@@tibiafibiafie Well, that's exactly why we need as many people as possible working on the problem, so we can make immortality a thing as quickly as possible.
@@gibbcharron3469 in my country i literally need to get a 9 grade in everything to be able to study bio engineering so im sry but i wont help in your cause
Or alternatively, imagine being the last 'natural-born' human, with every new human being genetically engineered to not die. Slowly watching all your other mortal friends die, until you are the last one on earth, surrounded by people who do not comprehend your situation and will never die (of old age at least).
Statistically speaking a lot of people will, also we shouldn’t forget that this tech wouldn’t be given to everyone, just because the cost would be horrifically large, there will be large groups (likely third world country’s people) looking onward on the Western population who, while susceptible to say Gunshots, so this won’t matter to Chicago...but via age and disease, which kills more people than anything ever in the history of ever, will survive whilst onlookers decay and die
would be a terrible plan (or one that backfired horribly) since we kill and eat/use plants of many species at various stages and our corpses (their harvest) is often old, sick, unusabe (preserved) , cremated, or packed away from plants all together or in small areas such that most plants do not get access to their nutrients.
"a generation that lives a healthy adulthood as long as they wish to" i'm glad you phrased it like that. because quite frankly eventually some of them will want to stop living. maybe not a lot, but definitely some. removing death by old age doesn't remove death entirely, it gives us a better life to live until we dont want to live it anymore and can go at peace and without pain.
@Gonda On contraire, the human brain was *designed* to self-improve and to massively cooperate with all the other human brains. There is no limit to these. You're quoting the reaper.
@@GabrielSantosStandardCombo The brain is a physical thing with physical limits, I think 100 years of data is too little an estimation for the capacity of the brain, and kinda maybe assumes that the brain keeps all the info sent to it in a lossless format for as long as it exists. we forget and remember things and and learn things and all of that. but eventually it will hit maximum saturation of info and start forgetting things we would rather it didn't. like childhood memories and all that. We aren't capable of willing our self's to not be constrained by our bodies. Cooperation and self improvement are limited, there limit is really large and kinda unknown to us, but it must exist cause we are made of matter and energy that follows "laws" that nothing can break. the only time the laws of physics so much as even bend is when there is a massive amount of energy in a location. which is an exceptional occurrence that happens in environments that it should probably be noted we can't survive in without like.... a lot of machines, knowledge, and material that we have in limited supply. all things that are a live are mortal, and will die. The universe is creeping towards absolute entropy and heat death. a state that nothing of physical matter will be able to exist in. our only choice as far as death goes is not a "yes or no" but a "when" and I only feel comfortable speaking for my self when I say "Not until I absolutely have to"
@@GaleGrim Vain. All of your comment is vain. Have you learned nothing from the march of science? Every problem has a solution. Everything can be done. You talk about our limit of memories: What tells you the medicine of the future can't fix that? You talk about the heat death of the universe: What tells you the physics of the future can't fix that? What we have is never the limit. What is impossible for us today will never be impossible for us sometime in the future. Centuries ago tuberculosis was terminal and smallpox uncurable. Today both are wrong.
Stuupid little kids: - " Death gives life meaning, I am a stuupid hollow headed POS child that thinks *if we cured aging* which means dementia, most cancers, most pandemic deaths, heart and stroke attacks, arthritis + decades of suffering and cognitive decline *that would be a bad thing* "
I went to college for this exact reason. I majored in biochemistry because thinking about being dead, just not being, not thinking about anything because you can't think, absolutely terrifies me to my core. But then i realized just how bad i am at math at changed majors.
I have never understood why people are afraid of being dead. Fear of dying, I understand. There are very few ways of dying that aren't horrible. But, being dead is literally nothing. It is like sleeping without dreaming. You won't be aware of it, because you won't exist.
Robert Deffenbaugh That's honestly what some of these comments sound like, as if they actually know what living for thousands of years is like and why it sucks
"We don't remix the water to bring back cholera." This is how I feel whenever I hear someone wanting to go back to the "old ways" without realizing how nice their lives are now due to the advancements we have. Like somehow if things digressed, but we still somehow keep the advances that have improved our welfare. I swear those people read too much Isekai's and think that they'd somehow be a better, more important person if they were forced to live in a world completely removed from the conveniences and advancements that makes their lives so easy now.
it's because their are companies, government and others organizations with lots of experts that take away the complexity and make it cheap to it seems trivial.
There is at least one instance of going back and doing something unpleasant intentionally: exercise. Most of us don't need to exercise to fulfill the basics of life... but it improves your health and general quality of life. So people exercise. But they do so in very different ways than the manual labor of their ancestors. I suspect "old ways" are like that: we need to figure out the aspects that are important to health (including mental health) and cultivate those. In some ways its "going back", but it will look very different than the version born of deprivation
Except until you realize “death” is not a being with a consciousness and will to action, it simply *is*. A necessary component of the evolutionary process of life that clears away the old to make way for the new.
@@riz3310 Except until you realize "death" cannot "be", since it isn't...death, like many natural things, is just a human toy, a toy that one day will finally be mass produced and marketed as a bag of cum.
Sorry, to experience what? Do you want to take a degree in every uni course possible just to keep up with the "latest news" about research development? Do you want to see how every country evolves economically and/or politically? Do you want to see how technology will evolve in the future (just from a user perspective and not a developer one, I bet), or else? What use could you give to a limitless life? I don't think much, and it is bound to be the same for most of humanity. Me too, obviously
I think a pretty big part of it is that no one wants to live longer when late life is already so full of struggle and hardship due to, as you have clearly said, rot through age. The state in which most find themselves in their late 60s, 70s, 80s, and beyond is miserable. If these fears were extinguished, I believe many would cease to accept death the way we do now.
Yes, currently death is still needed, otherwise more people will be born to poor life which is bad, so until we'll get enough food resources and place for potentially infinity peoples death is still needed
As Grey said, that's what people *now* say, but when they're actually that 80-year old person, even with aches and inflammation and the overall low quality of their lives, they're *still* terrified of dying (unless they have some deep-seeded beliefs of an afterlife, but even then...). Self-preservation is a universal behavior among all living organisms, and that doesn't go away in humans just because a few decades have passed. Old people don't accept death either, we (the younger generations) just tell ourselves that because it makes us feel better.
I cannot imagine not existing, so it is scary. Not knowing if I existed before, or how many times I existed, or do I even exist now gives me panic attacks.
Same. Most of the time, I stare at nothing, and stay there, thinking about this for a long time. Have I ever existed before? If I die, will I be reborn into a new person? Is this a only one time life? If I die, what will happend to me? Become insect? Become none existent? Oh I need answer.
In the far future with science it's gonna be like: "Why didn't you come to my son's 1,000th birthday party?!" "I was busy at my family's 1 million year reunion, okay?!" "He was really looking forward to you coming!" "He's 1,000 years old! He'll live!"
@@yiannisroubos8846 Because that's how they tend to say "to day" with their accent. At least that's how I processed it as an American. Was funny af either way lol.
@@huntersuper98 Idk - I'm from South Australia and for us day and die are pronounced differently. Probably an american meme which has no reality to it.
@@yiannisroubos8846 Well from hearing Australians speak at least those with a heavier accent and if I'm interpreting his joke properly another Australian seemed to be on the same page. It's the typical Australian accent we're talking about here and to you who deals with the accent daily or maybe you're in an area that doesn't have as heavy of an accent would seem normal to you. Accents do vary extremely heavily from place to play even within the same country.
if my kids say "isnt nature amazing?" while standing over my hospital bed as im about to die, ill be proud that i raised emotionless and objective monsters
133 ish per day if the people were of random ages. Given the target demographic is probably almost entirely 13-40, more like 3 per day (age plays a huge part in your odds of dying, just look at life insurance costs). So, if you give a week after watching as your threshold, then a rough estimate of 20 people died in that period.
The answer is 42. If CGPGrey's average viewer is 25 years old, their chances of dying within a year are 0.13%. 4,000,000 viewers times .13 = 5200 dead viewers within a year. If you define 'a few days' as three days, then 3/365*5200 = 42 viewers dying within 3 days of watching this video.
It’s not about living forever. It’s about living until we’re ready to go. Curing the process of age doesn’t mean we will no longer die it just means we’ll attain greater control over when and how we die.
