That thing is huge! Can't wait to see it go up on the tower. I use liquid tape on projects too and it will wear off. I had never heard of checking the tune on a yagi by standing it up but looks like it works. I will continue to follow the projects because they're fun to watch. Thanks!!
Wow that's amazing, and just standing it up, l would have thought something just would be off. There you go. Learning something new every day, thanks again for the great work Callum , and see you soon. Alan 💯👍
Hello Lord Callum & Fellow radiohaulics: Thank you for this antenna video sir. I truly admire your design + your follow thru your your implementation of your vision . Looking forward to another One of your antenna.
So cool to see how you master the little technical problems. 💪 I enjoy your videos. Looking forward to seeing the Yagi in action and watch a comparison to your vertical.
As someone who builds home brew yagis, I would love to see a fiberglass kit like this. I tried a similar thing with a pair of fishing poles as a rotatable dipole for 15 meters. Also had to laugh when you put all the saddle clamps facing the same side of the plate. I knew before you said, something wasn't going to jive. 😅 Well done though. I love watching your builds. 73, K7AXA
I just tested a Force 12 c3 that exact same way - aft to the ground, fore propped up with a wooden pole in the air. Works great for sweeping with an analyzer or VNA!
Ok, 15 years ago I built plenty of Yagi antennas. One technique was to string para-chord between PVC pipe and attach my wire elements to the para-chord. I'd get very compact antennas meaning short boom length by using folded dipoles for the driven element. The folded dipole drove what would have been nearly a 12.5 ohm feed point up to nearly 50 ohms. I don't remember the specifics anymore, but one that I had was a 4 or 5 element 10 meter Yagi built as indicated that had only roughly 5 feet of boom length. I'd often hang these type antennas in a vertical configuration, but they could be stretched out horizontal too. In vertical config you could rotate them, not in horizontal config. One of my most fun projects was an 11 meter 5 element Yagi as described that we used to get bearings on CB'rs . I had also built a loop antenna that was attached to the rear of my jeep. It had a wonderful null especially due to the jeep body being so close. Once we had the bearing the loop would take us to the CB site over time. It was a giant fox hunt played over 15 to 30 miles and was rather exciting to play. Actually it was a hoot to locate CB stations. It felt a bit like the WW2 days of hunting down spy radios.
Cal, a Cushcraft technician told me to test the 3 El beam by standing it up on the reflector on the ground when I told him I was testing at 1 meter horizontal on saw horses.
Hi Callum, Use a bit of cloth on a string then suck it theough the tubing with a vacuume cleaner. Then use the string to pull your wires through inside of the tubing.
When I did my Yagi I placed on a pole a couple meters above ground like you did, but not touching the ground. The reflector on the ground side and the driven elements facing the sky. Then I adjusted to the desired frequency. Once the Yagi is up in the tower the frequency of the lower SWR can go up some KHz. In my case it when up 40 KHz. Keep all these things in mind. 73 and good luck with your project.
Hi Cal, When I was checking the SWR for my Comet CA-52HB4 4 element 6m yagi, I tested it vertical on the ground and again mounted on the tower and found an increase in the SWR from 1.4:1 on the ground to 1.6:1 on the tower. Both were acceptable. Another problem I had 45 years ago when mounting my 24 foot boom tri-band yagi on the tower was that the mounting plate for the mast was 12 feet off the ground. I was much younger then and did get it mounted with some effort. Five years ago I did a complete rebuild of the crank up tilt over tower and the yagi. I had heard of a tilt plate by NN4ZZ that would allow the yagi to remain horizontal while cranking up the tower to a vertical position. I copied his design and made my own tilt plate. Worked like a charm since I could now mount the yagi on the mast at ground level. Doubt you will have the same problem since your boom is 9 feet long and will only be about 5 feet off the ground when mounting your 20m yagi to the mast. You and the family stay safe. PS Sorry I missed you on DX Engineering today. My low back pain was at an elevated level earlier.
It would be a really interesting experiment to have a cmareman (person?) *and* an editor.. And someone to do the thumbnails, manage the memory cards, battery life, lighting, scripts, video ideas, backups, catalogue the clips, fly the drone etc..! LOL
i'm only 6 mins into the vid but already looking awesome Cal, I like those fiberglass inserts! I'm working on footage of the Moxon build I emailed you about using those same 7m poles, they work great for projects like this. Unfortunately on my allocated /p radio nights, the weather has been pants but ill get a YT link sent over as soon as its done. Don't make too much of a mess throwing your comm's about with that weapon.
