What hell need restoration? I can see the grey frame look wasted. The pieces inside are old. I want a new gun with very good finish, new screws and springs. New stock, slide, spring and comb. I admire the work but never that pistol can be like new and reborn from the guns factory. I don't acept that.
Why are all these comments so critical? I find this video interesting. Maybe you would like to bury a compressor, dig it up after it's all corroded, disassemble it, clean it, reassemble it, put it back in your car & then take it for a test drive. Oh, don't forget to film every step of restoration, and read all the negative comments when you've finished. I say, "Thank you for an interesting video."
please you need to get this, Guns last or leave long than humans being stock in mud or water cause after conducive touched it comes back to clear sheet so you need to understand that
@@O.GRukky that was the single most nonsense series of words I have ever read, I thought I had a Damm stroke. You know nothing about guns, or oxidation in general if you think something that was legitimately in that bad of condition could ever be restored. Fake is fake.
@@cardiacpa I think the point was that a gun that has been severely rusted can be brought back to functioning (if not necessarily pretty) using patience and the techniques shown.
Or he bought it from someone because it would make for a good restoration vid....or someone sent it to him because he makes restoration vids. . You know what S.L.J said about making assumptions - it makes an ASS out of U and MPTION.
@@Antifag1977I'm not sure what you're trying to say... I love restoration videos, but this looks staged. That's not the end of the world, but there's no reason to claim *mysteriously found this what are the chances!*.... I enjoyed the video.
@@Antifag1977No, it's staged. There's obvious tells if you know what to look for. One of the big ones is verdigris where there's shouldn't be any. It's colorful and catches the eye so these fakers love to spatter it on there. Another would be how carefully controlled the location of the corrosion is. For example, take a look @11:22 just after he takes it off the buffing wheel. See how deep the rust pitting on the slide is? But if you pay close attention and look through those frames at the inside of the slide, you can see there's no corrosion inside there at all. Good thing too. If those rails where mucked up as bad as the rest of the slide, it wouldn't cycle at all. Now, it's true that rust can do odd inconsistent things. IRL, you might see one spring rusted out and snapped with it's neighbor being in nearly mint condition for no real apparent reason. But the odds that the pitting on the slide and receiver are that bad while *all* the springs, screws, and pins are intact? Absolutely zero. And, you know, that's putting aside the fact that this thing was never worth restoring in the first place. It's just a cheap blank gun.
At the 0:04 mark, there is a disclaimer where he explains this is fake and it is just to show the restoration capabilities of various products. A lot of commenters missed that I guess.
It isn't stated anywhere in the title, thumbnail or description. If you see that disclaimer more than likely you've already watched an ad for them. What they are doing with that disclaimer is called "covering your ass". How is taking off some freshly applied mud and paint going to show off the restoration capabilities of these products? How about when it has to actually take off rust and year of caked on, embedded grime? This is value-less clickbait.
My guess for the design of the „before“ gun: Sand, clay, sawdust, some brown, gray, ochre, black and green modeling / airbrush paint (why green though?! That would suggest the presence of copper, and the cartridge casing stuck in the gun looks far too intact to be the source…), and a bit of random dirt. Some of the stuff you can get free, other possibilities include model railroad supplies. That is how I would try to fake the appearance of something that supposedly was pulled out the ground or from the mud. A few details here….the back of the slide and the trigger guard look a little too „clean“ and there is not as much stuff stuck on there as in the „center section“ of the gun, where most people would probably focus their attention. Get all the dirt in there properly, then coat the outside in a slurry/paste of the textured ingredients (pack it on real good!), let it dry, add some paint, et voilá. I must give credit where it is due though: The „dirty“ gun looks pretty good. Exactly how most people would expect it to look. So kudos for that. And also for trigger discipline.
Приезжай в Россию! У пистолетов и другого оружия пролежавших в земле с войны изнутри ещё и воронение сохраняется, а вот снаружи очень печально, как правило, но есть много исключений! Утюб блогер Юрий Гагарин! Познавательно!
Also ZERO pitting on any of the metal surfaces, which 'rust' that thick would most definitely have caused, oh, and the polymer grips were conveniently removed beforehand because that would have been a dead giveaway if they had 'rusted' as well. Last note, the slide was 'rusted' open, yet the empty brass casing had not been ejected, nor had it corroded despite being openly exposed to the elements (at least, if it was really buried, which we know it wasn't). So glad that I re-enabled my adblocker before clicking on this vid, no ad revenue for this fraud 😁.
Remember! Do not dip iron in rust converter for 24 hours! It destroys not only rust, but also iron. And you came up with a great idea for squeezing out pins with a vice.
Glad somebody pointed out the disclaimer which was over very quickly. My lying eyes were fooling my common sense for over 20 seconds. The rust was not consistent with my own experience with rust.