Actually it would be really bad for us humans, cause we could give birth to children and they would do so. The problem is our resources which even now are not really enough, imagine what would happen if more people would be born and no one would die. Birth and death are life itself like timespace continuity, it can't exist one without another, so people accept death even if it hurt's to lose our loved ones. P. S. If any of you saw the latest Avengers movie, then you'll know what I talk about,and by the way I don't consider Thanos the bad guy in the MOVIE cause he wanted indeed to kill people, but his intentions were good, to kill 50% of the population randomly nothing personal. I think he's actually the good guy of the movie.
@@logan4002 aka, overpopulation is the justification of people dying. That's no different from saying that murder is not a crime. So why not stop giving birth? The ideology of procreation is to continue the survival of the human species. If survival is guaranteed, then procreation isn't necessary. Your understanding of resources is limited to this planet. Although you're wrong, it's unfortunate that most people think like you.
@@rosellecarmen2224 Well that's your point of view. I only did said the real facts, what you say could be true but there is that IF like you mentioned it. So from a certain point of view (Hello there Obi Wan quote) I am right.
I'm also looking into it to see how I can help. I mean, I'm just a college Mechanical Engineering major, but hopefully I can contribute something useful.
Enjoy learning about proteins and how they're God's perverted 900-sided rubik's cubes, not just food. And then give up and leave it to AI. Totally not speaking from experience, nope.
I think what he means is that while we may be able to make ourselves immortal, we cannot make ourselves *invincible*. We can make it so that we don't die from just existing, and live as long as nothing actively kills us, but that said there will always be thinks that can kill us. So even if we never age, there is a good chance that we will all eventually die either by choice or by accident.
Even if you stop aging entirely, life expectancy is still less than 10 thousand years, which while a *long ass time* is not immortality. Thats the mathematical period of time before you are almost 100% guaranteed to have died by violence or accident. Of course, there will always be those who beat the odds one way or another, but thats the average we can expect.
FINALLY, a video on this subject that does away with all moral posturing and hypocrisy. I want to live forever and be forever young - and I want that for everybody else, too. Death is not the answer to anything - it's the end of everything.
To be honest, I always thought of that, but I would rather commit suicide, than work for 50 years just to die and lose everything I struggled to create...
not really, considering people don't generally commit suicide as a solution to future problems, they do it as a solution to their current situation, in the now.
This doesn't seem like a quote countering the reasons why. It does look to try and counter the effect of the resulting action, being death via suicide. Its not saying you shouldn't be sad/angry/etc, at least how i read it.
Randjan Yes but you don’t die and think; “huh, I’m dead now, everything was pointless” it happens like this; *deletes this comment before posting* Now you see, it existed, it was a real thing but now it’s gone and you never knew it existed and had no way of knowing. You should work those 50 years because everything you worked towards will fall apart but you won’t know it did, you won’t know you built something up. You won’t even know that you don’t know these things because you are dead. This doesn’t make sense but I have typed this 3 times so far. I would delete this but it will only show my point to myself as you don’t know this existed as of me typing this...lol.
Thank you for posting this. This is how I have felt about aging/death for a long time and it is a big relief to know that someone else feels the same way
The sad part is even if we find a way to make humans immortal, your just moving the problem. Even if we developed a way to fix any illness and cure any sudden incident like a cat accident, there's still just so much random bullshit in the universe to kill you. Even if you get past that edge case, the universe will still die eventually. Still worth it imo
Like honestly I don’t wanna live forever but I wouldn’t mind living for at least 200 years. When u come back to an old video and realize you somehow got a shit ton of likes
Reder Khalifa Yeah I think his point was that we should give ourselves the option to be immortal. And if we get tired of life and just want to die then we should allow ourselves an exit too.
I wouldn't want to be truly immortal, not by a long shot. But a "biological" immortality, where illness and ageing doesn't affect me? That sounds nice. I don't know how long I want to live, but I know it's not forever.
@@abstrusepaladin Possibly due to fearful people like me who, shockingly, think dying is bad. Strawman arguments against various versions of immortality are annoying as shit though. I'm getting sick of hearing "Well then you'll just see all your loved ones die" as if you'd be the only one with the fucking technology. Or, "You'll run out of things to do!" for true immortality, which is stupid because boredom is a human concept and the argument hinges on humankind thinking and behaving exactly the way it does now after thousands of years and the creation of technology capable of changing the very notion of what it is to be human. I don't understand why there's so many people spinning this fucking narrative while there's also so many people who believe in Heaven.
What if you may choose when to get sick? So your close people like boyfriend or girlfriend may take care of you? At first, it may be funny a bit. But quickly, it won't be funny anymore. Imagine words from your love: "Seriously? Sick again?", - not because she doesn't love you, but because it's way too artificial. She knows you're biologically immortal and got sick on purpose. So she decides to not care, and then you immediately get back to normal, because you didn't want to be sick, you only wanted care. In a way, it looks like she doesn't love you anymore. But what's purpose of taking care if you never get sick, or isn't truly sick but only pretend? Don't get too seriously but here's plot twist, imagine: we're all immortal, biologically and whatever... And we get sick only when we want to be taken care of. But we make this decision deep down, so nobody know, even yourself. You subconsciously decide to get sick. So it's real now? You tricked yourself, of course, - but now you both are happy. So I'm not trying to say how it works. But maybe, by removing "everything bad", we will cut off a lot of good things. I'm not arguing versus death concept, or biological immortality. Just trying to get all the perspectives. Not so sure already? That the answer is simple?
@@jerrygreenest There's something called "polygraph", so you don't need to get sick just to find out if your girlfriend loves you. Also, 3 points: 1 - Your girlfriend taking care of you is not even sure proof that she loves you. In the case that you're the one who provides income, it could be that she just sees caring for your sick body as a investment. 2 - Technology evolves. So in a far future we could be able to develop better tools to tell if people are lying or not. 3 - In a world where everybody is immortal, getting sick just to find out if your girlfriend loves you is something very selfish and mean. Because if she actually loves you she's gonna be worried sick (no pun intended) about you.
@@ultimategamer2669 I didn't say: "to find out". Please, re-read. But one thing you said right probably, - it's a little bit selfish. Probably yes. But is it truly bad?
@@jerrygreenest "But is it truly bad?" If she loves you and you put yourself at a unnecessary risky and vulnerable situation making her worry a lot about you, then in my opinion, yes.
Humanity suffers from short-term thinking. We generally think ahead a few weeks, maybe a few months out. Very few think carefully in the moment about outcomes years from now. Virtually no one gives a fig about a future they will not live to see for themselves. But if we were to crack the aging and death problem I expect our thinking will become much longer term. We will enjoy the shade of that oak whose acorn we plant. We will personally suffer the consequences of our poor descisions.
and how many oaks will it take to make it meaningless? I believe that because our lives don't last forever that life is meaningful, you see doing something again and again will surely diminish its value until it's mundane I have two decades under mine belt and I have enough thing that has lost there enjoyment simple because I have done it so many times I hope that mine English is correct :/
@@jeroen3588 your English was mostly correct, but mine is possessive. "That burger is mine." My is the word that should be there, unless you're trying to speak Shakespearean, but that's too much even for native English speakers.
@@jeroen3588 There is an infinite amount of things to do and learn on this planet. While, reading one book might get boring, there are nearly 130 million others for you to try. One amusement park might be boring after multiple visits, but there are dozens across the planet. You can also get enjoyment out of simple things no mater how many times you see them, because enjoyment can beheld in everything. Boredom can be circumvented through cycling through the millions of hobbies, occupations, and areas of learning over your millennia of life. Ultimately, until an accident kills you, there will never be a case where there is truly nothing to do.
“Why should I fear death? If I am, then death is not. If Death is, then I am not. Why should I fear that which can only exist when I do not?" -Epicurus
Exactly! “Death gives life meaning and happiness” is bullshit. A child has no awareness of death (hopefully), yet they are the happiest of all. They feel secure and calm in the illusion that life will go on forever, filled with toys, loving grandmas, trips to the park, fluffy puppies, and candy. Immortality might definitely bring problems, but a lack of meaning and joy would not be one of them.
You are ignoring what death giving life meaning really means though, we enjoy because we have limited time to do so, every action we do has meaning as our limited time gives it value, if you lived for eternity there would be no incentive to ever do anything as you would have an infinite amount of time to do what you want, and that to me isn't meaning
Morty Pressed movies aren't the only form of entertainment.. there's also all sorts of games and there is much, MUCH to learn about the universe, don't think I'll be bored anytime soon. But if I do there is always the option of suicide
Personally I've never encountered this mentality. Neither me nor my parents or anybody I had a conversation with, regarding immortality, said they would opt out if it was an option.
