARDS,,THEY SHALL FOLLOW HIM,AS HE SAID AND BE WHERE I AM AS HE SAID
Revelation 14:4 they followed him where he went !!
John 13:36: Simon Peter said to him, "Lord, where are you going?" Jesus answered him, "Where I go, you cannot follow me now, but you will follow me later." This was what Jesus meant by his ascension and his return in the spirit of his Father at Pentecost. And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again and receive you to myself, that where I am you may be also. And where I go, you know the way (John 14:3-4). Blessing
Truly, truly, I say to you, when you were younger, you used to gird yourself and walk where you wanted to go, but when you are old, you will stretch out your hands, and another will gird you and lead you where you do not want to go. But he said this to indicate the death by which he would glorify God. And when he had said this, he said to him, Follow me (John 21:18-19). The other who will guide him is the spirit of his father, who later caused him to die as a martyr. Blessing
Good morning. We would all agree the resurrection of Rev 20:4-6 begins the 1000yrs right. I think we also would agree that Paul would be in 1 out of these 3 distinctive groups of course. Then how come Paul, without any confusion, nor obfuscation, says I have not partaken in a resurrection like Jesus’s which would’ve been the hope of Israel. When the FP camp says resurrection took place upon conversion from 30 to 70, does that not make the Apostle sound confused needing us to define resurrection instead of Paul? Paul’s hope is to attain, while explicitly saying he has not attained this specific action of resurrection. How do you explain this. Jesus came in 70 at the end of the Mosaic age amongst many past ages, the soul is judged, not body, and the 1000yrs begins. Would you be willing to explain this concept on a video? And in your new book how will you deal with this also? Hoping to attain, and not attaining isn’t any already not yet guarantee or there would be no call to persevere and run the race in hope of attaining. Same for any man today.
Phill 3:10 that I may know him and the power of his resurrection, and may share his sufferings, becoming like him in his death,
11 that by any means possible I MAY ATTAIN the resurrection from the dead.
Straining Toward the Goal
12 NOT THAT I HAVE ALREADY ATTAINED this or am already perfect, but I press on to make it my own, because Christ Jesus has made me his own.
Paul is speaking about attaining to or being given the first/better resurrection through his own sufferings in Christ.
Hebrews 11:35
Women received back their dead, raised to life again. There were others who were tortured, refusing to be released so that they might gain an even better resurrection.
The martyrs were given the first/better resurrection, and that better resurrection is the resurrection that Paul is referring to in Phil 3, and not the general resurrection.
Ok, so when do you think this resurrection took place that Paul is hoping to attain? Are you saying as the main FP camp does that Rev 20:4-6 took place incrementally from 30-70 hoping to get to Rev 20:11-15?
Also Hebrews 11:35 is speaking about Elijah resurrecting the widows son in 1st Kings. Just like Lazarus. That deals with a dead body coming back to life,, cause the widow had faith in God. Nothing to do with judgment on the soul, to enter the presence of God, ruling and reigning with Christ l, on His throne, after the life lived in the body, which is a better resurrection. Rev 3:21 in conjunction with Rev 20:4-6. A resurrection like Jesus’s for the soul to enter the presence of God without any mediation what so ever, the goal of the whole telos
@@duaneking273 that is not what the resurrection is about. The first better resurrection is about being given a higher honor. When is not what Paul is speaking about He is speaking about higher resurrection. as in a higher glory and honor for his sacrifice.
The resurrection in Rev 20;4-6 is not about being resurrected to eternal life in the Spirit.
The martyrs were raised to life when they were born again and received Christ, they did not need a resurrection to life nor were they awaiting that.
@@ophiuchus9071 well we can walk away disagreeing with respect. No point in throwing assertions back and forth with differing interpretations that of course we don’t see eye to eye on. Thank you.
I'm reading a commentary on the book of Revelation that takes the position that it is not eschatological (understood as the end of time/history). Your reminder that the Harvest is eschatological could not be more timely. Revelation is both eschatological AND NOT about the end of history/the end of time.
My birthday is December 19 and my mother is December 24
My oldest sister was on Jan. 1. But she was 14 years before me.
You're the same day as me!
