One core reason why I never purchased any vehicles or car cosmetics from the shop: cars will not be in the game forever. You’re just wasting money on a limited time cosmetic that will most likely go away in the future.
This season requires zero skill, all the marvel weapons are so overpowered it makes average players suddenly invincible. They are basically cheat weapons.
It's always like this. In the car season, cars are nerfed until they become useless. In the superhero season, mythicals are nerfed until they become useless. All in the first week, when everyone is learning how to play. In the end, any themed items are removed from ranked and tournaments. The entire theme of the season is discarded in favor of people who can't stop complaining. The Meta will always exist, the difference is that "tryhards" just want to play Call of Duty. What's the motivation for making new items in the first place?
@@DanThaWolf if you don’t wanna play Fortnite then don’t play Fortnite, the items make up 40-50% of the game and if you don’t like them then don’t play
Casuals can never have fun because the sweats complain about everything, also, dr doom does not have that much health, you can kill him in sub 30 seconds, its just annoying because im loving this new season and now they’re gonna start nerfing stuff, the new weapons might be op but you can also get them its not just other players that have them
Yep like I like this season a lot and it’s exciting especially we are getting a Simpson collab in the future and like yea some of the weapon are op and it frustrating but this season has made me improve my skills and make each outcome of trying to win exciting
I liked to think I’m a casual. I mean I win some and lose some. But mostly for this season I’m losing a lot and idk why. I think maybe because I just suck at the game. But I try my best and that’s all I can do.
Fortnite: we didn't make Lightsabers as a pickaxe cause it would be confused with the mythic Also Fortnite: Captain America's shield gets both a mythic and a pickaxe just because *shrug*
Captain America’s shield should not be a mythic maybe legendary though, cause the amount of times I’ve beaten someone with the shield IN ZERO BUILD. The shield is only good if you’re really close if you are mid or far range it’s trash.
Flow berry, flow berry juice, cars, and the jet pack. I play with my kids and husband daily and haven’t ever had a problem. Nor have they lol. We find cars everywhere. I would say maybe drop at dooms court or in that area. There are always cars there.
@@JessM-P everyone is used to driving everywhere because of last season being all about cars so it feels like there is not enough mobility in comparison
I don’t know who’s gonna see this but… Fortnite just made a whole new season! With thousands of people playing it, there is no way they can make everyone happy,
Ah yes, because not being able to hit people because they block every shot and having missiles summoned to kill you nearly instantly is"fun" and "balanced"
Of course. Epic adds fun items. And these try hards are mad because they dont want others having fun. Why even have new seasons when all these people complain
It’s fun but it breaks the game, it’s not because they are crybabies, some are annoying and don’t have any good arguments however most are giving good criticism. I enjoy the mythicals, they are fun, however, they are extremely unbalanced. If you get killed and you feel as if you couldn’t do anything to not get killed, that’s a broken mechanic. What epic should have done was split the loot pool, if anything, epic is to blame for the op items. It’s not that try hards don’t want people to have fun, it’s that the game has been seriously unbalanced recently.
Wait hold on the doom mythic is useless? You’re also saying there’s no point of killing the doom boss when you get three items💀The doom mythic is over powered it can break a whole box in one shot.
“Guys all the new mythics are to op and impossible to fight against!!” Also them “we need 100% chest spawns so we can get more mythics!!!” Like chose which side your on
YOU are 8 year defending the mythics because it's the only way you can win, i get it's fun but it's SUPER hard to eliminate the guy that have these mythics
Mysterio’s medallion’s use: Cloak when you are stealthing into a battle with enemies who don’t know you’re there, or if they lose LOS you can stealth their flanks, or flank them in general. You can also stealth behind somewhere to heal up for a soft reset maneuver. Ok the medallion has a ring in the mini map, almost no one, especially kids watch that, but that right is not perfect cantered on the player so SOMEWHERE in that ring is the person with the medallion.
One question, where THE HELL WERE THESE COMPLAINERS IN CHAPTER 2 SEASON 4 WITH MYTHICS THAT WERE IN FACT MORE OP THEN THE ONES WE HAVE NOW?!?!? and yet they praise the earlier marvel season blinded by nostalgia bs Is real
The reason that they removed the second chance feature on the henchman was because you could rez multiple and someone built an army of around 20-30 henchman
They should have not nerf the captain America shield. If someone spams a SMG at you then the captain America sheld don’t have any health. If anything they should have gave it a cooldown for like 5 seconds or something like that.
Totally agree with number 19. Surviving 250 storm circles in Ranked mode is too much (for casuals like myself). They might as well just lock/force everyone to play Ranked this season.
