I’m a believer of science, however I have to explain this surreal experience, when I was pregnant at 3-4months when the heartbeat of the baby started, I got a dream, I saw my dead grandmother & dead uncle in my vivid dream, discussing who should go into my womb, finally my grandmother said ‘u go this time I will come next time.’ They had a fierce discussion and finally I felt a light entering my womb, I woke up sweating amidst peak winter dec in London. Next day i went to my prenatal appointment, heard baby’s heartbeat for the first time. I used to feel my grandmother’s guidance, till my younger one was born. I strongly believe it’s my grandmother but she came as a boy.
In a gaming world , people dont care what avtar they choose for character , they only care the experience the game provide and various tasks (karmic cycle, ) . And gamming is a mimicry of real world , humans dont create or invent, they discover and mimic nature .
@@Fact84754 mostly not, as humans are higher conscious beings, we experience world differently. In Hinduism we believe in life, after life & rebirth. There must some journey between these phases.
Whether you know that you are offering men made fake and idol? Do you know the real Ceaseless Creator - truth first?? As you don't know the difference between real creator and creation then how you can say you are preaching as the REAL - ORIGINAL? Including this, there is 225+ man made religion and its 35+ Gods. Even the funny thing, is that there are enough translation errors and people are worshiping the man made fake and idols. People were - are like you from the star, dancing to the tune of Mankind’s fake idols. Its worship, faith and prayer. As a result, life went through all the ailments, trials and problems. Blind faith. Elysium = Natural, quieter, less use, etc. World = body = more Lack of good guidance is the root cause of mankind's problems. First distinguish between good and bad (evil). Think about your life and well being first. Your Hearty and Healthy Life on the Earth gifted by = Intrinsic and Infinite Abundance - Ceaseless Creator of Elysium = 1 . (1 life, 1 breath, 1 pain, 1 sky, 1 earth, 1 wind, 1 thunder, 1 lightning, 1 water, etc.1) Not knowing self lives worth, lack of self respect, etc. All Religions (225+) & its God (35+) are men make fakes & idols. • If your Allah, God, is real, then why the need for 35+ names in the world'? How come your god has 35+ names?? All other living things have the same name everywhere. That means, it is a men made cheating method for Divide and rule: • I in the name of … . (Non - sense) Life is a precious gift. Don't live like dog, hen, wolf, etc. (that itself means a lot) Know good and bad and live with good • Leaders teach that life is sad and even mankind learns that it is sad from various sources. • Life is a blessing. No one really enjoys it, and everyone wastes their lives relying on lies, idols, and nonsense made up by other men. Just fulfill other human temptations Life - that is gifted by Ceaseless Creator of Elysium . World - Body - by earth - with - parent’s participation Human life (active) = i. Life ii. Body iii. Skin (3 inseparable ingredients) like soil, water and sunrays = 1 unique creation (epitome). Life is the amalgamation of 2 aspects in a life. i. the power of body to inhale and relive the breathing sensation. ii. The power of body to carry the breathing sensation. A utmost beautiful creation ’Humankind’ Culture: Respect. Accept. Adopt. The aspects of anybody's 'ENJOFUL LIFE' If life lacks affection, feeling, care, mercy and love, then there are no sufficient words to describe this mixture. Any one of these, alone, is of no use. As Ceaseless Creator is like your life, breath, pain, etc.; only you will know the result. Elysium (the place of the giver of life, of endless abundance, of all things, of all living on earth, sky and in water and world - both distinct (Creator and creations)1 A. The Creator of Immanent, Endless Prosperity - 1b. Creatures like earth (eg: mankind and all other living creatures). Life itself is positive; no need of people's positiveness gimmick. Civilization describes a complex way of life that came about as people began to develop networks of urban settlements. 1 represents the Arabs (autocracy) and the second (democracy) Europe. Study things (history) well about the caste, religion, politics etc. you are aspiring to. He destroyed his own prosperity by bearing the lies of others. Actually, life is fun, but they distributed it sadly, mankind believes it, and mankind does not really try; Feeling that sadness is a part of life. It also supports mankind to fulfill their selfishness and greed. Aww.. Don't surrender - succumb or submit to bad circumstances occurs from world which means for men made things.
Just do the basic AoL course that has Sudarshan Kriya meditation. After that try and put into words what you went through! Your comment, Sir, isn't coming from a place of awareness/ knowledge. 🙏
Totally wowed by the entire conversation. Had read about souls changing during a lifetime (walk-ins) but couldn't comprehend it.Gurudev made everything so clear😇
@ Gurudev Sri Sri Ravishankar ji explains everything so sunccintly. Also, I enjoy the way he shares simple examples to demonstrate such abstract concepts.
@mn op That’s correct … in the Sikh Scripture, Gurugranth Sahib ji it is mentioned after we reincarnate 84 lakhs times as animals, mammals etc..we take birth in a human body.
It is tho we just don’t talk about it enough because it’s considered pseudo. The more we understand and accept who we really are the more higher we vibrate.
This is amazing knowledge and coming from direct experience. This explains a lot of things like small children showing expertise that they were never taught like playing violin etc. We are so fortunate to receive this knowledge. Thanks and regards.
Lovely conversation, enjoyed! Thank you! Especially love the description of meditation as, "... going from a happening space to a space which originates all happenings" 😁 ❤️🧡💛💚💙💜💖
Lewis's questions are direct to the points -- he simply asked Gurudev the highest questions about spirituality i.e what is the soul? where does it come from? where does it go after the body dies? JGD 🙏🙏🙏
Osho really hit it home for me when he said nobody knows where we come from why we come or where we will go.. you can create all the theories you want to .. even if you know what will u do with that knowledge..first just learn what you can and what you know which is simply how to lead this life.. everything beyond that is a speculation
The best is how Gurudev keeps answering in such a calm and respectful way although he knows the interviewer is not taking serios what he is saying. Like he understands he is not in the level of understanding but still keeps he’s state of pure respect. That is the best teaching on this interview.
Very interesting topic. After death the soul goes through seven stages of life. The last stage is the human form. Some souls can have the memory of its previous life too. But very rare. We loose all our memory of previous life.
Some remember past life. The soul takes human form depending upon its previous karmas, and gets the life form it deserves. Someone cruel and greedy, who damaged/ destroyed lives will possibly get a street dog's life- bathing in sewage water and eating scraps. Someone kind and generous, whose karma was great, will get back human life. 🙏
It comes when the mother feels the first kick from the baby. This is usually followed by a rush of energy, whether good or bad, depending on the nature of the soul.
