It should be noted that the ''deutschland über alles part '' isn't in the context of ''germany is better than the rest'' but that a united germany should stand above all the seperate states it was made of prior to the unification.
thats a load of shit every country knows their country is better than every other country and that’s ok not only is that ok but that’s expected people should take pride in their countries and nationalities afterall, that’s free speech
same as Great Britain , people wrongly assume it means Britain is proclaiming its greatness when similarly it means the greater union of England ,Scotland , Wales and Ireland at the time.
@@FreiheitInDeutschland They are bunch of Neoliberals who hate nationalism. 🤦 Formation of Allies was a mista- [10/02/2022: Nevermind! How tf could I be so dumb? Being a low-key wehraboo or some whacky pseudo-nazi whacky shieet was a mistake.]
@@balistixmapping197 There's nothing wrong with German Nationalism by itself. I like the song, but I'm an American with 1/6th German heritage so it's not incredibly important to me. Deutchlandied is the true "Nazi anthem" which should rightfully get banned in Germany. Be that as it may, I think that you'd have to be a major crybaby to complain about liberals and the allied powers. The concept of allies vs. axis came and went with the end of WW2,. Only neo-Nazi's and Pan-German Nationalists would go out of their way to point fingers at the enemies of their grandparents and blame them for the anti-Nationalist sentiment that plagues the country today. While it's true that the alliance system sorta encouraged the formation of the axis powers, we didn't push the Sturmabteilung into a position of leadership. That was a choice made by German elites. The allied powers were merely a coalition of nations that fought for the greater good on a global scale. The axis powers, on the other hand, they were working to establish their sovereignty from widely-accepted norms of ethics, human rights, voting, legislation, imperialism, etc. The formation of the Weimar Republic and its subsequent issues with hyperinflation was tragic for sure. However, there are a lot of easy solutions for correcting hyperinflation like market regulation, financial aid, fixation on trade, government assistance, etc. The Sturmabteilung took the least efficient, most heavy-handed possible approach to fix the economy by attempting to restrict access to resources for certain people, taking resources by force from other countries, slave labor, regulating German domestic consumption, and working German citizens down to the bone. Needless to say, neither the Weimar Republic nor the Sturmabteilung knew what the fuck they should do to fix the problems that riddled Germany and its citizens. The "boom" which German's saw during Nazi-rule was, essentially, a temporary resurgence in economic prosperity that came and went with the war. Combined with a skewed presentation of economic date and outright lies, he managed to convince the German people that he was doing great things for the country. What he didn't want them to know is that German prosperity would end once the war came to a close. He tried to cast a booming wartime economy as his personal blessing to the German people, but they were the ones doing all the footwork. He took credit for the German people's hard work, both gleefully and shamelessly. "One Germany, Above the Rest" refers to the German states forming into a single nation. This "One Germany" was, indeed, greater than the sum of its parts. Nazi Germany was anything but a "One Germany" given the sheer amount of voter-suppression, dirty money, civil unrest, and forcible suppression that it took to get the Nazi's where they didn't belong. Civilian participation in legislative and political affairs is, in fact, one of the many necessary parts of establishing a great country. Hitler failed to realize that. The Nazis failed to realize that. The Sturmabteilung failed to see that. And y'all Pan-German Nationalists are probably going to fall into the same trap if anyone ever trusts you with any kind of power (God help us if that happens.) You can be a German Nationalist without being a Nazi, bro.
The meaning of "Deutschland über alles" is that we are of a single German Nation and Realm (Das Deutscher Reich) rather than our various lands. For example: I am of Silesia, a Prussian land once partitioned with Austria, I now live in Bavaria, but above all these lands I am proudly a daughter of ONE GERMANY [Deutschland über alles in der welt]
Not even the USSR hated Germans for being Germans. Stalin wanted a unified Germany anyway. Pride is important for communism too, and the Germans are a great people, but sadly there are other stupid people with no honor and pride, that don't like it when you take pride.
IrreverendSister, Yup and that's why it's kinda sad that part of the song has gotten such a bad reputation, it's actually a nice sentiment that will likely always be relevant. It honestly seems like that verse is just "banned" based on The Allies misunderstanding what it meant. lol Them being shit at German seems to have resulted in the censoring of the anthem which is honestly quite ridiculous. :P
I am from south america and Brazil have some german cities in the south where people speak german, Chile adopted the Prussian parade style, and Venezuela adopted Weimar Republic's economy. We really like Germany here. Greetings from Brazil
@@harrb3736 ich finde sie klingen gleich gut, und die Melodie hier wurde wenigstens speziell für Deutschland (bzw. das Heilige Römische Reich Deutscher Nation) geschrieben, während Heil dir im Siegerkranz von den Britten geklaut war😂 Dennoch geniale Hymne.
@@MonsieurWeevil Es wurde nicht geklaut sondern die Melodie wurde von einem unbekannten Komponisten geschrieben, welches von vielen Ländern benutzt wurde zum gleichen Zeitpunkt wo die Briten es benutzt haben. Das erste Land welches die Melodie genutzt hat war Frankreich und nicht GB. Ebenfalls durch die connections der Königshäuser welche auch verbunden waren wurde diese Melodie ebenfalls benutzt und auch weitergegeben. Länder die die melodie genutzt haben waren/sind (Sachsen, Hannover, Bayern Preußen, deutsches Kaiserreich, Großbritannien, USA, Schweiz, Lichtenstein, Russland Schweden usw.)
This particular recording…..just gives me the chills. It’s as if they sing, with hope for the future, yet also completely knowing of the suffering and destruction that would come later.
its sad that germans have been so guilted by the rest of the world about their national identity that they cant even sing their entire national anthem, only the 3rd verse. I am not german and i find nothing offensive about the first verse. everybody has a right to think (and sing) that their country is best in the world/ above all. Doesnt make it true. But that is not offensive
The first stanza is obsolete, since Germany has been united since 1871 and you no longer have to dream of a community of all German countries, where you have to put the problem above everything else in the world. The 2nd stanza is just a tralala with a soul of wine, women and singing. Only the third stanza today makes sense because it reflects the words of our democratic constitution.
@@folkestender2025 Germany isn`t united and it is still not free! The Federal Republik of Germany is not the sovereign German Reich, the FRG is a puppet of the Allies like the GDR it was. The FRG is a non-governmental organization and it is not a state of the German nation, it is called vereintigtes Wirtschaftsgebiet = united tradezones!!! There is no peace agreement with the German Reich, the 2+4 agreement was no peace agreement with the German Reich, it was an commercial / private agreement between 2 occupied zones (FRG + GDR) + the Allies! And since 75 years Prussia, Pommerania, Slilesia, the Sudeteland etc. is occopied by Poland, Russia and Czechian. The German Reich did never gave up the sovereignity in 1945, the Wehrmacht capitulated but not the German Reich. Please guys wake up where ever you are, with the uncontrolled migration progress it is now a rape and genozid zone against all indigenous Europeans!
@@gottmituns6297 Would you like to know why the empire no longer exists? The empire has not existed since 1945 because there were too many national manipulated people who had the same ideas as you. People with their nationalist ideas have destroyed the over 1000 year old empire in just 12 years. Dreaming your dream, but leave us alone wit your ideas, you Reichsbürger. The Third Reich was just an artificial structure anyway, which was brought about by reactionary political fraud and manipulation in 1933, that eliminated democracy. The real empire was abolished in 1918 with a revolution, because the majority of Germans no longer wanted it.
Mr Happy Früher hat es geklappt, aber heutzutage würde so etwas nicht funktionieren. Das liegt aber auch daran, dass die früheren Linken auch patriotisch waren. Heutzutage kann man aber wirtschaftlich Linke und Rechte dennoch vereinen. Das sieht man bspw. in Brandenburg. Viele Wähler der Linke und der SPD sind zur AfD gegangen.