Great videos and great fun to watch. Ready to here you on the air with that beam. Don't stop making videos, look everyday to see what you are doing. Oh by the way I am subscribed so I get the notifications. Thanks Callum
Why was I thinking this was going to be all alloy… I should have known you would have used your own poles and nicely done too. Looking forward to the on air results.
Another wonderful video in the books, and the next one I am sure will be just as informative and entertaining. Thanks Calum for what you are doing... 73 and take care. Vic de KE8JWE
@@DXCommanderHQ I've been watching (and subscribed) to your vids for a long time now. To me you are a ham's ham. You give us hams in America enthusiasm!!! '73 from Upstate NY
Hey Callun. I think you should put some distance between your choke and the conductive boom. I’m pretty sure the way it is shown it will skew its resonant point. If sufficiently skewed it will not choke anything at your frequency of interest.
I designed and built a 7 element cross yagi for satellite use. The elements were spaced a 1/4 wavelength apart. They were phased using 1/4 WL 75ohm coax. F/B is about 23dBd gain is 16dBd
I haven't watched to the end yet, but ɑ little suggestion is to use copper or steel tape for the elements (ɑ few cheapo tape measures!). Thicker elements = greater bandwidth. But I love the idea of using the DXC poles for the element supports! Next you'll be building ɑ SteppIR!
Thicker elements might make more bandwidth but a) you would need to make them substantially larger and b) I already get all the band I need :) (c - tape can snap as the element flexes)
Call just watch your build maybe I will put a cable Thai on each and just in case the tape gives way good build hope you have lots of success with it how to have lots of success with it
I quit filming because it was causing me to make all sorts of mistakes. Turns out - I still make all the bloody mistakes! Guess I should turn the camera back on because now I don't even have any excuses....
I have used that method for check the swr on a yagi , it's pretty close. I built a 2 element 20m Yagi out of aluminum a few years ago . The only difference is I made it a driven and a driver, A couple hams encouraged me to do this and it worked great. Your setup would be nice to take portable with a push up pole. Thanks for the video Callum 73.
Great work. That short piece of RG 58 should be fine. just limits power to about 500 watts . Just watch SWR on QRO. it will start to jump when coax heats up. The SWR should drop even further when on tower. That air choke should be fine. Just 1 band . You could use that VNA to measure the choke . Have to make a test jig to swap shield and center to measure attenuation. I made coax choke out of 6 MM coax. (RG 8X ) 65MM 17 turns worked great at 11 meters. The outher way to choke it is use like 7 snap ferrites type 31 on coax. Ur use a 1:1 Balun . Easy wint on FT 240-31 core with MAG wire . It is a Choke - Balun you made. Balanced antenna to coax that is balanced . It is how it is used what determines what you call it ,If you go buy ARRL antenna book. It just works ! The RF does not come back down the outside of shield. Cheers from NY !
I looked up mil spec RG 58/U I have made in UK . at 20 meters CW power is 580 watts cont . With that short piece you should be ok. Just watch reflect on ACOM . If you melt it ,Give it to Mike. LOL I ran 500 watt CW threw what I have and only got warm. and that on 10 meters !
Point of curiosity. Will the field of the aluminum "tower" bother with the field or the effectiveness of the the choke? I guess if the SWR is good it just doesn't matter. At some point in a build you have to just start stuffing bits together, sort out the issues as you go, and curse and swear until it works right! :) Sometimes the struggle bus is the only bus! Fun to watch Callum! !
is the yagi reflector and driven elements or driven and director elements. i prefer driven and director, shorter boom. sure mine on the my 4 element yagi dropped to 28ohms. 5 turns of copper wire wrapped on an inch former and fitted across the dipole center. brought it back to 50 ohms. i made a telescopic boom which i can alter size for the band i want and fit or remove the correct elements for bands all on quick fit connecters. 2 elements on 40mtrs 4 elements on 20mtrs 4 elements 0n 15mts. and 6 elements on 10mts. no tower i use a jcb telehandler to get it 80ft and a tilt plate to keep the antenna parallel to the ground. i have the gear and i have the knowledge but don't have any motivation to play radio. have fun with the yagi.
