The sounds are so incredible. They echo straight through me. Thank you for sharing. Everything is frequency as all the great energies of the past have said and as we shall see much more in the coming future! Love to all
HI THANKS, amazingly beautiful sounds...Please be kind and tell me if you know what are the metals that the tubes for the generator. I am a Sound Healer and wish to know the metal that are made from. The resonance is beautiful on this ones.THANKS again...I am from Bulgaria where the teacher of Pythagoras was, Orfeous. There are many different spellings on Orfeos, but this one is the one the way it sounds originally and to be honest is my Guru about Cosmic Sounds.I am so glad that they are more & more people turning in to the Power & Mystics of Sound Blessings to you
do you know anything about the music of the spheres, can people hear this music in their minds , playing on its own? because i have had the experience of hearing, rather loudly,some music that is very well orchestrated with multiiple instruments and it plays on its own in my mind (accompanied by tingling and vibrating physical sensations in my head,) i do not invent it, and it is nothing ive heard before? You seem like you might know something about this :)
I never asked what kind of metal was used but that is a good question. There is lots of information on their website -- Soulvibs.comThanks for watching! Love and Light to you!
The Music of the Spheres, as I understand it:Flowers, rocks, trees, grass, etc....are all singing a beautiful song, imperceptible to the mundane ears. So consider that even our cells and the microscopic (microcosmic) world is also singing this song at frequencies of the Most High. All of nature is built up of the 5 Platonic Solids, and each solid is contained in it's spheres. So the Music of the Spheres is the Song of Creation. :)
Mem7Key makes alot of sense , i have had a number of "psychic" experiences where i have seen/heard things outside of the conventional 3d perception. so i do believe it is possible to hear/see at higher frequencies that the body ordinarily allows.. from what i can tell it is our minds that can reach out to these other frequencies and bring back inf t the brain in a way that would cause us to see or hear a vision/hallucination which coincides with a truth that exists beyond our ordinary perception. thanks for replying :)
I get the effect from the video in person i might hit the roof and start floating that singing bowl intrigues me might need to get one thanks for sharing brother
The sound quality of this video is very good. How did you record the sound? What kind of camera did you use? By the way, I couldnt find instrument for sale on Do you have any idea where i can find this instrument these days?
Not sure if anyone answered this, Randy Masters of universal song in Aptos,Ca has lots of cool stuff. ..He's one of our teachers at the GLobe Institute Sound Healing Healing and is amazing. His products are extremely well designed and reasonable .
Dr. Casey one of the Prophet said in the future we’re going to use sound to heal and I think the time has come 2020 with all this bullshit time for healing people there’s a good video up by Boeman call tartaria cymatic
my chi energy went crazy when you played the notes XD LOL where can I get one of these. This is real music thank you for sharing. It is a shame now we in the modern age have corrupted these notes. did Pythagoras make any music with these notes? if so where can I get it from?
I ABSOLUTELY LOVE PYTHAGORAS AND IF IT WASN'T FOR HIM WE WOULDN'T EVEN HAVE MODERN MUSIC !!! HE CREATED THE 8TH NOTE IN THE MAJOR SCALE AND THE CIRCLE OF 5TH S BUT o tell the absolute Truth I have been playing guitar for 30 years and that thing drives me Crazy for some reason?? Everyone else seems to love it ?? I work on Ear training every day!!! Why does it bother me so much ?? Is there something wrong with me ?? Lol
Mem7Key do you happen to know what Hz your C is resonating? while you were striking the perfect fifths i did the same on my guitar and hummed along with it and i have to say I just had this strange feeling in me..can't even explain it
Rhythm is time and time is Rhythm. Rhythm brings order out of chaos. Without rhythm or time all you have is chaos. When you create a song you are literally filling space and time.
@ancestralblue I got this one from - it is run by a very nice couple. They were amazingly accommodating. I asked them if they could mentally or physically intone my mantra while stringing up and tuning my generator, and they honored my request. It was a nice personal touch and I felt like it came in the mail already tuned to me. : )
Hey! People are asking you where you bought the Pythagorean tone generator, why don't you answer? Do we have to think that it's all a scene to get more visualizations?