@@jimhuffman9434 Correct, he was a conservative, hostile towards both republicanism and populism. Conservatives / aristocrats were probably one of the biggest enemies of the NS German regime in the 1930s and 1940s, with the attempt on the Fuhrer's life being one of the most damning examples. That being said, I can respect Bismark as a great strategist and statesman regardless of if I agree or disagree with all his views and goals.
He weren’t failed painter. He wanted to go into art but the art school recommended him go into architecture. Your comment: Facts: Ima bout to end this mans whole career
Eigentlich schon 👏 ich als Kurde finde das alles wirklich sehr schade was die Nazis damals getan haben! Und hitler erst recht 🥴 die meisten mussten halt mit machen sonst wären sie selbst von denn eigenen Staat als verräterisch bezeichnet. Wahnsinn.
When my family served in theTeutonic Knights to Prussia then the German Empire all the way to the Weimar Republic then to the NSDAP. Now ws stopped serving the country that betrayed us and their own people named todays present Germany the Federal Republic of Germany. May God protect the German people!
If your family served the Second Reich, then they served many of the Royal Families from which I have descent. On their behalf, I offer my sincerest gratitude for that service given!
This song was he tune of our school him which we sang every mningin assembly. When I told my nephew who's mother was german, he couldn't believe it. Nearly 50 years after leaving school I can still Sing the first verse.
Who "lets" Putin keep the anthem? Is there somebody out there who decides which anthem a country is allowed to have? The current German anthem is the third verse of the former anthem, the "Deutschlandlied". The first verse was used by the Nazis to promote German aggression against its neighbors. The second verse mentioned the boundaries of Germany as it was in the 30s. The boundaries are different now, so the second verse is inaccurate. There is a very good reason why the German people prefer to get rid of the former 1st and 2nd verses: Germany is now a peaceful nation which cooperates with its neighbors, committed to human rights and democracy.
Man, the First part wasn't even composed during the Nazi era. It was way before Nazism even happened just like what everyone says in this comment section
They? Who!? You think someone is in control of Putin's anthem choices lol? And I think the process was a little more complicated than that. Also, and most importantly, the current lyrics are COMPLETELY different. Not to mention that the USSR (and the other allied powers) won the war and defeated Germany, not the other way around.
I don't care what people say about it. It is a beautiful song. I love listening to anthems, they're all so beautiful and full of meaning. Sure, the state of the Empire is kind of outdated according to the lyrics, but it's such a jolly anthem. I mean sure you can say it's been overused by those crappy fascists, but after all nationalism does play on patriotism. The anthem makes it a prime target whatever the country. I am no fascist or nationalist - but I love my country and I am proud to sing its anthem (La Marseillaise), and I love singing other country anthems as well. It's like getting a bit more "insert relevant culture" for a while.
I agree with you, even if I recognize me as a patriot of my country, nothing to do with fascism, but this anthem sounds amazing to me ! also La Marseillaise.. I love to listen anthems ! Try this (instrumental): (vocal)
@@arvinmacalinao4231 it's originally meant that the german poeple want a united Germany more then anything in the world But the nazis changed the meaning to Germany above everything in the world
That is what fascists do; they pervert symbols and words to their own twisted desires. The answer is to disregard them and to continue displaying symbols that they use, but instead within a context which is anti-Nazi. (Ex. Using fasces and swastikas for organizations which uphold egalitarianism and social progressivism)
Zusammenhalt so wie im Laufe der Geschichte, besonder in Erinnerung ist der Zusammenhalt der Tiroler mit Bayern 1809!!! 1866 war auch ein blutige Schlächterei - also Zusammenhalt
@@busodelor1977 Klar kann man sich jetzt auch nur die Punkte in der Geschichte raussuchen, wo man sich selber "massakriert" hat. Doch dieses Ego-Denken nützt nichts. Selbst ich als "Preuße" finde es unerklärlich, warum Südtirol zu Italien gehören solle.
@@florian1897 Südtirol ist dreisprachig, ist also einwandfrei deutsches Land!!!!!.Von der Salurner-Klause bis zum Gardasee war Welschtirol, mit beinahe 50 % italienischsprachigen Bewohnern, also deutsch - für deutsche Deppen Tirol kam 1363 zu Österreich diese deutschen Deppen sollen endlich einmal Geschichte und Geographie lernen, oder war das unwichtig in einem "kleinen Furzland"
It's sad that the nazis used that anthem for their purpose that's why everyone today thinks that this anthem means germany above all in the world but it only was meant to say that one big unified germany is better than a lot of tiny German States like it was before 1871
@George Rackham [actr] Also not to be rude:Germany is currently having one of the largest economies in Europe, I see that the WWs were a lesson taught by God, so they learned from it.👌🇩🇪 von🇵🇭
Sehr schön von diesem Chor gesungen. Das Lied der Deutschen, auch Deutschlandlied genannt, wurde von August Heinrich Hoffmann von Fallersleben am 26. August 1841 auf Helgoland gedichtet. Der konkrete Anlass für Hoffmann, das Lied zu verfassen, waren französische Gebietsansprüche auf das Rheinland in der Rheinkrise. Diese Ansprüche wies er mit dem Lied zurück, wie es auch mit anderen deutschen Rheinliedern dieser Zeit geschah. Er ergänzte dies mit weiteren Gedanken, vor allem mit dem der deutschen Einigkeit, die allein die Voraussetzung für Abwehr feindlicher Angriffe jeder Größenordnung bieten könne (erste Strophe). Der Dichter schuf sein Werk ausdrücklich zur Melodie des älteren Liedes Gott erhalte Franz, den Kaiser von Joseph Haydn (1797). Das Lied entstand auf einer Reise Hoffmanns auf die damals britische Insel Helgoland. Für lange Zeit war es jedoch nur eines der vielen Lieder der deutschen Nationalbewegung. Meine Instrumentalversion findet Ihr auf meinen Musikkanal. Very beautifully sung by this choir. The song of the Germans, also called Deutschlandlied, was written by August Heinrich Hoffmann von Fallersleben on August 26, 1841 on Heligoland. The specific reason for Hoffmann to write the song was French territorial claims to the Rhineland in the Rhine crisis. He rejected these claims with the song, as happened with other German Rhine songs of the time. He supplemented this with further thoughts, especially with that of German unity, which alone could provide the prerequisite for countering enemy attacks of any size (first stanza). The poet explicitly created his work to the melody of the older song God Receive Franz, the Emperor by Joseph Haydn (1797). The song was created on a journey by Hoffmann to the then British island of Helgoland. For a long time, however, it was only one of the many songs of the German national movement. You can find my instrumental version on my music channel. 👍👍👍 👍👍👍
This is a very beautiful anthem. I have 2 versions on my phone and i play it through the car bluetooth. I put the volume up and sing it with pride. So i dont care if you like it or not and if you sing deutschland über alles or knot. I WILL SING DEUTSCHLAND ÜBER ALLES
@austro- hungarian empire ball Thank you for annexing Bosnia, and going to Sarajevo and got shot by a flipping Serbian nationalist who wants a united Southern Slavic State, which started a war that killed millions of people and including you and your allies(exept for Bulgaria). The only thing that remains is your history, and Hapsburgs, I did comment to offend you, so no cursing at me, I just wanted to share a little of what I know about History.😀🇦🇹🇭🇺💪
Worüber ich tatsächlich glücklich bin ist das meine Klassenkameraden das Lied auch öfters hören und auch nichts negatives darüber denken, erstaunlicherweise, da dies vor ein paar Monaten noch nicht so war.
politics and social issues aside, I love the music and singing of this antherm - I'm not german and I don't understand the language but it's a beautiful anthem.
