Even the Order of the Books in the Bible Prove a Pre-Trib Rapture!

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 7 ธ.ค. 2022
  • Missionary Evangelist Robert Breaker talks about the doctrine of the Rapture in the Bible, and how even the order of the books in the Bible itself point to a Pre-Tribulational Rapture.

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  • @sylviarivera776
    @sylviarivera776 ปีที่แล้ว +209

    Thank you Jesus for saving my soul.

    • @brideofchristbam726
      @brideofchristbam726 ปีที่แล้ว +10

      Amen sister! He snatched me out of the fire! We serve a Mighty King Jesus! Maranatha 💕

    • @VirtualbackgroundsVFX
      @VirtualbackgroundsVFX ปีที่แล้ว +7

      A thousand amens 🙏

    • @hometv6542
      @hometv6542 ปีที่แล้ว +6


    • @larrycraddock3063
      @larrycraddock3063 ปีที่แล้ว +6

      DOUBLE AMEN!😊😊😊

    • @jmo900
      @jmo900 ปีที่แล้ว +7

      John 3:3, Jesus clearly teaches "Ye MUST be born again" or you cannot enter into the Kingdom of God.

  • @rushgush
    @rushgush ปีที่แล้ว +39

    I have fought the good fight of faith, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith. Finally, there is laid up for me the crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous Judge, will give to me on that Day, and not to me only but also to all who have loved His appearing.” (2 Timothy 4:7)

  • @lumix2477
    @lumix2477 ปีที่แล้ว +82

    Thank you Brother Robert. You have been an absolute blessing in my life. All glory to Jesus forever because He is worthy Amen.

    • @rbarrett111
      @rbarrett111 ปีที่แล้ว

      Under His Eye. Praised be the Fruit.

  • @breakthrou_
    @breakthrou_ ปีที่แล้ว +17

    Incredible teaching!!! I’m hugging my KJV tightly like it’s a baby. God Bless everyone learning and studying the Word ❤️

  • @andytaylor1588
    @andytaylor1588 ปีที่แล้ว +81

    I changed from a entertainment based Christian to a TRUTHFUL Christian. The Holy Spirit brought us the TRUTH through Brother Breaker! God Bless you all, my brothers and sisters in Christ!

    • @aycaramba3553
      @aycaramba3553 ปีที่แล้ว

      If you don't mind my asking, what is "entertainment-based" to you? I've not heard that used before.

    • @shaneerasmus2591
      @shaneerasmus2591 ปีที่แล้ว

      Secular christian mainstream media?

    • @Thekomokoro
      @Thekomokoro ปีที่แล้ว +2

      @@aycaramba3553 When worship gives pleasure to the flesh, like mini-concert, drum-beat songs, stand-up comedy preaching, avoiding certain truthful topics like homosexuality and feminism to appease the flesh. True Christianity is living like Jesus in so much you act like monks, the Amish people is one example. Its an ultimate sacrifice, and its hard, specially living in these days with so much wordly distractions.

    • @kris.haddad
      @kris.haddad 10 หลายเดือนก่อน

      You nailed it! 👏🏻

    • @SDL42
      @SDL42 10 หลายเดือนก่อน

      ​@Thekomokoro so true Christianity is based on your works? I.e. the way you live your life rather than faith in the blood? Ok.

  • @Derrick1981y
    @Derrick1981y ปีที่แล้ว +92

    Prayers for our Bible teacher!!

    • @bradhamer8108
      @bradhamer8108 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Could you all pray for my pastor Robert and his family? Thank YOU! God bless!

  • @susanjane2498
    @susanjane2498 ปีที่แล้ว +126

    Thank you Preacher, the rapture is truly a blessing to us all in Christ!

    • @debraheyneker3545
      @debraheyneker3545 ปีที่แล้ว


    • @elsfane
      @elsfane ปีที่แล้ว +5

      Jesus did say Pray that you are deemed worthy not to have to go through the hour of testing.

    • @echoofthevoiceinthewildern3008
      @echoofthevoiceinthewildern3008 ปีที่แล้ว +4

      Hi friend
      What I'm going to share most pre trib rapture preacher don't know
      The pre trib rapture doctrine came from the papal power
      I don't understand why the protentants don't see this
      Back in 1517 when Martin Luther began the reformation
      this began a movement out of the catholic church
      Martin Luther read the book of Daniel
      Martin Luther found out by his research of the history of the 4 beast of Daniel that the papal power was the little horn at the end of time
      Little horn of Daniel is the antichrist system
      A beast in prophecy is not a individual man but a kingdom or a nation
      The 4 beast of the earth were four kingdom that ruled the world with the philosophy of that beast
      All 4 beast were pagans kingdoms with a pagan king
      1st beast was a lion
      2nd beast was a bear
      3rd beast was a leapord
      4th beast was a dragon
      1st King Nebuchadnazzer
      2nd king cyrus
      3rd king Alexander the Great
      4th king Caesar
      All were pagan kings who ruled the world
      Each king was given the title of babylon
      Revelation chapter 13 verse 1 and 2
      We have those 4 beast of Daniel
      Lion bear leapord and the dragon
      This 7 headed red dragon in Revelation chapter 13 verse 1
      Has the characteristics of those 4 beast of Daniel
      Revelation chapter 13 verse 2
      And the dragon which is pagan Rome Gave him his seat power and Great Authority
      Who was given the seat of Caesar?
      In 538ad justinian of pagan Rome seated a pope at the throne of Caesar and he vigilous ceased the scepther of Caesar and torch of Saint Peter and church and state became a union
      Martin Luther figured this out
      So Martin Luther was telling society what was among them
      The pope
      Was not an apostle for Jesus
      But an apostle for the devil
      All the reformers came into this agreement
      This is why you are a protentant of today
      Not by chance
      By 1545 to 1563 the papal power had the council of trent
      The council of trent was a group of educated men from around the world who study the book of Daniel to prove Martin Luther wrong
      Unfortunately those intelligent men agreed with Martin Luther that yes the papal power of Rome was the antichrist system at the end of time
      Me and you are living in this time of the end
      But those educated men told the papal power that Martin Luther over look this one issue
      For the catholic church would be rapture out before the tribulation or the devil would take back his throne of Caesar
      But as time kept forward this doctrine died out of the catholic faith and was filed away
      In the 1800 men as Edward Irving and John derby Nelson found those old doctrine and gave them too the prostentant churches
      And of today it's the protentant who are spiritual saying it us who will be rapture out And the catholic faith left behind to deal with the antichrist
      The Philadelphia church was a period of the past
      Today were the laodician church not the Philadelphia church
      The Philadelphia church was the church that was at the end of the 2300 year prophecy in Daniel chapter 8 verse 14
      The 2300 year prophecy Is a prophecy for jew and gentile
      Where Jesus himself would stand in between both of them
      Jesus stands in between them at a pointed time
      That appointed time was in 34ad the end of those 70 weeks given to the Jewish nation to rebuild their city of Jerusalem and their temple and ready them selves for the 1st visitation of Jesus christ
      Would you like to the fulfillment of this prophecy for the gentile holding the Gospel of Jesus christ
      And how Revelation explains what happened with the gentiles hold the gospel of Jesus christ