With that level of restoration skill you should do the Antikythera mechanism next it's a few thousand years older but not nearly as covered in crud, it would be great to see it working again.
Don't tell Chris from Clickspring that he shouldn't have made a working replica... he should have just asked this guy to treat the AKM and it would be good as new!
А я ставлю лайк не за "реставрацию", а за полную разборку и сборку агрегата. Такое может сделать очень мало людей. По крайней мере без хорошего опыта. И отдельный лайк за станок "Dnepro-M".
Блин, что в этом сложного, дети в школа автомат Калашникова собирают и разбирают, за считаные минуты, а тут пистолет который разбирать толком не надо уметь, да и в наше время вообще не проблема открыть ютуб и посмотреть разборку данного оружия, в этом нет ничего удивительного, скорее просто вы не не очень сообразительный.
I became a bit skeptical when the screws all came right out after the initial clean up. In my experience, that doesn’t happen in corroded metals. If this is authentic, it was amazing luck.
You should be way more than a bit skeptical seeing as the disclaimer says "Everything you see is made to demonstrate the restoration capabilities of certain products. This video is staged and not real. Some effects were created using computer graphics. Don't repeat this!"
@@tricountywanderer8600 That disclaimer is to please TH-cam, which is rabid about videos that show gun modifications. It's not meant to imply that you couldn't use these sorts of techniques to repair a rusted piece. Everyone seems to be missing the point here. It's a gunsmith technique demonstration - not a magic show.
Yes - immersion in an ultrasonic cleaning bath with penetrating oil might serve. Another technique I have used - although it sounds odd - is to bathe stuck parts in Tarn-X tarnish remover. What the chemical is, is a reducing agent. It converts the Iron or other oxide (rust, silver tarnish) to elemental metal - Fe, Ag, Cu, etc. - by combining chemically with the oxygen. That loosens and undermines rust and corrosion, and reduces the dimensions - of the hole and the screw. It doesn't "dissolve" the original metal - it removes the oxide that has raised from the surface of the metal and brings it back to more nearly the original dimensions. Many rusted screws don't move simply because they are both bigger and more jagged and high friction than when they were screwed in. So is the hole they were screwed into. It can also be used in rust pits to remove the deep rust inside, so that whatever filler you use doesn't just cover over rust, which will continue to grow by galvanic interaction with the metal.
@@MrGsteele Having said that, if you want to restore old rusted out guns and put live ammo in them you have to know more than a little bit about gun restoration (not to mention guns in general). Backyard ballistics is pretty up front about what can and can't be restored. He has a few examples of "show pieces" restorations and a good video on how to spot fake gun restorations (not that that is very difficult to begin with - but some people are unaware).
This might be your best restoration so far. The gun was completely useless in the form you found it in and then you restored it to its former glory and now you basically got a free gun
I just like watching them take the gun apart and putting it back together. It’s like a cleaning video if it’s fake, and if it’s real, it’s like a restoration video? I still enjoy it. 😂😂😂😂
Your work is amazing! I have a question, and i ask out of total respect, aren't lost/found firearms supposed to be reported to the authorities? Just curious.
Myth, we found a gun behind the shop, in a alley. Next day, a couple bikers were looking around for something back there. Unless they asked, and could describe it, no legal obligations. My buddy found a gun, and badge, that belonged to a dead cop, but he never turned them in, he was afraid that they would blame him, doesn't pay to try to help people, who assume the worst. Remember what assume means.
Whether he left the gun in the mud or not is not the question... He brought the gun back to life is what matters... Look at the title... There's no click bait here stop hating... Amazing video
@@ExploitMK У нас такие пистолеты обычно переделывают подростки до 18 лет для стрельбы стальными шариками 8мм.,которыми переснаряжают холостые патроны.Особенно хорошо подходят турецкие многоразовые патроны с капсулем еврожевело. После отстрела капсуль заменяют на новый предварительно высверлив дульце гильзы от зелёной пластиковой вставки сверлом 8 мм. на глубину 8мм,далее идёт сужение толстостенной стальной гильзы до 6 мм и засыпанного туда пороха для охотничьего оружия вполне хватает что бы сработала автоматика и шарик полетел со скоростью примерно 250 м.с. Я сам купил на рынке когда то такой пистолет за 100 евро,но переделывать не стал,так как после получения ID карты и статуса ПМЖ оформил разрешение на боевое короткоствольное оружие.
My first instinct after finding that gun would have been to turn it into the police to make sure that it wasn't associated with any crimes. Who knows, you could have helped to solve a 25 year old cold case.
It's a zoraki brand 9mm Pak blank pistol. it's mostly made out of pot metal not steel or anything else that would corrode severely. They look feel and function dentical to a firearm so the untrained eye would have a hard time telling the difference.