1. Strophe Gott erhalte Franz, den Kaiser, Unsern guten Kaiser Franz! Lange lebe Franz, der Kaiser, In des Glückes hellstem Glanz! Ihm erblühen Lorbeerreiser, Wo er geht, zum Ehrenkranz! Gott erhalte Franz, den Kaiser, Unsern guten Kaiser Franz! 2. Strophe Laß von seiner Fahne Spitzen Strahlen Sieg und Fruchtbarkeit! Laß in seinem Rate sitzen Weisheit, Klugheit, Redlichkeit! Und mit Seiner Hoheit Blitzen Schalten nur Gerechtigkeit! Gott erhalte Franz, den Kaiser, Unsern guten Kaiser Franz! 3. Strophe Ströme deiner Gaben Fülle Über ihn, sein Haus und Reich! Brich der Bosheit Macht, enthülle Jeden Schelm- und Bubenstreich! Dein Gesetz sei stets sein Wille, Dieser uns Gesetzen gleich. Gott erhalte Franz, den Kaiser, Unsern guten Kaiser Franz! 4. Strophe Froh erleb’ er seiner Lande, Seiner Völker höchsten Flor! Seh sie, Eins durch Bruderbande, Ragen allen andern vor! Und vernehm noch an dem Rande Später Gruft der Enkel Chor: Gott erhalte Franz, den Kaiser, Unsern guten Kaiser Franz! 🇦🇹🇦🇹🇦🇹🇦🇹🇦🇹🇦🇹🇦🇹🇦🇹🇦🇹🇦🇹🇦🇹🇦🇹🇦🇹🇦🇹
@@pusterer_6532 falsch. 1. Die Hymne war eine Komposition für den letzten *deutschen* Kaiser des heiligen römischen Reiches deutscher Nation. Und ja, dieser Kaiser war Österreicher. Damals war Österreich eines von vielen deutschen Ländern. 2. Die Hymne wurde danach im neu gegründeten Kaisertum Österreich ab 1804 übernommen. Also wenn hier jemand was gestohlen hat, dann die Österreicher was vom heiligen römischen Reich deutscher Nation (was aber eine ähnlich aberwitzige Behauptung wie deine Aussage wäre).
saya seorang warga Indonesia yang mencintai negara Jerman, menurut saya pada bagian "deutschland ueber alles" adalah suatu kata untuk menyatukan beberapa negara bagian yang ada disana, sama seperti Indonesia yang mempunyai ideologi Pancasila yang dapat mempersatukan berbagai macam wilayah, suku, dan bahasa apapun menjadi satu kesatuan Indonesia
@@kurniasandinicks1450 Saya Orang Inggris yang sudah lama tinggal di Indonesia. Lagu ini ditulis saat zaman Jerman belum bersatu yaitu awal abad ke 19. Deutschland über alles artinya sebuah tanah air yang bersatu lebih penting dibandingkan tujuan politik lainnya.
just as "Rule Britannia" is not a boast, it is a Poet's exhortation; this, most majestic of all musical anthems, is a poet's exhortation to the German Principalities to put their UNITED NATION above all other political aspirations.
What bought me here is- I became fan of Germany National Football team(Die Mannschaft) in 2010 when I was in 6th standard.. Since I became fan of Die Mannschaft, automatically I became fan of FC Bayern München also in 2011, during the years 2011-2012 and 2012-2013..Bayern München were best... Also, I reached 9th standard in 2013 and learned about Hitler and his Nazis.., which I found very interesting. Politically I'm not supporting Nazism,,but still it is interesting for me.. I've read many science theories , discoveries and inventions in science books which states that mr x was a German scientist and he invented/discovered/introduced whatsoever.. I've found lot of Germans in Science field.. So, I became enthusiast about Germans and so their history and national anthem as well which includes Deutschland über alles.. It all started with Football/Soccer in 2010.
This is Republic Weimar anthem song not Nazi Anthem song.. For your Record NAZI anthem is Host Wessel Lied Guys... I like this Anthem as Meurican Imma Proud of You Deutschland
Kaiserreich Ball, doesn't every country have the right to feel they are the best? They may be wrong about some things but if they are true patriots then they should feel that way about their country. Frankly, Nazism didn't die with the ending of WWII, it just moved to America and took on the form of the Socialistic Democrat Party now intent on destroying the great country that America once was. We no longer have full freedom of speech as we once did for fear of upsetting some limp wristed liberal.
Just... It wasn't. When the poem was written, long before the Nazi, it wasn't meant as how a greater, unified Germany was way more important than the interests of the small States which eventually made up the Country.
@@richardcline1337 Yes, the Ecuadorians, the Fijians, the Uzbeks, the Senegalese -- ALL should feel that their country is the best! "I fell off my bicycle, and I was about to cry, when I remembered that I am an Ecuadorian!"
List of Presidents of Goldeny (1918-2012) 1. Frederick Von Buttongalmn (1918-1925) 2. Paulon Von Hindenberg (1925-1933) 3. Fred Ostervon (1949-1952) 3. Gregorian Von Chamberstoke (1949-1961) 4. Arnold Vonnon Grisslied (1952-1959) 4. Pauler Von Frederick (1961-1975) 5. Terron Von Schimitmitze (1959-1964) 5. Herlock Von Khrisman (1975-1989) 6. Michael Schikmitzergurger (1964-1972) 7. Himmler Thaztmitzemutzel (1972-1989) 8. Cringhohk Mitzerzake (1989-1994) 9. Paulmitze Von Hrundens (1994-2001) 10. Cringhohk Mitzerzake (2001-2009) 11. Izerzake Von Schmitzelied (2009-2012)
The lyrics were made in the 19th century and were written and sang by German armies so that they can remember that they are German before being Bavarian, from Hannover, Prussian or Austrian etc. The Holy roman empire was a divided nation and "deutsche uber alles" was meant to tell them that they are German above everything else. EDIT : between 1923 and 1929 the Weimar republic was in a Golden age, after and before these 2 dates money printing was widespread ;) P.S : I'm not German
Arrangiert die volle Orchester- und Vokalpartitur dieser größten Nationalhymne (Arranged the full orchestral and vocal score of this greatest National Anthem):
Die Übersetzung "Above all else..." wird der Bedeutung von "über alles" nicht gerecht. Die Hymne meinte ursprünglich damit die Einigkeit aller Länder des ehemaligen deutschen Staatenbundes und nicht die erhebung über alles andere, wie es der englische Text vermuten lässt.
Let's not forget *this*, let's not forget *that*. Yes, it was a national anthem during the Weimar era, the good guy of post-WWI Germany. But, you certainly forget that Friedrich Ebert, the leader of SDP and one of the founding fathers of Weimar Republic, only wanted the third stanza. He only accepted the song as a whole to be the German anthem after the DNVP, a conservative remnant of the First Reich, agreed for the use of black-red-gold flag rather than the old Imperial one as the national flag. The use of third stanza is the very legacy (although very late) of the Weimar democracy on the early years of the Federal Republic of Germany.
hum; *sniff* at least french can sing their national anthem with pride *oof* french won WW1 *oof* french have better army than germany *oof* the french flag was white with some royalist symbol inside until 1789 so french flag was indeed white; for a while because french people are proud of their skin colour and not because they have to surrender to an enemy stronger,
Ah yes… the Weimar Republic, nothing bad during that time. No child prostitution, animal brothels, deviancy in general or a failing economy. Thank God American isn’t like this
@@JC-gt5vs yes but as far as i know you are not allowed to sing the first 2:21 have to start from Einigkeit und Recht...once i was in Hamburg in 2015 and i said Deutschland uber alles in coffee and i was told to leave :p
When I attended Frankfurt American High School 1962-65 (graduated from Munich American High School 1966) we used the term “eagles Uber alleys” (eagles were our mascot). I’m an Army Brat born in Stuttgart, spent K-1st grade in Stuttgart and our final assignment was Frankfurt for three years and then dad was transferred to Munich for my senior year.
