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THE AGONY IN THE GARDEN (We pray courage and risignation to God's Will, and Encouragement..... } 1) When I was in the Garden of Gethsemane, I was isolated, alone and grief-stricken, because very few believed that I spoke the Truth, although My Love for My Father sustained Me..
2) The evil one showed Me the souls of the faithful, whose voices would be deemed to be that of radical bigots and who would be accused of terrible crimes.
3) I saw those who said that they represented Me, persecute the prophets and the visionaries, and who would seek their destruction.
4) I had to endure great darkness when I saw the world, which I once inhabited, become not only blind as to Who I Am, but who would never have been told about Me. 5) I was thrown to the ground, My Face pressed into the soil, kicked, whipped and My clothes torn off by Satan. He tormented Me, beyond My human capacity and under extreme endurance of the physical body. 6) The greatest horror I witnessed in My time in the Garden of Olives was the scourge of sin in the time of the end. During the vision, shown to Me by Satan, I saw the fall away of mortal man from God’s Laws. 7) He, the evil one, showed Me terrible images; tempted Me with every reason why I should turn away from the Will of My Father. He wanted to torment Me and so he displayed the power he would still have, despite My death on the Cross.
8) I was shown the final destruction of My Church on Earth; the seizure of power within it by masonic sects; the immorality of man; the lack of shame on the part of God’s children, as they engaged in vile sins of the flesh; the murder of innocents and the falling into error by those who profess to speak in My Name. 9) I felt very alone and frightened. My time in the garden was terrifying, because of My human nature. 10) I felt abandoned by My Eternal Father and was taken for granted in some ways by My apostles, who did nothing to comfort me during these terrible hours. The SCOURGING AT THE PILLAR (We pray for the Grace of Fortitude , the grace to suffer well, and Purity) 1) When I faced My executioners, I trembled in fear and could barely respond to their accusations. I felt as any human being would when facing a violent execution. 2) My Love for humanity meant that the torment which I endured - both mental and physical - at the hands of Satan, was accepted by Me, although with tremendous effort... 3) Despite this torture, I was given the strength to continue to face My inevitable Crucifixion, which terrified Me. My Love for man, however, superseded My human fear. 4) My Dignity remained intact because of the Sacrifice I knew I had to make for mankind. 5) My scourging was the worst. I was beaten savagely - by ten men and every inch of My Body was slashed. 6) When I was scourged, those who carried out the most cruel and vile acts upon My Body rejoiced. 7) I was deemed to be a wicked man and a false prophet and so they scourged Me. They boasted of their holiness, their righteousness and their knowledge of Holy Scriptures, while they vilified My Body. 8) They failed to accept the prophecy that their Messiah would come to save them. 9) The Flesh on My Back was torn and My Shoulder Blades were visible. 10) Mary: Children, to explain the savagery inflicted upon my Son would be impossible for you to fathom; so vicious was the scourging. My Son’s Body was torn to shreds. CROWNING WITH THORNS (We pray for the Grace of Humility, and the grace to pray for those who persecute us) 1) When I faced My executioners, I trembled in fear and could barely respond to their accusations. 2) Remember, that I came in the flesh. I had the same feelings of pain and sorrow, just like any man. Many people do not understand this. 3) When they stripped Me naked, they wanted to humiliate Me further and so they dressed Me in a red rag that barely covered Me, to further desecrate My Body. 4) They then placed a palm branch in My right Hand. 5) But, when they plunged thorns, like needles, into My Head, they declared that the Son of Man was an imposter and therefore not worthy of acceptance. 6) Each thorn was like a needle, so sharp was it. One of these thorns also pierced My right Eye, which left Me barely able to see. 7) They tore My Eye out of its socket, but the pain was inconsequential, compared with their declaration, that I was not accepted as the Saviour of God’s children. 8) I could barely stand and one Eye was bruised and crushed. 9) I could only see through My left Eye. 10) By the time they took Me before Pontius Pilate and placed the Crown of Thorns on My Head, I could barely stand up.
The CARRYING OF THE CROSS (We pray for the virtues of , Long -Suffering, Perseverance, and Patience during Adversity..) 1) When I carried My Cross, I could not do this on My Own. It was so heavy that I could only take one step at a time and walk very slowly. 2) My Body was torn in many places and because of the Blood loss I fainted many times, so weak was I. 3) I was blinded in one eye and the thorns on My Head meant that the Blood, which poured from My Wounds, had to be continually wiped away by those who walked alongside Me. Otherwise, I would never have been able to take another step forward. (11-13-14) 4) I lost so much Blood that I vomited and was so dizzy that when I began My ascent to Calvary I could not hold the Cross. 5) I fell so many times, that it took hours before I reached the top of the hill. 6) I was scourged and whipped each step of the way. My Body was bloody all over and covered with a thick sweat produced by a scorching sun.
7) Much as this was painful and agonizing, the most frightening of all was the hatred shown to Me, not just by the adults along the way, but by young children who kicked Me because they were following their parents’ example. 8) My most agonising moment was when I lay on the ground on My Side, having been kicked in the back again and saw My beloved Mother looking at Me. 9) My Mother was heartbroken and had to be held up by two of My disciples. I could only see her through the one remaining Eye and I could not bear to watch her torment. 10) Mary: They forced Him to walk, hands bound in front with ropes around His Waist, which meant He could walk - only with a shuffle, and a little at a time. While the Cross was thrown upon His torn and shattered Body, my pain was so excruciating, that I fainted continuously. The CRUCIFIXION (We ask for Forgiveness for our sins, for a spirit of Forgiveness of others, and for the Grace to pray for them ...) 1) The jeers, screams and roars from the crowds of hundreds could be felt from the ground I lay on, and it took six hundred soldiers to organise and supervise the Crucifixion of Myself and six others. 2) I was the main focus of their attention and the others did not suffer like I did.
3) When My Wrists, at the base of My Thumbs, were nailed to the Cross I could no longer feel. My Body was so battered and bruised that I had gone into shock. 4) My Shoulders were dislocated and My Arms were torn out of their sockets. The worst physical damage was inflicted on My Body, before I was nailed to the Cross. I let out no scream. No protest. 5) Only a whisper. This infuriated My executioners who wanted a reaction to satisfy their lusts. 6) I never engaged with them, for to do so would have meant that I would have had to engage with Satan and his demons, who infested their souls. This is why their viciousness towards Me was so intense. 7) I was hanging on the Cross for five hours. The sun was scorching and without clouds to help reduce the burning of My Skin. 8) As soon as I took My last breathe, My Father sent forth black clouds, as well as thunder and lightning. 9) The storm that took place was of such a frightening magnitude and so sudden, that My spectators were left in no doubt, at that stage, that I was, indeed, the Saviour, that had been sent by God the Father. 10) I reveal this to you, My daughter, as a Gift to you in return for the huge act of suffering you have offered Me. Tell My children that I do not regret My Passion on the Cross. (3-29-12)
Please teach people the Gospel of Jesus Christ and not Catholicism in the name of the Father,Son and Holy Spirit isn’t a name but the Catholic’s didn’t want to acknowledge what the church of God was already doing, baptizing people in the name of Jesus Christ for the remissions of sins you can confess and repent all you want but not being baptized in the name of Jesus Christ your sins are not remitted and that is the way that the Catholics have taught the world that they should be baptized in the titles and people repent and and confess their sins but they still walk in their sins and die in their sins because they have not have had their sins remitted and when you are born in the natural you take your fathers name and you are part of the family,so when you are baptized they are to call the name of the Lord over you cause your sins are remitted and you will rise a new creature and you are part of the family and He, now that your vessel is clean He will come and dwell in you as He dwelt in Jesus Christ
I raised my son without a father. It was not smart of me. There is a reason God created man and woman to raise children. My son, even in his 30s, he still suffers from my decision not to go after his "father." There was one special man who would have been his Dad, but i was too scared (mistake #2). May God forgive me and heal my son.
thank you for sharing, my heart aches. I raised my 2 daughters without a dad, I was scared of so much and protective of them. I did not want them to feel rejection so deep from their own father again from a father figure, so I vowed to raise my children alone to protect them and myself as well. I also found love with someone who I met at work and I never let him meet my children, or my family & that relationship ended because he wanted more. He wanted a family and I wanted to remain safe from heart break by never, ever giving myself fully to anyone and so I remained single for decades. Im 51 years old and I regret it so much that I did not get married and allow my children to be raised by a mom and dad. My greatest free came true because the pain and hurt both of my children felt without a father and then the rejection they felt by a man and also by my sister's ex-husband who completely deleted both of my daughters from his life when he remarried. So all that I tried to protect them from, still happened and I am alone with regrets. what if I chose love and faith and family instead of fear and solitude? God forgive me for rejecting every answered prayer because I look back and I remember clearly knowing that I said No when I should have said Yes.
@lizajennifer2936 Amen! I understand what you have gone through. My family rejected and hurt my son so badly. I was raised Catholic, and I was worse than those in my family who married 5 times. Ugh! My son has a lot of animosity toward my family but still tries to get approval from my Dad and my eldest brother. Thank God for His mercy and longsuffering for me. I'm 62, and I also can't form a close relationship with men. But I have my Father in Heaven, His Son, and the Holy Spirit as my guides and stronghold. I have many regrets, and my heart aches for you as well. I am blessed with 2 granddaughters that I adore! I thank God for them every day.
