American Reacts to the Most Googled Questions About Norway

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 6 ก.ย. 2024
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    As an American there are many questions I have about Norway that are unanswered. Today I am very interested in hearing some of the most popular questions about Norway being answered and explained. If you enjoyed the video feel free to leave a comment, like, or subscribe for more!

ความคิดเห็น • 65

  • @ShadowTani
    @ShadowTani 6 หลายเดือนก่อน +16

    To be fair, the vikings helped forcefully move a lot of the prettier people in other nations to the Nordics, back when that was a thing.

    • @kilipaki87oritahiti
      @kilipaki87oritahiti 6 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Slavic and Celtic are so watered down that it doesn't really count. And no such thing as a pure blooded European either, nor Scandinavain. Everyone is mixed. How white people exist in the 1st place, genetic defects.

  • @robinokal13
    @robinokal13 6 หลายเดือนก่อน +18

    My reaction when they googled why Norwegians are happy. "Are we happy?" 😅

    • @vikinnorway6725
      @vikinnorway6725 6 หลายเดือนก่อน +6

      Who knows, sometimes i guess. We have alot of reason to be happy atleast

  • @norwaybaba3381
    @norwaybaba3381 6 หลายเดือนก่อน +15

    I think the happiness comes from the unity you have in a social democratic country, with great social security for every citizen and the feeling that all things done is for the people. We also know that we are financially secured for generations to come due to The Government Welfare Fund and the free roaming law that gives everybody the right to walk and put up tent where we want, without bother about if it is private property. The rules are: More than 150 meters from buildings and not on cultivated ground. You will also have to move after 2 days and leave the place as you found it!

  • @arnehusby1420
    @arnehusby1420 6 หลายเดือนก่อน +3

    Are we that happy? Try standing and waiting for the train that never comes early in the morning. Half the year is dark and cold with a lot of snow. Now it is snowing heavily and it is dark at 4 pm. But we lighten up when the magnificent spring comes.

    • @weejackrussell
      @weejackrussell 6 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Yes it's dark now but you have lovely long days in summer.

  • @thenorseguy2495
    @thenorseguy2495 6 หลายเดือนก่อน +5

    Did you watch Super Bowl yesterday Tyler? I only watch your guys football🏈 once a year. I though it was a really exciting game. It coulden’t have ended in a more dramatic way. Did you know on of the biggest stars in the Kansas City Chifes are the norwegian Jan Stenerud. He played for the Chiefs from 1967-1979. He won the Super Bowl in 1970

  • @CM-ey7nq
    @CM-ey7nq 6 หลายเดือนก่อน +19

    Heh. Don't fall into the "Østlandet" trap. The Swedes think we all sound like that, but we have plenty of other dialects in which to sound weird :)

  • @trulybtd5396
    @trulybtd5396 6 หลายเดือนก่อน +4

    Peoples who rank high on the happiness index have in common societies that intrinsicly are about helping each other, not fighting each other.

  • @ahkkariq7406
    @ahkkariq7406 6 หลายเดือนก่อน +3

    People in the British Isles say Norwegians are good looking since the Vikings only took the pretty girls. I guess Norwegians are considered good-looking because high cheekbones are a common feature in Norway, as is a childlike appearance with small noses and a fair number of blonde people, and these features make people look innocent and unthreatening. Moreover, most Norwegians are easy to please, and therefore we smile easily. We just don't smile to anyone and anytime. When we are tired and/or exhausted, we show it.

  • @espekelu3460
    @espekelu3460 6 หลายเดือนก่อน +3

    When is the best time to travel to Norway? Well, we have four seasons, spring summer autumn and winter. If you like to see nature waking up, then for example April and May are the right time. If you like summer and sun, it's nice in July and August. If you like lots of colors and see that winter is approaching, September and October are the right time. If you like snow and cold, then December and January are a great time to visit Norway. But anyway, the weather is different every year in these periods, so you can risk coming in August, and it has already become a little colder than you normally look at the summer. If you come in winter, there may be no snow at all in some places, and other years you can see a lot of snow, such as this year. Even in Southern Norway, there is plenty of snow this year. So, having said that, it also has a lot to say about where in the country you want to travel to. In Tromsø, for example, there is usually a lot of snow, and you can see the Northern Lights, but it can also be very cold, and it is also dark most of the day. BUT in the summer you can experience being able to swim and sunbathe in the middle of the night, because then the sun doesn't set. SO whatever you do, check out where you would prefer to travel to in Norway, because the variations are big! AND we cannot control the weather, unfortunately!