The "age to come" mentioned in the New Testament is the Messianic Age. The coming Messiah was the only ONE who could save man and destroy death. Beginning right after man's fall in the garden, God made several promises and covenants to accomplish this end (telos). The first Messianic prophecy is found in Genesis 3:15. Satan's head would eventually be crushed. Each of these covenants/promises had the same end goal, i.e. to bring in the Messianic Age. The coming of the kingdom of God on earth "IS" the Messianic Age. And it would be the defeat of Satan's kingdom. The establishment of the New Covenant through the blood of Christ was the power of God unto salvation. And it was the ONLY covenant that could fully defeat death. All of the previous covenants were necessary stepping stones to bring us to Christ. But those previous covenants did NOT cause death to reign. Death had already been reigning since the fall of Adam. And the word "REIGNING" indicates death was at full strength! The people who died in Sodom (before Moses) were just as dead as the people who died in Nineveh (after Moses). In fact, based on what Don has said, it was the first national covenant (Torah) that made Israel ALIVE to begin with. Otherwise, she could not have been put to DEATH through divorcement and separation from God’s presence (by the Assyrians). Don also said this was not referring to biological life and death.
The phrase "Israel's last days" is a _polysemous_ term. It can mean two different things. Only one of which is biblical. The "last days" spoken of in the Bible did indeed belong to Israel. A time anticipated and longed for by Daniel and all the righteous and holy people of God. A time when God would make a New Covenant with the house of Israel. The Spirit of God would be poured out on Israel in the "last days" of the old serpent world. The ruler of that world would be cast out! Everlasting righteousness would become a reality in the "last days" of Satan's reign. Death would be defeated in the "last days" of the one who had the power death, that is the Devil. The holy people would possess the kingdom of God in the "last days" of Satan's dominion. The saints would overcome the wicked one by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony! All in the "last days" of the god of that age! The promised Messiah, Christ Jesus, now sits on the throne of His father David and reigns over the house of Israel forever!
Romans 7:9
Once I was alive apart from the law; but when the commandment came, sin sprang to life and I died.
Romans 5:14
Nevertheless, death reigned from the time of Adam to the time of Moses, even over those who did not sin by breaking a command, as did Adam, who is a pattern of the one to come.
there is no contradiction in Paul's words.
That would be like saying there was no sin existing until the commandment came, when the whole purpose of the commandment was to expose the sin that existed.
@@ophiuchus9071 You do not understand Romans 7:7-25. It is not speaking of a "corporate" condition. Paul uses the pronouns "we" and "our" in verses 4-7a. But from 7b onward, he uses the personal pronouns "I" and "me" and "my" almost exclusively. And in verse 25, he says, *"with the mind I myself serve the law of God."* That statement is very personal. A person's mind is very personal.
Paul was alive once without the law when he was a child. When he became responsible and conscious toward God, then SIN used the law of God (moral law) as a weapon to cause separation from God. The law was not sin. The law was not death. It was, and still is, like a two edged sword. It can kill or it can be used for good. It just depends on the administration of it. The ministry of the Spirit can use the same law of God (the sword of the Spirit) in a living and loving relationship with God. And against the forces of evil.
God delivered Israel from Egyptian bondage because He LOVED them. God gave them His moral laws for the same reason.
I have finally accepted full preterism. I couldn't deny it any longer. I still have a lot of questions and things I haven't reconciled, but I have seen enough to be confident that I could walk away from 7th day Sabbath observance, feast days, and food laws. I've already left my previous congregation.
Great bro!
Don, Merry Christmas.
I know this is off topic, forgive me: could you please explain this from the full Preterist point of view?
The Bible says in Romans 11:25, "I do not want you to be ignorant of this mystery, brothers and sisters, so that you may not be conceited: Israel has experienced a hardening in part until the FULL NUMBER of the Gentiles (non-Jews, like you and me) has come in, 26 and in this way ALL ISRAEL will be saved." This says all the Non-Jewish believers who are ever going to be saved (fullness of the Gentiles) will be saved and THEN all Israel will be saved. It ABSOLUTELY has NOT happened yet. If it did happen in the first century (Preterists say ALL prophecy was before 70AD) then NOBODY has been saved since. A major problem for the FULL Preterist because AGAIN, all prophecy has been fulfilled. But thank God, the fullness of the Gentiles is still future: we have NOT trusted Christ in vain.
God spoke and created light 🌠 as he gave us his word Jesus Christ!
Adam was birthed after being formed throughout The Old Testament into The New Testament.
The first "sense" organ that is developed in a fetus and it starts developing (forming) when the fetus is about 1 mm is hearing! Think about that for a minute and consider along with it that our eyes are not open until the birth takes place!