    • @echoofthevoiceinthewildern3008
      @echoofthevoiceinthewildern3008 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      34ad Jesus takes the gospel from the Jewish nation and he give that gospel to the gentile
      When the gentile in 34ad recieved that gospel of Jesus
      It was 100 perfect
      Today as the gentile hold the gospel
      Romans chapter 1 verse 25 is a warning and a prophecy
      They change the truth of God into lies And they worship the creature more then the creator Who is blessed for ever and ever
      And then Jesus says he will hand them over to a vile mind
      Or unnatural love
      Men with men
      Women with women
      And of today we see this unnatural love in the church itself
      Jesus said in romans chapter 1 verse 25
      The change the truth into lies And they worship the creature more then the creator
      Who is the creature they are worshiping ?
      They are them who are in the churches catholic and protentant faiths
      Would you like to see the fulfillment of that creature in romans chapter 1 verse 25

    • @echoofthevoiceinthewildern3008
      @echoofthevoiceinthewildern3008 ปีที่แล้ว

      Of today the catholics and protentant have a lot in common
      Even to the point where protentants are going to join back up with their mother church of Rome
      Revelation chapter 13 verses 1 to 10
      That sea of the beast is how pagan Rome transformed into the papal power and what happened during the 42 months of this religious power
      Those 42 months were the reign of church and state in the church of Rome
      Rev chapter 13 verse 8
      Jesus is telling us that worship is taking place where he himself was slaind by the foundation of the world
      Where was Jesus slained?
      By the roman empire on a Roman cross
      Revelation chapter 2 verse 13
      I know where Satan has taken his seat where saint Antiphas was slained
      Saint Antiphas was also slained by the Roman soldiers by the blazing bull method
      The blazing bull method was a pagan way to get rid of trouble makers as of Christians
      A horrible way to die
      So Satan seat is in Rome
      Revelation chapter 13 verses 11 to 18 is a nation that is lamb like but then it to speaks as the dragon
      The USA is a protentant nation
      The catholic leaders acknowledge this
      Protentant built the 1st amendment of the constitution Freedom of speech and the press and religion separation of church and state
      This is lamb like
      2nd corthinians chapter 3 verse 17
      The lord is as a spirit and that spirit is liberty for where liberty is found then the lord is present
      USA has Freedom built as its foundation
      But it makes a wrong turn and speaks as the dragon
      Liberty will be taken from us in the USA
      No liberty no Jesus
      Take away liberty then the enforcer steps into the ring
      Revelation chapter 13 verse 12 to 18
      Is the uniting of the papal power with the protentant nation of America
      And they make an image to the beast that recieved a fatal wound to it head which was the papal power of church and state
      In 1798ad Nepolian of France took the pope off of the throne of Caesar and church and state came to an end in Rome
      The papal power recieved a fatal wound on the head of that 7 headed red dragon
      The papal power is the 5th head of that 7 headed red dragon
      The papal power strives for worship
      Pagan Rome trives on worship
      And the whole world wondered after the beast
      Friends don't follow no leader into destruction
      Daniel chapter 8 verse 25
      By his policy and the craft of his hands he will magnify himself and by the means of peace he will lead many to destruction
      Revelation chapter 16 verse 14
      These are spirits of demons working miracles and going to the kings of the earth and then to the whole world preparing them to do battle against the day of almighty God
      The spirits of devil going first to the kings of the earth
      Friends the pope is a king who sits on a throne gathering the whole earth to magnify himself in the means of peace
      And by the means of peace and safety he will come to his end
      Fatima of 1917 is peace for the earth
      1 thessalonians chapter 5
      They call for peace and safety then sudden destruction comes upon them like a woman in travail
      A woman is a church
      Travail means they have a destiny
      2017 Oct 31
      Pope Francis made a statement to the protentant churches
      That the 500-year anniversary of Martin Luther was over and its time for the daughters of the mother church of Rome to come home to Rome and so they can become one
      Friends don't unite back with Rome
      A worship is taking place for the creature and not for the creator

  • @quantumgirl222
    @quantumgirl222 ปีที่แล้ว +65

    I literally JUST turned on TH-cam to see if I could try to find a video by YOU discussing the pre-tribulation rapture…. And you popped right up with this title posted just 15 min ago. I have to laugh because I just discovered you a couple of weeks ago and didn’t even know your name to find your channel!! Thank you Jesus and thank you pastor!!

    • @Savannah-ed4rv
      @Savannah-ed4rv ปีที่แล้ว +5

      Welcome to one of the best Bible teaching ministries anywhere ! Robert had absolutely changed my underdtanding of everything I had questions about. You will be blessed watching every video. ♡

    • @kennethbeal
      @kennethbeal ปีที่แล้ว +5

      @@Savannah-ed4rv My introduction to him, a year or so ago, was his video on the coming zombie apocalypse. Well done, with humor and pop culture references. He's helped me straighten a bunch of equations out in my head (was already saved and knew it, before finding him -- and, am *very* glad I found him!).
      He mentions, at the beginning of this video, that he has over 1,500 videos. I've watched many; not sure there's time to see them all, but there's definitely time to see the right ones that will affect my ride/journey/walk!
      God bless in Jesus name.