Hello *Traveler, Thank you for uploading this video. Regarding your Pythagorean Tone Generator, where may I acquire this instrument? _Thank you in advance for the reply. - Travels with wisdom of The Heart.
Studying music theory will blow your mind once you see the connection to the 12 semi tones and Christ. Circle of fifths have a symmetry when you connect the 6 diatonic chords. I am the root, the first and the last JC=13? The last supper? The symmetry of the 6 diatonic chords make up the star of David. Why 6 when there's 7? Because the 7th scale degree is Locrian which has no resolution and a diminished 5th so in most western music they omit the 7th. Locrian is too Loco to use on it's own plus the diminished 5th equals a tritone also known as the devil in music. God rested on the 7th day.
this is amazing i want one... i can actually feel it influencing my heart chakra ... has anyone else had the experience of hearing music in your mind that seems to be playing by it's own power.. im talking like vibrant 20's jazz and classical violin , full intricate compositions with multiple instruments playing loudly in your mind, all by itself ? these things happen to me , usually after some kind of creative or improvisive activity that i do during the day and then later in the day i might hear this "phantom music" ive seen suggested that this is known as "the music of the spheres" that we can tune in to. has anyone ever heard of this or had this experience ?
changeiswelcome some people just like to dog on people, you know, kinda makes them feel better about themselves. she probably thinks im insane because hearing music in your head is, well, not a hugely common.experience. but ive had alot of "unusual" experiences that she would likely call "schitzoid" ( my apologies , paula, that was most likely spelled incorrectly :P) - Thank u change is welcome, for sticking up for a "crazy" like me :)
Bit of a brave admission - not something to tell a lot of people about. I only heard the noise once myself - after a particularly strenuous but accomplished bit of academic thinking...I could hear it, or echoes of it for days afterwards...but that was a long time ago. For me it sounded like endless electric violins playing in harmony a cross between rock and classical (whatever that means). The sound was strident, angelic, amazing. Nurse!
Brave admission indeed, the more who are willing to talk the harder the truth will be to ignore. I have also heard faint and beautiful violin music, it was after i spent a couple hrs inprovising on my harmonica..(there is a link between creativity and the abilitiy to recieve/percieve higher frequencies) it raises our vibration to meet with the higher ones outside of our ordinary day to day 3 dimensional range of perception. The most amazing time i heard music was in the morning after a night where i asked myself why we think in words and in our own the morning i awoke to the sound of vibrant 20s jazz, intricate and complex,poowerful and graceful all at entire head was tingling physically and vibration ran through my bdy from head to toe...the music then moved or expanded from my head down through my neck and chest then towards my stomach , while this is happening i am being filled with intense euphoria at some point however i became afraid of what was happening, not able to discern exactly where the sound was coming from, i could not describe or know the nature of the source, so i became fearful and in my mind yelled out "stop" and immediately it vanished.note.. it was at my stomach when i became afraid and i was also afraid because i knew that in the next instance there would be words and singing entering the orchestration, female singers , instinctively i knew this.. i was scared to hear this .. and so the experience ended.
Any links where to get one? Great healing tool but trying to find a legit toned one is challenging with so many fake ones on the market. If anyone knows of affordable genuine ones please post a link. Thanks !
It's mostly just you. They're both extremely pure tones with hardly any overtones. But the bars have quick attack since they sound immediately when struck, whereas the bowl's vibration starts gradually. The Tibetan bells are out of tune with each other and the beats you hear from them is what a true disharmony sounds like.
I have to have one of these because listening to this through a speaker or earphone is like fake because the real vibrational waves are not moving in the air from that into our chakras . I need to feel it raw if I could put it that way .
