Hi Father! I had read about Our Lady’s presentation in the temple & the connection with the Prophetess Anna years ago by one of the Catholic mystics. I like the idea, because as with you, I never understood that significance until I read it. I’d love to talk more about it, but not in a public forum. May you be blessed for alerting us to beware of this film’s lack of spiritual solidness.
I am going to pray through Advent for those who watch the movie, who don’t know our Blessed Mother, that this makes them curious and start to search. I pray their hearts open to their Mother in heaven who so wants all of her children to come to her. Let their hearts open - and Mama will do the rest. 💗
@@ricknkelly1, um, have you heard the one about "judge not lest ye be judged?" It is hard, but we are called upon to be merciful to our fellow Christians, and interpret what they say with charity first and foremost. I take it that you are anti-Catholic. And I am sorry that you were taught that position. But you could look into what the Church teaches, and join the majority of Christians to be glad for *all* the gifts of God -- including the mother that Jesus gave to us -- His beloved disciple -- from the Cross. Wouldn't that make sense?
I’m not anti catholic at all but I am pro truth. There is nothing in scripture supporting the sinless Mary or that Mary was not affected by original sin. There is no reason that any of that needed to be true. Error needs to be opposed and the Catholic teachings on Mary are certainly full of error. You have to have blinders on to not see it but then I know tradition is hard for people to overcome. There is none without sin and that includes Mary.
👏👏👏💯💯💯 THAT is the goal of the MOVIE, and it certainly accomplishes that in spades. This isn’t a scholarly dissection of the particulars of the different biblical translations bla bla bla. This was made to bring her to life with the humanity that she has, as opposed to the 2-dimensional “meek silent mother” character from nativity pageants.
@@ricknkelly1 Keep being pro-Truth! And check again about "nothing in scripture". The position that many Protestants take (not all) against Mary's sinlessness is mainly dependent on the Protestant tradition, which holds a rather skewed view of the Scriptures -- leaving out of their consideration the way to understand the Old Testament by way of typology. St. Peter uses typology to explain how "Baptism saves us." (1 Peter 3:21) Peter considers the Flood to be a type of Baptism. Mary is connected with many of the types that appear in the Old Testament, which you can find at length in books like Brant Pitre's "Jesus and the Jewish Roots of Mary: Unveiling the Mother of the Messiah." The Teachings about Mary are firmly rooted in the Bible. But it takes a long time to explore them all. If you think deeply about the first prophecy of the coming of Jesus (Genesis 3:15), you will see that Mary was in God's mind from the start. But I would approach Mary through accepting her as your mother. Jesus gave her to "His beloved disciple" from the Cross. (John 19:26-27) You are His beloved disciple. Mary is your mother, and you should take her into your house, don't you think?
I completely agree with your comments! So many flaws, however, I loved the non biblical and yet, Catholic Tradition of Joseph being the protector of Mary and terror of demons.
Thank you. I can't recall ever enjoying a movie review as much as this one, Father. Or feeling more satisfied by one. I am going to go ahead and watch this flawed film in large part because of the few elements you pointed out that you actually appreciated. You've got me curious. (:
Thank you, Fr. Jonathan, for taking the time to do this review for us. I know you’re very busy, but if you’re able to share a few more reviews on movies like this, it would be greatly appreciated. I truly enjoyed watching this video and hearing your perspective on the film.
We watched it with a critical eye (as we do with all religious movies). The good father’s critique is spot on. On numerous occasions I found myself saying, “Wait a minute - where did they get that?”
Thank you Father! For the vast majority of so many watered down believers of their choice of aspects of Christianity, who like to call themselves Christians, God bless them all, a well timed catechesis for their good. God bless. 🙏🏼
Thank you Father for this great review. I watched the movie the other night and I immediately noticed the inaccuracy when I was waiting for the Angel Gabriel to tell Mary about her cousin Elizabeth with child as well. Overall, I enjoyed the movie except for the birthing part that I found extremely against what I was ever taught to believe.
Thank you Father for your over view of this film ! I find it hard to believe that good faithful Catholics would go watch this movie. Remember what bible the protestants read ! I would NOT walk across the street or watch anything from Netflix and or that false pastor EVER ! People should do a deep dive into that man !
I read a beautiful book about Mary titled “The Life of Mary as seen by the mystics” compiled by Raphael Brown. It is from the revelations of St Elizabeth of Schoenau, St Bridget of Sweden, Ven. Mother Mary of Agreda, and Ven. Anne Catherine Emmerich. I learned so much about our blessed mother from reading this book.
As someone converting to Catholocism, I really enjoyed the movie. I loved that there was a horse, rather than a donkey. I loved the temple part. I had never heard about Marys parents. And it gave us something to talk about at the rites class and that is hiw i was given the link to this video. Coming from prodestentism and seeing all the things i have missed in my learning has been very humbling. But we were always encouraged by pastors to go and watch movies together based on Christianity and given a paper with a list of inaccuacies before viewing. I am glad you talked about the inaccuracies. Thank you.
Thank you, Fr. Jonathan, for this review! It's good to hear a priest's "take" on this! I'm hoping you will continue to do movie reviews like this. Like, for example: how about the one on the Immaculate Conception? God bless you!
I rewatched The Nativity before I watched Mary. There is no way I could get through Mary- so much stuff that didn’t make sense starting with Mary’s lip injections & silk nightgown.
Oh my gosh! How do you know she got lip injections? And if so, so what? She's an actress! Every actor or actress in a movie or in a play, Christian movie or play or not are not all Christians. Take The Chosen for example. Sometimes, they convert to Christianity from playing a part in a movie or play, etc. How do you know it was a silk nightgown? You are very judgmental and we are taught to not be.
I watched this movie the other night. There was a lot that was so wrong with this movie. I kept going that’s not right, that’s not right, etc. I was actually surprised they did a movie on the Mother of God. Elizabeth was present at Jesus birth. I don’t think so. Anne, Mary’s mother, was there no I don’t think so. I could go on and on. They didn’t stick to the Biblical events. Thanks Father we are on the same page.
I thought exactly what you’re sharing father! Thank you for doing your movie review. Overall It was so off base and yet, having had solid Catholic formation from childhood, it has some brilliant ( ‘redeeming’ ?) components!
Typical Netflix! Why be surprised? Recognise the subtle attacking system . 15 ratings should be 18 etc… as for Osteen…he will have much to answer for ..from the top Boss.
Father, will you review the movie, "I am the Immaculate Conception"? It is only out in theatres for 3 days so you may need to look online for tickets as soon as tonight. I know the first showing near me is tomorrow. (december 14)
Goofy inacurate infprma t I on aboout Mary the mother of God the lmaculate conception AMEN THAT IS TRUTH. DO YOU BELIEVE in miracles because that is what God can give a miracle .......
Father, I saw the film and agree with what you say. I may be wrong but I thought during the immaculate conception scene a dove could be heard cooing faintly in the background to represent the Holy Spirit.
I liked the scenes where Joseph was about to throw a slingshot at a duck and the Archangel Gabriel stopped him to move further down the lake and that’s where he saw Mary for the very first time. She was beautiful and strong. When he fell in the lake telling her he would get her scarf, she didn't need him to. That was a beautiful scene in my opinion. There were a lot of killing and it was a hard pill to swallow but at the same look at much satan was trying to destroy the baby Jesus, look at much satan was trying to kill Mary! I would rather watch what actually happened even if it’s evil because we live in an evil world but Jesus came to save us! Watch along with your Holy Bible, a study one.