The pitted surface of the solid metal parts indeed tells you that they can't be from steel but from injection molded zinc, so it can't be a live-ammo firing gun. And of course the blank he extracts from the chamber.
@@einundsiebenziger5488 I have a few blank guns like this as well as real firearms. There pretty fun to play around with especially the full auto ones.
@@Raldrym they work and function just like a regular singal/double action straight blow back hand gun they just have a steel bar in the barrel to keep any thing but fire balls from being projected.
Real or fake, it's satisfying to watch. No noisy nonsense voice-over.. One piece of advice though, don't 'over-rust' or 'over-mud' the items. That always throws me off. Keep it up..
It's amazing to see how much work goes into making a gun look like it's been in the dirt, buried for 100 years, and then it miraculously cleans up like it's new again.
There are many edits, but there is sufficient detail of the process, the chemicals and tools used to make this a believable video. I will never own a gun, but it was very informative. The intricate parts that go together to form a weapon that kills 😢😢😢
I am guessing this is a ’’traumatic pistol’’ (in Russian : травматический пистолет). They are non-lethal self defense weapons wich use rubber bullets. Effective range approximately 10 feet. Depending on clothes one is wearing, getting shot with this kind of gun may result in a bruise. This channel is indicated as based in the ukraine. I am not familiar with ukrainian gun regulations, but I assume they are similar with Russian regulations. In Russia, civilians are absolutely prohibited from owning real handguns (pistols, revolvers), but these traumatic guns (again : non-lethal, rubber bullets) are fairly popular. People in these countries often just say ’’gun’’ when describing one of these - they don't feel the the need to make a distinction with real handguns, because real handguns are not available/unattainable.
Good job man! But us usual some criticism or tips , depending on your set of mind 😁: Never oil the gun with WD-40 ,use sewing machine oil ,or motor oil, wd-40 is for cleaning and temporary lubrication,after few hours it's lubricating ability is over and it starts collecting dirt.
Well, to be fair, I don't think his intentions was to use this pistol as a daily carry, in fact I wouldn't even fire it much more because of the decayed state of the metal may have weakened the critical parts. This is video to show that it's possible, not to restore the firearm to its original form.
He took the fake gun, then put it on the fake ground, then pulled down his fake pants, then he squatted down and growled out a giant steaming fake shit on it……. Thenn that fake pile of shit, crusted over and hardened into the fake rust on the fake gun.
@@Dorival-t4tAlém disso, essa é uma pistola Zoraki modelo 914 de tiros de festim, é uma réplica de arma construída inteiramente em zamac, não em aço como armas de verdade, e zamac não enferruja. As pistolas Zoraki são de fabricação atual, muito populares em alguns países europeus, e custam cerca de 130 Euros no mercado varejista de lá (Europa).
Even if it’s fabricated , don’t you guys think that he has good skills..? He deserves those views, as he took real efforts to restore and filming and editing. It’s way better than useless shit on reels and TikTok.
I am pretty sure you are correct, they are Blank Guns. about 100 dollars or so. Made in Turkey. Common in Europe. I lived in Germany for a while and a few other places where I think I saw these along with airsoft guns...
The inside of the barrel was not shown, nor the pitting as it was eaten away with electrolysis. Other than making a video, why would anyone want to invest so much labor into a defective firearm ?
Gotta say I like that vise trick with the pins. Gonna steal that one. Also, sounds like someone is showering in your garage. That’s my kind of garage. People on here are saying it’s fake… yet.. that looks like a seriously distressed pistol either day.. and I know what it’s like to clean a heavily fowled gun let alone something like this.
Дякую Вам хороша робота ви дали йому друге життя ,приємно бачити коли людина тратить свій час і кошти на відновлення раритету який вдається привести до робочого стану.По марці виробника це часом не вальтер .Часи зараз непевні залиште його собі.Які розчини використовували можна детальніше😂🇺🇦
IF I managed to get the gun apart and reconditioned, I would hope and pray there was either a good assembly manual or a very clear TH-cam video showing me how to reassemble it. Obviously, this guy knows his stuff. I would get it together after a couple of days and then wonder where the leftover parts go. Lol.
Its amazing how people leave perfectly good guns around in the mud for this guy to make videos about. How generous of them.
I was kind of wondering if he found a gun used in a crime and destroyed the evidence.
What hell need restoration? I can see the grey frame look wasted. The pieces inside are old. I want a new gun with very good finish, new screws and springs. New stock, slide, spring and comb. I admire the work but never that pistol can be like new and reborn from the guns factory. I don't acept that.
Best blank gun they are so cheap he could of just gone and bought a new one slap me silly and call me blind
Dam good work
@@peterhook946 I prefer new gun not matter how a restorate rusty wasted gun came back to life.
I don't think this is fake because I KNOW IT'S FAKE .