OK, this is a reflector. Either makes almost no difference at all. The reason for my longer boom was to get closer to 50 ohms. SHorter boom will drop the impedance. When I move to 3-elements I *WILL* need to match it then! All copied on the rest. Good luck.
Callum… get yourself 3:1 black heat shrink tubing and you might be able to fit the tubing over the fork connectors. If not, get yourself some long needle nose plyers and stretch the width of the 3:1 tubing just so it will fit. 73 de KD6UYK (Tim).
Hey Cal, curious to know are you using a wireless wifi camera for view of your field with a solar panel? If so what model is it? I see you can view it on your PC which is something I'm looking at doing.
I use regular cheap Reolink camera via PoE. WIreless would work too since we have an access point in the field. But I would still need wire for the 12V.. So we ran ethernet out to the field when we installed the cables.
BEST aluminum is from a hand glider if you can find it Have be doing a 20meter 2 element yagi 4920mm each side should be just about spot on for gama match up 6 meters Just done a VEE 4920- 45% JUST LIKE THE FINGER SULUTE at 8 meters in last 5 days all so have a 4 element 3 element yagi on tilt over 50 x50 x 3 8 meter long post is 4x2 box at 3.3 meters using a boat trailer winch yaesu rotator 850 modle How to make your own turning beam 40mm box using a 10 mm rod welded up on side acting as a brace like a lifting bar on a crane cut 12 40 mm boxsection 50 mm long weld 2 40 x40 gether to make a spacers so you can slide the 25 mm galv pipe up the spacers cap the bottom so pipe dont fall out bottom should have a meter poking out the top to put the YAGI ON so you have a 40x40 with packers spaced evenly then pipe slides into it oppsite side you have the bracing Cheap tilt over 40x40 at 8 = 70 us 10 mm rod 10 us 4x2 box 100 us cment 10 pipe 60 us evenly spaced over 8 meter 250 $ usa ALL UP
@DXCommanderHQ hmm ok. I was concerned for your father as he erected the mast. He was breathing very heavily and he was obviously out of shape. It was not wise in any instance to be putting that up alone. He expressed concern over something going wrong. He should have had another person on the other side to monitor the tension on the opposing guy line. Personally, I would have put up a tower. ROHN 25G would have been fine for 45 feet. That's a lot of torque stress on that rotor at the base. But it was very entertaining. Your father is a smart man! I wish you safe DX ing going forward and please have another person present if you put more antennas up. God bless and 73's
The breathing is actually the Compressor on the audio mixer. If you dump the compressor, the breathing stops. It's still real but because it's so quiet, the compressor ramps it up.
For a horizontal beam what angle to the horizon should we be aiming to get the most radiation close to when modelling? 15° 18° 20°? Is the lower the angle always better?
OK.. Depends on the day and the distance.. The reason the HUGE contest stations have stacked yagis with "stack-match" switches is to select anywhere from 1-degree (top only yagi) through 3, 5 and 8 degrees (bottom yagi). This is because at super high heights, the lobes can have nulls / consequences. A very high yagi might have a major null at say 5 degrees and you need to dial that out with another yago lower down the tower.. It's a big question and a huge answer (sorry) but most of the time, your DX will be between 3 and 8 degrees - sometimes as high as 15 degrees (under 1,000km).
@DXCommanderHQ hi Callum, thanks for the explanation. I guess the lower the angle the longer the skip distance and so, as you say, the ability to adjust this by switching in and out beams in a stack would be very effective. I'm playing around with a portable wire beam and there I'm looking at 13° at the horizon at best due in part to height limitations. 73 Ed
I am wondering, some time in the future, when your Henge is excavated, what will be the theory of all the poles, antennas etc. Of course there will be no trace of youtube any more to explain anything. Will they wonder where and how you transported the standing poles around the World and how did you erect them. You ought to do a time capsule to explain it all to the poor explorers who will be so confused 🙂
I use rg400 in that type of application. It's teflon PTFE insulated between the inner and shield so good for POWER. Good for proper qro. I have saw folks push over 5k through it, but it gets HOT. Definitely be careful with the rg58 at 1kw.. 😂
Interesting home brew build to be honest. Now I wanna give it a try. I definitely think you should make this as DX Commander Yagi kit. However you might wanna experiment some more. There is a video on this same type of Yagi a guy did but he shortend the elements by using loading coils on both elements both sides and he got the SWR to 1.0. Video here: . Also using 4 DX commander mast is gonna make this kit expensive, but Im sure that can be worked out somehow. Cheers!
