Pastor Abel Damina's perspective is deep and for matured christians who have graduated from drinking milk to eating flesh while Bishop David Oydepo's perspective is deep aswell but he is trying to make baby christians not too feel to relaxed to act anyway irrespective of the fact that they are saved. What matters as Christians is for us to guild our treasure (salvation) diligently without abusing God's amazing/abundant/eternal grace freely given to us
This sounds quite childish to me they are espousing two distinct doctrinal positions; ARMENISM and CALVINISM...they are both valid! I am more with Oyedepo!
Jesus said...any branch in me (in Christ) that does not bare fruit shall be cut off and cast into the fire. See John 15:1-10 Any branch..we are the branches and Jesus is the careful...Not all the virgins in Mathew 25:1-12 entered the Kingdom there is a Nigerian "Piperist" like me? I'm delighted. On the issue at hand, if one understands salvation what it means and how that it is entirely a work of God from A to Z, this issue will be sorted out. Eternal security or what the old theologians would call The perservearance of the saints does not mean you can be "saved' and then go ahead to live how you like without a life style of holiness and Godwardness. If one has Saving Faith, that Faith is accompanied by works of righteousness. The evidence of genuine salvation is that you continue in the way if Christ till the end. Jesus said that the proof that one is a true follower of him is if he continues in His words. If not, such a one is fake. A child of God can fall into sin, and may even continue in it for a while, but God the Father will come with His rod of discipline to chastise him and bring him back to his senses. If a so called Child of God wanders off into a life of sin and continues therein, and God never comes for him with His rod of discipline, that proves that such a one is an illegitimate child ie, not a true child of God. Meanwhile, having said this, I Know true and genuine Christians who believe that one can loose salvation. It doesn't mean that they're false or unsaved.
The security of our salvation in the hand of Christ is the foundation on which we are saved. If the foundation is uncertain, then our lives will be full of uncertainty as well, and we will not be bold in this very witness of salvation in Christ. We are not save base in our own idea of salvation, but rather we are saved because God has save us with His salvation. We cannot lose something which is God, and a gift given to us unless we refuse the gift then we will not have it, but is God has ENABLED us the accept the gift there are be no way we lose it. Man has no effort, because even the creation of man is by God. God begins us, performs it, and bring us to fullness. Hallelujah! Jesus is LOrd!
@@jonahjohnbaba yes Jesus Christ wouldn't reject you, but you can reject him because you have your freewill and your salvation is based on your freewill, as someone freely on his own accepted Christ same person can also freely on his own reject Christ.
Do not be deceived: God cannot be mocked. A man reaps what he sows. The one who sows to please his sinful nature, from that nature will reap destruction; the one who sows to please the Spirit, from the Spirit will reap eternal life.
Exactly the man who sows to the spirit will reap the spirit see let me tell you the sower soweth the word if you sow the word you would reap the word you sow to your flesh you would reap destruction
Brethren, if anyone among you wanders from the truth, and someone turns him back, let him know that he who turns a sinner from the error of his way will save a soul from death and cover a multitude of sins. James 5:19-20 It is possible for a brother to wander away from Jesus Christ. If faith was a prerequisite for salvation before, it is a prerequisite after. You must believe until the end.
The book of James is the oldest book in the new testament. Remember James was among the people who preached wrong doctrines to the Galatians church? Paul preached grace to them, James and Peter came up to preach the law. So, James was growing. As at the time he wrote the book of James , he was legalistic. This is why you need discernment while studying the scriptures
@@kennethifeloa1178 the entire thing, as it insinuates that James was disqualified to write that epistle to the church since he didn't understand the gospel of Jesus Christ.
You can lose your salvation through worldliness and going back to your former life. You can regain your salvation by repentance and restoration. We need to be careful. The end is near. Many preachers weighed down by sin and guilt will twist the word. Time will tell.
It's an issue of IDENTITY vs CONDUCT. By virtue of believing on the death, burial and resurrection of Christ, you become a child of God. That's your new IDENTITY and nothing can change that. Now that you're saved, you are expected to grow and mature and behave as a child that you are. It's possible to be a child and still misbehave, it doesn't mean your sonship has been rescinded, but that you've not taken up responsibility yet as a child. Your son can offend you at home and be rude to you, but he still remains your child. With good training and maturity, he'll begin to behave more as he ought to. The way you'd react to him would be as a son, compared to if it were a random boy outside, even if they both displayed the same rude behaviour towards you. Same concept here, we are children of God, and will remain so, because we believed the gospel of Christ, not because of what we did. This is why we're to grow in knowledge of Christ, to renew our minds, to not be conformed to this world. The more we grow in Christ, and in consciousness of who we are as children of God, the more we begin to conduct ourselves as we ought to. The conduct is not to become saved, but as a result of our salvation, and growing in the faith. This is what it means to work out. After all, you can't bring out what isn't there in the 1st place. If you're told to go fetch water from a well or tap, you don't go there wondering if water is there, you go with the assurance that the water is IN the well ALREADY, your own job is to bring it out. This is our assurance, that we are saved eternally. It's on us to behave like responsible children. A good understanding of this will even help you shun the "anyhow" lifestyle. Some people say it's the license to sin, no. Our free will was the license to sin from the beginning. Now, we live after the nature of whom God has made us, saved men. In fact, many times Paul wrote to the churches in the epistles, reprimanding them and correcting them and telling them how to conduct themselves in line with their IDENTITY as Christians. Yet, at the beginning of every letter, he always addressed them as FELLOW SAINTS and BRETHREN, even when he was correcting their acts. Because he knew that, they were still growing in the faith, and would make mistakes, and when they come to fill realisation of who they are in Christ, and walk in responsibility, in the calling of Christ and their conduct, it would reflect in their conduct. This is even what makes a difference between us believers and unbelievers. Because why else would I tell an unbeliever to become saved, if after coming to Christ, he can't even be sure he's fully secured in him or I can't be assured of my own salvation. He might as well continue in his ways, if we're both in the same shoes then. What makes us saved is believing in the redemptive work of Christ, and we gain that IDENTITY of saved men forever. That is the foundation on which we build our faith walk, and take on responsibility.
Your lack of scriptural understanding, rather than choosing to stand on the docy=trine f men is what you should be careful about. First of all, if you are genuinely saved, you would always desire to live a holy life. If the seed of God is in you, you won't be bothered about living a worldly life, rather it would irritate you. Check your heart.
We get saved by a combination of two actions from us - "believing in our hearts" and "confessing with our mouths" that Jesus is Lord (Romans 10:9-10). This presupposes that denouncing of that believe and confession later will strip of that that status - just like I didn't do anything to become a Nigerian, I can however do something to stop being one! (John 15:6) Generally however, our salvation was meant to last eternally (same way as our being born as a citizen of any nation is ordinarily meant to be for life) but we, not Christ, can choose to lose it. Another way to look at it is to consider that salvation is a gift and by nature the gift is meant to be eternal hence God's gift (of salvation is without repentance. However, like every gift, the "giftee" (the receiver, who yes, didn't really do anything to have it) may on their own volition destroy/lose the gift. Hence the admonition to "guard" our salvation, our faith.
This is different, you can't choose to lose it. If you are born of your father, you renouncing your father, does it change the fact that you were born of your father? He that is born of Spirit is spirit sir. You are spirit already, you can simply say that you don't want to be spirit again after being spirit. When you were of the adamic nature, no matter what good works you do, none will change your nature from being adamic, not until Jesus Christ the savior came.
It's a one way bus, once you are in you are in God doesn't record sin against you sir! Think about it. Romans 4:8 Blessed is the man to whom the Lord will not impute sin. You are already one with Christ!
@@amehgift6105 That's how you people foolishness miss it. Did the one at the right acknowledge is wrongs or not? I feel sorry for all you wanting to love the world and God at the same time. The guy knew he was a sinner and acknowledged Jesus to be the savior, that was why he said remember me in your kingdom but before he said that, he acknowledged his wrong. What is repentance? Acknowledging you did wrong and changing from it.
I STRONGLY BELIEVE in once saved, forever saved! A small example is, when Jesus promised the thief on the cross that he would be with him in paradise on that same day, Jesus died immediately but the thief stayed alive several hours after. So between the time Jesus promised him paradise and the time he (the thief eventually died) do you think he did not commit any sins? I can most certainly assure you he committed sin whether in his thoughts, speech or action. Yet, that did not nullify the fact that he went to be with Christ. Once Jesus says you are saved, you remain forever saved! Shalom
And that is the continuous working out of righteousness; which we must all keep at. This is in fact what, when a Christian stops doing, we can then say that they have backslidden. It does not mean that they have lost their salvation. But that they have put a brake on "looking unto Jesus".
The two phrases are correct! They both portrays the consistent and backsliding responses to the call of salvation. How? Once saved is always saved based on genuine conversion and consistency. Example Joshua and Caleb. Their consistent response to the salvation of Elohiym to Israel saw them thru to the promised land. The promise was for the whole Israelites, all were saved from Egypt but only two made it. "Once saved is not always saved" Still using Israelites from Egypt as example: All of them were saved from the plague, from Pharaoh and Egyptian armies, crosses the reed sea together, but backsliding, unrepresented hearts and lack of tenacity crept in and from 20yrs upwards lost their salvation and their bones littered the wilderness. The difference is the tenacity level to the salvation presented. If your tenacity is strong, you remain saved, but if your tenacity is week, you may eventually lose it if you are not careful. That's my take.
How can an eternal God produce a temporal salvation! We were not saved by our actions or works, Christ obtained for us eternal salvation. Hebrews 9:12, John 10:28-30!