The common mistranslation of "über alles." In this sense it means "everywhere" not "above all" zB "Die Blumen sind überall." The words of the Anthem are delineating the borders of Germany. From the Maas River (Belgium and the Netherlands) in the West to the Memel River (East Prussia) in the East. From the Etsch ( Aidge River) in the South Tyrol to the Belt ( Danish Straits) in the North. Now compare these lyrics to the French National Anthem "La Marseillaise."
Its a history, no more, no less. We have to take it as its. Besides Germany is a great country. Its an amazing, how Germany recovered after ww2!!! My good appreciation to Germany, to German people, to German technology!!!!
The full version of Deutschlandlied is the anthem of all patriots of the world. Because a true patriot (or nationalist, it's a meaningless distinction) is not only able to love and serve his country, but also to emphathyse with all patriots all over the world. And when a Nation is suffering, maybe dying, because of the ineptitude of its own political class (and also its citizens), they stand all together, to clench a simple, unbreakable truth: no one will ever abolish a nation by decree. DEUTSCHLAND ÜBER ALLES ÜBER ALLES IN DER WELT!
It should be noted that the ''deutschland über alles part '' isn't in the context of ''germany is better than the rest'' but that a united germany should stand above all the seperate states it was made of prior to the unification.
verycreativ I didn't know that before. Thanks for the interesting information. Here, have a like.
Mesa agrees. P.s. tweet that to the chancellor of Germany
thats a load of shit
every country knows their country is better than every other country
and that’s ok
not only is that ok but that’s expected
people should take pride in their countries and nationalities
afterall, that’s free speech
@@Garik.e60"bUt yOu'Re A nAzi iF yOu ArE PaTrIoTiC iN tHe SliGhTeSt"
same as Great Britain , people wrongly assume it means Britain is proclaiming its greatness when similarly it means the greater union of England ,Scotland , Wales and Ireland at the time.
Hymn was written 1848....had nothing to do with Nazis!! it was a Republican call to unity
agree look to germany
start to sing the 3 verse
and a. merkel call u a nazi.
Melody goes back to 1790’s and dedicated to the Habsburg emperor
@@FreiheitInDeutschland They are bunch of Neoliberals who hate nationalism. 🤦
Formation of Allies was a mista-
[10/02/2022: Nevermind! How tf could I be so dumb? Being a low-key wehraboo or some whacky pseudo-nazi whacky shieet was a mistake.]
@@balistixmapping197 There's nothing wrong with German Nationalism by itself. I like the song, but I'm an American with 1/6th German heritage so it's not incredibly important to me. Deutchlandied is the true "Nazi anthem" which should rightfully get banned in Germany.
Be that as it may, I think that you'd have to be a major crybaby to complain about liberals and the allied powers. The concept of allies vs. axis came and went with the end of WW2,. Only neo-Nazi's and Pan-German Nationalists would go out of their way to point fingers at the enemies of their grandparents and blame them for the anti-Nationalist sentiment that plagues the country today. While it's true that the alliance system sorta encouraged the formation of the axis powers, we didn't push the Sturmabteilung into a position of leadership. That was a choice made by German elites. The allied powers were merely a coalition of nations that fought for the greater good on a global scale. The axis powers, on the other hand, they were working to establish their sovereignty from widely-accepted norms of ethics, human rights, voting, legislation, imperialism, etc. The formation of the Weimar Republic and its subsequent issues with hyperinflation was tragic for sure. However, there are a lot of easy solutions for correcting hyperinflation like market regulation, financial aid, fixation on trade, government assistance, etc. The Sturmabteilung took the least efficient, most heavy-handed possible approach to fix the economy by attempting to restrict access to resources for certain people, taking resources by force from other countries, slave labor, regulating German domestic consumption, and working German citizens down to the bone.
Needless to say, neither the Weimar Republic nor the Sturmabteilung knew what the fuck they should do to fix the problems that riddled Germany and its citizens. The "boom" which German's saw during Nazi-rule was, essentially, a temporary resurgence in economic prosperity that came and went with the war. Combined with a skewed presentation of economic date and outright lies, he managed to convince the German people that he was doing great things for the country. What he didn't want them to know is that German prosperity would end once the war came to a close. He tried to cast a booming wartime economy as his personal blessing to the German people, but they were the ones doing all the footwork. He took credit for the German people's hard work, both gleefully and shamelessly.
"One Germany, Above the Rest" refers to the German states forming into a single nation. This "One Germany" was, indeed, greater than the sum of its parts. Nazi Germany was anything but a "One Germany" given the sheer amount of voter-suppression, dirty money, civil unrest, and forcible suppression that it took to get the Nazi's where they didn't belong. Civilian participation in legislative and political affairs is, in fact, one of the many necessary parts of establishing a great country. Hitler failed to realize that. The Nazis failed to realize that. The Sturmabteilung failed to see that. And y'all Pan-German Nationalists are probably going to fall into the same trap if anyone ever trusts you with any kind of power (God help us if that happens.)
You can be a German Nationalist without being a Nazi, bro.
@@tsandethottiesupremocleo1896 I'm not even a Nazi, though.
The meaning of "Deutschland über alles" is that we are of a single German Nation and Realm (Das Deutscher Reich) rather than our various lands. For example: I am of Silesia, a Prussian land once partitioned with Austria, I now live in Bavaria, but above all these lands I am proudly a daughter of ONE GERMANY [Deutschland über alles in der welt]
Trini Gamer - Thank you. I will never feel ashamed of being German.
Not even the USSR hated Germans for being Germans. Stalin wanted a unified Germany anyway. Pride is important for communism too, and the Germans are a great people, but sadly there are other stupid people with no honor and pride, that don't like it when you take pride.
Hello @-)----)------
IrreverendSister, Yup and that's why it's kinda sad that part of the song has gotten such a bad reputation, it's actually a nice sentiment that will likely always be relevant.
It honestly seems like that verse is just "banned" based on The Allies misunderstanding what it meant. lol Them being shit at German seems to have resulted in the censoring of the anthem which is honestly quite ridiculous. :P
@Fabian Kirchgessner He never did that lol
When your german friend plays with stacks of money.
@son goku aa
@son goku aaa
Then it is a jew, not not a german^^
@HentaiShin Unt isch dachte hier spräschen Deutsch
@son goku Unt isch dachte hier spräschen Deutsch
No one:
Weimar bread: costs ℳ10000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000
@BLACKFOXER No, is Somalia
You forgot some Zeros.
Yea...literaly good comment and fun-fact but it was in 1935 or later i dont member
I am from south america and Brazil have some german cities in the south where people speak german, Chile adopted the Prussian parade style, and Venezuela adopted Weimar Republic's economy. We really like Germany here.
Greetings from Brazil
And argentina......?
@@godofamogus.4637 ...
@@godofamogus.4637 most of south america adopted the german culture, but Argentina adopted the germans themselves...
Jes but some of the evil ones
@@godofamogus.4637 adopted retired German generals
As a German... I feel a great sense when I hear this Song. It makes me feel united with the Rest. Zusammen bilden wir Deutschland's Ehre
Die deutsche Reichshymne klingt besser
@@harrb3736 ich finde sie klingen gleich gut, und die Melodie hier wurde wenigstens speziell für Deutschland (bzw. das Heilige Römische Reich Deutscher Nation) geschrieben, während Heil dir im Siegerkranz von den Britten geklaut war😂
Dennoch geniale Hymne.
@@MonsieurWeevil Ich weiß nicht, dass die deutsche Kaiserhymne ziemlich gut ist, aber Sie haben einen guten Punkt
I have German DNA learning German
@@MonsieurWeevil Es wurde nicht geklaut sondern die Melodie wurde von einem unbekannten Komponisten geschrieben, welches von vielen Ländern benutzt wurde zum gleichen Zeitpunkt wo die Briten es benutzt haben. Das erste Land welches die Melodie genutzt hat war Frankreich und nicht GB. Ebenfalls durch die connections der Königshäuser welche auch verbunden waren wurde diese Melodie ebenfalls benutzt und auch weitergegeben. Länder die die melodie genutzt haben waren/sind (Sachsen, Hannover, Bayern Preußen, deutsches Kaiserreich, Großbritannien, USA, Schweiz, Lichtenstein, Russland Schweden usw.)
