Txiv ntxawm koj puas paub kuv tus dab laug kuj nyob lub zos ko thiab tab sis g paub nws npawb xov tooj li lawm es hu g tau nws lawm nws hu ua txooj neeb xyooj no
Tsis thuam leej twg thiab tab sis peb cov kwv tij Hmoob Nplog cov TH-cam ces lam thaij ib tog zus mus xwb los neeg sib huas mus saib,kuv thov qhuas tias dhau li ntawm Xub Thoj lawm es tshuav koj ib leeg es thaij thiab hais lus muaj qab haus dua lawm xwb os
Yog kawg. Tus yawmtxiv no haus lus tseem meej dua npliag dua thiab detail dua xub thoj hos. Kuv twb yuav tau tus yawmtxiv no ob peb daim video tim pebcaug los saib thiab
Why you didn’t show any happy and appreciati them at all you should be nice to them because you are Hmong also, the way they live like this is a Hmong real life’s ok they have money they can buy do anything h they want, is not like you or like me and only own the house but he as no big land like this thank you.
me kwv tij aw.....cov tsawb ntawm koj twb loj yuav luag tsis taus es yuav tau txiv tsawb pob tshiab qhov twg noj nas......peb saib cov tsawb koj twb yuav rov nkag lawm hauv qhov av os .....tsawb twb loj tsis taus es cas yuav khav ua luaj os
Thank you for this opportunity. Subscribed!
Beautiful place uncle wish I had a place like that which I use to live there too in North Carolina
Cas tsis cog nroj kas las mas maj zoo nkauj thiab zoo tshuaj kawg li nawb.
Lom zem kawg li os txiv hlob nom vaj
nyob zoo os tus me nus nej txawm nyob li ko los yeej yog lub teb chaws vam meej ntawm lawv lub neej lm os zoo dua peb nyob rau nplog teb os
Cov nlpej zoo kawg zoo tshaj peb native country lawm tiag2
Wow nplej zoo nkauj tshaj li os.
Zoo nkauj kawg os
tij nej teb chaw zoo nkauj tshaj nyob li ko e puas muaj yoov tom yus li teb chaw nplog na tuaj nia tswb rau koj lawm e pab kuv thiab os
puag nrag mej lub zog cag es kub dua ntawm North Carolina, es Xyoob ho tsi zoo le ntawm north nuav ne yom...nom vaj..!
Leej twg tseem nco2 lub niag neej Hmoob nrog Dab nrog Tsov nyob ces kav tsij nyob ntag, kuv tsa chij dawb lawm lau phooj ywg. Koj ncig mus kom txog Florida es seb koj puas nyiam.
By planting rice in a wetland does it against fed wetland protection law?
It's not a wetland just a field or farm field that they dug up into a rice field which you can see clearly in the video not a natural wetland
Vuag tim mekas muaj hmoob ua liaj thiab ntag tij laug
Muaj mas
Av puas kim thiab nyob north Carolina..?
Tsis tau nug lawv naj
Ntxim huab cua txias zias xwb yom ❤❤❤
Txiv ntxawm koj puas paub kuv tus dab laug kuj nyob lub zos ko thiab tab sis g paub nws npawb xov tooj li lawm es hu g tau nws lawm nws hu ua txooj neeb xyooj no
Kuv nyob Fresno kuv mus xyuas lawv xwb kuv tsis paub thia b os
Tsis thuam leej twg thiab tab sis peb cov kwv tij Hmoob Nplog cov TH-cam ces lam thaij ib tog zus mus xwb los neeg sib huas mus saib,kuv thov qhuas tias dhau li ntawm Xub Thoj lawm es tshuav koj ib leeg es thaij thiab hais lus muaj qab haus dua lawm xwb os
Ua tsaug nawb
Yog kawg. Tus yawmtxiv no haus lus tseem meej dua npliag dua thiab detail dua xub thoj hos. Kuv twb yuav tau tus yawmtxiv no ob peb daim video tim pebcaug los saib thiab
Why you didn’t show any happy and appreciati them at all you should be nice to them because you are Hmong also, the way they live like this is a Hmong real life’s ok they have money they can buy do anything h they want, is not like you or like me and only own the house but he as no big land like this thank you.
200 1i mplogteb
me kwv tij aw.....cov tsawb ntawm koj twb loj yuav luag tsis taus es yuav tau txiv tsawb pob tshiab qhov twg noj nas......peb saib cov tsawb koj twb yuav rov nkag lawm hauv qhov av os .....tsawb twb loj tsis taus es cas yuav khav ua luaj os
Yuk. Bad luving
Vuag tim mekas muaj hmoob ua liaj thiab ntag tij laug
Muaj los mas