    • @nedthyben4707
      @nedthyben4707 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      Can anyone explain to me Daniel 7:25?

    • @MH-fr7uw
      @MH-fr7uw ปีที่แล้ว +1

      @@nedthyben4707 th-cam.com/video/OxfkDKlCHt0/w-d-xo.html

  • @JourneyofAnfalas
    @JourneyofAnfalas ปีที่แล้ว +25

    Keep preaching Robert! You do a great wonderful job. If I see you talking. I understand words have power. Your words plant manny seeds of jesus light! I will pray always for you. Protecion, love and many more 😇🙏

    • @lumix2477
      @lumix2477 ปีที่แล้ว +3

      That is very sweet

  • @JudithAnn-to9lv
    @JudithAnn-to9lv ปีที่แล้ว +14

    I love my Brother Breaker and his no nonsense teaching style!

    • @a.howardsmith3243
      @a.howardsmith3243 8 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Careful, he is just the tool.

  • @josehernandez-xe7ro
    @josehernandez-xe7ro ปีที่แล้ว +15

    Amen brother breaker 🙏
    Titus 2:13 the blessed hope, hallelujah hallelujah praise Jesus!!!🙏

  • @nellamaiorana6780
    @nellamaiorana6780 ปีที่แล้ว +89

    Amen Brother of Christ! You speak the truth. So many Christians are bickering about a mid trib etc rapture.. they are confused with the second coming of Jesus Christ. God bless you for your tireless work for the Kingdom ❤️

    • @KT-et5vn
      @KT-et5vn ปีที่แล้ว

      So it two different events you say?

    • @auntybiblebeliever887
      @auntybiblebeliever887 ปีที่แล้ว +6

      @@KT-et5vn Two different events because the details are different. Pre-trib rapture it's the trumpet voice of God, post angel blows a trumpet. Pre - Jesus Himself meets us in the clouds and accompanies us. Post- Angels gather and accompany. Pre - door opens in Heaven, Post Heavens depart like a scroll and chaos in the Heavens with stars falling / darkness/ islands moved. Pre - We meet Him in the air, Post- Jesus comes back to Earth to judge, rule and reign. We come back with Him from the Marriage Supper after being prepared (Luke 12:36). Pre -Church given white robes, Post- they make their robes white. Also the Judgement Seats, Judgement Seat of Christ for Christians and reward, our works are tried in fire, not us, prepares and rewards the bride. Judgement of Nations post trib to see who inherits the Millennium Kingdom and based upon their faith and works. Great White Throne Judgement end of Millennium. Galilean Wedding also a beautiful picture of the rapture.

    • @echoofthevoiceinthewildern3008
      @echoofthevoiceinthewildern3008 ปีที่แล้ว

      Hi friend
      Would you like to see how Jesus describes who was the church of Philadelphia?
      The book of Daniel has a time line where at the end of this 2300 year prophecy the Philadelphia church would appear right on schedule
      Today were the laidicean church which has material riches

    • @KT-et5vn
      @KT-et5vn ปีที่แล้ว

      @@auntybiblebeliever887 what about the resurrection how many resurrections will there be?

    • @auntybiblebeliever887
      @auntybiblebeliever887 ปีที่แล้ว +3

      @@KT-et5vn There's several, picture a harvest, first fruits, main harvest, gleaning is the first resurrection for those in Christ. Second Resurrection ( Great White Throne ) is for the dead not in Christ. I don't have my Bible or notes with me. I'll get with you tomorrow to share verses and be detailed. It's a lot to discuss, so I'll get back with you after I prepare. 1Cor 15 tells the order. 23 But every man in his own order: Christ the firstfruits; afterward they that are Christ's at his coming.
      24 Then cometh the end, when he shall have delivered up the kingdom to God, even the Father; when he shall have put down all rule and all authority and power.
      25 For he must reign, till he hath put all enemies under his feet.
      26 The last enemy that shall be destroyed is death.

  • @ediegray5511
    @ediegray5511 ปีที่แล้ว +9

    Brother they are falling fast and the AC is moving in closer .
    Even so Lord come quickly 🙏

  • @cherylhubert2713
    @cherylhubert2713 ปีที่แล้ว +12

    Amen. Thank you Jesus for saving me. 🙏🏼 Praise the Lord! His appearing will
    be soon ❤ Be ready🙏🏼 Forgive me for
    doubting the rapture. ✝️

  • @marys.7388
    @marys.7388 ปีที่แล้ว +15

    Wow is right, thank you Brother Breaker for the wonderful insight into the order of the Bible never looked at it that way… even though I’m pre- tribulation to the core..😂have been for over 30 years. God is my only hope…God bless you ❤

  • @timothyfalk297
    @timothyfalk297 ปีที่แล้ว +21

    I’ve read Ken Johnson’s book on the rapture, excellent book. He also has many others worth looking at.

  • @TrustJesus100
    @TrustJesus100 ปีที่แล้ว +16

    God is amazing!! Thank you brother Breaker, that was definitely a eye opener. God bless you ❤️

  • @Inkbyjeremy
    @Inkbyjeremy ปีที่แล้ว +19

    Thank you pastor Robert your a true blessing God is good and Jesus is coming very soon amen 🙏

  • @alejandraaullet3967
    @alejandraaullet3967 ปีที่แล้ว +16

    I like how you explain the Bible in your videos,and the fact that you also do it in Spanish.. thanks for sharing!🙏🙏

  • @user-gd3se9fp5v
    @user-gd3se9fp5v ปีที่แล้ว +7

    Thanks Robert. Again enlightening video. Every time I watch-hear your videos, more pieces fall into place. You are knowledgeable about the Bible, more than others. And you are really passionate about everyone finding faith in Jesus for salvation through the blood of Jesus.

  • @rondavarney5377
    @rondavarney5377 ปีที่แล้ว +7

    I'm so grateful you did this study of proof of a pre trib. I'm so weary of believers fighting over the rapture aka harpazo. I'm gonna study this even deeper. I really needed this study. Thank you so much!!