This particular recording…..just gives me the chills. It’s as if they sing, with hope for the future, yet also completely knowing of the suffering and destruction that would come later.
@warminü Yeah. I think the audio itself was aged to sound just a bit older
its sad that germans have been so guilted by the rest of the world about their national identity that they cant even sing their entire national anthem, only the 3rd verse.
I am not german and i find nothing offensive about the first verse. everybody has a right to think (and sing) that their country is best in the world/ above all. Doesnt make it true. But that is not offensive
The first stanza is obsolete, since Germany has been united since 1871 and you no longer have to dream of a community of all German countries, where you have to put the problem above everything else in the world. The 2nd stanza is just a tralala with a soul of wine, women and singing. Only the third stanza today makes sense because it reflects the words of our democratic constitution.
@@folkestender2025 Germany isn`t united and it is still not free! The Federal Republik of Germany is not the sovereign German Reich, the FRG is a puppet of the Allies like the GDR it was. The FRG is a non-governmental organization and it is not a state of the German nation, it is called vereintigtes Wirtschaftsgebiet = united tradezones!!!
There is no peace agreement with the German Reich, the 2+4 agreement was no peace agreement with the German Reich, it was an commercial / private agreement between 2 occupied zones (FRG + GDR) + the Allies! And since 75 years Prussia, Pommerania, Slilesia, the Sudeteland etc. is occopied by Poland, Russia and Czechian.
The German Reich did never gave up the sovereignity in 1945, the Wehrmacht capitulated but not the German Reich. Please guys wake up where ever you are, with the uncontrolled migration progress it is now a rape and genozid zone against all indigenous Europeans!
@@gottmituns6297 What do you smoke? That has to be a pretty hard drug when you write such nonsense.
@@folkestender2025 Your answer is nonsense!
@@gottmituns6297 Would you like to know why the empire no longer exists? The empire has not existed since 1945 because there were too many national manipulated people who had the same ideas as you. People with their nationalist ideas have destroyed the over 1000 year old empire in just 12 years. Dreaming your dream, but leave us alone wit your ideas, you Reichsbürger.
The Third Reich was just an artificial structure anyway, which was brought about by reactionary political fraud and manipulation in 1933, that eliminated democracy. The real empire was abolished in 1918 with a revolution, because the majority of Germans no longer wanted it.
0:44 when you are bankrupt so you just print more money
@@mochalifakbar squidward
Then you will cause an hyper inflation like 1923 ....
And cause Hyperinflation above all else in the world
Funny joke very original
This was so Weimar that my printer started to print marks
Deutchland forever ❤️
Why is Russia and germany has the best Anthem than every country on the world?
Finnish Wehraboo yes
because we are both countys of great culture
You're getting it wrong, every nation's anthem are good. It's just that you feel fascinated by German and Russian culture
Good video, Foster.
Keep 'em coming.
This has to be one of the best national anthems in the world, certainly in the top five. Words and melody.
It's too bad that the first two parts aren't sung normal anymore. They sound really good, even their meaning is good.
You're right.
the second stanza sounds unnecessary for a national anthem tho, maybe 1st and 3rd stanza is ok
I think "Over all aboves" has some already experienced. xD
@@gabesegun7966 innit bruv
I played this to my computer
Now is a money printer
Franz den kaiser?
captain fatfoot Unsern guten Kaiser Karl.
Kaiser Franz, actually. That was what Haydn wrote as first anthem for the Austrian empire. "Gott erhalte Franz den Kaiser....."
Gott erhalte Gott beschütze
@@sonjainge69 kaiser Franz immer
Gott erhalte, Gott beschütze unsern Kaiser, unser Land!
Eine der schönsten Nationalhymnen der Welt. Deutschland: Eines der besten Länder der Welt.
[Nr.2] Manfred von Richthofen Leider die wahrheit...🥺
Die beste Hymne und das beste Land der Welt.
Mr Happy Früher hat es geklappt, aber heutzutage würde so etwas nicht funktionieren. Das liegt aber auch daran, dass die früheren Linken auch patriotisch waren. Heutzutage kann man aber wirtschaftlich Linke und Rechte dennoch vereinen. Das sieht man bspw. in Brandenburg. Viele Wähler der Linke und der SPD sind zur AfD gegangen.
@@Nr.2_Mafred_von_Richthofen jemand mit Verstand.! Wir Deutschen haben größere Feinde als die Linken.
@UR, bis 2015 hätte ich dir Recht gegeben. Merkel sei dank jetzt nicht mehr.
Rest easy, Bismarck.
Bismarck must has been rolling on since 1918
Bismarck would not have liked this much at all. He was anti-republican and anti-liberal.
@@againsttheleftandright4065 The reason Bismark would have hated the Weimar Republic and Nazi Germany is because Bismark was a wealthy aristocrat.
@@jimhuffman9434 Correct, he was a conservative, hostile towards both republicanism and populism. Conservatives / aristocrats were probably one of the biggest enemies of the NS German regime in the 1930s and 1940s, with the attempt on the Fuhrer's life being one of the most damning examples. That being said, I can respect Bismark as a great strategist and statesman regardless of if I agree or disagree with all his views and goals.
Also known as Germany's real national anthem
That's right
Hä? Das IST die deutsche Nationalhymne.
@G.f.w JA
*triangle sounds*
Ye that thing
@@TheOneAndOnlyZeno ight thanks for telling me the name of that thing I've called it triangle thing since I was in Grade 1 :D
Sou brasileiro, más meu coração está na Alemanha, um dia conhecerei a terra dos meus antepassados.
qual região tu nasceu?
@XEN AIN confia kkkkkkkkkk
I have a German friend from Curitiba
Minha tia viajou uma vez p alemanha
E fala alemão fluente
Weimar Republic: * Exist *
Some failed Austrian painter with a funny mustache: *I'M ABOUT TO END THIS MAN'S WHOLE CAREER*
He weren’t failed painter. He wanted to go into art but the art school recommended him go into architecture. Your comment: Facts: Ima bout to end this mans whole career
He was Gott
Davi C. Brandão ur mom gay
@@bogdananton4604 no u
Eine schöne Hymne🇩🇪🇩🇪🇩🇪
Eigentlich schon 👏 ich als Kurde finde das alles wirklich sehr schade was die Nazis damals getan haben! Und hitler erst recht 🥴 die meisten mussten halt mit machen sonst wären sie selbst von denn eigenen Staat als verräterisch bezeichnet. Wahnsinn.
Deutschland, Deutschland über alles, über alles in der Welt!
Von der Mass bis an die Memel ❤️🤍🖤
Edit:thx for 100 likes,never had so many!
I had to bring a wheelbarrow to the shop to carry all the money.
Ich Mag Das Lied...🖒🖒
Danks deutsches
When my family served in theTeutonic Knights to Prussia then the German Empire all the way to the Weimar Republic then to the NSDAP. Now ws stopped serving the country that betrayed us and their own people named todays present Germany the Federal Republic of Germany. May God protect the German people!
I hope the German Empire gets reestablished.
If your family served the Second Reich, then they served many of the Royal Families from which I have descent. On their behalf, I offer my sincerest gratitude for that service given!
@@Bregott07 I would like to live long enough to see my German families restored to their proper and GOD given positions.
@@Bregott07 hopefully not under Merkel's leadership. Europe needs a return to nationalist yesterday.