All that rust and the tiny slide release spring survived. That’s some amazing rust you fabricated there.
Kkkkkk a mais pura verdade , ferrugem que não corrói 😂😂😂
Uhh, it's made from a special springy stainless, yeah, that's it! ;D
Lol sow amazing,,,I was also wondering how did it survive 😅
You obviously didn’t read the disclaimer at the beginning of the video.
9.2 Million views, no matter what we says, he got what it wanted and that's what it matters to him.
Why are you licking his boots, to put it politely?
So what's amount to? In Utube money
Why are all these comments so critical? I find this video interesting. Maybe you would like to bury a compressor, dig it up after it's all corroded, disassemble it, clean it, reassemble it, put it back in your car & then take it for a test drive. Oh, don't forget to film every step of restoration, and read all the negative comments when you've finished. I say, "Thank you for an interesting video."
lol indeed. I think most people just take these videos for what they’re worth and consider them entertainment.
Thanks for putting the disclaimer at the beginning pointing out that the whole thing is fake. Saves me 20 mins.
I scrolled until I found this comment. Lol
Pretty messed up comment .
At least this guy admits it.
Which says a lot, compared to all the other people on TH-cam who are full of sh*t.
definitely better than another channel i've seen that you know is fake....but the person won't admit to it
please you need to get this, Guns last or leave long than humans being stock in mud or water cause after conducive touched it comes back to clear sheet so you need to understand that
@@O.GRukky that was the single most nonsense series of words I have ever read, I thought I had a Damm stroke.
You know nothing about guns, or oxidation in general if you think something that was legitimately in that bad of condition could ever be restored. Fake is fake.
All that corrosion with zero corrosion, amazing!
There was corrosion all over the place! Pitting and corrosion. Fine to put back together, but I would not want this gun
@@cardiacpa I think the point was that a gun that has been severely rusted can be brought back to functioning (if not necessarily pretty) using patience and the techniques shown.
Are you suggesting this video is fake?
@@LilMissMurder3409 this video is fake, it even says so at the beginning
@@LilMissMurder3409 The gun is also fake, it's a blank pistol
It’s lucky that a man who had all gear and ability to strip down and rebuilt the gun was the one to find it 😮
I'd call it more than luck... this looks staged....
@@drmalenko That would be my guess, it looks fake. Not to mention he deletes his answers from his own page.
Or he bought it from someone because it would make for a good restoration vid....or someone sent it to him because he makes restoration vids.
You know what S.L.J said about making assumptions - it makes an ASS out of U and MPTION.
@@Antifag1977I'm not sure what you're trying to say... I love restoration videos, but this looks staged. That's not the end of the world, but there's no reason to claim *mysteriously found this what are the chances!*.... I enjoyed the video.
@@Antifag1977No, it's staged. There's obvious tells if you know what to look for. One of the big ones is verdigris where there's shouldn't be any. It's colorful and catches the eye so these fakers love to spatter it on there.
Another would be how carefully controlled the location of the corrosion is. For example, take a look @11:22 just after he takes it off the buffing wheel. See how deep the rust pitting on the slide is? But if you pay close attention and look through those frames at the inside of the slide, you can see there's no corrosion inside there at all. Good thing too. If those rails where mucked up as bad as the rest of the slide, it wouldn't cycle at all.
Now, it's true that rust can do odd inconsistent things. IRL, you might see one spring rusted out and snapped with it's neighbor being in nearly mint condition for no real apparent reason. But the odds that the pitting on the slide and receiver are that bad while *all* the springs, screws, and pins are intact? Absolutely zero.
And, you know, that's putting aside the fact that this thing was never worth restoring in the first place. It's just a cheap blank gun.
At the 0:04 mark, there is a disclaimer where he explains this is fake and it is just to show the restoration capabilities of various products. A lot of commenters missed that I guess.
They put that message just for TH-cam, so he can get money from them
so it is not a restoration then it is just fake restoration demo of products that most likely won't work for a real restoration
It isn't stated anywhere in the title, thumbnail or description. If you see that disclaimer more than likely you've already watched an ad for them. What they are doing with that disclaimer is called "covering your ass". How is taking off some freshly applied mud and paint going to show off the restoration capabilities of these products? How about when it has to actually take off rust and year of caked on, embedded grime? This is value-less clickbait.
I don't mean to make excuses. but
This disclaimer is a long English sentence, and appears to be a meaningless string of words to non-native speakers.
$500 worth of labor + $150 worth of chemicals = $50 gun only a convicted felon would want.
My guess for the design of the „before“ gun:
Sand, clay, sawdust, some brown, gray, ochre, black and green modeling / airbrush paint (why green though?! That would suggest the presence of copper, and the cartridge casing stuck in the gun looks far too intact to be the source…), and a bit of random dirt. Some of the stuff you can get free, other possibilities include model railroad supplies. That is how I would try to fake the appearance of something that supposedly was pulled out the ground or from the mud.