You make no mention of Gabriel, who appeared as a character from Harry Potter! To me, Joel Osteen is no more a pastor than I am. He is a creepy, money-hungry charlatin!!!!
There were good and bad points, writing was very focused on continuity of the story which really frustrated the authentic storyline - my big mad is how Saint Joseph was portrayed (as a hothead who frequently flew off the handle). My main takeaway is this is the Anthony Hopkins show. Everything from his portrayal, from what probably went into the character arch, to his acting totally overshadowed everything. Like you’d forget what this film was about with how Hopkins just dominated the entire thing. The one moment I love in the film was Hopkins nod to his Shakespearean roots, in this one scene that looked straight out of macbeth or even hamlet. Everything else was pretty much forgettable to be honest.
The Protestants are triggered by the “un-biblical” content. Catholics are triggered by Mary’s labor pains. Orthodox are triggered because Joseph is young. Me? I’m triggered by those HORRIBLE HATS and ugly Star-wars-y costumes! Seriously, though - they included all of the non-canonical content like Anne, Joachim and Mary living in the temple. But the important Biblical parts?? It’s SO CRITICAL that she ASKS Gabriel “How can this be?” but in this movie she insists “That’s not possible!” Zechariah was silenced when he doubted God! They don’t even have the Magnificat in this, but somehow I remember it being in the trailer. Why doesn’t the angel appear to Joseph? So many weird things about it. The 2006 “The Nativity Story” is much more subtle and beautiful. And Oscar Isaac as Saint Joseph?? Yes please! My ideal man.
I saw the film before seeing this and appreciate the review. I’d heard negatives but my husband wanted to watch it and I was glad we did. I appreciated thinking about Mary’s life in this way. New and quite beautiful layers were added to my Catholic imagination of her life without anything being taken away. I went in skeptical and came out pleased. Yet understanding creative license was taken. My parish is Sts Anne and Joachim in Fargo ND. I loved that Mary’s parents were brought to life.
I agree with you but I am not catholic. I am a Christian-follower. I watched the movie to learn about Mary and what she and Jesus’ earthly father went through. I cried a couple of times in this movie because it showed how strong she was and how determined she was knowing that God was with her.
There is absolutely no need for all criticism. IMDB categorizes this film as “Drama”, not a “Documentary”. All non documentary films should be viewed with a “Suspension of Disbelief”
I am Catholic by that if it is not the account of this that is supported by the universal understanding of Jesus’s Church I have little need for it. I can love Mother Mary in her actual role as the Mother of Jesus Christ as supported by Sacred Scriptures and Church teaching, and I don’t care what the Protestants think they have been told to believe by their little pope teachers who are by this time counting in the 35 thousands of denominations. Our culture has become what Paul warned of in pretty much every epistle he presented. As our pastors say in mass quite often, “Let us pray for our Protestant Brothers and Sisters who have fallen asleep in the hope of the resurrection, let us pray”. A sharp contrast to what I heard from Protestant pulpits about how sinful Catholics are… … Lord, hear our prayer.
I am a traditional Catholic who has watched the Netflix film Mary. First off everyone needs to take a deep breath and calm down. This is a MOVIE not a documentary. The film was beautifully shot and the acting was so good you felt you were there with them. Yes the film does take artistic liberties with the story but it provides a message and hope that is sadly missing for young women. Unless any of you were actually alive at the time of Mary’s life then just rejoice in a very positive message tho film provides.
Thanks for sharing your perspective! I understand it’s a movie, not a documentary, but when it involves key figures of our faith like Mary, accuracy matters. Artistic liberties can inspire, but they may also cause confusion. Glad you found hope in it-just important we keep the true message of Mary’s life in mind!
Thank you Fr Jonathan I've watched this film and also found it's so odd about Mary's life. I didn't believed what it's happen to Virgin Mary, and I really don't recommend to me friends to watch it. God bless you.
I watched this on the 26th with my son and was so upset. There are other inaccuracies in the movie like Joseph not getting visited by Angel gabriel after the pregnancy. Way to many ommissions which changed the tragectory of the plot. And to think Joel Osteen Executive Produced this movie is very concerning. Like what is his agenda.
I watched it. It was okay..maybe C+. Some of it was filmed beautifully and it is better than a lot of stuff out there. But I agree that they got a lot wrong. Especially when the angel Gabriel speaks to her. Scripture says "Hail full of Grace.. but in the movie he calls her Mary. She also doesn't respond as per scripture. They never show Gabriel going to Joseph..and the whole scene towards the end with the centurion and the fire was just dumb. Lots of flaws, but still I think it's good that Hollywood/Netflix is making an effort to have more spiritual movies. And it's a way to start conversations with non Catholics. And just the fact that a protestant is making a movie based outside scripture is kind of amazing.
Totally agree that when we represent biblical stories we should stick closely to the biblical text. But it is rich to hear a Catholic complain about a movie not doing things that are not in the biblical text. Cant talk out of both sides of your mouth.
Thank you for sharing your thoughts. I agree that staying close to the biblical text is important when representing biblical stories. At the same time, as Catholics, we also have a rich tradition of interpreting and understanding Scripture in a broader context. My concern is more about how these representations align with the deeper teachings of our faith. It’s great to have open conversations about these things.
Seems like I learn something new every time I listen to a Catholic. Things I don't find in the bible. ;) Thanks for the confirmation that both Protestant's and Catholic's don't like this movie.
I watched it. Entertaining, yes. Ill say it was what the Top Gun movies are to naval aviation. Lol. Its not close to historically accurate, but it was never meant to be. I think people are way too critical and miss that it may inspire non-christians toward religion. We can watch every movie and show ever made and pick it apart and call it blasphemous. Even "The Chosen" showed Mary having labor pains. I enjoyed the movie, but I aknowledge that most of it was not accurate. I have a friend, non-practicing, that began researching the story of Jesus's birth because of this movie. I encouraged him to read the book of Luke for accuracy. He is about halfway through. He is reading Luke because of this movie.
Father, respectfully, I don’t think you can see the forest from the trees based on your review. I think it’s important to consider who the target audience is and what the filmmaker’s goals were in going through the incredibly difficult process of making it. The fact that it exists at all - and done so professionally - and with ANTHONY HOPKINS playing a major role - AND ON NETFLIX and not some obscure “faith based” platform is HUGE. That all being said, the film CLEARLY wants to exalt and honor our Blessed Mother. There’s a big difference between maliciously distorting facts or inserting character traits to serve an agenda, vs fudging details/simplifying the traditional narrative to serve the story and a broader audience who likely only sees Mary as a two-dimensional character in a children’s story. A few examples: 1. Mary having pain during childbirth - while this was a bit jarring for me as a cradle Catholic, after some thought it doesn’t bother me. The vast majority of people cannot wrap their heads around a virgin pregnancy much less how Jesus being born “normally” affects her virginity ( I know I can’t)…and frankly how the heck would you show/explain that cinematically?? The film simplifies this and stays true to the most important dogma that all Christians can agree on - Mary did not “know man” prior to becoming pregnant. 2. Mary learning from her mother, rather than Gabriel, about Elizabeth’s pregnancy. I recognized this as “not accurate” to scripture, but frankly how does that really negatively impact the story? At the end of the day, Mary learns of Elizabeth’s pregnancy and goes to see her and we see the beautiful scene of Elizabeth recognizing her for who she is (which also is not strictly accurate). I think we all get stuck in the mentality that the narrative that exists in scripture is exhaustive in context and breadth, as if only the people mentioned or dialogue spoken within it are all that is true. We must remember that the Bible itself says that Jesus did and said more (that is NOT written in scripture) that could fill all the books in the world. SO, is it not within the realm of possibility that St Anne could have been given the same message from Gabriel about Elizabeth? I don’t think the film was perfect by any means but I think we need to stop putting it through a strict purity test and look at the net positives when it comes to INTRODUCING our Blessed Mother to the masses.