  • @surfcruzer
    @surfcruzer ปีที่แล้ว +10

    Thank u Robert for helping me to cast my eyes towards Jesus. You have been a huge blessing in my life. Amen.

  • @davidg2901
    @davidg2901 ปีที่แล้ว +13

    I admit lately I had been thinking it was mid trib rapture because I thought the tribulation was for the church. But this has made me understand that the tribulation is for Israel. This is an amazing revealing of the order and content of the books in a short form story. Thank you for this!

    • @ericsikma4764
      @ericsikma4764 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      There’s all of this talk about Pre-, Mid- or Post-Trib and I’m right and here’s why:
      The better approach would be to take a “Pan-Trib” one since none of us humans know when the end will be (Matthew 24:36). It all pans out however it pans out. The $10,000 question for everyone to ask instead would be, “Ready regardless?” There’s only one to be “ready”. It can be found in John 3:1-6 (born again) and THAT happens only with Calvary and the Resurrection. (See Romans 5:10 for more information).

    • @JMRabil675
      @JMRabil675 ปีที่แล้ว +4

      The tribulation is for Israel its even called the time of JACOBS trouble

    • @jamesray519
      @jamesray519 ปีที่แล้ว

      whose salvation are you engrafted into, hindi muslims budha? or the jews if your engrafted into the jews then your resurrection happens with the jews

    • @ericsikma4764
      @ericsikma4764 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      @@jamesray519 Meanwhile...How is one saved again? Just curious. Thanks in advance!

    • @jamesray519
      @jamesray519 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@ericsikma4764 we are part takers in the inhertence of salvation of the jews, god is no respecter of persons to give us a resurection before the those whom we are engrafted into.

  • @marilynfuller923
    @marilynfuller923 ปีที่แล้ว +16

    You encourage me in Bible study. Thank you for your work on this. 😊

    • @binderdundit228
      @binderdundit228 ปีที่แล้ว

      King James Bible Acts 7:38
      This is he, that was in the church in the wilderness with the angel which spake to him in the mount Sina, and with our fathers: who received the lively oracles to give unto us: Moses was in the church in the wilderness? I guess church refers to Israel all through the bible.

  • @j.t.patton7820
    @j.t.patton7820 ปีที่แล้ว +9

    Your Love for God's Word is so inspiring!
    Thanks Brother!

  • @steveguti6452
    @steveguti6452 ปีที่แล้ว +21

    Jesus Christ died for our sins according to the scriptures and that he was buried and that he rose again the third day praying for everyone everyday God bless you all 🙏.

    • @thebrunetteinroom7
      @thebrunetteinroom7 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      Died for our sins. ❤
      Do you sin? John 8:34 Jesus answered them, verily, verily, I say unto you, whosoever committeth sin is the servant of sin.

  • @guyviola5359
    @guyviola5359 ปีที่แล้ว +11

    Thank you, Pastor Breaker, very interesting teaching, it was short and sweet, God bless you and your family!

  • @liwayapacyaya2547
    @liwayapacyaya2547 ปีที่แล้ว +17

    Thank you Holy Spirit for using brother Breaker. This is new to me on how to fully and clearly understand the rapture from Genesis to Revelation . I still pray for others who are still blinded,argue and insist on a mid and post trib- rupture.
    Your spirit filled teaching is powerful to share to them. I’m always blessed every time I listen to your sermons . God bless❤🙏.

  • @bikgfrruewr6003
    @bikgfrruewr6003 ปีที่แล้ว +6

    2 Thessalonians 2:3 KJV
    Let no man deceive you by any means: for that day shall not come, except there come a falling away first, and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition;

  • @drbarryawe5372
    @drbarryawe5372 ปีที่แล้ว +6

    Wow brother "bread Breaker" !!!
    You absolutely knocked this out of the park! Well done, Thank You for this teaching. I always say the Word of God is the bread of life and is to "B-read" and broken into pieces that feed thousands and have endless more.
    You nailed it when you observed that the only people that argue against pre-trib rapture are people who don't read the Bible. It's everywhere from Genesis and Adam recieving his bride before tribulation to Revelation and Jesus (the last Adam) recieving His bride before tribulation, the same story told over and over.

  • @taekim7002
    @taekim7002 ปีที่แล้ว +7

    I need to watch this again. Many thanks pastor Breaker. We leave soon, God bless you and your family.

  • @tinachen6516
    @tinachen6516 ปีที่แล้ว +15

    Excellent teaching, first time I ever heard, but it’s so true! Thank You Pastor Robert!

    • @ericsikma4764
      @ericsikma4764 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      There’s all of this talk about Pre-, Mid- or Post-Trib and I’m right and here’s why:
      The better approach would be to take a “Pan-Trib” one since none of us humans know when the end will be (Matthew 24:36). It all pans out however it pans out. The $10,000 question for everyone to ask instead would be, “Ready regardless?” There’s only one to be “ready”. It can be found in John 3:1-6 (born again) and THAT happens only with Calvary and the Resurrection. (See Romans 5:10 for more information).

  • @edwardtelles1956
    @edwardtelles1956 ปีที่แล้ว +12

    Very well documented " layout " of the Rapture , and onwards concerning ALL the books Bible... From Gen - Revelation...
    So much Epiknoses knowledge of Biblical facts that we would have never figured it out if it wasn't for Teachers with a Gift such as yours. You definitely have the Gift of Pastor/ Teacher to compile such information on a subject and deliver it to us in a very easy to understand format... God Bless You. ✝️

    • @ericsikma4764
      @ericsikma4764 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      There’s all of this talk about Pre-, Mid- or Post-Trib and I’m right and here’s why:
      The better approach would be to take a “Pan-Trib” one since none of us humans know when the end will be (Matthew 24:36). It all pans out however it pans out. The $10,000 question for everyone to ask instead would be, “Ready regardless?” There’s only one to be “ready”. It can be found in John 3:1-6 (born again) and THAT happens only with Calvary and the Resurrection. (See Romans 5:10 for more information).