A few details here….the back of the slide and the trigger guard look a little too „clean“ and there is not as much stuff stuck on there as in the „center section“ of the gun, where most people would probably focus their attention.
Get all the dirt in there properly, then coat the outside in a slurry/paste of the textured ingredients (pack it on real good!), let it dry, add some paint, et voilá. I must give credit where it is due though: The „dirty“ gun looks pretty good. Exactly how most people would expect it to look. So kudos for that. And also for trigger discipline.
All they do is dump it in vinegar over night and throw it in mud and viola.
Приезжай в Россию! У пистолетов и другого оружия пролежавших в земле с войны изнутри ещё и воронение сохраняется, а вот снаружи очень печально, как правило, но есть много исключений! Утюб блогер Юрий Гагарин! Познавательно!
Also ZERO pitting on any of the metal surfaces, which 'rust' that thick would most definitely have caused, oh, and the polymer grips were conveniently removed beforehand because that would have been a dead giveaway if they had 'rusted' as well. Last note, the slide was 'rusted' open, yet the empty brass casing had not been ejected, nor had it corroded despite being openly exposed to the elements (at least, if it was really buried, which we know it wasn't).
So glad that I re-enabled my adblocker before clicking on this vid, no ad revenue for this fraud 😁.
@@SWATStrachanthere was pitting all over the gun
Reading the comments were more entertaining than the video! I could read them all day!
Son una mierda
Remember! Do not dip iron in rust converter for 24 hours! It destroys not only rust, but also iron. And you came up with a great idea for squeezing out pins with a vice.
The instructions for this rust converter are to leave it on for 48 hours.🙋
@@emilja.4205he says the video is staged. Didnt you watch the video?
Glad somebody pointed out the disclaimer which was over very quickly. My lying eyes were fooling my common sense for over 20 seconds. The rust was not consistent with my own experience with rust.
With that level of restoration skill you should do the Antikythera mechanism next it's a few thousand years older but not nearly as covered in crud, it would be great to see it working again.
This is about 80% fake.
@IamMugs yes I know mate, I was having a jab at his fake rusted capgun by suggesting that he could actually fix something real.
its fake dude LOL read the disclaimer in the start.
Don't tell Chris from Clickspring that he shouldn't have made a working replica... he should have just asked this guy to treat the AKM and it would be good as new!
А я ставлю лайк не за "реставрацию", а за полную разборку и сборку агрегата. Такое может сделать очень мало людей. По крайней мере без хорошего опыта. И отдельный лайк за станок "Dnepro-M".
You should learn to disassemble and reassemble every firearm that you own.
Именно вот так люди становятся теми, кто глотает любую ложь и фейк за чистую монету
Блин, что в этом сложного, дети в школа автомат Калашникова собирают и разбирают, за считаные минуты, а тут пистолет который разбирать толком не надо уметь, да и в наше время вообще не проблема открыть ютуб и посмотреть разборку данного оружия, в этом нет ничего удивительного, скорее просто вы не не очень сообразительный.
I became a bit skeptical when the screws all came right out after the initial clean up. In my experience, that doesn’t happen in corroded metals. If this is authentic, it was amazing luck.
You should be way more than a bit skeptical seeing as the disclaimer says "Everything you see is made to demonstrate the restoration capabilities of certain products. This video is staged and not real. Some effects were created using computer graphics. Don't repeat this!"
@@tricountywanderer8600 That disclaimer is to please TH-cam, which is rabid about videos that show gun modifications. It's not meant to imply that you couldn't use these sorts of techniques to repair a rusted piece. Everyone seems to be missing the point here. It's a gunsmith technique demonstration - not a magic show.
Yes - immersion in an ultrasonic cleaning bath with penetrating oil might serve. Another technique I have used - although it sounds odd - is to bathe stuck parts in Tarn-X tarnish remover. What the chemical is, is a reducing agent. It converts the Iron or other oxide (rust, silver tarnish) to elemental metal - Fe, Ag, Cu, etc. - by combining chemically with the oxygen. That loosens and undermines rust and corrosion, and reduces the dimensions - of the hole and the screw.
It doesn't "dissolve" the original metal - it removes the oxide that has raised from the surface of the metal and brings it back to more nearly the original dimensions. Many rusted screws don't move simply because they are both bigger and more jagged and high friction than when they were screwed in. So is the hole they were screwed into.
It can also be used in rust pits to remove the deep rust inside, so that whatever filler you use doesn't just cover over rust, which will continue to grow by galvanic interaction with the metal.