Dear there is no need for all these interpretative gyration. Once save is not always saved. Those who work in the Spirit and in Truth understands this. There is no way "Once saved always saved" and "One can lose salvation" can make sense together if you really understand what both claims really mean
The devil set in confusion to make you believe that once saved you can't lose it.That's the lies of the devil to make you believe that once you confess your sins and desist at a point in time you don't need it again is a lie.You are more prone to devil deceit to make you go back to your vomit and hence you need the Holy spirit to guide you and keep rededicating your life to God.......once saved doesn't mean you don't commit some sins you called " little sin" we are imperfect and only The Trinity are without blemish hence we need to keep checking our inner thoughts and ask God for forgiveness continually. Once saved doesn't mean you're forever saved because if you go back to your vomit after you have been saved and death comes ,you will account for your last minutes character. For it is written, it is appointed for man to die once and after that judgement. If death caught up with you in your sin state what will happen?
My sister thank you for your understanding, because once save is not always saved, most people out back to there old ways and rededicate there life to God.
I choose to disagree, the concept of salvation in the scriptures is anchored on belief and confession in Romans 10:10-13,and NOT how well you walk without sin as you're trying to depict..a closer look at chapter 3 of galatians you can tell that the just can only live by faith and not works,verse 11..otherwise we all would still need a high priest to still go into the most holy place to offer sacrifices for our sins and then that would mean Christ died for nothing if his own blood was not able to cleanse us galatians 2:21...So therefore in conclusion though i still got a lot to say,is that all who are in christ did not come on their own,John 6:44 and this according to my understanding is that they were chosen in him before the world began ephesians 1:4 then Romans 8:30 comes then the just shall live by faith.and this faith cometh by hearing and hearing by the word of God Romans 10:17,and this word of faith is ....if you believe in your heart...and confess Jesus Romans 10:8-10...stay blessed as you meditate and ask the Holy Spirit for revelation and illumination..Jesus is Lord
For God’s gifts and his call can never be withdrawn.Rom 11:29. We can only choose to ignore the Christ and the things concerning him....he never leaves. We cannot lose our salvation. We can only choose to not pay attention and not acknowledge his doing for us...
What is matured in that. I agreed that its one destiny to be save. so therefore let us sin for we are already saved. Its not à subject of debate if you think once save is always save good for you, if you think once save is not always save better for you at least thé later help you to protect your salvation with humility. Making fun of each other about salvation is childish and of no used to the cross of Christ.
WHY DO WE FORGET TO READ VERSE 13? 12 Therefore, my dear friends, as you have always obeyed-not only in my presence, but now much more in my absence-continue to work out your salvation with fear and trembling,(V) 13 for it is God who works in you(W) to will and to act in order to fulfill his good purpose.(X)
There is a working out and there is working in which are my and God's responsibilities. God has given you a new life, you have to work it out daily by making wise decisions which will you make you more like Christ. Salvation is a working out and working in by the spirit of God. Judas was a believer and a follower of Christ yet he allowed the enemy to deceive him and he hanged himself. My question is if a believer dies through fornication, will he or she be saved?
@patiencequansah4452 Judas NEVER was a believer. (John 6:64, 70, 71). What takes a man to heaven is not his good deeds whether he did them before he became born again or after he became born again. What qualifies a man fir heaven is only ONE THING - FAITH IN CHRIST!
Colossians 1:13 When one becomes born-again, he is translated from the kingdom of darkness into the kingdom of God's dear son. If reversing this path is possible that should also suggest that the devil at a point became more powerful than our Lord, which is impossible. In Romans 8:28 scriptures say nothing shall be able to separate us from the love of God. How do we know we are born again? Our spirits bear witness with the Holy Spirit, and the Word of God says so. And we possess the ability, love to do right, simply walk in the spirit and not in the fleshly desires. At any point in time, a man's biggest need is the Holy Spirit. That communion energies us with the mastery to know and to do His will. Whenever there's topical arguments like this amongst believers, it means they are not in deep communion with the Holy Spirit. Here's the point, the Holy Spirit will always tell you the truth. After He told you it doesn't matter what others have to say, they are not better teacher than Him. My Christian bro/sis, close your ears from the noises that come from pulpits of those who want attention to themselves. Develop a habit of having exclusive quiet time with the Holy Spirit and be satisfied with what He says and follow His leads.
Me all I can say to every child of God out there is that work out your salvation with fear and trembling, trust the Almighty God and cry to him for aid daily .
And because iniquity shall abound, the love of many shall wax cold. But he that shall endure unto the end, the same shall be saved. Matthew 24:12-13 KJV
The love of many has already wax cold because sin has abound the only way to endure is to renew this mind Romans 12: 2 be ye not conform to this world but be transformed by the renewing of your mind so you would know his good pleasing, perfect will of GOD
Yes, as far as you don't go back to your vomits and die in your vomits. But if you do go back to your sins and die in it; you would end up in hell, because nothing unclean shall enter heaven; so says the Bible.
A very essential part of the Lordship of Jesus is to believe that He saves eternally. Because that is the exact reason why He came to die and rise again. John 3:16 is the most common bible verse in the whole of the Christian world but then, people still do not get what Jesus is saying The reason why anyone will not perish in hell is because Jesus gave eternal on the basis of Faith in Him. You will never go to hell you have eternal life. If you don't believe this, then your idea of the Lordship of Jesus is very faulty
I like the fact that comments are neutral..... No bully of any pastor...... but the truth is that, if you go back to your sin you will surely lose your salvation.
@@splendidwittyman2611 even crime committed leads one to prison, resulting in the of loss of freedom. How much more spiritual things that pertains to God. Don't let any one deceive you, God standard is still same.
Salvation ( eternal life or everlasting life) is the altimate rewards that God almighty through his son Jesus Christ will give to his faithful worshiper who serve him faithfully to the end ,
Serve? That sound like slavery. A reward, not a gift. That's not Christ! Christ showed the proof of His love, that, while we were sinners, he died for the ungodly. This is the dispensation of Grace. Freely have you received!
The problem with the once saved forever saved doctrine is that it tries to take away responsibility from the children of God themselves We as Christians have a part to play in maintaining our salvation. We are sealed unto the day of salvation by the Holy Spirit but this same holy spirit can be grieved and quenched by who? By we ourselves! Let's always try to preach a balanced gospel. Just as there is salvation there is also righteousness and there's also holiness. That we were given a gift doesn't mean we can't misuse and manhandle it. No matter how much God holds on to us, he will not go against our will. If we are not disciplined enough to live in accordance with the statutes of God as members of his kingdom, then we have by our own hands removed ourselves from the commonwealth of the faith We may not have a part to play in receiving salvation, but we have a big part to play in staying saved God bless us
the rsponsibility for salvation is God's not ours. he is the one working in us to desire to do good. nothing that a man does can exempt him from physical death,,just as much as nothing that a believer is exposed to can exempt him from life. from adam, we copy a pattern of unavaoidable physical death thru birth,,,from chrost we copy a pattern of eternal life thru believing in him.
For it is impossible for those who were once enlightened, and have tasted of the heavenly gift, and were made partakers of the Holy Ghost, And have tasted the good word of God, and the powers of the world to come, If they shall fall away, to renew them again unto repentance; seeing they crucify to themselves the Son of God afresh, and put him to an open shame. Hebrews:6:4-6
I'm wondering, why haven't anyone seen this scripture...A believer can never lose his salvation. However, he can decide to reject Christ. Now, looking at Heb6:4-6, not every Christian can reject Christ. There are 5 criteria before you can. A new convert who doesn't know his left from his right cannot reject Christ after confessing Christ as Lord and Saviour. The Holy Spirit remains with him because he's a baby Christian. Let's look at it like this. A child of 12years goes to school and suddenly says he's changing his surname because he doesn't just want the name. He wants to have a better surname(remember, Christ gave us the power to use His name). As long as he's not of legal age to change that name, he can't and will not. That's exactly how HEB 6:4-6 is explaining. Unless you have tasted the Good word of God AND...The Bible records 'AND' not 'OR'. So until you meet the 5 criteria in that ain't loosing no salvation
Both of them were speaking their idealogy of understanding but the truth about salvation is theology of God whereby his plan for every human being is be saved by surrending to Jesus Christ.
I am happy to see Preachers preach about Salvation and argue about truth which is salvation than argue with miracle and powers . May God bless them that's encouraging to me.
So you don't like miracles then it not gospel of Jesus christ coz Jesus performed many miracles and he said Luke 10: 19 I have given you power to cast out devils
This why evil has taken over Nigeria, , kidnapping, ritual, Yahoo, kpekusv in highest level etc. No need to repent because we all are oce save and for all enternity.
Let no one deceive you: ONCE SAVED IS NOT ALWAYS SAVED. Born again christians can lose out of their salvation, but then, there's always room to go back to Calvary.
@@dr.nnachiamah6319 Hebrews 6:4-6 ”For it is impossible for those who were once enlightened, and have tasted of the heavenly gift, and were made partakers of the Holy Ghost, And have tasted the good word of God, and the powers of the world to come, IF THEY SHALL FALL AWAY, to renew them again unto repentance; seeing they crucify to themselves the Son of God afresh, and put him to an open shame.”
@@anotheperspective One mistake we believers make often is the constant misuse or taking verses out of context and that, without a careful examination or applying exegesis in our interpretation. One question I want you to answer while trying to respond is this, who was this verse written to and why was it written? Thank you.
@@dr.nnachiamah6319 okay, I will post another translation in you don’t understand kjv Hebrews 6:4-6 AMP “For [it is impossible to restore to repentance] those who have once been enlightened [spiritually] and who have tasted and consciously experienced the heavenly gift and have shared in the Holy Spirit, and have tasted and consciously experienced the good word of God and the powers of the age (world) to come, and then have fallen away-it is impossible to bring them back again to repentance, since they again nail the Son of God on the cross [for as far as they are concerned, they are treating the death of Christ as if they were not saved by it], and are holding Him up again to public disgrace.”
Rev Damina is right! You can not loose your salvation once gotten but that does not mean you should live as you want because the wages of sin remains death!