Its still a great movie......because ......... Its just a movie When you acknowledge that........youll know its a great movie The greatest story ever told......... It has all kinds of inaccuracies yet, its a good movie
I found it a great movie, yeah sure it's in no way a catholic documentary but that doesn't mean secular people can't pick up some great things from it. Especially the last line, right?!
Great question that's not getting an answer.... Also, how would natural childbirth take away Mary's virginity? A virgin is a woman who has never known man, as Mary herself states, not an intact hymen or closed womb.
Yes good question, I've heard it explained that the 'pain' described is not from the physical labor itself, but rather the pain that Mary knew would befall her Son and therefore, would be her shared pain and grief as well. "The sword that pierces her heart" Also, that it represents the birth of the Church, at the Cross, where she as the Church's mother, experienced its "labor pains" by the suffering she experienced watching her Son. (That can be described as her co-redemptrix suffering)
The "labor pains" described in the Book of Revelation regarding the "woman clothed with the sun" (Revelation 12) are symbolizing Mary's spiritual suffering, not physical pain during childbirth of JESUS, due to her deep knowledge of Jesus' future pain and her role as the mother of the CHURSH, rather than literal birth pangs of Jesus; this is based on the belief that Mary was conceived without original sin and therefore would not experience the physical pain of childbirth as other women do. Mary is giving BIRTH to the Church….sinners like you and me!!!!!
As Catholics we should be jumping all over this curiosity about our Lord, His Mother, and The Church. There is not a single good reason to stray from the Gospel or Catholic Christian teaching to make this movie. The actual story is interesting enough and if produced well would be far more congruent, about what we know from the very earliest of teaching, than this stray. Netflix movie about Mary is a secular movie trying to respect all religions by providing a fiction about the Holy Mother of Jesus Christ the Son of the Living God. I was not surprised.
Very disappointing film. Very badly researched, inexplicable tweaking of the Scriptures and eventually turning the Holy Family into a sort of Fast & Furious cast. To make things worse, a pathetic image of St.Joseph is portrayed. Was the real story not enough? Why not show their deep relationship to God's at every step they took instead of showing them empowered and self sufficient? what a real shame...
I just this and he forgot to mention who directed this movie. when I hear who directed the movie I was sick to my stomach because how can someone that is a “Roman Catholic” agree to do this movie? Unless he call himself a catholic but does NOT practice it. A real Roman Catholic will not do this at all.
It was a good movie. All the critics will say it's not a 100% faithful representation of what actually occurred. All the critics that vehemently tell how inaccurate it is, wouldn't be able to tell you the color of Mary or Jesus's skin with any accuracy. This was a touching film as it reminds viewers that Mary was just a human girl chosen by God, and she said yes over and over.
In Mark 6:3, the "brothers" of Jesus are named; they are James and Joses and Judas and Simon. Two of the names, James and Joses, appear again in Mark 15:40, where they are said to be the sons of a Mary, one of the women watching the crucifixion.
We enjoyed the movie since we as Catholics know the importance real story it didn’t affect me There are so many Catholic movies out so much more violence
Here is a good general rule. Be very wary of Biblical content promoted or produced by secular streaming platforms and cable channels like the History Channel. I'm not saying all of the content is off-the mark or downright blasphemous, though some of it is, only that you need to use discernment and realize that even solid content often takes liberties and falls back on artistic license to create what they believe to be a more compelling story. I look at the motivation behind the people creating the content most of all. For instance, the History Channel did this series on ways the world might end. They presented the space calamity side, the climate side, the population side, in fairly rational terms, giving their arguments a respectable presentation regardless of the validity of their claim. When they got around to Biblical prophesy it was another matter entirely. That was presented as superstitious wives tales and treated in an almost mocking manner. You could tell the producer had a bent. When I looked a bit deeper into this production I learned the producers had consulted everyone from Muslims to spiritualists. That told me the producers were more concerned with equity than sticking to scripture and Christian tradition. I could ask what the response would be if some team made a movie on Mohamed using Christian theologians as consultants but of course that would never happen. They wouldn't even consider such an approach. Our Blessed Mother means more to me than I can express here so I'm staying away. I did see I Am The Immaculate Conception at the theater. I liked that and I'm certain the couple of dozen others in the theater enjoyed it as well. Oh well. Ave Maria.
🌹📿🌹Incredible that both this film & Michal Kondrat’s incredible 🎥 ‘I am The Immaculate Conception” are in America’s consciousness at the SAME TIME … 🌹📿🌹… Saint Anne & Saint Joachim, please pray for Joel Osterbroch & his flock and all families … 🙏🏼✝️& purest heart of Saint Joseph, protector of The Virgin & Holy Infant, please, protect Catholic families & please PRAY FOR The Bride of Christ, His Church, to be true to all he doctrines, & finally dear lovely Mother, you, who are The Immaculate Conception, our tainted nature’s only boast, Our Lady, please, PRAY FOR AMERICA 🇺🇸 VIVA CHRISTO REY
I don't like the mischarchterization of Joel Osteen. It is true that fear of the Lord and godly wisdom lead to many blessings. My own biblical search of "blessing" in scripture has a material meaning of prosperity. Yet I've never heard Osteen condition prosperity on belief in Jesus. I've only heard people say this about him. Catholics (and Jews) are the most educated and materially blessed of all religious. Dont be ungrateful. It's worse to say your material blessings do not come from God.
Such DISGRACE...🤣 A bad joke of the Scripture with a Joseph so young dating Mary ...Archangel Gabriel with a demonic face...everything is a mocked history. 🤣 I watched it only 10 minutes....and was enough !
Where were the angels a) telling Mary she was going to conceive and have a child as a virgin b) Joseph was never visited and told that Mary was chosen by GOD and she was going to give birth to the son of GOD! He was to be beside her and help her raise Jesus.
Father- The Chosen had Our Blessed Mother screaming during childbirth- that was the last time I watched The Chosen. There’s no way I’d want to ever see this film. God Bless You🙏Thank you.
The Chosen did not depict Mary “screaming” during childbirth. I don’t know where you got this from. You are missing out on an excellent series. I do agree with you about never seeing this Netflix Film. I love our Lady too much to see her life so inaccurately told.
You watch it and you gotta keep an open mind that it’s a Hollywood movie Like father said there are some parts that are true to the bible …. And then theres Hollywood confusion
Damn, I did not want to hear that spoiler, I am not yet that far in the story, I did not know Jesus was going to be born. Jokes aside, I am not surprised by Netflix. Shame on them, hope God helps them find a righteous path.