@@Bregott07 and germany retake eastern corridor (pomenaria, silesia, szczecin, danzig, posen, and all east prussia) again?🤔
I played this at walmart, now it's weimart, and bread now costs 7 trillion marks
This song was he tune of our school him which we sang every mningin assembly. When I told my nephew who's mother was german, he couldn't believe it. Nearly 50 years after leaving school I can still Sing the first verse.
They would let Putin keep the Soviet anthem but not let Germany keep their anthem ?
Who "lets" Putin keep the anthem? Is there somebody out there who decides which anthem a country is allowed to have?
The current German anthem is the third verse of the former anthem, the "Deutschlandlied". The first verse was used by the Nazis to promote German aggression against its neighbors. The second verse mentioned the boundaries of Germany as it was in the 30s. The boundaries are different now, so the second verse is inaccurate.
There is a very good reason why the German people prefer to get rid of the former 1st and 2nd verses: Germany is now a peaceful nation which cooperates with its neighbors, committed to human rights and democracy.
Man, the First part wasn't even composed during the Nazi era. It was way before Nazism even happened just like what everyone says in this comment section
@Bill Simmons
Germany just taked their old lands
@@leezaslofsky1389 Nice buzzwords. Meanwhile in the real world the "German people" did that because Germany lost the war and it was occupied.
They? Who!? You think someone is in control of Putin's anthem choices lol? And I think the process was a little more complicated than that. Also, and most importantly, the current lyrics are COMPLETELY different. Not to mention that the USSR (and the other allied powers) won the war and defeated Germany, not the other way around.
I don't care what people say about it.
It is a beautiful song. I love listening to anthems, they're all so beautiful and full of meaning.
Sure, the state of the Empire is kind of outdated according to the lyrics, but it's such a jolly anthem.
I mean sure you can say it's been overused by those crappy fascists, but after all nationalism does play on patriotism. The anthem makes it a prime target whatever the country.
I am no fascist or nationalist - but I love my country and I am proud to sing its anthem (La Marseillaise), and I love singing other country anthems as well. It's like getting a bit more "insert relevant culture" for a while.
I agree with you, even if I recognize me as a patriot of my country, nothing to do with fascism, but this anthem sounds amazing to me ! also La Marseillaise.. I love to listen anthems !
Try this (instrumental):
What dies anyone say about the anthem? I don't know where you from but in germany no one cares about germany
I am a nationalist, but not a nazi, THEY ARE NOT THE SAME THING COMMIES!
I read this in Tywin Lannister's voice lmfao
U should also be mindful of the words in the anthems too
Es ist schön, dass das (vollständige) Deutschlandlied hier einmal als die Hymne des demokratischen Deutschlands präsentiert wird.
The Nazis just ruined the actual meaning of the first part of the anthem
@@arvinmacalinao4231 it's originally meant that the german poeple want a united Germany more then anything in the world
But the nazis changed the meaning to Germany above everything in the world
no not the nazis ruin it.-.. the idiots today they see nazis on every corner ruin it
That is what fascists do; they pervert symbols and words to their own twisted desires.
The answer is to disregard them and to continue displaying symbols that they use, but instead within a context which is anti-Nazi.
(Ex. Using fasces and swastikas for organizations which uphold egalitarianism and social progressivism)
Ich liebe Deutschland 💕
ich liebe Österreich, weil es sich selber die Hymne komponierte
@@busodelor1977 Österreich hat Deutschland dafür nur immer in die Scheiße geritten.
Spaß beiseite, zusammenhalt ist wichtig! 😅
Zusammenhalt so wie im Laufe der Geschichte, besonder in Erinnerung ist der Zusammenhalt der Tiroler mit Bayern 1809!!!
1866 war auch ein blutige Schlächterei - also Zusammenhalt
@@busodelor1977 Klar kann man sich jetzt auch nur die Punkte in der Geschichte raussuchen, wo man sich selber "massakriert" hat. Doch dieses Ego-Denken nützt nichts.
Selbst ich als "Preuße" finde es unerklärlich, warum Südtirol zu Italien gehören solle.
@@florian1897 Südtirol ist dreisprachig, ist also einwandfrei deutsches Land!!!!!.Von der Salurner-Klause bis zum Gardasee war Welschtirol, mit beinahe 50 % italienischsprachigen Bewohnern, also deutsch - für deutsche Deppen
Tirol kam 1363 zu Österreich
diese deutschen Deppen sollen endlich einmal Geschichte und Geographie lernen, oder war das unwichtig in einem "kleinen Furzland"
One of the very best national anthems in the world.
As a reply on a comment pointed out
“Evil Triumphs, when good people do nothing”
Good people did things but failed against many Evil forces. Such is the world and always has been.
This is also the national anthem of West Germany and Today’s Germany
Only the third stanza is the anthem today, which is why this is classified as the Weimar anthem and not the West German anthem or the German anthem.
Deutschland Deutschland über alles
Playing this while conquering France as German Reich in hoi4
Bob Lemmin the song didn't even start yet but there's already white flag :/
@@Rokaishi Oof poor France
Im not sure if your trying to be sarcastic or nerdy ngl
Moerochi Uncool dude :( I know that the French IA and real French high command was bad but we don’t always surrender ):0
Commenting that on something related to Weimar Republic isn't really clever since it got occupied by France...
It's sad that the nazis used that anthem for their purpose that's why everyone today thinks that this anthem means germany above all in the world but it only was meant to say that one big unified germany is better than a lot of tiny German States like it was before 1871
Has to be one of the greatest national anthems in the world. Should be song from the beginning
über Alles!
En der welt!
> Vasili Musornik
> Pol pot pfp
@@Patman-my6od Auf dass Polen bis ins Marck erzittert.
A version like this use to be on Wikipedia.
@Vladimir Putin Are u drunk?
@@balistixmapping197 Putin doesn't drink.
@@samirs1699 Well, I replied to the fake Putin .. so don't even think that I am kidding.
@Vladimir Putin Russia is a very cold country so cold that nobody wants to go travel your lands
@@_McCormickProductions no. people travel there too.
Gott mit uns!
Gott mit uns!!
@George Rackham [actr] Also not to be rude:Germany is currently having one of the largest economies in Europe, I see that the WWs were a lesson taught by God, so they learned from it.👌🇩🇪 von🇵🇭
Ihr seid Nazi ???
@@Adam-ex9vm Why should they are Nazi's?
OwnedByStorm 1
No English
gg failed to contain an uprising from an angry homeless Austrian man
you're so wrong that i nearly choked reading this comment
you know what else you can choke on ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Oreo Cookie an Oreo cookie?
Oh fuck off nazi germany had a better lifestyle
This anthem makes me want to die for germany even if i'm not german! What a beautiful anthem.
Squadellah why you want that
Dying for countries is stupid; die for the ideas set forth by the democratic-republics such as egalitarianism and freedom.
@@ahyan14 CAUSE HE'S A SIMP
Sehr schön von diesem Chor gesungen.
Das Lied der Deutschen, auch Deutschlandlied genannt, wurde von August Heinrich Hoffmann von Fallersleben am 26. August 1841 auf Helgoland gedichtet.
Der konkrete Anlass für Hoffmann, das Lied zu verfassen, waren französische Gebietsansprüche auf das Rheinland in der Rheinkrise. Diese Ansprüche wies er mit dem Lied zurück, wie es auch mit anderen deutschen Rheinliedern dieser Zeit geschah. Er ergänzte dies mit weiteren Gedanken, vor allem mit dem der deutschen Einigkeit, die allein die Voraussetzung für Abwehr feindlicher Angriffe jeder Größenordnung bieten könne (erste Strophe). Der Dichter schuf sein Werk ausdrücklich zur Melodie des älteren Liedes Gott erhalte Franz, den Kaiser von Joseph Haydn (1797). Das Lied entstand auf einer Reise Hoffmanns auf die damals britische Insel Helgoland. Für lange Zeit war es jedoch nur eines der vielen Lieder der deutschen Nationalbewegung.