I can't get enough of watching you built antennas out in the antenna field. It's soul-soothing.
Oh nice!
That thing is huge! Can't wait to see it go up on the tower. I use liquid tape on projects too and it will wear off. I had never heard of checking the tune on a yagi by standing it up but looks like it works. I will continue to follow the projects because they're fun to watch. Thanks!!
I love it!
Ahhh, the joys of experimentation in the world of ham radio! Keep up the good work, Callum.
Thanks, will do!
Wow that's amazing, and just standing it up, l would have thought something just would be off. There you go. Learning something new every day, thanks again for the great work Callum , and see you soon. Alan 💯👍
Thank you! Cheers!
When I was setting my 5 element 6 meter yagi up, I was told to do the same as you did. The swr moved a few kc,s but was great to use.
Yes.. I have noticed mine moved down a little bit. Perfect.
Hello Lord Callum & Fellow radiohaulics: Thank you for this antenna video sir. I truly admire your design + your follow thru your your implementation of your vision . Looking forward to another
One of your antenna.
Many thanks!
I appreciate you sharing your knowledge and experience with us. You’re a natural teacher.
Woo! Thanks!
Loving the project! Great work Callum!
Glad to hear it!
So cool to see how you master the little technical problems. 💪
I enjoy your videos. Looking forward to seeing the Yagi in action and watch a comparison to your vertical.
Working on it!
Great video Callum. Always good to see you go through your thought process and "engineer" it to happen - Thanks. - Cheers!
Thanks 👍
I wish I was back in country so I can do some crazy stuff! Good job sir! Can’t wait for the next one!
Hang on!!
As someone who builds home brew yagis, I would love to see a fiberglass kit like this. I tried a similar thing with a pair of fishing poles as a rotatable dipole for 15 meters.
Also had to laugh when you put all the saddle clamps facing the same side of the plate. I knew before you said, something wasn't going to jive. 😅
Well done though. I love watching your builds.
73, K7AXA
I just tested a Force 12 c3 that exact same way - aft to the ground, fore propped up with a wooden pole in the air. Works great for sweeping with an analyzer or VNA!
Ok, 15 years ago I built plenty of Yagi antennas.
One technique was to string para-chord between PVC pipe and attach my wire elements to the para-chord. I'd get very compact antennas meaning short boom length by using folded dipoles for the driven element. The folded dipole drove what would have been nearly a 12.5 ohm feed point up to nearly 50 ohms.
I don't remember the specifics anymore, but one that I had was a 4 or 5 element 10 meter Yagi built as indicated that had only roughly 5 feet of boom length. I'd often hang these type antennas in a vertical configuration, but they could be stretched out horizontal too. In vertical config you could rotate them, not in horizontal config.
One of my most fun projects was an 11 meter 5 element Yagi as described that we used to get bearings on CB'rs . I had also built a loop antenna that was attached to the rear of my jeep. It had a wonderful null especially due to the jeep body being so close. Once we had the bearing the loop would take us to the CB site over time. It was a giant fox hunt played over 15 to 30 miles and was rather exciting to play.
Actually it was a hoot to locate CB stations. It felt a bit like the WW2 days of hunting down spy radios.
Haha.. Great memories!
Hi Cal. This is Thoroughly enjoyable! Thanks so much for making this so easy to understand. I'm really looking forward to the next Edition.
Cal, a Cushcraft technician told me to test the 3 El beam by standing it up on the reflector on the ground when I told him I was testing at 1 meter horizontal on saw horses.
Saw Horses! FUNNY!
Hi Callum,
Use a bit of cloth on a string then suck it theough the tubing with a vacuume cleaner. Then use the string to pull your wires through inside of the tubing.
Or borrow John's Cobra LOL!
When I did my Yagi I placed on a pole a couple meters above ground like you did, but not touching the ground. The reflector on the ground side and the driven elements facing the sky. Then I adjusted to the desired frequency. Once the Yagi is up in the tower the frequency of the lower SWR can go up some KHz. In my case it when up 40 KHz. Keep all these things in mind. 73 and good luck with your project.