  • @Luredreier
    @Luredreier 6 หลายเดือนก่อน +4

    It depends on the dialect, but remember that Norwegian is a semi-tonal language, so the tones matters for the meanings.
    And it leads to certain habits in how we talk.
    But most Norwegians have learned to drop that accent by now and it's mostly found in elder people trying to speak English or the few people that's less familiar with English then your average Norwegian.

  • @mskatonic7240
    @mskatonic7240 6 หลายเดือนก่อน +5

    6:56 nah, it's the weather. In warm, Mediterranean countries, where sunset is three hours away and it's sunny and warm, spending time hanging out in the street chatting is just fine. However, in Scandinavia, where sunset might be 30 minutes away and it's barely above freezing, stopping someone who is desperately looking to get somewhere warm for half an hour of idle chitchat would be considered a human rights abuse.

  • @irishflink7324
    @irishflink7324 6 หลายเดือนก่อน +8

    Milkchoclate is like a taste of heaven

  • @wrecknor
    @wrecknor 6 หลายเดือนก่อน +3

    9:00 The chocolate coating of the Kvikk Lunsj is regular Freia Melkesjokolade (Milk Chocolate)

  • @vikingbaggins1276
    @vikingbaggins1276 6 หลายเดือนก่อน +6

    Taco is like the food answer to Ikea, some assembly required according to your own taste.

  • @shmisung
    @shmisung 6 หลายเดือนก่อน +4

    But instead of following the traditional approach to assembling a taco that the "outside countries", who crudely assume they know tacos better than us, usually follow, we take a random assortment of screws we found up in the attic and hammer them in with a shoe we found behind the toilet. Oh, and sourcream, of course. Lots and lots of sourcream.

  • @kendexter
    @kendexter 6 หลายเดือนก่อน +4

    I am so happy today because we have a lot of snow and the sun is shining, is only in Oslo and that area they whine when speaking

  • @arnehusby1420
    @arnehusby1420 6 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    Older people are often in a good mood. Happy to chat and smile and greet. Young girls don't like to chat with us older people on the subway, and it's nice for an older man.

  • @OhNoNotFrank
    @OhNoNotFrank 6 หลายเดือนก่อน +5

    Doesn't matter if he speaks English or Swedish - I can *always* pick out a Swede... 😉

  • @skinnyjohnsen
    @skinnyjohnsen 6 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

    I you are fleeing from an Ice storm around the Great Lakes, You'll think winter in Norway is Paradise.

  • @EndArtist
    @EndArtist 6 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    Hello as an fellow Norwegian i wanted to give my take on the anwersers.
    1,Q: (Why are Norwegians so happy)
    1,A: nature defiantly does have an impact. put more prominently it might be more to do with political and social culture here.
    2,Q: (how does Norwegians speak)
    2,A: you where right on point we do in fact use our mouth. but more importantly Norwegian is an very rhythmic language, our pitch and speed does very a lot while we speak going up and down, and a lot of Norwegians do use the same way of speaking when talking English making the classic Norwegian-english accent.
    3,Q: (Why are Norwegians so good looking)
    3,A: i have no clue we are more commonly tall and we do eat healthy and take care of ourselfs i guess is the best answer i can think of
    4,Q: (why are Norwegians so antisocial)
    4,A: we are actually quite social, but its in our culture to not bother others unless they ask for help or anything.
    5,Q: (does Norway have good chocolate)
    5,A: Yes
    6,Q: (why does Norwegians love tacos so much)
    6,A: because its good. also it is an very good dish to socialize with
    7,Q: (why does norwegians hate sweeds)
    7,A: Scandinavians usually do poke fun at each other and sweeden is just really easy to poke fun at
    8,Q: (when should you visit norway)
    8,A: mid august or if you want to see the northern lights maybe go up north tho trondheim or svalbard in december ish
    PS: Also really good video ♥

  • @nicolassrum2659
    @nicolassrum2659 6 หลายเดือนก่อน +7

    You need to look at Howe we Norwegians love to go out on sea at summer and island hopping in the beautiful summers we get☺️

  • @user-oq5ri7cv2u
    @user-oq5ri7cv2u 6 หลายเดือนก่อน +5

    Norwegians speak with a rising intonation.