I see it a lot as a theme in movies and other media. It seems very poetic on a movie screen. and yet, no actual person I've known or talked to felt this way.
@@intimpulliber7376 Wasn't really trying to scare anyone. I've just never personally met any people who wouldn't want to live indefinitely. At least, none that I've had that sort of conversation with. But I mean, I especially don't recommend prematurely 'opting out' of life.
There's usually happens because they're trying to explore a conceptual concepts in a given piece of media but they don't want it to be emphasized by the heroes because they wanted to be something external and foreign to them so often times these ideas get assigned to the villains of a story then the questions are villains it ends up being painted in a bad light it's essentially writing something for the sake of drama and story structure over the implications of what your work is actually saying. Science also has a false stereotype of haveing some great cost that defies mortality, that is copy pasted from Frankenstein, and has no basis in how things actually work. Ex penicillin foundation of all modern medicine breakthrough technology of its day is literally made from moldy bread
@@kingrollypollyvii5565 No, it means you have to learn to cope with your mistakes with a method other than dying. You have to actually confront problems.
When do I want to die? Well, I want to read every book ever written, watch every video ever made, 100% every game ever programmed including every self-imposed challenge ever invented, I want to learn everything there is to know about the real world and all possible worlds and all impossible worlds, including the perspective of everyone in it throughout their entire lives, I want to count to Graham's number, and I want to write my own books, make my own movies, and program my own games, where I combine all of the above with each other to see where they lead, and I want to share the knowledge with everyone willing to live that long. So, when do I want to die? Definitely long after the heat death of the universe!
but then,what happens? What you experience all stuff? If you won all prizes,if you learn all informations,if you learn all languages,if you sleep every beauties what happens? To me an eternal life is boring after one point. You're right at one fact;A long life good about experiences.But I still prefer a good life than eternity life. Sorry for my bad english.I have some questions and ı wanted share with you.
@rafael Perez Urbina human brains evolving fast.Maybe you're right but to me every humans (if they reacht to an eternal life)do not effort to learn knowledge.Some people can catch their pleassures and their meaningles obsessions.(If you notice what ı mean) Anyway good luck to your life.
In a sense you can never reach the end. At one point we’d be so developed we’d create things like a fullbodysuit for be allowing you to live infinite life’s.
I dont really understand the point he is trying to make? I have been suicidal for 2 years. You cant scare me saying that I will never be ready to die since I've been trully ready a couple of times already
+alt f4 What, he hasn’t said that at all. He’s just saying that we fear the inevitability of death as we slowly progress to it. Just because he doesn’t like the idea of a slow death doesn’t mean he’d like the idea of a quick death.
Matthew Trzcinski I think of it more as we are dying as each day passes by. Our immune system, respiratory system, etc. is slowly degenerating until it will not longer have the ability to keep ourselves going. So it's not really an instant thing, its actually a very slow event that we don't actually realize is happening until it's already too late. That is to say if we die from aging. Most other deaths are fast, depending on what said person dies from.
Matthew Trzcinski That's completely right. The fear you feel for your death isn't caused by death itself, but by it slowly becoming more and more inevitable for it to happen - which is largely because of aging. Aging decreases all the bodily functions bit by bit, until we're eventually so weak that death becomes inevitable. That's real fear; that your body has a set timer which makes it less and less able to interact with the world the further towards the dead-line it goes. An adventurous skydiver jumping out of a plane with a faulty parachute may experience more intense fear in his last moments, but it won't even get close to the unbearable long-term dread felt by a cancer patient.
"... the value of life cannot be estimated. Not by the living, for they are an interested party... [and] not by the dead, for a different reason." -- Nietzsche
One of my favorite videogame characters is a ghost named Siosa in Path of Exile. Not because he's a particularly deep character, or has any interesting part in the story. I just really like his concept. He's a lonely, friendly librarian bound to an old painting. His favorite quote is, "Life... Is precious." The implied additional perspective is wonderful.
Isn't the antivaxxing trend all about people missing the good old times when you could die or end up severely crippled by diseases that are preventable by vaccination? I'm pretty sure there would be people choosing death because it's "more natural" even if immortality somehow became available for everyone.
@@millitron3666 1. with vaccination it is not that easy, something something, herd immunity. 2. those people don't WANT to die, they just think vaccinations are bad for them
LoL. I wanna die. Everyone should die. Without death, the bad robot people live on, and so as such, the Humanity.exe program does not learn or improve. So come one and all! Sign below and die today! X________________________
You will always feel awake, because there is no feeling of being unawake. Our energy doesn't go anywhere. We will be back right after we die, in a new body, when a new version of the universe is back to maintaining life again. You will always feel awake, because there is no feeling of being unawake, there is no consciousness of being dead.
Mr. V - At this point we are arguing semantics. One of the definitions of eternity is "a seemingly endless or immeasurable time" (according to Merriam Webster). I would argue that even though heat death of the universe is calculable, it, indeed, is seemingly immeasurable. And I disagree with you entirely on your argument that there is no state of being after you die. My grandma IS dead, Aristotle IS dead. And when I die, I WILL BE dead. I am not saying that I will experience being dead, just that I will be dead.
Mr. V - I don't understand why you believe that I am doing that. I have consciousness now and I will not have it then. What I am trying to say is that I have such a short time to be conscious that I want it to last as long as possible before that consciousness ends.
I know this is old but it really bothers me how people are misunderstanding what Grey has to say. He isn't saying "Just don't die bro". He is saying we should part with the mentality that desth is inevitable. In doing so we can focus on finding actual immortality. Do we all die? Yes. But if we can find a way to live longer, why shouldn't we take it. If you want to die so bad there will always be euthanasia, something that will probably become more common place in a society of immortals.
@@kingrollypollyvii5565 OR viewing death as necessary is the view of a Stockholm Syndrome riddled abuse victim trying to justify their partner's inexcusable behavior. Human Death isn't necessary for happiness or fulfillment. It's not necessary to advancing humanity. It's just not necessary period.
@@kingrollypollyvii5565 I'm 32 you pedantic ass. I'm also a PHD in biology(cellular biology to be specific), so I think I know a bit more about how life and death work than you do.
Incredible video. I always think that, if I had the chance, I would want to live for as long as possible, maybe even until the end of the universe. There is just so much to explore and I want to be able to see and experience it all. When I talk to other people about it though, they very often talk about how when we are older we will want to die and all of that stuff. Thank you for letting me see that I am not in the wrong for wanting to escape death and live for as long as I like.
If you live forever you will suffer as all those around you die. You will never experience heaven you will be stuck on this rock until the heat death of the universe and then be stuck floating in space
"The reaper is busy, but he can fit you in. Right Now."
What a powerful threat.
Fir- jk
Not a threat, a promise.
That gave me the same feeling as when you go to the dentist and they say they can do your filling same day
That was terrible to read 😂
Thanks CGP, I now have overcome my acceptance of death and it now terrifies me again
Well,it was the job of the video so...I guess he completed his objective...?
Good, now help work on a cure.
Now I’m actually paranoid that I’m gonna die on my deathbed while watching the broadcast that immortality is a thing now
@@tibiafibiafie Well, that's exactly why we need as many people as possible working on the problem, so we can make immortality a thing as quickly as possible.
@@gibbcharron3469 in my country i literally need to get a 9 grade in everything to be able to study bio engineering so im sry but i wont help in your cause
Imagine dying *the day before immortality is created*
Nicowis i don't think you'd care too much tbh
Or alternatively, imagine being the last 'natural-born' human, with every new human being genetically engineered to not die.
Slowly watching all your other mortal friends die, until you are the last one on earth, surrounded by people who do not comprehend your situation and will never die (of old age at least).
Statistically speaking a lot of people will, also we shouldn’t forget that this tech wouldn’t be given to everyone, just because the cost would be horrifically large, there will be large groups (likely third world country’s people) looking onward on the Western population who, while susceptible to say
Gunshots, so this won’t matter to Chicago...but via age and disease, which kills more people than anything ever in the history of ever, will survive whilst onlookers decay and die
Nicowis man I would love that cuz I don't want to be freaking immortal
The Phantom Cookie Enjoy your 70 years. When I'm 700 years old and the captain of the Enterprise shooting aliens I'll think of you.