@@bebophippie1781 no a game is supposed to go forward not stay back I have a better idea play the game and stop complaining when there is nothing to complain about or stop playing and leave epic alone problem (actually) solved
@@Fantaisie14gamer Oh don't worry I have pretty much stopped playing. Just like a ton of other people. That's why the lobbies are loaded with bots now. I just came here to comment because after playing a few rounds with some friends recently the issues were so glaring and evident to me that I wanted to see if others agreed. Low and behold, most players do. That's why they are doing all these pointless collaborations. So they can pull in more people to play using gimmicks and skins instead of tightening up the gameplay. It's okay though. There are a ton of games out there to play instead. Also, there are plenty of games that don't constantly change their gameplay and have great communities. Ever heard of Counter Strike?
Ok I get that people are angry that not all the mythics and weapons are in but the simple fact is that it’s more fun and gives more anticipation if we are slowly getting stuff over the season so we get more enjoyment out of it
The reason the cool stuff we see in the trailer doesnt release until later is that they dont have them ready, they dont choose to not release them, but they probaby would ngl
One question, where THE HELL WERE THESE COMPLAINERS IN CHAPTER 2 SEASON 4 WITH MYTHICS THAT WERE IN FACT MORE OP THEN THE ONES WE HAVE NOW?!?!? and yet they praise the earlier marvel season blinded by nostalgia bs Is real 😂😂
in chapter 2 season 4 they didn't have to complain, nothing was in arena so they would just stick to arena, now all of the new stuff is in ranked and they have to deal with it
Dooms mythics are awesome, you can destroy builds or hiding places and then bombard them with explosions by, using his monarch is like a sniping machine, got nine killed with it one game. Just get gud son
Awesome Video T5G!!! This Season is Amazing So Far and Definitely One Of The Best We've had in a long time, But I do agree that they could have done more. Those Little Mini POIs or Spawn Island being The Helicarrier are things that made The OG Marvel Season So Special and it is kind of disappointing that This Season doesn't have things like that. Also I hate how every Season Epic adds these Really Fun New Unique Items and then nerfs them into the ground because sweats like Ninja can't stop complaining. Especially in a Season Themed around Literal Superheroes, It's absolutely Ridiculous. Like, Sweats have Ranked and Competitive, Fortnite is supposed to be Fun and these sweats are just ruining it for all The Normal Players because they can't stop being a crybaby.
bro this started as one of the most fun seasons but we started to complain and now this season is gonna be one of the most annoying because of the fans😢
also why is doctor doom the ONLY boss that has a power weapon?? Mysterio and Emma frost have guns, last marvel season had every boss have a power weapon
@@Megladonman2708 exactly, so according to our calculations, what t5g said here is technically not true. i say technically bc the reboot truck is not in the raft but near it
It’s like they want people to quit. I quit for a long time and I came back last chapter, it’s so annoying how people abuse the new mythics and how u can tell that fortnite relies on collabs to stay good.
Imo, these are the reworks they should do Because this seasons feels...Empty? 1. Cap shield - No changes 2. War machines hover jets, make them faster. the mobility this season sucks if you don't know hot to P-dash 3. Dualies: Make the mods for them only be drum mag, laser, muzzle, and suppressor. 4. Mysterio medallion - When shield cracked, the opponents within 50 meters of you see multiple clones that just, don't exist. 5. Emma frost - The less health you have, the less damage you take. (200 HP - 20% Less damage - 100 HP - 45% Less damage 6. Doom medallion - +4 Damage, And gives you a second chance by making it so whenever your shield is cracked, a 7M EMP activates around you that does between 100 - 20 shield depending on how close the enemy is. 7. Remove Combat 8. Add new AR - The Doom Sprayer. it will inflict poison damage on enemies, normally it does 2 Damage every 0.1 Seconds, so in 1 Second it does 25 Damage, after it does 20 Damage or cracks your shield the effect ends. It CANNOT kill you. This will be the new Doom Bot Mythic. In its mythic form the poison does 5 Damage every 0.2 seconds 9. Remove Pump - Add new pump - The Piercing shotgun, this shotgun will have max body shot (Blue) of 100 Damage, It will have a small reticle, and when Headshot, Max headshot does 190, this item has a unique property of piercing through builds, at the cost of 75% of the damage. New POI- Doom Labs will replace Grand Glacier, and will be the main story point of the season, it will be the place where Doom gets the material for new armor, as the ice begins the melt and is replaced by a swampy area, due to the rapid melting of ice from the lab-work going on around it, many ore clusters will be scattered around here, and there would be a big lab in the middle of it. Ok thats it
Why are people complaining about bonus rewards ending at level 150. 1. You get more cosmetics, 2. Season 1 and 2 both had bonus rewards until level 150
The season was the most fun right after the midnight drop. Hiring the doom henchmen, the weapons were a blast to use & I felt the cooldowns were more than fair. If you couldn’t get to them first, the henchmen helped you counter attack powers.
Honestly Doom's mythic is my favorite, yeet a giant ball, do big damage and then finish with shotgun. Simple, easy efficent. Meanwhile every other weapon and the shotguns are busted.