Sooo good. Subscribed immediately upon hearing. Will breathe and heal to you. BUT - Pythagoras did not quite foresee the miss-mash of culture that is today. Must find ways to consciously make this entertainment. (And lend a hand to poor Juan Vega who loved everything about this video except his predisposition to consider the Hebraic Aleph "evil". "Evil" the cliched word is just another form of entertainment half the time as well, which the reply comments don't quite see...and understandably so.)
people have asked in the comments where to get one of these there a reason you dont answer? even if the answer is no you should show some respect to your viewers by answering their requests
I do recommend people tune to Pythagrean tuning for all their music, but nevertheless. How you are seeking to use this is playing openly with darkness and the forces of darkness, trying to open up spiritually to the spirits and things, it is bad. Do hear the word of the Lord God Almighty. Seek him and his word, and believe it. The Goſpel that ſaues and how to be ſaued accoꝛding to the woꝛd of God : "1 MOꝛeouer bꝛethꝛen , I declare vnto you the Goſpel which I pꝛeached vnto you, which alſo you haue receiued,and wherein yee ſtand. 2 By which also yee are ſaued , if yee keepe in memoꝛie what I pꝛeached vnto you , vnleſſe yee haue beleeued in vaine. 3 Foꝛ I deliuered vnto you firſt of all , that which I alſo receiued , how that Chꝛiſt died for our ſinnes accoꝛding to the Scriptures : 4 And that he was buried,and that he roſe againe the third day accoꝛding to the Scriptures." - 1 Coꝛinthians 15:1-4 Holy Bible 1611 "9 That if thou ſhalt confeſſe with thy mouth the Loꝛd Ieſus , and ſhalt beleeue in thine heart , that God hath raiſed him from the dead , thou ſhalt be ſaued. 10 Foꝛ with the heart man beleeueth vnto righteouſneſſe,and with the mouth confeſſion is made vnto ſaluation. 11 Foꝛ the Scripture ſaith, Whoſoeuer beleeueth on him , ſhall not bee aſhamed. 12 Foꝛ there is no difference betweene the Iew and the Greeke : foꝛ the ſame Loꝛd ouer all, is rich vnto all, that call vpon him. 13 Foꝛ whoſoeuer ſhall call vpon the Name of the Loꝛd,ſhall be ſaued." - Romanes 10:9-13 Holy Bible 1611
The Goſpel that ſaues and how to be ſaued accoꝛding to the woꝛd of God : "1 MOꝛeouer bꝛethꝛen , I declare vnto you the Goſpel which I pꝛeached vnto you, which alſo you haue receiued,and wherein yee ſtand. 2 By which also yee are ſaued , if yee keepe in memoꝛie what I pꝛeached vnto you , vnleſſe yee haue beleeued in vaine. 3 Foꝛ I deliuered vnto you firſt of all , that which I alſo receiued , how that Chꝛiſt died for our ſinnes accoꝛding to the Scriptures : 4 And that he was buried,and that he roſe againe the third day accoꝛding to the Scriptures." - 1 Coꝛinthians 15:1-4 Holy Bible 1611 "9 That if thou ſhalt confeſſe with thy mouth the Loꝛd Ieſus , and ſhalt beleeue in thine heart , that God hath raiſed him from the dead , thou ſhalt be ſaued. 10 Foꝛ with the heart man beleeueth vnto righteouſneſſe,and with the mouth confeſſion is made vnto ſaluation. 11 Foꝛ the Scripture ſaith, Whoſoeuer beleeueth on him , ſhall not bee aſhamed. 12 Foꝛ there is no difference betweene the Iew and the Greeke : foꝛ the ſame Loꝛd ouer all, is rich vnto all, that call vpon him. 13 Foꝛ whoſoeuer ſhall call vpon the Name of the Loꝛd,ſhall be ſaued." - Romanes 10:9-13 Holy Bible 1611
Amazing instruments!!! Thank you for sharing
The sounds are so incredible. They echo straight through me. Thank you for sharing. Everything is frequency as all the great energies of the past have said and as we shall see much more in the coming future! Love to all
Où peut-on trouver ce générateur ?
Thank you, bro. You showed me just what I need actually exists. Much love and gratitude.
Great work... the healing possibilities seem huge...Thank you!
Hi mem7key I'm digging your vids! Peace and love brother. I suddenly realized why I LOVE tubular wind chimes....
Hey man i love your video!!!..and your tone generator is quite amazing..i would love fine one like that!!