Listening to all these preachers, and analysing them all personally, I agree with Bishop Oyedepo opinion. Even though all of them maybe scripturally right in their own opinion
Work out your salvation with fear and trembling . The bible say examine yourself. Take heed take heed . A believer can lose his salvation if he refuses to take heed, not willing to yield to the holy spirit , you will lose your salvation. The blood of Jesus is not to be played it and treat salvation carelessly. You will lose it. It depends on you yielding to the holy spirit and God . Salvation is a two way, playing my part and God always play his part. Working out means God l surrender to your will, discipline , scourging to be conformed to the image of your son.
do you know many, I mean many who attend church today are just church attendees? , they play with the saving opportunity presented to them. This warning goes to those always in church, contributing in church, even evangelizing but have not surrendered their lives to christ yet. The bible says when you come to Christ nothing, not even sin can separate you from his love. It's, for this reason, we say we are saved by grace, that is why we call Him Merciful. Saying that your salvation depends on you, simply rejects the work of Christ on the cross. If I have to work to be saved, then why did Jesus die? working for my salvation is returning under the law. We need to study the bible with so much discernment and really surrender to the Holy Spirit for wisdom. The disciples of Christ lived at the cross line between the dispensation of the law and of grace, many of them still spoke with under-the-law mentality, remember Peter still considered non-Jewish people as unclean, he never understood the vastness of God's grace while Apostel Paul understood.
Work OUT, not work FOR. It means what you have in you, let it show forth. But you can't show it if you don't have it. The issue here is not that you have the salvation, it is to let that salvation reflect in your life and conduct. It's an issue of IDENTITY vs CONDUCT. By virtue of believing on the death, burial and resurrection of Christ, you become a child of God. That's your new IDENTITY and nothing can change that. Now that you're saved, you are expected to grow and mature and behave as a child that you are. It's possible to be a child and still misbehave, it doesn't mean your sonship has been rescinded, but that you've not taken up responsibility yet as a child. Your son can offend you at home and be rude to you, but he still remains your child. With good training and maturity, he'll begin to behave more as he ought to. The way you'd react to him would be as a son, compared to if it were a random boy outside, even if they both displayed the same rude behaviour towards you. Same concept here, we are children of God, and will remain so, because we believed the gospel of Christ, not because of what we did. This is why we're to grow in knowledge of Christ, to renew our minds, to not be conformed to this world. The more we grow in Christ, and in consciousness of who we are as children of God, the more we begin to conduct ourselves as we ought to. The conduct is not to become saved, but as a result of our salvation, and growing in the faith. This is what it means to work out. After all, you can't bring out what isn't there in the 1st place. If you're told to go fetch water from a well or tap, you don't go there wondering if water is there, you go with the assurance that the water is IN the well ALREADY, your own job is to bring it out. This is our assurance, that we are saved eternally. It's on us to behave like responsible children. A good understanding of this will even help you shun the "anyhow" lifestyle. Some people say it's the license to sin, no. Our free will was the license to sin from the beginning. Now, we live after the nature of whom God has made us, saved men. In fact, many times Paul wrote to the churches in the epistles, reprimanding them and correcting them and telling them how to conduct themselves in line with their IDENTITY as Christians. Yet, at the beginning of every letter, he always addressed them as FELLOW SAINTS and BRETHREN, even when he was correcting their acts. Because he knew that, they were still growing in the faith, and would make mistakes, and when they come to fill realisation of who they are in Christ, and walk in responsibility, in the calling of Christ and their conduct, it would reflect in their conduct. This is even what makes a difference between us believers and unbelievers. Because why else would I tell an unbeliever to become saved, if after coming to Christ, he can't even be sure he's fully secured in him or I can't be assured of my own salvation. He might as well continue in his ways, if we're both in the same shoes then. What makes us saved is believing in the redemptive work of Christ, and we gain that IDENTITY of saved men forever. That is the foundation on which we build our faith walk, and take on responsibility.
God bless you! Indeed the Spirit of God is One. The Holy Spirit was just teaching me about the exact points you've raised before seeing your comment. And your enlightenment is spot on!
The Bible is not sealed ooooo. The veil has been turned open, direct access to the Holy of Holies. Its all about Christ from Genesis to Revelation. Yes, Christ was concealed (in symbols, types, shadows, etc) in the old testament, but manifested (in Body) in Mathew to John, returned (in Spirit) in Acts of Apostles, revealed in the Epistles. Thank you Jesus!
Salvation biblically means free from influence of the devil and eternal perdition... Jesus said the first shall last and the very elects will even be deceived and Paul said those that think they stand should becareful that they don't fall(1cor10:12). Only those who endured to the end will be saved Dema lost his salvation 2Tim4:10 Salvation is a continuous assessment. Our salvation is perfected on the day Jesus welcomes us to God's kingdom.
Thank you bro,the Bible is there for all to read and understand.this end time men of devil claiming to be men of God with their false doctrine would lead so many to hell.salvation can not be lose,what a lie of the devil then why did Jesus Christ tell Peter ,"I pray for you so the devil don't get you."
@@luberry342 IN CHRIST, THE DEPTH OF PEACE... I'm glad to exalt Jesus’ finished work again! Christ presents you holy, blameless and faultless before God. Colossians 1:22 In the body of his flesh through death, to present you holy and unblameable and unreproveable in his SIGHT; Look at the word "IN HIS SIGHT" In the sight of men you may look blemish and defiled, But in the sight of God you are blameless and flawless just because you are in Christ. When God sees a believer he sees Christ perfection! You honour men by your deeds but you honour God by faith. Men judge you by your conduct but God judges you by your faith. He warned us to walk by faith, not by sight. Now, Colossians 1:23 If ye continue in the faith grounded and settled, and be not moved away from the HOPE of the GOSPEL, which ye have heard... The word Hope in Greek is “elpis” means; Joyful and confident expectation of ETERNAL SALVATION. Being blameless before God is not a function of your moral conduct or capacity to fulfill the law of Moses. You can't please God by your works, because they are like a filthy rags! You can only please God by faith in Christ. Matthew 3:17 And lo a voice from heaven, saying, This is my beloved Son, in whom I am WELL PLEASED. It's only in Christ that you can actually please God... Ephesians 2:8 For by GRACE are ye saved through FAITH; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God: 2:9 Not of works, lest any man should boast. Your works have no input in what God is doing, You can't work for salvation, it's solely the work of Jesus. Your works can't complement what God has perfected through Christ. Hebrews 10:14 For by one offering he hath PERFECTED for ever them that are sanctified. The assurance and the joy of all we received from Christ therefore, is that, it is PERFECT and COMPLETE already! You are not SAVED to begin to look for how to perfect it! Your salvation is PERFECTED IN CHRIST. You are not RIGHTEOUS to begin to look for how to maintain it. Your RIGHTEOUSNESS is SUSTAINED PERFECTLY IN CHRIST. Look closely at this word; HE HAS PERFECTED FOREVER! Not just for a season, not just for some time. But he has perfected for ALL TIME every spiritual blessings he gave us. FLESH will say “ yesterday i was righteous, today I'm not RIGHTEOUS because of my conduct” FAITH will say " I'm the RIGHTEOUSNESS of God in Christ Jesus, irrespective of my conduct or deeds" Jesus authored our salvation and he perfected it at the same time. Hebrews 12:2 Looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our FAITH... Now, what can we to this Scripture??? Philippians 2:12 Wherefore, my beloved, as ye have always obeyed, not as in my presence only, but now much more in my absence, WORK OUT your own SALVATION with fear and trembling. Does this Scripture implies that we need to work to sustain or perfect salvation?? WORK OUT means to #prove_show or #display It's different from #WORK_FOR! We need to work to prove we're saved not work to earn salvation, We Work because we are saved not because we want to be saved! A believer must gather with other believers for a beautiful fellowship not to fellowship with other believers because he wants to be saved! A believer must GIVE generously and LOVE passionately because it's his responsibility not because he wants to make HEAVEN. Get this clarity, There's a work because of FEAR And, There's a work because of LOVE. A believer works because of LOVE not because of FEAR! This is what this verse is saying, Prove that you are saved by good works not work to earn salvation. Do we get the picture now? Good! #The_Bible_can't #antagonize_each_other, #If_the_Bible_says_we_are_saved_by_grace_through_faith, #It_can't #say_otherwise_in_another_portion... #EVERY_verse_of_the_Bible_must_be_interpreted_with_the_view_of_what_Christ_has_done, Because HE'S the central message of the Bible, you take Christ out of it you get a story book! The Bible is not a book of do's and don't, Filled with moral instructions, The New Testament is a LOVE LETTER! To all sinners to salvation. Salvation is Once saved forever saved.
One can definitely lose his salvation. Hebrews 10vs38-39 says "if any man draw back my soul shall have no pleasure in him. But we are not of them that draw back unto perdition.." 1 John 2:9 says "He that saith he is in the light, and hateth his brother, is in darkness even until now." Beware of they that seek to turn you away from the faith God bless
@@ikayanyim1370 Now I never mentioned my pastor. We are having a civil conversation. Read that entire chapter and you will understand clearly. And by the way. We take out time to read Contextually every Sunday in church as we don't believe the Bible was written in verses. But as a book. A lot can be lost in removing a verse from a context. It's a lazy attitude towards God's Word.
@@ikayanyim1370 the idea is you cannot claim you are saved on the mission is fufilled. How can you claim you saved someone from something deadly but that thing still happened to him. Imagine I am a doctor: someone is dieing and I was called to save him. I rushed to his side gave him some drugs and he calms down a little. But 2 hours later he dies. Then I come out and tell his family I saved him. I am sure they will slap me. Salvation is Total deliverance from sin and it's consequences (Death: Eternal separation from God). Jesus cannot claim to save you when you still died. It's either you are saved or you are not simple. There is nothing like loosing your salvation.
Hebrews 6:4-6 For it is impossible for those who were once enlightened, and have tasted of the heavenly gift, and were made partakers of the Holy Ghost, And have tasted the good word of God, and the powers of the world to come, If they shall fall away, to renew them again unto repentance; seeing they crucify to themselves the Son of God afresh, and put him to an open shame.
