AscensionArchangel King-Louie it's not a complicated task ... Sometime in my job , Im thinking of something so hard , that I loose the notion of time ... I'll try it . Thanks .
BibicalLife: Well, I found a lot of bad things like disease is imprinted in the dna and bloodlines, if you know the technical and scientific aspects of diabetic blood cells then go into focused meditation and try to envision them as healthy cells. Try to absorb healing white-light energies and send them to the cells. I think conversion is faster/better than elimination. That's my opinion.
dont worry about wat people say, they are ignorant, close minded and they are d kind that will not gain anything fr this life. we are the 1% who do things differently fr others and so we will be gifted. we dont hav to convince others about wat we know and can do
This beat was used on people to boost their telekinetic ability. This will definitely benefit people wanting to move forward with their tk ability. If you are already at the high level, its good to find ways to make it even better.
When you mind is open, many things are possible, belief is paramount to continue expanding your abilities. Fear also stopped you. Pity, can you imagine where you be now if your friends were like you in ability! People can be composed of certain types of energies. Many people composed of positive energies CAN NOT deal with the negative energies, coz neg energies build upon themselves, negative energies gather whereas positives energies dissipate. I'm composed of 90% + after my astral transform.
I won't be posting any more videos until the company stops taking down my videos with false copyright infringement claims. Everyone please write to youtube to get out of youtube.
Whoa totally crazy, my body gets twitchy and at certain points I began getting a vibration all through out. I tensed up uncontrollably and my chest and arms felt weighed down! Yet when the music ended I felt so peaceful.
The trick is learning how to let go of societal precursors. And allow Your spirit to take control. We are all part of the universe. And if we all ourselves to heal we can heal. Most of us including me are starting out and have only an inkling of information. I was raised with most of this stuff and still I feel the heat like everyone. Learn to let go of everything you have learned and let the spirit take control. Relax
your material is of a high standard, many thanks for uploading and making available for us to enjoy and become more awakened and attuned to our minds and bodies. Love and light.
If people are blocked for any reason, please use my Ascension beat and Solfeggio Harmonics beat until you can feel your energies first then use this beat. For more severe blockages, please see our chakra clearing services for more info:
The tones in this video have cleared my breathing, relaxed my muscles and I can take deep breaths. Which I have not been able to do in a long time due to an injury in an accident.
The beat and sacred geometry of the video is awakening you and the un-natural programs will try it's best to stop you from breaking through. You need to stop the loop of these bad programs. I have a service to do that, if your will is strong enough then continue to take on the emotional roller-coaster that will happen for awhile, the emotions is a huge release that also must happen to move forward.
The chakra system is a energy restricting system, since it is an energy structure I was able to find the strongest energy worker out there to remove them. He works for our group. They are UNNATURAL, you don't have them when you die. You have them in the human body, because it was done as a controlling mechanism. I dont have chakras, I had them removed last year, and I noticed the changes immediately. I never felt the blocks or shields on the chakra areas anymore. It was life-changing for me!
It has been three days that I have been listening to Solfeggio and Ascension beats. These beats stir the inner workings of my subconscious mind and every cell of my body gets triggered as a result. So, if you are on a healing path, perhaps you may want to explore these beats further and discover for yourself.
im a beginer i can spin tinfoil but i cant levitate objects but instead of me starting out with energy in my palm it started out in my fingers and finger tips......i also know how to give people and plants my energy im working on making a plant grow faster with my energy ...but thanks for the tunes and i hope to get better at TK
At first my forehead hurts, but i kept on focusing on my pineal gland and somehow i could feel the calcified fluoride and calcium stuck on there, i kept on focusing on the area and i feel as if these beats are making my pineal gland pulsate and therefore vibrating and destroying the calcium build up bit by bit. Then after that I find myself in between falling asleep and still awake, but I could feel myself floating around, in some blue coloured space (my room was totally dark with no lights on). I was floating around and kinda enjoying it and then there's this "Pssshhhh pssshhhh pssshh" sound at the end that instantly woke me up and brought me back to consciousness.. damn :(
At first I felt loads of pulses then when the frequency changed i could feel my energy and the pulses thencI felt like my nose was bleeding (I still do) then I focused on my pineal gland and I felt it vibrating pretty much like when a ps3 controller was vibrating really hard at it's max. Then when the psshhhh noise came in The vibration slowed down and now I can feel something at the back of my head and on my forehead ever so slighty
@@vanceworkley3750 well, i had a psychosis, i passed out, and after i woke up whenever i was sad or angry things would fly out of the people around me's hands, i would go "sorry!" and people wouldn't question why i was apologising, this ability is gone now but it was a very cool thing to experience
"The Third Eye", is a reference to the metaphysical aspect of the organ within the brain called the Pineal Gland. It lie within the mathematical center(core) and is one of the oldest organs within the human brain. What's amazing is that its structure is eerily similar to that of the human eye, in that clustered all through the pineal gland are the exact same kinds of rods and cones(receptors) which cover the interior of a human eye. You can think of these rods and cones as an antenna on a radio. Both organs take in and express light particles(high frequency photon energy) in the same manor. In fact, the word photograph is derived from this most fundamental universal particle and is literally a graphical representation of photonic information instantaneously recorded onto a cellulose based bio-product we call paper. One property of photonic energy is electromagnetism, one of four forces in the universe known to man. The brain emits this same force in the form of electromagnetic radiation that also extends outside the body. In conclusion, light holds vast amounts of information. Electromagnetic waves and the gravitational field, a second of the four known forces, permeates the whole of the universe and are only recently thought to move faster than light. Therefore it is not a stretch to conclude an innate extra sensory perception within man. -For more info please research and study the following on your own damn time: ~L.I.G.O.(Laser Interferometer Gravitational Wave Observatory) ~CERN(LHC) particle physics ~Quantum Mechanics ~Bio-Photon Energy ~Consciousness and the Brain ~(Cymatics)frequency and vibration ~Recommended videos: Athene's Theory of Everything
Check in the descritpion on my site. We offer a training to get the ability of Telekinesis. Let me know if you are really interested! If you are there is much you will learn and gain!