CGP GREY: "if you tortured people to make them better appreciate life, you would be a monster."
Jigsaw: sweats nervously.
I thought the same thing
Love your pfp
I'd just want to kill myself even more
I was thinking that 😂😂
Naruto's Akatsuki leader: Pain
I mean, no dead person has told us they had any complications.
😂 This is an underated comment
They never told us any positive reviews either 😂
They all seem to believe that death is just kinda meh and not worth the commentary
Haha its because their dead. 😂
@@Simon11354 Thatsthejoke.jpeg
I love how the edges of the video rots as the video goes on, then heals as Grey talks about stopping death
Just noticed it.... damn.
@@JKudasai As did I.
I fucking thought my phone was broken. Hahaha
What if plants are farming us and waiting for us to die in order to harvest our nutrients?
You've just compromised the whole mission!
Mark Whalberg, is that you?
It all makes sense now
would be a terrible plan (or one that backfired horribly) since we kill and eat/use plants of many species at various stages and our corpses (their harvest) is often old, sick, unusabe (preserved) , cremated, or packed away from plants all together or in small areas such that most plants do not get access to their nutrients.
Honestly, that would be highly ineffective.
"a generation that lives a healthy adulthood as long as they wish to" i'm glad you phrased it like that. because quite frankly eventually some of them will want to stop living. maybe not a lot, but definitely some. removing death by old age doesn't remove death entirely, it gives us a better life to live until we dont want to live it anymore and can go at peace and without pain.
@Gonda On contraire, the human brain was *designed* to self-improve and to massively cooperate with all the other human brains. There is no limit to these. You're quoting the reaper.
@@GabrielSantosStandardCombo The brain is a physical thing with physical limits, I think 100 years of data is too little an estimation for the capacity of the brain, and kinda maybe assumes that the brain keeps all the info sent to it in a lossless format for as long as it exists. we forget and remember things and and learn things and all of that. but eventually it will hit maximum saturation of info and start forgetting things we would rather it didn't. like childhood memories and all that. We aren't capable of willing our self's to not be constrained by our bodies. Cooperation and self improvement are limited, there limit is really large and kinda unknown to us, but it must exist cause we are made of matter and energy that follows "laws" that nothing can break. the only time the laws of physics so much as even bend is when there is a massive amount of energy in a location. which is an exceptional occurrence that happens in environments that it should probably be noted we can't survive in without like.... a lot of machines, knowledge, and material that we have in limited supply. all things that are a live are mortal, and will die. The universe is creeping towards absolute entropy and heat death. a state that nothing of physical matter will be able to exist in. our only choice as far as death goes is not a "yes or no" but a "when" and I only feel comfortable speaking for my self when I say "Not until I absolutely have to"
@@GaleGrim Vain. All of your comment is vain.
Have you learned nothing from the march of science? Every problem has a solution. Everything can be done. You talk about our limit of memories: What tells you the medicine of the future can't fix that? You talk about the heat death of the universe: What tells you the physics of the future can't fix that?
What we have is never the limit. What is impossible for us today will never be impossible for us sometime in the future. Centuries ago tuberculosis was terminal and smallpox uncurable. Today both are wrong.
Hoo boy is this not an easy read, paragraph breaks England, you should try them.
-CGP grey
same goes for you.
@@zap3231 ye
“From the moment I understood the weakness of my flesh,
It disgusted me.”
Ascend and accept the certainty of steel, the Messiah calls upon you.
r u just a warhammer 40k fan or a real Transhumanist?
@@CommissarChaotic r u just a warhammer 40k fan or a real Transhumanist?
@@codeine9386 for real, no.
@@CommissarChaotic why
CGP Grey: Why die?
Death rate drops to 0%
Dying is gay... I guess?
Stuupid little kids:
- " Death gives life meaning, I am a stuupid hollow headed POS child that thinks *if we cured aging* which means dementia, most cancers, most pandemic deaths, heart and stroke attacks, arthritis + decades of suffering and cognitive decline *that would be a bad thing* "
@@kerbodynamicx472 Come on man it’s 2020
@@kerbodynamicx472 today kerbodynamic x was found dead
Imagine going to prison with a life sentence
Oh...Oh no...That's awful. You are awful. Never talk to me again.
You'd have plenty of time to break yourself out!
@@abstrusepaladin Hmm. That's actually a good plan!
lmao, Then they would make you actually die from old age.
@@abstrusepaladin "Dies from hunger becouse someone forgot about him in the basement they got locked in"
I went to college for this exact reason. I majored in biochemistry because thinking about being dead, just not being, not thinking about anything because you can't think, absolutely terrifies me to my core. But then i realized just how bad i am at math at changed majors.
That's kind of weird.. I'm going to study biochemistry next year for that exact same reason
Don't worry it's just your brain's survival instinct.
Bro keep up the biochem studies. I'll tutor you in math
@@nosferatu3726 its not just about survival instinct. religion has already provided answers to these questions.
I have never understood why people are afraid of being dead. Fear of dying, I understand. There are very few ways of dying that aren't horrible. But, being dead is literally nothing. It is like sleeping without dreaming. You won't be aware of it, because you won't exist.
Imagine robbing a bank and then the one of the clerks you're holding hostage pulls out some flowers and asks you out.
Still a better love story than twilight
@@misnomer6345 r/rareinsults
@@Davis... how tf is that an insult?
@@fib7615 insulting twilight.
Reaper: Come on. You'll like being dead
Me: that's what they said about being alive
I am Commander Shepard and this is my favorite comment below the video.
Futurama reference?
From Futurama
Haha good point Brian Griffin
Nice reference
Thanks GCP and comments, now I'm desperately afraid of dying before we find a cure to aging
Aging isn't a disease. You're falling for his scam.
This video gave me a weird mix of peace and anxiety. I feel like that means it was a good video.
Jeka why not you may disagree with the message but it's a good video
Amy Jay Think the peace part of it comes from the soothing asmr sounds in the background. Disturbingly this combination is used in conditioning...
I can give you other feelings too
Lame nothing new or original from TH-cam
“If you tortured someone to help them appreciate life, you’d be a monster”
sorry jigsaw, you’re not helping.
You know what Jigsaw would say if you appreciate him more torture
That is describing my mom oh snap SHE'S HERE
X! C
I thought same thing when he said that
Jigsaw is inconsistent, and has already been shown to give no shit if the victim appreciates life or not.
Robert Deffenbaugh That's honestly what some of these comments sound like, as if they actually know what living for thousands of years is like and why it sucks
I don't think I can die. It hasn't happened so far.
Random Idiot Logic !
I expect to live forever or die trying, personally.
We are all immortal until proven otherwise. Like you said, you haven't died yet, there's no reason that should change, is there?
Makes sense to me
I find this a strange concept because we're only taught to accept death, while before we learn about it we think otherwise.
Well before we learn about death we don’t really think about it.
Did you know? People were immortal until Rupert Die invented dying when he tried to sleep twice at the same time.
Thanks a lot for the spit fact!
fuck you rupert
OMG That's so weird!
@@toneblocc its fake
“If you tortured someone to make them appreciate life more, you are a monster”
*John Kramer sweats nervously*
John Kramer wants to know your location
I was not the only one who thought it.
I fukin hate that psycho, and yet, some of my friends thought he is deep or something
I SAW you
I thought the same thing 😂
Queen Elizabeth is proof inmortality can be reached.
@@kyrentrelenberg7019 lol
Her husband is older
@@Ben-vl5ew impossible
*Betty White
@@nooodont8105 he is he will turn 100 years old this june
"We don't remix the water to bring back cholera."
This is how I feel whenever I hear someone wanting to go back to the "old ways" without realizing how nice their lives are now due to the advancements we have. Like somehow if things digressed, but we still somehow keep the advances that have improved our welfare. I swear those people read too much Isekai's and think that they'd somehow be a better, more important person if they were forced to live in a world completely removed from the conveniences and advancements that makes their lives so easy now.
I agree. "It's natural to die and we should accept it" = "It's natural to get plague and we should accept It"
it's because their are companies, government and others organizations with lots of experts that take away the complexity and make it cheap to it seems trivial.
When people refer to the "old ways" I'm pretty sure they're not referring to the cholera.