Ezekiel 18:24 But when the righteous turneth away from his righteousness, and committeth iniquity, and doeth according to all the abominations that the wicked man doeth, shall he live? All his righteousness that he hath done shall not be mentioned: in his trespass that he hath trespassed, and in his sin that he hath sinned, in them shall he die.
@@luhstephen3016 When a pastor says "if you do not tithe you are cursed", he has missed his way. He has never known Christ. He's completely lost. When you study the topic in detail you begin to wonder what preachers like Oyedepo spend their time studying. It's like someone reading so much about cars but he tells you that cars are made out of plastic. He doesn't even know that they are made from metal. That's how shocking it is but nigerian christians are mumucious unfortunately. They do not read.
@@joshononiell5085 I carried Oyedepo on my head for many years. I even tried to pray like him and talk like him - I was a worker and even service unit leader. But at some point I started to realize that some of the fundamental things he preached did not look like the bible so I started studying and praying. A year later I finally knew and understood Christ for the first time. These days I can hardly listen to Oyedepo. He hasn't really understood the grace of God and the finished work of Christ. He's stuck in the old testament. Stuck with Moses and the Prophets trying to do what Christ has already finished.
Really??? Have you ever read Hebrew 6:4-6? I know a few people that were hot Christians and have now denounced Christianity, salvation etc, TOTALLY!!!!
@@luhstephen3016 perhaps you didn’t read my comment properly. I never insulted him. I only said that I struggle to listen to him anymore because of doctrinal reasons. Also the tithing doctrine is just one item in the pile but it’s one of the obvious ones that keep people in bondage. I have no personal issues or anger towards Oyedepo - It might internet you to know that his teaching series on Fulfilling the ministry are still some of my favourite teachings of all time. God uses everybody - those who preach sound doctrine and those who don’t. The thing is when you start to grow in Christ certain kinds of doctrine will naturally repel you. It’s not for me anymore but the time I was there was valuable because it one way or the other added to my understanding of the Bible even if it may taught me more what not to do or what not to follow as doctrine.
Salvation is like nativity(nationality) That one commits a crime does not deny him his nationality. But there is more to Salvation than keeping or losing it
Really,this is an anti Christ doctrine because if Jesus Christ told Mary Magdalene go and sin no more that shows sin can make one lose is salvation.if one is saved and continues in sin he or she will lose their salvation that's why it is written you are neither hot or cold.... please get full understanding of God's word...the wages of sin is death, salvation is to be free from death which is caused by is written by sin death came añd through salvation life came by Jesus Christ.
@LU Berry u ar right. If you read my comment well you will realise that I said there is more to that What I said is one side of the coin while the more... is another side of it. To tell you the truth, 'once save is already saved thing' is a half truth and because it is a half truth is no truth. When one is save the change he received began from the spirit. No physical effect is experienced bcs one's bad life is still there. There is a great tendency that that person will rise and fall. But if in any case that such happens to sin, salvation is already there. All he needs to do is to reconcile with our maker and continue the journey. It is a transformation process not an automated process. Anothere thing I will like u to know is that the 'expected end' is not to enjoy this world but to come to the fullness of christ. That is why 2corint 3:18 is there. For us to behold and keep transforming until we come to that full image.
@@bismarkjohnson1631 hahahaha sorry brother the entrance of God's gives light and gives understanding to the simple. I wish I had time to open up your mind on this topic but your mind is static to something wrong and you are determined to defend the wrong interaction of scriptures that's why I cant help you. But think if you didn't give yourself salvation you cant keep but if he brought salvation to you he will keep it for you for himself . so if you lose salvation you were never saved in the first place. scripture are all over my dear brother.
When a preacher don't understand the scripture deeply he can say anything from ordinary understanding . Pls children of God, be open to the Holy Spirit for deeper understanding of the WORD!
@@michaelgideon208 How? The scriptures he used were accurate and biblical, he followed the context of the whole bible before arriving and that conclusion, so why would you say that?
In my own opinion, the word of God is not automatic, there is always a part we can play to keep what is entrusted to us. Nothing is automatic in the kingdom of God.
This is getting interesting... Man, you are helping me see clearer what'sup amongst some men of God. The analysis is smth I'll love to be a part of the deliberation.
I totally agree with pastor OYEDEPO..100%, come to think of you think the devil is here on earth to just allow you to be saved and go to heaven just like that..see the book of act14:22..hahaha saved in the context does not mean saved to make heaven, it is a first step in acceptance to the testimony of Jesus Christ as a joint believers in the kingdom of God, you can be save and return into captive.. Even our lord warns a certain man and said sin no more, let's the worst comes upon you, even after he was just been heal and saved from sin that brought him afflictions..Remember also that the lord brought them out of Egypt.. how many of them made it to the promised land, of course they were all saved from bondage of 430 yrs.. hahaha..even after the lord has destroyed their enemies.. righteousness belongs to God and its heavenly property, righteousness is an alien to humanity only through but Jesus who became the righteousness of God. You can loose your salvation.. and made it even at the last minute..while some can received their salvation at the later end..and still made at last...see Mathew 20:1..
You have taken side on this topic. What you are asked to guide jealously can be lost. Both are saying the same thing but in different terms and understanding. Eternal Salvation - secured by Jesus Christ can't be lost; is a finished work but individual salvation can be lost.
Fact! Eternal salvation is like an ocean that will never dry while individual salvation is like 20litres of water fetched from the ocean which can exhaust if not carefully used.
Heb 10:39 "But we are not of them that draw back unto perdition; but of them that believe to the saving of the soul"... implication is that one can lose his/ her salvation.
Let's look at this from this perspective. According to the dictionary, Salvation is a PROCESS of being restored or made new. This simply means, the process is continuous. You can be saved, you later return to the world, then you still come back. Even though Bible said, I bring to you life and death, choose one. Its a choice. Several things could make you decide to go back to the world. That's where the word "BACKSLIDING" come to play. In conclusion, you can loose your salvation and because its a continuous process, you can still come back. That's where the Grace of God comes in. Even though your sins are ad dark as scarlet, it shall be made whiter than snow. Remember that statement. Any day you decide to follow Jesus, He'll welcome you. The day you decide to go back, you're free. God gave us the power of will/choice. He did not make us as robots, he gave us the power to make decisions. So Bishop Oyedepo is not wrong.
Never means you lost your salvation. When you got born again, Jesus gave you the authority to his name. The fact that you wronged your father doesn't mean you don't bare his surname again.
If you can loose your salvation any time you received it at the time of repentance it goes to say you were never born again, you were a fake. The nature of Christ that entered you at the new birth didn’t happen. But if you received the new man that was of Christ, He Christ will give you the power to live above sin and it’s cravings because the new man cannot sin as long as your focus is on Christ. For this reason it is written “ keep looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith”.
Firstly, I think we have missed the meaning of "Salvation". Lemme illustrate it this way. I was in the orphanage with no parents. One very day a man walks in and adopts me. Gives me a new life, new name, etc. Everything I desired. I'm his child now. Then I misbehave and then he takes me back to the orphanage and drops me back there until I repent before he can adopt me again...I'm even trying to make sense out of it. You see, the fact that we wrong God doesn't mean He will disown us. Even in our domestic homes, our parents don't disown us when we wrong them. Yes, we wronged them and they are not happy and we need and must apologized to them, it doesn't mean we have lost our salvation. Salvation is our right to be a member of the family. We wronged them but we are still members.
Wow this is good topic indeed, so I will say that both of them are right ,when you see a matured believer who is going down in faith just call pst Abel and when is a baby believer also pst David, we need each other to make it on the last day because our grace and area of calling is not the same, but with joist effort we all will worship God together on that great day of the Lord... Big thanks to everyone who has one way or another comment on this topic may God bless you real good, also we need the wisdom Of God to be able to understand his words
Once saved for ever is a message for babies.As you grow up in Christ and as you begin to undestand the scripture you will begin to understand that SALVATION can be lost... Someone can be 100% right in a level and be 100% wrong in another level... As ones grow up He will begins to see better and understand better and this truth is not dependent on your congregation level.You can have 1millions babies and another has 12 matured... A baby in the Lord cannot lose his salvation but a MATURED CHRISTIAN can lose his salvation goes to Hell.Some babies who tends towards losing salvation is either JUDGED by the Lord and has his salvation preserved or he judge himself.This is one reason why some dies young... We can have a call to have this understanding sorted out
My brother I beg to differ it is not for baby Christians as you say, it's simple and deep which is the gospel. Once saved is always saved however your lifestyle is still dependent on principles that are applicable here on earth. The soil on the ground serves as your salvation the question is what seed or seeds of your lifestyle are you planting ? You don't plant orange and expect beans don't live recklessly and expect awesome result . The soil (salvation) remains the same for you but the seeds (lifestyle) is dependent on you, do you water it with the word, prayer and love or do you plant recklessly , abandon it or over water it (living an unbalanced lifestyle- overspiritualising) . God bless you bro and I pray the Holy spirit reveals more to you
@@dasilvaibekwe662 There is no however.. Is either you stand by one save forever saved or you stand in the position of ones ability to lose salvation by your WORKS/FRUIT.. Now when I said is a message of babies I mean when you go to a congregation that are matured (not in age but in understanding and in disciples of teaching of Christ) what is being taught is fashioning your life not after your own lust,your desires your old man way of life but to become like Christ not only in your Spirit but also in your act. If you cannot express the finish work of grace in your flesh then it means your work of salvation is not complete. 1 Thessalonian 5 vs 25.God desire is that all your tripartite part of me and you be made holy unto the Lord. You cannot be living the works of the flesh consistently without repentance and think the heart of the Lord rejoices over that. This is the reason why they Lord place genuine repentance in our walk of salvation. Backslidding or fallen is inevitable but the Lord will have you acknkwledge your mistake ,repent of it by confess it and believe that He hears you and having a consecration not to repeat such again. In case you do the same thing again and again,the Lord is not bitter against but shows that you are baby and we require you to grow above such and not to celebrate and multiply the fleshy lifestyle. Salvation is not much of what you say you believe but more of the lifestyle you live that project what you believe...1 John 3 vs 7 The Lord deserve a fruit that abound unto righteousness,righteousness exalts a nation. Is a babies that doesn't seek to change his childish attitude and that why I repeat that once saved forever save is a message of babes (not in age but in understanding).The is sobberness ans sobriety in christian
If you can loose salvation by your actions it then implies you could get saved by actions. But it says you are saved by faith not of your works lest anyone should boast.