WhisperingOfTheFox: You are an energy absorber like me. Try to sense other peoples energies is the next step besides feeling your own energies. For healing, instead of taking energies, try send healing energies with thoughts of unconditional love...and with your level you may need adaptiveness for "lower" spiritual level or energy types...remember you can hurt as well as heal with your ability so be careful if you train with someone.
aAwesomeR456: Check out my astral projection beat in this video: wwwDOTyoutubeDOTcom/watch?v=SuBMmFY9gCg You can find the longer beats on iTunes/Amazon or on my site.
BibicalLife: Well, the frequency healing uses your own healing abilities, and that I find is very effective if you truly believe in it working. The belief part has to be very strong, and for you the belief is very, very strong and thus you see it working for yourself. When I do the energy healing, I do the same thing, I tell the client that they have to accept my energies and to believe it will help cure them.
Natasja: Yes, frequency used is correct for reaching the telekinetic state, and if this is your first time, you also need to build your energy body and it's energetic level. My two other beats the Ascension beat and Solfeggio harmonics will do that! It works for the majority of people, only some it won't work as there energy body is too damaged due to illness, sickness, or even drugs.
CorvixEyes: If this beat affects you on a physical level then it's doing its job. It's a good indicator there are some blocks on an energetic level that needs to be removed if you want to unlock your hidden abilities. Go to my website posted in the description and read the testimonials left on the home page. I am an energy healer that can also help boost people's psychic abilities.
I find this one to be very pleasant and soothing.I'm not necessarily trying to move anything around telekinetically but I do feel energy moving through and about me.Wish the video was a little longer but thank you!
BibicalLife: Well, my mentor who was a master at telekinesis, always told me open all charkas during meditation. He would spend no less than 30 minutes a day opening the chakras. If you only work on one chakra, you could be wasting you time...
Interesting results! Keep experimenting with different methods...everybody is different, everyones brain is different. Moving matter is moving energy, you're getting it...keep going with it!
Basically, I made the beats to test on myself and on my previous group who were the most intuitive group I have ever seen. Never thought to share this until my future-self told me to not release them to the public due to some problems I will have. So being the adventurous one, I did the opposite of my own But permanent effects for me yes, but I've always been able to move and sense energies, and now without charkas, my "effects" are very permanent and like 1000X stronger.
hello 2day is the first time listening to this video and i only listen for 2 mins while practicing and must say it works wonder,i had to stop to make that post... those video's are really working
Hi coolguy: If you look just under the HOME button on the main page of the site, there is the CHAKRAS button, press on that to read about the Chakra removal service. You may select just one chakra to remove at a time, for you go for the third-eye chakra removal since you use the third-eye so much, or choose the bundle package. Basically, your chakras need to rest to heal from the exerting your chakras so hard. I rarely get headaches now which is a big, plus. So get the advantage while you can...
of while looking at it and it began to spin. The third experiment was to try it without the beat and Ive noticed the wheel doen't stop spinning. Therefor what I came up with is that this is perfect to awaken your third eye and activate it. Thanks I've learned so much due to this beat.
Using my energy abilities, I can remove blocks, basically any un-natural blocks that prevent a person from being their true-selves. It does take a lot out of me coz I have to fill them full of my own energies which is very pure and positive, that drives out the negative energies.
BibicalLife: You are on the right track, don't let anyone say that you're not. Telekinesis is real, but like all things it can be done the right way and the wrong way. For example, the Russian lady that did telekinesis did it the wrong way, she use electrical processes to power her telekinesis and she died of a heart-attack. The body can only last so long doing things with the wrong methods...then it short-circuits. I do healing using energy methods and it works for me and for my clients.
Im experimenting, trying to do something a little different with a music group I'm forming. I will definitely attempt something of the sort, still trying to research how to find a happy medium where the listener can enjoy the music and get some effect, even if reduced. Im thinking there may just be some math behind it... Maybe something to the effect of the rate of the carrier tones frequency and how it interacts with the other tones....
Thanks for sharing, love the description as well. I started with light weight (first step today, and picked up on skill, so practicing until I master then read the second step in my PDF. My chakras are already awakened so got a head start (I've been into metaphysics for a long time)
BibicalLife: Yes, that's one of the twelve frequencies used. From doing clearings, it's best to not solely concentrate on one chakra as then you will close the other ones...
Thanks for all the help. I managed to shake the pen i was practicing on with telekinesis. Other than that i can already sense my chakra and see other peoples aura.. thanks king
ronnie soliz: When you can start to sense your own energies that is the first stages of gaining the telekinetic ability. Most people meditate to develop to do this energy sensing or using binaural beats like here. Sending the energy to move objects is the harder part, being able to make the energy dense enough takes a lot of energy work.
Hello Jade, You know that you can use this as an amplifier for your healing work that your doing in the meditation sessions. You must have felt the strong PK/telekinetic energies being generated! Thank you.
Hey this feels like I wasn't even control or in my body. I think this is relaxing and even OBE (out of body experience) is like nothing I have ever felt before.
So I took the liberty to use this beat on a few experaments. First I used the aluminum on a pin eparament but I set it up differently. I consiled it in a boxed area with a small rectangle he area where my eyes can see and aswell i placed a camera in it. In the first experament I tried making the wheel move but it wouldn't. Second experament i used the beat at the same time and it would move when I had the wheel in the back of my thought but I basiacally dozed.. continue..
Through you flows the magic, your body flows, your mind flows, calm, your Ego flows, your soul flows calm, all the raindrops flow, in the river of love towards the ocean, the waves of love and wisdom flow through you, good vibes flow all around you uplifting others and yourself, as you surrender you are safe in this flow. Just let go. The universe will work it out. My beloved Sisters and Brothers may we see, God is in controlle.
Jazz Purr: That's a great experience! Feeling or sensing energy in your own body is a good first step. And next move your own energies inside your body, and you will get closer to moving matter...since energy is another form of matter!
And I'm not saying this beat won't help you, but there are other things that may have to be done if this is a dud for you. Such as blocks and programs inside some people that prevent them from achieving a certain amount of psychic ability. For example, with my energy manipulation ability, I've removed one block from a client, and they said they could see future events now. SO, everybody is different, so my beats work great for many, but others not so much...due to the energetic blocks.
