It is great to see some God-fearing church leaders having these conversations, yet tragic that the majority are not and instead cowering to the narratives of the world. May God grant our land a resurgence of Biblical, sound doctrine in the churches!
We as children of God are looking at the government too much I just come to think I'm on it more lately we are supposed to be families not an institution And the families were to look out for one another Paul sent a gift down to journalists one And he said put the gift away as you purposed To be ready to give All these things in the world's government you've got to take it from somebody to give it to somebody else or make an exemption and that is just outright sort of stealing
What bothers me is that many pastors, including the pastor of the church I attended before all this mess started, began using Romans 13 and 1 Peter 2 as go to scriptures for their belief in obedience to government. But they never once mention that both Yeshua (Jesus) and Paul challenged earthly authority. Needless to say, for a Christian and a veteran of the US Army, that didn't sit well with me. We've had a falling out since then. It has caused me to dig deeper. Something that's curious to me is that when God called Abraham out of the land of Ur he made a promise to him. I'm sure you remember the promise. God told Abraham he would make him into a great nation....not a great religion or philosophy, but a nation. And that's very important. A nation needs laws. It took God more than 400 years to give the children of Abraham those laws through Moses. They were established in the Ten Commandments and the book of Leviticus. But in the course of several thousand years the pharisees and sadducces added to the ribbinical laws through ordinances and traditions. It is those ordinances and traditions Yeshua found himself coming up against and in heated debates with the keepers of the law....pharisees and sadducces. There are many instances where Yeshua was embroiled in heated confrontations with the pharisees over healing on the Sabbath. When most people read these passages they do so at the altitude of 30,000 feet devoid of any emotion or tension while hiding behind the veneer of supposed intellectual honesty. The text alone is dripping with tension as the Messiah is presented with the delimma of making someone whole on the Sabbath or passing the buck and saying, "Can you come back tomorrow?" He chose grace and mercy in the moment and in doing so became a practitioner of civil disobedience. He stared the pharisees and sadducces in the eye, those charged with upholding and enforcing the law and went against their ordinances and traditions. And oh, what was the "cleansing" of the temple all about!? Was it Yeshua grabbing a bucket and a mop to swab the floor and a rag to polish the hand rails and dust the end tables? No! But that's exactly what it sounds like when we use such a sanitized word to describe his true actions. He fashioned a whip (a weapon) and used it to drive both man and beast from the temple, knocking over tables scattering money all over the temple floor in the process. That, my friends is civil unrest. With this in mind, wouldn't you say Yeshua was involved in politics? Was it not the law of a nation he was debating? And was it not the ruling elite he was challenging? How then can anyone say Yeshua was never political? What about the Apostle Paul, the author of Romans 13? Did he always bow to the will of local government? In fact he did not. It's recorded for us that on three separate occasions Paul stood in opposition to local magistrates and governors to demand his rights as a citizen be granted to him. This vaccine is unethical, immoral and has crossed the line into tyrannical subjugation. These "mandates" need to be fought, not only by freedom loving people of the world, but also by those who call themselves "Christians." It's time to get real in your walk.
@@kokobeatz7222 yes, I know...long read. I posted this as a response to Todd Friel's insistence Christians obey the government. So many people are just falling in line because it's easier.
@@EBRoyJr for the record, we completely disagree with Todd Friel. No “pinwheels on our heads.” No no mandating our employees to get the “jab.” Resistance to tyranny is submission to God and love to neighbor.
Well spoken. If enough people resist they will have to relent. If people submit one by one they can keep the pressure on. Another executive order by the supreme leader 😄
@@dk4232 exactly. My wife rolled her eyes at the mention of the mu variant and said “how many more ‘variants’ are they going to come up with?” I told her “as many as they need until people finally just stop submitting to their decrees.” Basically what you said here. As long as people submit 1 by 1, this will never be over. If half the country just decides, no, we’re not submitting anymore. We’re not wearing masks, we’re not shutting down our businesses, we’re not injecting ourselves with experimental chemicals, there’s nothing they could do to stop it.
It is my conviction that I should not do what is bad for my health just because the government says so. i.e.- I would not jump off a cliff if the government told me to.