Whether you know that you are offering men made fake and idol? Do you know the real Ceaseless Creator - truth first?? As you don't know the difference between real creator and creation then how you can say you are preaching as the REAL - ORIGINAL? Including this, there is 225+ man made religion and its 35+ Gods. Even the funny thing, is that there are enough translation errors and people are worshiping the man made fake and idols. People were - are like you from the star, dancing to the tune of Mankind’s fake idols. Its worship, faith and prayer. As a result, life went through all the ailments, trials and problems. Blind faith. Elysium = Natural, quieter, less use, etc. World = body = more Lack of good guidance is the root cause of mankind's problems. First distinguish between good and bad (evil). Think about your life and well being first. Your Hearty and Healthy Life on the Earth gifted by = Intrinsic and Infinite Abundance - Ceaseless Creator of Elysium = 1 . (1 life, 1 breath, 1 pain, 1 sky, 1 earth, 1 wind, 1 thunder, 1 lightning, 1 water, etc.1) Not knowing self lives worth, lack of self respect, etc. All Religions (225+) & its God (35+) are men make fakes & idols. • If your Allah, God, is real, then why the need for 35+ names in the world'? How come your god has 35+ names?? All other living things have the same name everywhere. That means, it is a men made cheating method for Divide and rule: • I in the name of … . (Non - sense) Life is a precious gift. Don't live like dog, hen, wolf, etc. (that itself means a lot) Know good and bad and live with good • Leaders teach that life is sad and even mankind learns that it is sad from various sources. • Life is a blessing. No one really enjoys it, and everyone wastes their lives relying on lies, idols, and nonsense made up by other men. Just fulfill other human temptations Life - that is gifted by Ceaseless Creator of Elysium . World - Body - by earth - with - parent’s participation Human life (active) = i. Life ii. Body iii. Skin (3 inseparable ingredients) like soil, water and sunrays = 1 unique creation (epitome). Life is the amalgamation of 2 aspects in a life. i. the power of body to inhale and relive the breathing sensation. ii. The power of body to carry the breathing sensation. A utmost beautiful creation ’Humankind’ Culture: Respect. Accept. Adopt. The aspects of anybody's 'ENJOFUL LIFE' If life lacks affection, feeling, care, mercy and love, then there are no sufficient words to describe this mixture. Any one of these, alone, is of no use. As Ceaseless Creator is like your life, breath, pain, etc.; only you will know the result. Elysium (the place of the giver of life, of endless abundance, of all things, of all living on earth, sky and in water and world - both distinct (Creator and creations)1 A. The Creator of Immanent, Endless Prosperity - 1b. Creatures like earth (eg: mankind and all other living creatures). Life itself is positive; no need of people's positiveness gimmick. Civilization describes a complex way of life that came about as people began to develop networks of urban settlements. 1 represents the Arabs (autocracy) and the second (democracy) Europe. Study things (history) well about the caste, religion, politics etc. you are aspiring to. He destroyed his own prosperity by bearing the lies of others. Actually, life is fun, but they distributed it sadly, mankind believes it, and mankind does not really try; Feeling that sadness is a part of life. It also supports mankind to fulfill their selfishness and greed. Aww.. Don't surrender - succumb or submit to bad circumstances occurs from world which means for men made things.
What is soul asked to Gurudev and replied that soul is the energy with consciousness the clean pronounciation the word Om is the feeling of soul or Parambrahma It is the most popular mantra for the people of the World
I my baby spoke to me in a dream the night i got pregnant ... Call me crazy but i knew right away, i was young only 23 and she spoke to me many times throughout my pregnancy she was always a girl... And 9 months laterin Dec of 1994, i had the most precious beautiful babygirl i could have dreamed of. My mother died the day after she was born ans she carried my moms soul until 2009 when my sister passed away now i feel She carries the soul of my sister ... I often call my daughter by my sister's name "Sunshine" so i believe a soul can enter a body at any point ... She is the spitting image of my sister... 🤷🏽♀️❤️🥰❤️
It varies between people for sure. I remember before I was born, do you? I was brought down and sealed in my mother’s body just a few hrs before I was born. I s 3:12 aw everything that was going on. The entity that brought me here showed me my life before I was born and asked me if I was willing to do it. I was very excited and said yes, however they didn’t show me everything, just the highlights. Had I known how much I would have to suffer I might have said no. 🙏
Very nice answer souls keep changing they change many times . and there is one that is observer soul , if the soul that enter your body overpower the observer you are in a tough situation .
Hi, can you please elaborate or share resources where I can read about this "observer soul" you are talking about and what do you mean by tough situation? This is the first time I'm hearing about something like this.
🥺 I was so worried and this video comforts me a little because it's exactly what I experience.✅ I'm 5th month pregnant🤰🏼 still no final soul! I knew i was pregnant because this amazing angelic being was with me❤ It was glorious ❤ But many negative things happened. Instead of staying high vibrational I got worried, fearful and insecure. Suddenly I had severe pregnancy symptoms like nausea, vomiting and tiredness. Every problem came together. I could hardly get up and just laid there in my negativity, crying, unable to transcend it. 😢 When I noticed her absence I was shocked😨 I didn't know it was possible!!!!!! Then there was a normal average human soul. I kinda worried it might be a lesser soul because I've attracted her when I wasn't at my prime vibration and the soul had only maybe 20% of the strength as the first one.🙊 Now, I will cleanse my body and mind. Juice fasting with protein shakes. No meat. No sugar. Exercise 🏃🏼♀️ meditation🧎🏼♀️ Colon cleansing.... Rife/Clark Frequency device... Reiki... Any other ideas?🤔 I wanna make this world a better place and believe it starts with the souls that populate it.
What beautiful??? 😂 Shree Shree himself is confused and have zero clue about what he is saying. *At first he said Soul is like a memory, then he said soul is like a vibration and later he is saying soul is a Energy form* 😂😂😂🙏🏻
Love is a soul love is a life love is a god love is a eternal life. love never die we die love Born again and again love never ending seed . sorry if i am wrong this is my thoughts.😊☕
My take on this issue, is that the soul and the body become melded and activated to life when we take our first breath. If we don't breath, we don't live. When we die, we expell our last breath and are gone. The heart beat must occur for the vascular system to develop. It is not where our souls lives, which is behind the breastbone.
See, the body that we carry is made from the food eaten by our mother while we are in the womb. One cell each from the father and mother is nourished by that and multiply it equally. The kundalini Shakti is the source of for energy function of the baby's body. The soul can enter the baby's body after 2-3 months, when the baby's heart starts manifesting, and also at a later stage. it enters from outside. The soul chooses the body to fulfill his or her memories of previous lives and karma. Prana and food are getting through the umbilical cord. Kundalini energy settles in the bottom of the spine, and the shell and cord disconnect as the baby is about to be delivered and wants to breathe on its own for its survival. No baby can be born if the mother does not eat. After childbirth, mothers give milk, which is another manifestation of her own blood. so the mother is supreme. In Hinduism, gender discrimination is not possible. Males and females are complementary to each other. Later, for enlightenment, one's Kundalini Shakti must be activated through yoga practice.
I will share with you as great mystery shared with me...believe or not. When the flesh is born, it's born with spirit and soul, the soul is also called consciousness and it's correctly called the life source. The spirit is what shackles the soul to the body, without the soul the soul would be able to leave the body at will, the soul I a you
We are shown a variety of parents and life paths and since we are given free choice we then choose, we then go through Lethe, where all memory is erased. The soul can enter the body at any time after that choice and go in and out of the mother womb until creation day.
I read that that’s why babies sleep so much because their spirit string so to to speak is still connected to the Astro plane or cosmic plane so they go back and forth from it.