Im glad I watched it. Yea, there were errors and I was disappointed. It was a good movie to watch. But not great. Without doubt, it was the scene of Mary having birthing pains that my soul immediately rejected any inclination to 'love' the movie. I encourage anyone who doesn't give their common sense and Faith over to Hollywood to watch it. In all honesty, it is hard to believe that any person would assume that Hollywood is trustworthy and that they would hand over their Faith to Hollywood to replace biblical scripture... As far as the violence goes, that is just life on planet Earth. I expected it for all the right reasons. If you are person who is in denial and believes that we do not live in a cruel world wherein everyone is genuinely sincere with all good intentions, I beg you to get a reality check for your own good/wellbeing. Sheltering kids is not healthy either bc all you are doing is setting their hearts/minds up for a lifetime full of continuous let-downs and heartbreaks which can lead to failure.
Thanks for your video. I agree that there are various parts of the movie, such as the annunciation in the temple, that are not according to scriptures. Respectfully though, I do think it preposterous to believe in the perpetual virginity of Mary. There is enough of a challenge to conceptualise the miracle that a virgin will give birth to our Saviour, but to add that she was forever a virgin is completely against both internal and external evidence, and an affront to our Christian faith and doctrine. The miracle of our Lord's birth is something to behold, but to go over and beyond that seeks to minimise the humanity of Christ and add some sort of deity aspect to the person of Mary. Absolutely nonsensical!
Was the Protevangelium of (pseudo-)James part of Scripture; if yes, how come the Early Church Fathers did not consider it canonical enough to become part of our Bible? And doesn't Catholicism teach that the woman "clothed with the sun, with the moon under her feet, and wearing a crown of 12 stars" in Revelation 12:1-2 Mary? In this same verse, the woman was crying out because of the pain of childbirth.
The "labor pains" described in the Book of Revelation regarding the "woman clothed with the sun" (Revelation 12) are symbolizing Mary's spiritual suffering, not physical pain during childbirth of JESUS, due to her deep knowledge of Jesus' future pain and her role as the mother of the CHURSH, rather than literal birth pangs of Jesus; this is based on the belief that Mary was conceived without original sin and therefore would not experience the physical pain of childbirth as other women do. Mary is giving BIRTH to the Church….sinners like you and me!!!!!
In Genesis, the after the fail, women will have pain during child birth, and men will Toul the land for food, that when original sin entered the universe, but Mary being the Mother of Jesus the savior, was saved by her son the man-god and spared from original sin. that my understanding of it. hope that helps
A consequence of original sin was woman would experience pain in childbirth. Mary was saved from the original sin and the personal consequences of sin. She was/is the perfect human being because she was saved by God to be the New Eve, the Mother of all the Living, and who who incarnate God, the New Adam, who would save all humanity.
We can say she didn't have immerse pain during childbirth but to assume she didn't give birth naturally will be a bit to much. The son she carried (Jesus) took upon himself all of sin and went through pain for the world and we draw the line of Mary's childbirth pain??
I saw this movie Father. I give it a D+. No thanks. My fav is Jesus of Nazareth and I don’t think Mary said anything. She was still portrayed as Super Holy 👍🙏
Ohh, I didn't know that Catholics believe that she didn't give birth to him n stayed a virgin forever. That's different. I'm a Christian and couldn't finish the movie, but idk who this movie is made for, it's not biblically accurate but I thought maybe it was made for Catholic beliefs instead but apparently not. Who is this made for lol, e everyone and nobody.
Mary is human. The child birth is what she had to go through to have our Lord Jesus. Jesus went through tremendous pain and suffering to save us and Mary's pain of child birth is where we draw the line. If she just had Jesus in her hands, then God our Father could have just dropped him (Son) on her laps without pregnancy. Mary giving birth to Jesus doesn't stop her from being a Virgin.
She was born without Original Sin (the sin of Adam and Eve) and so lived without the consequences of their sin. One of the consequences of Adam and Eve’s sin was that women would suffer in childbirth, so Mary would have been freed from these pains and instead had a miraculous birth. She is the Immaculate Conception, born without original sin, as the the perfect mother of God, our Lord Jesus Christ.
Read Genesis and birth pangs Read arc of the covenant, incorruptible and pure Read full of grace Read the resurrection where Jesus emerged from his shroud and left his image …. It wasn’t unwrapping of burial cloths In like manner he emerged from Mary Study the Church Fathers understanding of history over 1,000 years before Protestantism
@@LucyKelly-bt1mz show me in Gods word where you found anything to back that up. If she was without sin why did she die? Wasn’t death a consequence of the sin in the garden?
@@ricknkelly1 Mary was conceived without sin, and desired to imitate her Son in every way. Like Him, she died and was assumed body and soul into Heaven. Her death was a a miraculous event as she did not suffer bodily corruption and she reigns queen of Heaven, body and soul with Christ for eternity. Christ did not sin, and was also without Original Sin (obviously since he is God), but He still died.
I won’t be seeing this movie…no Netflix, but I think Fr.Meyer gets ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ for the great review! God bless you, Father.
I completely agree. Please don't watch this movie. I watched first 20 mins, but couldn't tolerate any further. Ave Maria!
Well, you know we're not living in perfect paradise anymore, right? So are you judging only by what's wrong or more by what's great?
You’re review to the movie is eye-opening and very much appreciated
I think the review focuses too much on the letter of the law at the expense of the spirit
Hi Father! I had read about Our Lady’s presentation in the temple & the connection with the Prophetess Anna years ago by one of the Catholic mystics. I like the idea, because as with you, I never understood that significance until I read it. I’d love to talk more about it, but not in a public forum. May you be blessed for alerting us to beware of this film’s lack of spiritual solidness.
I am going to pray through Advent for those who watch the movie, who don’t know our Blessed Mother, that this makes them curious and start to search. I pray their hearts open to their Mother in heaven who so wants all of her children to come to her. Let their hearts open - and Mama will do the rest. 💗
@@SC-sy8gg sounds like you have formed an idol to me.
@@ricknkelly1, um, have you heard the one about "judge not lest ye be judged?" It is hard, but we are called upon to be merciful to our fellow Christians, and interpret what they say with charity first and foremost. I take it that you are anti-Catholic. And I am sorry that you were taught that position. But you could look into what the Church teaches, and join the majority of Christians to be glad for *all* the gifts of God -- including the mother that Jesus gave to us -- His beloved disciple -- from the Cross.
Wouldn't that make sense?
I’m not anti catholic at all but I am pro truth. There is nothing in scripture supporting the sinless Mary or that Mary was not affected by original sin. There is no reason that any of that needed to be true. Error needs to be opposed and the Catholic teachings on Mary are certainly full of error. You have to have blinders on to not see it but then I know tradition is hard for people to overcome. There is none without sin and that includes Mary.
👏👏👏💯💯💯 THAT is the goal of the MOVIE, and it certainly accomplishes that in spades. This isn’t a scholarly dissection of the particulars of the different biblical translations bla bla bla. This was made to bring her to life with the humanity that she has, as opposed to the 2-dimensional “meek silent mother” character from nativity pageants.
@@ricknkelly1 Keep being pro-Truth! And check again about "nothing in scripture". The position that many Protestants take (not all) against Mary's sinlessness is mainly dependent on the Protestant tradition, which holds a rather skewed view of the Scriptures -- leaving out of their consideration the way to understand the Old Testament by way of typology. St. Peter uses typology to explain how "Baptism saves us." (1 Peter 3:21) Peter considers the Flood to be a type of Baptism.