I think the interpretation offered in the title is a little off-centre. It's not abusive leaders we should resist, but rather ones who want us to do what is evil in God's sight. God does not want Christians to become revolutionaries who revolt against oppression, except in prayer, we can only but pray. Jesus himself said in his teaching: Matthew 5:39-41 [39]But I say to you, do not resist an evil person; but whoever slaps you on your right cheek, turn the other to him also. [40]If anyone wants to sue you and take your shirt, let him have your coat also. [41]Whoever forces you to go one mile, go with him two. Now this is of course within the context of righteousness. If a leader makes a law that overrides the law of God, we have obligation to resist it both actively by disobeying it like Daniel did but also in prayer But we can't say that because a leader isn't a god-fearing person that we would resis them. Darius the mede did not know God, yet Daniel served him faithfully up until it came to his faith and even after It is our faith we must uphold, not our rights
We all know governor little isn’t going to go against the federal government when it comes to taxes. He couldn’t resist all those sweet, sweet federal Covid dollars. Even if he had to suspend constitutional rights to receive them. Great discussion guys!
Why didn’t you start reading from verse 1? “Everyone must submit to the governing authorities, for there is no authority except from God, and those that exist are instituted by God.” And the title is misleading because you never talked about an abusive government, you talked about a government that oversteps Gods moral law
@@krakoosh1 You did not say it, but it sounded like it. By the way, a true Bible does not translate it as "governing authorities". Here is the correct translation: "Let every soul be subject unto the higher powers. For there is no power but of God: the powers that be are ordained of God."
@@glennbalkin8247 a true bible??? What do you think higher powers mean? Angels? Heavenly beings? No. It’s talking about earthly governing bodies, the government. You KJV onlys dont know anything about Bible translations. If you read the beginning pages of the KJV, before the actual bible starts, you would see that the translators themselves don’t believe what you do. The KJV has plenty of mistakes and the language used doesn’t have the same meaning in modern English.
@@krakoosh1 "No. It’s talking about earthly governing bodies, the government" Greetings. Regardless what translation you use, it says rulers are a terror unto evil works. Meaning, if they are not, God does not recognize them. Therefore, it indeed adresses governments. But only if they match the conditions. There is a great distinction between how we may see it and how God sees it. Which one do you think matters? Statism is Antichrist. A democracy is not the system Jehovah/Yahweh intended.
In accordance with this whole word and romans 13, proverbs 8:15, 2 corinthians 6:14-18 I bind to hell for myself, my family, friends, colleagues, neighbours, acquintances, opponents and the body of Christ every form of abusive authority to be in or to use over others while binding one to rule justly, binding to hell every unequal yoke and common share with those submitting to abusive authority and anyone using one's authority over others in abusive ways while lacking to rule justly, in the name and blood of Jesus Christ, amen and hallelujah!
There are always governing law that does not contradict God's command but very difficult to obey. What about poor people living in slum area? This is illegal. Is it a sin to live in slum area? Kindly answer because it will be educational.
@@RightResponseMinistries what if you have a wife, 2 kids, and a newborn on the way and you are the only source of income? Don't you think God will understand why you'd do that? I'm asking an honest question
@@GioTummy3463 I understand. Let me be clear: I do not think it’s inherently immoral for a Christian to get the vaccine. You simply asked what we would do. So I answered that question. My concern is for individual liberty.
@@RightResponseMinistries I feel that when other people's welfare depend on you and you only it makes things more difficult to stand up against the government when your only source of income is at risk. Sometimes seeing those you love suffer is more painful than suffering ourselves. When you have a baby crying for food or basic needs and you just lost your job to me at least would be devastating.