    • @edwardtelles1956
      @edwardtelles1956 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@ericsikma4764 I guess Systematic Theology is not your subject. Are you going to take the Mark❓ Are you going to retreat to the wilderness with the Jews❓ or are you gonna sit and wait for the Second Coming ❓. Have you done any Homework ❓

  • @EddieTheMessenger
    @EddieTheMessenger ปีที่แล้ว +8

    Thank you brother Breaker..... i have been telling others about this but many do not see it nor understand it... i pray for all of us brother... thank you for explaining the Scriptures to us

  • @bradhamer8108
    @bradhamer8108 ปีที่แล้ว +8

    Thank you brother Breaker! You are truly Wonderful and I am so thankful for you.
    Mind blown!

  • @SaintJamesMarkus
    @SaintJamesMarkus ปีที่แล้ว +11

    This is going to a good one!!!!!

  • @barbaramalevitch1802
    @barbaramalevitch1802 ปีที่แล้ว +5

    Love, love, LOVE, your teaching!!!!! Blessings and much gratitude for the hope you help us to see!!!!!!!❤️❤️❤️

  • @lillymoreira5278
    @lillymoreira5278 ปีที่แล้ว +12

    Thank you very much Brother Robert!! 🙏

  • @katiegreen852
    @katiegreen852 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Thank you so much brother Breaker! I thank God for you! I can't wait to finally be home with you all 🙌💕🙏💕🙌🤗💕

  • @Keepushingirl1010
    @Keepushingirl1010 ปีที่แล้ว +6

    Thank you for your teaching, first time here. 🙌🙌❤️Great teaching. Truly blessed to have found you.

  • @staffiecleo
    @staffiecleo ปีที่แล้ว +17

    🙏🙏Jesus Christ is the Lord to the Glory of GOD the Father 🙏🙏

  • @J.G_
    @J.G_ ปีที่แล้ว +15

    Thank You Brother Breaker for the message. Yes the scriptures do prove a pre-trib Rapture. Titus 2:13(KJV) Looking for that blessed hope, and the glorious appearing of the great God and
    our Saviour Jesus Christ; Thank You Jesus for the GOSPEL its in 1 Corinthians 15:1-4(KJV). ✝🩸🙌🙌🙌

    • @javierferia7114
      @javierferia7114 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      You are reading Titus 213 to your own desire or what you want to hear. You don’t understand just like Robert Fricker doesn’t understand.

    • @J.G_
      @J.G_ ปีที่แล้ว +5

      @@javierferia7114 Am not reading titus 2:13(KJV) to my own desire or whatever I want to hear. That verse of scripture relates to the RAPTURE for all SAVED CHRISTIANS,
      who are waiting on that BLESSED HOPE. Let me ask you something are you waiting for that BLESSED HOPE? Thank You Jesus for saving me from the wrath to come. Amen.

  • @nothingelsetolose7661
    @nothingelsetolose7661 ปีที่แล้ว

    I for one are so thankful that you felt the need to review and redo this study I have beeb truly blessed by this study as I am sure many have been I took notes and I will do this study over and over again to I have it memorized its that important God bless you brother Breaker

  • @JensenSarpy
    @JensenSarpy ปีที่แล้ว +10

    The Gospel for the N.T. Age of Grace/Church Age is 1 Cor. 15: 1-4 KJV. Rom. 10: 1-21 KJV and Rom. 3: 25 KJV explains it further.
    It's what Christ did for us that we're saved and it's by faith alone, not works. We're forgiven for all sins by Christ's shed blood.
    Have a safe and blessed day everyone 🙏🙏🙏🙏

  • @janemitchell9846
    @janemitchell9846 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    Awesome message Pastor Breaker! May God Bless you and your family!

  • @maryanndanna9814
    @maryanndanna9814 ปีที่แล้ว +8

    Love your teachings Brother Baker - thank you !! 🙏

  • @briankite7744
    @briankite7744 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    What an absolute blessing. I must watch all of your content now, wow!

  • @Pure-Crystal-Fire
    @Pure-Crystal-Fire ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Always a blessing Robert Thank you so much for rightly and faithfully dividing the word , that was awesome ! God bless you from North Wales :)

    • @binderdundit228
      @binderdundit228 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      We have been programed to a certain way of thinking in Christianity. Church is a replacement word with a new definition. Ecclessia / Εκκλησια Greek is a word with a definition meaning congregation and it has been replaced with "church". In Acts 7:38 in the KJV is states that he (Moses) was in the church in the wilderness. Church is from the Greek word Ecclessia / Εκκλησια which means congregation. Reading the bible in a Hebrew context letting truth speak, will show us that Israel is the only congregation of YHVH on the earth. There has always been people joining Israel from the beginning. Out of Egypt, the Great multitude (Erev Rav) were people of non-Israelite heritage that became one and the same with natural born Israelites. They gathered at mount Sinai on Shavuot (Pentecost) and were treated as Israelites and entered the covenant. They were no longer Goyim (Gentiles/nations). The 10 tribes of Israel were later scattered into the nations around 721 BC and were prophesied to reach the ends of the earth. Judah and Benjamin (Jews) have remained separate ever since. In Genesis 16 when Jacob (Israel) blessed Ephraim and Manasseh they were to become "as fish in the midst of the earth". They would become a Malo HaGoyim (Fullness of the Nations.) It is no wonder that Jer 16 says of these that YHVH will send for fishermen to gather them in the end. It is also important to note that Yeshua (Jesus) Made fishers of men. It is all related. Israel was cast into the nations and was also prophesied to return and gather once again with Judah. It is a large prophetic framework that has been forgotten/ignored by Christianity. It makes a huge difference in what the true picture is once all the pieces to the puzzle are in front of us to see. Hope I was able to explain myself well. Shalom.