Mary is connected with many of the types that appear in the Old Testament, which you can find at length in books like Brant Pitre's "Jesus and the Jewish Roots of Mary: Unveiling the Mother of the Messiah."
The Teachings about Mary are firmly rooted in the Bible. But it takes a long time to explore them all. If you think deeply about the first prophecy of the coming of Jesus (Genesis 3:15), you will see that Mary was in God's mind from the start.
But I would approach Mary through accepting her as your mother. Jesus gave her to "His beloved disciple" from the Cross. (John 19:26-27) You are His beloved disciple. Mary is your mother, and you should take her into your house, don't you think?
Thank you for this review Fr. Meyer!
Love this review, the best about this film. Mary is immaculate and we all believe it no matter what they put in movies...Salve Maria! Merry Christmas!
I completely agree with your comments! So many flaws, however, I loved the non biblical and yet, Catholic Tradition of Joseph being the protector of Mary and terror of demons.
Thank you. I can't recall ever enjoying a movie review as much as this one, Father.
Or feeling more satisfied by one. I am going to go ahead and watch this flawed film in large part because of the few elements you pointed out that you actually appreciated.
You've got me curious. (:
Thank you, Fr. Jonathan, for taking the time to do this review for us. I know you’re very busy, but if you’re able to share a few more reviews on movies like this, it would be greatly appreciated. I truly enjoyed watching this video and hearing your perspective on the film.
Sure thing!
We watched it with a critical eye (as we do with all religious movies). The good father’s critique is spot on. On numerous occasions I found myself saying, “Wait a minute - where did they get that?”
Thank you father for the review❤
Thank you Father! For the vast majority of so many watered down believers of their choice of aspects of Christianity, who like to call themselves Christians, God bless them all, a well timed catechesis for their good. God bless. 🙏🏼
Thank you Father for this great review. I watched the movie the other night and I immediately noticed the inaccuracy when I was waiting for the Angel Gabriel to tell Mary about her cousin Elizabeth with child as well. Overall, I enjoyed the movie except for the birthing part that I found extremely against what I was ever taught to believe.
Thank you Father for your over view of this film ! I find it hard to believe that good faithful Catholics would go watch this movie. Remember what bible the protestants read ! I would NOT walk across the street or watch anything from Netflix and or that false pastor EVER ! People should do a deep dive into that man !
I read a beautiful book about Mary titled “The Life of Mary as seen by the mystics” compiled by Raphael Brown. It is from the revelations of St Elizabeth of Schoenau, St Bridget of Sweden, Ven. Mother Mary of Agreda, and Ven. Anne Catherine Emmerich. I learned so much about our blessed mother from reading this book.
Thank you for your take. I had a feeling it was not worth watching this Netflix version of our blessed Virgin Mary
I can't wait to see it. Thank you, Fr.
As someone converting to Catholocism, I really enjoyed the movie. I loved that there was a horse, rather than a donkey. I loved the temple part. I had never heard about Marys parents. And it gave us something to talk about at the rites class and that is hiw i was given the link to this video. Coming from prodestentism and seeing all the things i have missed in my learning has been very humbling. But we were always encouraged by pastors to go and watch movies together based on Christianity and given a paper with a list of inaccuacies before viewing. I am glad you talked about the inaccuracies. Thank you.
I watched it and felt uncomfortable throughout. The acting is good but the whole story misses the plot and it is totally inaccurate.
Thank you, Fr. Jonathan, for this review! It's good to hear a priest's "take" on this! I'm hoping you will continue to do movie reviews like this. Like, for example: how about the one on the Immaculate Conception? God bless you!
More to come!
I rewatched The Nativity before I watched Mary. There is no way I could get through Mary- so much stuff that didn’t make sense starting with Mary’s lip injections & silk nightgown.
Oh my gosh! How do you know she got lip injections? And if so, so what? She's an actress! Every actor or actress in a movie or in a play, Christian movie or play or not are not all Christians. Take The Chosen for example. Sometimes, they convert to Christianity from playing a part in a movie or play, etc. How do you know it was a silk nightgown? You are very judgmental and we are taught to not be.
I watched this movie the other night. There was a lot that was so wrong with this movie. I kept going that’s not right, that’s not right, etc. I was actually surprised they did a movie on the Mother of God. Elizabeth was present at Jesus birth. I don’t think so. Anne, Mary’s mother, was there no I don’t think so. I could go on and on. They didn’t stick to the Biblical events. Thanks Father we are on the same page.
How ever did you get the idea this was a catholic documentary? So then don't judge by those standards?!
Thanks Father Meyer for this review May God Bless you🙏🙏
My pleasure
I thought exactly what you’re sharing father! Thank you for doing your movie review.
Overall It was so off base and yet, having had solid Catholic formation from childhood, it has some brilliant ( ‘redeeming’ ?) components!
Typical Netflix! Why be surprised? Recognise the subtle attacking system . 15 ratings should be 18 etc… as for Osteen…he will have much to answer for ..from the top Boss.
So you think we're still in paradise? What about all those people whomget interested in the holy mother and Christ because of this film?!
I felt called to watch this movie to speak out. THIS IS A HORRIBLE BALSPHEMY against our holy mother. Please do not watch it!
Father, will you review the movie, "I am the Immaculate Conception"? It is only out in theatres for 3 days so you may need to look online for tickets as soon as tonight. I know the first showing near me is tomorrow. (december 14)
Goofy inacurate infprma t I on aboout Mary the mother of God the lmaculate conception AMEN THAT IS TRUTH.
DO YOU BELIEVE in miracles because that is what God can give a miracle .......
It's coming soon!
Father, I saw the film and agree with what you say. I may be wrong but I thought during the immaculate conception scene a dove could be heard cooing faintly in the background to represent the Holy Spirit.
I liked the scenes where Joseph was about to throw a slingshot at a duck and the Archangel Gabriel stopped him to move further down the lake and that’s where he saw Mary for the very first time. She was beautiful and strong. When he fell in the lake telling her he would get her scarf, she didn't need him to. That was a beautiful scene in my opinion. There were a lot of killing and it was a hard pill to swallow but at the same look at much satan was trying to destroy the baby Jesus, look at much satan was trying to kill Mary! I would rather watch what actually happened even if it’s evil because we live in an evil world but Jesus came to save us! Watch along with your Holy Bible, a study one.
Thank you for your review, Father. I will NOT be watching this horrific lying & false movie.
Thank you Fr. Meyers for calling the facts out !
Thanks for listening
I immediately thought that something would gone wrong in the movie, since Mother Mary be called ‘vessel’. Like, she’s way more than that.
You make no mention of Gabriel, who appeared as a character from Harry Potter! To me, Joel Osteen is no more a pastor than I am. He is a creepy, money-hungry charlatin!!!!
The story of Anna receiving Mary as she is presented to the temple is described in The Poem of the Man God
There were good and bad points, writing was very focused on continuity of the story which really frustrated the authentic storyline - my big mad is how Saint Joseph was portrayed (as a hothead who frequently flew off the handle). My main takeaway is this is the Anthony Hopkins show. Everything from his portrayal, from what probably went into the character arch, to his acting totally overshadowed everything. Like you’d forget what this film was about with how Hopkins just dominated the entire thing. The one moment I love in the film was Hopkins nod to his Shakespearean roots, in this one scene that looked straight out of macbeth or even hamlet. Everything else was pretty much forgettable to be honest.