Krishna explains the mystery of soul in Bhagvad Gita chapter 2 and further detailed descriptions can be found in Srimad Bhagvatam from soul entering the body, it’s evolution, size (10000th part of the tip of your hair), location (heart), etc. I think Sri Sri jee kept it very high level intentionally to keep it simple for the anchor for the audience. Check out Bhagvad Gita for what Sri Sri didn’t talk openly🙏
I understand that it's our tendencies that gravitate us towards a womb. Tendencies sprout from certain desires, which becomes habitual and leads to Tendencies lifetime after lifetime...if desires are eliminated, u wouldn't come back. But are we in complete control after death? Or will our Tendencies take charge?
@@silentbooks3879 very valid point!!! About tendencies, yes. No matter how we get motivated or something. If something particular to that goes wrong, tendencies take charge
Whether you know that you are offering men made fake and idol? Do you know the real Ceaseless Creator - truth first?? As you don't know the difference between real creator and creation then how you can say you are preaching as the REAL - ORIGINAL? Including this, there is 225+ man made religion and its 35+ Gods. Even the funny thing, is that there are enough translation errors and people are worshiping the man made fake and idols. People were - are like you from the star, dancing to the tune of Mankind’s fake idols. Its worship, faith and prayer. As a result, life went through all the ailments, trials and problems. Blind faith. Elysium = Natural, quieter, less use, etc. World = body = more Lack of good guidance is the root cause of mankind's problems. First distinguish between good and bad (evil). Think about your life and well being first. Your Hearty and Healthy Life on the Earth gifted by = Intrinsic and Infinite Abundance - Ceaseless Creator of Elysium = 1 . (1 life, 1 breath, 1 pain, 1 sky, 1 earth, 1 wind, 1 thunder, 1 lightning, 1 water, etc.1) Not knowing self lives worth, lack of self respect, etc. All Religions (225+) & its God (35+) are men make fakes & idols. • If your Allah, God, is real, then why the need for 35+ names in the world'? How come your god has 35+ names?? All other living things have the same name everywhere. That means, it is a men made cheating method for Divide and rule: • I in the name of … . (Non - sense) Life is a precious gift. Don't live like dog, hen, wolf, etc. (that itself means a lot) Know good and bad and live with good • Leaders teach that life is sad and even mankind learns that it is sad from various sources. • Life is a blessing. No one really enjoys it, and everyone wastes their lives relying on lies, idols, and nonsense made up by other men. Just fulfill other human temptations Life - that is gifted by Ceaseless Creator of Elysium . World - Body - by earth - with - parent’s participation Human life (active) = i. Life ii. Body iii. Skin (3 inseparable ingredients) like soil, water and sunrays = 1 unique creation (epitome). Life is the amalgamation of 2 aspects in a life. i. the power of body to inhale and relive the breathing sensation. ii. The power of body to carry the breathing sensation. A utmost beautiful creation ’Humankind’ Culture: Respect. Accept. Adopt. The aspects of anybody's 'ENJOFUL LIFE' If life lacks affection, feeling, care, mercy and love, then there are no sufficient words to describe this mixture. Any one of these, alone, is of no use. As Ceaseless Creator is like your life, breath, pain, etc.; only you will know the result. Elysium (the place of the giver of life, of endless abundance, of all things, of all living on earth, sky and in water and world - both distinct (Creator and creations)1 A. The Creator of Immanent, Endless Prosperity - 1b. Creatures like earth (eg: mankind and all other living creatures). Life itself is positive; no need of people's positiveness gimmick. Civilization describes a complex way of life that came about as people began to develop networks of urban settlements. 1 represents the Arabs (autocracy) and the second (democracy) Europe. Study things (history) well about the caste, religion, politics etc. you are aspiring to. He destroyed his own prosperity by bearing the lies of others. Actually, life is fun, but they distributed it sadly, mankind believes it, and mankind does not really try; Feeling that sadness is a part of life. It also supports mankind to fulfill their selfishness and greed. Aww.. Don't surrender - succumb or submit to bad circumstances occurs from world which means for men made things.
On the 3rd Or 4th month only chaithanya pravesanam happens. No refrence of entering during 9th month. Also ones enter it won't come out and give space to other. Many of explanation are not accepted by sasthra but his own
nICE sATURDAY thoughts any which way i consume, limited only by my perception. LOVE this experience as i birth each idea in my highest feeling frequency THANKS
Whether you know that you are offering men made fake and idol? Do you know the real Ceaseless Creator - truth first?? As you don't know the difference between real creator and creation then how you can say you are preaching as the REAL - ORIGINAL? Including this, there is 225+ man made religion and its 35+ Gods. Even the funny thing, is that there are enough translation errors and people are worshiping the man made fake and idols. People were - are like you from the star, dancing to the tune of Mankind’s fake idols. Its worship, faith and prayer. As a result, life went through all the ailments, trials and problems. Blind faith. Elysium = Natural, quieter, less use, etc. World = body = more Lack of good guidance is the root cause of mankind's problems. First distinguish between good and bad (evil). Think about your life and well being first. Your Hearty and Healthy Life on the Earth gifted by = Intrinsic and Infinite Abundance - Ceaseless Creator of Elysium = 1 . (1 life, 1 breath, 1 pain, 1 sky, 1 earth, 1 wind, 1 thunder, 1 lightning, 1 water, etc.1) Not knowing self lives worth, lack of self respect, etc. All Religions (225+) & its God (35+) are men make fakes & idols. • If your Allah, God, is real, then why the need for 35+ names in the world'? How come your god has 35+ names?? All other living things have the same name everywhere. That means, it is a men made cheating method for Divide and rule: • I in the name of … . (Non - sense) Life is a precious gift. Don't live like dog, hen, wolf, etc. (that itself means a lot) Know good and bad and live with good • Leaders teach that life is sad and even mankind learns that it is sad from various sources. • Life is a blessing. No one really enjoys it, and everyone wastes their lives relying on lies, idols, and nonsense made up by other men. Just fulfill other human temptations Life - that is gifted by Ceaseless Creator of Elysium . World - Body - by earth - with - parent’s participation Human life (active) = i. Life ii. Body iii. Skin (3 inseparable ingredients) like soil, water and sunrays = 1 unique creation (epitome). Life is the amalgamation of 2 aspects in a life. i. the power of body to inhale and relive the breathing sensation. ii. The power of body to carry the breathing sensation. A utmost beautiful creation ’Humankind’ Culture: Respect. Accept. Adopt. The aspects of anybody's 'ENJOFUL LIFE' If life lacks affection, feeling, care, mercy and love, then there are no sufficient words to describe this mixture. Any one of these, alone, is of no use. As Ceaseless Creator is like your life, breath, pain, etc.; only you will know the result. Elysium (the place of the giver of life, of endless abundance, of all things, of all living on earth, sky and in water and world - both distinct (Creator and creations)1 A. The Creator of Immanent, Endless Prosperity - 1b. Creatures like earth (eg: mankind and all other living creatures). Life itself is positive; no need of people's positiveness gimmick. Civilization describes a complex way of life that came about as people began to develop networks of urban settlements. 1 represents the Arabs (autocracy) and the second (democracy) Europe. Study things (history) well about the caste, religion, politics etc. you are aspiring to. He destroyed his own prosperity by bearing the lies of others. Actually, life is fun, but they distributed it sadly, mankind believes it, and mankind does not really try; Feeling that sadness is a part of life. It also supports mankind to fulfill their selfishness and greed. Aww.. Don't surrender - succumb or submit to bad circumstances occurs from world which means for men made things.