Lol, it's wild how the loudest voices are the ones who don't even play anymore! 🤷♂️ But hey, change can be cool if they do it right. Just hope they find a good balance so everyone can have fun! 🎮✨
Yes, Tommy I 100% agree with this list about this season battle pass and weapons complaints from other players for example yes the powers are totally broken and never worth fighting/getting like Dooms gauntlet or the invisible thing that only works while crouching I have honestly had my bad and fair times with using them separately, and by the way there not getting any better any times soon😂
For me and my friends this stuff is balanced in the fact that we can actually kill sweats now, for whatever reason the game decides to put us with people who play like its a tournament, these people can full box me before I can even blink, I can't even piece control, these items have actually allowed me to put up a fighting chance to these guys so me personally I actually enjoy them, but I understand also how they can be annoying and really too in other situations
3:45 ye that just pisses everyone off like seeing iron man’s mythic and black panthers just looks sick but then they just not in the game plus the docter strange meldowneloen just BAD like predators mythic was way better and now we just have this 😭
I fucking hate when people complain about things like the weapons and then REFUSE to try and get better. I struggled against them, and now i dont worry about them AT ALL. Literally the only solution is to GET. BETTER.
1:47 Bro what are you talking about?? I literally just got obliterated by someone spamming Doom's gauntlet at me from behind. That little toy Cap Shield did diddly crap. 💀 Edit: Oh, and not to mention I got absolutely blitzed after finally finding War Machine's arsenal, using it on an enemy. I got elimed from his regular AR even WHILE I was spamming missiles AND mini guns at him. ☠️
5:14 The war machines weapons and jetpack may remove to backbling, but for those that are reactive, sound especially you can still hear them go off when you "activate" it
Mysterio’s medallion I think was supposed to be Sue storm’s ability. While mysterio would duplicate you and whatever weapon you’re using. Clearly that was OP
"Boo Hoo. I have to learn something new!" Constantly learning to handle a new meta is why I have never once quit Fortnite since I started playing C2S5. I love the variety.
The monarch pistol is good at damage (especially when using the scope and) the gauntlets are good for damaging builds and players and the siphon medallion is back as good as it was with hades so doom is a good boss
I’m actually happy not all the mythical are out day one because instead of epic dropping the season and not adding anything for 3 months they will be giving us all the fun mythics throughout the season
I agree & what is it with the constant Marvel Season ads? I wasn't able to play due to personal issues, but in game their's ads, D23 COUNTLESS ads & in this season just ads for that season. I'm over here scratching my head a bit & kinda irritated tbh 😅
I do agree that Cap’s shield needed a damage block nerf, but damage it delt wise, it was fine. Maybe have it to for every consecutive hit it does it lowers damage? Like 60 first target and then it goes to next target and hits for 50, so 60, 50, 40 and 30 damage for each respective target
I wish epic added challenges to unlock the edit styles of skins, backbling and pickaxe like they did in chapter 2 would have the game more replayable and would add some nostalgia for those that played the old marvel season
Cap's Shield, while busted still, post-nerf can be defeated with some luck and a good shotgun. It's not impossible to fight against it anymore. Still hard though. Just find some cover and try getting them stunned...Or shoot them while the shield isn't in their hand.
No this is a good season but the problem is they havent removed the over powered mythics and marvel items from ranked it is basically impossible to play ranked.Your always getting spammed with caps sheild, war machines mythic and doctor doom guantlet. Like last season they put the op cars in ranked, ranked rght now is not a serious battle royale.If you want to play a serious battle royale you have to play reload, but thats just my opinion.
I really wish that Epic Games would watch this video, because, man, you just layed out everything wrong with this season. Thank you!!!! And since I'm a huge LOCKER-Fanatic, my biggest complains are the wraps blocked on some weapons, and Warmachine's arsenal removing the back bling! And let's not even talk about the locker UI in which everything is in disarray
Can’t believe people don’t like the auto turret cause that thing has saved my life so many times when I’m stuck reloading
It kinda annoying if you don't gotta shield tho ngl
Turret plus 🧢 🛡️ and rocket booster EPIC😂
Its so annoying it aim bots!
I like it, it keeps players at bay in many cases!
@@Nico-ty7dw love it, warns me for sneaky ppl hiding or sneaking up on me
Every time fortnite adds something fun, players start complaining about it on twitter till it either gets nerfed to oblivion or removed completely 💀
Honestly the only item I ever wanted nerfed was the shield
It's not the casuals ITS THE SWEATS
The shields only fun if you both have one, otherwise it was cancer
@@vadimobertiy8331 shield nerf is deserved but you are right
One core reason why I never purchased any vehicles or car cosmetics from the shop: cars will not be in the game forever. You’re just wasting money on a limited time cosmetic that will most likely go away in the future.
i just play rocket league for the items
@@xxastrosaur_xxi got cars from it
@@RockyLaRosa and wheels, boosts, and decals. i like both games tbh
people buys them for the racing game too
Epic: adds stuff
TG5: yay
next video
This season requires zero skill, all the marvel weapons are so overpowered it makes average players suddenly invincible. They are basically cheat weapons.
It's always like this.
In the car season, cars are nerfed until they become useless.