There is at least one instance of going back and doing something unpleasant intentionally: exercise. Most of us don't need to exercise to fulfill the basics of life... but it improves your health and general quality of life. So people exercise. But they do so in very different ways than the manual labor of their ancestors. I suspect "old ways" are like that: we need to figure out the aspects that are important to health (including mental health) and cultivate those. In some ways its "going back", but it will look very different than the version born of deprivation
"If you tortured people to make them better appreciate the pleasures of life, you would be a monster"
Sad Jigsaw noises
*sad Unblock Me game noises*
btw, i know what that is, i am a gen zed
Except until you realize “death” is not a being with a consciousness and will to action, it simply *is*. A necessary component of the evolutionary process of life that clears away the old to make way for the new.
@@riz3310 Except until you realize "death" cannot "be", since it isn't...death, like many natural things, is just a human toy, a toy that one day will finally be mass produced and marketed as a bag of cum.
Poor poor
@@riz3310 Not necessary when you can alter genetic information and control evolution.
“Just because a thing is natural doesn’t make it good, or necessary.”
*Karen with her essential oils would like to know your location*
And crystals
Gwyneth paltrow be like
Vaccines aren't natural, don't vaccinate your kids if you want them to die!
@@thunderwolfchannel9370 ?
You uploaded this while I was at a funeral.
That's what I call good timing.
well, nice meme sir
Covodex I mean the death of a love one isn’t really a meme but ok.
"If you tortured people to make them better appreciate the pleasures of life, you would-"
-just...be John Kramer.
As long as humanity exists i want to be there to experience it.
Me toooo
Sorry, to experience what? Do you want to take a degree in every uni course possible just to keep up with the "latest news" about research development? Do you want to see how every country evolves economically and/or politically? Do you want to see how technology will evolve in the future (just from a user perspective and not a developer one, I bet), or else? What use could you give to a limitless life? I don't think much, and it is bound to be the same for most of humanity. Me too, obviously
@@lman2710 I honestly don't know man. Maybe just to experience everything. As long as humanity is around new experiences will be available.
@@lman2710 yes. to all of those things, and more.
Me too
grey: why die?
death: starts having an existential crisis
You have 600 likes yet no reply? lets make it 601
excuse me, 820 likes with 1 reply?? time to make that 2
I always thought of death as some kind of impending doom for us, I never realized that we could be the impending doom for death.
Well spoken.
We're death's death
*doom slayer intensifies*
I like that.
We can not. death is inevitable
Oh drunken me was not ready for this
"When do you want to die?"
Me: Why are you threatening me
“when do you wanna die”
Me: now please
“Is that like a personal attack or something?”
"When do you want to die"
Me: Don't do that, don't give me hope
is this some sort of personal attack
A small price to pay for salvation.
this was the most ambitious crossover in cinema history
The kurgezat video:doesnt give me an internal crisis
CGP grey:and i took that personally
I think a pretty big part of it is that no one wants to live longer when late life is already so full of struggle and hardship due to, as you have clearly said, rot through age. The state in which most find themselves in their late 60s, 70s, 80s, and beyond is miserable. If these fears were extinguished, I believe many would cease to accept death the way we do now.
Yes, currently death is still needed, otherwise more people will be born to poor life which is bad, so until we'll get enough food resources and place for potentially infinity peoples death is still needed
As Grey said, that's what people *now* say, but when they're actually that 80-year old person, even with aches and inflammation and the overall low quality of their lives, they're *still* terrified of dying (unless they have some deep-seeded beliefs of an afterlife, but even then...).
Self-preservation is a universal behavior among all living organisms, and that doesn't go away in humans just because a few decades have passed. Old people don't accept death either, we (the younger generations) just tell ourselves that because it makes us feel better.
I cannot imagine not existing, so it is scary. Not knowing if I existed before, or how many times I existed, or do I even exist now gives me panic attacks.
Empathetically affirmed. "I fear death" are not the words of a coward, but only those of a hero.
Same. Most of the time, I stare at nothing, and stay there, thinking about this for a long time.
Have I ever existed before?
If I die, will I be reborn into a new person?
Is this a only one time life?
If I die, what will happend to me? Become insect? Become none existent?
Oh I need answer.
@@Hyeoreo Islam will give you that answer my friend
@@hishamaziz764 wosnwisjs sorry I'm christian 😳
But I also don't really believe in my own religion tho
@@Hyeoreo Ah okay then, well, there is your answer to the question of why you don't have your answer.
In the far future with science it's gonna be like:
"Why didn't you come to my son's 1,000th birthday party?!"
"I was busy at my family's 1 million year reunion, okay?!"
"He was really looking forward to you coming!"
"He's 1,000 years old! He'll live!"
Eternantium how old would you have to be to leave your parents house or drink or marry I think the standards for those things would be hired
Damn, sorry bro, can't come to you're 21,000 year old birthday party, gotta go to a date.
Congratulations you made inmortality look bad.
When you have infinite life then birthdays wouldn't be celebrated. They would lose value
@@davecirlcluxLoL. I would probably end up forgetting how old I am
"When do you want to die"
Me, an Australian: Say the last two words again
LMFAO this made me laugh
I’m Australian and I don’t get it ???
@@yiannisroubos8846 Because that's how they tend to say "to day" with their accent. At least that's how I processed it as an American. Was funny af either way lol.
@@huntersuper98 Idk - I'm from South Australia and for us day and die are pronounced differently. Probably an american meme which has no reality to it.
@@yiannisroubos8846 Well from hearing Australians speak at least those with a heavier accent and if I'm interpreting his joke properly another Australian seemed to be on the same page. It's the typical Australian accent we're talking about here and to you who deals with the accent daily or maybe you're in an area that doesn't have as heavy of an accent would seem normal to you. Accents do vary extremely heavily from place to play even within the same country.
if my kids say "isnt nature amazing?" while standing over my hospital bed as im about to die, ill be proud that i raised emotionless and objective monsters
I wonder how many people statistically died a few days or less after watching this video.
133 ish per day if the people were of random ages. Given the target demographic is probably almost entirely 13-40, more like 3 per day (age plays a huge part in your odds of dying, just look at life insurance costs). So, if you give a week after watching as your threshold, then a rough estimate of 20 people died in that period.
The answer is 42.
If CGPGrey's average viewer is 25 years old, their chances of dying within a year are 0.13%. 4,000,000 viewers times .13 = 5200 dead viewers within a year. If you define 'a few days' as three days, then 3/365*5200 = 42 viewers dying within 3 days of watching this video.
Isn't that funny
@@Vedergewicht jawohl!
@@Vedergewicht r/theydidthemath
I think it's perfectly natural to want to live forever, or at least have that option. It's just not an option I want for myself
Immortality is bad, it would make people go crazy
It’s not about living forever. It’s about living until we’re ready to go. Curing the process of age doesn’t mean we will no longer die it just means we’ll attain greater control over when and how we die.
Imagine how bored you will get
Edit was a spelling error
I would love to live forever
@@raife9700 entropy:hold my cold glass of water
Oh wow this is the first time I find someone who doesn't shy away from saying he'd like to be immortal. Stay against death, please!
Yes finally!
Actually it would be really bad for us humans, cause we could give birth to children and they would do so. The problem is our resources which even now are not really enough, imagine what would happen if more people would be born and no one would die. Birth and death are life itself like timespace continuity, it can't exist one without another, so people accept death even if it hurt's to lose our loved ones. P. S. If any of you saw the latest Avengers movie, then you'll know what I talk about,and by the way I don't consider Thanos the bad guy in the MOVIE cause he wanted indeed to kill people, but his intentions were good, to kill 50% of the population randomly nothing personal. I think he's actually the good guy of the movie.
logan4002 It does seem hard to face but you are completely correct
@@logan4002 aka, overpopulation is the justification of people dying. That's no different from saying that murder is not a crime.
So why not stop giving birth? The ideology of procreation is to continue the survival of the human species. If survival is guaranteed, then procreation isn't necessary.
Your understanding of resources is limited to this planet. Although you're wrong, it's unfortunate that most people think like you.
@@rosellecarmen2224 Well that's your point of view. I only did said the real facts, what you say could be true but there is that IF like you mentioned it. So from a certain point of view (Hello there Obi Wan quote) I am right.
Bonus video for Bonnie Bees: 24 Hours of Death: th-cam.com/video/QMNGEY8OZqo/w-d-xo.html
Imagine dying.
this comment posted by immortal gang.