The soul enters the body at birth, NOT at conception as people mistakenly believe. There is only ever ONE soul inhabiting one body. Contrast that with twin flames, which is ONE soul inhabiting TWO bodies. Souls are powerful, we don't share our bodies with other souls. In this way, during pregnancy, a woman inhabits two bodies, the mother and the embryo/fetus until the baby is out of her body and takes its breath of life. That is the first act that the newly entered soul does. I once had what I call "my experience of the womb". Years ago, I was meditating, not nearly the kind of profound meditation I have learned to do since my awakening. But I was relaxed, eyes closed. I became aware of being in my mother's womb. I was aware of my mother walking around, and I thought, watch out for that door, don't bump into that chair, etc. I was just visiting my mother's womb. Can you imagine if we as souls lived in there? We'd be nervous wrecks lol. I have read that there are so many souls waiting to incarnate/reincarnate, so eager for the experience of the 3D, that they will take any form of life. There are trillions of non-humans incarnated on this and other planets who are brutally tortured and then horrendously murdered. Yet souls take on these awful existences for the chance to incarnate. We humans are the lucky ones, and I believe it is our duty to change the cruel behavior of humans toward all life forms. But when we select a family to be born into, and secure our claim to our future body (or bodies, as with TF'S), we monitor closely the mother and the unborn baby. We are permitted to enter the womb and visit but not to stay there. Perhaps the most amazing part of my experience was what I saw inside the womb. I saw colors!! Bright well lit, blues, reds, yellows, greens etc. I was seeing not only the womb insides but also my mother's other organs, from inside the body. I thought later, I must have imagined it, because surely it's dark in there. But a few months later, I watched a TV show based on the work of Dr. Leboyer, who wrote the best-selling "Birth Without Violence", and he was interviewed in the show, which simulated what the baby sees, and guess what? It was all the bright colors, exactly what I had seen in my experience. ❤️.
Please don't call Soul as JeevaAtma, as they're different. The JeevaAtma enter's father's body a few days before the parents meet / copulate. Most of the time the JeevaAtma choses the parents and enter's father's body before the copulation, this will be based on the previous Karma (it might or might not have relation from previous life with the parents). However, it's possible for parent's to desire certain type of JeevaAtma by doing Sadhana before conception. If the lifespan of JeevaAtma is very limited (based on the Karma of parents / JeevaAtma) then the life can end by miscarriage / death at the time of birth / infant stage .... etc., Generally the reason for miscarriage / short life span is due to residual life from previous birth. If the JeevaAtma has bondage with parents, then based on the type of bondage either parents will serve the child or vice versa, if there is no/less bondage and it's a more of a platform to take birth, then either Child/Parent will exhibit less attachment and separate from each other after certain period of time based on residual bondage. These can be observed either in your family or friend's circle. However, the Child still owe to parents as they give platform to take birth on this earth. How to call certain JeevaAtma? - Husband and wife has to meditate and call the required type of JeevaAtma for a few days prior to copulation. Is it possible to shape JeevaAtma during the pregnancy or before child birth? - Yes and No. If mother has very strong will over the Child, then during pregnancy reading good books or doing good actions can shape the child before birth (ex:- get inspiration from Abhimanyu, remember who is the first Guru???), however if it's other way you can see the behavioral changes in mother during pregnancy. I've seen a non-veg eating person turned vegetarian during pregnancy (only during that duration), changes in desire, liking for certain type of food/action/clothing etc., some people have different experience based on the JeevaAtma's presence. (I heard Jeejabai used to climb hills during Shivaji's pregnancy) As Guruji mentioned, there will be significant impact for the next life based on the thoughts at the time of death. These points can be found in most of the Purana's. The current birth need not to be the reflection of all the previous births/Karma, each birth will have limited bandwidth for actions. If you've studied Newton's 3rd law, you can map it to Law of Karma, and this directs our experience for the future life. Remember mind is responsible for everything, and (subconscious mind) it's like a HardDisc records all actions of the mind. So, you would have heard "Yogaha Chitta Vrutti Nirodhaha", that's through Yoga (not YogaAsana, refer Ashtanga Yoga) you can start neutralizing the previous Karma. Another best way of neutralizing Karma is "Eashwara Pranidhana", i.e., taking everything (good / bad) as Eashwara's Will / Prasadam and be an actor in life rather than part of the action......
I’m a believer of science, however I have to explain this surreal experience, when I was pregnant at 3-4months when the heartbeat of the baby started, I got a dream, I saw my dead grandmother & dead uncle in my vivid dream, discussing who should go into my womb, finally my grandmother said ‘u go this time I will come next time.’ They had a fierce discussion and finally I felt a light entering my womb, I woke up sweating amidst peak winter dec in London. Next day i went to my prenatal appointment, heard baby’s heartbeat for the first time. I used to feel my grandmother’s guidance, till my younger one was born. I strongly believe it’s my grandmother but she came as a boy.
Wow that’s a very special experience!
Do mosquito deer amoeba hydra mother's also have this kind of experience or its just limited to human
In a gaming world , people dont care what avtar they choose for character , they only care the experience the game provide and various tasks (karmic cycle, ) . And gamming is a mimicry of real world , humans dont create or invent, they discover and mimic nature .
@@Fact84754 mostly not, as humans are higher conscious beings, we experience world differently. In Hinduism we believe in life, after life & rebirth. There must some journey between these phases.
What is science?
The person questioning seems to be an earnest seeker. There is some kind of awe inspiring sincerity in his tone..
He meditated for decades to hear that answer. I am lucky.
Whether you know that you are offering men made fake and idol? Do you know the real Ceaseless Creator - truth first?? As you don't know the difference between real creator and creation then how you can say you are preaching as the REAL - ORIGINAL?
Including this, there is 225+ man made religion and its 35+ Gods. Even the funny thing, is that there are enough translation errors and people are worshiping the man made fake and idols.
People were - are like you from the star, dancing to the tune of Mankind’s fake idols. Its worship, faith and prayer. As a result, life went through all the ailments, trials and problems. Blind faith.
Elysium = Natural, quieter, less use, etc.
World = body = more
Lack of good guidance is the root cause of mankind's problems. First distinguish between good and bad (evil).
Think about your life and well being first.
Your Hearty and Healthy Life on the Earth gifted by = Intrinsic and Infinite Abundance - Ceaseless Creator of Elysium = 1 . (1 life, 1 breath, 1 pain, 1 sky, 1 earth, 1 wind, 1 thunder, 1 lightning, 1 water, etc.1)
Not knowing self lives worth, lack of self respect, etc.
All Religions (225+) & its God (35+) are men make fakes & idols.
• If your Allah, God, is real, then why the need for 35+ names in the world'? How come your god has 35+ names?? All other living things have the same name everywhere. That means, it is a men made cheating method for Divide and rule:
• I in the name of … . (Non - sense)
Life is a precious gift. Don't live like dog, hen, wolf, etc. (that itself means a lot) Know good and bad and live with good
• Leaders teach that life is sad and even mankind learns that it is sad from various sources.
• Life is a blessing. No one really enjoys it, and everyone wastes their lives relying on lies, idols, and nonsense made up by other men. Just fulfill other human temptations
Life - that is gifted by Ceaseless Creator of Elysium .