In the superhero season, mythicals are nerfed until they become useless.
All in the first week, when everyone is learning how to play.
In the end, any themed items are removed from ranked and tournaments. The entire theme of the season is discarded in favor of people who can't stop complaining. The Meta will always exist, the difference is that "tryhards" just want to play Call of Duty.
What's the motivation for making new items in the first place?
brother the mythics barely got nerfed
I wouldn't say the new mythics post nerf are useless...
bro this is the most relatable comment ever, "The want to play Call of Duty"
10 less damage from the shield and "only" blocking 350 damage now. It's not that bad lol bro
This guy really needs a new comment section💀
It's horrible 💀💀
Fr🙏 Like this is aimed at children why are their pfps like OF content
i agree bro
People complain way to much about a game
nowadays it just gets annoying
Real, they don't know how to have fun
@@TVmanEdits15 exactly bruh people complain so much there just gonna ruin the fun
@@DarkShadowsMelodyBecause some people are impatient and dont like dealing with bullshit when they are playing thats why some of them complain.
Epic only ever listens to the most pointless complaints, never the actually legitimate ones
@@DanThaWolf if you don’t wanna play Fortnite then don’t play Fortnite, the items make up 40-50% of the game and if you don’t like them then don’t play
Casuals can never have fun because the sweats complain about everything, also, dr doom does not have that much health, you can kill him in sub 30 seconds, its just annoying because im loving this new season and now they’re gonna start nerfing stuff, the new weapons might be op but you can also get them its not just other players that have them
Exactly like don’t hate on me but sometimes the Fortnite community gets on my nerves
Iove the new season but community annoying weapons cool but a bit op
Yep like I like this season a lot and it’s exciting especially we are getting a Simpson collab in the future and like yea some of the weapon are op and it frustrating but this season has made me improve my skills and make each outcome of trying to win exciting
I liked to think I’m a casual. I mean I win some and lose some. But mostly for this season I’m losing a lot and idk why. I think maybe because I just suck at the game. But I try my best and that’s all I can do.
As a casual, I agree with this.
first mistake was opening twitter, cuz people will do nothing but complain stuff is ether op or extremely weak
Having captain americas shield as a mythic and a pickaxe and not having a lightsaber as a pickaxe is kinda dumb
You have a very good point.
Fortnite: we didn't make Lightsabers as a pickaxe cause it would be confused with the mythic
Also Fortnite: Captain America's shield gets both a mythic and a pickaxe just because *shrug*
Also fortnite: tmnt collab with the pickaxes and mythic being the exact same
Captain America’s shield should not be a mythic maybe legendary though, cause the amount of times I’ve beaten someone with the shield IN ZERO BUILD. The shield is only good if you’re really close if you are mid or far range it’s trash.
Dude what are all these bots? Some of their profile pics are not in youtube guidelines for sure
Bro any Times when i click a tg5’s videos i see on the comments sections bots with innapropiate picture
Why are there bots swarming this comment section? ☠️
@@loafofbread9892 big youtuber.
these bots target TH-camrs known to be making countent for little kids
@@Skully-rb2oz yep.
Hate how hard it is to find cars this season, mobility sucks right now.
Flow berry, flow berry juice, cars, and the jet pack. I play with my kids and husband daily and haven’t ever had a problem. Nor have they lol. We find cars everywhere. I would say maybe drop at dooms court or in that area. There are always cars there.
@@JessM-P everyone is used to driving everywhere because of last season being all about cars so it feels like there is not enough mobility in comparison
@@badgerboi698adaptability isn’t something everybody has, I guess.
@@JessM-PRespectfully you are gorgeous
And you play Fortnite your husband is lucky
@@jellopy24 lol that was not the comment I was expecting but thank you! I like to think we are both pretty lucky. 🙂
I don’t know who’s gonna see this but… Fortnite just made a whole new season! With thousands of people playing it, there is no way they can make everyone happy,
Bro people are crazy… they complain about EVERYTHING! Come on the season just released and people can’t give it at least a few weeks.
Ah yes, because not being able to hit people because they block every shot and having missiles summoned to kill you nearly instantly is"fun" and "balanced"
@@h1_Im_Sevak you get. It it is annoying as hell
@@h1_Im_Sevak no my point is that they complain over good things too. They can’t go a single day without crying about something.
I don’t mind this season
@@h1_Im_SevakAt least you understand!
Can you PLEASE start moderating your comments T5G😭🙏
And stop beating epic to add LIGHTSABER pickaxe s
Bro fr like millions of kids also watch this
I hate that they removed the fall guys area on the map rip
Well where else would the castle go
@@MrwhopperGaming10 they couldve just moved the fall guys though... its littarly floating
@@ChaosCreator121it was a temporary collab.
@@svdzcbshf6912 that IS true but if they did return it ever they could
I mean, it wasn't going to be there forever, and besides, you've got the creative maps and the actual Fall Guys game to play.