Amen and praise God Elaine for opening your eyes to the truth. What's truly tragic & devastating is the enemy has deceived millions of other mothers just like you; my kids are also victims of a deceived mother who kept me from my biological kids 90% of their lives. Now she's reaping what she has sown: An angry, dysfunctional, gay son who's currently experimenting w/ drugs & alcohol; and a VERY withdrawn, dysfunctional, cold-hearted daughter. Even though i'm a born-again again Christian, it's devastated our lives to the point where i've been homeless for 9+ years (and no, drugs and/or alcohol have NOTHING to do w/ that).
I am an old woman that grew up in a traditional Christian home, but my relationship with God has dimmed in the last few years. Young man you have given me hope and inspired me to open my heart and Bible. God bless you and I am going to pray for you and your sweet mom.
I understand, I'm now 71 and was born again in 2010 and Baptised in 2011, Wow I also have slipped a bit but this young man is setting a fire to call on Jesus again, I need Jesus I want Jesus but I am weak . Blessings from Australia 🇦🇺🙏🇦🇺🙏💜
Delafé, am a 70 year old lady, living in Rwanda, Africa. I appreciate your mission and happy to be your sister in the Lord Jesus Christ. Please allow me to be like a grandma to you. I pledge to be committed to praying for you and your ministry. I am a retired pastor and missionary. Rev. Mupfasoni Evelyn. Shalom!
I would argue that Gods greatness is in creating the system which has allowed organic life to form, and that our individual existence is insignificant.
@@MjbeswickYour argument is false. Every single one of us is a child of God! He loves each one of us dearly! Everyone has a personal purpose, but we are also in this together. We are here to show God and ourselves that through our own experiences, we will learn to CHOOSE God and His Son, Jesus Christ. ❤
@@deboraholsen2504 despite my scepticism what are you saying could be true. I would very much like it to be. If this life is all there is I'm still grateful for this time.
My Husband is battling Sexual Addiction and is getting help at Pure Life Ministries in Kentucky that helps Men with Sexual Sin. Please pray the Lord blesses this ministry.
I hope they do deliverance and get the lust demons out of his body! Once the unclean spirits are cast out then he has to resist those demons tempting him from the outside of his body. Only him knowing the Father’s Love truly can fill that void.
@@PalmSpringsMassage No one is saved "regardless." God loves us unconditionally; however, He saves us from our sins, not IN our sins. We must ask for and allow God to change us, and then live an obedient, godly life.
The boys always blame the fathers for Moms bad decisions. His Mom probably was broken and afraid. That Mom probably had know idea when was picking a child God was answering her prayers and fears and he sent her this 👼 😇 angelic son. 👶🏼
My sons best friend was raised by a lesbian couple. His friend was adopted. The young man grew up and married a woman. They eventually divorced. He then became involved in a homosexual relationship. We've known this man for years. And every year for father's day he wishes my husband a happy father's day. There is something in my heart that breaks 💔. The emptiness of never having had.a father in his life. And him reaching out every year to other father's on this day.😢 please pray for this young man.
@@ICRA95, I get that. But all this artificial interventions cause a whole new set of issues. We were not meant to be conceived artificially. It's time to get back to the Garden/ Nature, where this isn't possible. He'd still be born, just naturally. Do you know what difference the intervention of a spinal does? It cuts off the communication between Mother and child. All these artificial interventions have an effect.
Corinthians 7:10-11 (NIV) “To the married, I give this command (not I, but the Lord): A wife must not separate from her husband. But if she does, she must remain unmarried or else be reconciled to her husband. And a husband must not divorce his wife.” but being gay is wrong. Funny how Pastors are in their third marriage telling gays what to do but these Christ followers ignore what traditional marriage is.
@jesusmorales6214 Don't lump us all together. We are all supposed to obey God's word. Just because some Pastore aren't obeying God's word, it still doesn't make the gay lifestyle right.
@jesusmorales6214 Matthew 19:3-9 ESV And Pharisees came up to him and tested him by asking, "Is it lawful to divorce one's wife for any cause?" [4] He answered, "Have you not read that he who created them from the beginning made them male and female, [5] and said, 'Therefore a man shall leave his father and his mother and hold fast to his wife, and the two shall become one flesh'? [6] So they are no longer two but one flesh. What therefore God has joined together, let not man separate." [7] They said to him, "Why then did Moses command one to give a certificate of divorce and to send her away?" [8] He said to them, "Because of your hardness of heart Moses allowed you to divorce your wives, but from the beginning it was not so. [9] And I say to you: whoever divorces his wife, except for sexual immorality, and marries another, commits adultery."
@jesusmorales6214 These verses show that only a male and female can marry. There is no such thing as true gay marriage. A man and a man can't become one flesh. Nor a woman and woman. God bless ❤️✝️
@jesusmorales6214 Seems TH-cam deleted the verses. Matthew 19:4-6 ESV He answered, "Have you not read that he who created them from the beginning made them male and female, [5] and said, 'Therefore a man shall leave his father and his mother and hold fast to his wife, and the two shall become one flesh'? [6] So they are no longer two but one flesh. What therefore God has joined together, let not man separate." It's not what the pastor says that matters. What the word of God says is what matters. If they preach the truth of the Gospel, let us listen to them. God bless ❤️✝️
Same here. I've always felt so sorry for the children growing up in this environment. I've wondered what they would tell us, if they could. I hope more young people come forth to share their stories. Such healing is available to those who need/want it.
@@juliehansford8631wtf. The are plenty of loving, gay and lesbian parents. Just because the family is heterosexual does not make it better for the child. I'm so sick of this mentality that automatically a gay and lesbian couple makes bad parents and you need to pity the children. Why don't you tell that to the kids who lived with domestic abuse and alcoholism. But hey, they had a mother and a father so, it's okay. 🤢
@@juliehansford8631just remember that they gay kids of your kind are coming out more. And they have many stories of your kind abusing them for being gay. Just remember, your kinds days are numbered
I met Jesus in 2022 at the age of 44. I was at the bottom, battling alcoholism and gave up life completely! My life has changed , the devil still following me but I tell him “NO” and that NO will remain for the rest of my life! I can’t see my life without Jesus in it.
You "met Jesus"? Have you seen a psychiatrist for your delusions? It's time. What did he look like? Let me guess: Like all those paintings of "him" by people who had never seen him, and had no idea what he really look like?
Ross, I am a 60 year old woman. I was raised around heavy sin, and a youth pator at VBS prayed over me and I felt the Holy Spirit entering me when I was 10. I sinned and cointinue to sin, the devil has always been after me. I have soooo many terrible attacks and handled some not well. That is, been broken but God is there! Conviction, repentance, grace and love. Today, dearest young man, your testimony helped me in many ways that you will never know. This orphan spirit thanks you! Amen
May God Bless you N free you from the demonic orphan spirit!! Do not identify as that! That is not you! It is a spirit that has attached itself to you N the only way to break free from that spirit is to seek the Lord N pray for deliverance!! I pray you find the joy N peace you deserve in Jesus Christ!!
@@kristinmartinez5398 The idea that every wrong thought is from an evil spirit is just as much a fallacy as a born again believer in Christ believing oneself to be an orphan spirit. Though evil spirits are sometimes the source of misguided thoughts, the typical origin of these thoughts are from the carnal nature of our own fallen, fallible, sin-cursed humanity. Thankfully, God does not offer us what we deserve, which is the eternal suffering of separation from Himself, but He offers us the blessings of His mercy and grace. God owes us nothing.
His relationship with his mom is so beautiful! The way they both love each other even tho though they domt 100% agree, is so so inspiring. A perfect example of hate the sin, love the sinner. He didnt turn his back on his mom, but thats also because his mom always showed him love.
I can relate to your journey. I was born into a Christian family but put God on the back burner for several years and left England for Canada. I was looking for something to fill a void in my life. Jesus was there all along and calling me back. The Lord sent me a wonderful Godly friend who, along with her husband brought me back to Jesus. I love your message.
I was 41 years old when I had the same experience. I also felt my life was worthless. I was married to a good man, had 2 beautuful daughters; yet I was empty inside. 5th may 1991 Jesus came, and stayed. How wonderful my life has been since then. I love Him more than anything. Bless you for giving your testimony.
@@em60-p4r Mrs my five years grandson is on autistic spectrum. We had some word from God that he is going to be delivered. Can you please pray for him. God bless you! I see that God speaks to you
I've been wanting to convert to Christianity from Zoroastrianism for a while now, but all the wrong reasons. I was born in the Middle East as a non-Muslim, and I have seen the disaster of Islam taking over. The Islam that you see in the West is not what it is in the Middle East. I've been wanting to become a Christian to add to the numbers, but the other day, I asked God to give me a sign if I should really convert. I didn’t want to play this video. I thought I clicked on something else. When the video began, I thought it was a commercial, so I let it play while having my phone beside my bathtub. After 5 minutes, I realized this was no commercial. I couldn't change it because I was in the shower so I had to listen. I guess this is the sign I asked for🤷♀️
You have 2 roads to choose from. You're not in a place of ignorance any longer, the honey and the bitterness have been presented to you, no need of more sings, God is speaking to your heart, and nothing else, so full your heart with God, his very Son, and the Holly Spirit, get strong in the Lord urgently because things may get wild.