If I've ever commented anything that hurt or bothered someone, I am very sorry. I've been going through what only can be described as "Hell". Everyday is a fight and struggle to get through and ,. I'm also lost and scared and confused that I feel I'm losing myself
BibicalLife: Yes, because you are working with your thoughts in TK, and you can think of your thoughts as a form of energy. I try to make the beats as a shortcut to having to master meditation or learn other forms of energy work.
Jnastyist: Yeah, real telekinesis exist, some can move real physical things with their mind, my first mentor made loads of money using telekinesis at the slots. I made these beats mainly because he said many things are possible and you just need to take the time to learn about them.
BibicalLife: Go here and sign-up, I can help you better there: awakenedDOTyukuDOTcom Also, leave your email in the top posted topic "Please Introduce Yourself", I want to help you my friend.
There's other things, but feeling your own energies and moving your energies will bring you closer to being able to doing real TK. I always teach people with energy sensing exercises first during my clearing and healing services, and it's those things the activates parts in the brain to unblock areas of the brain related to the TK ability.
My beats uses certain frequencies that do affect specific parts of the energy body or astral body first, and most have been tested by my group for a year or so before I released them to the general public, including this particular beat. At the core of all matter lies energy, and the human body is no different. The energy body is a template for the physical body. People use things like meditation to strength their energy body, I've just made it easier by using the beats to do the same thing.
THXX1000 Top Arbeit echt Superklasse unendliche Dankbarkeit Licht und Liebe für euch Alle Eins ❤🌍👍 Und Liebe Grüße an die Engel ihr seid echt Krasses Spiel mit Schumann geht klar ich habe euch ganz doll Lieb ❤😍💪
Dear friend,.. - Normally I do 30 minutes relaxation - Than I do 60 minutes Chakra (Abubakar Jamil Style) - Than, without any break, I do 90 minutes Mantra (Deepak Chopra style) - Then I make 10 minutes relaxing - Then I start meditation for Pineal Gland (tones over 850 HZ) for 60 to 90 minutes. But all day long, I also using my Telekinesis easily and without any blockage,..Chakra and Mantra, actually somehow charging me and supporting my Telekinesis ability,..
Ok a clue, if you can move your own internal energies, you can then move external energies. Matter is just another form of energy. Use my other beats to gain the needed energies: the ascension beat and solfeggio harmonics.
Bonnie: I appreciate the positive feedback on these two healing beats, and it may take a little time for them to start working on the energy body. The good changes will come, the law of attraction will come in your favor, just have faith and keep doing the karma exercise I suggested, its the same exercise I give to my clients.
Hello I'm just new here and I hope and pray that it will work out in me. I am addicted of listening by these tones already.Thanks in advance,More Power to all of you and God Bless Us.
BibicalLife: The post on the yuku is called "THE ASCENSION BEATS", the download links are there. Use these two beats that I made for my group, you will notice energy generation, use that energy to heal yourself. Keep hydrated with lots of clear water when using these beats.
Jazz Purr: I actually have a new album that's now out in iTunes caller Cancer Healer by Ascension-Archangel. You can get that for her, each beat has the specific frequency for the specific forms of cancer, and there are many types. For the individual healing sessions, you can go to my website and read the various testimonials. But, basically, diseases like cancer manifest because there was already much damage done to the energy body, as the energy body is the blueprint for the physical body.
chinho899: You're welcome! If you feel energy then your energy body is strong and so will come the psychic gifts you yearn for if you keep at it. Meditation is the key, I made the beats in honor of my mentor who was a master at TK. I decided I'm much, much better and stronger at energy healing, and that is my path now. And thank you again for your kind compliments!
proberse: Yes, it is normal, it's the third-eye chakra limiting your energy flow the more you use it and thus the headaches. You can clear it or better yet get the damn thing removed like I have done with many people that want to use their psychic abilities to the fullest potential without the darn energy restrictions imposed on the human body. Check out my website at awakened2012DOTcom for more information!
BibicalLife: Not a problem! They did some university experiments where intentions were send to various machines to do things, and they found energy of thought or intentions did effected the machines. Also, negative emotions such as anger, jealously and vengeance they found have "no effect." That's mainly why I went the healing energy's so much more powerful when manipulating energy with good intentions!
biirdman89, The beat puts your brain in the theta state for telekinesis, and it can flood your body with energy. The important factor is can you feel your energy body at all? That's where the meditation comes in and my other two beats in the description can help build back up your energy body. With no energy source, telekinesis can not happen...
Natasja: You're welcome. Keep working with the beats on your own. It would be best to put your experiences in a journal of some type. This way you can record your progress...
malikc6: Yes, the closed minded ones are only serving the core matrix programs, that makes them conflict with anything that would move them spiritually forward. They are stuck forever here, so if these beats conflicts with them, they really need to sit down and look inward, inside themselves and see their is something terribly wrong. Anyways, the beats was a test... my test, while those in my group say their is hope, well my test says otherwise.
I also felt nauseous after listening to this. I think I need to do more clearing of the third eye and chakras before I can try to develop Telekinesis. Thank you for this :)
thank you for your help. I'm on a mission to use every resource and breath I have in me to flood the music industry with music that facilitates spiritual growth and/or physical evolution in the next 3 years. Thats why so many questions, If tonal frequencies have been used AGAINST us for THIS LONG, there has to be an equally opposite yet more powerful use for this technology. Negativity is perpetually trumped by the positive, inexorably and definitely.
Yes, there is some math in some of the beats, but I don't write everything down, some have the golden ratio or Fibonacci series in them...see my other beats and maybe you can hear it...some were inspired by other dimensions as I can absorb energies from other dimensions...I'm not really from here
TelekinesisFade: Did you try the Ascension beat before-hand to see if it gives you that extra boost in energy to stop the headaches? It's your third-eye charka closing when you push it that causes the headaches.
Tony: You should try my other beats, the Ascension beat and Solfeggio Harmonics, those two will even have much effects on the energy or astral body! Do them in the mornings to gain immense energy and healing on both the physical and energy body. Also drink lots of clear liquid or water while doing them. Free Mp3s on my site. Keep me updated!