Immortal, so far.
this is fucking terrifying
Coronavirus: no
Can I join
I promise I’m not a shark after you immortal jellyfish
Statistically I’m immortal
I haven’t died yet
This video was why I am now in college for Biomedical Engineering.
I want to help make the change.
I'm also looking into it to see how I can help. I mean, I'm just a college Mechanical Engineering major, but hopefully I can contribute something useful.
this comment section is encouraging. thinking about dipping my toes into the field myself.
Enjoy learning about proteins and how they're God's perverted 900-sided rubik's cubes, not just food. And then give up and leave it to AI. Totally not speaking from experience, nope.
@@quinnsmith8421 just checked out that site. very awesome!!!! 🤠
Me too! I just enrolled in a biotech degree, cheers!
“Why die”
We did it boys
Death is no more
Now that I think about it, I've decided not to die
If you want to live, don’t die.
-tiktok girl
i still would not live for ever
I have another question
1:37 "the world contains pain and death"
*New Zealand is not on the map*
Lmao. I'm moving to New Zeland.
Medic: that's not what I meant
that means my best friend will be okay,, am so happy, ,
@@jah5886 it just means we''re not filled with tumors !
Thank you so much for making this, I always feel so alone on this idea when talking to people, thank you for spreading the word.
CGP: -Explains why we're able to get rid of death-
Kurzgesagt, 3 seconds later: DEATH IS ALL POWERFUL
Yeah WTF Kurzgesagt?
I think what he means is that while we may be able to make ourselves immortal, we cannot make ourselves *invincible*. We can make it so that we don't die from just existing, and live as long as nothing actively kills us, but that said there will always be thinks that can kill us. So even if we never age, there is a good chance that we will all eventually die either by choice or by accident.
CGP talks about the Reaper of Age, not death itself.
Even if you stop aging entirely, life expectancy is still less than 10 thousand years, which while a *long ass time* is not immortality. Thats the mathematical period of time before you are almost 100% guaranteed to have died by violence or accident. Of course, there will always be those who beat the odds one way or another, but thats the average we can expect.
@@MoonberryJam93 by good chance, you mean 100% chance. "Anything that can go wrong, will go wrong."
Yes saw is the worst *monstet*
lol jigsaw has some points but is still not favorable
Many parents do that to their children
yes the gruesome *m o n s t e t*
as my Father always told me and something that I always held dear since I was very young, "I'm going to live forever or die trying".
Smart man
FINALLY, a video on this subject that does away with all moral posturing and hypocrisy.
I want to live forever and be forever young - and I want that for everybody else, too.
Death is not the answer to anything - it's the end of everything.
"Death is not the solution to future problems imagined."
Powerful anti suicide statement there.
To be honest, I always thought of that, but I would rather commit suicide, than work for 50 years just to die and lose everything I struggled to create...
not really, considering people don't generally commit suicide as a solution to future problems, they do it as a solution to their current situation, in the now.
No. That kind of failure to understand what the problem is seems more likely to reinforce thoughts of suicide that alleviate them, to me.
This doesn't seem like a quote countering the reasons why. It does look to try and counter the effect of the resulting action, being death via suicide. Its not saying you shouldn't be sad/angry/etc, at least how i read it.
Randjan Yes but you don’t die and think; “huh, I’m dead now, everything was pointless” it happens like this; *deletes this comment before posting*
Now you see, it existed, it was a real thing but now it’s gone and you never knew it existed and had no way of knowing. You should work those 50 years because everything you worked towards will fall apart but you won’t know it did, you won’t know you built something up. You won’t even know that you don’t know these things because you are dead.
This doesn’t make sense but I have typed this 3 times so far. I would delete this but it will only show my point to myself as you don’t know this existed as of me typing this...lol.
Thank you for posting this. This is how I have felt about aging/death for a long time and it is a big relief to know that someone else feels the same way
You are never alone.
same bro
I'm the same too
ME TO!!! I feel like I'm on an island with this often.
After watching this video I have decided not to die
I'm not gonna go to my death
If you ever suceeded, please tell us about it.
I'll meet you in a hundred years, then, Candy Corn, and see if you have changed your mind.
@@JimBob4233 he didn't
@@thetravelingwormhole9306 Didn't what?
The sad part is even if we find a way to make humans immortal, your just moving the problem. Even if we developed a way to fix any illness and cure any sudden incident like a cat accident, there's still just so much random bullshit in the universe to kill you. Even if you get past that edge case, the universe will still die eventually.
Still worth it imo
Fatal cat accident
We do not yet know the true nature of the universe.
If "moving the problem" is moving it until the universe ends, I don't think that's a problem we really have to think about
The question are there truly any limits?
Grim Reaper now Jobless, seeking employment
^ Would totally be the best headline ever.
Plants and animals still exist
"THIS JUST IN: Technically Grim is still employed, just making less money than he did before"
You might like the book "Reaper Man." It's a fantasy novel about the Grim Reaper jobless and seeking employment.
Homicide. As long as humans exist, they're gonna fuckin kill each other.
"Millennials are killing the killing industry!!"
this video: *exists*
people who experience existential crisis: *_aww shit, here we go again_*
You mean Kurzgesat
“When do you want to die”
Billions of edgy 12 year olds: “Now!”
im 19 actually
Иван Иванов but do you want to die
How did you know, have you been watching me when I sleep??
I'm 20..it's not just 12 year olds that want to die
I doubt there are a billion edgelords
Collab at the end: So we probably can't beat death
The immortal generation is already here, after all...
There's no letter after Z
In Scandinavia, there is lol
Well there is Å, Ä and Ö in Finland so guess I'm not immortal.
Sad :(
Actually, in Polish there are two. It's "ź" and "ż". So I guess, Vikings and Western Slavs won't be immortal? Damn it... So much lose.
Like honestly I don’t wanna live forever but I wouldn’t mind living for at least 200 years.
When u come back to an old video and realize you somehow got a shit ton of likes
Reder Khalifa Yeah I think his point was that we should give ourselves the option to be immortal. And if we get tired of life and just want to die then we should allow ourselves an exit too.
Why tf is your profile picture baby Hitler lol
Why not 2000?
You say that now but when you're 180 you will say "I wouldnt mind living for 300 years"
@mushroomsAreAwesome @watch ajin,aot
I wouldn't want to be truly immortal, not by a long shot. But a "biological" immortality, where illness and ageing doesn't affect me? That sounds nice.
I don't know how long I want to live, but I know it's not forever.
@@abstrusepaladin Possibly due to fearful people like me who, shockingly, think dying is bad. Strawman arguments against various versions of immortality are annoying as shit though. I'm getting sick of hearing "Well then you'll just see all your loved ones die" as if you'd be the only one with the fucking technology. Or, "You'll run out of things to do!" for true immortality, which is stupid because boredom is a human concept and the argument hinges on humankind thinking and behaving exactly the way it does now after thousands of years and the creation of technology capable of changing the very notion of what it is to be human. I don't understand why there's so many people spinning this fucking narrative while there's also so many people who believe in Heaven.
What if you may choose when to get sick? So your close people like boyfriend or girlfriend may take care of you? At first, it may be funny a bit. But quickly, it won't be funny anymore. Imagine words from your love: "Seriously? Sick again?", - not because she doesn't love you, but because it's way too artificial. She knows you're biologically immortal and got sick on purpose. So she decides to not care, and then you immediately get back to normal, because you didn't want to be sick, you only wanted care. In a way, it looks like she doesn't love you anymore. But what's purpose of taking care if you never get sick, or isn't truly sick but only pretend?
Don't get too seriously but here's plot twist, imagine: we're all immortal, biologically and whatever... And we get sick only when we want to be taken care of. But we make this decision deep down, so nobody know, even yourself. You subconsciously decide to get sick. So it's real now? You tricked yourself, of course, - but now you both are happy.
So I'm not trying to say how it works. But maybe, by removing "everything bad", we will cut off a lot of good things. I'm not arguing versus death concept, or biological immortality. Just trying to get all the perspectives. Not so sure already? That the answer is simple?
@@jerrygreenest There's something called "polygraph", so you don't need to get sick just to find out if your girlfriend loves you.
Also, 3 points:
1 - Your girlfriend taking care of you is not even sure proof that she loves you. In the case that you're the one who provides income, it could be that she just sees caring for your sick body as a investment.