Many blessings to you. With the Love of Jesus Christ all things are possible. May you rejoice and feel his love surround you. Remember he will always be with you and in a time of need he will carry you through the most hardest times. His love for you is all powerful and like none other.
Thank you for sharing your testimony. My son was raised in a Christian home but has struggled with his faith and walked away from serving God and now has chosen to marry a woman who was like you, raised in a home with 2 lesbian moms. She knows nothing of God but it seems as if the moms were hurt by people who professed to be Christians but did not reflect Him well and only condemned them so they see Christians as only being judgmental. I often struggle with how I can show the love of Jesus to them, to love them as He does. Your testimony has given me hope...thank you and may God bless you and your ministry.
Such a powerful testimony. My daughter needs Jesus so badly. She was raised in church but turned away and now has a combined religion of occult new age and Christianity. Tarot cards and readings meditation yoga and horoscope and addiction. She has lost her kids 19 months old twins because of addiction. Please pray for her to have a road to Damascus experience leading to true repentance recovery healing and deliverance from curses and demonic influences. Also divine protection of those twin girls in Jesus holy name.
@darlawalker348...I come in agreeance in prayer with you for your daughter and her twins. May she have a road of Damascus moment with Jesus like the Apostle Paul did and may her life be radically transformed for the glory of God. We believe it, and may your daughter and her twins receive it.
Corinthians 7:10-11 (NIV) “To the married, I give this command (not I, but the Lord): A wife must not separate from her husband. But if she does, she must remain unmarried or else be reconciled to her husband. And a husband must not divorce his wife.” but being gay is wrong. Funny how Pastors are in their third marriage telling gays what to do but these Christ followers ignore what traditional marriage is.
This brother is so full of Love, Alleluiaaaaaa!!! Im so sad that a lot of christians still think that they do not need to be delivered from pornography!
Pornography is a HUGE and pervasive sin within the church. The enemy has ensnared and lied to so many. We ALL need deliverance from sin, repentance, no matter what the sin amen!
That's sad. They think they can also avoid the karma of eating meat. Especially, when the animals they are eating have been so tortured, and mistreated.
@@edie4321 God is not concerned with what you eat but with your soul. Animals do not have an eternal soul because they are not made in the image of God unlike people.
@@HitarouYotukai-ir6gr , He is very concerned about the animals. How can you know Christ, and say that? You are talking about the god of this realm, that is Satan.
Great testimony! Your honesty is overwhelming. I am not gay but as an elderly gentleman and a Christian I would hug you for your simple honesty. I wish you the best. God always provides.
@@sistersusie8569 Hello, I don't know exactly which scripture in the Bible it is, but I always think of what God said, He cares deeply for the fatherless and the widows. I hope this helps in some way. I too grew up without a father in the home.
@@Laurenp182 hi Lauren, I do know of these Scriptures, Psalm 10 is one. Have been planning to search them out to dwell on. My mother told me growing up that with the father I had I was better off without him (like it was my fault), on the one hand, and on the other that I had to believe in God or I would go to hell!
My real father was in my life and he damaged me. I have spent years in therapy and still dealing with it. Real father's are simply the half of DNA in you. Anyone can be a sperms donor.
Being fatherless affected me greatly. I am so fortunate to have gotten out of the darkness and come to God, after believing for so long that God did not exist, because of my suffering and sadness. After having my children, going through cancer (at age 26),and losing my husband to something terrible, the brightest and darkest times made me realize God absolutely exists. He saved me! He sent me trials to make me believe!
I love how he speaks about his mom and their relationship. I absolutely love that even though she is not yet a Christian and lives a lifestyle that is completely opposed to what the Bible says, they still can have a genuine relationship and can still be open to having conversations❤ That is the true love of God.
If the lord only wanted heterosexual people there would be no other types. The Bible was written by male scholars that the leaders wanted control of. It's proven by science people are born gay. Gay people are not sin. The Bible says to accept everyone, but if not heterosexual they're sin and shunned. The lord accepts all people. My religion has no Jesus only old testament.
Your testimony is beautiful and powerful! Please pray for my twin boys. They are 18 and one lives a homosexual lifestyle and the other is rejecting God. I want their eyes to be opened and they accept Christ
The biggest and number one reason the relationship has been great is because of mom allowing you to be a Christian without interfering. God has been working on her heart.
Keep trusting, what is yours no body can take it away. God create the man who will be yours for ever. Do not loose heart. Wait he will knock your heart door in His time, He makes all the things beautiful. Praying for you right now.
I do hope my husband and 3 children will be saved that Lord Jesus Christ will opened their heart and they have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. Please pray for them
Permit me to disagree. The apostles were sent to preach in towns to strangers. The gospel in itself os an offer backed by the conviction of d HolySpirit. When u hear it from whoever u respond based on where u are in your heart, what u seek. Do not diminish it to some WOKE counselling session. Yes there is place for Christians being kind. But all d apostles were murdered but one, cos people hated them. Yet they won thousands to Jesus. So stop the repeated quote. Anyone who took out time to go preach cares. If u tried u will know it takes sacrifice. And thank God some repent. Some don't, some persecute as Jesus forewarned
This has been the only testimony that has gotten to me and filled me with tears. He is speaking truth. He truly understands life & God. I can't wait to have him as a guest at my church In July.
When Ross talked about feeling the enemy of the spirit I instantly felt understood. Iv never heard anyone share that in their testimony and I have felt the heaviness many times in my life and never knew how to explain it. 🤯 GOD IS GOOD! Thank you for your story! Thank you Jesus!!
Ross Johnston..wow, this guy is not just a mere survivor, he is a winner, a champion..a true warrior and a great messenger of Christ. I wish I have the same conviction as him and be as eloquent and articulate like him. That closing statement was especially powerful and inspiring. Keep rocking brother! You will be an inspiration for many more. - From India 🇮🇳 with Love ❤
I am almost 74 years old and this is the most uplifting, amazing testimony I have ever heard. I didn’t have the same kind of upbringing you had, but it was full of trauma and I experienced God being with me throughout those times, much the same as you recognizing that God had always been there!! I believe he has put you here for such a time as this. Bless you and keep your eyes focused on Jesus.
You may be right, but I think that it may be too early to tell. What we witness here is personal testimony - a function that all true believers can and should practice as led by God's spirit. Many leaders point to the Matthew and Mark record of Jesus' command to "the 12" (all Jews) who were to be teachers of the Kingdom Gospel in the world. But they did NOT go nor preach but remained in Israel until expelled by the Romans. There's a lot of theology that can lead sinners to their need for salvation and to lead believers into a fruitful life. He might become a good preacher if he finds a good school and spends time in His word to know St. Paul's commission (the latest from heaven - Acts 9) and explanation of God's program for Jews, Gentiles and the coming events of rapture, tribulation and Jesus himself. Pray for him. The world needs more knowledgeable earnest and spiritually alive leaders.
@@edwardwalsh5477there is a reason God is pulling the most unlikely people out of darkness and giving them this anointing to preach WITHOUT having been raised in a Christian denomination or Bible school and years of theology study! He is exactly who is going to reach this generation !
I have been a believer for many years, when this young man referred to the Father as “Abba” that spoke volumes!!! I have never heard anyone from the pulpit speak with such authority and confidence! Finally, In this day and age someone really “sold out”….I feel like Simeon, when he beheld Jesus and knew that he was the promised one. Abba, The Father has truly personally done something in this young man’s life! Not by power or might~but, by my spirit!!! This is “walking on the water faith”….🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻 So, very excited for you 🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻 Focus, Power and Strength!!!
This might be one of my favorite Delafe testimonies yet. His humility, reverence, and fire for Jesus is infectious. May his life and testament continue to glorify God and win souls. ❤
What a beautiful testimony Ross, it made me weep. I said a prayer for your sweet Momma. Thank you for sharing. Praise you Jesus! This heart is forever grateful.💕🙏🏻😎🌵
Billy Graham came to Northern Ireland his revival meeting in Belfast as a 5 year old give my life to God in Jesus name,many people have left my life but I’ve never been alone.
My childhood pastor in Sussex came from Northern Ireland, still remember his (prophetic) name - Victor Burns. He will never know his influence on my formative years, but maybe he does know from heaven, looking down and praising the Lord for the seeds he was able to sow into my heart
3:33 "back in the day there were these things called phone books..." LOL 😂 I never thought I would hear this. Phone books were part of the first 26 or 27 years of my life. Wow how things have changed.
Ross, I needed to hear your testimony. You don't know how many questions have been answered now. May Jesus bless you, your service, and your loved ones. Your mom will come to Christ in Jesus' name.