The Protestants are triggered by the “un-biblical” content. Catholics are triggered by Mary’s labor pains. Orthodox are triggered because Joseph is young. Me? I’m triggered by those HORRIBLE HATS and ugly Star-wars-y costumes!
Seriously, though - they included all of the non-canonical content like Anne, Joachim and Mary living in the temple. But the important Biblical parts?? It’s SO CRITICAL that she ASKS Gabriel “How can this be?” but in this movie she insists “That’s not possible!” Zechariah was silenced when he doubted God!
They don’t even have the Magnificat in this, but somehow I remember it being in the trailer.
Why doesn’t the angel appear to Joseph?
So many weird things about it. The 2006 “The Nativity Story” is much more subtle and beautiful. And Oscar Isaac as Saint Joseph?? Yes please! My ideal man.
I saw the film before seeing this and appreciate the review. I’d heard negatives but my husband wanted to watch it and I was glad we did. I appreciated thinking about Mary’s life in this way. New and quite beautiful layers were added to my Catholic imagination of her life without anything being taken away. I went in skeptical and came out pleased. Yet understanding creative license was taken. My parish is Sts Anne and Joachim in Fargo ND. I loved that Mary’s parents were brought to life.
I agree with you but I am not catholic. I am a Christian-follower. I watched the movie to learn about Mary and what she and Jesus’ earthly father went through. I cried a couple of times in this movie because it showed how strong she was and how determined she was knowing that God was with her.
Mary’s faith was and is such a beautiful model for all of us. ❤
There is absolutely no need for all criticism. IMDB categorizes this film as “Drama”, not a “Documentary”. All non documentary films should be viewed with a “Suspension of Disbelief”
THanks for listening.
I am Catholic by that if it is not the account of this that is supported by the universal understanding of Jesus’s Church I have little need for it. I can love Mother Mary in her actual role as the Mother of Jesus Christ as supported by Sacred Scriptures and Church teaching, and I don’t care what the Protestants think they have been told to believe by their little pope teachers who are by this time counting in the 35 thousands of denominations. Our culture has become what Paul warned of in pretty much every epistle he presented. As our pastors say in mass quite often, “Let us pray for our Protestant Brothers and Sisters who have fallen asleep in the hope of the resurrection, let us pray”. A sharp contrast to what I heard from Protestant pulpits about how sinful Catholics are… … Lord, hear our prayer.
Great review!Curious father if you will review “the saints” from Fox? We are thinking of watching during the holidays and excited about Joan of arc
Really why I have never heard of this what time is it aired?
Generations will call you Blessed Mary the mother of God💚
God doesn't have a mommy.... Stop lying....
I hope you watch "I am the Immaculate Conception," and give us a review of it as well. Going to watch it today in the theater. 🙏
I am a traditional Catholic who has watched the Netflix film Mary. First off everyone needs to take a deep breath and calm down. This is a MOVIE not a documentary. The film was beautifully shot and the acting was so good you felt you were there with them. Yes the film does take artistic liberties with the story but it provides a message and hope that is sadly missing for young women. Unless any of you were actually alive at the time of Mary’s life then just rejoice in a very positive message tho film provides.
Thanks for sharing your perspective! I understand it’s a movie, not a documentary, but when it involves key figures of our faith like Mary, accuracy matters. Artistic liberties can inspire, but they may also cause confusion. Glad you found hope in it-just important we keep the true message of Mary’s life in mind!
Thank you Fr Jonathan
I've watched this film and also found it's so odd about Mary's life. I didn't believed what it's happen to Virgin Mary, and I really don't recommend to me friends to watch it.
God bless you.
Truth and non truth cannot exist together
I’m a non denominational Christian, and I too am not a fan of Joel Olsteen, which helped me put the inaccuracies together .
Just a short while ago Netflix had literal child corn. Now a movie about Mary, that alone is a huge culture shift.
Thanks for listening!
I have heard many things about this movie and I decided not to worry about because don't have Netflix.
1.) I don't trust them.
2.) I can't afford it.
You missed out mentioning that both the writer Timothy Michael Hayes and the director D.J. Caruso are Catholic. Joel Osteen just bankrolled it.
I'll stick with "Mary of Nazareth".
thank you
You're welcome
That movie is misleading, it's a devil's work!
I watched this on the 26th with my son and was so upset. There are other inaccuracies in the movie like Joseph not getting visited by Angel gabriel after the pregnancy. Way to many ommissions which changed the tragectory of the plot. And to think Joel Osteen Executive Produced this movie is very concerning. Like what is his agenda.
I didn’t expect to learn anything by this film. In fact, I fell asleep through a third of it.
I watched it. It was okay..maybe C+. Some of it was filmed beautifully and it is better than a lot of stuff out there. But I agree that they got a lot wrong. Especially when the angel Gabriel speaks to her. Scripture says "Hail full of Grace.. but in the movie he calls her Mary. She also doesn't respond as per scripture. They never show Gabriel going to Joseph..and the whole scene towards the end with the centurion and the fire was just dumb. Lots of flaws, but still I think it's good that Hollywood/Netflix is making an effort to have more spiritual movies. And it's a way to start conversations with non Catholics. And just the fact that a protestant is making a movie based outside scripture is kind of amazing.
Angel Gabriel being creepy is already a red flag. More from extra biblical texts than the gospels. Since when does good equate to weird or creepy?
Totally agree that when we represent biblical stories we should stick closely to the biblical text. But it is rich to hear a Catholic complain about a movie not doing things that are not in the biblical text. Cant talk out of both sides of your mouth.
Thank you for sharing your thoughts. I agree that staying close to the biblical text is important when representing biblical stories. At the same time, as Catholics, we also have a rich tradition of interpreting and understanding Scripture in a broader context. My concern is more about how these representations align with the deeper teachings of our faith. It’s great to have open conversations about these things.
We liked the movie, a bit far fetched, but it is just entertainment. And if this movie brings someone closer to Christ, it’s well worth the watch.
I watched the first half of this while getting my hair done, with 2 Protestants and they thought it was the catholic church’s view….🤦🏾♀️
Thank you for sharing!
Seems like I learn something new every time I listen to a Catholic. Things I don't find in the bible. ;)
Thanks for the confirmation that both Protestant's and Catholic's don't like this movie.
I watched it. Entertaining, yes. Ill say it was what the Top Gun movies are to naval aviation. Lol. Its not close to historically accurate, but it was never meant to be. I think people are way too critical and miss that it may inspire non-christians toward religion. We can watch every movie and show ever made and pick it apart and call it blasphemous. Even "The Chosen" showed Mary having labor pains. I enjoyed the movie, but I aknowledge that most of it was not accurate. I have a friend, non-practicing, that began researching the story of Jesus's birth because of this movie. I encouraged him to read the book of Luke for accuracy. He is about halfway through. He is reading Luke because of this movie.
Praise The Lord!! ... I agree with you.
Father, respectfully, I don’t think you can see the forest from the trees based on your review.
I think it’s important to consider who the target audience is and what the filmmaker’s goals were in going through the incredibly difficult process of making it. The fact that it exists at all - and done so professionally - and with ANTHONY HOPKINS playing a major role - AND ON NETFLIX and not some obscure “faith based” platform is HUGE.