Amazing, I feel like I stumbled upon a real jem in your videos. Thank you
Nice video, thanks for sharing!!!
This is an amazing video and it is worth to review, analyze and study. Contains important information.
These tones really hit you.My chakras get a wake up call whenever I hear them!
Babe that was awesome thanks for sharing .... the sound is so calming...
This is amazing :) Where can I find out how to either purchase or create one of these?
HI THANKS, amazingly beautiful sounds...Please be kind and tell me if you know what are the metals that the tubes for the generator. I am a Sound Healer and wish to know the metal that are made from. The resonance is beautiful on this ones.THANKS again...I am from Bulgaria where the teacher of Pythagoras was, Orfeous. There are many different spellings on Orfeos, but this one is the one the way it sounds originally and to be honest is my Guru about Cosmic Sounds.I am so glad that they are more & more people turning in to the Power & Mystics of Sound
Blessings to you
do you know anything about the music of the spheres, can people hear this music in their minds , playing on its own? because i have had the experience of hearing, rather loudly,some music that is very well orchestrated with multiiple instruments and it plays on its own in my mind (accompanied by tingling and vibrating physical sensations in my head,) i do not invent it, and it is nothing ive heard before? You seem like you might know something about this :)
I never asked what kind of metal was used but that is a good question. There is lots of information on their website -- Soulvibs.comThanks for watching! Love and Light to you!
The Music of the Spheres, as I understand it:Flowers, rocks, trees, grass, etc....are all singing a beautiful song, imperceptible to the mundane ears. So consider that even our cells and the microscopic (microcosmic) world is also singing this song at frequencies of the Most High. All of nature is built up of the 5 Platonic Solids, and each solid is contained in it's spheres. So the Music of the Spheres is the Song of Creation. :)
Mem7Key makes alot of sense , i have had a number of "psychic" experiences where i have seen/heard things outside of the conventional 3d perception. so i do believe it is possible to hear/see at higher frequencies that the body ordinarily allows.. from what i can tell it is our minds that can reach out to these other frequencies and bring back inf t the brain in a way that would cause us to see or hear a vision/hallucination which coincides with a truth that exists beyond our ordinary perception. thanks for replying :)
Those sound amazing even over the recording! Trying to imagine hearing live!
Thank you for sharing this instrument with us!!
For my own use, I'm going to tag the spots I need:
2:22, 3:55, 6:02, 7:48, discord 8:33, 10:14
Hey thanks for the source of these chimes! Thank you for posting this!
That is so cool! I have been reading about this. I hope to learn more.
I like that I can see the vibration of the pipes as a slow wiggle on video.
where can i buy one of these?
Where can I buy one pls
would you record 1 hour video with these chimes ? i could these for forever!
wanderer damion Good idea. Please do that for us.
Very cool. Thanks for making this video, sir. :)
I get the effect from the video in person i might hit the roof and start floating that singing bowl intrigues me might need to get one thanks for sharing brother
I have $5.99 headphones and yet the tones are coming out so pure I want to cry.
Nameste man, nameste.
VERY relaxing.
Thanks Mem...Gonna' get one of those for certain!
Where did you get this? Buy it or make it?
The sound quality of this video is very good. How did you record the sound? What kind of camera did you use?
By the way, I couldnt find instrument for sale on
Do you have any idea where i can find this instrument these days?
adi w Maybe Amazon. Lol
Wow I found this incredibly powerful. I felt this in every blood cell in my body.
what type of singing bowl is that, any recommendations are should I get a cheap one. I feel in love with that sound
@Mem7Key any idea where I can buy one of these from ? Please let me know x
interesting. where can a person buy one?
Not sure if anyone answered this, Randy Masters of universal song in Aptos,Ca has lots of cool stuff. ..He's one of our teachers at the GLobe Institute Sound Healing Healing and is amazing. His products are extremely well designed and reasonable .
Dr. Casey one of the Prophet said in the future we’re going to use sound to heal and I think the time has come 2020 with all this bullshit time for healing people there’s a good video up by Boeman call tartaria cymatic
Where can this be purchased or how can we make it ourselves?