@@MrGsteele Having said that, if you want to restore old rusted out guns and put live ammo in them you have to know more than a little bit about gun restoration (not to mention guns in general). Backyard ballistics is pretty up front about what can and can't be restored. He has a few examples of "show pieces" restorations and a good video on how to spot fake gun restorations (not that that is very difficult to begin with - but some people are unaware).
I love the magic screwdrivers these “restoration” video all have.
Where can I buy a set? 😂
This might be your best restoration so far. The gun was completely useless in the form you found it in and then you restored it to its former glory and now you basically got a free gun
How long did bake the goop in the oven to make it look like rust? Then you take off the rust using chocolate syrup and baking soda. Amazing!!
that rust just melted away like warm butter :P
This guys is a true engineer just like John Kramer 🤣
I just like watching them take the gun apart and putting it back together. It’s like a cleaning video if it’s fake, and if it’s real, it’s like a restoration video? I still enjoy it.
I know you cleaned the bore but I'd like to see it with a bore scope and see if its pitted and how affected the rifling is.
I'll keep that in mind next time
Actually I’d find that interesting too 👍
Appears to be a Zoraki blank firing item
No rifling needed, doesn't fire real ammunition.
Uses 9mm P.A.K blanks I believe.
considering he faked the aging process on the gun it's probably not that bad inside the barrel.
@@Concerned502 The Grip is a Zoraki POL001 from a 2914 GAS & SIGNAL, BLANK PISTOL. The magazine is P/N MAG002. These metal pieces look like Pot Metal.
Your work is amazing! I have a question, and i ask out of total respect, aren't lost/found firearms supposed to be reported to the authorities? Just curious.
It’s fake doorknob, it even states it in the microsecond flash at the start.
@@fat_basturd5345they have to put that or it will get taken down or demonetized yah doorknob
Myth, we found a gun behind the shop, in a alley. Next day, a couple bikers were looking around for something back there. Unless they asked, and could describe it, no legal obligations. My buddy found a gun, and badge, that belonged to a dead cop, but he never turned them in, he was afraid that they would blame him, doesn't pay to try to help people, who assume the worst. Remember what assume means.
Очень похоже,что ствол ,,мокрый,,.его скинули,а этот парень его нашел.
Whether he left the gun in the mud or not is not the question... He brought the gun back to life is what matters... Look at the title... There's no click bait here stop hating... Amazing video
I doubt it is a fake , those corrosion are hard to do.
@@tonylam-u1t It's fake. Read the disclaimer at 0:04.
7:34 hell no I JUMPSCARED!!!
I WAS ABOUT TO SLEEP and that sound started 😂😂
На видео сигнально-шумовой пистолет "Stalker 2914" переделанный под стрельбу травматическими патронами, держу в курсе ❤
А как называется этот травмат? Так-же Stalker 2914?
@@G.A.Romero на видео и есть stalker 2914, изначально это был сигнально шумовой пистолет, но после этого был кустарно переделан в травматический
@@ExploitMK У нас такие пистолеты обычно переделывают подростки до 18 лет для стрельбы стальными шариками 8мм.,которыми переснаряжают холостые патроны.Особенно хорошо подходят турецкие многоразовые патроны с капсулем еврожевело. После отстрела капсуль заменяют на новый предварительно высверлив дульце гильзы от зелёной пластиковой вставки сверлом 8 мм. на глубину 8мм,далее идёт сужение толстостенной стальной гильзы до 6 мм и засыпанного туда пороха для охотничьего оружия вполне хватает что бы сработала автоматика и шарик полетел со скоростью примерно 250 м.с. Я сам купил на рынке когда то такой пистолет за 100 евро,но переделывать не стал,так как после получения ID карты и статуса ПМЖ оформил разрешение на боевое короткоствольное оружие.
@@ExploitMKоткуда знаете что кустарно? Может у того кто переделывал, есть токарный, фрезерный и тд станки?
My first instinct after finding that gun would have been to turn it into the police to make sure that it wasn't associated with any crimes. Who knows, you could have helped to solve a 25 year old cold case.
Looks like blank firing replica.
How Gullible are you?
Dick Up so called “concerned citizen”😅
Everything this guy “finds” are planted by him.
You are right! Police could have finally solved the "fake restoration videos" case!
This guy is the best gunsmith. Brilliant.
It's a zoraki brand 9mm Pak blank pistol. it's mostly made out of pot metal not steel or anything else that would corrode severely. They look feel and function dentical to a firearm so the untrained eye would have a hard time telling the difference.
The pitted surface of the solid metal parts indeed tells you that they can't be from steel but from injection molded zinc, so it can't be a live-ammo firing gun. And of course the blank he extracts from the chamber.
@@einundsiebenziger5488 I have a few blank guns like this as well as real firearms. There pretty fun to play around with especially the full auto ones.