Meine Instrumentalversion findet Ihr auf meinen Musikkanal.
Very beautifully sung by this choir.
The song of the Germans, also called Deutschlandlied, was written by August Heinrich Hoffmann von Fallersleben on August 26, 1841 on Heligoland.
The specific reason for Hoffmann to write the song was French territorial claims to the Rhineland in the Rhine crisis. He rejected these claims with the song, as happened with other German Rhine songs of the time. He supplemented this with further thoughts, especially with that of German unity, which alone could provide the prerequisite for countering enemy attacks of any size (first stanza). The poet explicitly created his work to the melody of the older song God Receive Franz, the Emperor by Joseph Haydn (1797). The song was created on a journey by Hoffmann to the then British island of Helgoland. For a long time, however, it was only one of the many songs of the German national movement.
You can find my instrumental version on my music channel.
👍👍👍 👍👍👍
This is a very beautiful anthem. I have 2 versions on my phone and i play it through the car bluetooth. I put the volume up and sing it with pride. So i dont care if you like it or not and if you sing deutschland über alles or knot. I WILL SING DEUTSCHLAND ÜBER ALLES
@@antonio.w.c die stem is beter maar jy kanie altyd die ander stroves hoor nie
@@antonio.w.c wear are you from
Its verses
Deutschland Deutschland über alles ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ Deutschland 🇩🇪
0:45 When you're losing at Monopoly so you start printing 500 dollar Monopoly notes.
Eternal glory to Germany. Simply put: the greatest nation of the world. From an Italian
What about your own country? Have you no patriotic feeling for Italy?
Hhmm italy and germany...
@@drxxqz2752 yes
Südtirol is germany
@@srit1202 If so Austria
Not even 50% German and I'm already feeling patriotic
Oh shit now the media is gonna call me a fucking Nazi for being proud of my homeland.
You say your not even 50% German but call the Vaterland your homeland....... get real Deutschland isn’t your homeland
Nobody is calling you a Nazi for liking this democratic-republic's anthem, so please quit crying.
Seriously probably the best sounding national anthem
America first but Germany above all
German Empire ftw
@austro- hungarian empire ball Thank you for annexing Bosnia, and going to Sarajevo and got shot by a flipping Serbian nationalist who wants a united Southern Slavic State, which started a war that killed millions of people and including you and your allies(exept for Bulgaria). The only thing that remains is your history, and Hapsburgs, I did comment to offend you, so no cursing at me, I just wanted to share a little of what I know about History.😀🇦🇹🇭🇺💪
@@libzbond are you mad that AUSTRIA HUNGRY pushed you back to Montenegro
God above all
America first, Germwny above all, Rule Brittania
Nice video good German song. It is a nice video Erik from handball.
Back when Germany was German, now it’s just a woke Germany
Didn't they have children's brothels?
This was unironically Germany at its’ worst. Things are bad now but Weimar was so much worse.
Worüber ich tatsächlich glücklich bin ist das meine Klassenkameraden das Lied auch öfters hören und auch nichts negatives darüber denken, erstaunlicherweise, da dies vor ein paar Monaten noch nicht so war.
@@akela7246 in der 9. (Bin mal so frei und sage es)
politics and social issues aside, I love the music and singing of this antherm - I'm not german and I don't understand the language but it's a beautiful anthem.
i am part german
Same here. Half German
I’m of German descent, and I can sing the whole anthem without any issues.
Es uno de los himnos más hermosos que hay
1. Strophe
Gott erhalte Franz, den Kaiser,
Unsern guten Kaiser Franz!
Lange lebe Franz, der Kaiser,
In des Glückes hellstem Glanz!
Ihm erblühen Lorbeerreiser,
Wo er geht, zum Ehrenkranz!
Gott erhalte Franz, den Kaiser,
Unsern guten Kaiser Franz!
2. Strophe
Laß von seiner Fahne Spitzen
Strahlen Sieg und Fruchtbarkeit!
Laß in seinem Rate sitzen
Weisheit, Klugheit, Redlichkeit!
Und mit Seiner Hoheit Blitzen
Schalten nur Gerechtigkeit!
Gott erhalte Franz, den Kaiser,
Unsern guten Kaiser Franz!
3. Strophe
Ströme deiner Gaben Fülle
Über ihn, sein Haus und Reich!
Brich der Bosheit Macht, enthülle
Jeden Schelm- und Bubenstreich!
Dein Gesetz sei stets sein Wille,
Dieser uns Gesetzen gleich.
Gott erhalte Franz, den Kaiser,
Unsern guten Kaiser Franz!
4. Strophe
Froh erleb’ er seiner Lande,
Seiner Völker höchsten Flor!
Seh sie, Eins durch Bruderbande,
Ragen allen andern vor!
Und vernehm noch an dem Rande
Später Gruft der Enkel Chor:
Gott erhalte Franz, den Kaiser,
Unsern guten Kaiser Franz!
@@Jan_372 hä was ja und nein
Romed Wach Ist halt nicht so... ihr Österreicher könnt euren Franz gern behalten aber lasst uns unsere Hymne (klingt so sowieso besser)
@@henniii_ was nützt das wenn ihr sie uns gestohlen habt
@@pusterer_6532 falsch. 1. Die Hymne war eine Komposition für den letzten *deutschen* Kaiser des heiligen römischen Reiches deutscher Nation. Und ja, dieser Kaiser war Österreicher. Damals war Österreich eines von vielen deutschen Ländern.
2. Die Hymne wurde danach im neu gegründeten Kaisertum Österreich ab 1804 übernommen.
Also wenn hier jemand was gestohlen hat, dann die Österreicher was vom heiligen römischen Reich deutscher Nation (was aber eine ähnlich aberwitzige Behauptung wie deine Aussage wäre).
This anthem, along with The Russian anthem, are icons of the anthem genre.
JA! Old german anthem and USSR anthem is pinnacle of national anthems. Germany is the fatherland and Russia is the motherland.
Virgin Weimar republic vs Chad German kaiserreich.
Deutschland ist wunderbar! Respect from Kanada
Grande, Grande esa gran Nación Alemana, Grandiosa!!!ALEMANIA.
😎 Wir sind cool
30 years today as a united country, congrats to you Germany!
United under cringe no thanks
Sad, Germany is still missing some of its people/land.
*Looks longingly at Prussia, Silesia, etc.
@@bubblegumgun3292 Unite ur mom and dad gottem
@@joshuamckenna1435 There are virtually no Germans living there
Gee.... and I always thought Deutchland Uber Alles meant "Alice got run over by a Volkswagen".
*inflataion intensefies*
saya seorang warga Indonesia yang mencintai negara Jerman, menurut saya pada bagian "deutschland ueber alles" adalah suatu kata untuk menyatukan beberapa negara bagian yang ada disana, sama seperti Indonesia yang mempunyai ideologi Pancasila yang dapat mempersatukan berbagai macam wilayah, suku, dan bahasa apapun menjadi satu kesatuan Indonesia
@@kurniasandinicks1450 Saya Orang Inggris yang sudah lama tinggal di Indonesia. Lagu ini ditulis saat zaman Jerman belum bersatu yaitu awal abad ke 19. Deutschland über alles artinya sebuah tanah air yang bersatu lebih penting dibandingkan tujuan politik lainnya.
@@lordmarshal3799 okay but nodoby ask ur opinion here😂
@@kurniasandinicks1450 This is fact, not opinion.
@@lordmarshal3799 Ur fact are biased on internet. wake up not internet stories all 100 fact.
Die einzig wahre deutsche Hymne. Sie sollte immer unsere Hymne bleiben.
Ewiges Deutschland, das Ich verehre, geliebtes Deutschland, Du bist meine andere Heimat.
just as "Rule Britannia" is not a boast, it is a Poet's exhortation; this, most majestic of all musical anthems, is a poet's exhortation to the German Principalities to put their UNITED NATION above all other political aspirations.