2 - Technology evolves. So in a far future we could be able to develop better tools to tell if people are lying or not.
3 - In a world where everybody is immortal, getting sick just to find out if your girlfriend loves you is something very selfish and mean. Because if she actually loves you she's gonna be worried sick (no pun intended) about you.
@@ultimategamer2669 I didn't say: "to find out". Please, re-read. But one thing you said right probably, - it's a little bit selfish. Probably yes. But is it truly bad?
@@jerrygreenest "But is it truly bad?"
If she loves you and you put yourself at a unnecessary risky and vulnerable situation making her worry a lot about you, then in my opinion, yes.
People say no aging will just leave us as babies. WRONG. No maturation will leave us as babies but no aging means no deterioration, not no maturation.
My plan is much simpler: live forever through sheer willpower.
good luck :v
i'm the cancerous fandom guy who's gonna make a reference you all hate having to do with this comment.
Just say no to the reaper. I like that idea....
The Citizen Brain so far, so good
let's see how your willpower stands up against excruciating pain
every good thing has down sides , for example if immortality was possible , then jake paul would live forever
It's a price I'm willing pay.
With immortality, Jake and Logan Paul will spend their entire time writing increasingly cancerous diss tracks about each other.
the only good reason i have seen so far in the comments for being against it
yea I wouldn't mind that if it means I don't have to stop existing and experiencing anything at all
I've been a huge supporter of transhumanism and longevity research for years, yet your comment gave me pause and a good laugh.
Humanity suffers from short-term thinking. We generally think ahead a few weeks, maybe a few months out. Very few think carefully in the moment about outcomes years from now. Virtually no one gives a fig about a future they will not live to see for themselves.
But if we were to crack the aging and death problem I expect our thinking will become much longer term. We will enjoy the shade of that oak whose acorn we plant. We will personally suffer the consequences of our poor descisions.
@ancs28 which would very quickly cause the world to die. "Trees? We can plant those later." *Later* "wheeze. Oh God, I can't breathe"
and how many oaks will it take to make it meaningless? I believe that because our lives don't last forever that life is meaningful, you see doing something again and again will surely diminish its value until it's mundane I have two decades under mine belt and I have enough thing that has lost there enjoyment simple because I have done it so many times I hope that mine English is correct :/
@ancs28 my comment was about a lack of oxygen, not global warming.
@@jeroen3588 your English was mostly correct, but mine is possessive. "That burger is mine." My is the word that should be there, unless you're trying to speak Shakespearean, but that's too much even for native English speakers.
@@jeroen3588 There is an infinite amount of things to do and learn on this planet. While, reading one book might get boring, there are nearly 130 million others for you to try. One amusement park might be boring after multiple visits, but there are dozens across the planet. You can also get enjoyment out of simple things no mater how many times you see them, because enjoyment can beheld in everything. Boredom can be circumvented through cycling through the millions of hobbies, occupations, and areas of learning over your millennia of life. Ultimately, until an accident kills you, there will never be a case where there is truly nothing to do.
it's scary to think about people who watched this video and died since
This was the video that truly immortality pilled me. I am forever thankful.
The problem with developing a technology that will make you immortal is that it will take forever to test.
“Why should I fear death?
If I am, then death is not.
If Death is, then I am not.
Why should I fear that which can only exist when I do not?"
Couldn't be more appropriate.
The fact that something's mere existence is enough to cause you to no longer exist seems it would be reason enough to fear it.
My boy Epicurus!
It's not that you "should" fear death, but the primal need for self-preservation makes you fear it.
Epicurus shooting wisdom
What's the all caps/capitalization for?
@@SBImNotWritingMyNameHere excitement is a thing one can express with caps
@@knilolaslynn4994 HOW ABOUT ANNOYANCE
Exactly! “Death gives life meaning and happiness” is bullshit. A child has no awareness of death (hopefully), yet they are the happiest of all. They feel secure and calm in the illusion that life will go on forever, filled with toys, loving grandmas, trips to the park, fluffy puppies, and candy. Immortality might definitely bring problems, but a lack of meaning and joy would not be one of them.
do they know things?
There is no meaning only stimulus and a lack of awareness that creates a need for more stimulus and awareness.
You are ignoring what death giving life meaning really means though, we enjoy because we have limited time to do so, every action we do has meaning as our limited time gives it value, if you lived for eternity there would be no incentive to ever do anything as you would have an infinite amount of time to do what you want, and that to me isn't meaning
@@T-------- death does not give life meaning, it gives life motivation to keep going.
Reaper nerf incoming.
Buenomars whahahahahahhahahaha overwatch.
New weapon: scythe, instant kill, can only be used 6 Times. No guns anymoe
Buenomars well played
Reaper Op pls neeerff
Man Grey straight up used a Magnus Archives line. "The Moment you die will feel exactly like this one"
I have nothing to die for.
I have everything to live for.
too bad
Too bad none of us will be able to see the cool shit in the future.
Morty Pressed dude, you're talking about a million years of entertainment, you're telling me that you're taking only 70 of it?
KEMON everything you live for is what you will die for Bitch.
Morty Pressed movies aren't the only form of entertainment.. there's also all sorts of games and there is much, MUCH to learn about the universe, don't think I'll be bored anytime soon. But if I do there is always the option of suicide
21 years old and I would love to be around in the year 1 million and even further, health and with all my loved ones and their loved ones.
Same, i hope we are young enough that some of these advancements might be able to save us
Title: Why Die?
Well we did it boys. Dying is no more.
I can't believe CGP Grey destroyed the CEO of Dying.
You are now the CEO of Health
Mortality rates for everything drop to 0% across the world
Yay colab!! :D Two of my fav youtubers together.
Like PB&J
They've done it before
"Just because a thing is natural doesn't make it good or necassary" sums up the video for me. just perfect!
>Death isn't good or necessary
What the fuck kind of generation are we breeding now... After the SJW waves, we're going to have death deniers?
Lindorm Wow, that was a really subtle attempt to bring your petty identity politics into this. I guess you can't avoid this subject anywhere nowadays.
well it simply isn't there isn't some magical reason we need to die
HeroEric98 death is necessary it keeps the earth from overpopulating.
Lindorm Grafvölluðr ikr these SJWs are ridiculous.
Personally I've never encountered this mentality. Neither me nor my parents or anybody I had a conversation with, regarding immortality, said they would opt out if it was an option.
I see it a lot as a theme in movies and other media. It seems very poetic on a movie screen.
and yet, no actual person I've known or talked to felt this way.
Wat? No way...
I have. Everyone I talk to feels this way.
@@intimpulliber7376 Wasn't really trying to scare anyone. I've just never personally met any people who wouldn't want to live indefinitely. At least, none that I've had that sort of conversation with.
But I mean, I especially don't recommend prematurely 'opting out' of life.
There's usually happens because they're trying to explore a conceptual concepts in a given piece of media but they don't want it to be emphasized by the heroes because they wanted to be something external and foreign to them so often times these ideas get assigned to the villains of a story then the questions are villains it ends up being painted in a bad light it's essentially writing something for the sake of drama and story structure over the implications of what your work is actually saying. Science also has a false stereotype of haveing some great cost that defies mortality, that is copy pasted from Frankenstein, and has no basis in how things actually work. Ex penicillin foundation of all modern medicine breakthrough technology of its day is literally made from moldy bread
The key to immortality
Is not dying
Void Gaming get Harvard on the phone!
Master yi is so op he one shot Death with full ap build
Bruh this is soo deep
We did it boys death is no more
_”...with strange eons, even Death may die.”_
Rhyle will rise
Hello, Slardar.
That is not dead which can eternal lie
@AD220374*Not dead.
Another Kurzgesagt collab. Cool
VSauce 3 -- th-cam.com/video/tlTKTTt47WE/w-d-xo.html
This video makes me feel happier about wanting to live forever when everyone else tells me that it would be horrible.
me too
The mistakes of mortals only weighs on them for a few years. The mistakes of immortals weighs on them forever.
Thank you for sharing this, the same goes for me!
@@kingrollypollyvii5565 No, it means you have to learn to cope with your mistakes with a method other than dying. You have to actually confront problems.