World - Body - by earth - with - parent’s participation
Human life (active) = i. Life ii. Body iii. Skin (3 inseparable ingredients) like soil, water and sunrays = 1 unique creation (epitome). Life is the amalgamation of 2 aspects in a life. i. the power of body to inhale and relive the breathing sensation. ii. The power of body to carry the breathing sensation. A utmost beautiful creation ’Humankind’
Culture: Respect. Accept. Adopt. The aspects of anybody's 'ENJOFUL LIFE'
If life lacks affection, feeling, care, mercy and love, then there are no sufficient words to describe this mixture. Any one of these, alone, is of no use.
As Ceaseless Creator is like your life, breath, pain, etc.; only you will know the result.
Elysium (the place of the giver of life, of endless abundance, of all things, of all living on earth, sky and in water and world - both distinct (Creator and creations)1 A. The Creator of Immanent, Endless Prosperity - 1b. Creatures like earth (eg: mankind and all other living creatures).
Life itself is positive; no need of people's positiveness gimmick.
Civilization describes a complex way of life that came about as people began to develop networks of urban settlements.
1 represents the Arabs (autocracy) and the second (democracy) Europe. Study things (history) well about the caste, religion, politics etc. you are aspiring to. He destroyed his own prosperity by bearing the lies of others.
Actually, life is fun, but they distributed it sadly, mankind believes it, and mankind does not really try; Feeling that sadness is a part of life. It also supports mankind to fulfill their selfishness and greed. Aww..
Don't surrender - succumb or submit to bad circumstances occurs from world which means for men made things.
@@enjoyfullifenatural.cultiv8441 you need help
@@juicetin942 like you or what? I don't need. You use.
Just do the basic AoL course that has Sudarshan Kriya meditation. After that try and put into words what you went through! Your comment, Sir, isn't coming from a place of awareness/ knowledge. 🙏
@@juicetin942 🤣
Totally wowed by the entire conversation. Had read about souls changing during a lifetime (walk-ins) but couldn't comprehend it.Gurudev made everything so clear😇
@mn op doesn't change his point i think. It's nitpicking to think it invalidates the message.
He can see your past lives and see your future too. Sri Sri is an enlightened person 🙏🏼
The simplest way to explain such deep and profound knowledge!! Such is our Gurudev! I bow to you Guruji 🙏🙏
@ Gurudev Sri Sri Ravishankar ji explains everything so sunccintly. Also, I enjoy the way he shares simple examples to demonstrate such abstract concepts.
@mn op That’s correct … in the Sikh Scripture, Gurugranth Sahib ji it is mentioned after we reincarnate 84 lakhs times as animals, mammals etc..we take birth in a human body.
When he says it’s a common things with normal face expressions , I get goosebumps
This discussion is very very Interesting.
It is tho we just don’t talk about it enough because it’s considered pseudo. The more we understand and accept who we really are the more higher we vibrate.
This is amazing knowledge and coming from direct experience.
This explains a lot of things like small children showing expertise that they were never taught like playing violin etc.
We are so fortunate to receive this knowledge.
Thanks and regards.
Lovely conversation, enjoyed! Thank you! Especially love the description of meditation as, "... going from a happening space to a space which originates all happenings" 😁
Lewis's questions are direct to the points --
he simply asked Gurudev the highest questions about spirituality i.e what is the soul? where does it come from? where does it go after the body dies?
JGD 🙏🙏🙏
@mn op It's not a big deal whether or not he remembers the exact digits, but the point he said was absolute.
Osho really hit it home for me when he said nobody knows where we come from why we come or where we will go.. you can create all the theories you want to .. even if you know what will u do with that knowledge..first just learn what you can and what you know which is simply how to lead this life.. everything beyond that is a speculation
Compliments to the interviewer...such sincere and genuine questions. Thanks dear. God bless...
I have heard Abraham / Ester hicks say the soul enters the body at first breath....and when I heard that it made the most sense.
ഇത്തരം അമൂല്യമായ ജ്ഞാനം മലയാളത്തിൽ കൂടെ ലഭ്യമായിരുന്നു എങ്കിൽ എത്ര നന്നായേനെ ഗുരുജി.. 🙏!!
beautiful questions and the answers are atonishing!!
So humble about Lewis and his geniunine curiosity... and Gurudev´s answers so lovely!!
The best is how Gurudev keeps answering in such a calm and respectful way although he knows the interviewer is not taking serios what he is saying. Like he understands he is not in the level of understanding but still keeps he’s state of pure respect. That is the best teaching on this interview.
When does the soul enter the body and many other intriguing questions answered by our beloved Gurudev in simple words ❤
That was one of most fascinating Q/A 💕💕💕 🙏🏻🙏🏻
Very interesting topic. After death the soul goes through seven stages of life. The last stage is the human form. Some souls can have the memory of its previous life too. But very rare. We loose all our memory of previous life.
Some remember past life. The soul takes human form depending upon its previous karmas, and gets the life form it deserves. Someone cruel and greedy, who damaged/ destroyed lives will possibly get a street dog's life- bathing in sewage water and eating scraps.
Someone kind and generous, whose karma was great, will get back human life. 🙏
What an eye opening knowledge!! Totally fascinated 😳😇
"The Self alone exists"
@mn op thats correct!
How can Anyone know for sure??? Only God knows these things. That's why life at any stage is so precious.
Shastras says this...& And shastras were written by Rishis who were self realized and God realised.
It's in the Vedic puranas. These things are written by Rishis on the behalf of God's themselves.
It comes when the mother feels the first kick from the baby. This is usually followed by a rush of energy, whether good or bad, depending on the nature of the soul.
Next body, family and life is according to your Karma, not the last thing you was thinking of before dying. Your Karma writes the script for next life
I feel I am really lucky to hear such words from a Guru with so much wisdom. Really so absorbing and fascinating. Thank you Guruji !
Eye opening for all of us Thank you Gurudev ❤
Wow that's great discussion Gurudev Pranam 🕉️🏵️🌷🌹💖🙏🙏🙏☮️☮️☮️
Mechanics of Life!!! Explained by Gurudev 🙏🙏
Love this interview with Gurudev. I have had this question in mind for a long time .❤
He explains such complex topics such easily ❤
@mn op English clearly isn't his first language...
@@mnop9028Something he read and not experienced hence made a mistake
Incredible Gurudev, You are an angel for GODs as well
@mnop9028 give in to the flow of energy.
Very intelligent questions, and such profound answers. What a beautiful interview!
The Self alone exists
this is the question in my mind which wanted to ask guruji from a long time....
@mn op ok
Beautiful satsang
Whether you know that you are offering men made fake and idol? Do you know the real Ceaseless Creator - truth first?? As you don't know the difference between real creator and creation then how you can say you are preaching as the REAL - ORIGINAL?
Including this, there is 225+ man made religion and its 35+ Gods. Even the funny thing, is that there are enough translation errors and people are worshiping the man made fake and idols.
People were - are like you from the star, dancing to the tune of Mankind’s fake idols. Its worship, faith and prayer. As a result, life went through all the ailments, trials and problems. Blind faith.
Elysium = Natural, quieter, less use, etc.
World = body = more
Lack of good guidance is the root cause of mankind's problems. First distinguish between good and bad (evil).