Ross' zeal for the Lord is what this world needs to see. His testimony will provide hope to those who don't know the Lord and will give us believers more faith while in our struggles. I pray God's protection over him in the name of Jesus🙏
Thank you for sharing your testimony. I’ve struggled with a personality disorder since childhood and now 31, and this was helpful for me. Regardless of this issue and how long it takes over at times, I can find courage and rest in sharing Jesus, in many ways, to whomever I can
young man, you are exemplary. I commend you for "taking the Christian message out of the four walls". Love and truth combined is exactly what this world needs to heal. Your prayer for that healing of those in the LGBTQ community is priceless and especially important in today's society.
God never leaves Himself without a Witness. No matter the Household you grow up in, Adonai will make sure The Good News of Jesus Christ is presented to each Soul, whether they accept it or not. 🙏🏽🙌🏽 ✝️
My name is Sally and I came from A bad family growing up it has been so bad my hole life and I change my life for the better with the Lord God ALMIGHTY
Your video actuall started playing on my phone out of no where. I turned my phone off and u popped up. God is so good. He makes me smile so much and cry happy tears all the time. I pray this would bless many more people in jesus name Amen. Great testimony. Its beautiful. Praying for your mom. ❤
The way you described the orphan spirit sounds very much like a teenager spirit. I was raised by my mum and dad, and yet I cried so many nights from a soul ache I couldn't explain. So I really don't think you being raised by two mums had been the reason. Possibly you had a better childhood than many of your peers. Possibly better than myself.
Wow! When he prayed God don’t let me be a good person, go to a good church, reads a good book, and live a good life,… If you are who you say you are, I need to know you!!😢😮❤ That’s powerful!
Ross Johnson you're an amazing speaker. So clear and straight to the point, and enthusiastic. Very good to listen to your testimony. Love your energy and spirit. I can totally relate with the dark depths Jesus lifted me out of. Giving me a new heart, renewed mind, and washed and forgiven me of my sins. Another thing Ross, you are so humble and diplomatic, and grateful about your upbringing and circumstances. You were chosen and saved by God because you have a good heart and you responded to God's calling. God bless you x
I have a friend who is lesbian and she’s got a partner who is an alcoholic and they live separately ,but don’t have sex anymore. My friend is a Christian who has in recent months been pursuing God like never before. Please pray for her ,that God will give her wisdom to decide her future ! And to be used by Him ….
Son ...I believe you may just be this generation's new "Billy Graham" . I have been praying that God would raise up another Billy Graham for this new age, and I believe that you are being groomed and called to be just that! You are precious I sat here and prayed a prayer of blessing over you that God would use you and rise you up.. I am bawling my eyes out right now.. You are amazing!!!
I know two lesbian women who raised one of their sons. He grew up gay. And he died several years ago from HIV. Very very sad, BUT before he died, he DID accept Jesus as his Lord and Savior. Plus, both women became Christians in later years.
@@arfriedman4577 I will respectfully respond to you, AR, but the way you worded your comment just does not make sense. “ AIDS is not a gay “ does not make sense. Please attempt to reword your comment.
I have a heart for the LGBTQ community. I want to share God’s truth and love to my brothers and sisters who are lost in any form of sin. The Holy Spirit has spoken through my brother today. The time is now. Thank you for that prayer of boldness. ❤🙌🏾🙏🏾
I feel the same. I saw a video on Michael Knowles channel, last night, "I was Gay, She was Trans'. It really encouraged my heart, and this couple has insight as to what approach works and what does not and why. I think it will bless you if you get a chance to check it out. The power of God is awesome. Only He could do what He did in their lives. You should see all the fruit in the comments, too. ❤
Hi Family! Thank you for watching. We appreciate your support. Here are some links to help you with your next step:
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THE AGONY IN THE GARDEN (We pray courage and risignation to God's Will, and Encouragement..... }
1) When I was in the Garden of Gethsemane, I was isolated, alone and grief-stricken, because very few believed that I spoke the Truth, although My Love for My Father sustained Me..
2) The evil one showed Me the souls of the faithful, whose voices would be deemed to be that of radical bigots and who would be accused of terrible crimes.
3) I saw those who said that they represented Me, persecute the prophets and the visionaries, and who would seek their destruction.
4) I had to endure great darkness when I saw the world, which I once inhabited, become not only blind as to Who I Am, but who would never have been told about Me.
5) I was thrown to the ground, My Face pressed into the soil, kicked, whipped and My clothes torn off by Satan. He tormented Me, beyond My human capacity and under extreme endurance of the physical body.
6) The greatest horror I witnessed in My time in the Garden of Olives was the scourge of sin in the time of the end. During the vision, shown to Me by Satan, I saw the fall away of mortal man from God’s Laws.
7) He, the evil one, showed Me terrible images; tempted Me with every reason why I should turn away from the Will of My Father. He wanted to torment Me and so he displayed the power he would still have, despite My death on the Cross.
8) I was shown the final destruction of My Church on Earth; the seizure of power within it by masonic sects; the immorality of man; the lack of shame on the part of God’s children, as they engaged in vile sins of the flesh; the murder of innocents and the falling into error by those who profess to speak in My Name.
9) I felt very alone and frightened. My time in the garden was terrifying, because of My human nature.
10) I felt abandoned by My Eternal Father and was taken for granted in some ways by My apostles, who did nothing to comfort me during these terrible hours.
The SCOURGING AT THE PILLAR (We pray for the Grace of Fortitude , the grace to suffer well, and Purity)
1) When I faced My executioners, I trembled in fear and could barely respond to their accusations. I felt as any human being would when facing a violent execution.
2) My Love for humanity meant that the torment which I endured - both mental and physical - at the hands of Satan, was accepted by Me, although with tremendous effort...
3) Despite this torture, I was given the strength to continue to face My inevitable Crucifixion, which terrified Me. My Love for man, however, superseded My human fear.
4) My Dignity remained intact because of the Sacrifice I knew I had to make for mankind.
5) My scourging was the worst. I was beaten savagely - by ten men and every inch of My Body was slashed.
6) When I was scourged, those who carried out the most cruel and vile acts upon My Body rejoiced.
7) I was deemed to be a wicked man and a false prophet and so they scourged Me. They boasted of their holiness, their righteousness and their knowledge of Holy Scriptures, while they vilified My Body.
8) They failed to accept the prophecy that their Messiah would come to save them.
9) The Flesh on My Back was torn and My Shoulder Blades were visible.
10) Mary: Children, to explain the savagery inflicted upon my Son would be impossible for you to fathom; so vicious was the scourging. My Son’s Body was torn to shreds.
CROWNING WITH THORNS (We pray for the Grace of Humility, and the grace to pray for those who persecute us)
1) When I faced My executioners, I trembled in fear and could barely respond to their accusations.
2) Remember, that I came in the flesh. I had the same feelings of pain and sorrow, just like any man. Many people do not understand this.
3) When they stripped Me naked, they wanted to humiliate Me further and so they dressed Me in a red rag that barely covered Me, to further desecrate My Body.
4) They then placed a palm branch in My right Hand.
5) But, when they plunged thorns, like needles, into My Head, they declared that the Son of Man was an imposter and therefore not worthy of acceptance.
6) Each thorn was like a needle, so sharp was it. One of these thorns also pierced My right Eye, which left Me barely able to see.
7) They tore My Eye out of its socket, but the pain was inconsequential, compared with their declaration, that I was not accepted as the Saviour of God’s children.
8) I could barely stand and one Eye was bruised and crushed.
9) I could only see through My left Eye.
10) By the time they took Me before Pontius Pilate and placed the Crown of Thorns on My Head, I could barely stand up.
The CARRYING OF THE CROSS (We pray for the virtues of , Long -Suffering, Perseverance, and Patience during Adversity..)
1) When I carried My Cross, I could not do this on My Own. It was so heavy that I could only take one step at a time and walk very slowly.
2) My Body was torn in many places and because of the Blood loss I fainted many times, so weak was I.
3) I was blinded in one eye and the thorns on My Head meant that the Blood, which poured from My Wounds, had to be continually wiped away by those who walked alongside Me. Otherwise, I would never have been able to take another step forward. (11-13-14)
4) I lost so much Blood that I vomited and was so dizzy that when I began My ascent to Calvary I could not hold the Cross.
5) I fell so many times, that it took hours before I reached the top of the hill.
6) I was scourged and whipped each step of the way. My Body was bloody all over and covered with a thick sweat produced by a scorching sun.
7) Much as this was painful and agonizing, the most frightening of all was the hatred shown to Me, not just by the adults along the way, but by young children who kicked Me because they were following their parents’ example.
8) My most agonising moment was when I lay on the ground on My Side, having been kicked in the back again and saw My beloved Mother looking at Me.
9) My Mother was heartbroken and had to be held up by two of My disciples. I could only see her through the one remaining Eye and I could not bear to watch her torment.
10) Mary: They forced Him to walk, hands bound in front with ropes around His Waist, which meant He could walk - only with a shuffle, and a little at a time. While the Cross was thrown upon His torn and shattered Body, my pain was so excruciating, that I fainted continuously.
The CRUCIFIXION (We ask for Forgiveness for our sins, for a spirit of Forgiveness of others, and for the Grace to pray for them ...)