Reira Vaughn: Good! Drink lots of fluids/water. My beat will change you...soon you will get stronger and more psychic. Keep going with it. Keep me updated! Namaste, KL
I've had forum members that did both methods. If you listen often enough, your brain should remember the frequency and you may no longer need to listen to it as often. Also, try my other beats the Ascension beat and Solfeggio Harmonics too!
desertSage13: The beat I designed was based on specific things I've found and on theories used in rife technologies. Telekinesis is a real ability, and was introduced to real telekinesis several years ago by my first mentor. If you have TK as a natural ability, it will surface using this beat. If you don't have it naturally appear, it is possible to train in it. I've taught it to others as a service though...
BibicalLife: Have you used the Ascension beat and Solfeggio Harmonics yet, well, if you use those beats together daily, you should know when your body is operating at its highest energy potentials. When you can feel your own energies than use them to focus on healing your blood cells. And you have to do that daily.
Tell us what has NOT worked, what have you tried, what type of energy workers has tried to help you. Most energy workers CAN NOT deal with negative energies, so they are pretty much useless to help these days. Our group works with both types of energies and that's why are so effective.
Adam Hobbs: One person I trained uses a form of telekinesis...but don't think would like to show that on's a mixture of different elements like lightening.
I suggest you download my Ascension beat and Solfeggio Harmonics from my site or off iTunes. These two beats will heal the energy or astral body and physical body. However, If you still don't feel any significant energies in your body, which would be like 10% of the population out there, there is energy body damage basically beyond what can be self-repaired or repaired by normal means.
Jnastyist: This is a time of great self-discovery for some, not so much for those trapped in the programs of religion. I really want you to try my other two beats, the Ascension beat and Solfeggio Harmonics, they will awaken you up even more and maybe even change you on the energy level...awakening your energy body. That's what we really are, after we past, we continue on in our energy bodies. Build that and you will remember who you really are! You can get these beats off my site for free.
BibicalLife: Because it is a higher step, but obviously not everybody does that so it's a short-cut which in the long-run is not good for a healthy chakra system for humans.
King Louie: My intention is to continue to listen to these beats daily. Personally, having listened to them these past few days, I can say with conviction that these beats are designed to activate the internal energy and the chakras. Listening to these beats and expecting the body to heal miraculously is a blind assumption.
Miles: I've had people email me that when use one after the other, these two beats generate loads amounts of internal energies! So basically, as long as your brain can multi-task it all, which I don't doubt, you will the best results with my beats combined with another of my beats, regardless of which psychic ability you want to gain or per-fect! Namaste, KL
aAwesomeR456: Well, that's what I teach in my telekinesis tutorial service. Since I can sense energy changes, I can tell people when I feel a change in strength in their telekinetic output, so yes emotions. The other major thing which I think would help you is to go for my extreme 7 chakra clearing service, because it is the chakras the control the output of telekinetic effect. Example, if you have a closed third-eye chakra, everytime you want to use a psychic ability you will get a headache...
First time listening to this one, used headphones and layed my body straight arms couped on my thighs and.. I couldn’t speak or move my arms but I was in a dream like state with my eyes open and I was moving things around the room with my mind but then there was writing on the wall and this flickering sign that appeared almost transparent on the wall but I was to afraid to read what the words on it were saying then I snapped out of it and slowly the feeling in my arms returned.. what does this mean?
aAwesomeR456 , I have not personally experienced the "cracking sound".. but it IS something I have heard other people talk about that sometimes occurs as the pineal gland is being activated, and perhaps related to a secretion of DMT in the brain. Often, is it known to occur right before an OBE. All good development!
Jazz Purr: I will email you direct links to where you can get the new Cancer album, and also links to the healing section of my website. Healing diseases such as cancer require more than just a couple of sessions, for example, one person I am helping right now is going on to her sixth session. And in every session, they have experience a breakthrough in gaining and strengthening their own healing abilities and other energy abilities.
TelekinesisFade: That's a good start. Can you feel your own internal energies? I have some energy training videos on my forum to help you build your energies up. Other suggestion is to use my other beat the Ascension beat, that also builds a strong energy body. Let me know how it goes with my suggestions... Also never force it, you can damage your chakras, especially your third-eye chakra.
Jazz Purr: You have much potential in energy work! If you can feel your own internal energies there is much you can achieve besides the telekinesis. I see it all the time, everybody wants telekinesis but don't know energy work is the real starting point. It's like working backwards to gain an ability...
Moving matter is the same as moving energy! Best to start learning about your own internal energies first with my other beats like the Ascension beat and Solfeggio Harmonics. Once you can move your own internal energies then you can start on doing real Telekinesis. Also loose your chakras (CHAKRA REMOVAL SERVICE) so that you can fully utilize your energy system for psychic abilities. Check out my site on these services!
The full-version of TELEKINETIC FREQUENCY is on the album called ESP Frequency.
AscensionArchangel King-Louie hey ... Can I here this while I'm in work?
Or I have to be meditating ?
Maybe harder when you have to multi-task for the brain to focus but you can try it out and see it you get any results.
AscensionArchangel King-Louie it's not a complicated task ... Sometime in my job , Im thinking of something so hard , that I loose the notion of time ...
I'll try it . Thanks .
thanks for the video 😀
@AscensionArchangel King-Lui what frequency is this? and wha beats u playin ? ect - why do you choose these specifically for telekinesis ?
Well, I found a lot of bad things like disease is imprinted in the dna and bloodlines, if you know the technical and scientific aspects of diabetic blood cells then go into focused meditation and try to envision them as healthy cells. Try to absorb healing white-light energies and send them to the cells. I think conversion is faster/better than elimination. That's my opinion.
dont worry about wat people say, they are ignorant, close minded and they are d kind that will not gain anything fr this life. we are the 1% who do things differently fr others and so we will be gifted. we dont hav to convince others about wat we know and can do
This beat was used on people to boost their telekinetic ability. This will definitely benefit people wanting to move forward with their tk ability. If you are already at the high level, its good to find ways to make it even better.
When you mind is open, many things are possible, belief is paramount to continue expanding your
abilities. Fear also stopped you. Pity, can you imagine where you be now if your friends were like you in ability!
People can be composed of certain types of energies. Many people composed of positive energies CAN NOT
deal with the negative energies, coz neg energies build upon themselves, negative energies gather whereas positives energies dissipate. I'm composed of 90% + after my astral transform.