One has to know if the authority they are under is of God. Simply ask if you have to go to court ask is this court under the authority of God? Now this world is very tricky. If you are not living according to the Scriptures then the court may see that has a rebellion against God if the court is of God and you are rebelling against Him the court will hold you accountable. The only thing is people do not recognize how they are rebelling against God when they identify in court. Some things one might want to take into consideration are if one is to follow the law of the land it might be a good idea to know the definitions of the laws and the words in it. Here are some: DOB = date of birth = coming into a separate existence. Black laws definition the one the court uses to control legal. Denies “For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother’s womb.” Psalms 139:13 NIV Complying with the STATE definition of marriage = accepting that marriage is between a man and a man Denies that marriage is between a man and a woman. “Therefore to him that knoweth to do good, and doeth it not, to him it is sin.” James 4:17 KJV “Follow peace with all men, and holiness, without which no man shall see the Lord:” Hebrews 12:14 KJV We must not be participating in thing contrary to the Word All LEGAL CITIZEN PERSONS of THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA are subject to admiralty law = law of the sea Denies follow the law of the land One could be born an American and that follows the law of the land but when one chooses to be a legal citizen person that contract ( a contract made after the age of 18 when one checks a box and signs on the line they choose to be a CITIZEN ) binds them to a court of admiralty law. Your current “Lord” is Admiral Sir Tony Radakin First Sea Lord and Chief of the Naval Staff June 2019 Sir Winston Churchill was First Lord of the Admiralty from 1911-15 and 1939-40 and as such the civilian Cabinet minister ultimately responsible for Admiralty and Royal Navy affairs. In September 1911 Churchill was advised that he was to be First Lord of the Admiralty. The gold fringed United States flag is the Admiralty or War flag which denotes Admiralty or martial law THE UNITED STATES CITIZEN is surety for the UNITED STATES FIAT CURRENCY = the dollar Denies do not be surety for a debt. If a man does labor for an other that man normally pays him in fiat currency. The cotton money is substituted for debt the CITIZEN represents the surety because as a CITIZEN they back the value of the cotton money ( they CITIZEN has “value” because they will be “forced” to pay taxes under the law of the sea for what could be up to 100 years ) thus literally making a CITIZEN surety for a debt. If a politician or elected person including sheriff even Pastors when they preformed a wedding certificate for the county they swore and oath before the county clerk they all take and oath. Denies “But above all things, my brethren, swear not, neither by heaven, neither by the earth, neither by any other oath: but let your yea be yea; and your nay, nay; lest ye fall into condemnation.” James 5:12 KJV Now if one claims to be a man of God but is denying by identification the Word of God according to the definitions of the law of the land one might have a problem. Solution stop going against the Scriptures identify according to the Scriptures but do not violate the law of the land definition. If the definition states a DOB is coming into a separate existence then ask yourself when did that happen for me? How can you be forgiven if you do not know what to ask for? How can if you ask for forgiveness and continue in those ways? If
I agree with Doug-it’s just ironic coming from him since his personal empire does just that. His school/ministry has covered up some shocking and evil things. Doug, if we’re not to submit to abusive authority, then finally hold yourself and those around you accountable and come forth...Jesus calls all to repentance and calls those who aspire to be leaders to an even higher standard...
@@franklinbumgartener1323 At the school in Idaho run by ministers (Doug runs the school), there was a teacher who molested a female student. They shunned the female student and that teacher later served communion at the church. The story is bizarre and sad. If you look into it, this is just the tip of the iceberg.
So, like the disciples, we obey the government in so far as it doesn't disobey God. In that case, we obey God and gladly suffer for righteousness sake. Rome was founded as a republic. However, in Paul's days, it had long since ceased being a republic. It was an empire. Paul never told the Christians to submit to the foundations of Rome. But, he told them to submit to the current government. So again, like the disciples, we submit to God first off. Then, we submit to the government unless they directly contradict the express will of God as stated in His holy word, the Bible!
Joel, brother and fellow pastor, please try to talk less and ask more questions. There was much dialogue that could have taken place but you just kept introducing the subject.
Classic theology has you waiting and think its the final day, The first Adam is seen as human, your second Adam isn't seen nor understood its in you not outside to wake you up like your a son of God. Inside you not out side looking when it's already in you, wake up! Paul was Saul until he woke in him! Phil 2:5Let this mind be in you, which was also in Christ Jesus: 6Who, being in the form of God, thought it not robbery to be equal with God: 7But made himself of no reputation, and took upon him the form of a servant, and was made in the likeness of men:
It is great to see some God-fearing church leaders having these conversations, yet tragic that the majority are not and instead cowering to the narratives of the world. May God grant our land a resurgence of Biblical, sound doctrine in the churches!
We as children of God are looking at the government too much I just come to think I'm on it more lately we are supposed to be families not an institution And the families were to look out for one another Paul sent a gift down to journalists one And he said put the gift away as you purposed To be ready to give All these things in the world's government you've got to take it from somebody to give it to somebody else or make an exemption and that is just outright sort of stealing
Not only don’t have to, we are _obligated_ to _refuse_ to
Good point.