1) The jeers, screams and roars from the crowds of hundreds could be felt from the ground I lay on, and it took six hundred soldiers to organise and supervise the Crucifixion of Myself and six others.
2) I was the main focus of their attention and the others did not suffer like I did.
3) When My Wrists, at the base of My Thumbs, were nailed to the Cross I could no longer feel. My Body was so battered and bruised that I had gone into shock.
4) My Shoulders were dislocated and My Arms were torn out of their sockets. The worst physical damage was inflicted on My Body, before I was nailed to the Cross. I let out no scream. No protest.
5) Only a whisper. This infuriated My executioners who wanted a reaction to satisfy their lusts.
6) I never engaged with them, for to do so would have meant that I would have had to engage with Satan and his demons, who infested their souls. This is why their viciousness towards Me was so intense.
7) I was hanging on the Cross for five hours. The sun was scorching and without clouds to help reduce the burning of My Skin.
8) As soon as I took My last breathe, My Father sent forth black clouds, as well as thunder and lightning.
9) The storm that took place was of such a frightening magnitude and so sudden, that My spectators were left in no doubt, at that stage, that I was, indeed, the Saviour, that had been sent by God the Father.
10) I reveal this to you, My daughter, as a Gift to you in return for the huge act of suffering you have offered Me. Tell My children that I do not regret My Passion on the Cross. (3-29-12)
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What's this guy name?
Please teach people the Gospel of Jesus Christ and not Catholicism in the name of the Father,Son and Holy Spirit isn’t a name but the Catholic’s didn’t want to acknowledge what the church of God was already doing, baptizing people in the name of Jesus Christ for the remissions of sins you can confess and repent all you want but not being baptized in the name of Jesus Christ your sins are not remitted and that is the way that the Catholics have taught the world that they should be baptized in the titles and people repent and and confess their sins but they still walk in their sins and die in their sins because they have not have had their sins remitted and when you are born in the natural you take your fathers name and you are part of the family,so when you are baptized they are to call the name of the Lord over you cause your sins are remitted and you will rise a new creature and you are part of the family and He, now that your vessel is clean He will come and dwell in you as He dwelt in Jesus Christ
I still believe children ideally need a father and a mother.
Me too!
They do. The evil is evil. No matter what they try to call it.
It’s the common sense, the rest LGBTQ is abnormality and sin period
@@TaisiaDanilovaGod is Sovereign (even over evil)!
Law is strong ❤but Faith even Stronger 🎬
You were missing a father. A dad. Then found Heavenly Father.
Oh yes, this is beautifully put!
more likely his mom(s) were not mentally healthy or had enough access to support and resources to raise him well
Well said ❤
"A father to the fatherless, a defender of widows, is God in His holy dwelling." Psalm 68:5
Abba Father
I raised my son without a father. It was not smart of me. There is a reason God created man and woman to raise children. My son, even in his 30s, he still suffers from my decision not to go after his "father." There was one special man who would have been his Dad, but i was too scared (mistake #2). May God forgive me and heal my son.
I hear you, my son has been scarred for life😢
@@missymurphy9002 I'm so sorry. We are so blessed to have a merciful and forgiving God
thank you for sharing, my heart aches. I raised my 2 daughters without a dad, I was scared of so much and protective of them. I did not want them to feel rejection so deep from their own father again from a father figure, so I vowed to raise my children alone to protect them and myself as well. I also found love with someone who I met at work and I never let him meet my children, or my family & that relationship ended because he wanted more. He wanted a family and I wanted to remain safe from heart break by never, ever giving myself fully to anyone and so I remained single for decades.
Im 51 years old and I regret it so much that I did not get married and allow my children to be raised by a mom and dad. My greatest free came true because the pain and hurt both of my children felt without a father and then the rejection they felt by a man and also by my sister's ex-husband who completely deleted both of my daughters from his life when he remarried. So all that I tried to protect them from, still happened and I am alone with regrets. what if I chose love and faith and family instead of fear and solitude? God forgive me for rejecting every answered prayer because I look back and I remember clearly knowing that I said No when I should have said Yes.
@lizajennifer2936 Amen! I understand what you have gone through. My family rejected and hurt my son so badly. I was raised Catholic, and I was worse than those in my family who married 5 times. Ugh! My son has a lot of animosity toward my family but still tries to get approval from my Dad and my eldest brother.
Thank God for His mercy and longsuffering for me. I'm 62, and I also can't form a close relationship with men. But I have my Father in Heaven, His Son, and the Holy Spirit as my guides and stronghold. I have many regrets,
and my heart aches for you as well.
I am blessed with 2 granddaughters that I adore! I thank God for them every day.
Amen and praise God Elaine for opening your eyes to the truth. What's truly tragic & devastating is the enemy has deceived millions of other mothers just like you; my kids are also victims of a deceived mother who kept me from my biological kids 90% of their lives. Now she's reaping what she has sown:
An angry, dysfunctional, gay son who's currently experimenting w/ drugs & alcohol; and a VERY withdrawn, dysfunctional, cold-hearted daughter.
Even though i'm a born-again again Christian, it's devastated our lives to the point where i've been homeless for 9+ years (and no, drugs and/or alcohol have NOTHING to do w/ that).
I am an old woman that grew up in a traditional Christian home, but my relationship with God has dimmed in the last few years. Young man you have given me hope and inspired me to open my heart and Bible. God bless you and I am going to pray for you and your sweet mom.
God bless you, and may He ignite that spark in your heart again through the power of His Holy Spirit 🔥♥️
Hi Starry Night, I pray you grow in love again with our Lord and Savior. God bless you 🙏
Amen 🙏🏻 thank you Jesus Christ for touching this soul and bringing them back to the fold
It is never too late to return to our Heavenly Father. His loving arms are always open for us. ❤✝️
I understand, I'm now 71 and was born again in 2010 and Baptised in 2011, Wow I also have slipped a bit but this young man is setting a fire to call on Jesus again, I need Jesus I want Jesus but I am weak . Blessings from Australia 🇦🇺🙏🇦🇺🙏💜
I really admire the unconditional love his mum has for him. If only she knew that’s exactly how God loves her
Wow, what an amazing perspective. Thank you for sharing!
Wow this perspective is beautiful. I pray that one day very soon she will receive Jesus in Jesus name amen.
Unconditional love is not what God is about, God command REPENTANCE. Sexual sin is a bigger deal than most other sins.
Gods love is greater than any love that any human can offer.
@@thereisnopandemic All sins are equal.
Delafé, am a 70 year old lady, living in Rwanda, Africa. I appreciate your mission and happy to be your sister in the Lord Jesus Christ. Please allow me to be like a grandma to you. I pledge to be committed to praying for you and your ministry. I am a retired pastor and missionary.
Rev. Mupfasoni Evelyn. Shalom!
That is a beautiful commitment. ❤🇦🇺
Shalom... + Jesus?? 🤔🤔🤔
@@irened.it means “peace” in hebrew. it has nothing to do with any specific religion but a lot of Christians and jewish folks use this phrase
@@irened. i don’t see the irony in your comment..? no need to be rude either….
You are a fantastic woman, God blesses You! ❤
It's amazing that people think an embryo is just a "thing" a bunch of tissues yet here is this man testifying of God's greatness to bring him to life.
So thankful for you, telling the world about your experience that may help others. God bless you
It IS just a thing but it has value. That said, is it okay to trash fertilized embryos in invitro labs?
I would argue that Gods greatness is in creating the system which has allowed organic life to form, and that our individual existence is insignificant.
@@MjbeswickYour argument is false.
Every single one of us is a child of God!
He loves each one of us dearly!
Everyone has a personal purpose, but we are also in this together.
We are here to show God and ourselves that through our own experiences, we will learn to CHOOSE God and His Son, Jesus Christ. ❤
@@deboraholsen2504 despite my scepticism what are you saying could be true. I would very much like it to be. If this life is all there is I'm still grateful for this time.
My Husband is battling Sexual Addiction and is getting help at Pure Life Ministries in Kentucky that helps Men with Sexual Sin. Please pray the Lord blesses this ministry.
I would encourage your husband to get accountable with another man who hold each other accountable.
Works in AA can work with him😋
get him the book 'Every man's battle" by Stephen Arterburn and Fred Stoeker. it has really helped me
I hope they do deliverance and get the lust demons out of his body! Once the unclean spirits are cast out then he has to resist those demons tempting him from the outside of his body. Only him knowing the Father’s Love truly can fill that void.
@@hollikrebs...Yes, deliverance is the key!!
Im praying for your strength this season….
I was raise with 2 lesbian moms too, born artificially as well. The amount of empathy I have is incredible. Praise God!
thats messed up. Yikes. hope your ok
ur moms should be ashamed of you.
I was raised by my mum and my alcoholic dad. I'm not sure if you'd like to swap.
@@jinkazama2555The Lord saved me. He brought me into his arms through revelation, and he has been pruning me in the word of God. Thank you Jesus.
that’s amazing!!
Such an honor to have shared my story, grateful for the Lord and all the people who reach out in support and prayer ❤
We’re grateful for you, Ross! Thank you for boldly testifying to all Jesus has done in your life.
Shared this video and subbed.
Do you feel your mom is already saved (regardless)...??