I won't be posting any more videos until the company stops taking down my videos
with false copyright infringement claims. Everyone please write to youtube to get out
of youtube.
Pharaoh Horus it suck like the vacuum cleaner at a deluxe truck stop! Lol
Whoa totally crazy, my body gets twitchy and at certain points I began getting a vibration all through out. I tensed up uncontrollably and my chest and arms felt weighed down! Yet when the music ended I felt so peaceful.
The trick is learning how to let go of societal precursors. And allow Your spirit to take control. We are all part of the universe. And if we all ourselves to heal we can heal. Most of us including me are starting out and have only an inkling of information. I was raised with most of this stuff and still I feel the heat like everyone. Learn to let go of everything you have learned and let the spirit take control. Relax
your material is of a high standard, many thanks for uploading and making available for us to enjoy and become more awakened and attuned to our minds and bodies. Love and light.
If people are blocked for any reason, please use my Ascension beat and Solfeggio Harmonics beat until you can feel your energies first then use this beat. For more severe blockages, please see our chakra clearing services for more info:
Try my suggestion of using the Ascension beat and Solfeggio Harmonics first if you feel you are getting blocked or heaviness in the head.
+AscensionArchangel King-Louie how can I start telekinesis pls help me
The tones in this video have cleared my breathing, relaxed my muscles and I can take deep breaths. Which I have not been able to do in a long time due to an injury in an accident.
The beat and sacred geometry of the video is awakening you and the un-natural programs will try it's best to stop you from breaking through. You need to stop the loop of these bad programs. I have a service to do that, if your will is strong enough then continue to take on the emotional roller-coaster that will happen for awhile, the emotions is a huge release that also must happen to move forward.
The chakra system is a energy restricting system, since it is an energy structure I was able to find the strongest energy worker out there to remove them. He works for our group. They are UNNATURAL, you don't have them when you die. You have them in the human body, because it was done as a controlling mechanism.
I dont have chakras, I had them removed last year, and I noticed the changes immediately. I never felt the blocks or shields on the chakra areas anymore. It was life-changing for me!
It has been three days that I have been listening to Solfeggio and Ascension beats. These beats stir the inner workings of my subconscious mind and every cell of my body gets triggered as a result. So, if you are on a healing path, perhaps you may want to explore these beats further and discover for yourself.
im a beginer i can spin tinfoil but i cant levitate objects but instead of me starting out with energy in my palm it started out in my fingers and finger tips......i also know how to give people and plants my energy im working on making a plant grow faster with my energy ...but thanks for the tunes and i hope to get better at TK
Could you plzzz tell me how to give energy to the plants I am Craving for that plzzz tell me 🙏🙏
How would i grow a plant with my mind or telekinesis i could use some help
this is extremely powerful and amazing, lov it. thanks. i get into thoughtless state and can feel so many energy moving in me
At first my forehead hurts, but i kept on focusing on my pineal gland and somehow i could feel the calcified fluoride and calcium stuck on there, i kept on focusing on the area and i feel as if these beats are making my pineal gland pulsate and therefore vibrating and destroying the calcium build up bit by bit. Then after that I find myself in between falling asleep and still awake, but I could feel myself floating around, in some blue coloured space (my room was totally dark with no lights on). I was floating around and kinda enjoying it and then there's this "Pssshhhh pssshhhh pssshh" sound at the end that instantly woke me up and brought me back to consciousness.. damn :(
At first I felt loads of pulses then when the frequency changed i could feel my energy and the pulses thencI felt like my nose was bleeding (I still do) then I focused on my pineal gland and I felt it vibrating pretty much like when a ps3 controller was vibrating really hard at it's max. Then when the psshhhh noise came in The vibration slowed down and now I can feel something at the back of my head and on my forehead ever so slighty
What a pineal gland
+tonythesom Those cracking noises sound like they come from the headphones.
***** Well, now I know it's the pineal gland, lol.
that means ur third eye is opening
Im new to this and i love it, thank you . Its very soothing
this just makes me feel calm and whole. I already developed telekinesis spontaneously 3 weeks ago
hit me with it bro sounds like great story
@@vanceworkley3750 well, i had a psychosis, i passed out, and after i woke up whenever i was sad or angry things would fly out of the people around me's hands, i would go "sorry!" and people wouldn't question why i was apologising, this ability is gone now but it was a very cool thing to experience
@@BloodInHis3ye you should keep on practicing don’t let it be for nothing
@@ultimatefirecracker1486 yeah, just not sure how to recover the power :(
"The Third Eye", is a reference to the metaphysical aspect of the organ within the brain called the Pineal Gland. It lie within the mathematical center(core) and is one of the oldest organs within the human brain. What's amazing is that its structure is eerily similar to that of the human eye, in that clustered all through the pineal gland are the exact same kinds of rods and cones(receptors) which cover the interior of a human eye. You can think of these rods and cones as an antenna on a radio. Both organs take in and express light particles(high frequency photon energy) in the same manor. In fact, the word photograph is derived from this most fundamental universal particle and is literally a graphical representation of photonic information instantaneously recorded onto a cellulose based bio-product we call paper. One property of photonic energy is electromagnetism, one of four forces in the universe known to man. The brain emits this same force in the form of electromagnetic radiation that also extends outside the body. In conclusion, light holds vast amounts of information. Electromagnetic waves and the gravitational field, a second of the four known forces, permeates the whole of the universe and are only recently thought to move faster than light. Therefore it is not a stretch to conclude an innate extra sensory perception within man.
-For more info please research and study the following on your own damn time:
~L.I.G.O.(Laser Interferometer Gravitational Wave Observatory)
~CERN(LHC) particle physics
~Quantum Mechanics
~Bio-Photon Energy
~Consciousness and the Brain
~(Cymatics)frequency and vibration
~Recommended videos: Athene's Theory of Everything
I agree with you for the most part. However the word photograph comes from Greek and means drawing with light.
+Zinzi Graham and the word Polaroid is an American word for old camera
Check in the descritpion on my site. We offer a training to get the ability of Telekinesis. Let me
know if you are really interested! If you are there is much you will learn and gain!
