Rise Up: Chief Sitting Bull's 1883 Speech (*w/Audio & Running Text) (HD)

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 21 ม.ค. 2018
  • This is a combination of movie clips with the words of Chief Sitting Bull & Red Cloud..., from a September 8th 1883 speech to government officials, railroad barons, and the U.S. military
    in honor of the completion of the Northern Pacific Railway.
    And on this one occasion, after a long and bloody attempt to defend his people and their lands from White invaders, Sitting Bull seized the chance to express his opinion of those he had opposed for so long against tremendous odds.
    Even with a relatively small invasion of Whites, the balance of this life was upset. Sitting Bull summed up the problem, a set of differences that went far beyond culture:
    .."White men like to dig in the ground for their food. My people prefer to hunt the buffalo…White men like to stay in one place. My people want to move their tepees here and there to different hunting grounds. The life of white men is slavery. They are prisoners in their towns or farms. The life my people want is freedom.".. - (Chief Sitting Bull)
    The Lakota also known as Teton, Titunwan ("prairie dwellers"),Teton Sioux ("snake, or enemy") are Indigenous Peoples of the Great Plains. They are part of a confederation of seven related Sioux tribes, the Oceti Šakowiŋ or seven council fires..
    and speak Lakota, one of the three major dialects of the Sioux language.
    The Lakota are the western-most of the three Sioux-language groups, occupying lands in both North and South Dakota. The seven bands or "sub-tribes" of the Lakota are:
    Sicaŋǧu (Brulé, Burned Thighs)
    Oglala ("They Scatter their Own)
    Itazipco (Sans Arc, Without Bows)
    Huŋkpapa ("End Village,"[1] Camps at the End of the Camp Circle)
    Miniconjou ("Plant beside the Stream,"[1] Planters by the Water)
    Sihasapa ("Black Feet")
    Oóhenuŋpa (Two Kettles)
    I claim no ownership of any of the clips, video and words expressed in this video...and employ my borrowing of them with much respect and thanks.
    No personal monetization is being done with this video, by me..., nor am I receiving any other benefits from any of this video.. It is meant for all.., to heal, teach, discuss, inspire and inform...and share.
    Fair use policy applies for all material used in this video.
    I thank Grandfather Chief Sitting Bull..(in Spirit), his family...,
    VICELAND.., RISE.., SACRED HARMONIES ("Lakota Prayers")..; LAKOTA THUNDER ("Way Of Life").... ..and all the other brothers and sisters who have made beautiful music... and saved some great photos of Grandfather Sitting Bull....
    Philamayaye/ Many Blessings & Thanks / Chi Miigwetch!....
    *Set video to 720p HD, for best viewing.

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