Of course. Epic adds fun items. And these try hards are mad because they dont want others having fun. Why even have new seasons when all these people complain
It’s fun but it breaks the game, it’s not because they are crybabies, some are annoying and don’t have any good arguments however most are giving good criticism. I enjoy the mythicals, they are fun, however, they are extremely unbalanced.
If you get killed and you feel as if you couldn’t do anything to not get killed, that’s a broken mechanic.
What epic should have done was split the loot pool, if anything, epic is to blame for the op items. It’s not that try hards don’t want people to have fun, it’s that the game has been seriously unbalanced recently.
People cry to much 😭😭😭🙏 🙏 0:15
The whole point of superpowers is to be SUPER not fucking pathetic 😡
keep it family friendly
you aren’t being ehhhhmazing
I just want fun with superpowers without feeling that the items are worthless and worth it to grab them
Nick’s mods are gonna ban you
Wait hold on the doom mythic is useless? You’re also saying there’s no point of killing the doom boss when you get three items💀The doom mythic is over powered it can break a whole box in one shot.
Hes useless till he gets the laser it's not updated yet
Yeah he's just tripping
Ya dooms weapon is really good.
and the big ball's explosion goes through cars
So can war machine's mythic
How do you create 10 minute videos nearly every day?!? It's truly's incredible man.
“Guys all the new mythics are to op and impossible to fight against!!” Also them “we need 100% chest spawns so we can get more mythics!!!” Like chose which side your on
personally i just want em removed
Cant wait for the alt Dr.Doom mythic for the Dr.Doom quests!!
fortnite 8 year olds when the meta is fun, cool superpowers instead of boring guns that we get rebranded every season 😡
Nothing wrong with super powers when they are balanced. The problem is they arent and take no skill
Nothing wrong with rebranded weapons
Hammer pump havoc thunder
@@ZEPHYRZHANG-mg8ziWhy dont you find them on the map and use em then?
Y’all are sweats and u just don’t like losing bruh
YOU are 8 year defending the mythics because it's the only way you can win, i get it's fun but it's SUPER hard to eliminate the guy that have these mythics
Keep the train don’t be mad at it 2:50
They should make the train better though. Also change the graffiti that appears when you capture it.
no it has been staying for too long
@@salinestorm tbh train sucks all together and destroying it again wouldn’t be so bad
Tf the train do to yall 😭😭😭😭
4:43 for some reason Epic Games employees only give the tier 100 built in customisable styles now
I think it’s for Lego styles
@@LBTVGAMES but they could give any of them lego styles
@@roryaffleck6416 ya
Mysterio’s medallion’s use: Cloak when you are stealthing into a battle with enemies who don’t know you’re there, or if they lose LOS you can stealth their flanks, or flank them in general. You can also stealth behind somewhere to heal up for a soft reset maneuver. Ok the medallion has a ring in the mini map, almost no one, especially kids watch that, but that right is not perfect cantered on the player so SOMEWHERE in that ring is the person with the medallion.
One question, where THE HELL WERE THESE COMPLAINERS IN CHAPTER 2 SEASON 4 WITH MYTHICS THAT WERE IN FACT MORE OP THEN THE ONES WE HAVE NOW?!?!? and yet they praise the earlier marvel season blinded by nostalgia bs Is real
the previous marvel season was awesome because no one had superpower weapons at the beginning but everyone had atleast one at the end on the game
I hate how people complained to the point where the shield became a less good version of the riot shield that you can throw.
Fr it wasn't even that good
Dude…this shield is bullet proof, nothing in Fortnite should be bullet proof, that’s bs at that point.
@@DoneRegularlyyou could just easily go behind the player and killed them like I use shield and people still kill me
@@Fantaisie14gamer And if they have a jet pack and legendary weapons?
@@DoneRegularlythen they're just better equipped, and you'd lose anyway. GG RIP, time to re-queue.
The reason that they removed the second chance feature on the henchman was because you could rez multiple and someone built an army of around 20-30 henchman
Not true, I tried when the season released and the original one just died instantly after
they should've atleast added the location reveal feature
@@scp5000why they make it to were you can only have 1 follower
@@rainbow_demon6612 someone managed to break it and get up to 20 so they removed it to fix the bug.
They should have not nerf the captain America shield. If someone spams a SMG at you then the captain America sheld don’t have any health. If anything they should have gave it a cooldown for like 5 seconds or something like that.
I think the way it was nerfed was perfect, it’s still powerful but not impossible to counter
@@kalebkushner7244 dude i emptied a Dual Micro Smg mag and it still didn’t break somehow
@@rainbow_demon6612Use stronger weapons 😊
quit relying on an auto aim weapon to win
Doom's mythic isn't weak, you just need to combine it with War Machine's jetpack and it becomes op
They need to update the whole store weekly
People complain when something does to much damage and then complains when's its bad
Which is a good thing. Things need to be balanced, not one way or the other.