What bothers me is that many pastors, including the pastor of the church I attended before all this mess started, began using Romans 13 and 1 Peter 2 as go to scriptures for their belief in obedience to government. But they never once mention that both Yeshua (Jesus) and Paul challenged earthly authority. Needless to say, for a Christian and a veteran of the US Army, that didn't sit well with me. We've had a falling out since then. It has caused me to dig deeper. Something that's curious to me is that when God called Abraham out of the land of Ur he made a promise to him. I'm sure you remember the promise. God told Abraham he would make him into a great nation....not a great religion or philosophy, but a nation. And that's very important. A nation needs laws. It took God more than 400 years to give the children of Abraham those laws through Moses. They were established in the Ten Commandments and the book of Leviticus. But in the course of several thousand years the pharisees and sadducces added to the ribbinical laws through ordinances and traditions. It is those ordinances and traditions Yeshua found himself coming up against and in heated debates with the keepers of the law....pharisees and sadducces. There are many instances where Yeshua was embroiled in heated confrontations with the pharisees over healing on the Sabbath. When most people read these passages they do so at the altitude of 30,000 feet devoid of any emotion or tension while hiding behind the veneer of supposed intellectual honesty. The text alone is dripping with tension as the Messiah is presented with the delimma of making someone whole on the Sabbath or passing the buck and saying, "Can you come back tomorrow?" He chose grace and mercy in the moment and in doing so became a practitioner of civil disobedience. He stared the pharisees and sadducces in the eye, those charged with upholding and enforcing the law and went against their ordinances and traditions. And oh, what was the "cleansing" of the temple all about!? Was it Yeshua grabbing a bucket and a mop to swab the floor and a rag to polish the hand rails and dust the end tables? No! But that's exactly what it sounds like when we use such a sanitized word to describe his true actions. He fashioned a whip (a weapon) and used it to drive both man and beast from the temple, knocking over tables scattering money all over the temple floor in the process. That, my friends is civil unrest. With this in mind, wouldn't you say Yeshua was involved in politics? Was it not the law of a nation he was debating? And was it not the ruling elite he was challenging? How then can anyone say Yeshua was never political? What about the Apostle Paul, the author of Romans 13? Did he always bow to the will of local government? In fact he did not. It's recorded for us that on three separate occasions Paul stood in opposition to local magistrates and governors to demand his rights as a citizen be granted to him. This vaccine is unethical, immoral and has crossed the line into tyrannical subjugation. These "mandates" need to be fought, not only by freedom loving people of the world, but also by those who call themselves "Christians." It's time to get real in your walk.
Very long read. But I agree.
@@kokobeatz7222 yes, I know...long read. I posted this as a response to Todd Friel's insistence Christians obey the government. So many people are just falling in line because it's easier.
@@EBRoyJr for the record, we completely disagree with Todd Friel. No “pinwheels on our heads.” No no mandating our employees to get the “jab.”
Resistance to tyranny is submission to God and love to neighbor.
Well spoken. If enough people resist they will have to relent. If people submit one by one they can keep the pressure on. Another executive order by the supreme leader 😄
@@dk4232 exactly. My wife rolled her eyes at the mention of the mu variant and said “how many more ‘variants’ are they going to come up with?” I told her “as many as they need until people finally just stop submitting to their decrees.”
Basically what you said here. As long as people submit 1 by 1, this will never be over. If half the country just decides, no, we’re not submitting anymore. We’re not wearing masks, we’re not shutting down our businesses, we’re not injecting ourselves with experimental chemicals, there’s nothing they could do to stop it.
It is my conviction that I should not do what is bad for my health just because the government says so. i.e.- I would not jump off a cliff if the government told me to.
I think the interpretation offered in the title is a little off-centre. It's not abusive leaders we should resist, but rather ones who want us to do what is evil in God's sight.
God does not want Christians to become revolutionaries who revolt against oppression, except in prayer, we can only but pray.
Jesus himself said in his teaching:
Matthew 5:39-41
[39]But I say to you, do not resist an evil person; but whoever slaps you on your right cheek, turn the other to him also.
[40]If anyone wants to sue you and take your shirt, let him have your coat also.
[41]Whoever forces you to go one mile, go with him two.
Now this is of course within the context of righteousness. If a leader makes a law that overrides the law of God, we have obligation to resist it both actively by disobeying it like Daniel did but also in prayer
But we can't say that because a leader isn't a god-fearing person that we would resis them. Darius the mede did not know God, yet Daniel served him faithfully up until it came to his faith and even after
It is our faith we must uphold, not our rights
We all know governor little isn’t going to go against the federal government when it comes to taxes. He couldn’t resist all those sweet, sweet federal Covid dollars. Even if he had to suspend constitutional rights to receive them. Great discussion guys!
