Business-owners have destroyed their businesses: Hotels too expensive. Food way too expensive. ///. Girls with mobile phones, always in a hurry. - Yes: You all have destroyed your own business. Blame yourselves for ZERO tourists in high-season. (Been there 20 times.)
watchdd all
is walking street closed to traffic during the day too?
there seems to be a lot of koreans there so why is everyone saying slow business?
Business-owners have destroyed their businesses: Hotels too expensive. Food way too expensive. ///. Girls with mobile phones, always in a hurry. - Yes: You all have destroyed your own business. Blame yourselves for ZERO tourists in high-season. (Been there 20 times.)
there seems to be lots of koreans going there and they look younger
I know many bar girls in ac. Apparently its so quiet. No customer. But many girls. Best time to go is now