You are an energy absorber like me. Try to sense other peoples energies is the next step besides feeling your own energies. For healing, instead of taking energies, try send healing energies with thoughts of unconditional love...and with your level you may need adaptiveness for "lower" spiritual level or energy types...remember you can hurt as well as heal with your ability so be careful if you train with someone.
Check out my astral projection beat in this video: wwwDOTyoutubeDOTcom/watch?v=SuBMmFY9gCg
You can find the longer beats on iTunes/Amazon or on my site.
Thank you KentC013, just doing my part and giving back to the human community...
Well, the frequency healing uses your own healing abilities, and that I find is very effective if you truly believe in it working. The belief part has to be very strong, and for you the belief is very, very strong and thus you see it working for yourself. When I do the energy healing, I do the same thing, I tell the client that they have to accept my energies and to believe it will help cure them.
this is absolutely aligned with me absolutely down to the very core i can't even convey properly how much
Yes, frequency used is correct for reaching the telekinetic state, and if this is your first time, you also need to build your energy body and it's energetic level. My two other beats the Ascension beat and Solfeggio harmonics will do that! It works for the majority of people, only some it won't work as there energy body is too damaged due to illness, sickness, or even drugs.
If this beat affects you on a physical level then it's doing its job. It's a good indicator there are some blocks on an energetic level that needs to be removed if you want to unlock your hidden abilities. Go to my website posted in the description and read the testimonials left on the home page. I am an energy healer that can also help boost people's psychic abilities.
How does one get you to help them?
I find this one to be very pleasant and soothing.I'm not necessarily trying to move anything around telekinetically but I do feel energy moving through and about me.Wish the video was a little longer but thank you!
Well, my mentor who was a master at telekinesis, always told me open all charkas during meditation. He would spend no less than 30 minutes a day opening the chakras. If you only work on one chakra, you could be wasting you time...
is it okay tho to do it
open all of them
Interesting results! Keep experimenting with different methods...everybody is different, everyones brain is different. Moving matter is moving energy, you're getting it...keep going with it!
Basically, I made the beats to test on myself and on my previous group who were the most intuitive group I have ever seen. Never thought to share this until my future-self told me to not release them to the public due to some problems I will have. So being the adventurous one, I did the opposite of my own
But permanent effects for me yes, but I've always been able to move and sense energies, and now without charkas, my "effects" are very permanent and like 1000X stronger.
You're still the singular ie. One. Bro how did you remove your fucking spine? No more.
yet again another awesome video thank you
hello 2day is the first time listening to this video and i only listen for 2 mins while practicing and must say it works wonder,i had to stop to make that post... those video's are really working
Hi coolguy:
If you look just under the HOME button on the main page of the site, there is the CHAKRAS button, press on that to read about the Chakra removal service. You may select just one chakra to remove at a time, for you go for the third-eye chakra removal since you use the third-eye so much, or choose the bundle package. Basically, your chakras need to rest to heal from the exerting your chakras so hard. I rarely get headaches now which is a big, plus. So get the advantage while you can...
of while looking at it and it began to spin. The third experiment was to try it without the beat and Ive noticed the wheel doen't stop spinning. Therefor what I came up with is that this is perfect to awaken your third eye and activate it. Thanks I've learned so much due to this beat.
Using my energy abilities, I can remove blocks, basically any un-natural blocks that prevent a person from being their true-selves. It does take a lot out of me coz I have to fill them full of my own energies which is very pure and positive, that drives out the negative energies.
You are on the right track, don't let anyone say that you're not. Telekinesis is real, but like all things it can be done the right way and the wrong way. For example, the Russian lady that did telekinesis did it the wrong way, she use electrical processes to power her telekinesis and she died of a heart-attack. The body can only last so long doing things with the wrong methods...then it short-circuits. I do healing using energy methods and it works for me and for my clients.
Im experimenting, trying to do something a little different with a music group I'm forming. I will definitely attempt something of the sort, still trying to research how to find a happy medium where the listener can enjoy the music and get some effect, even if reduced. Im thinking there may just be some math behind it... Maybe something to the effect of the rate of the carrier tones frequency and how it interacts with the other tones....
I appreciate your warm compliments...that what youtube should be about! Thanks so much, I'll be making more beats now for all you great people!
Thanks for sharing, love the description as well. I started with light weight (first step today, and picked up on skill, so practicing until I master then read the second step in my PDF. My chakras are already awakened so got a head start (I've been into metaphysics for a long time)
Yes, that's one of the twelve frequencies used. From doing clearings, it's best to not solely concentrate on one chakra as then you will close the other ones...
Thanks for all the help. I managed to shake the pen i was practicing on with telekinesis. Other than that i can already sense my chakra and see other peoples aura.. thanks king
ronnie soliz:
When you can start to sense your own energies that is the first stages of gaining the telekinetic ability. Most people meditate to develop to do this energy sensing or using binaural beats like here. Sending the energy to move objects is the harder part, being able to make the energy dense enough takes a lot of energy work.
Hello Jade,
You know that you can use this as an amplifier for your healing work that your doing in
the meditation sessions. You must have felt the strong PK/telekinetic energies being
generated! Thank you.
Hey this feels like I wasn't even control or in my body. I think this is relaxing and even OBE (out of body experience) is like nothing I have ever felt before.
So I took the liberty to use this beat on a few experaments. First I used the aluminum on a pin eparament but I set it up differently. I consiled it in a boxed area with a small rectangle he area where my eyes can see and aswell i placed a camera in it. In the first experament I tried making the wheel move but it wouldn't. Second experament i used the beat at the same time and it would move when I had the wheel in the back of my thought but I basiacally dozed.. continue..
Through you flows the magic, your body flows, your mind flows, calm, your Ego flows, your soul flows calm, all the raindrops flow, in the river of love towards the ocean, the waves of love and wisdom flow through you, good vibes flow all around you uplifting others and yourself, as you surrender you are safe in this flow. Just let go. The universe will work it out. My beloved Sisters and Brothers may we see, God is in controlle.
Jazz Purr:
That's a great experience! Feeling or sensing energy in your own body is a good first step. And next move your own energies inside your body, and you will get closer to moving matter...since energy is another form of matter!