Ain’t no way you called dooms mythic the weakest in the game that thing is powerful if used correctly
And it’s better than the old version from ch2s4
It’s great but compared to the mini mech and shield… yeah
Why not just make jetpacks one time use...that's how they were before
Exactly it's the second strongest
The war machine arsenal and dooms mythic's are Over powerd if you use them both
8:12 alright. So fans get mad when we *dont* get original skins and when we *do* ?
It's a Marvel season people are going to want Marvel skins, not mashups of skins with Marvel
@@lucianohernandez3627 still it’s just a skin.
@@lucianohernandez3627yet when they are in the item shop they’re going to be 2000 vbucks or something so it’s better in the battlepass
Yeah fr dawg I’ve been waiting for peelverine ever since the C2S4 trailer but now people are roasting the hell outta him
A Vision skin is NEEDED.
Totally agree with number 19. Surviving 250 storm circles in Ranked mode is too much (for casuals like myself). They might as well just lock/force everyone to play Ranked this season.
The community roasting every single part of the game in 9 minutes
Bro they just want to complian
bro these people that complain about fun items just ruin the game
i know right the only reason i played was for the shield they better add mythic shield from a boss
Epic should just add a classic version for people that don't want all the extra crap. Problem solved.
@@bebophippie1781 no a game is supposed to go forward not stay back I have a better idea play the game and stop complaining when there is nothing to complain about or stop playing and leave epic alone problem (actually) solved
@@Fantaisie14gamer Oh don't worry I have pretty much stopped playing. Just like a ton of other people. That's why the lobbies are loaded with bots now. I just came here to comment because after playing a few rounds with some friends recently the issues were so glaring and evident to me that I wanted to see if others agreed. Low and behold, most players do. That's why they are doing all these pointless collaborations. So they can pull in more people to play using gimmicks and skins instead of tightening up the gameplay. It's okay though. There are a ton of games out there to play instead. Also, there are plenty of games that don't constantly change their gameplay and have great communities. Ever heard of Counter Strike?
I don’t know why Players complaining about Captain America shield like Steve Roger is supposed to be OP
@@pikaverse2497 true but the nerf is deserved as it took way too much damage
@@rainbow_demon6612Before the nerf it deals 60 damage now it deals 50 damage
@@merttepegoz3273 i meant the shield could take lots of damage and not shield break
Ok I get that people are angry that not all the mythics and weapons are in but the simple fact is that it’s more fun and gives more anticipation if we are slowly getting stuff over the season so we get more enjoyment out of it
The reason the cool stuff we see in the trailer doesnt release until later is that they dont have them ready, they dont choose to not release them, but they probaby would ngl
One question, where THE HELL WERE THESE COMPLAINERS IN CHAPTER 2 SEASON 4 WITH MYTHICS THAT WERE IN FACT MORE OP THEN THE ONES WE HAVE NOW?!?!? and yet they praise the earlier marvel season blinded by nostalgia bs Is real 😂😂
They just hate chapter 5. Like you said, they're blinded by nostalgia
@@zedricktaighe bot or copycat
in chapter 2 season 4 they didn't have to complain, nothing was in arena so they would just stick to arena, now all of the new stuff is in ranked and they have to deal with it
BRO! Can you talk about the Dimond Medalion and how its useless now as we can just get the scanner bot now at Hades.
Dude and Mysterio’s Medallion is so bad!
Some of these just annoy me, none of these are that big of a deal
Dooms mythics are awesome, you can destroy builds or hiding places and then bombard them with explosions by, using his monarch is like a sniping machine, got nine killed with it one game. Just get gud son
Awesome Video T5G!!! This Season is Amazing So Far and Definitely One Of The Best We've had in a long time, But I do agree that they could have done more. Those Little Mini POIs or Spawn Island being The Helicarrier are things that made The OG Marvel Season So Special and it is kind of disappointing that This Season doesn't have things like that. Also I hate how every Season Epic adds these Really Fun New Unique Items and then nerfs them into the ground because sweats like Ninja can't stop complaining. Especially in a Season Themed around Literal Superheroes, It's absolutely Ridiculous. Like, Sweats have Ranked and Competitive, Fortnite is supposed to be Fun and these sweats are just ruining it for all The Normal Players because they can't stop being a crybaby.
bro this started as one of the most fun seasons but we started to complain and now this season is gonna be one of the most annoying because of the fans😢
Fr pls don’t hate me but the Fortnite community low key gets on my nerves sometimes
also why is doctor doom the ONLY boss that has a power weapon?? Mysterio and Emma frost have guns, last marvel season had every boss have a power weapon
9:13 i’m pretty sure there is a reboot truck near “the raft” is there not?
threre is its like 50 meters a away its not that far
@@Megladonman2708 exactly, so according to our calculations, what t5g said here is technically not true. i say technically bc the reboot truck is not in the raft but near it
Yes, just not in the raft
Idk how you would fit a reboot truck in their in the first place
0:10 seconds and already relatable :(
They should have made it were you have to buy it from Jonesy since Steve Rogers "gave" it to him
It’s like they want people to quit. I quit for a long time and I came back last chapter, it’s so annoying how people abuse the new mythics and how u can tell that fortnite relies on collabs to stay good.
