Hi Fadel Sir, I’m Dhiiraj from your community, and I’m reaching out for some advice. I’m from India, but I’ve noticed that clients here tend to pay quite low. I want to start working with clients from abroad, but I’m not sure how to go about it. Could you please share some tips or strategies to help me get started?
My advice is to start working with agencies as a freelancer selling them your services as white label. I will make some extra content about this in the near future :)
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This is my coach.
Been beinge watchign your videos, so much value packed. Keep making content, great workkkkkk
I appreciate it! Thank you very much :)
Hi Fadel Sir,
I’m Dhiiraj from your community, and I’m reaching out for some advice. I’m from India, but I’ve noticed that clients here tend to pay quite low. I want to start working with clients from abroad, but I’m not sure how to go about it. Could you please share some tips or strategies to help me get started?
My advice is to start working with agencies as a freelancer selling them your services as white label. I will make some extra content about this in the near future :)