Excellently put, sirs. #wewillnotcomply
Not only do we not have to - we must not!
Hegemony is already blocking this. Keep sharing this!!!!
We will!
Always good
I appreciate what you are saying, but we are presently in a pagan state.
Very true. But perhaps it’s more accurate to say that we’re living in an “apostatizing” state.
Great content!
Thanks Chuck!
Why didn’t you start reading from verse 1? “Everyone must submit to the governing authorities, for there is no authority except from God, and those that exist are instituted by God.” And the title is misleading because you never talked about an abusive government, you talked about a government that oversteps Gods moral law
We do not obey what contradicts with God
@@glennbalkin8247 where exactly did i say we are supposed to obey laws that contradict Yahweh’s laws?
@@krakoosh1 You did not say it, but it sounded like it. By the way, a true Bible does not translate it as "governing authorities". Here is the correct translation:
"Let every soul be subject unto the higher powers. For there is no power but of God: the powers that be are ordained of God."
@@glennbalkin8247 a true bible??? What do you think higher powers mean? Angels? Heavenly beings? No. It’s talking about earthly governing bodies, the government. You KJV onlys dont know anything about Bible translations. If you read the beginning pages of the KJV, before the actual bible starts, you would see that the translators themselves don’t believe what you do. The KJV has plenty of mistakes and the language used doesn’t have the same meaning in modern English.
@@krakoosh1 "No. It’s talking about earthly governing bodies, the government"
Greetings. Regardless what translation you use, it says rulers are a terror unto evil works. Meaning, if they are not, God does not recognize them.
Therefore, it indeed adresses governments. But only if they match the conditions. There is a great distinction between how we may see it and how God sees it. Which one do you think matters?
Statism is Antichrist. A democracy is not the system Jehovah/Yahweh intended.
That was a great point re: Paul utilizing his status as a Roman citizen.
In accordance with this whole word and romans 13, proverbs 8:15, 2 corinthians 6:14-18 I bind to hell for myself, my family, friends, colleagues, neighbours, acquintances, opponents and the body of Christ every form of abusive authority to be in or to use over others while binding one to rule justly, binding to hell every unequal yoke and common share with those submitting to abusive authority and anyone using one's authority over others in abusive ways while lacking to rule justly, in the name and blood of Jesus Christ, amen and hallelujah!
You need to interview Matthew Truella on this as well. Also, Gary Demar and Gordon Runyan.
Completely agree!
There are always governing law that does not contradict God's command but very difficult to obey. What about poor people living in slum area? This is illegal. Is it a sin to live in slum area? Kindly answer because it will be educational.
Seeing Doug floating around on a green screen background kinda thing, tickles me for some reason 😅
Paul used his rights as a Roman citizen to further the Gospel, though, not his own ambitions!
So if your government mandates that all employees in your company get the vaccine, what would you do?
Tell the government, “Hell no.”
@@RightResponseMinistries what if you have a wife, 2 kids, and a newborn on the way and you are the only source of income? Don't you think God will understand why you'd do that? I'm asking an honest question
@@GioTummy3463 I understand. Let me be clear: I do not think it’s inherently immoral for a Christian to get the vaccine. You simply asked what we would do. So I answered that question. My concern is for individual liberty.
@@RightResponseMinistries I feel that when other people's welfare depend on you and you only it makes things more difficult to stand up against the government when your only source of income is at risk. Sometimes seeing those you love suffer is more painful than suffering ourselves. When you have a baby crying for food or basic needs and you just lost your job to me at least would be devastating.
@@GioTummy3463 absolutely. I agree. Each individual needs to exercise prudence.
One has to know if the authority they are under is of God. Simply ask if you have to go to court ask is this court under the authority of God?
Now this world is very tricky. If you are not living according to the Scriptures then the court may see that has a rebellion against God if the court is of God and you are rebelling against Him the court will hold you accountable.
The only thing is people do not recognize how they are rebelling against God when they identify in court.
Some things one might want to take into consideration are if one is to follow the law of the land it might be a good idea to know the definitions of the laws and the words in it.
Here are some:
DOB = date of birth = coming into a separate existence. Black laws definition the one the court uses to control legal.