It is only by experience you can understand the concept of salvation..Once saved is not always saved.That doctrine is wrong, because Apostle paul himself said in 1st conrithians 9:27 "but I keep under my body, and bring it into subjection: lest that by any means, when I have preached to others, I myself should be a castaway" it means it is possible for him to still loose his salvation by being casted away...If you don't learn to balance doctrines, you will mis-interpret the scriptures..
To my understanding, He or she that is genuinely saved, shall not loss it, on the condition that he or she remains in Christ Jesus. Genuine salvation makes us to guide our salvation with fear and trebling in Christ Jesus in order not to loss it. These days, a lot of people are faking their salvation.
If you’re saved you’re saved. How are you saved at the first place because you believed . If believing is a child’s play, all will believe. Don’t forget the scripture says all our good deeds are like filthy rag in God’s eye. So which of the work are you claiming that is helping you keep your salvation-- none I will say. Work out your salvation some people always mistake to be the work you do to maintain your salvation. Let me ask you do you think believing is not a hard work to do. Please don’t underestimate believing in salvation. That on its own is a big deal and a big task to perform. No one got us back to God but Christ through what he did at the cross and that single handed got us salvation nothing else did not even our trying or our good deeds. George kudos bringing this our way. Truth is always so clear to truth lovers. Blessings 👏👏👏👏👏👏
This is the conclusion of the whole serious matter, "Believing". The concept of believing is realing unknown to many. The mystery of this construct is the revelation and understanding of what salvation is. God bless you real good, a loud amen!!!
Maybe you have read the admonition of the Apostle Paul to the church in Corinth. How he reminded them of the Israelites that left Egypt, passed through the red sea and were baptised into Moses were destroyed on their way to the promised land...and he stressed that God was not pleased with some of them, stating that it was written for us as example. 1Cor10:1 Moreover, brethren, I would not that ye should be ignorant, how that all our fathers were under the cloud, and all passed through the sea; 2 And were all baptized unto Moses in the cloud and in the sea; 3 And did all eat the same spiritual meat; 4 And did all drink the same spiritual drink: for they drank of that spiritual Rock that followed them: and that Rock was Christ. 5 But with many of them God was not well pleased: for they were overthrown in the wilderness. 6 Now these things were our examples, to the intent we should not lust after evil things, as they also lusted. 7 Neither be ye idolaters, as weresome of them; as it is written, The people sat down to eat and drink, and rose up to play. 8 Neither let us commit fornication, as some of them committed, and fell in one day three and twenty thousand. If you can't lose your salvation by your deeds, then Apostle Paul wouldn't have said in 1Co 9:27 But I keep under my body, and bring it into subjection: lest that by any means, when I have preached to others, I myself should be a castaway. This means that a believer can be a castaway, if not, Jesus wouldn't say in Mat7 21 Not every one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that doeth the will of my Father which is in heaven. 22 Many will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name? and in thy name have cast out devils? and in thy name done many wonderful works? 23 And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity. This set of people are the ones that are saying "once saved is always saved". They are the ones that were filled with the Holy Ghost and that prophesied and did diverse miracles but they lost their "salvation" through their work of iniquity. And they will come boldly before tge throne to say, "I preached (once saved always saved)", "I healed the sick in your name", "I cast out demons in your name" therefore I'm qualified to enter into the kingdom of heaven. But Jesus judging their works says " depart from me ye WORKERS of iniquity.
OMG! You nailed it bro, you nailed it..and brought tears to my eyes with your preceding comment. You fully understood the concept of salvation and the person who school you in did a very good job on you.
@@promiseefosa1833 Of course you are saved, just come back to following the correct road or you will just be more miserable then before because you know a better way of living, if one backslides.
Brilliant topic Sir..I like d way you ended it. When jesus is trully Lord over my life, I don't have to worry about losing or not losing my salvation .
It depends on who saves you. You yourself, or the Lord. If it's the Lord's salvation, then we Know that whatsoever he does, he does forever! If you saved yourself, sorry then you can loose it. God has no hands in that.
The reason for the controversy is that many pastors have a wrong notion of salvation. There is a difference between salvation and conversion. Salvation is the ultimate reward given at the end of faithful service to God. St Peter said, "Receiving the end of your faith, even the salvation of your souls". 1Pet. 1:9. Christ said "iniquity shall abound, the love of many shall wax cold but those who endure till the end will be saved." Matt. 2412,13. Once saved at the end is always saved.
If salvation is lost no one will enter heaven not even one, As long as we're still in our body of flesh, we will sin but the Lord will make us persevere till we leave this world.
@@emmanuelasamoah159 1 John 1:8-10 ESV "If we say we have no sin, we deceive ourselves, and the truth is not in us. If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness. If we say we have not sinned, we make him a liar, and his word is not in us." Repent from your self righteousness my friend!
@@ogwalmoris8070 The word fall does not have two meanings . This gospel of GRACE will lead a lot of people to hell. The heavenly race is a straut and narrow one not a one of a bed 9f roses
Here brother Paul was talking about falling into the temptation not salvation , bro read properly you know one thing About bible reading always let the Bible give you what to think not you thinking for the Bible
@@ogwalmoris8070 so when you fall into temptation is that sin or not ? Where would sin take you to ? And tell me what Jesus meant when he said those that endured till the end shall be save?
For this you know, that no fornicator, unclean person, nor covetous man, who is an idolater, has any inheritance in the kingdom of Christ and God. LET NO ONE DECEIVE YOU WITH EMPTY WORDS, for because of these things the wrath of God comes upon the sons of disobedience. Therefore do not be partakers with them. For you were once darkness, but now you are light in the Lord. Walk as children of light (for the fruit of the Spirit is in all goodness, righteousness, and truth), finding out what is acceptable to the Lord. And have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather expose them. For it is shameful even to speak of those things which are done by them in secret. But all things that are exposed are made manifest by the light, for whatever makes manifest is light. Therefore He says: “Awake, you who sleep, Arise from the dead, And Christ will give you light.” See then that you walk circumspectly, not as fools but as wise, redeeming the time, because the days are evil. Therefore do not be unwise, but understand what the will of the Lord is. Ephesians 5:5-17
Thank u George instead of focusing on the little difference we have we should focus on what binds us together I pray God reveals himself to us in Jesus name.. Amen
I want us to consider how one gets saved. You chose to agree with Jesus Christ and you answered His call to salvation, then you are saved. Jesus Christ did not force you. You made the decision on your own based on "IF". "IF" is a conditional word. If you decide to accept and follow Jesus Christ and endure till the end, you shall be saved. Perhaps we should look into BEING saved and BE saved. Matthew 10:22, John 10:9. However, if you decide not to follow Jesus Christ anymore and go back to your vomit, Jesus Christ will look for you to bring you back to the fold but will not force you to come back. Decision is yours. If you refuse to come back and you die in your sin, you lose eternal life for there's no repentance in the grave. Don't let entertainment distract you. Truly no one can snatch you from Jesus Christ but only you can snatch yourself from Him. God forbid. This is the last days. Please read the Holy Bible for yourself prayerfully and the Holy Spirit will guide and teach you. Salvation is not a thing of entertainment but a very serious thing and that is why it cost God His only begotten Son Jesus Christ the only true way that we can get eternal life and escape eternal death. AMEN.
The Bible make mention of the great fallen away of the believers,once save is not save forever,you can lose your salvation when you go back doing ur old life.
Tge fall away say if you trampole on the blood of grace meaning you deny everything that Christ represents that there is no more sacrifice for repentance.
@@akinolaoke3322 hahahahaha.....I love you bro but we have to understand what bro Paul was meaning here by falling away from Grace, let me explain to you Sir, Galatians 5:4.....He was talking about making your works or keeping the law as a qualification of your salvation.....Grace mean you didn't deserve it , it's unmerited favor, undeserve, so your works don't qualify you to be Born again or child of God ....but it's faith in Christ, for we are saved by Grace through faith in Christ.....not our works pls read the pretext(1,2,3) of that chapter 5 of verse 4.... Thank you Sir
Let me give you an illustration to explain that scripture and you can try to read the whole chapter and find something in verse 15. So I give you the latest Mercedes Benz SLS and I tell you "No matter how you drive this car, it cannot turn over". Now the question is this Can you drive the car recklessly because it cannot turn over, God forbid. God forbid you driving it not the car not being able to turn over. Rom6:15 KJV "What then? Shall we sin because we are not under the law, but under grace? God forbid. Rom 5:20kjv "Moreover the law entered, that the offence might abound. But where sin abounded, GRACE DID MUCH MORE ABOUND". Got it?!
John 17:12 [12]While I was with them, I kept and preserved them in Your Name [in the knowledge and worship of You]. Those You have given Me I guarded and protected, and not one of them has perished or is lost except the son of perdition [Judas Iscariot-the one who is now doomed to destruction, destined to be lost], that the Scripture might be fulfilled. [Ps. 41:9; John 6:70.]. Jesus Christ Himself said Judas was lost, so that's what is important and not what men say. A child who decides to live in sin could be lost. He was born again, he was an ApostleMatthew 10:1-4 [1]AND JESUS summoned to Him His twelve disciples and gave them power and authority over unclean spirits, to drive them out, and to cure all kinds of disease and all kinds of weakness and infirmity. [2]Now these are the names of the twelve apostles (special messengers): first, Simon, who is called Peter, and Andrew his brother; James son of Zebedee, and John his brother; [3]Philip and Bartholomew [Nathaniel]; Thomas and Matthew the tax collector; James son of Alphaeus, and Thaddaeus [Judas, not Iscariot]; [4]Simon the Cananaean, and Judas Iscariot, who also betrayed Him. He lost his apostleship through transgression, Acts 1:25 [25]To take the place in this ministry and receive the position of an apostle, from which Judas fell away and went astray to go [where he belonged] to his own [proper] place. Be careful whom you listen to so you don't follow them to hell. Stay blessed.