And I'm not saying this beat won't help you, but there are other things that may have to be done if this is a dud for you. Such as blocks and programs inside some people that prevent them from achieving a certain amount of psychic ability. For example, with my energy manipulation ability, I've removed one block from a client, and they said they could see future events now. SO, everybody is different, so my beats work great for many, but others not so much...due to the energetic blocks.
If I've ever commented anything that hurt or bothered someone, I am very sorry. I've been going through what only can be described as "Hell". Everyday is a fight and struggle to get through and ,. I'm also lost and scared and confused that I feel I'm losing myself
contact me on instagram
Yes, because you are working with your thoughts in TK, and you can think of your thoughts as a form of energy. I try to make the beats as a shortcut to having to master meditation or learn other forms of energy work.
Yeah, real telekinesis exist, some can move real physical things with their mind, my first mentor made loads of money using telekinesis at the slots. I made these beats mainly because he said many things are possible and you just need to take the time to learn about them.
Go here and sign-up, I can help you better there: awakenedDOTyukuDOTcom
Also, leave your email in the top posted topic "Please Introduce Yourself", I want to help you my friend.
There's other things, but feeling your own energies and moving your energies will bring you closer to being able to doing real TK.
I always teach people with energy sensing exercises first during my clearing and healing services, and it's those things the activates parts in the brain to unblock areas of the brain related to the TK ability.
My beats uses certain frequencies that do affect specific parts of the energy body or astral body first, and most have been tested by my group for a year or so before I released them to the general public, including this particular beat. At the core of all matter lies energy, and the human body is no different. The energy body is a template for the physical body. People use things like meditation to strength their energy body, I've just made it easier by using the beats to do the same thing.
Ok thank you so much I will try my best
The scary thing is that this mostly relaxed me until the final change of tune where my heart was in panic
Everything is not for everyone. If you don't know what you're doing do not attempt to use this frequency!
THXX1000 Top Arbeit echt Superklasse unendliche Dankbarkeit Licht und Liebe für euch Alle Eins ❤🌍👍
Und Liebe Grüße an die Engel ihr seid echt Krasses Spiel mit Schumann geht klar ich habe euch ganz doll Lieb ❤😍💪
Dear friend,..
- Normally I do 30 minutes relaxation
- Than I do 60 minutes Chakra (Abubakar Jamil Style)
- Than, without any break, I do 90 minutes Mantra (Deepak Chopra style)
- Then I make 10 minutes relaxing
- Then I start meditation for Pineal Gland (tones over 850 HZ) for 60 to 90 minutes.
But all day long, I also using my Telekinesis easily and without any blockage,..Chakra and Mantra, actually somehow charging me and supporting my Telekinesis ability,..
Ok a clue, if you can move your own internal energies, you can then move external energies. Matter is just another form of energy. Use my other beats to gain the needed energies: the ascension beat and solfeggio harmonics.
I prefer the "eternal flame" viewpoint of the chakras. It basically makes them easier to upkeep, and it increases your abilities.
I appreciate the positive feedback on these two healing beats, and it may take a little time for them to start working on the energy body. The good changes will come, the law of attraction will come in your favor, just have faith and keep doing the karma exercise I suggested, its the same exercise I give to my clients.
Hello I'm just new here and I hope and pray that it will work out in me.
I am addicted of listening by these tones already.Thanks in advance,More Power to all of you and God Bless Us.
Zenaida PacaldoThanks for your feedback! ;) The power is in yourself! Keep at it!
g8d bless us all
The post on the yuku is called "THE ASCENSION BEATS", the download links are there. Use these two beats that I made for my group, you will notice energy generation, use that energy to heal yourself. Keep hydrated with lots of clear water when using these beats.
Jazz Purr:
I actually have a new album that's now out in iTunes caller Cancer Healer by Ascension-Archangel. You can get that for her, each beat has the specific frequency for the specific forms of cancer, and there are many types. For the individual healing sessions, you can go to my website and read the various testimonials. But, basically, diseases like cancer manifest because there was already much damage done to the energy body, as the energy body is the blueprint for the physical body.
You're welcome! If you feel energy then your energy body is strong and so will come the psychic gifts you yearn for if you keep at it. Meditation is the key, I made the beats in honor of my mentor who was a master at TK. I decided I'm much, much better and stronger at energy healing, and that is my path now. And thank you again for your kind compliments!
Yes, it is normal, it's the third-eye chakra limiting your energy flow the more you use it and thus the headaches. You can clear it or better yet get the damn thing removed like I have done with many people that want to use their psychic abilities to the fullest potential without the darn energy restrictions imposed on the human body. Check out my website at awakened2012DOTcom for more information!
Not a problem! They did some university experiments where intentions were send to various machines to do things, and they found energy of thought or intentions did effected the machines. Also, negative emotions such as anger, jealously and vengeance they found have "no effect." That's mainly why I went the healing energy's so much more powerful when manipulating energy with good intentions!
The beat puts your brain in the theta state for telekinesis, and it can flood your body with energy. The important factor is can you feel your energy body at all? That's where the meditation comes in and my other two beats in the description can help build back up your energy body. With no energy source, telekinesis can not happen...
You're welcome. Keep working with the beats on your own. It would be best to put your experiences in a journal of some type. This way you can record your progress...
Yes, the closed minded ones are only serving the core matrix programs, that makes them conflict with anything that would move them spiritually forward. They are stuck forever here, so if these beats conflicts with them, they really need to sit down and look inward, inside themselves and see their is something terribly wrong. Anyways, the beats was a test... my test, while those in my group say their is hope, well my test says otherwise.
Yes, it's exactly used for that!
kc hilde:
Sure you can, just make sure both ears can hear each channel as this works in stereo not mono.
I also felt nauseous after listening to this. I think I need to do more clearing of the third eye and chakras before I can try to develop Telekinesis. Thank you for this :)
thank you for your help. I'm on a mission to use every resource and breath I have in me to flood the music industry with music that facilitates spiritual growth and/or physical evolution in the next 3 years. Thats why so many questions, If tonal frequencies have been used AGAINST us for THIS LONG, there has to be an equally opposite yet more powerful use for this technology. Negativity is perpetually trumped by the positive, inexorably and definitely.