    • @Pure-Crystal-Fire
      @Pure-Crystal-Fire ปีที่แล้ว

      @@binderdundit228 Thank you well all that is certainly very interesting , I am not a Jew , I am a gentile , all I need to know this side of heaven is I am saved by believing in the innocent blood shed for all of our sins , now thats what I call an awesome God ! in plain english :)
      God bless you richlu Binder

  • @Dman77777
    @Dman77777 ปีที่แล้ว +5

    I wish I could figure these things out on my own but unfortunately I cannot but God has blessed me with you my brother and you have blown my mind..
    Thanks homie

    • @thebrunetteinroom7
      @thebrunetteinroom7 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Write down these verses and study them for clarity…❤
      Colossians 1:20
      1 John 3:6-10
      James 2:10
      Proverbs 3:32
      Amos 3:7
      Psalm 25:14
      Hosea 11:3
      Isaiah 53:5
      The secret is …he healed us from sin. Sin is gone. Because of what He did for us on the cross.
      We are not under the law, but under Grace.
      John 8:34

  • @steveguti6452
    @steveguti6452 ปีที่แล้ว +4

    Dearly beloved avenge not yourselves but rather give place unto wrath for it is written Vengeance is mine I will repay saith the LORD praise God praying for everyone everyday God bless you all

  • @lovelife9332
    @lovelife9332 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Wow 🤩 I have to say the way you presented this really pulls things together and makes so much sense!! Thank you 😊 I saved this video so I can go back and look at the paralleled books 👍

  • @katherineleighnor1405
    @katherineleighnor1405 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    God Bless you Brother Robert! You are a jewel. Thank you also for your book recommendations, they're great!

  • @Savannah-ed4rv
    @Savannah-ed4rv ปีที่แล้ว +4

    Praise God! Thank you for your amazing teaching!

  • @silvertip8k278
    @silvertip8k278 ปีที่แล้ว +7

    Keep up the good work Robert!!!

  • @cbl336
    @cbl336 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    So grateful to find your channel 🙏 God bless you brother

  • @raymondgodon9543
    @raymondgodon9543 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Thank you for your studies I have always struggled to read but you Gabe helped me to understand what I'm reading now. Thank you. Thank you Jesus

  • @aprildawn8692
    @aprildawn8692 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    God bless you, Brother Breaker
    Maranatha ❤️

  • @tonyflatt541
    @tonyflatt541 ปีที่แล้ว +5

    Just watch this thank you and blessings in Jesus name you have blessed me in Jesus teachings.

  • @davidzbowen24
    @davidzbowen24 ปีที่แล้ว

    Good stuff! Listened to you while wrapping presents. Thanks!

  • @MindfulMommentsForYou
    @MindfulMommentsForYou ปีที่แล้ว

    Thank you so much for these, I got a bit behind on your videos, but I'm finally catching up. Thanks for the continued teaching!

  • @cdrogers72
    @cdrogers72 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    God bless you pastor. I learn a lot every time I watch. I enjoy this format. That is pretty wild about the layout of the books! God is amazing and quite able to perform His will.
    Also, you had a “Goonies” moment at 41:45 😂. That was funny.
    Anyways, brother, I will see you in the clouds after the shout and the trump of God! God willing of course.

  • @mtf_rapture_watch
    @mtf_rapture_watch ปีที่แล้ว +3

    I believe in a pre-trib rapture and the kjv bible. Our Abba never ceases to amaze me!

  • @brendamoya8650
    @brendamoya8650 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Wow this did blow my mind. Thank you brother breaker. Loved your teachings. Praise the LORD

    • @binderdundit228
      @binderdundit228 ปีที่แล้ว

      We have been programed to a certain way of thinking in Christianity. Church is a replacement word with a new definition. Ecclessia / Εκκλησια Greek is a word with a definition meaning congregation and it has been replaced with "church". In Acts 7:38 in the KJV is states that he (Moses) was in the church in the wilderness. Church is from the Greek word Ecclessia / Εκκλησια which means congregation. Reading the bible in a Hebrew context letting truth speak, will show us that Israel is the only congregation of YHVH on the earth. There has always been people joining Israel from the beginning. Out of Egypt, the Great multitude (Erev Rav) were people of non-Israelite heritage that became one and the same with natural born Israelites. They gathered at mount Sinai on Shavuot (Pentecost) and were treated as Israelites and entered the covenant. They were no longer Goyim (Gentiles/nations). The 10 tribes of Israel were later scattered into the nations around 721 BC and were prophesied to reach the ends of the earth. Judah and Benjamin (Jews) have remained separate ever since. In Genesis 16 when Jacob (Israel) blessed Ephraim and Manasseh they were to become "as fish in the midst of the earth". They would become a Malo HaGoyim (Fullness of the Nations.) It is no wonder that Jer 16 says of these that YHVH will send for fishermen to gather them in the end. It is also important to note that Yeshua (Jesus) Made fishers of men. It is all related. Israel was cast into the nations and was also prophesied to return and gather once again with Judah. It is a large prophetic framework that has been forgotten/ignored by Christianity. It makes a huge difference in what the true picture is once all the pieces to the puzzle are in front of us to see. Hope I was able to explain myself well. Shalom.

  • @thebear3589
    @thebear3589 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Amen Brother Breaker...Amen...always looking and praying for the return of our Most Gracious Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ..Come Lord Jesus Come..

  • @kimberlymorgan5827
    @kimberlymorgan5827 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    ***Wow, Woo-hoo ****
    Thank You Holy Lord Jesus for the teaching of Bro. Robert,
    This is the first time I heard this that I recall. That was just so edifying.
    Thank u Bro Robert.
    May our Holy Father bless you and yours and us that love love love Lord Jesus.
    I've got a big ole smile on my old face!!! Haha
    I'm couple years older than u Bro.

  • @gossman75
    @gossman75 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    Here's a pretribulation Rapture Phrase... Luke 21:36 Watch ye therefore, and pray always, that ye may be accounted worthy to ESCAPE ALL THESE THINGS that shall come to pass, and to stand before the Son of man.

  • @marciaking9589
    @marciaking9589 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Thank you for this information, I love the way you teach the Bible.May God bless you a keep your family safe.

  • @alexandervanwyk7669
    @alexandervanwyk7669 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Astonishing Robert. I have never seen the wonderful correlation of Ruth's story with the rapture of the Church. Love you from Africa.

  • @link7412
    @link7412 ปีที่แล้ว +5

    Snatching away gives the idea of urgency.
    Why the urgency if we need to endure everything?