Judas was born again and he was lost, people go to hell by choice, God never sends them there. Matthew 10:33 [33]But whoever denies and disowns Me before men, I also will deny and disown him before My Father Who is in heaven.
He came to seek and save that which was lost then how can he lose what he has saved he's the one that keeps use secured in him no one can lose they salvation because you didn't save your self it's all about election by grace that he saved us not according to our works but according to his grace and purpose that's my comment
Phil.2:13-14 verse out your own salvation with fear and trembling verse 14: for it is God who works in you both to will and to work, for his good pleasure. NOTE: This working out is actually done by God himself who lives in the believer. The believer's role is to yield to the training of God which is done by the WORD. Jude 1:24 Now unto him that is able to keep you from falling.... The believer is not the one keeping himself from falling. The ability to keep a believer is in the hands of God himself. A believer can only lose his salvation if he is the one keeping himself. Hebrews 7:25 Wherefore he is able to save them to the uttermost that come to God by him, seeing he ever liveth to make intercession for them The word uttermost means completely, perfectly, finally, and for all time and eternity. Jesus has the ability to save a man forever. If a believer can lose his salvation it means Jesus does not have the ability to save a believer to the uttermost. So, anyone thinking that a believer can lose salvation does not even understand the bible.
The bible... Sola scriptura. All these men of God mentioned believe in the inherency of the scriptures. As it relates to the topic. OSAS is consistent with the scriptures. By faith you have been saved through grace. That means you did not save yourself so God who saved you has you covered. The basic answer to this question is to think of how one is saved, no one can save himself only God can save. Salvation is the work of God through the Holy spirit. If you did not save yourself then you cannot lose the salvation God has given you
check John 17:12 John 10:27-29. He left 99 sheep on the mountain and went for one that is missing. So 100 is completion. If He looses any, then the body is not complete
Hebrews 6:4-6 ”For it is impossible for those who were once enlightened, and have tasted of the heavenly gift, and were made partakers of the Holy Ghost, And have tasted the good word of God, and the powers of the world to come, IF THEY SHALL FALL AWAY, to renew them again unto repentance; seeing they crucify to themselves the Son of God afresh, and put him to an open shame.”
@@EmilyRoze87 it is a metaphor the Bible uses to illustrate how that if you fall way from the walk with God and reject the faith you become no different from those who crucified the Son of God and shamefully disgraced Him.
I watched 2 videos a couple weeks ago. In the one, a young lady confessed to have been SAVED and have been a very avid worshipper for some time. However her prayer requests continued to remain unanswered, no matter what she did. She then gave up on Jesus and turned to the religious beliefs and practises of African culture and NOW, ALL of her prayers are being met. In the second video, a middle-aged man was speaking before what appeared to be a sophisticated audience. He confessed to having been a evangelical pastor for many years and BELIEVED in the baptism of the Holy Ghost and speaking in other tongues and all that went with his FAITH. NOW he said, I have denounced ALL of that and have found it to be merely high emotions, without real substance. Is either of these two, or are both of them still SAVED? I think NOT. The church has always been encouraged that...ONLY THOSE WHO ENDURED TO THE END SHALL BE SAVED.
Jesus died so that you too can be a begotten son of the father. He is no longer the only begotten. Ephesians 1:5 ".....he predestined us to be adopted as his sons through Jesus Christ". He is the first begotten son of the father and the first begotten of the dead and when we believe in him we are also begotten sons of God who have died and resurrected with him.
Once saved Is not always save, imagine after being born again an individual get himself involved in Armed Robbery can we say such an individual is still save?
Hmmm but you as been saved, are you saying you don't sin everyday?? Whether armed robbery or u abuse someone, sin is sin to God, there is no sin bigger than the other. Nah here on earth we say one sin is greater than the other
U said once saved is not always saved. So u r trying to say that d person that got saved got saved by what he did right n not d blood of jesus, so if he got involved in armed robbery, he has lost his salvation, that means its by works then. If u got saved by grace, then u can never sustain ur salvation by ur works but by faith in jesus christ n his finished works. But shall we continue to sin bcos of grace, God forbid, know he not that he that is dead is freed from sin.
Right on the cross, an armed robber who acknowledged Jesus, will be with Him in paradise same day. Mind you, he didn't repent of his sins on the cross beside Christ, he had believed in him b4....but only acknowledged and testified of Him, though his own ways on earth was contrary. Thank you Jesus.
You know when we talk about salvation, we must first ask ourselves few questions: 1) what is it to be saved? 2) what us salvation? 3) what is eternal life? 4) before Jesus came and died what did we do in order for us to earn eternal life? 5) is there anything one Must do in order for him to be saved? 6) why salvation is called a gift? 7) the meaning of a gift 8) can someone work for in oder for him to qualify for a gift? 9)faith what it is 10) jesus and eternal life 11) Christ death and resurrection 12) Holiness and righteousness Man's righteousness and Christ's righteousness. 13) why Christ is our righteousness? 14) The death of Christ what it means. These few questions we can look at when talking about once saved always saved.
@@tadmatos1 1. The Soul of man 2. Salvation is life hid in Christ 3. Eternal life is man's reconciled life in God 4. Those our father of old BELIEVED on Christ that was to come to take away the sins of man..... our dispensation is to BELIEVE on Him that came. 5. Only BELIEVE IN CHRIST cum his purpose of Salvation to you and ALL MEN 6. A GIFT is strictly thought of, conceived by and executed by the giver. You work for man and receive wages, but God gives as he desires. Those that worked from morning to evening with those that worked an hour, received same dollars of the the Lord. Salvation is of the Lord as a Gift to man. Receive, and be appreciative. Give thanks unto the Lord, for He has done great things 👍
For if we sin wilfully after that we have received the knowledge of the truth, there remaineth no more sacrifice for sins, But a certain fearful looking for of judgment and fiery indignation, which shall devour the adversaries. Hebrews:10:26-27
Stop interpreting the bible wrongly! To sin wilfully from that passage is to reject the Jesus Christ whose blood had been offered for your sin. To sin wilfully is to reject salvation! That brings us back to the question, a man who has received salvation already, can that salvation be invalidated by his actions ? Big No. You did not save yourself in the first place Jesus saved you
@@toluwasethomas600 And if the righteous scarcely be saved, where shall the ungodly and the sinner appear? 1 Peter:4:18 Can u explain this verse to me sir?
Yes by his grace we are saved but let me tell you are the unbelievers saved? was the Grace not for everybody? is it not only when you acept him, Jesus Christ and confess and believe what he did for you that's when you'll be saved? Romans said it .
Revelation chapter 2 has answered this topic. Read it for yourselves. Why would Jesus warn the seven churches to repent of their sins if salvation cannot be lost? Be careful of the devil's tricks of always trying to deceive the children of God. I'm not a fan of Oyedepo but he is right on this one.
Guess what ends each of those warnings in Revelation? "He that overcomes shall...." Etc. Now, who is it that overcomes the world , but He that believes that Jesus is the Christ. The victory that overcomes the world is our faith...the same faith by which we are saved through grace. Everybody who is truly Born again will overcome
one can loose salvation.... salvation is power...and this power came from the Gospel of our lord Jesus Christ... if you remain in him, he will make you bear fruits, if you depart from him, you will be cut off
Salvation is like a marriage relationship between a man and a woman and for a marriage to stand the both party must work together so the marriage can stand for salvation with the LOrd you must keep to your own party of the relationship with the Lord to keep going on
In the pastor Chris segment, you didn't play the whole video which is sad. Pastor Chris isn't saying that one can't lose his/her salvation but that whenever anyone makes a mistake he can come back. Here is the full clip
Ezekiel 33 18 says that if a righteous man turn from his righteousness and do evil that he shall die because of it but if an evil man turn from his wicked ways and do what is good and lawful he shall live and not die , that's to tell you that no matter how righteous and holy you are the moment you turn from doing righteously and set your heart in doing evil from that day you are no longer righteous 1 Corinthians 6:9 say do you not know that the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of God . So once righteous is not forever righteous so pls guide your heart The moment you leave this earth there is no second chance over there so be guided
Brotherly, I have a question....What happens to a bornagain Christian, who fell and was living in sin....and died without repentance, will such still make heaven?
“If we give up and turn our backs on all we’ve learned, all we’ve been given, all the truth we now know, we repudiate Christ’s sacrifice and are left on our own to face the Judgment-and a mighty fierce judgment it will be! If the penalty for breaking the law of Moses is physical death, what do you think will happen if you turn on God’s Son, spit on the sacrifice that made you whole, and insult this most gracious Spirit? This is no light matter. God has warned us that he’ll hold us to account and make us pay. He was quite explicit: “Vengeance is mine, and I won’t overlook a thing” and “God will judge his people.” Nobody’s getting by with anything, believe me.” Hebrews 10:26-31 MSG
@@peteraliu3340 My brother, the bible has said it all...we still use our shallow mind to read and misinterprete it. "One saved is forever just grammar." Now this narrative has led many astray and living in sin today. Even the bible said he that stand, need to take heed less he fall. Corinthians 10:12 ...What dies this mean? There are chances one could fall. Now what does it mean to fall? Once you are saved, you are heaven bound and when you fall the direction changes to the later before you were saved. My question now is what is the essence of your salvation after you fall? Its only valid if you repent. Without repentance you have lost it.