What bought me here is-
I became fan of Germany National Football team(Die Mannschaft) in 2010 when I was in 6th standard..
Since I became fan of Die Mannschaft, automatically I became fan of FC Bayern München also in 2011, during the years 2011-2012 and 2012-2013..Bayern München were best...
Also, I reached 9th standard in 2013 and learned about Hitler and his Nazis.., which I found very interesting.
Politically I'm not supporting Nazism,,but still it is interesting for me..
I've read many science theories , discoveries and inventions in science books which states that mr x was a German scientist and he invented/discovered/introduced whatsoever.. I've found lot of Germans in Science field..
So, I became enthusiast about Germans and so their history and national anthem as well which includes Deutschland über alles..
It all started with Football/Soccer in 2010.
Let me guess.You are Indian.
@@EdgyMemer_ yep
Gott mit uns!
Pro Gloria et Patria.
Borussia Germania
Für Volk und Vaterland!
This is Republic Weimar anthem song not Nazi Anthem song..
For your Record NAZI anthem is Host Wessel Lied Guys... I like this Anthem as Meurican
Imma Proud of You Deutschland
Even if Deutscheland über alles was about Germany being above everyone else..... what's wrong with that?
Kaiserreich Ball, doesn't every country have the right to feel they are the best? They may be wrong about some things but if they are true patriots then they should feel that way about their country. Frankly, Nazism didn't die with the ending of WWII, it just moved to America and took on the form of the Socialistic Democrat Party now intent on destroying the great country that America once was. We no longer have full freedom of speech as we once did for fear of upsetting some limp wristed liberal.
Just... It wasn't. When the poem was written, long before the Nazi, it wasn't meant as how a greater, unified Germany was way more important than the interests of the small States which eventually made up the Country.
@@richardcline1337 Yes, the Ecuadorians, the Fijians, the Uzbeks, the Senegalese -- ALL should feel that their country is the best!
"I fell off my bicycle, and I was about to cry, when I remembered that I am an Ecuadorian!"
I played this at Walmart, now everything in the store cost in millions
0:07 When you print money to pay UK and France
List of Presidents of Goldeny (1918-2012)
1. Frederick Von Buttongalmn (1918-1925)
2. Paulon Von Hindenberg (1925-1933)
3. Fred Ostervon (1949-1952)
3. Gregorian Von Chamberstoke (1949-1961)
4. Arnold Vonnon Grisslied (1952-1959)
4. Pauler Von Frederick (1961-1975)
5. Terron Von Schimitmitze (1959-1964)
5. Herlock Von Khrisman (1975-1989)
6. Michael Schikmitzergurger (1964-1972)
7. Himmler Thaztmitzemutzel (1972-1989)
8. Cringhohk Mitzerzake (1989-1994)
9. Paulmitze Von Hrundens (1994-2001)
10. Cringhohk Mitzerzake (2001-2009)
11. Izerzake Von Schmitzelied (2009-2012)
The lyrics were made in the 19th century and were written and sang by German armies so that they can remember that they are German before being Bavarian, from Hannover, Prussian or Austrian etc. The Holy roman empire was a divided nation and "deutsche uber alles" was meant to tell them that they are German above everything else.
EDIT : between 1923 and 1929 the Weimar republic was in a Golden age, after and before these 2 dates money printing was widespread ;)
P.S : I'm not German
Arrangiert die volle Orchester- und Vokalpartitur dieser größten
Nationalhymne (Arranged the full orchestral and vocal score of this
greatest National Anthem):
yes, it was a UNITY song ... Einigkeit und Recht und Freiheit !!! ... 'Unity and Justice and Freedom' !!!
This is so german my printer started printing money
I played this song at a bank:
Now the currency is now worthless!
Die Übersetzung "Above all else..." wird der Bedeutung von "über alles" nicht gerecht.
Die Hymne meinte ursprünglich damit die Einigkeit aller Länder des ehemaligen deutschen Staatenbundes und nicht die erhebung über alles andere, wie es der englische Text vermuten lässt.
When bread cost 100000 RM and you have to make your beds out of money
God I wish I was from Germany to understand this song, spiritually speaking, I wish I could sing this song in front of my friends
You can
Of couse you can
I often sing this song in front of my friends even through I'm not a german
Weimar republic: Yo dude can i copy your homework?
Austria Hungary: Yeah sure, Just don't make it obvious.
Weimar Republic:
Remember that the Austrian empire used it first.
@@yougoslavia yeah ik
Let's not forget *this*, let's not forget *that*. Yes, it was a national anthem during the Weimar era, the good guy of post-WWI Germany.
But, you certainly forget that Friedrich Ebert, the leader of SDP and one of the founding fathers of Weimar Republic, only wanted the third stanza. He only accepted the song as a whole to be the German anthem after the DNVP, a conservative remnant of the First Reich, agreed for the use of black-red-gold flag rather than the old Imperial one as the national flag.
The use of third stanza is the very legacy (although very late) of the Weimar democracy on the early years of the Federal Republic of Germany.
I played this near the French Embassy
the French flag turned white!
ghrsqe hgdfsqhf wow dude, you are really funny. such an original joke i literally died laughing
at least french can sing their national anthem with pride
french won WW1 *oof*
french have better army than germany *oof*
the french flag was white with some royalist symbol inside until 1789
so french flag was indeed white; for a while
because french people are proud of their skin colour
and not because they have to surrender to an enemy stronger,
French : Print your money German!
Über Alles
germany my favorite country
Raxes !
I played this in Walmart
Now it’s weimart
Ah yes… the Weimar Republic, nothing bad during that time. No child prostitution, animal brothels, deviancy in general or a failing economy.
Thank God American isn’t like this
this should be the real anthem of Germany....greetings from Pakistan
But in fact, it is.
@@JC-gt5vs yes but as far as i know you are not allowed to sing the first 2:21 have to start from Einigkeit und Recht...once i was in Hamburg in 2015 and i said Deutschland uber alles in coffee and i was told to leave :p
@@burwa But Deutschland über alles is literally in the anthem of today!
@@JC-gt5vs No
@@fynn4180 I mean the first 4 words of the German anthem of today is 'Deutschland, Deutschland über alles'.
When I attended Frankfurt American High School 1962-65 (graduated from Munich American High School 1966) we used the term “eagles Uber alleys” (eagles were our mascot). I’m an Army Brat born in Stuttgart, spent K-1st grade in Stuttgart and our final assignment was Frankfurt for three years and then dad was transferred to Munich for my senior year.
The common mistranslation of "über alles." In this sense it means "everywhere" not "above all" zB "Die Blumen sind überall." The words of the Anthem are delineating the borders of Germany. From the Maas River (Belgium and the Netherlands) in the West to the Memel River (East Prussia) in the East. From the Etsch ( Aidge River) in the South Tyrol to the Belt ( Danish Straits) in the North. Now compare these lyrics to the French National Anthem "La Marseillaise."
The song is talking about uniting the Germanic peoples. Germany didn’t exist. But Germanic states came to the Meuse. It’s not about invading France.
Its a history, no more, no less. We have to take it as its. Besides Germany is a great country. Its an amazing, how Germany recovered after ww2!!! My good appreciation to Germany, to German people, to German technology!!!!
Actually,this is a Weimar Republic song. Not Nazi Germany. That came after. But you're right. It's history.
I love my country ♥️🇩🇪🇩🇪
The full version of Deutschlandlied is the anthem of all patriots of the world. Because a true patriot (or nationalist, it's a meaningless distinction) is not only able to love and serve his country, but also to emphathyse with all patriots all over the world. And when a Nation is suffering, maybe dying, because of the ineptitude of its own political class (and also its citizens), they stand all together, to clench a simple, unbreakable truth: no one will ever abolish a nation by decree.