Think about your life and well being first.
Your Hearty and Healthy Life on the Earth gifted by = Intrinsic and Infinite Abundance - Ceaseless Creator of Elysium = 1 . (1 life, 1 breath, 1 pain, 1 sky, 1 earth, 1 wind, 1 thunder, 1 lightning, 1 water, etc.1)
Not knowing self lives worth, lack of self respect, etc.
All Religions (225+) & its God (35+) are men make fakes & idols.
• If your Allah, God, is real, then why the need for 35+ names in the world'? How come your god has 35+ names?? All other living things have the same name everywhere. That means, it is a men made cheating method for Divide and rule:
• I in the name of … . (Non - sense)
Life is a precious gift. Don't live like dog, hen, wolf, etc. (that itself means a lot) Know good and bad and live with good
• Leaders teach that life is sad and even mankind learns that it is sad from various sources.
• Life is a blessing. No one really enjoys it, and everyone wastes their lives relying on lies, idols, and nonsense made up by other men. Just fulfill other human temptations
Life - that is gifted by Ceaseless Creator of Elysium .
World - Body - by earth - with - parent’s participation
Human life (active) = i. Life ii. Body iii. Skin (3 inseparable ingredients) like soil, water and sunrays = 1 unique creation (epitome). Life is the amalgamation of 2 aspects in a life. i. the power of body to inhale and relive the breathing sensation. ii. The power of body to carry the breathing sensation. A utmost beautiful creation ’Humankind’
Culture: Respect. Accept. Adopt. The aspects of anybody's 'ENJOFUL LIFE'
If life lacks affection, feeling, care, mercy and love, then there are no sufficient words to describe this mixture. Any one of these, alone, is of no use.
As Ceaseless Creator is like your life, breath, pain, etc.; only you will know the result.
Elysium (the place of the giver of life, of endless abundance, of all things, of all living on earth, sky and in water and world - both distinct (Creator and creations)1 A. The Creator of Immanent, Endless Prosperity - 1b. Creatures like earth (eg: mankind and all other living creatures).
Life itself is positive; no need of people's positiveness gimmick.
Civilization describes a complex way of life that came about as people began to develop networks of urban settlements.
1 represents the Arabs (autocracy) and the second (democracy) Europe. Study things (history) well about the caste, religion, politics etc. you are aspiring to. He destroyed his own prosperity by bearing the lies of others.
Actually, life is fun, but they distributed it sadly, mankind believes it, and mankind does not really try; Feeling that sadness is a part of life. It also supports mankind to fulfill their selfishness and greed. Aww..
Don't surrender - succumb or submit to bad circumstances occurs from world which means for men made things.
What is soul asked to Gurudev and replied that soul is the energy with consciousness the clean pronounciation the word Om is the feeling of soul or Parambrahma It is the most popular mantra for the people of the World
One of the best discussions by gurujii
gurudev..gift to current era...highly deep, divine knowledge shared, taught in a tv room....
I my baby spoke to me in a dream the night i got pregnant ... Call me crazy but i knew right away, i was young only 23 and she spoke to me many times throughout my pregnancy she was always a girl... And 9 months laterin Dec of 1994, i had the most precious beautiful babygirl i could have dreamed of. My mother died the day after she was born ans she carried my moms soul until 2009 when my sister passed away now i feel She carries the soul of my sister ... I often call my daughter by my sister's name "Sunshine" so i believe a soul can enter a body at any point ... She is the spitting image of my sister... 🤷🏽♀️❤️🥰❤️
I love this truth... Pranams.. Pranams.
Great Questions
It varies between people for sure.
I remember before I was born, do you?
I was brought down and sealed in my mother’s body just a few hrs before I was born. I s 3:12 aw everything that was going on.
The entity that brought me here showed me my life before I was born and asked me if I was willing to do it. I was very excited and said yes, however they didn’t show me everything, just the highlights. Had I known how much I would have to suffer I might have said no. 🙏
Very nice answer souls keep changing they change many times . and there is one that is observer soul , if the soul that enter your body overpower the observer you are in a tough situation .
Hi, can you please elaborate or share resources where I can read about this "observer soul" you are talking about and what do you mean by tough situation? This is the first time I'm hearing about something like this.
@@memepop6563 don't you think most of the things you do are not In your own control you just witness what you do .
Thanks a lot all souls greeting 🙏
A soul is an energy..
All of this is so fascinating!
Imagination is fascinating!
Advait Vedanta is the KEY ! 🎇
only experience can prove the joy of meditation and the world beyond this visible world. Rest is mundane/worldly talk.
Meditation does open up something very deep in us !!
The Self alone exists
🥺 I was so worried and this video comforts me a little because it's exactly what I experience.✅ I'm 5th month pregnant🤰🏼 still no final soul! I knew i was pregnant because this amazing angelic being was with me❤ It was glorious ❤
But many negative things happened. Instead of staying high vibrational I got worried, fearful and insecure. Suddenly I had severe pregnancy symptoms like nausea, vomiting and tiredness. Every problem came together. I could hardly get up and just laid there in my negativity, crying, unable to transcend it. 😢
When I noticed her absence I was shocked😨 I didn't know it was possible!!!!!! Then there was a normal average human soul. I kinda worried it might be a lesser soul because I've attracted her when I wasn't at my prime vibration and the soul had only maybe 20% of the strength as the first one.🙊
Now, I will cleanse my body and mind. Juice fasting with protein shakes. No meat. No sugar.
Exercise 🏃🏼♀️ meditation🧎🏼♀️
Colon cleansing....
Rife/Clark Frequency device...
Any other ideas?🤔
I wanna make this world a better place and believe it starts with the souls that populate it.
Mind blowing...!! Every single moment of this video....
This guy knows what he's talking about, it's all true.
Pranam Gurudev 🙏
A difficult question.
But, Gurudev, as usual, gives his own random explanation!
Great knowledge, thank You
Pranam Guruji 🙏🏻❤️❤️❤️🙏🏻
Beautiful knowledge 🙏🙏🙏
What beautiful??? 😂
Shree Shree himself is confused and have zero clue about what he is saying.
*At first he said Soul is like a memory, then he said soul is like a vibration and later he is saying soul is a Energy form* 😂😂😂🙏🏻
Love is a soul love is a life love is a god love is a eternal life. love never die we die love Born again and again love never ending seed . sorry if i am wrong this is my thoughts.😊☕
Soul doesn't come from anywhere and go somewhere, soul is a possibility.
My take on this issue, is that the soul and the body become melded and activated to life when we take our first breath. If we don't breath, we don't live. When we die, we expell our last breath and are gone. The heart beat must occur for the vascular system to develop. It is not where our souls lives, which is behind the breastbone.
See, the body that we carry is made from the food eaten by our mother while we are in the womb. One cell each from the father and mother is nourished by that and multiply it equally. The kundalini Shakti is the source of for energy function of the baby's body. The soul can enter the baby's body after 2-3 months, when the baby's heart starts manifesting, and also at a later stage. it enters from outside. The soul chooses the body to fulfill his or her memories of previous lives and karma. Prana and food are getting through the umbilical cord. Kundalini energy settles in the bottom of the spine, and the shell and cord disconnect as the baby is about to be delivered and wants to breathe on its own for its survival. No baby can be born if the mother does not eat. After childbirth, mothers give milk, which is another manifestation of her own blood. so the mother is supreme. In Hinduism, gender discrimination is not possible. Males and females are complementary to each other. Later, for enlightenment, one's Kundalini Shakti must be activated through yoga practice.