@@PalmSpringsMassage No one is saved "regardless." God loves us unconditionally; however, He saves us from our sins, not IN our sins. We must ask for and allow God to change us, and then live an obedient, godly life.
TY ROSS so much for sharing your story. God loves you so much. Always know this.
This young man is so respectful to his mother! God is working so much in him.
The boys always blame the fathers for Moms bad decisions. His Mom probably was broken and afraid. That Mom probably had know idea when was picking a child God was answering her prayers and fears and he sent her this 👼 😇 angelic son. 👶🏼
His mother should be honoring God for blessing her with such a wise and wonderful son such as Ross. He is Amazing.
I have no dought that Jesus Christ will touch everyone, regardless who. We are God's children!!! Hallelujah!
Praise our Lord Jesus Christ!
Hallelujah - say hello to the "Holy Spirit"
When God says He is the father to the fatherless this is really what He meant. Glory back to God for this testimony.
This is a first! I've always wondered about the children of gay and lesbian couples and I am happy that he shared his testimony.
My sons best friend was raised by a lesbian couple. His friend was adopted. The young man grew up and married a woman. They eventually divorced. He then became involved in a homosexual relationship. We've known this man for years. And every year for father's day he wishes my husband a happy father's day. There is something in my heart that breaks 💔. The emptiness of never having had.a father in his life. And him reaching out every year to other father's on this day.😢 please pray for this young man.
I wondered more about the effects of being artificially conceived. Where is the Love?
@@edie4321 a million lives were conceived just by lust , not love or commitment
@@ICRA95, I get that. But all this artificial interventions cause a whole new set of issues. We were not meant to be conceived artificially. It's time to get back to the Garden/ Nature, where this isn't possible. He'd still be born, just naturally. Do you know what difference the intervention of a spinal does? It cuts off the communication between Mother and child. All these artificial interventions have an effect.
I'm there with you. It's a blessing. ❤
"My soul was empty"
Wow what an amazing testimony! May the love of God reach many!
Let’s get this comment to 💯
I saw this man preach at a Christian concert on Hollywood Blvd. in LA. He’s a man I’d help any day. May God stay with him for the rest of his days.
Preach it brother. I came out of that lifestyle and have been transformed through the blood of Jesus.
Corinthians 7:10-11 (NIV)
“To the married, I give this command (not I, but the Lord): A wife must not separate from her husband. But if she does, she must remain unmarried or else be reconciled to her husband. And a husband must not divorce his wife.”
but being gay is wrong. Funny how Pastors are in their third marriage telling gays what to do but these Christ followers ignore what traditional marriage is.
@jesusmorales6214 Don't lump us all together. We are all supposed to obey God's word. Just because some Pastore aren't obeying God's word, it still doesn't make the gay lifestyle right.
Matthew 19:3-9 ESV
And Pharisees came up to him and tested him by asking, "Is it lawful to divorce one's wife for any cause?" [4] He answered, "Have you not read that he who created them from the beginning made them male and female, [5] and said, 'Therefore a man shall leave his father and his mother and hold fast to his wife, and the two shall become one flesh'? [6] So they are no longer two but one flesh. What therefore God has joined together, let not man separate." [7] They said to him, "Why then did Moses command one to give a certificate of divorce and to send her away?" [8] He said to them, "Because of your hardness of heart Moses allowed you to divorce your wives, but from the beginning it was not so. [9] And I say to you: whoever divorces his wife, except for sexual immorality, and marries another, commits adultery."
@jesusmorales6214 These verses show that only a male and female can marry. There is no such thing as true gay marriage. A man and a man can't become one flesh. Nor a woman and woman. God bless ❤️✝️
@jesusmorales6214 Seems TH-cam deleted the verses.
Matthew 19:4-6 ESV
He answered, "Have you not read that he who created them from the beginning made them male and female, [5] and said, 'Therefore a man shall leave his father and his mother and hold fast to his wife, and the two shall become one flesh'? [6] So they are no longer two but one flesh. What therefore God has joined together, let not man separate."
It's not what the pastor says that matters. What the word of God says is what matters. If they preach the truth of the Gospel, let us listen to them. God bless ❤️✝️
I’ve been WAITING for testimonials about children who have homosexual parents! Hallelujah!🙌🏽
My parents were both lesbian but praise the Lord for saving me
Same here. I've always felt so sorry for the children growing up in this environment. I've wondered what they would tell us, if they could. I hope more young people come forth to share their stories. Such healing is available to those who need/want it.
@@juliehansford8631wtf. The are plenty of loving, gay and lesbian parents. Just because the family is heterosexual does not make it better for the child. I'm so sick of this mentality that automatically a gay and lesbian couple makes bad parents and you need to pity the children.
Why don't you tell that to the kids who lived with domestic abuse and alcoholism. But hey, they had a mother and a father so, it's okay. 🤢
@@juliehansford8631just remember that they gay kids of your kind are coming out more. And they have many stories of your kind abusing them for being gay. Just remember, your kinds days are numbered
I met Jesus in 2022 at the age of 44. I was at the bottom, battling alcoholism and gave up life completely! My life has changed , the devil still following me but I tell him “NO” and that NO will remain for the rest of my life! I can’t see my life without Jesus in it.
Our enemy will haunt us. Till wr leave this earth. Take courage the Lord is almighty !
@@erwinbrubacker7488 , amen !!
@@erwinbrubacker7488yes, we still fight battles butJesus already won the final victory, the war is already won.
You took the best decisione and with the help of The Lord walked away .He is and will always be at your side.
You "met Jesus"? Have you seen a psychiatrist for your delusions? It's time. What did he look like? Let me guess: Like all those paintings of "him" by people who had never seen him, and had no idea what he really look like?
Ross, I am a 60 year old woman. I was raised around heavy sin, and a youth pator at VBS prayed over me and I felt the Holy Spirit entering me when I was 10. I sinned and cointinue to sin, the devil has always been after me. I have soooo many terrible attacks and handled some not well. That is, been broken but God is there! Conviction, repentance, grace and love. Today, dearest young man, your testimony helped me in many ways that you will never know. This orphan spirit thanks you! Amen
May God Bless you N free you from the demonic orphan spirit!! Do not identify as that! That is not you! It is a spirit that has attached itself to you N the only way to break free from that spirit is to seek the Lord N pray for deliverance!! I pray you find the joy N peace you deserve in Jesus Christ!!
Derek Prince Ministries has youtube for free to deal with demonic strongholds in Jesus- I was delivered and many in my homechurch. God bless
@@kristinmartinez5398 The idea that every wrong thought is from an evil spirit is just as much a fallacy as a born again believer in Christ believing oneself to be an orphan spirit. Though evil spirits are sometimes the source of misguided thoughts, the typical origin of these thoughts are from the carnal nature of our own fallen, fallible, sin-cursed humanity. Thankfully, God does not offer us what we deserve, which is the eternal suffering of separation from Himself, but He offers us the blessings of His mercy and grace. God owes us nothing.
Holy Spirit doesn't do that for 10 yr olds ...
Then you go on about your life sinning? Are you sure there was the holy Spirit or another spirit
Spirit was put there during vacation bible study.
His relationship with his mom is so beautiful! The way they both love each other even tho though they domt 100% agree, is so so inspiring. A perfect example of hate the sin, love the sinner. He didnt turn his back on his mom, but thats also because his mom always showed him love.
Its super inspiring! Praise God ❤
I can relate to your journey. I was born into a Christian family but put God on the back burner for several years and left England for Canada. I was looking for something to fill a void in my life. Jesus was there all along and calling me back. The Lord sent me a wonderful Godly friend who, along with her husband brought me back to Jesus. I love your message.
She got you, a beautiful boy. 💕🙏🕊️
Faith,hope and love but greatest of all is love, Ross chose the greatest and I need to learn that from him.
Well stated.
I was 41 years old when I had the same experience. I also felt my life was worthless. I was married to a good man, had 2 beautuful daughters; yet I was empty inside. 5th may 1991 Jesus came, and stayed. How wonderful my life has been since then. I love Him more than anything. Bless you for giving your testimony.
It's called depression.
God is with you. God is with us. Listen to Him and he will save you
Praise God.
He is a Silent Testimony for his Mother. She will come to Christ. In Jesus's Holy Name! Amen.
I am in agreement in the name of Jesus….
Amen ❤️
Amen! I hope so!
gave me goosebumps. she delivered him so that he may deliver her.
I just prayed for your mother. The Holy Spirit has “rushed” me. Your mom WILL accept Jesus as her Savior.
@@em60-p4r Mrs my five years grandson is on autistic spectrum. We had some word from God that he is going to be delivered. Can you please pray for him. God bless you! I see that God speaks to you
Holy Spirit with capitalized letters! Respect!
Amen ❤
You needed a father, and Jesus was there in your path in life. A child needs a mother and a father.
I like him more for not being angry with his mother ; instead loves her with a love that we envy as mothers
He is called to the masses and will lead a great revival in California.
Glory to God!
I cried and cried listening to Ross. It is a beautiful testimony for everyone to hear.