@einundsiebenziger5488 steel can be pitted aswell
The major clue is the fixed barrel and the quite simple mechanism ^^
@@Raldrym they work and function just like a regular singal/double action straight blow back hand gun they just have a steel bar in the barrel to keep any thing but fire balls from being projected.
I really appreciate all of your hard work
It s not rust, only mud😅
No where in his description did he say it was rusted. Always someone who wants to talk shit. Great job @handmax
@bajoseph87 if it s not rust, where is the probleme with the gun. Always naive people comment 😂
@@simoncussonetThe title literally says “broken pistol”
@fishrrz2352 it s rare a gun has no rust . It s a fake
Real or fake, it's satisfying to watch. No noisy nonsense voice-over..
One piece of advice though, don't 'over-rust' or 'over-mud' the items. That always throws me off.
Keep it up..
Oi que
I pity you if you think being lied to is satisfying.
Bravo de France, ce que vous avez fait est très impressionnant 🙂👍
Very good!!!
Cara tu és show! Excelente trabalho.
Who knew coffee was used and that effective in the restorative process.
Soy sauce is good too ...😂 Who needs WD40.. I have a rusty car door..I just hope it's made from the same amazing metal...
Браво! Великолепная работа!
ага))) если я пистолет грязью замажу , а потом просто помою - я тоже буду супер-мастер))))
Ну ты в натуре лось:)
Этож палыч
it takes a true craftsman to do that
أنت فنان وصبور جدا متعتنا بهذا العمل الرائع شكرا ❤
YOU ARE TRULY AMAZING!!!!!!!! I can’t believe you were able to fire that gun again! My hats off to you
Он никогда не будет стрелять кучно, каждый выстрел новая траектория
It's all fake
It's amazing to see how much work goes into making a gun look like it's been in the dirt, buried for 100 years, and then it miraculously cleans up like it's new again.
Дружище, просто супер! Ты лучший!
What a wonderful metal of weapon!
Кропотливый труд👍👍👍
Little kid...this is fake.
I'm just imagining the dudes in the basement under floor listening to you restore your gun . Waiting.
We said catridge for practice,blind ammo.
There are many edits, but there is sufficient detail of the process, the chemicals and tools used to make this a believable video. I will never own a gun, but it was very informative. The intricate parts that go together to form a weapon that kills 😢😢😢
Восхитительно , жирный лайк👍🙏🤝
жЫнный лайк
Спасибо за отличное видео. И за способ как пользоваться тисками как прессом!
неужели про тисы не знал такого фокуса???
@@АлександрАлмазов-э9х я когда тиски пытаюсь использовать не по назначению, на меня слесаря ругаться начинают 😅
Охренеть! Оказывается тисками можно пользоваться!
I am guessing this is a ’’traumatic pistol’’ (in Russian : травматический пистолет). They are non-lethal self defense weapons wich use rubber bullets. Effective range approximately 10 feet. Depending on clothes one is wearing, getting shot with this kind of gun may result in a bruise.
This channel is indicated as based in the ukraine. I am not familiar with ukrainian gun regulations, but I assume they are similar with Russian regulations. In Russia, civilians are absolutely prohibited from owning real handguns (pistols, revolvers), but these traumatic guns (again : non-lethal, rubber bullets) are fairly popular.
People in these countries often just say ’’gun’’ when describing one of these - they don't feel the the need to make a distinction with real handguns, because real handguns are not available/unattainable.
That's right
And doesn't a traumatic gun need any engraved serial number and/or some sort of paper record of ownership?
Absolutely incredible, the patient and enginuity to bring that back to usability. 😮
Sooooo you found the piece of evidence the police couldn’t lol
И как такой современный пистолет мог заржаветь?
*Amazing job!* 👍
Thank you friend!
Excelente trabajo, felicitaciones !!!
Дякую за те, що робите українських виробників відомими на весь світ!!!
So satisfying! Great work indeed.
@@handmaxxwhat kind of gun was this
Un placer verte trabajar❤
gracias amigo
Buen trabajo😊👍
Dude, it was very interesting
Parabéns pelo trabalho 👏
Avoid parabens, use paraben free shampoo my friend
Essa restauração é falsa
5:32 that sounds brings back a lot of memories. So many springs lost and found sometimes days and weeks later.
Good job man! But us usual some criticism or tips , depending on your set of mind 😁: Never oil the gun with WD-40 ,use sewing machine oil ,or motor oil, wd-40 is for cleaning and temporary lubrication,after few hours it's lubricating ability is over and it starts collecting dirt.
you're right, thanks!
@@handmaxx or use balistrol ist made for guns etc
Yeah, that WD is sandpaper oil!
Well, to be fair, I don't think his intentions was to use this pistol as a daily carry, in fact I wouldn't even fire it much more because of the decayed state of the metal may have weakened the critical parts. This is video to show that it's possible, not to restore the firearm to its original form.