Imo, these are the reworks they should do Because this seasons feels...Empty?
1. Cap shield - No changes
2. War machines hover jets, make them faster. the mobility this season sucks if you don't know hot to P-dash
3. Dualies: Make the mods for them only be drum mag, laser, muzzle, and suppressor.
4. Mysterio medallion - When shield cracked, the opponents within 50 meters of you see multiple clones that just, don't exist.
5. Emma frost - The less health you have, the less damage you take. (200 HP - 20% Less damage - 100 HP - 45% Less damage
6. Doom medallion - +4 Damage, And gives you a second chance by making it so whenever your shield is cracked, a 7M EMP activates around you that does between 100 - 20 shield depending on how close the enemy is.
7. Remove Combat
8. Add new AR - The Doom Sprayer. it will inflict poison damage on enemies, normally it does 2 Damage every 0.1 Seconds, so in 1 Second it does 25 Damage, after it does 20 Damage or cracks your shield the effect ends. It CANNOT kill you. This will be the new Doom Bot Mythic. In its mythic form the poison does 5 Damage every 0.2 seconds
9. Remove Pump - Add new pump - The Piercing shotgun, this shotgun will have max body shot (Blue) of 100 Damage, It will have a small reticle, and when Headshot, Max headshot does 190, this item has a unique property of piercing through builds, at the cost of 75% of the damage.
New POI- Doom Labs will replace Grand Glacier, and will be the main story point of the season, it will be the place where Doom gets the material for new armor, as the ice begins the melt and is replaced by a swampy area, due to the rapid melting of ice from the lab-work going on around it, many ore clusters will be scattered around here, and there would be a big lab in the middle of it.
Ok thats it
the should take of the underworld and grim gates it has been there too long and it is just trash
I disagree, Cap's shield should have the Stars and Stripes attack from the Capcom games added. Doombot can use Foot Dive after all.
Just get rid of the stupid over shield and it would be fun again.
Why are people complaining about bonus rewards ending at level 150. 1. You get more cosmetics, 2. Season 1 and 2 both had bonus rewards until level 150
Fortnite needs to delete their Reddit chat. The guests are ruining the season by complaining like babies.
The season was the most fun right after the midnight drop. Hiring the doom henchmen, the weapons were a blast to use & I felt the cooldowns were more than fair. If you couldn’t get to them first, the henchmen helped you counter attack powers.
Honestly Doom's mythic is my favorite, yeet a giant ball, do big damage and then finish with shotgun. Simple, easy efficent. Meanwhile every other weapon and the shotguns are busted.
Is that... ME? 3:56
Lol, it's wild how the loudest voices are the ones who don't even play anymore! 🤷♂️ But hey, change can be cool if they do it right. Just hope they find a good balance so everyone can have fun! 🎮✨
i remember the good old days when epic was happy that so many people played and loved there game now its just all about money making
People complain that the jetpacks remove backblings that’s been happening since the beginning of Fortnite 💀💀
Yes, Tommy I 100% agree with this list about this season battle pass and weapons complaints from other players for example yes the powers are totally broken and never worth fighting/getting like Dooms gauntlet or the invisible thing that only works while crouching I have honestly had my bad and fair times with using them separately, and by the way there not getting any better any times soon😂
Honestly, I use the Mysterio’s Medallion and most of the time, 75% they couldn’t find me and use the war machine to shred them.
3:50 yeah they dont want to realease all the mythics at once then everyone would get bored too fast
Because the updates wouldn’t have you as hyped unless they put in one of the stark riffle you get the point
@@Agent_nuggs that is kinda what I was getting at too
Yeah there popping up later in the szn
4:13 I did that but I haven't gotten one
Same... It's such bull ████
@autobotCRSHR yeah, I've played mobile on my android WAY BEFORE August 16 so WHERES MY SKIN
You will get it 23 of next month
@@FnLandonGG oh ok thank you I hope so
@GambitsaDJ not just any android. Only samsung devices. And if you did play youll get it next month
For me and my friends this stuff is balanced in the fact that we can actually kill sweats now, for whatever reason the game decides to put us with people who play like its a tournament, these people can full box me before I can even blink, I can't even piece control, these items have actually allowed me to put up a fighting chance to these guys so me personally I actually enjoy them, but I understand also how they can be annoying and really too in other situations
3:45 ye that just pisses everyone off like seeing iron man’s mythic and black panthers just looks sick but then they just not in the game plus the docter strange meldowneloen just BAD like predators mythic was way better and now we just have this 😭
Womp womp😂
I fucking hate when people complain about things like the weapons and then REFUSE to try and get better. I struggled against them, and now i dont worry about them AT ALL. Literally the only solution is to GET. BETTER.