Yes, there is some math in some of the beats, but I don't write everything down, some have the golden ratio or Fibonacci series in them...see my other beats and maybe you can hear it...some were inspired by other dimensions as I can absorb energies from other dimensions...I'm not really from here
Did you try the Ascension beat before-hand to see if it gives you that extra boost in energy to stop the headaches?
It's your third-eye charka closing when you push it that causes the headaches.
You should try my other beats, the Ascension beat and Solfeggio Harmonics, those two will even have much effects on the energy or astral body! Do them in the mornings to gain immense energy and healing on both the physical and energy body. Also drink lots of clear liquid or water while doing them. Free Mp3s on my site. Keep me updated!
My forehead feels so weird when i listen to these
Reira Vaughn:
That's your third-eye chakra trying to open up. Feels like a blockage right?
AscensionArchangel King-Louie It does and all day it's been going on.
Reira Vaughn:
Good! Drink lots of fluids/water. My beat will change you...soon you will get stronger and more psychic. Keep going with it. Keep me updated!
Reira Vaughn:
Catch me on the forum site, I can help you there:
AscensionArchangel King-Lui thank you so much, this the best beat ever
I've had forum members that did both methods. If you listen often enough, your brain should remember the frequency and you may no longer need to listen to it as often.
Also, try my other beats the Ascension beat and Solfeggio Harmonics too!
The beat I designed was based on specific things I've found and on theories used in rife technologies. Telekinesis is a real ability, and was introduced to real telekinesis several years ago by my first mentor. If you have TK as a natural ability, it will surface using this beat. If you don't have it naturally appear, it is possible to train in it. I've taught it to others as a service though...
Can you give a tip in how to train in it im not natural with tk
Have you used the Ascension beat and Solfeggio Harmonics yet, well, if you use those beats together daily, you should know when your body is operating at its highest energy potentials. When you can feel your own energies than use them to focus on healing your blood cells. And you have to do that daily.
Tell us what has NOT worked, what have you tried, what type of energy workers has tried to help you.
Most energy workers CAN NOT deal with negative energies, so they are pretty much useless to help these days.
Our group works with both types of energies and that's why are so effective.
Adam Hobbs:
One person I trained uses a form of telekinesis...but don't think would like to show that on's a mixture of different elements like lightening.
I suggest you download my Ascension beat and Solfeggio Harmonics from my site or off iTunes. These two beats will heal the energy or astral body and
physical body.
However, If you still don't feel any significant energies in your body, which would be like 10% of the population out there, there is energy body damage basically beyond what can be self-repaired or repaired by normal means.
Listened to this for about.. 7 Months? I can break doors now. Vibration..
That's great...LOL Keep me updated! I like to hear stories like that.
Any chance you can film something like that?
and post?
This is a time of great self-discovery for some, not so much for those trapped in the programs of religion. I really want you to try my other two beats, the Ascension beat and Solfeggio Harmonics, they will awaken you up even more and maybe even change you on the energy level...awakening your energy body. That's what we really are, after we past, we continue on in our energy bodies. Build that and you will remember who you really are! You can get these beats off my site for free.
Because it is a higher step, but obviously not everybody does that so it's a short-cut which in the long-run is not good for a healthy chakra system for humans.
King Louie:
My intention is to continue to listen to these beats daily.
Personally, having listened to them these past few days, I can say with conviction that these beats are designed to activate the internal energy and the chakras.
Listening to these beats and expecting the body to heal miraculously is a blind assumption.
I've had people email me that when use one after the other, these two beats generate loads amounts of internal energies! So basically, as long as your brain can multi-task it all, which I don't doubt, you will the best results with my beats combined with another of my beats, regardless of which psychic ability you want to gain or per-fect! Namaste, KL
Well, that's what I teach in my telekinesis tutorial service. Since I can sense energy changes, I can tell people when I feel a change in strength in their telekinetic output, so yes emotions. The other major thing which I think would help you is to go for my extreme 7 chakra clearing service, because it is the chakras the control the output of telekinetic effect. Example, if you have a closed third-eye chakra, everytime you want to use a psychic ability you will get a headache...
First time listening to this one, used headphones and layed my body straight arms couped on my thighs and.. I couldn’t speak or move my arms but I was in a dream like state with my eyes open and I was moving things around the room with my mind but then there was writing on the wall and this flickering sign that appeared almost transparent on the wall but I was to afraid to read what the words on it were saying then I snapped out of it and slowly the feeling in my arms returned.. what does this mean?
You need to get off the LSD
@@janetgrandstaff8617 💀 🤣 💀 💀 funniest sh.t ever
aAwesomeR456 , I have not personally experienced the "cracking sound".. but it IS something I have heard other people talk about that sometimes occurs as the pineal gland is being activated, and perhaps related to a secretion of DMT in the brain. Often, is it known to occur right before an OBE. All good development!
Jazz Purr:
I will email you direct links to where you can get the new Cancer album, and also links to the healing section of my website. Healing diseases such as cancer require more than just a couple of sessions, for example, one person I am helping right now is going on to her sixth session. And in every session, they have experience a breakthrough in gaining and strengthening their own healing abilities and other energy abilities.
That's a good start. Can you feel your own internal energies? I have some energy training videos on my forum to help you build your energies up. Other suggestion is to use my other beat the Ascension beat, that also builds a strong energy body. Let me know how it goes with my suggestions...
Also never force it, you can damage your chakras, especially your third-eye chakra.
Jaxdia H:
Thank you for your detailed feedback. That will help me and others using the beats!
Jazz Purr:
You have much potential in energy work! If you can feel your own internal energies there is much you can achieve besides the telekinesis. I see it all the time, everybody wants telekinesis but don't know energy work is the real starting point. It's like working backwards to gain an ability...
Moving matter is the same as moving energy! Best to start learning about your own internal energies first with my other beats like the Ascension beat and Solfeggio Harmonics. Once you can move your own internal energies then you can start on doing real Telekinesis. Also loose your chakras (CHAKRA REMOVAL SERVICE) so that you can fully utilize your energy system for psychic abilities. Check out my site on these services!
Learning still but my chakra is a littel unstabel for the moment. Need to eat the right foods from now on.