@@axemanchris It's a blank firing gun
that is a zoraki blank gun , looks exactly like the one i have
best blank gun i wish i had real one like zoraki
Now that is my idea of a Craftsman. Bravo l enjoyed this thoroughly. Thanks.
How did you put the fake rust on the pistol?
He took the fake gun, then put it on the fake ground, then pulled down his fake pants, then he squatted down and growled out a giant steaming fake shit on it……. Thenn that fake pile of shit, crusted over and hardened into the fake rust on the fake gun.
@@NJscrub530 I didn't know that it's that easy!
the best way is reverse electrolysis
Magnífico 😍
Tudo armado, uma arma perdida a muito tempo n ficaria tão perfeita
@@Dorival-t4tAlém disso, essa é uma pistola Zoraki modelo 914 de tiros de festim, é uma réplica de arma construída inteiramente em zamac, não em aço como armas de verdade, e zamac não enferruja. As pistolas Zoraki são de fabricação atual, muito populares em alguns países europeus, e custam cerca de 130 Euros no mercado varejista de lá (Europa).
This is a very high quality video!👍 Why are there so few views here?🤨
I dont know) Maybe because I rarely release videos)
Maybe because it's fake?
Even if it’s fabricated , don’t you guys think that he has good skills..? He deserves those views, as he took real efforts to restore and filming and editing. It’s way better than useless shit on reels and TikTok.
*If you are going to pit the firearm up to hell with sand-blasting, then there is no need to carefully soak the gun in step 1.*
Fake or real ? Click bait or not, seems like a fake
It says at the beginning its staged an not real an some is created with computer graphics
i agree, this is fake
I think 95% of ppl who left a comment didn't read the disclaimer 😂😂
Very hardworking ❤❤ patience, deligent
Man, the hours it took to restore this gun had to have been at least a taxing as the hours you spent making it look corroded to hell and back.
The like button for the people questioning if this is a murder weapon
Who knows if it's it's on!
Found a gun buried in the ground and your first call wasnt to the police
Exakt, weg mit dem Dreck
He probably was the one that buried it to make this video. So many of these restoration videos are staged
That was quite cool. Thanks. Enjoyed it greatly.
Blank pistol you can tell by the round he pulls out of it I’m guessing it was intentionally trashed for the video because there cheap
No, that was a squib - the primer was dented, that round just failed to eject.
I am pretty sure you are correct, they are Blank Guns. about 100 dollars or so. Made in Turkey. Common in Europe. I lived in Germany for a while and a few other places where I think I saw these along with airsoft guns...
@@DavidxBoyd No that was a 9mm blank round, this is a Zoraki 914 blank gun
Przepięknie jeszcze broń Wyszyna serdecznie 👍👍👍👍
W jakim to jest narzeczu napisane?
But Does it take glock mags???
Amazing job Sir, well done!
Coś za ładny stan jak na tyle lat co przeleżał w ziemi ...
So what if it was in the ground for a week he’s just showing us how he restored a gun you don’t have to watch.
There's no thrill in watching a man buying a new gun. It's more fun watching this.. if you don't like it just don't watch it.. all right p**sy ?
That was a learning step , great job .
I call this video BS! NRA instructor, reloader and competition shooter here.
The inside of the barrel was not shown, nor the pitting as it was eaten away with electrolysis. Other than making a video, why would anyone want to invest so much labor into a defective firearm ?
its a cap firing one, thats why.
Bring back to life the thumbs down button.
You are an artist🤗
so obviously fake, it hurts
Nice work. I think something like this would be a fun little project.
Gotta say I like that vise trick with the pins. Gonna steal that one. Also, sounds like someone is showering in your garage. That’s my kind of garage. People on here are saying it’s fake… yet.. that looks like a seriously distressed pistol either day.. and I know what it’s like to clean a heavily fowled gun let alone something like this.
incredible job!!! BRAVO!!!
Дякую Вам хороша робота ви дали йому друге життя ,приємно бачити коли людина тратить свій час і кошти на відновлення раритету який вдається привести до робочого стану.По марці виробника це часом не вальтер .Часи зараз непевні залиште його собі.Які розчини використовували можна детальніше😂🇺🇦
You are a miracle worker, sir.
Great work my guy. You got yourself a good pistol.
Thanks 🤝😎
Superb video!
IF I managed to get the gun apart and reconditioned, I would hope and pray there was either a good assembly manual or a very clear TH-cam video showing me how to reassemble it. Obviously, this guy knows his stuff. I would get it together after a couple of days and then wonder where the leftover parts go. Lol.
It's incredible that all the parts are not lubricated.
É satisfatório ver a restauração ❤
Apparently the only legitimate gun restore channel on here is, the Kinzler Bros.
Nice work 😊