......hi.....where can one buy a tone generator like yours.....Daniel
Did you construct that yourself? If not where did you get it?
The feeling generated by it is VERY powerful.
my chi energy went crazy when you played the notes XD LOL where can I get one of these. This is real music thank you for sharing. It is a shame now we in the modern age have corrupted these notes. did Pythagoras make any music with these notes? if so where can I get it from?
hello, where could i buy one of them tone generator
Where can I get one? Thank you very very much.
Where did you get the Pythagorean Tone Generator ? Id love to have one
I like just pure tone music like this, like a harp, tune forks, tibetan or crystal bowls. Unity. 💓
Thank you!
Why did the words “music of the spheres” come to me out of the blue? Maybe a phrase out of a Herman Hesse novel? That I haven’t read in 2 decades?
where could I buy one of these?
I ABSOLUTELY LOVE PYTHAGORAS AND IF IT WASN'T FOR HIM WE WOULDN'T EVEN HAVE MODERN MUSIC !!! HE CREATED THE 8TH NOTE IN THE MAJOR SCALE AND THE CIRCLE OF 5TH S BUT o tell the absolute Truth I have been playing guitar for 30 years and that thing drives me Crazy for some reason?? Everyone else seems to love it ?? I work on Ear training every day!!! Why does it bother me so much ?? Is there something wrong with me ?? Lol
Very good, Mem Key! I enjoyed watching and listening! Would like to see YOU, though - so hey, don't be so shy! :-)
Looks sorta like a zylophone. could you make one out of musical chimes
Did you create this? Can you help me locate one?
Mem7Key do you happen to know what Hz your C is resonating? while you were striking the perfect fifths i did the same on my guitar and hummed along with it and i have to say I just had this strange feeling in me..can't even explain it
Any of these for sale?
has this something to do with those chimes sounded before airport announcements?
Are these for sale anywhere?
Thank you
hey I really like this specific one, where can I buy it. or if not one like this :)
Thank You for sharing
Où peut-on trouver ce générateur ?
What material are the tubes?
beautiful to think all music that we know know comes from this. uncorrupted
Rhythm is time and time is Rhythm. Rhythm brings order out of chaos. Without rhythm or time all you have is chaos. When you create a song you are literally filling space and time.
thank you!
Where did you buy this again? I know you sent me an e-mail awhile ago but can t find it. Thanks! Love this! Thanks so much for sharing.
@ancestralblue I got this one from - it is run by a very nice couple. They were amazingly accommodating. I asked them if they could mentally or physically intone my mantra while stringing up and tuning my generator, and they honored my request. It was a nice personal touch and I felt like it came in the mail already tuned to me. : )
where can i get me one of these?
Hey! People are asking you where you bought the Pythagorean tone generator, why don't you answer? Do we have to think that it's all a scene to get more visualizations?
Did you make this instrument?
where can I get one?
I purchased mine from :)
Were do I get 1
Where do I purchase you have a link?
I purchased mine at :)
Hello *Traveler, Thank you for uploading this video. Regarding your Pythagorean Tone Generator, where may I acquire this instrument? _Thank you in advance for the reply.
- Travels with wisdom of The Heart.
I would like to know the same ... Im searching... -- Thanks for watching!
sweeeet ty
Mem7Key Thanks for the vid, but I have the same question everyone is asking :P where can we get one please?
Where can you get one of these?
Good question,Born in Stone: Ancient Greek Sculpture, Photography Show
i would like to find or order one of these things mem7key ... how may i go about doing that !???
www.soulvibs(dot)com/wp/ This is the only place I know that has them.
Thanks for watching...I did purchase this at :)Tell them Mem Key sent you! haha
Studying music theory will blow your mind once you see the connection to the 12 semi tones and Christ. Circle of fifths have a symmetry when you connect the 6 diatonic chords. I am the root, the first and the last JC=13? The last supper? The symmetry of the 6 diatonic chords make up the star of David. Why 6 when there's 7? Because the 7th scale degree is Locrian which has no resolution and a diminished 5th so in most western music they omit the 7th. Locrian is too Loco to use on it's own plus the diminished 5th equals a tritone also known as the devil in music. God rested on the 7th day.