Denies “For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother’s womb.”
Psalms 139:13 NIV
Complying with the STATE definition of marriage = accepting that marriage is between a man and a man
Denies that marriage is between a man and a woman.
“Therefore to him that knoweth to do good, and doeth it not, to him it is sin.”
James 4:17 KJV
“Follow peace with all men, and holiness, without which no man shall see the Lord:”
Hebrews 12:14 KJV
We must not be participating in thing contrary to the Word
All LEGAL CITIZEN PERSONS of THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA are subject to admiralty law = law of the sea
Denies follow the law of the land
One could be born an American and that follows the law of the land but when one chooses to be a legal citizen person that contract ( a contract made after the age of 18 when one checks a box and signs on the line they choose to be a CITIZEN ) binds them to a court of admiralty law. Your current “Lord” is Admiral Sir Tony Radakin
First Sea Lord and Chief of the Naval Staff
June 2019
Sir Winston Churchill was First Lord of the Admiralty from 1911-15 and 1939-40 and as such the civilian Cabinet minister ultimately responsible for Admiralty and Royal Navy affairs. In September 1911 Churchill was advised that he was to be First Lord of the Admiralty.
The gold fringed United States flag is the Admiralty or War flag which denotes Admiralty or martial law
Denies do not be surety for a debt.
If a man does labor for an other that man normally pays him in fiat currency. The cotton money is substituted for debt the CITIZEN represents the surety because as a CITIZEN they back the value of the cotton money ( they CITIZEN has “value” because they will be “forced” to pay taxes under the law of the sea for what could be up to 100 years ) thus literally making a CITIZEN surety for a debt.
If a politician or elected person including sheriff even Pastors when they preformed a wedding certificate for the county they swore and oath before the county clerk they all take and oath.
Denies “But above all things, my brethren, swear not, neither by heaven, neither by the earth, neither by any other oath: but let your yea be yea; and your nay, nay; lest ye fall into condemnation.”
James 5:12 KJV
Now if one claims to be a man of God but is denying by identification the Word of God according to the definitions of the law of the land one might have a problem.
Solution stop going against the Scriptures identify according to the Scriptures but do not violate the law of the land definition.
If the definition states a DOB is coming into a separate existence then ask yourself when did that happen for me?
How can you be forgiven if you do not know what to ask for?
How can if you ask for forgiveness and continue in those ways? If
I agree with Doug-it’s just ironic coming from him since his personal empire does just that. His school/ministry has covered up some shocking and evil things. Doug, if we’re not to submit to abusive authority, then finally hold yourself and those around you accountable and come forth...Jesus calls all to repentance and calls those who aspire to be leaders to an even higher standard...
"Shocking and evil" cover ups? What were they?
@@franklinbumgartener1323 At the school in Idaho run by ministers (Doug runs the school), there was a teacher who molested a female student. They shunned the female student and that teacher later served communion at the church. The story is bizarre and sad. If you look into it, this is just the tip of the iceberg.
@@PaulWallification Do tell? Show me some more of the iceberg please.
@@PaulWallification Figures
So, like the disciples, we obey the government in so far as it doesn't disobey God. In that case, we obey God and gladly suffer for righteousness sake. Rome was founded as a republic. However, in Paul's days, it had long since ceased being a republic. It was an empire. Paul never told the Christians to submit to the foundations of Rome. But, he told them to submit to the current government. So again, like the disciples, we submit to God first off. Then, we submit to the government unless they directly contradict the express will of God as stated in His holy word, the Bible!
Nothing else was said in this video.
Joel, brother and fellow pastor, please try to talk less and ask more questions. There was much dialogue that could have taken place but you just kept introducing the subject.
Sic semper tyrannis
Let me get this straight, you’re advocating for your own private Idaho ?
Are you aware of some of the allegations that have come out of his personal Idaho? Very bizzare...
Classic theology has you waiting and think its the final day, The first Adam is seen as human, your second Adam isn't seen nor understood its in you not outside to wake you up like your a son of God. Inside you not out side looking when it's already in you, wake up! Paul was Saul until he woke in him! Phil 2:5Let this mind be in you, which was also in Christ Jesus: 6Who, being in the form of God, thought it not robbery to be equal with God: 7But made himself of no reputation, and took upon him the form of a servant, and was made in the likeness of men:
I know that in me, that is in my flesh dwells no good thing rom 7:18