That all being said, the film CLEARLY wants to exalt and honor our Blessed Mother. There’s a big difference between maliciously distorting facts or inserting character traits to serve an agenda, vs fudging details/simplifying the traditional narrative to serve the story and a broader audience who likely only sees Mary as a two-dimensional character in a children’s story.
A few examples:
1. Mary having pain during childbirth - while this was a bit jarring for me as a cradle Catholic, after some thought it doesn’t bother me. The vast majority of people cannot wrap their heads around a virgin pregnancy much less how Jesus being born “normally” affects her virginity ( I know I can’t)…and frankly how the heck would you show/explain that cinematically?? The film simplifies this and stays true to the most important dogma that all Christians can agree on - Mary did not “know man” prior to becoming pregnant.
2. Mary learning from her mother, rather than Gabriel, about Elizabeth’s pregnancy. I recognized this as “not accurate” to scripture, but frankly how does that really negatively impact the story? At the end of the day,
Mary learns of Elizabeth’s pregnancy and goes to see her and we see the beautiful scene of Elizabeth recognizing her for who she is (which also is not strictly accurate).
I think we all get stuck in the mentality that the narrative that exists in scripture is exhaustive in context and breadth, as if only the people mentioned or dialogue spoken within it are all that is true. We must remember that the Bible itself says that Jesus did and said more (that is NOT written in scripture) that could fill all the books in the world. SO, is it not within the realm of possibility that St Anne could have been given the same message from Gabriel about Elizabeth?
I don’t think the film was perfect by any means but I think we need to stop putting it through a strict purity test and look at the net positives when it comes to INTRODUCING our Blessed Mother to the masses.
Thanks for listening.
Its still a great movie......because .........
Its just a movie
When you acknowledge that........youll know its a great movie
The greatest story ever told.........
It has all kinds of inaccuracies yet, its a good movie
Thanks for listening.
I seen it an I was disappointed an I emailed my priest an he told me it was bad!
I found it a great movie, yeah sure it's in no way a catholic documentary but that doesn't mean secular people can't pick up some great things from it. Especially the last line, right?!
Why in the book of Revelations does the Woman cry out in labor pains? I thought she was Mary.
Great question that's not getting an answer.... Also, how would natural childbirth take away Mary's virginity? A virgin is a woman who has never known man, as Mary herself states, not an intact hymen or closed womb.
Yes good question, I've heard it explained that the 'pain' described is not from the physical labor itself, but rather the pain that Mary knew would befall her Son and therefore, would be her shared pain and grief as well. "The sword that pierces her heart"
Also, that it represents the birth of the Church, at the Cross, where she as the Church's mother, experienced its "labor pains" by the suffering she experienced watching her Son. (That can be described as her co-redemptrix suffering)
The "labor pains" described in the Book of Revelation regarding the "woman clothed with the sun" (Revelation 12) are symbolizing Mary's spiritual suffering, not physical pain during childbirth of JESUS, due to her deep knowledge of Jesus' future pain and her role as the mother of the CHURSH, rather than literal birth pangs of Jesus; this is based on the belief that Mary was conceived without original sin and therefore would not experience the physical pain of childbirth as other women do. Mary is giving BIRTH to the Church….sinners like you and me!!!!!
Thank you. I understand now. Our Holy Mother suffered for our salvation and was totally united with the Sacred Heart of Jesus. I love her so much!
@@Barbara-zp8iuthank you for making it clearer and helping me appreciate the deep love the Blessed Mother has for all of us
As Catholics we should be jumping all over this curiosity about our Lord, His Mother, and The Church. There is not a single good reason to stray from the Gospel or Catholic Christian teaching to make this movie. The actual story is interesting enough and if produced well would be far more congruent, about what we know from the very earliest of teaching, than this stray. Netflix movie about Mary is a secular movie trying to respect all religions by providing a fiction about the Holy Mother of Jesus Christ the Son of the Living God. I was not surprised.
Very disappointing film. Very badly researched, inexplicable tweaking of the Scriptures and eventually turning the Holy Family into a sort of Fast & Furious cast. To make things worse, a pathetic image of St.Joseph is portrayed. Was the real story not enough? Why not show their deep relationship to God's at every step they took instead of showing them empowered and self sufficient? what a real shame...
I just this and he forgot to mention who directed this movie. when I hear who directed the movie I was sick to my stomach because how can someone that is a “Roman Catholic” agree to do this movie? Unless he call himself a catholic but does NOT practice it. A real Roman Catholic will not do this at all.
Great review. But it could have been 3 seconds: you with a thumbs down and text on the screen reading: Executive Producer- Joel Osteen.
It was a good movie. All the critics will say it's not a 100% faithful representation of what actually occurred. All the critics that vehemently tell how inaccurate it is, wouldn't be able to tell you the color of Mary or Jesus's skin with any accuracy. This was a touching film as it reminds viewers that Mary was just a human girl chosen by God, and she said yes over and over.
@@thinguyen741 what does the color of skin have to do with anything? SMH 🤦
Thanks for listening.
In Mark 6:3, the "brothers" of Jesus are named; they are James and Joses and Judas and Simon. Two of the names, James and Joses, appear again in Mark 15:40, where they are said to be the sons of a Mary, one of the women watching the crucifixion.
Thanks for listening.
We enjoyed the movie since we as Catholics know the importance real story it didn’t affect me
There are so many Catholic movies out so much more violence
Here is a good general rule. Be very wary of Biblical content promoted or produced by secular streaming platforms and cable channels like the History Channel. I'm not saying all of the content is off-the mark or downright blasphemous, though some of it is, only that you need to use discernment and realize that even solid content often takes liberties and falls back on artistic license to create what they believe to be a more compelling story. I look at the motivation behind the people creating the content most of all. For instance, the History Channel did this series on ways the world might end. They presented the space calamity side, the climate side, the population side, in fairly rational terms, giving their arguments a respectable presentation regardless of the validity of their claim. When they got around to Biblical prophesy it was another matter entirely. That was presented as superstitious wives tales and treated in an almost mocking manner. You could tell the producer had a bent.
When I looked a bit deeper into this production I learned the producers had consulted everyone from Muslims to spiritualists. That told me the producers were more concerned with equity than sticking to scripture and Christian tradition. I could ask what the response would be if some team made a movie on Mohamed using Christian theologians as consultants but of course that would never happen. They wouldn't even consider such an approach. Our Blessed Mother means more to me than I can express here so I'm staying away. I did see I Am The Immaculate Conception at the theater. I liked that and I'm certain the couple of dozen others in the theater enjoyed it as well. Oh well. Ave Maria.
Love Fr. Meyer! This is an awesome honest review.
Thank you!
🌹📿🌹Incredible that both this film & Michal Kondrat’s incredible 🎥 ‘I am The Immaculate Conception” are in America’s consciousness at the SAME TIME … 🌹📿🌹… Saint Anne & Saint Joachim, please pray for Joel Osterbroch & his flock and all families … 🙏🏼✝️& purest heart of Saint Joseph, protector of The Virgin & Holy Infant, please, protect Catholic families & please PRAY FOR The Bride of Christ, His Church, to be true to all he doctrines, & finally dear lovely Mother, you, who are The Immaculate Conception, our tainted nature’s only boast, Our Lady, please, PRAY FOR AMERICA 🇺🇸 VIVA CHRISTO REY
I don't like the mischarchterization of Joel Osteen. It is true that fear of the Lord and godly wisdom lead to many blessings. My own biblical search of "blessing" in scripture has a material meaning of prosperity. Yet I've never heard Osteen condition prosperity on belief in Jesus. I've only heard people say this about him. Catholics (and Jews) are the most educated and materially blessed of all religious. Dont be ungrateful. It's worse to say your material blessings do not come from God.