    • @ysteinfjr7529
      @ysteinfjr7529 6 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      Unless they are from west or north.

  • @riksstaden4927
    @riksstaden4927 6 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

    This channel is so wholesome

  • @MrLasox
    @MrLasox 6 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

    Why are we so happy?
    Well, we have everything. Basic needs covered.
    1) Welfare system that's provide us enough money for basic needs like home, food, paying absolutle necessary bills.
    2) If we are getting sick or need to go too hospital it's indirectly free because trough our tax system. We don't need too worry about bills after the visit. If we have too meet our doctors it will only costs us about $20 in deductible
    3) We are also getting indirectly free schools trough our tax system. So everyone are getting equal rights. There is no question. If you are a children. You must go too school.
    3.1) We have had so much focus at bully and beeing outside after july 11th (Utoya terrorist attack) so many more people are included now. Of course there are few school that still has problems with beeing bullied , but overal mostly school have set bullying and including as high priority. So the younger generation would almost always have at least one friend that wasn't always the case before.
    4) And yeah the nature has a good impact about our health actually and we don't need too worry about treepassing unless we knew is that we are doing. Everything 150Meter away from a house it's consider too be puplic meaning that everyone can use it for camping or whatever they wan't.
    5) Because we are a social democracy country the politiceans actually listen at the people if we would protest. In many countries they ain't allowed to do so and could getting arrested.
    So having the freedom too say whatever we wan't are also helping.
    But if we would protest we would have too seek about it at the cops, but 99,9% it's beeing allowed.
    Even hateful protests are allowed, but again they would also need too seek about this at police. Most likely they would need protection from polices.
    We have seen many times police are protecting both side. Bad and good cases.
    I think it's very important.
    But yeah too your question we have kinda stereotype of accent. Norwegian are good at english though, but we have very often scandic accent with it.
    But, for the male he was just kidding.
    Too the next question: "Why do we the norwegian looking soo good?" We ain't getting enough sun. Lol.
    But why are norwegian beeing antiscoial?
    Well, we are considered it too be rude too disturb other people we don't know, but if anyone would be needed some help too get too another adress or anything like that.
    If they have the time most of the people would be helping out.
    But in any crisis it is a law that you should be helping out if anyone needs it, but we wouldn't need too have a law for it. Mostly we would be helping out other people in any crisis.

  • @John_1920
    @John_1920 6 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

    11:04 "It's not even in a taco." is incorrect, taco shell is only named such for the taco that it holds within it, without the taco being placed inside the shell, the taco shell would just be a shell.

  • @odinfeidje-baug7467
    @odinfeidje-baug7467 6 หลายเดือนก่อน +3

    5:35 I think this is the first time you relate things from one of your other channels, in this case the UK channel

  • @-_pi_-
    @-_pi_- 6 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

    The chocolate on the outside of the kvikklunsj is the same as Norwegian milk chocolate from freia :)

  • @Glundberg84
    @Glundberg84 6 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    I am pretty sure the reason they didn't say security or stability is because that is normal here, and it is hard to imagine how it is without it...

  • @dunkalars1
    @dunkalars1 6 หลายเดือนก่อน

    In south norway the dialects are high pitched. If you move up its thicker and more diverce.

  • @Ravn7
    @Ravn7 6 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Yes, Norwegian is recognized for its melodious quality. This is attributed to the pitch accents, which you have already learned about. This characteristic is also parodied by the Swedish Chef character from the Muppets.

  • @oceanmythjormundgandr3891
    @oceanmythjormundgandr3891 6 หลายเดือนก่อน

    I remember my Norwegian-teacher teaching us for like half an hour to always end our sentences on an up-tone. Especially if we are asking a question. So yeah, some Norwegian dialects does sound a little "Up-and-down".

  • @the1991boy
    @the1991boy 6 หลายเดือนก่อน +4

    Norwegian like taco because it's healthy meal with a lot of vegetables

    • @MrsPoiree
      @MrsPoiree 6 หลายเดือนก่อน

      It's more because it's fast, easy and family friendly😅

    • @lawlietriver8869
      @lawlietriver8869 6 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Here I thought we liked it because of the good taste. All along it was that damned healthiness.