I remember my dad do that to tune his yagi in the early 70's
Hi Cal,
When I was checking the SWR for my Comet CA-52HB4 4 element 6m yagi, I tested it vertical on the ground and again mounted on the tower and found an increase in the SWR from 1.4:1 on the ground to 1.6:1 on the tower. Both were acceptable. Another problem I had 45 years ago when mounting my 24 foot boom tri-band yagi on the tower was that the mounting plate for the mast was 12 feet off the ground. I was much younger then and did get it mounted with some effort. Five years ago I did a complete rebuild of the crank up tilt over tower and the yagi. I had heard of a tilt plate by NN4ZZ that would allow the yagi to remain horizontal while cranking up the tower to a vertical position. I copied his design and made my own tilt plate. Worked like a charm since I could now mount the yagi on the mast at ground level. Doubt you will have the same problem since your boom is 9 feet long and will only be about 5 feet off the ground when mounting your 20m yagi to the mast. You and the family stay safe.
PS Sorry I missed you on DX Engineering today. My low back pain was at an elevated level earlier.
Yes, I've seen tilt plates. Very cool. PS - Good luck with the back.
Fascinating stuff Callum. Not easy when you haven't got a dedicated videographer!
It would be a really interesting experiment to have a cmareman (person?) *and* an editor.. And someone to do the thumbnails, manage the memory cards, battery life, lighting, scripts, video ideas, backups, catalogue the clips, fly the drone etc..! LOL
@@DXCommanderHQ Haha, yes, a very expensive experiment!
i'm only 6 mins into the vid but already looking awesome Cal, I like those fiberglass inserts! I'm working on footage of the Moxon build I emailed you about using those same 7m poles, they work great for projects like this. Unfortunately on my allocated /p radio nights, the weather has been pants but ill get a YT link sent over as soon as its done.
Don't make too much of a mess throwing your comm's about with that weapon.
Ah! Copied!
Great build! Thanks for sharing it with us.
No problem 👍
Two words, Cal. Excellent video!
Thank you kindly!
Great videos and great fun to watch. Ready to here you on the air with that beam. Don't stop making videos, look everyday to see what you are doing. Oh by the way I am subscribed so I get the notifications. Thanks Callum
Fab. Thanks!
That'd be brilliant if you sold a kit! I really enjoy watching you build new antennas!
That's the plan!
Cool Project brother... nicely done. Well thought out and engineered.
Tnx John!!
This is an Epic series and the intro really does it justice. Well done Callum. 73 DE Mike M0SAZ.
Tnx Mike!
@Callum, I am seening this series of video 3 time already, very inspiring. This video is my 6 time just to het the dimensions.
Yeah.. This is good fun.. I'll do a wrap up video after I've fitted the new pulleys and Dyneema rope.
Looking good, what a fun project!
Why was I thinking this was going to be all alloy… I should have known you would have used your own poles and nicely done too. Looking forward to the on air results.
Another wonderful video in the books, and the next one I am sure will be just as informative and entertaining. Thanks Calum for what you are doing... 73 and take care. Vic de KE8JWE
Great project, looking forward to the next video!
More to come!
Got to love the he calls two pipes a Tower !
The comment section in the main is addressing "Me" so "He" is someone else.
Old fart strikes.
1) It's two tubes and 2) two tubes is more than one.
Let's see your tower then ??
Exciting! Look forward to hearing you on the air..
Amazing!!! just Amazing!!! Brilliant!!! Thanks from Upstate NY
@@DXCommanderHQ I've been watching (and subscribed) to your vids for a long time now. To me you are a ham's ham. You give us hams in America enthusiasm!!! '73 from Upstate NY
Great to watch 👍🏻 No droop 👍🏻 I too have a pocket full of scraps of tape….😁
Haha Ian.. Yeah, I hate dropping stuff on the ground.. I do keep finding odd bits though days later!
Good job callum cheers from vk3 pmw 🇦🇺
Thank you!
🇬🇧 Nice use of the aloom-inum, and no soddering either.😉
Well done great build. Why not put the wires in the pole?
Too close together.. (PS And an engineering nightmare! - I tried it!)