11th Harmonic ?
What frequencies are these playing? Please let me know.
432 hz with the chakra chimes and tib ball
Tibetan dish is crazy amazing
where did you get this?
this is amazing i want one... i can actually feel it influencing my heart chakra ... has anyone else had the experience of hearing music in your mind that seems to be playing by it's own power.. im talking like vibrant 20's jazz and classical violin , full intricate compositions with multiple instruments playing loudly in your mind, all by itself ? these things happen to me , usually after some kind of creative or improvisive activity that i do during the day and then later in the day i might hear this "phantom music" ive seen suggested that this is known as "the music of the spheres" that we can tune in to. has anyone ever heard of this or had this experience ?
*Its own power. Chakra? Silly people are usually the ones who can't spell.
Medication. :P
Paula Catlover Paula, why are you so mean spirited? You don't need to be so critical and who asked for a spell checker anyway?
changeiswelcome some people just like to dog on people, you know, kinda makes them feel better about themselves. she probably thinks im insane because hearing music in your head is, well, not a hugely common.experience. but ive had alot of "unusual" experiences that she would likely call "schitzoid" ( my apologies , paula, that was most likely spelled incorrectly :P) - Thank u change is welcome, for sticking up for a "crazy" like me :)
Bit of a brave admission - not something to tell a lot of people about. I only heard the noise once myself - after a particularly strenuous but accomplished bit of academic thinking...I could hear it, or echoes of it for days afterwards...but that was a long time ago. For me it sounded like endless electric violins playing in harmony a cross between rock and classical (whatever that means). The sound was strident, angelic, amazing.
Brave admission indeed, the more who are willing to talk the harder the truth will be to ignore. I have also heard faint and beautiful violin music, it was after i spent a couple hrs inprovising on my harmonica..(there is a link between creativity and the abilitiy to recieve/percieve higher frequencies) it raises our vibration to meet with the higher ones outside of our ordinary day to day 3 dimensional range of perception. The most amazing time i heard music was in the morning after a night where i asked myself why we think in words and in our own the morning i awoke to the sound of vibrant 20s jazz, intricate and complex,poowerful and graceful all at entire head was tingling physically and vibration ran through my bdy from head to toe...the music then moved or expanded from my head down through my neck and chest then towards my stomach , while this is happening i am being filled with intense euphoria at some point however i became afraid of what was happening, not able to discern exactly where the sound was coming from, i could not describe or know the nature of the source, so i became fearful and in my mind yelled out "stop" and immediately it vanished.note.. it was at my stomach when i became afraid and i was also afraid because i knew that in the next instance there would be words and singing entering the orchestration, female singers , instinctively i knew this.. i was scared to hear this .. and so the experience ended.
I think now that if you have the right carpet made up of the right material that when you play these tones the magic carpet will gravitate.
Any links where to get one? Great healing tool but trying to find a legit toned one is challenging with so many fake ones on the market. If anyone knows of affordable genuine ones please post a link. Thanks !
were can i but it?
dove comprare?
+Remote Emanations
+Remote Emanations thanks
Ok, just saw the link thanks!
where is the link? I want to buy one. Thank you. :D
I don't know if I'm just tuned differently or what but to me it sounds slightly disharmonic and wrong on the tubes. The bowl you played sounds better.
It's mostly just you. They're both extremely pure tones with hardly any overtones. But the bars have quick attack since they sound immediately when struck, whereas the bowl's vibration starts gradually. The Tibetan bells are out of tune with each other and the beats you hear from them is what a true disharmony sounds like.
I have to have one of these because listening to this through a speaker or earphone is like fake because the real vibrational waves are not moving in the air from that into our chakras . I need to feel it raw if I could put it that way .
Did anyone else hear the train blow its whistle in the background OR was that my imagination? *s*
At 2:06 there is a diesel locomotive horn in the background.
Sort of got my attention :-(
Otherwise a good video.
Hey, you took that artwork from a Manly Hall book! Put it back. :(
awesome video thank you
Sooo good. Subscribed immediately upon hearing. Will breathe and heal to you.