    • @the1991boy
      @the1991boy 6 หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@lawlietriver8869 to think something that is delicious can be healthy😅

  • @TheSurvivor1963
    @TheSurvivor1963 6 หลายเดือนก่อน

    It's only in the eastern part of Norway that people end the sentences with a higher pitch. People from other parts of Norway speak in a sensible and normal way.

  • @dunkalars1
    @dunkalars1 6 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Tusen takk. Du er en god person. Thank you a 1000. Your a good person.

  • @kilipaki87oritahiti
    @kilipaki87oritahiti 6 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Content, not happy, and those are two very different things. We aren't happy, but if you ask us that regardless of all the issues and problems we have in our everyday life, if we are content, most would say they are. That's the difference. I've never met a fellow Norwegian who claimed they where ''happy''.

  • @Sweenymee
    @Sweenymee 6 หลายเดือนก่อน

    We might have lower crime since the people in our society will help you with water, bread and a place to sleep if you are lost. The "mountain knowledge rules" has that as one of the main rules, and a lot of Norwegian people live by it. Even city people. Tho in the city it's much easier to get help by the state. We have a society where we help our next a lot. And yes, our nature is beautifully kept, and nature helps the human psyche. So it does help that we try to preserve it.

  • @vesla266
    @vesla266 6 หลายเดือนก่อน

    The norwegian - swedish relationship is kinda like USA - Canada relationship

  • @MrsPoiree
    @MrsPoiree 6 หลายเดือนก่อน

    How did your intrest in Norway begin? Have you ever been here?😇

  • @tommynorli4275
    @tommynorli4275 6 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Norwegian chocolate is truely the best, even the swedish people import it to sell it. The best time to come here is ither desember-february, or during juli. Then you have the best snow conditions and heat. The wurst thing about Norway is the control of all the money we have.. Politicions suck here, and we the normal man in the streets bleed money to pay for evrything.. Tax is okey to pay, but the price to own a car here, with toll boths all over the wast of Norway sucks... I am truley happy to be a Norwegian, you have all the tools to be a millioner here, things are all up to you have you want youre life to be. I have seen many of youre videoes. love them :) Why dont you take a trip to Norway one day? :)

  • @omgwerockhard
    @omgwerockhard 6 หลายเดือนก่อน +8

    Im not a big fan of Oslo so i would tell tourists to go everywhere but there.

  • @kalegolas
    @kalegolas 6 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Wow, Norway and Sweden is REALLY similar 😍/a swede

  • @eclipsin1998
    @eclipsin1998 6 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Why are we happy? We have Kvikk Lunsj and pretty nature c,:

  • @gautearefjord
    @gautearefjord 6 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Norwegian English...just hear Jens Stoltenberg talking...

  • @OdaSundquist
    @OdaSundquist 6 หลายเดือนก่อน +4

    Why are norwegians so good looking? Well, the vikings didnt kidnap ugly people i guess

  • @tillla42
    @tillla42 6 หลายเดือนก่อน

    I want to say that i am more satisfied, safe and comfortable than happy in the daily basis. I feel more happy in the spring and summer. The winter is so long, cold and dark and it is difficult to be happy. It is more important for me to feel cosy and warm. I will say that most of the time we are lucky to live in Norway, even if it has been very hard last years because of difficult economi, with high intrests and taxes. It is very safe and peaceful here most of the time.

  • @wrecknor
    @wrecknor 6 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

    3:57 this steriotypical english dialect only comes from people around Oslo (Østlenninger). Rest of Norway's population have an upgraded brain.

  • @Joddefar
    @Joddefar 6 หลายเดือนก่อน

    3:58 no

    • @Joddefar
      @Joddefar 6 หลายเดือนก่อน

      4:18 yes 4:20 yes

  • @martinajunkers4315
    @martinajunkers4315 6 หลายเดือนก่อน

    They’re what?

  • @henrikbrennecke3070
    @henrikbrennecke3070 6 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    Norwegians aren’t so happy. And now not to safe economically. I don’t think Norwegians have more happiness then for example Germany and unites kingdom 🇬🇧

  • @ankra12
    @ankra12 6 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Nature is Norwegians religion.

  • @eiwindiversen4431
    @eiwindiversen4431 6 หลายเดือนก่อน

    We r not ant sos!

  • @vegardaukrust5447
    @vegardaukrust5447 6 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Why couldn't Jesus be Nprwegian? (The answer is because the three wise men came fro the east.)