When do I want to die? Well, I want to read every book ever written, watch every video ever made, 100% every game ever programmed including every self-imposed challenge ever invented, I want to learn everything there is to know about the real world and all possible worlds and all impossible worlds, including the perspective of everyone in it throughout their entire lives, I want to count to Graham's number, and I want to write my own books, make my own movies, and program my own games, where I combine all of the above with each other to see where they lead, and I want to share the knowledge with everyone willing to live that long. So, when do I want to die? Definitely long after the heat death of the universe!
I felt that
but then,what happens?
What you experience all stuff?
If you won all prizes,if you learn all informations,if you learn all languages,if you sleep every beauties what happens?
To me an eternal life is boring after one point.
You're right at one fact;A long life good about experiences.But I still prefer a good life than eternity life.
Sorry for my bad english.I have some questions and ı wanted share with you.
@rafael Perez Urbina human brains evolving fast.Maybe you're right but to me every humans (if they reacht to an eternal life)do not effort to learn knowledge.Some people can catch their pleassures and their meaningles obsessions.(If you notice what ı mean)
Anyway good luck to your life.
In a sense you can never reach the end. At one point we’d be so developed we’d create things like a fullbodysuit for be allowing you to live infinite life’s.
Get a mechanical brain cause I think your brain can't physically store all that information
This video brought me out of a depression I was in.
@@joshuahadley776 0:02
me: now plz
I dont really understand the point he is trying to make? I have been suicidal for 2 years. You cant scare me saying that I will never be ready to die since I've been trully ready a couple of times already
@@intimpulliber7376 but did you speak to therapists and get help or something like that?
doesnt really sound like a depression....
people always ask "why die?", but no one ever asks "How's die?"
It's death
@@thebestnavigator7766 ...
Thank you, this made my day.
no one has lived to tell
"How is die"??
This video definitely shows this guy has never thought of suicide legitimately.... and, I’m glad for him.
It's not death that we fear, its the slow motion towards it. Death passes in an instant, and can be no longer feared once we have passed it.
By that logic, you'd be ok dying as a child?
+alt f4 What, he hasn’t said that at all. He’s just saying that we fear the inevitability of death as we slowly progress to it. Just because he doesn’t like the idea of a slow death doesn’t mean he’d like the idea of a quick death.
Matthew Trzcinski not for me
Matthew Trzcinski I think of it more as we are dying as each day passes by. Our immune system, respiratory system, etc. is slowly degenerating until it will not longer have the ability to keep ourselves going. So it's not really an instant thing, its actually a very slow event that we don't actually realize is happening until it's already too late. That is to say if we die from aging. Most other deaths are fast, depending on what said person dies from.
Matthew Trzcinski That's completely right. The fear you feel for your death isn't caused by death itself, but by it slowly becoming more and more inevitable for it to happen - which is largely because of aging. Aging decreases all the bodily functions bit by bit, until we're eventually so weak that death becomes inevitable. That's real fear; that your body has a set timer which makes it less and less able to interact with the world the further towards the dead-line it goes.
An adventurous skydiver jumping out of a plane with a faulty parachute may experience more intense fear in his last moments, but it won't even get close to the unbearable long-term dread felt by a cancer patient.
"... the value of life cannot be estimated. Not by the living, for they are an interested party... [and] not by the dead, for a different reason." -- Nietzsche
One of my favorite videogame characters is a ghost named Siosa in Path of Exile.
Not because he's a particularly deep character, or has any interesting part in the story. I just really like his concept. He's a lonely, friendly librarian bound to an old painting. His favorite quote is, "Life... Is precious."
The implied additional perspective is wonderful.
Isn't the antivaxxing trend all about people missing the good old times when you could die or end up severely crippled by diseases that are preventable by vaccination?
I'm pretty sure there would be people choosing death because it's "more natural" even if immortality somehow became available for everyone.
i fear you could be right
Lord knows if I were given that given the choice? Yeah, I would be immortal. With a friend of course.
@@AndDiracisHisProphet that's up to them. If they want to die that badly they can just jump off a building or whatever.
@@millitron3666 1. with vaccination it is not that easy, something something, herd immunity.
2. those people don't WANT to die, they just think vaccinations are bad for them
@ i disagree. 'cause false dichotomy
“If you tortured people to make them better appreciate the pleasures of life, you would be a monster.”
* Cough cough * Saw * Cough *
Thanks to denial, I'm immoral
LoL. I wanna die. Everyone should die. Without death, the bad robot people live on, and so as such, the Humanity.exe program does not learn or improve.
So come one and all!
Sign below and die today!
I think you mean immortal. Immoral means you are bad, evil.
Nope, it's definitely immoral. (It's a joke, probably.)
He's denying death is bad. (Think the torture guy.)
You will always feel awake, because there is no feeling of being unawake. Our energy doesn't go anywhere. We will be back right after we die, in a new body, when a new version of the universe is back to maintaining life again. You will always feel awake, because there is no feeling of being unawake, there is no consciousness of being dead.
Dammm u smart
I would like to live as long as possible. Once I am dead, I have all of eternity to be dead.
freshoutofcrabs unless rebirth is true
Astro Doodie nah. You will decompose into that one flower fam
Mr. V - Just because I will not know that I am dead does not mean that I won't have all of eternity to BE dead.
Mr. V - At this point we are arguing semantics. One of the definitions of eternity is "a seemingly endless or immeasurable time" (according to Merriam Webster). I would argue that even though heat death of the universe is calculable, it, indeed, is seemingly immeasurable.
And I disagree with you entirely on your argument that there is no state of being after you die. My grandma IS dead, Aristotle IS dead. And when I die, I WILL BE dead. I am not saying that I will experience being dead, just that I will be dead.
Mr. V - I don't understand why you believe that I am doing that. I have consciousness now and I will not have it then. What I am trying to say is that I have such a short time to be conscious that I want it to last as long as possible before that consciousness ends.
So this is what the "Live: Death Count" stream was for
What's the source of the live count? How do we know it's reliable?
Zach 1905 _he makes sure it's accurate_ 😦
NeonUFOs exactly
Zach 1905 most likely he figured out (on average) how many people die in said amount of time (a day perhaps) then made the animation to match it
Zach 1905 there is a site that shows the live count
I know this is old but it really bothers me how people are misunderstanding what Grey has to say.
He isn't saying "Just don't die bro".
He is saying we should part with the mentality that desth is inevitable. In doing so we can focus on finding actual immortality. Do we all die? Yes. But if we can find a way to live longer, why shouldn't we take it. If you want to die so bad there will always be euthanasia, something that will probably become more common place in a society of immortals.
It's the viewpoint of a selfish child. Death is a balance to life. The end of one is the beginning of another.
@@kingrollypollyvii5565 Or your view is the viewpoint of a naive suicidal
@@kingrollypollyvii5565 OR viewing death as necessary is the view of a Stockholm Syndrome riddled abuse victim trying to justify their partner's inexcusable behavior.
Human Death isn't necessary for happiness or fulfillment. It's not necessary to advancing humanity. It's just not necessary period.
@@blackjoker2345 You're definitely 14-16. Also, it literally is necessary for all those things to exist.
@@kingrollypollyvii5565 I'm 32 you pedantic ass. I'm also a PHD in biology(cellular biology to be specific), so I think I know a bit more about how life and death work than you do.
Incredible video. I always think that, if I had the chance, I would want to live for as long as possible, maybe even until the end of the universe. There is just so much to explore and I want to be able to see and experience it all. When I talk to other people about it though, they very often talk about how when we are older we will want to die and all of that stuff. Thank you for letting me see that I am not in the wrong for wanting to escape death and live for as long as I like.
Every soil have to die every living thing have to die one day you cant excape death is the truth
@@zahidkhan-se3dg, you believe in eternal life too lmao
If you live forever you will suffer as all those around you die. You will never experience heaven you will be stuck on this rock until the heat death of the universe and then be stuck floating in space
@@epicej5121 well we aren't sure if heaven is real.
@@user-wx8pi8fy5d denying all past proof I see
1:16 Basically the plot of saw
This might be a stretch, but I think that’s a reference.
@@imabird1566 might be a stretch - pun intended? :D
this. is. legit. THANOS
Basically the plot of vi for vendetta
I am so glad someone... SOMEONE understands my PERSPECTIVE
Welcome to Transhumanism. If you're interested in fiction in line with the philosophy, I recommend r/rational and HPMoR in particular.
@@1337w0n I'm commenting to save this comment
And I thought I'm the only one who finds that death is a bad thing.