Great work, hope to see it in action soon !
This weekend..!
Hey Callun. I think you should put some distance between your choke and the conductive boom. I’m pretty sure the way it is shown it will skew its resonant point. If sufficiently skewed it will not choke anything at your frequency of interest.
Nah.. It'll be fine :)
Excellent content as always
Much appreciated!!
I designed and built a 7 element cross yagi for satellite use. The elements were spaced a 1/4 wavelength apart. They were phased using 1/4 WL 75ohm coax.
F/B is about 23dBd gain is 16dBd
I haven't watched to the end yet, but ɑ little suggestion is to use copper or steel tape for the elements (ɑ few cheapo tape measures!). Thicker elements = greater bandwidth. But I love the idea of using the DXC poles for the element supports!
Next you'll be building ɑ SteppIR!
Thicker elements might make more bandwidth but a) you would need to make them substantially larger and b) I already get all the band I need :) (c - tape can snap as the element flexes)
An Englishman using keys and screws in millimeters? The world is no longer the same... lol 73 from Brazil!
Call just watch your build maybe I will put a cable Thai on each and just in case the tape gives way good build hope you have lots of success with it how to have lots of success with it
I quit filming because it was causing me to make all sorts of mistakes. Turns out - I still make all the bloody mistakes! Guess I should turn the camera back on because now I don't even have any excuses....
HAHA Matt!!! So funny :)
Hey matt can you do better ?
@jippel1 Re-read it. Took a shot at myself...not Cal. We're all friends here mate.
Thanks for yr video, are there any cheap ways of covering plastic elements with a thin conductive material, instead of wiring?
8th word in. No.
I want one Callum!! You know me and antennas lol!
I have used that method for check the swr on a yagi , it's pretty close. I built a 2 element 20m Yagi out of aluminum a few years ago . The only difference is I made it a driven and a driver, A couple hams encouraged me to do this and it worked great. Your setup would be nice to take portable with a push up pole. Thanks for the video Callum 73.
Many thanks for the Video
Looking forward to seeing it up on the tower. If you can get that up on the tower, then I can get the Hexbeam up on a similar tower. 😉
(Teaser.. It's up!)
Well done 🎉
To get a more accurate VSWR measurement of a beam at ground level, point it skywards with the reflector at the bottom...
Now I'm pretty sure that's what I did.
Looks like you'll need to extend the antenna field again soon 😂🎉 73 M7OOR
Great work, never mind the USA, you should get vk easerly with that set up every day of the week.
Yes.. and the rotator works!
Great work Callum ... could MMANA optimize your Yagi for Gain and SWR ? cant wait to see the comparison to your great GP ... ! Thanks Niels
Yeah.. I did that. Too many videos. I might cover that in the winter.
Great work. That short piece of RG 58 should be fine. just limits power to about 500 watts . Just watch SWR on QRO. it will start to jump when coax heats up. The SWR should drop even further when on tower. That air choke should be fine. Just 1 band . You could use that VNA to measure the choke . Have to make a test jig to swap shield and center to measure attenuation. I made coax choke out of 6 MM coax. (RG 8X ) 65MM 17 turns worked great at 11 meters. The outher way to choke it is use like 7 snap ferrites type 31 on coax. Ur use a 1:1 Balun . Easy wint on FT 240-31 core with MAG wire . It is a Choke - Balun you made. Balanced antenna to coax that is balanced . It is how it is used what determines what you call it ,If you go buy ARRL antenna book. It just works ! The RF does not come back down the outside of shield. Cheers from NY !
With low SWR, RG58 will handle high power with ease.. I fully intend to blast it with 1,500W.
I looked up mil spec RG 58/U I have made in UK . at 20 meters CW power is 580 watts cont . With that short piece you should be ok. Just watch reflect on ACOM . If you melt it ,Give it to Mike. LOL I ran 500 watt CW threw what I have and only got warm. and that on 10 meters !
@31:50 is a CRJ200
Thank you!
Point of curiosity.
Will the field of the aluminum "tower" bother with the field or the effectiveness of the the choke? I guess if the SWR is good it just doesn't matter.
At some point in a build you have to just start stuffing bits together, sort out the issues as you go, and curse and swear until it works right! :)
Sometimes the struggle bus is the only bus!