If one saved is always saved. Then a person can be saved and then go about and live their own doing things that are inconsistent with the ways of God, brcause once saved is always saved
Sir, How do you reconcile our good deeds like filthy rags in God’s eye.? We contributed nothing to the salvation and hence cannot take it away. Believing in that salvation is a huge task because if it’s not the whole world will believe. Take you and you parents for example. You offend them 24/7 and yet you’re still their child. To be a believer at the first place, makes you understand what God loves and hates. That you decide after knowing the good and evil and dwell in evil will not make even your parents to say you’re not their child talk less of God. Thanks
Adam and Eve were born to live eternally but they lost eternal life and they died and all their offspring were and are being born dead. 1 Corinthians 15: 22 & 45. Remember the parable of 10 virgins. Carelessness costs 5 virgins eternal life. That will not be our potion in Jesus Christ's name AMEN.
Be careful with these kinds of teachings. Yes the Holy Spirit will gently convict you and impress on you to walk the right walk but the decision to either obey or not rests solely with you. Jesus Himself says in Matthew 7:21, "Not everyone who says to Me, 'Lord Lord,' shall enter the Kingdom of heaven, but he who does the will of My Father in heaven." So it's definitely about what you do. Don't be deceived. How else does anyone know you are born again if you are not producing fruits worthy of repentance. - Luke 3:8. Jesus says those who don't will eventually be uprooted and will not be allowed to continue to use up the ground if they don't turn away from their sins. "Do not give what is holy to the dogs nor cast your pearls before swine." You either repent genuinely or you perish. If you are truly born again then you must obey the Holy Spirit. Period.
But it doesn't mean I support sin. A Christian is a tool of righteousness and must therefore live as such but you see when one mess up as a human being doesn't make him a dog and that's the same with our faith, that person however is meant to receive his 'reward' in heaven. 1 Cor 3
@@samsarfo3660 I agree that making a mistake does not make one a dog. I said this in the context of people who indulge the flesh on the basis of the belief that because their sins are forgiven, that they can do whatever they want and it not will matter. The dogs are those who go back to your vomit WILLINGLY. So I am simply saying the grace of God is not a license to go back to your former way of life. For that will mean treating the blood of Jesus with contempt. And please Jesus saying not everybody who says to Him "Lord Lord will enter into heaven but only those who do the Father's will" applies to Christians. Don't be deceived. If you don't think so, then I want to ask you this, what makes you a Christian or a disciple, if you don't intend to follow Him? He says His sheep know His voice and they follow Him. If you are following, then you were not a sheep in the first place. Think about it. God bless you.
Pastor Abel Damina's perspective is deep and for matured christians who have graduated from drinking milk to eating flesh while Bishop David Oydepo's perspective is deep aswell but he is trying to make baby christians not too feel to relaxed to act anyway irrespective of the fact that they are saved. What matters as Christians is for us to guild our treasure (salvation) diligently without abusing God's amazing/abundant/eternal grace freely given to us
I concur
God bless thought aswell
You answered it all
This sounds quite childish to me they are espousing two distinct doctrinal positions; ARMENISM and CALVINISM...they are both valid! I am more with Oyedepo!
Jesus said...any branch in me (in Christ) that does not bare fruit shall be cut off and cast into the fire.
See John 15:1-10
Any branch..we are the branches and Jesus is the careful...Not all the virgins in Mathew 25:1-12 entered the Kingdom there is a Nigerian "Piperist" like me? I'm delighted.
On the issue at hand, if one understands salvation what it means and how that it is entirely a work of God from A to Z, this issue will be sorted out.
Eternal security or what the old theologians would call The perservearance of the saints does not mean you can be "saved' and then go ahead to live how you like without a life style of holiness and Godwardness. If one has Saving Faith, that Faith is accompanied by works of righteousness.
The evidence of genuine salvation is that you continue in the way if Christ till the end. Jesus said that the proof that one is a true follower of him is if he continues in His words. If not, such a one is fake.
A child of God can fall into sin, and may even continue in it for a while, but God the Father will come with His rod of discipline to chastise him and bring him back to his senses.
If a so called Child of God wanders off into a life of sin and continues therein, and God never comes for him with His rod of discipline, that proves that such a one is an illegitimate child ie, not a true child of God.
Meanwhile, having said this, I Know true and genuine Christians who believe that one can loose salvation. It doesn't mean that they're false or unsaved.
The security of our salvation in the hand of Christ is the foundation on which we are saved. If the foundation is uncertain, then our lives will be full of uncertainty as well, and we will not be bold in this very witness of salvation in Christ.
We are not save base in our own idea of salvation, but rather we are saved because God has save us with His salvation. We cannot lose something which is God, and a gift given to us unless we refuse the gift then we will not have it, but is God has ENABLED us the accept the gift there are be no way we lose it.
Man has no effort, because even the creation of man is by God. God begins us, performs it, and bring us to fullness. Hallelujah! Jesus is LOrd!
Hebrews 10:38 "Now the just shall live by faith; But if anyone draws back, My soul has no pleasure in him.”
John 6:37
@@jonahjohnbaba yes Jesus Christ wouldn't reject you, but you can reject him because you have your freewill and your salvation is based on your freewill, as someone freely on his own accepted Christ same person can also freely on his own reject Christ.
Beautiful scripture...
Work out your salvation in fear and trembling.
Hebrews 10:39 says But we are not of those who draw back to perdition,we believe to the saving of the soul,why did you quote only verse 38?without 39?
Do not be deceived: God cannot be mocked. A man reaps what he sows. The one who sows to please his sinful nature, from that nature will reap destruction; the one who sows to please the Spirit, from the Spirit will reap eternal life.
That portion was talking about given in context and not salvation
Exactly the man who sows to the spirit will reap the spirit see let me tell you the sower soweth the word if you sow the word you would reap the word you sow to your flesh you would reap destruction
So what have you reaped so far? Or you don’t sin at all?????
So what did you sow for Christ to die for you?
@@freedombarisua6950So is giving a requirement for Eternal life?? Just a simple question.
Brethren, if anyone among you wanders from the truth, and someone turns him back, let him know that he who turns a sinner from the error of his way will save a soul from death and cover a multitude of sins.
James 5:19-20
It is possible for a brother to wander away from Jesus Christ. If faith was a prerequisite for salvation before, it is a prerequisite after. You must believe until the end.
Till the end. Thanks. You're on point
The book of James is the oldest book in the new testament. Remember James was among the people who preached wrong doctrines to the Galatians church? Paul preached grace to them, James and Peter came up to preach the law. So, James was growing. As at the time he wrote the book of James , he was legalistic.
This is why you need discernment while studying the scriptures
@@kennethifeloa1178 Who taught you that?... And why did you believe them?
@@MrMarkovka11 which part are you talking about?
@@kennethifeloa1178 the entire thing, as it insinuates that James was disqualified to write that epistle to the church since he didn't understand the gospel of Jesus Christ.
You can lose your salvation through worldliness and going back to your former life. You can regain your salvation by repentance and restoration.
We need to be careful. The end is near. Many preachers weighed down by sin and guilt will twist the word.
Time will tell.
It's an issue of IDENTITY vs CONDUCT. By virtue of believing on the death, burial and resurrection of Christ, you become a child of God. That's your new IDENTITY and nothing can change that.
Now that you're saved, you are expected to grow and mature and behave as a child that you are. It's possible to be a child and still misbehave, it doesn't mean your sonship has been rescinded, but that you've not taken up responsibility yet as a child. Your son can offend you at home and be rude to you, but he still remains your child. With good training and maturity, he'll begin to behave more as he ought to. The way you'd react to him would be as a son, compared to if it were a random boy outside, even if they both displayed the same rude behaviour towards you. Same concept here, we are children of God, and will remain so, because we believed the gospel of Christ, not because of what we did. This is why we're to grow in knowledge of Christ, to renew our minds, to not be conformed to this world. The more we grow in Christ, and in consciousness of who we are as children of God, the more we begin to conduct ourselves as we ought to. The conduct is not to become saved, but as a result of our salvation, and growing in the faith. This is what it means to work out. After all, you can't bring out what isn't there in the 1st place.
If you're told to go fetch water from a well or tap, you don't go there wondering if water is there, you go with the assurance that the water is IN the well ALREADY, your own job is to bring it out. This is our assurance, that we are saved eternally. It's on us to behave like responsible children. A good understanding of this will even help you shun the "anyhow" lifestyle. Some people say it's the license to sin, no. Our free will was the license to sin from the beginning. Now, we live after the nature of whom God has made us, saved men.
In fact, many times Paul wrote to the churches in the epistles, reprimanding them and correcting them and telling them how to conduct themselves in line with their IDENTITY as Christians. Yet, at the beginning of every letter, he always addressed them as FELLOW SAINTS and BRETHREN, even when he was correcting their acts.
Because he knew that, they were still growing in the faith, and would make mistakes, and when they come to fill realisation of who they are in Christ, and walk in responsibility, in the calling of Christ and their conduct, it would reflect in their conduct.
This is even what makes a difference between us believers and unbelievers. Because why else would I tell an unbeliever to become saved, if after coming to Christ, he can't even be sure he's fully secured in him or I can't be assured of my own salvation. He might as well continue in his ways, if we're both in the same shoes then. What makes us saved is believing in the redemptive work of Christ, and we gain that IDENTITY of saved men forever. That is the foundation on which we build our faith walk, and take on responsibility.
@@thevalueadder Bless you ma
@@comfortbibama2774 Amen ma. God bless you too 🤗
Your lack of scriptural understanding, rather than choosing to stand on the docy=trine f men is what you should be careful about. First of all, if you are genuinely saved, you would always desire to live a holy life. If the seed of God is in you, you won't be bothered about living a worldly life, rather it would irritate you. Check your heart.
Heb 7:25 "Wherefore he is able also to save them to the uttermost that come unto God by him, seeing he ever liveth to make intercession for them."
We get saved by a combination of two actions from us - "believing in our hearts" and "confessing with our mouths" that Jesus is Lord (Romans 10:9-10). This presupposes that denouncing of that believe and confession later will strip of that that status - just like I didn't do anything to become a Nigerian, I can however do something to stop being one! (John 15:6)
Generally however, our salvation was meant to last eternally (same way as our being born as a citizen of any nation is ordinarily meant to be for life) but we, not Christ, can choose to lose it.