  • @ChristysChannelYall
    @ChristysChannelYall ปีที่แล้ว +5

    Thank you for this sermon Brother Breaker! I have read the Bible and studied a lot, but never even thought of the big picture of how the order of the whole Bible shows this. Wow! I don’t know if you have a sermon on Isaiah and how each chapter matches up with the books of the Bible. Dr. Gene Kim did one on that. It was amazing! You should too if you haven’t.

    • @kimberlymorgan5827
      @kimberlymorgan5827 ปีที่แล้ว

      Hi Sister, I like Bro. Dr. Gene Kim also. He has straight on Biblical teachings. I haven't seen much of him.
      But to me when u pray and ask is this all truth Holy Father it sounds like it is, He will surely show us. Maybe not that minute but it does come along.
      I'm so excited every time I get an answer to a Biblical question. Last year I received an answ I had waited on for years. I'm older and broken n this Earthly flesh but NOT in spirit. I was giddy as a school girl. Haha
      Love & blessings to u.

  • @deniseschlaeger624
    @deniseschlaeger624 ปีที่แล้ว

    Love that teaching, thank you brother, I sent your video to my sister who isn't convinced of the pre-trib rapture!

  • @AJ-vl6hw
    @AJ-vl6hw ปีที่แล้ว +1

    It is good to have blessed hope that you might be kept from the tribulation. It is also good to have faith enough that you might choose to lay down your life for the sake of your friend, or die in the name of Jesus, without fear, rather than denouncing him, and having full faith in him. Trust in him who God did send. Thanks pastor Amen

  • @steveguti6452
    @steveguti6452 ปีที่แล้ว +4

    There is only one happiness love and be loved praise God praying for everyone everyday God bless you all

  • @athena8729
    @athena8729 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    God said," lean NOT unto your own understanding" Only The Father knows when Harpazo is. Stay Faithful Saints.

  • @larrycraddock3063
    @larrycraddock3063 ปีที่แล้ว +1


    • @binderdundit228
      @binderdundit228 ปีที่แล้ว

      King James Bible Acts 7:38
      This is he, that was in the church in the wilderness with the angel which spake to him in the mount Sina, and with our fathers: who received the lively oracles to give unto us: Moses was in the church in the wilderness? I guess church refers to Israel all through the bible.

  • @heaven_bound777
    @heaven_bound777 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    The Goonie's reference right at the end I love it. You are the best Robert Baker, Thank you for another great teaching

    • @Robertbreaker3
      @Robertbreaker3  ปีที่แล้ว +2

      You caught that! I was hoping someone did!

  • @sheraalanaRev310
    @sheraalanaRev310 ปีที่แล้ว +5

    Thank You Jesus!!! MARANATHA 🙌🕊️🎺

  • @hohovsash
    @hohovsash ปีที่แล้ว +12

    HALLELUJAH! I WANT to express publicly before his people my heartfelt thanks to God our Father in Heaven the Lord Jesus Christ for his mighty miracles. All who are thankful should ponder them with me. For his miracles demonstrate his honor, majesty, and eternal goodness. Truly the time has come to return to Him! Repent and continue to show his Glory oh ye blessed ones chosen for his Kingdom to not be near but here, surly God is our first love and surly God's love is true! Father i ask and pray that not my will/desire but thy will to be done, to be officially declared that now is the appointed time for an end to Sin, now is the time for all things unholy or unrighteous or unclean to be thrown into the pit! And i pray and ask that you allow me to understand the importance to patience and trust in you our Father and Lord Jesus Christ and that thy Holy Spirit forever comforts me, let us forever say Amen and Amen!
    "Woe to the shepherds who destroy and scatter the sheep of My pasture!" Says the Lord.
    Therefore thus says the Lord God of Israel against the shepherds who feed My people: "You have scattered My flock, driven them away, and not attended to them. Behold, I will attend to you for the evil of your doings," says the Lord.
    But I will gather the remnant of My flock out of all countries where I have driven them, and bring them back to their folds; and they shall be fruitful and increase.
    "I will set up shepherds over them who will feed them; and they shall fear no more, nor be dismayed, nor shall they be lacking," says the Lord.
    * "Behold, the days are coming," says the Lord, "That I will raise to David a Branch of righteousness; A King shall reign and prosper, And execute judgement and righteousness in the earth.
    In his days Judah will be saved, And Israel will dwell safely; Now this is His name by which He will be called:

  • @cathyknapp9360
    @cathyknapp9360 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Amen brother thank you so much for this teaching it really brings things in order for me and yes you have blown my mind I have always believed in the pre-trip rapture but now you've made it even clearer thank you so much and I pray God bless you as much as you have blessed us

  • @mirmirultra10
    @mirmirultra10 ปีที่แล้ว

    Thankyou for all your hard work putting this study out there for us to share and ponder on … this is a gem 💎 of hope

  • @aureliafox2924
    @aureliafox2924 ปีที่แล้ว +5

    All GLORY to our great GOD and SAVIOR JESUS CHRIST!!! 🙌👏 Thank you so much for this teaching- it’s so clear! 🗡️🕊
    Love the Goonies reference 😂🤓

  • @gmeisner1713
    @gmeisner1713 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    God bless you!

  • @motorcyclemichael2182
    @motorcyclemichael2182 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Continuing to look 👀 up!
    We are getting closer every day 🙌🏻☝🏻 👏🏻🤙🏻

  • @tammyhutchinson2581
    @tammyhutchinson2581 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Thank you for this video Brother Robert. God bless you

  • @alinasanders6169
    @alinasanders6169 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    Yes ..I noticed recently a massive attack on the rapture doctrine 🤷‍♂️ ( including attacked by the church itself )

  • @bouduable
    @bouduable ปีที่แล้ว +5

    You are great

  • @toxtethogrady4610
    @toxtethogrady4610 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    I first heard this from Peter Ruckman...but Im so glad you are getting iTruth out to so many more than might care for his style in this day.... bless you brother and all Glory to God.