Thanks for listening.
Such DISGRACE...🤣 A bad joke of the Scripture with a Joseph so young dating Mary ...Archangel Gabriel with a demonic face...everything is a mocked history. 🤣 I watched it only 10 minutes....and was enough !
Where were the angels a) telling Mary she was going to conceive and have a child as a virgin b) Joseph was never visited and told that Mary was chosen by GOD and she was going to give birth to the son of GOD! He was to be beside her and help her raise Jesus.
Father- The Chosen had Our Blessed Mother screaming during childbirth- that was the last time I watched The Chosen. There’s no way I’d want to ever see this film. God Bless You🙏Thank you.
Is it a premise of our faith that Mary didn't suffer during child birth like other women?. Was she free from suffering? Our lady of sorrows?
The Chosen did not depict Mary “screaming” during childbirth. I don’t know where you got this from. You are missing out on an excellent series. I do agree with you about never seeing this Netflix Film. I love our Lady too much to see her life so inaccurately told.
You watch it and you gotta keep an open mind that it’s a Hollywood movie
Like father said there are some parts that are true to the bible …. And then theres Hollywood confusion
Damn, I did not want to hear that spoiler, I am not yet that far in the story, I did not know Jesus was going to be born. Jokes aside, I am not surprised by Netflix. Shame on them, hope God helps them find a righteous path.
Im glad I watched it. Yea, there were errors and I was disappointed. It was a good movie to watch. But not great. Without doubt, it was the scene of Mary having birthing pains that my soul immediately rejected any inclination to 'love' the movie.
I encourage anyone who doesn't give their common sense and Faith over to Hollywood to watch it. In all honesty, it is hard to believe that any person would assume that Hollywood is trustworthy and that they would hand over their Faith to Hollywood to replace biblical scripture...
As far as the violence goes, that is just life on planet Earth. I expected it for all the right reasons. If you are person who is in denial and believes that we do not live in a cruel world wherein everyone is genuinely sincere with all good intentions, I beg you to get a reality check for your own good/wellbeing. Sheltering kids is not healthy either bc all you are doing is setting their hearts/minds up for a lifetime full of continuous let-downs and heartbreaks which can lead to failure.
Thanks for your video. I agree that there are various parts of the movie, such as the annunciation in the temple, that are not according to scriptures.
Respectfully though, I do think it preposterous to believe in the perpetual virginity of Mary. There is enough of a challenge to conceptualise the miracle that a virgin will give birth to our Saviour, but to add that she was forever a virgin is completely against both internal and external evidence, and an affront to our Christian faith and doctrine. The miracle of our Lord's birth is something to behold, but to go over and beyond that seeks to minimise the humanity of Christ and add some sort of deity aspect to the person of Mary. Absolutely nonsensical!
Thanks for listening.
I saw it , did not enjoy ...
Maybe no movies should be made. She has made her own movies when she has appeared to the few or the many
Was the Protevangelium of (pseudo-)James part of Scripture; if yes, how come the Early Church Fathers did not consider it canonical enough to become part of our Bible? And doesn't Catholicism teach that the woman "clothed with the sun, with the moon under her feet, and wearing a crown of 12 stars" in Revelation 12:1-2 Mary? In this same verse, the woman was crying out because of the pain of childbirth.
The "labor pains" described in the Book of Revelation regarding the "woman clothed with the sun" (Revelation 12) are symbolizing Mary's spiritual suffering, not physical pain during childbirth of JESUS, due to her deep knowledge of Jesus' future pain and her role as the mother of the CHURSH, rather than literal birth pangs of Jesus; this is based on the belief that Mary was conceived without original sin and therefore would not experience the physical pain of childbirth as other women do. Mary is giving BIRTH to the Church….sinners like you and me!!!!!
Netflix is so full of garbage. Why bother? We got rid of it years ago
Yeah it's very non-biblical but the director is a devout Catholic. Joel Osteen was just an opportunist as always
Thank you for this! I still don't understand why you believe Mary didn't suffer during childbirth.
In Genesis, the after the fail, women will have pain during child birth, and men will Toul the land for food, that when original sin entered the universe, but Mary being the Mother of Jesus the savior, was saved by her son the man-god and spared from original sin. that my understanding of it. hope that helps
A consequence of original sin was woman would experience pain in childbirth. Mary was saved from the original sin and the personal consequences of sin. She was/is the perfect human being because she was saved by God to be the New Eve, the Mother of all the Living, and who who incarnate God, the New Adam, who would save all humanity.
I used to have that question as well until I read Jesus and the Jewish Roots of Mary bt Brant Pitre. I highly recommend this book!
We can say she didn't have immerse pain during childbirth but to assume she didn't give birth naturally will be a bit to much. The son she carried (Jesus) took upon himself all of sin and went through pain for the world and we draw the line of Mary's childbirth pain??
A wrong turn movie. Did the director ever read the bible before making this movie? Totally absurd!
Very disappointing movie.
I saw this movie Father. I give it a D+. No thanks. My fav is Jesus of Nazareth and I don’t think Mary said anything. She was still portrayed as Super Holy 👍🙏
Ohh, I didn't know that Catholics believe that she didn't give birth to him n stayed a virgin forever. That's different. I'm a Christian and couldn't finish the movie, but idk who this movie is made for, it's not biblically accurate but I thought maybe it was made for Catholic beliefs instead but apparently not. Who is this made for lol, e everyone and nobody.
I was hoodwinked. I was told that it was a fantastic movie…so i watched it. Dreadful, it was!….imo
Mary is human. The child birth is what she had to go through to have our Lord Jesus. Jesus went through tremendous pain and suffering to save us and Mary's pain of child birth is where we draw the line. If she just had Jesus in her hands, then God our Father could have just dropped him (Son) on her laps without pregnancy.
Mary giving birth to Jesus doesn't stop her from being a Virgin.
She was born without Original Sin (the sin of Adam and Eve) and so lived without the consequences of their sin. One of the consequences of Adam and Eve’s sin was that women would suffer in childbirth, so Mary would have been freed from these pains and instead had a miraculous birth. She is the Immaculate Conception, born without original sin, as the the perfect mother of God, our Lord Jesus Christ.
@@LucyKelly-bt1mzand you have zero proof of any of that.
Read Genesis and birth pangs
Read arc of the covenant, incorruptible and pure
Read full of grace
Read the resurrection where Jesus emerged from his shroud and left his image …. It wasn’t unwrapping of burial cloths
In like manner he emerged from Mary
Study the Church Fathers understanding of history over 1,000 years before Protestantism
@@LucyKelly-bt1mz show me in Gods word where you found anything to back that up. If she was without sin why did she die? Wasn’t death a consequence of the sin in the garden?
@@ricknkelly1 Mary was conceived without sin, and desired to imitate her Son in every way. Like Him, she died and was assumed body and soul into Heaven. Her death was a a miraculous event as she did not suffer bodily corruption and she reigns queen of Heaven, body and soul with Christ for eternity. Christ did not sin, and was also without Original Sin (obviously since he is God), but He still died.