Fun to watch Callum! !
Indeed.. AT some point, we have to start (as you call it) "stuffing" and see what happens! Brilliant comment.
Big and Amazing work
Thank you so much 😀
Can also make a moxon, find they work better than 2 Element yagi, and you get a smaller footprint.
They don't work "better" it's just they are more compact.
is the yagi reflector and driven elements or driven and director elements. i prefer driven and director, shorter boom. sure mine on the my 4 element yagi dropped to 28ohms. 5 turns of copper wire wrapped on an inch former and fitted across the dipole center. brought it back to 50 ohms. i made a telescopic boom which i can alter size for the band i want and fit or remove the correct elements for bands all on quick fit connecters. 2 elements on 40mtrs 4 elements on 20mtrs 4 elements 0n 15mts. and 6 elements on 10mts. no tower i use a jcb telehandler to get it 80ft and a tilt plate to keep the antenna parallel to the ground. i have the gear and i have the knowledge but don't have any motivation to play radio. have fun with the yagi.
OK, this is a reflector. Either makes almost no difference at all. The reason for my longer boom was to get closer to 50 ohms. SHorter boom will drop the impedance. When I move to 3-elements I *WILL* need to match it then! All copied on the rest. Good luck.
i like the green poles
Hey Callum, I would be interested in a kit .
I thought I was already subscribed! 73!
That was excellent!
More to come!
I would defo buy a kit if one was available.
Perhaps ultimately put the DX50 elements inside the poles? If you will be running 1kW it should not affect performance that much.....
I mean I thought about it.. And putting some shock-cord etc. etc.. But it's just a test :)
I would have made the boom to mast and boom to element clamps longer with four clamps to make sure they don’t twist in the wind.
They won't. G'luck.
choke should be taped to the mas pole would be better
Hi Cal any info on the joiners you used inside the rapide poles, what is it size material ect, thanks,
Yes.. They are the RAPIDE PLUS ground posts :)
Callum… get yourself 3:1 black heat shrink tubing and you might be able to fit the tubing over the fork connectors. If not, get yourself some long needle nose plyers and stretch the width of the 3:1 tubing just so it will fit. 73 de KD6UYK (Tim).
I have that heat shrink.. But I pout the forks on by accident and it won't fit.
Hey Cal, curious to know are you using a wireless wifi camera for view of your field with a solar panel? If so what model is it? I see you can view it on your PC which is something I'm looking at doing.
I use regular cheap Reolink camera via PoE. WIreless would work too since we have an access point in the field. But I would still need wire for the 12V.. So we ran ethernet out to the field when we installed the cables.
Would it improve the SWR curve to use 3 wires on the pole? Each connected but at 120 degrees on the pole.
Not the SWR.. You MIGHT see very slightly better bandwidth but in all honestly, we're talking only a smidge. Good idea though!
Did the drone video get corrupted toward the end of the video?
BEST aluminum is from a hand glider if you can find it Have be doing a 20meter 2 element yagi 4920mm each side should be just about spot on for gama match up 6 meters
Just done a VEE 4920- 45% JUST LIKE THE FINGER SULUTE at 8 meters in last 5 days all so have a 4 element 3 element yagi on tilt over 50 x50 x 3 8 meter long post is 4x2 box at 3.3 meters using a boat trailer winch yaesu rotator 850 modle
How to make your own turning beam 40mm box using a 10 mm rod welded up on side acting as a brace like a lifting bar on a crane cut 12 40 mm boxsection 50 mm long weld 2 40 x40 gether to make a spacers so you can slide the 25 mm galv pipe up the spacers cap the bottom so pipe dont fall out bottom should have a meter poking out the top to put the YAGI ON
so you have a 40x40 with packers spaced evenly then pipe slides into it oppsite side you have the bracing
Cheap tilt over 40x40 at 8 = 70 us 10 mm rod 10 us 4x2 box 100 us cment 10 pipe 60 us
evenly spaced over 8 meter 250 $ usa ALL UP
I’ve found that cable ties will fail after being exposed to UV even though they are supposedly UV stable.
The sun degrades EVERYTHING in time.
In your office, is that an Electro-Voice RE20 microphone?
RE20 at home and RE27ND in the office, yes.
Could the boom section be telescopic as well ? Maybe some of the thicker Nebula tubes or would they not be strong enough?