BUT - Pythagoras did not quite foresee the miss-mash of culture that is today. Must find ways to consciously make this entertainment. (And lend a hand to poor Juan Vega who loved everything about this video except his predisposition to consider the Hebraic Aleph "evil". "Evil" the cliched word is just another form of entertainment half the time as well, which the reply comments don't quite see...and understandably so.)
Darn train horn! :)
people have asked in the comments where to get one of these there a reason you dont answer? even if the answer is no you should show some respect to your viewers by answering their requests
3:54 ..hehe... 2001: a Space Odyssey, anyone?
When I play the Perfect 5th, you may notice that is how the Star Trek theme begins.
the uppermost one is out of tune
I do recommend people tune to Pythagrean tuning for all their music, but nevertheless. How you are seeking to use this is playing openly with darkness and the forces of darkness, trying to open up spiritually to the spirits and things, it is bad. Do hear the word of the Lord God Almighty. Seek him and his word, and believe it.
The Goſpel that ſaues and how to be ſaued accoꝛding to the woꝛd of God :
"1 MOꝛeouer bꝛethꝛen , I declare vnto you the Goſpel which I pꝛeached vnto you, which alſo you haue receiued,and wherein yee ſtand.
2 By which also yee are ſaued , if yee keepe in memoꝛie what I pꝛeached vnto you , vnleſſe yee haue beleeued in vaine.
3 Foꝛ I deliuered vnto you firſt of all , that which I alſo receiued , how that Chꝛiſt died for our ſinnes accoꝛding to the Scriptures :
4 And that he was buried,and that he roſe againe the third day accoꝛding to the Scriptures."
- 1 Coꝛinthians 15:1-4 Holy Bible 1611
"9 That if thou ſhalt confeſſe with thy mouth the Loꝛd Ieſus , and ſhalt beleeue in thine heart , that God hath raiſed him from the dead , thou ſhalt be ſaued.
10 Foꝛ with the heart man beleeueth vnto righteouſneſſe,and with the mouth confeſſion is made vnto ſaluation.
11 Foꝛ the Scripture ſaith, Whoſoeuer beleeueth on him , ſhall not bee aſhamed.
12 Foꝛ there is no difference betweene the Iew and the Greeke : foꝛ the ſame Loꝛd ouer all, is rich vnto all, that call vpon him.
13 Foꝛ whoſoeuer ſhall call vpon the Name of the Loꝛd,ſhall be ſaued."
- Romanes 10:9-13 Holy Bible 1611
The Goſpel that ſaues and how to be ſaued accoꝛding to the woꝛd of God :
"1 MOꝛeouer bꝛethꝛen , I declare vnto you the Goſpel which I pꝛeached vnto you, which alſo you haue receiued,and wherein yee ſtand.
2 By which also yee are ſaued , if yee keepe in memoꝛie what I pꝛeached vnto you , vnleſſe yee haue beleeued in vaine.
3 Foꝛ I deliuered vnto you firſt of all , that which I alſo receiued , how that Chꝛiſt died for our ſinnes accoꝛding to the Scriptures :
4 And that he was buried,and that he roſe againe the third day accoꝛding to the Scriptures."
- 1 Coꝛinthians 15:1-4 Holy Bible 1611
"9 That if thou ſhalt confeſſe with thy mouth the Loꝛd Ieſus , and ſhalt beleeue in thine heart , that God hath raiſed him from the dead , thou ſhalt be ſaued.
10 Foꝛ with the heart man beleeueth vnto righteouſneſſe,and with the mouth confeſſion is made vnto ſaluation.
11 Foꝛ the Scripture ſaith, Whoſoeuer beleeueth on him , ſhall not bee aſhamed.
12 Foꝛ there is no difference betweene the Iew and the Greeke : foꝛ the ſame Loꝛd ouer all, is rich vnto all, that call vpon him.
13 Foꝛ whoſoeuer ſhall call vpon the Name of the Loꝛd,ſhall be ſaued."
- Romanes 10:9-13 Holy Bible 1611