When the formation of Adam was finished, he gave birth to The New Creation.
The birth pangs and The Birth already happened. We are The New Creation IN Christ Jesus. We are not waiting for all of Israel to be saved. It was in our past that Cheist gathered his Lost Sheep of The House of Israel. He saved a people, a heritage and generation after generation God over sees Jacob Israel.
The Lost Sheep of The House of Israel were first called Christians in Antioch.
Mr.Preston. The Southern Kingdom of Judah was not divorced from Yahweh during the Babylonian captivity. If I understand you correctly, Israel became "alive" in marriage to Yahweh when they received the Mosaic covenant at Mount Sinai. And they remained alive as long as they walked in the ways of God.
You said that Yahweh killed the 10 Northern tribes of Israel by sending them into Assyrian captivity. In another video, you added that God divorced her and put her to death. Your exact words were, "The divorcement of Israel was the death of Israel." You said this was prophesied in Isaiah 27:9 and following.
But you also said Judah and Benjamin (Southern tribes) were killed when they were sent into Babylonian captivity.
So this raises another question. Was the Southern Kingdom of Judah made "alive" again after the Babylonian captivity ended? They returned to Jerusalem with a newly rebuilt temple dedicated in 516BC. You said to be restored to the land was resurrection. Was Judah made "alive" again?
life was in the temple
the southern tribes never had a temple either, so they were considered dead with no temple life
@@ophiuchus9071 Your comment makes no sense. The Southern tribes continued to have Jerusalem and Solomon's Temple until the Babylonians destroyed it all in 586BC. But 70 years later, in 516BC, a newly rebuilt temple was dedicated in Jerusalem. So, the Southern Kingdom of Judah, that God never divorced, was back in the land.
@@christyking-jm7fd yes so all of Israel was symbolically dead when the temple was destroyed by Babylon in 586 BC
what is missing?
my understanding is that Isaiah 27 is a prophecy about when the serpent is punished in 70 AD
@@ophiuchus9071 The destruction of the Temple was not the only factor. According to Don, the Northern Kingdom was "dead" in 721BC because God divorced them and scattered them. The Temple in Jerusalem was still standing at that time. You are making no sense. All of the pagan nations were spiritually dead. It was the default state after the death of Adam. Israel only had "life" because of their covenant relationship with God. The pagans were strangers from the covenants of promise, aliens from the Commonwealth, having no hope and without God in the world (kosmos). Ephesians 2:2, 12
@@ophiuchus9071 This is how Mr.Preston explained it to me a couple of days ago:
*MrDonPreston* • 8h ago
@christyking-jm7fd Yes, when Israel was in covenant relationship with YHVH, walking in His Ways, they were "living in His presence." When they sinned, they "died" Hosea 13:1-2).
If God loves a joyful giver, then I am blessed because giving to your ministry is a pleasure. No other person has done the study/research and so thoroughly provided record of that study/research as you. I believe that the preterist understanding has the potential to revolutionize our nation and therefore the world. The futurists live in a "sit back and watch it all burn... its God's will" world view and that world view has given the church an excuse to hide from culture. Since the 1980's, every child brought up in the church was told they'd be raptured before they died. why then should we work? why then should we raise children? why then should we stand up for the gospel?
In my opinion, the church is wasting a generation waiting for the end of the world.
There are pioneers in the movement to put away this unbiblical world view and Mr Don Preston has in my opinion made it more clear than any other in how both history and the new testament writers show preterism as truth. there are many to be named, but look at the youtube landscape and we can see an amassing of new content creators who are spreading the truth. Its incredible to see.
Mr. Preston deserves to be supported financially by all of those who are benefitting from his work. I'd encourage all of you to support this ministry.
Don, I just ent you a message at eschatology
Teaching and preaching the word is a work in itself:
“Do you not know that those who are employed in the temple service get their food from the temple, and those who serve at the altar share in the sacrificial offerings? In the same way, the Lord commanded that those who proclaim the gospel should get their living by the gospel.”
1 Corinthians 9:13-14 ESV
Rapture is imminent church is plan b it will get raptured out as the wedding guests then Jesus will come for the bride 😅 pre trip rapture then great tribulation then millennium kingdom comes on earth. Next event is the rapture.
Hey Don, got any book recommendations on the feasts and sabbaths?
Secondly, what is your PayPal username?
Also, Happy Early Birthday! May the Lord bless you going into the new year.