I did think of that but a simple thin-wall alloy tube is cheap and easy.
Why is the feed point impedance 37R? Ɑ 1/2 wave dipole is 72R at its centre. Is this an effect of the second element?
Apparently Andy, yes.
K3HQX here, Have you ever had the nuts losen up on you due to sympathetic vibration from wind and changes in temperature?
Actually no..!
@DXCommanderHQ hmm ok. I was concerned for your father as he erected the mast. He was breathing very heavily and he was obviously out of shape. It was not wise in any instance to be putting that up alone. He expressed concern over something going wrong. He should have had another person on the other side to monitor the tension on the opposing guy line. Personally, I would have put up a tower. ROHN 25G would have been fine for 45 feet. That's a lot of torque stress on that rotor at the base. But it was very entertaining. Your father is a smart man! I wish you safe DX ing going forward and please have another person present if you put more antennas up. God bless and 73's
The breathing is actually the Compressor on the audio mixer. If you dump the compressor, the breathing stops. It's still real but because it's so quiet, the compressor ramps it up.
Even if you're subbed, TH-cam unsubs or forgets to show you new content from your favourites.... 😭
For a horizontal beam what angle to the horizon should we be aiming to get the most radiation close to when modelling? 15° 18° 20°? Is the lower the angle always better?
OK.. Depends on the day and the distance.. The reason the HUGE contest stations have stacked yagis with "stack-match" switches is to select anywhere from 1-degree (top only yagi) through 3, 5 and 8 degrees (bottom yagi). This is because at super high heights, the lobes can have nulls / consequences. A very high yagi might have a major null at say 5 degrees and you need to dial that out with another yago lower down the tower.. It's a big question and a huge answer (sorry) but most of the time, your DX will be between 3 and 8 degrees - sometimes as high as 15 degrees (under 1,000km).
@DXCommanderHQ hi Callum, thanks for the explanation. I guess the lower the angle the longer the skip distance and so, as you say, the ability to adjust this by switching in and out beams in a stack would be very effective. I'm playing around with a portable wire beam and there I'm looking at 13° at the horizon at best due in part to height limitations. 73 Ed
How did you set up the reflector wire??
A bit longer as per spreadsheet.. Just one long wire.
I am wondering, some time in the future, when your Henge is excavated, what will be the theory of all the poles, antennas etc. Of course there will be no trace of youtube any more to explain anything. Will they wonder where and how you transported the standing poles around the World and how did you erect them. You ought to do a time capsule to explain it all to the poor explorers who will be so confused 🙂
Time capsule! Love it.
It's about time 😅
Where do you get that self emalgamating tape?
Just search "Self Amalgamating Tape" and you'll find it. No worries.
I built one once. Tip Buy from DX Engineering next time 🙂
Haha.. They'll be selling this! LOL
Can't wait for the 40 meter version lol
Oh heck.. Only done that once before!
Could of used 2 old silver rods
Calum, that rg58 choke wont want to see 1kw. I know you know that, but just for others. Maybe 500w? Dont want to hurt that nice amplifier. 73, GI0UTE
Nah.. It'll be fine on 1,500W.. We'll fry it and find out!
I use rg400 in that type of application. It's teflon PTFE insulated between the inner and shield so good for POWER. Good for proper qro. I have saw folks push over 5k through it, but it gets HOT. Definitely be careful with the rg58 at 1kw.. 😂
RG58 at 1500W? I'd be a bit concerned about that.
it was a white one. bemi, plane expert. 73
Bemi! LOL Funny!
I don't think that will fit in my garden hihi..... Love the progress though.
Great fun!
Last time i had homebrew i woke up 2 days later
Haha me too!!
You’ll have someone’s eye out with that….
Also.. be careful of fish hooks.
Interesting home brew build to be honest. Now I wanna give it a try. I definitely think you should make this as DX Commander Yagi kit. However you might wanna experiment some more. There is a video on this same type of Yagi a guy did but he shortend the elements by using loading coils on both elements both sides and he got the SWR to 1.0. Video here: . Also using 4 DX commander mast is gonna make this kit expensive, but Im sure that can be worked out somehow. Cheers!
Not so keen on the coil version.. Unless folks have space issues.
Respackte ❤ 73
Thank you!