Simple , as soon as the required circuitry is completed and energy is applied.
I will share with you as great mystery shared with me...believe or not.
When the flesh is born, it's born with spirit and soul, the soul is also called consciousness and it's correctly called the life source.
The spirit is what shackles the soul to the body, without the soul the soul would be able to leave the body at will, the soul I a you
Wow,a great knowledge
Guru ji student also very very wise very blessful like you nice one . Thanks for the Great information.😊
That's nice interview questions👌
Love the questions. Thank you
very good questions!
Great answer
Beautiful conversation
Lovely conversion, i studied msc but science can never explain the universe in its entirity
Thank you so much gurudev ❤️
These two are source of Inspiration ❤️
We are shown a variety of parents and life paths and since we are given free choice we then choose, we then go through Lethe, where all memory is erased. The soul can enter the body at any time after that choice and go in and out of the mother womb until creation day.
I read that that’s why babies sleep so much because their spirit string so to to speak is still connected to the Astro plane or cosmic plane so they go back and forth from it.
Bible speaks so clearly about Spirit, soul and body..
Krishna explains the mystery of soul in Bhagvad Gita chapter 2 and further detailed descriptions can be found in Srimad Bhagvatam from soul entering the body, it’s evolution, size (10000th part of the tip of your hair), location (heart), etc. I think Sri Sri jee kept it very high level intentionally to keep it simple for the anchor for the audience. Check out Bhagvad Gita for what Sri Sri didn’t talk openly🙏
Correct .Jaya Lord Krsna .
I would ask exact same questions
Charan sparsh aur pranam
Beautiful conversation!
I follow the Raja yoga school, and I hope I can grow here too. I am very curious now!
I am not keen on coming back here again. Hopefully we can choose to stay in Infinite Peace❤
I understand that it's our tendencies that gravitate us towards a womb. Tendencies sprout from certain desires, which becomes habitual and leads to Tendencies lifetime after lifetime...if desires are eliminated, u wouldn't come back.
But are we in complete control after death? Or will our Tendencies take charge?
@@silentbooks3879 very valid point!!!
About tendencies, yes. No matter how we get motivated or something. If something particular to that goes wrong, tendencies take charge
@@arnavtete7793 so how do you descirbe 'tendency'.?
Thank U Gurudev jaigurudev
Whether you know that you are offering men made fake and idol? Do you know the real Ceaseless Creator - truth first?? As you don't know the difference between real creator and creation then how you can say you are preaching as the REAL - ORIGINAL?
Including this, there is 225+ man made religion and its 35+ Gods. Even the funny thing, is that there are enough translation errors and people are worshiping the man made fake and idols.
People were - are like you from the star, dancing to the tune of Mankind’s fake idols. Its worship, faith and prayer. As a result, life went through all the ailments, trials and problems. Blind faith.
Elysium = Natural, quieter, less use, etc.
World = body = more
Lack of good guidance is the root cause of mankind's problems. First distinguish between good and bad (evil).
Think about your life and well being first.
Your Hearty and Healthy Life on the Earth gifted by = Intrinsic and Infinite Abundance - Ceaseless Creator of Elysium = 1 . (1 life, 1 breath, 1 pain, 1 sky, 1 earth, 1 wind, 1 thunder, 1 lightning, 1 water, etc.1)
Not knowing self lives worth, lack of self respect, etc.
All Religions (225+) & its God (35+) are men make fakes & idols.
• If your Allah, God, is real, then why the need for 35+ names in the world'? How come your god has 35+ names?? All other living things have the same name everywhere. That means, it is a men made cheating method for Divide and rule:
• I in the name of … . (Non - sense)
Life is a precious gift. Don't live like dog, hen, wolf, etc. (that itself means a lot) Know good and bad and live with good
• Leaders teach that life is sad and even mankind learns that it is sad from various sources.
• Life is a blessing. No one really enjoys it, and everyone wastes their lives relying on lies, idols, and nonsense made up by other men. Just fulfill other human temptations
Life - that is gifted by Ceaseless Creator of Elysium .
World - Body - by earth - with - parent’s participation
Human life (active) = i. Life ii. Body iii. Skin (3 inseparable ingredients) like soil, water and sunrays = 1 unique creation (epitome). Life is the amalgamation of 2 aspects in a life. i. the power of body to inhale and relive the breathing sensation. ii. The power of body to carry the breathing sensation. A utmost beautiful creation ’Humankind’
Culture: Respect. Accept. Adopt. The aspects of anybody's 'ENJOFUL LIFE'
If life lacks affection, feeling, care, mercy and love, then there are no sufficient words to describe this mixture. Any one of these, alone, is of no use.
As Ceaseless Creator is like your life, breath, pain, etc.; only you will know the result.
Elysium (the place of the giver of life, of endless abundance, of all things, of all living on earth, sky and in water and world - both distinct (Creator and creations)1 A. The Creator of Immanent, Endless Prosperity - 1b. Creatures like earth (eg: mankind and all other living creatures).
Life itself is positive; no need of people's positiveness gimmick.
Civilization describes a complex way of life that came about as people began to develop networks of urban settlements.
1 represents the Arabs (autocracy) and the second (democracy) Europe. Study things (history) well about the caste, religion, politics etc. you are aspiring to. He destroyed his own prosperity by bearing the lies of others.
Actually, life is fun, but they distributed it sadly, mankind believes it, and mankind does not really try; Feeling that sadness is a part of life. It also supports mankind to fulfill their selfishness and greed. Aww..
Don't surrender - succumb or submit to bad circumstances occurs from world which means for men made things.
On the 3rd Or 4th month only chaithanya pravesanam happens. No refrence of entering during 9th month. Also ones enter it won't come out and give space to other. Many of explanation are not accepted by sasthra but his own
Ot is the 4th month according to Islam as well. He doesn't have knowledge but making things up and some people r just blindly believing.
nICE sATURDAY thoughts any which way i consume, limited only by my perception. LOVE this experience as i birth each idea in my highest feeling frequency THANKS
Whether you know that you are offering men made fake and idol? Do you know the real Ceaseless Creator - truth first?? As you don't know the difference between real creator and creation then how you can say you are preaching as the REAL - ORIGINAL?
Including this, there is 225+ man made religion and its 35+ Gods. Even the funny thing, is that there are enough translation errors and people are worshiping the man made fake and idols.
People were - are like you from the star, dancing to the tune of Mankind’s fake idols. Its worship, faith and prayer. As a result, life went through all the ailments, trials and problems. Blind faith.
Elysium = Natural, quieter, less use, etc.
World = body = more
Lack of good guidance is the root cause of mankind's problems. First distinguish between good and bad (evil).
Think about your life and well being first.
Your Hearty and Healthy Life on the Earth gifted by = Intrinsic and Infinite Abundance - Ceaseless Creator of Elysium = 1 . (1 life, 1 breath, 1 pain, 1 sky, 1 earth, 1 wind, 1 thunder, 1 lightning, 1 water, etc.1)
Not knowing self lives worth, lack of self respect, etc.