I've been wanting to convert to Christianity from Zoroastrianism for a while now, but all the wrong reasons. I was born in the Middle East as a non-Muslim, and I have seen the disaster of Islam taking over. The Islam that you see in the West is not what it is in the Middle East. I've been wanting to become a Christian to add to the numbers, but the other day, I asked God to give me a sign if I should really convert. I didn’t want to play this video. I thought I clicked on something else. When the video began, I thought it was a commercial, so I let it play while having my phone beside my bathtub. After 5 minutes, I realized this was no commercial. I couldn't change it because I was in the shower so I had to listen. I guess this is the sign I asked for🤷♀️
Shia is not Islam
Welcome my sister in Christ
You have 2 roads to choose from. You're not in a place of ignorance any longer, the honey and the bitterness have been presented to you, no need of more sings, God is speaking to your heart, and nothing else, so full your heart with God, his very Son, and the Holly Spirit, get strong in the Lord urgently because things may get wild.
I pray that you come to a loving relationship with Jesus!
Many blessings to you. With the Love of Jesus Christ all things are possible. May you rejoice and feel his love surround you. Remember he will always be with you and in a time of need he will carry you through the most hardest times. His love for you is all powerful and like none other.
Thank you for sharing your testimony. My son was raised in a Christian home but has struggled with his faith and walked away from serving God and now has chosen to marry a woman who was like you, raised in a home with 2 lesbian moms. She knows nothing of God but it seems as if the moms were hurt by people who professed to be Christians but did not reflect Him well and only condemned them so they see Christians as only being judgmental. I often struggle with how I can show the love of Jesus to them, to love them as He does. Your testimony has given me hope...thank you and may God bless you and your ministry.
Hey it’s Ross!! He comes to our church now and then- he’s awesome and anointed!!! 😊
Such a powerful testimony. My daughter needs Jesus so badly. She was raised in church but turned away and now has a combined religion of occult new age and Christianity. Tarot cards and readings meditation yoga and horoscope and addiction. She has lost her kids 19 months old twins because of addiction. Please pray for her to have a road to Damascus experience leading to true repentance recovery healing and deliverance from curses and demonic influences. Also divine protection of those twin girls in Jesus holy name.
We will be praying for her!
@darlawalker348...I come in agreeance in prayer with you for your daughter and her twins. May she have a road of Damascus moment with Jesus like the Apostle Paul did and may her life be radically transformed for the glory of God. We believe it, and may your daughter and her twins receive it.
Meditation on scripture is not bad.
There still are phone books
Corinthians 7:10-11 (NIV)
“To the married, I give this command (not I, but the Lord): A wife must not separate from her husband. But if she does, she must remain unmarried or else be reconciled to her husband. And a husband must not divorce his wife.”
but being gay is wrong. Funny how Pastors are in their third marriage telling gays what to do but these Christ followers ignore what traditional marriage is.
This brother is so full of Love, Alleluiaaaaaa!!! Im so sad that a lot of christians still think that they do not need to be delivered from pornography!
Pornography is a HUGE and pervasive sin within the church. The enemy has ensnared and lied to so many. We ALL need deliverance from sin, repentance, no matter what the sin amen!
That's sad. They think they can also avoid the karma of eating meat. Especially, when the animals they are eating have been so tortured, and mistreated.
@@edie4321 God is not concerned with what you eat but with your soul. Animals do not have an eternal soul because they are not made in the image of God unlike people.
@@HitarouYotukai-ir6gr , He is very concerned about the animals. How can you know Christ, and say that? You are talking about the god of this realm, that is Satan.
Great testimony! Your honesty is overwhelming. I am not gay but as an elderly gentleman and a Christian I would hug you for your simple honesty. I wish you the best. God always provides.
Prayers for this young man's mother to open her heart and recieve Yeshua in faith.
I felt that emptiness and yearning as a child of divorce. Nothing can replace a real father. God bless this handsome Christian man in Jesus’ Name.
Me too, the fatherless have a hard road in relating to God as father, the concept just isn't there 😢
@@sistersusie8569 Hello, I don't know exactly which scripture in the Bible it is, but I always think of what God said, He cares deeply for the fatherless and the widows. I hope this helps in some way. I too grew up without a father in the home.
@@Laurenp182 hi Lauren, I do know of these Scriptures, Psalm 10 is one. Have been planning to search them out to dwell on. My mother told me growing up that with the father I had I was better off without him (like it was my fault), on the one hand, and on the other that I had to believe in God or I would go to hell!
My real father was in my life and he damaged me. I have spent years in therapy and still dealing with it. Real father's are simply the half of DNA in you. Anyone can be a sperms donor.
Being fatherless affected me greatly. I am so fortunate to have gotten out of the darkness and come to God, after believing for so long that God did not exist, because of my suffering and sadness. After having my children, going through cancer (at age 26),and losing my husband to something terrible, the brightest and darkest times made me realize God absolutely exists. He saved me! He sent me trials to make me believe!
I love how he speaks about his mom and their relationship. I absolutely love that even though she is not yet a Christian and lives a lifestyle that is completely opposed to what the Bible says, they still can have a genuine relationship and can still be open to having conversations❤ That is the true love of God.
If the lord only wanted heterosexual people there would be no other types.
The Bible was written by male scholars that the leaders wanted control of.
It's proven by science people are born gay. Gay people are not sin.
The Bible says to accept everyone, but if not heterosexual they're sin and shunned. The lord accepts all people.
My religion has no Jesus only old testament.
Your testimony is beautiful and powerful! Please pray for my twin boys. They are 18 and one lives a homosexual lifestyle and the other is rejecting God. I want their eyes to be opened and they accept Christ
Praying for your sons to encounter the presence of the Holy Spirit and bring them to repentance in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth Amen ❤🙏
@@jenniferculipher4058 Never give up ! Bring them in prayers before Jesus everyday. Talk to him about them
Did you just come to know the Lord?
@@PalmSpringsMassageumm no..I’ve been saved for a very long time
The biggest and number one reason the relationship has been great is because of mom allowing you to be a Christian without interfering.
God has been working on her heart.
Ross, keep living this way! God bless you and your mom!
Oh when he started answering "who Jesus is to him" my tears fell naturally... I pray for a man who loves God as much as he does.
Be patient. You are exactly where God would have you right now..
Keep trusting, what is yours no body can take it away.
God create the man who will be yours for ever.
Do not loose heart.
Wait he will knock your heart door in His time, He makes all the things beautiful.
Praying for you right now.
His passion and love for God is undeniable! I love it!! He’s gonna help so many souls 🥹🥰🙏🏾✝️
He is one of my good friends , friend. I saw him speak at a young adults event because my buddy invited me - I was like oh I know this guy lol
What else?
@Maria_Elena_22 ok?
@Maria_Elena_22what are you implying?
@Maria_Elena_22 yes but he is covered by the blood now
Hope u too have repented of sin and Joined Jesus. But of course dats personal
I like his attitude towards his mom. So good!
What she did wrong
@@lovelife2186 raiding him and put in Life?
I do hope my husband and 3 children will be saved that Lord Jesus Christ will opened their heart and they have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. Please pray for them
May God keep his hedge of protection on this man.
Blessings to you......what a testimony to the love of Christ.
36:18 " People don't really care what you have to say until they know how much you care for them". Thank you Jesus. The 2nd commandment.
Permit me to disagree. The apostles were sent to preach in towns to strangers. The gospel in itself os an offer backed by the conviction of d HolySpirit. When u hear it from whoever u respond based on where u are in your heart, what u seek. Do not diminish it to some WOKE counselling session. Yes there is place for Christians being kind. But all d apostles were murdered but one, cos people hated them. Yet they won thousands to Jesus. So stop the repeated quote. Anyone who took out time to go preach cares. If u tried u will know it takes sacrifice. And thank God some repent. Some don't, some persecute as Jesus forewarned
@@ancientwisdom-ty4nb Thanks for your reply. I will definitely think and pray about what you have said. God bless you.
yeah but not everyone prioritizes care. some people worship mammon.
This has been the only testimony that has gotten to me and filled me with tears. He is speaking truth. He truly understands life & God. I can't wait to have him as a guest at my church In July.
I love listening to Ross preaching, its wonderful to see what God is doing in California. Amazing testimony
Awesome where in Calif my family Simi valley Ventura Santa Barbara
When Ross talked about feeling the enemy of the spirit I instantly felt understood. Iv never heard anyone share that in their testimony and I have felt the heaviness many times in my life and never knew how to explain it. 🤯 GOD IS GOOD! Thank you for your story! Thank you Jesus!!
God love you Ross and had provided a people for you and I am one of them, God bless you and your mom is also one of those people.
Ross Johnston..wow, this guy is not just a mere survivor, he is a winner, a champion..a true warrior and a great messenger of Christ. I wish I have the same conviction as him and be as eloquent and articulate like him. That closing statement was especially powerful and inspiring. Keep rocking brother! You will be an inspiration for many more.
- From India 🇮🇳 with Love ❤
I am almost 74 years old and this is the most uplifting, amazing testimony I have ever heard. I didn’t have the same kind of upbringing you had, but it was full of trauma and I experienced God being with me throughout those times, much the same as you recognizing that God had always been there!!