People just hate learning curves apparently
5:58 top 5 biggest lies in history, number one:
5:23 people are just looking for something to complain about since Fortnite began any thing that went on your back always removed your back bling
1:47 Bro what are you talking about?? I literally just got obliterated by someone spamming Doom's gauntlet at me from behind. That little toy Cap Shield did diddly crap. 💀
Edit: Oh, and not to mention I got absolutely blitzed after finally finding War Machine's arsenal, using it on an enemy. I got elimed from his regular AR even WHILE I was spamming missiles AND mini guns at him. ☠️
5:14 The war machines weapons and jetpack may remove to backbling, but for those that are reactive, sound especially you can still hear them go off when you "activate" it
Dr doom hasn’t killed me
2:37 I have ptsd from season two 😭😭😭
Sorry but what ptsd
@@donut2386 it means post traumatic stress disorder
@@MrSwifty2not actually it’s a joke
@@cupheadjustacup1932 ok and
People complain too much. If you can’t join the meta, don’t play the game.
Mysterio’s medallion I think was supposed to be Sue storm’s ability. While mysterio would duplicate you and whatever weapon you’re using. Clearly that was OP
It's videos like this that make it seem like EVERYONE hates the items they come out with and gets them nerfed like crazy
Bruh whoever is saying this is just yapping there is nothing wrong with anything except the shield
The shield is fine tho, there's nothing wrong with this season
@@FS-Flametry playing zero build
@@slippyfruit8538 it op even in builds. It takes way too much damage and goes through builds
YES, every other weapon is fine. The shield is the only op thing. I mean, it can hit people through shield bubbles, THAT IS ILLEGAL
Don't forget the Extreme Unfair Challenges for New & Normal Player they never can clear them at the moment because of pro & Sweaty player.
I swear people cry to much when they get killed by a new item
"Boo Hoo. I have to learn something new!"
Constantly learning to handle a new meta is why I have never once quit Fortnite since I started playing C2S5. I love the variety.
@@Zel-Veraanyou don't know og then..
@@AnnaTheWerewolf there is no OG. Fortnite is Fortnite. Give me a chapter and season or I will never have any idea what you're talking about.
@@Zel-Veraan for real there is so such thing as a good season or bad season (except for chapter 5 season 3)
@@MartinOper-c2y only seasons you enjoy more than others. C2S7 was my fav followed by all of chapter 4.
The monarch pistol is good at damage (especially when using the scope and) the gauntlets are good for damaging builds and players and the siphon medallion is back as good as it was with hades so doom is a good boss
I’m actually happy not all the mythical are out day one because instead of epic dropping the season and not adding anything for 3 months they will be giving us all the fun mythics throughout the season
Epic Games is so selfish!!
Why its selfish
@@olekdreszerit's a bot. Didn't even spell Epicgames right,
Hate Bot
1:52 and they also nerfed it it is nothing like the trailer
This is because this is Doombot’s Mythics. The real doom will be a boss later with the mythics we saw from the trailer.
I agree & what is it with the constant Marvel Season ads? I wasn't able to play due to personal issues, but in game their's ads, D23 COUNTLESS ads & in this season just ads for that season. I'm over here scratching my head a bit & kinda irritated tbh 😅
I have a complaint about Captain America shield. When I try to use it to defend myself, other players still managed to do damage to me
I do agree that Cap’s shield needed a damage block nerf, but damage it delt wise, it was fine. Maybe have it to for every consecutive hit it does it lowers damage? Like 60 first target and then it goes to next target and hits for 50, so 60, 50, 40 and 30 damage for each respective target
Ironman stuff is the worst.
No skill needed.
Totally bs.
for those wondering, the extra mythics are coming in week 5 of the season, alongside the stark rifle.
I wish epic added challenges to unlock the edit styles of skins, backbling and pickaxe like they did in chapter 2 would have the game more replayable and would add some nostalgia for those that played the old marvel season
Cap's Shield, while busted still, post-nerf can be defeated with some luck and a good shotgun. It's not impossible to fight against it anymore. Still hard though. Just find some cover and try getting them stunned...Or shoot them while the shield isn't in their hand.
No this is a good season but the problem is they havent removed the over powered mythics and marvel items from ranked it is basically impossible to play ranked.Your always getting spammed with caps sheild, war machines mythic and doctor doom guantlet. Like last season they put the op cars in ranked, ranked rght now is not a serious battle royale.If you want to play a serious battle royale you have to play reload, but thats just my opinion.
LOL the bosses are the EASIEST they’ve ever been. Ignore all the other bots, drill the boss and then clean up 😂
I don’t even put those gauntlets in my inventory. The mammoth pistol is op and so is the medal.
I actually like dooms ability really fun to use in a build fight
I really wish that Epic Games would watch this video, because, man, you just layed out everything wrong with this season. Thank you!!!! And since I'm a huge LOCKER-Fanatic, my biggest complains are the wraps blocked on some weapons, and Warmachine's arsenal removing the back bling! And let's not even talk about the locker UI in which everything is in disarray
One of my issues is that in the trailer, doom uses mythic gauntlets that fire a sort of kamehameha, which is nowhere in game.
@@Ribbit_00 probably gonna be updated later
It's gonna be added later