All Religions (225+) & its God (35+) are men make fakes & idols.
• If your Allah, God, is real, then why the need for 35+ names in the world'? How come your god has 35+ names?? All other living things have the same name everywhere. That means, it is a men made cheating method for Divide and rule:
• I in the name of … . (Non - sense)
Life is a precious gift. Don't live like dog, hen, wolf, etc. (that itself means a lot) Know good and bad and live with good
• Leaders teach that life is sad and even mankind learns that it is sad from various sources.
• Life is a blessing. No one really enjoys it, and everyone wastes their lives relying on lies, idols, and nonsense made up by other men. Just fulfill other human temptations
Life - that is gifted by Ceaseless Creator of Elysium .
World - Body - by earth - with - parent’s participation
Human life (active) = i. Life ii. Body iii. Skin (3 inseparable ingredients) like soil, water and sunrays = 1 unique creation (epitome). Life is the amalgamation of 2 aspects in a life. i. the power of body to inhale and relive the breathing sensation. ii. The power of body to carry the breathing sensation. A utmost beautiful creation ’Humankind’
Culture: Respect. Accept. Adopt. The aspects of anybody's 'ENJOFUL LIFE'
If life lacks affection, feeling, care, mercy and love, then there are no sufficient words to describe this mixture. Any one of these, alone, is of no use.
As Ceaseless Creator is like your life, breath, pain, etc.; only you will know the result.
Elysium (the place of the giver of life, of endless abundance, of all things, of all living on earth, sky and in water and world - both distinct (Creator and creations)1 A. The Creator of Immanent, Endless Prosperity - 1b. Creatures like earth (eg: mankind and all other living creatures).
Life itself is positive; no need of people's positiveness gimmick.
Civilization describes a complex way of life that came about as people began to develop networks of urban settlements.
1 represents the Arabs (autocracy) and the second (democracy) Europe. Study things (history) well about the caste, religion, politics etc. you are aspiring to. He destroyed his own prosperity by bearing the lies of others.
Actually, life is fun, but they distributed it sadly, mankind believes it, and mankind does not really try; Feeling that sadness is a part of life. It also supports mankind to fulfill their selfishness and greed. Aww..
Don't surrender - succumb or submit to bad circumstances occurs from world which means for men made things.
I miss my grandma too. She left us 2 years ago. And I always pray God that she's reborn in our family again. Just waiting for her........
My grandma just passed away on 13th June I’m missing her so much I wish she come please pray
He is spiritually aware, he doesn't need to memorize Gita, he just knows :-)
Soul does not change..once it has entered it will remain
This is what I know too…
The soul enters the body at birth, NOT at conception as people mistakenly believe. There is only ever ONE soul inhabiting one body. Contrast that with twin flames, which is ONE soul inhabiting TWO bodies. Souls are powerful, we don't share our bodies with other souls. In this way, during pregnancy, a woman inhabits two bodies, the mother and the embryo/fetus until the baby is out of her body and takes its breath of life. That is the first act that the newly entered soul does. I once had what I call "my experience of the womb". Years ago, I was meditating, not nearly the kind of profound meditation I have learned to do since my awakening. But I was relaxed, eyes closed. I became aware of being in my mother's womb. I was aware of my mother walking around, and I thought, watch out for that door, don't bump into that chair, etc. I was just visiting my mother's womb. Can you imagine if we as souls lived in there? We'd be nervous wrecks lol. I have read that there are so many souls waiting to incarnate/reincarnate, so eager for the experience of the 3D, that they will take any form of life. There are trillions of non-humans incarnated on this and other planets who are brutally tortured and then horrendously murdered. Yet souls take on these awful existences for the chance to incarnate. We humans are the lucky ones, and I believe it is our duty to change the cruel behavior of humans toward all life forms. But when we select a family to be born into, and secure our claim to our future body (or bodies, as with TF'S), we monitor closely the mother and the unborn baby. We are permitted to enter the womb and visit but not to stay there. Perhaps the most amazing part of my experience was what I saw inside the womb. I saw colors!! Bright well lit, blues, reds, yellows, greens etc. I was seeing not only the womb insides but also my mother's other organs, from inside the body. I thought later, I must have imagined it, because surely it's dark in there. But a few months later, I watched a TV show based on the work of Dr. Leboyer, who wrote the best-selling "Birth Without Violence", and he was interviewed in the show, which simulated what the baby sees, and guess what? It was all the bright colors, exactly what I had seen in my experience. ❤️.
Jgd..wow .Amazing.
Pranamam Gurudev ❤❤
I am lucky to hear that
Mind blowing ❤️
Grateful. Jgd.
Garbhaupanishad by pippalada maharshi has accurate answer for the question
Can you share the video link
Which Q?
WOW! So profound.
I like the answer
Please don't call Soul as JeevaAtma, as they're different. The JeevaAtma enter's father's body a few days before the parents meet / copulate. Most of the time the JeevaAtma choses the parents and enter's father's body before the copulation, this will be based on the previous Karma (it might or might not have relation from previous life with the parents). However, it's possible for parent's to desire certain type of JeevaAtma by doing Sadhana before conception. If the lifespan of JeevaAtma is very limited (based on the Karma of parents / JeevaAtma) then the life can end by miscarriage / death at the time of birth / infant stage .... etc., Generally the reason for miscarriage / short life span is due to residual life from previous birth. If the JeevaAtma has bondage with parents, then based on the type of bondage either parents will serve the child or vice versa, if there is no/less bondage and it's a more of a platform to take birth, then either Child/Parent will exhibit less attachment and separate from each other after certain period of time based on residual bondage. These can be observed either in your family or friend's circle. However, the Child still owe to parents as they give platform to take birth on this earth.
How to call certain JeevaAtma? - Husband and wife has to meditate and call the required type of JeevaAtma for a few days prior to copulation.
Is it possible to shape JeevaAtma during the pregnancy or before child birth? - Yes and No. If mother has very strong will over the Child, then during pregnancy reading good books or doing good actions can shape the child before birth (ex:- get inspiration from Abhimanyu, remember who is the first Guru???), however if it's other way you can see the behavioral changes in mother during pregnancy. I've seen a non-veg eating person turned vegetarian during pregnancy (only during that duration), changes in desire, liking for certain type of food/action/clothing etc., some people have different experience based on the JeevaAtma's presence. (I heard Jeejabai used to climb hills during Shivaji's pregnancy)
As Guruji mentioned, there will be significant impact for the next life based on the thoughts at the time of death. These points can be found in most of the Purana's. The current birth need not to be the reflection of all the previous births/Karma, each birth will have limited bandwidth for actions.
If you've studied Newton's 3rd law, you can map it to Law of Karma, and this directs our experience for the future life. Remember mind is responsible for everything, and (subconscious mind) it's like a HardDisc records all actions of the mind. So, you would have heard "Yogaha Chitta Vrutti Nirodhaha", that's through Yoga (not YogaAsana, refer Ashtanga Yoga) you can start neutralizing the previous Karma. Another best way of neutralizing Karma is "Eashwara Pranidhana", i.e., taking everything (good / bad) as Eashwara's Will / Prasadam and be an actor in life rather than part of the action......
It takes 8.4 million births for a soul to get human form.
Pranam Guruji