I believe he has put you here for such a time as this. Bless you and keep your eyes focused on Jesus.
This young man has a preaching anointing. Go for it.!!!
He sure does...
You may be right, but I think that it may be too early to tell.
What we witness here is personal testimony - a function that all true believers can and should practice as led by God's spirit.
Many leaders point to the Matthew and Mark record of Jesus' command to "the 12" (all Jews) who were to be teachers of the Kingdom Gospel in the world. But they did NOT go nor preach but remained in Israel until expelled by the Romans.
There's a lot of theology that can lead sinners to their need for salvation and to lead believers into a fruitful life. He might become a good preacher if he finds a good school and spends time in His word to know St. Paul's commission (the latest from heaven - Acts 9) and explanation of God's program for Jews, Gentiles and the coming events of rapture, tribulation and Jesus himself.
Pray for him. The world needs more knowledgeable earnest and spiritually alive leaders.
@@edwardwalsh5477there is a reason God is pulling the most unlikely people out of darkness and giving them this anointing to preach WITHOUT having been raised in a Christian denomination or Bible school and years of theology study! He is exactly who is going to reach this generation !
I have been a believer for many years, when this young man referred to the Father as “Abba” that spoke volumes!!! I have never heard anyone from the pulpit speak with such authority and confidence! Finally, In this day and age someone really “sold out”….I feel like Simeon, when he beheld Jesus and knew that he was the promised one. Abba, The Father has truly personally done something in this young man’s life! Not by power or might~but, by my spirit!!! This is “walking on the water faith”….🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻 So, very excited for you 🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻 Focus, Power and Strength!!!
The soul is lost without Christ. The inner peace is very strong
So very true !👍
I love how he used the words God void. So many have God void. Let us all pray for them. ✝️🙏
Such a wonderful testimony! Thank you for sharing & May God Bless you always!
This might be one of my favorite Delafe testimonies yet. His humility, reverence, and fire for Jesus is infectious. May his life and testament continue to glorify God and win souls. ❤
Ultimately it's God who wins over souls. Glory be to God always. May God continue to work through him 🙏❤️✝️
10:59 "Until The Father becomes my Father, the world is my Father". Wow, that's so powerful but also key wisdom for those without Dads. So good 🔥🙌
What a beautiful testimony Ross, it made me weep. I said a prayer for your sweet Momma. Thank you for sharing. Praise you Jesus! This heart is forever grateful.💕🙏🏻😎🌵
Billy Graham came to Northern Ireland his revival meeting in Belfast as a 5 year old give my life to God in Jesus name,many people have left my life but I’ve never been alone.
My childhood pastor in Sussex came from Northern Ireland, still remember his (prophetic) name - Victor Burns. He will never know his influence on my formative years, but maybe he does know from heaven, looking down and praising the Lord for the seeds he was able to sow into my heart
The glory of the Lord is all over this man. May God keep him and bless his family.
We don't go by our feelings but by every word from the father. Great testimony
"Find your people"
"When you find your people you find your purpose"👌👌👌🙏🙏🙏
So happy he found Jesus . Hes not an orphan anymore. But his mom loved him and he loved her. So happy your heart is full
3:33 "back in the day there were these things called phone books..." LOL 😂 I never thought I would hear this. Phone books were part of the first 26 or 27 years of my life. Wow how things have changed.
The Holy Spirit in him is so powerful and inspiring. Thank you Ross.
Ross, I needed to hear your testimony. You don't know how many questions have been answered now. May Jesus bless you, your service, and your loved ones. Your mom will come to Christ in Jesus' name.
What a testimony!!Praise God for his courage to share such a blessing testimony ❤❤❤
Ross' zeal for the Lord is what this world needs to see. His testimony will provide hope to those who don't know the Lord and will give us believers more faith while in our struggles. I pray God's protection over him in the name of Jesus🙏
I'm not even halfway through the testimony yet, but I have to say such a BEAUTIFUL transformation and testimony. To God all glory and❤ given.
All we need to be is willing to hear His voice. YOU ARE AN AMAZING YOUNG MAN, and God is there for your mom as well❤
Thank you for sharing your testimony. I’ve struggled with a personality disorder since childhood and now 31, and this was helpful for me. Regardless of this issue and how long it takes over at times, I can find courage and rest in sharing Jesus, in many ways, to whomever I can
He's such a well spoken and heartfelt young man. I love his hunger for God he had even when he was unsaved. God bless you
young man, you are exemplary. I commend you for "taking the Christian message out of the four walls". Love and truth combined is exactly what this world needs to heal. Your prayer for that healing of those in the LGBTQ community is priceless and especially important in today's society.
Ross, you are truly a leader. Thank you for your testimony. I'm praying that your Mom will come to know Jesus Christ as her Lord and Savior. Amen!
God never leaves Himself without a Witness. No matter the Household you grow up in, Adonai will make sure The Good News of Jesus Christ is presented to each Soul, whether they accept it or not. 🙏🏽🙌🏽 ✝️
Amen 🙏🏽
He’s such a compelling speaker
My name is Sally and I came from A bad family growing up it has been so bad my hole life and I change my life for the better with the Lord God ALMIGHTY
My wife has the same testimony. My mother in law died saved. Although my wife has no clue who her dad is she always has Jesus Christ.
Your video actuall started playing on my phone out of no where. I turned my phone off and u popped up. God is so good. He makes me smile so much and cry happy tears all the time. I pray this would bless many more people in jesus name Amen. Great testimony. Its beautiful. Praying for your mom. ❤
You better SPEAK young man!!! He is extremely articulate and said that last part with so much conviction and TRUTH. I love it!❤❤
The way you described the orphan spirit sounds very much like a teenager spirit. I was raised by my mum and dad, and yet I cried so many nights from a soul ache I couldn't explain. So I really don't think you being raised by two mums had been the reason. Possibly you had a better childhood than many of your peers. Possibly better than myself.
Wow! When he prayed God don’t let me be a good person, go to a good church, reads a good book, and live a good life,… If you are who you say you are, I need to know you!!😢😮❤ That’s powerful!
Ross Johnson you're an amazing speaker. So clear and straight to the point, and enthusiastic. Very good to listen to your testimony.
Love your energy and spirit.
I can totally relate with the dark depths Jesus lifted me out of. Giving me a new heart, renewed mind, and washed and forgiven me of my sins.
Another thing Ross, you are so humble and diplomatic, and grateful about your upbringing and circumstances. You were chosen and saved by God because you have a good heart and you responded to God's calling. God bless you x
I have a friend who is lesbian and she’s got a partner who is an alcoholic and they live separately ,but don’t have sex anymore. My friend is a Christian who has in recent months been pursuing God like never before. Please pray for her ,that God will give her wisdom to decide her future ! And to be used by Him ….
His mum will know God upon listening to his confession of deep faith and love
Son ...I believe you may just be this generation's new "Billy Graham" . I have been praying that God would raise up another Billy Graham for this new age, and I believe that you are being groomed and called to be just that! You are precious I sat here and prayed a prayer of blessing over you that God would use you and rise you up.. I am bawling my eyes out right now.. You are amazing!!!
Yikes on several bikes..... you'd probably start double clicking your mouse 🖱 if you say a hate preacher live 😂
Awwww his mom loves him so much ❤️ Touches my heart the love she has for him
He is so well spoken. Thanks for sharing!
I know two lesbian women who raised one of their sons. He grew up gay. And he died several years ago from HIV. Very very sad, BUT before he died, he DID accept Jesus as his Lord and Savior. Plus, both women became Christians in later years.
@@arfriedman4577 I will respectfully respond to you, AR, but the way you worded your comment just does not make sense. “ AIDS is not a gay “ does not make sense. Please attempt to reword your comment.
@@carolcole570 I fixed my comment. Blessings to you.
@@arfriedman4577 “ Fixed “ your comment ????? I am sorry, but you and I do not speak the same language , AR. But, go in peace. Jesus loves you !❤
Why did you erase my comment because you disagree
@@carolcole570 Anyone can get aids if they're not careful.
Mom you received the greatest gift from God. God bless both of you
I have a heart for the LGBTQ community. I want to share God’s truth and love to my brothers and sisters who are lost in any form of sin. The Holy Spirit has spoken through my brother today. The time is now. Thank you for that prayer of boldness. ❤🙌🏾🙏🏾
Remember you can love the person but discourage the sin. God Bless.
I feel the same. I saw a video on Michael Knowles channel, last night, "I was Gay, She was Trans'. It really encouraged my heart, and this couple has insight as to what approach works and what does not and why. I think it will bless you if you get a chance to check it out. The power of God is awesome. Only He could do what He did in their lives. You should see all the fruit in the comments, too. ❤
May the peace and grace of God reign strong with this young man!
Let’s come together and pray that his mother gives her life to Christ and break free from a sinful lifestyle. In Jesus name. Amen
Jesus loves ALL his children, including his mother
What a wonderful story. Thank you so much for sharing. God Bless you. ❤
I'll pray for your mom. I can feel from your words that she needs all of us.
What a brave and articulate young man. God bless you sir.
Wow. I'm listening to a miracle of transformation. The way he shares is so powerful, sincere, mature and based on God's word.