  • @doriamoreira158
    @doriamoreira158 ปีที่แล้ว

    Thank you for teaching the word and shining light and this dark world. The truth will set you free. God bless.❤🙏🏻

  • @ahjzablu2998
    @ahjzablu2998 ปีที่แล้ว +4

    Thank you for sharing this. My husband and I have strayed from our original beliefs about the rapture and following the Torah. Fortunately, we found answers while studying the NT and no longer believe that we should follow the Torah. Now, because of this teaching, our questions about the rapture have been answered. Thank you so much!

  • @iknownothing495
    @iknownothing495 ปีที่แล้ว +5

    I watched the 2020 documentary 'Before The Wrath' for the first time yesterday. It's a very interesting documentary and I learned a thing or two about Jewish culture. I've been asking Jesus for signs for a while now, and I don't get any messages, visions or dreams, but I have no doubt Jesus led me to watch this documentary and He has also shown me signs that would seem just random things during an ordinary day if I wouldn't be watching for Jesus' return. Thank you Lord!

    • @nedthyben4707
      @nedthyben4707 ปีที่แล้ว

      Rabbi Baruch teaches in pre-wrath rapture based off 1st Thessalonians 5:9

    • @shaunchamisa1736
      @shaunchamisa1736 ปีที่แล้ว

      Pleasw do you have the link for the documentary so i can watch it also ,

  • @z144000
    @z144000 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Amen ! Thank you Brother/Pastor Robert. Lets go home soon ! God Bless you all in Love. Maranatha !

  • @wjdc893
    @wjdc893 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Super super super interesting and edifying. Amen and thanks brother. All praise and glory be to our wonderfully loving God Almighty, in Jesus name, amen!!!

  • @rachelbauer9457
    @rachelbauer9457 ปีที่แล้ว +4

    Revelation 13:7, KJV: And it was given unto him to make war with the saints, and to overcome them: and power was given him over all kindreds, and tongues, and nations.
    If there was a pre tribulation rapture, there would be no saints for the beast to overcome!

    • @Pre-Tribulation
      @Pre-Tribulation ปีที่แล้ว +1

      The Rapture happens... then ones left behind after the rapture must flee the AntiChrist and refuse the Mark unto death. God still allows people a way to be saved, even during Judgement. Some people NEED Judgement to open their eyes.

    • @rachelbauer9457
      @rachelbauer9457 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@Pre-Tribulation Revelation 2:10
      Fear none of those things which thou shalt suffer: behold, the devil shall cast some of you into prison, that ye may be tried; and ye shall have tribulation ten days: be thou faithful unto death, and I will give thee a crown of life.

    • @Pre-Tribulation
      @Pre-Tribulation ปีที่แล้ว +1

      @@rachelbauer9457 All the Revelation churches in Revelation 2&3 have ANGELS over them! Read it!!! To the ANGEL at INSERT CITY. I know YOUR WORKS! then a report card of their works. Then a promise to those who overcome!!!
      Here are my issues with these Churches being the Body of Christ Church. We have JESUS as our Head and we are the Body!! No angels involved. We are saved by grace through faith alone in Christ alone, NOT BY WORKS lest any man boast. We became OVERCOMERS soon as we believe in the Gospel, 1 John 5:4-5.

    • @Pre-Tribulation
      @Pre-Tribulation ปีที่แล้ว

      @@rachelbauer9457 The Body of Christ Church is boogying down in Heaven while the Tribulation Churches endure the AntiChrist. They are works based Churches. They must flee the AntiChrist until death in order to overcome.

    • @ChristianProtossDragoon
      @ChristianProtossDragoon ปีที่แล้ว

      ​@@Pre-Tribulation I think the ones who will experience Tribulation shall be those lukewarm Christians and the unbelievers. Those who got waxxed.

  • @papajohndavid
    @papajohndavid ปีที่แล้ว +5

    Absolutely incredible and amazing, only the Lord.

  • @mariearmbruster3306
    @mariearmbruster3306 ปีที่แล้ว

    Another great teaching Bro Breaker. Be blessed.

  • @michaelblack9253
    @michaelblack9253 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Thank you I needed to hear that!

  • @jeffreydawson1276
    @jeffreydawson1276 ปีที่แล้ว +6

    Thank You Brother Breaker,, with your teachings, I was Saved on November 19th 2022 ,, I felt the Holy Spirit Awaken Inside Me,, overwhelming emotion poured out,, Now All I want to do is Save as many as I can,, By sending Brother Breaker's videos to everyone I know,, Already got some heretic's, telling me I'm All wrong, and that Brother Breaker is a false religion,, I tell them to just watch,, but they won't listen,, religion is harder to convince than politics,, I keep trying, to convince the people I talk to,, plus I keep watching lots of brother breakers videos so I have ammunition to combat them with one buddy of mine a Seventh-Day Adventist,, he's going to be the hardest he's been in that for so long he is brainwashed ... Probably end up losing him.. I tell him I'll be a witness when he comes out of hell after the millennial Kingdom and is judged by God.. he thinks I'm crazy..

    • @debraheyneker3545
      @debraheyneker3545 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Works vs Rest. Amen

    • @angelacowan2136
      @angelacowan2136 ปีที่แล้ว +1


    • @michaelpalmer7954
      @michaelpalmer7954 ปีที่แล้ว

      Try these videos. www.youtube.com/@ExpeditionBible th-cam.com/video/K6wcW3ZTrm8/w-d-xo.html

    • @kytrpekka5750
      @kytrpekka5750 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Amen brother well said

    • @lumix2477
      @lumix2477 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      I have a similar situation. My advice would be to know what to expect and be ready to answer with just a Bible in hand and state your case for Christ. I don't like reading books and learning and this was very hard for me but I love Jesus and it changed the way my brain works. Now TV and movies bore me and I love studying. Warning: the devil hates this transition and you'll likely experience spiritual attacks. Pray, pray and pray. He will protect us we have nothing to fear. Put on the full armor of God every morning. Lord bless this person in their walk with you. Please guide them always. Thank you Lord. In Jesus name Amen

  • @tone5006
    @tone5006 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    🙏🏻 thanks

  • @eskiemax5133
    @eskiemax5133 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Thanks for this video! Amen!!!

  • @johnwall5624
    @johnwall5624 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Amen! Thank you Brother Breaker! 🙏