Another way to look at it is to consider that salvation is a gift and by nature the gift is meant to be eternal hence God's gift (of salvation is without repentance. However, like every gift, the "giftee" (the receiver, who yes, didn't really do anything to have it) may on their own volition destroy/lose the gift. Hence the admonition to "guard" our salvation, our faith.
The criminal on the right hand of Jesus did not confess Jesus as saviour but I tell you that his salvation was guaranteed according to scripture
This is different, you can't choose to lose it.
If you are born of your father, you renouncing your father, does it change the fact that you were born of your father?
He that is born of Spirit is spirit sir.
You are spirit already, you can simply say that you don't want to be spirit again after being spirit.
When you were of the adamic nature, no matter what good works you do, none will change your nature from being adamic, not until Jesus Christ the savior came.
It's a one way bus, once you are in you are in
God doesn't record sin against you sir!
Think about it.
Romans 4:8 Blessed is the man to whom the Lord will not impute sin.
You are already one with Christ!
@@amehgift6105 That's how you people foolishness miss it. Did the one at the right acknowledge is wrongs or not?
I feel sorry for all you wanting to love the world and God at the same time.
The guy knew he was a sinner and acknowledged Jesus to be the savior, that was why he said remember me in your kingdom but before he said that, he acknowledged his wrong. What is repentance? Acknowledging you did wrong and changing from it.
@@toluwasethomas600 You quote scriptures without understanding. Once saved is always saved then why was the church warned in the book of revelation?
This is deep, the holy Spirit will help us all and lead us through our journey here on earth.
Please read your Bible.
Pls spend time with your bible. Just found this channel. It's amazing!
I STRONGLY BELIEVE in once saved, forever saved! A small example is, when Jesus promised the thief on the cross that he would be with him in paradise on that same day, Jesus died immediately but the thief stayed alive several hours after. So between the time Jesus promised him paradise and the time he (the thief eventually died) do you think he did not commit any sins? I can most certainly assure you he committed sin whether in his thoughts, speech or action. Yet, that did not nullify the fact that he went to be with Christ. Once Jesus says you are saved, you remain forever saved! Shalom
Whether it is being lost or not,I fix my eyes on Jesus to be conformed into His image.
Glory to God.......
Hebrews 12:1-2 NLT
Thank you
And that is the continuous working out of righteousness; which we must all keep at. This is in fact what, when a Christian stops doing, we can then say that they have backslidden. It does not mean that they have lost their salvation. But that they have put a brake on "looking unto Jesus".
The two phrases are correct! They both portrays the consistent and backsliding responses to the call of salvation.
Once saved is always saved based on genuine conversion and consistency. Example Joshua and Caleb. Their consistent response to the salvation of Elohiym to Israel saw them thru to the promised land. The promise was for the whole Israelites, all were saved from Egypt but only two made it.
"Once saved is not always saved"
Still using Israelites from Egypt as example: All of them were saved from the plague, from Pharaoh and Egyptian armies, crosses the reed sea together, but backsliding, unrepresented hearts and lack of tenacity crept in and from 20yrs upwards lost their salvation and their bones littered the wilderness.
The difference is the tenacity level to the salvation presented. If your tenacity is strong, you remain saved, but if your tenacity is week, you may eventually lose it if you are not careful.
That's my take.
You are most welcome. We need to endure till end by His grace without being careless. Remember the parable of 10 virgins.
I don't agree with you
How can an eternal God produce a temporal salvation! We were not saved by our actions or works, Christ obtained for us eternal salvation. Hebrews 9:12, John 10:28-30!
What about Moses who didn't enter the promise land
Dear there is no need for all these interpretative gyration.
Once save is not always saved. Those who work in the Spirit and in Truth understands this.
There is no way "Once saved always saved" and "One can lose salvation" can make sense together if you really understand what both claims really mean
The devil set in confusion to make you believe that once saved you can't lose it.That's the lies of the devil to make you believe that once you confess your sins and desist at a point in time you don't need it again is a lie.You are more prone to devil deceit to make you go back to your vomit and hence you need the Holy spirit to guide you and keep rededicating your life to God.......once saved doesn't mean you don't commit some sins you called " little sin" we are imperfect and only The Trinity are without blemish hence we need to keep checking our inner thoughts and ask God for forgiveness continually. Once saved doesn't mean you're forever saved because if you go back to your vomit after you have been saved and death comes ,you will account for your last minutes character. For it is written, it is appointed for man to die once and after that judgement. If death caught up with you in your sin state what will happen?
My sister thank you for your understanding, because once save is not always saved, most people out back to there old ways and rededicate there life to God.
Thank you my dear . The bible says " He that plows and look back is not fit for the Kingdom ".
I choose to disagree, the concept of salvation in the scriptures is anchored on belief and confession in Romans 10:10-13,and NOT how well you walk without sin as you're trying to depict..a closer look at chapter 3 of galatians you can tell that the just can only live by faith and not works,verse 11..otherwise we all would still need a high priest to still go into the most holy place to offer sacrifices for our sins and then that would mean Christ died for nothing if his own blood was not able to cleanse us galatians 2:21...So therefore in conclusion though i still got a lot to say,is that all who are in christ did not come on their own,John 6:44 and this according to my understanding is that they were chosen in him before the world began ephesians 1:4 then Romans 8:30 comes then the just shall live by faith.and this faith cometh by hearing and hearing by the word of God Romans 10:17,and this word of faith is ....if you believe in your heart...and confess Jesus Romans 10:8-10...stay blessed as you meditate and ask the Holy Spirit for revelation and illumination..Jesus is Lord
Please Read Hebrew 12:1-2 NLT
For God’s gifts and his call can never be withdrawn.Rom 11:29.
We can only choose to ignore the Christ and the things concerning him....he never leaves. We cannot lose our salvation. We can only choose to not pay attention and not acknowledge his doing for us...
Thank you sis❤
Dr.Abel Damina feed his church strong bone not milk..
His congregation is made of matured christians.
May we be properly guided with the light.
What is matured in that. I agreed that its one destiny to be save. so therefore let us sin for we are already saved. Its not à subject of debate if you think once save is always save good for you, if you think once save is not always save better for you at least thé later help you to protect your salvation with humility. Making fun of each other about salvation is childish and of no used to the cross of Christ.
Amen hallelujah
12 Therefore, my dear friends, as you have always obeyed-not only in my presence, but now much more in my absence-continue to work out your salvation with fear and trembling,(V) 13 for it is God who works in you(W) to will and to act in order to fulfill his good purpose.(X)
Work out not work for and even the working it's God that's working in you both the will to do it and the doing.
Thank you for understanding. But since they have been given to their own desires; they would never understand.
There is a working out and there is working in which are my and God's responsibilities. God has given you a new life, you have to work it out daily by making wise decisions which will you make you more like Christ. Salvation is a working out and working in by the spirit of God. Judas was a believer and a follower of Christ yet he allowed the enemy to deceive him and he hanged himself.
My question is if a believer dies through fornication, will he or she be saved?
@patiencequansah4452 Judas NEVER was a believer. (John 6:64, 70, 71). What takes a man to heaven is not his good deeds whether he did them before he became born again or after he became born again. What qualifies a man fir heaven is only ONE THING - FAITH IN CHRIST!
Colossians 1:13
When one becomes born-again, he is translated from the kingdom of darkness into the kingdom of God's dear son. If reversing this path is possible that should also suggest that the devil at a point became more powerful than our Lord, which is impossible. In Romans 8:28 scriptures say nothing shall be able to separate us from the love of God. How do we know we are born again? Our spirits bear witness with the Holy Spirit, and the Word of God says so. And we possess the ability, love to do right, simply walk in the spirit and not in the fleshly desires. At any point in time, a man's biggest need is the Holy Spirit. That communion energies us with the mastery to know and to do His will. Whenever there's topical arguments like this amongst believers, it means they are not in deep communion with the Holy Spirit. Here's the point, the Holy Spirit will always tell you the truth. After He told you it doesn't matter what others have to say, they are not better teacher than Him.
My Christian bro/sis, close your ears from the noises that come from pulpits of those who want attention to themselves. Develop a habit of having exclusive quiet time with the Holy Spirit and be satisfied with what He says and follow His leads.
The 12 Disciples were not even born again until Jesus Christ ascended into heaven. Let people preach the truth
Me all I can say to every child of God out there is that work out your salvation with fear and trembling, trust the Almighty God and cry to him for aid daily .
Try dey read the next verse after working your salvation stop quoting half way
Read that scripture to the end and further...…." For it is God which worketh in you both to will and to do of his good pleasure"
How would you convert an unbeliever when your salvation has no guarantee?
You can't my dear, Christ has done it for you, just believe him and trust him
@@joshuasmartdiem1979 my brother I wonder
And because iniquity shall abound, the love of many shall wax cold. But he that shall endure unto the end, the same shall be saved.
Matthew 24:12-13 KJV
My brother, they will tell u that such person was never saved in the first place
The love of many has already wax cold because sin has abound the only way to endure is to renew this mind Romans 12: 2 be ye not conform to this world but be transformed by the renewing of your mind so you would know his good pleasing, perfect will of GOD
The believer endures to the end. He that has this hope in him purifies him even as he pure( 1john3:3). We are saved to the uttermost( Hebrews 7:25).
Yeah, because they have chosen the gospel of confusion over the true Gospel of Jesus.
Jesus obtained for us eternal salvation Heb 5:9, John 10:28
Yes and we can never lose it john 10:28🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉
Am forever saved 🙌
Yes, as far as you don't go back to your vomits and die in your vomits. But if you do go back to your sins and die in it; you would end up in hell, because nothing unclean shall enter heaven; so says the Bible.
Go and read the seven letters to the seven churches. The answers you all seek are there.
Powerful answer. You have answered the question.
I love this comment!!!
Great 👍🏾
...the best so far. Thanks so much.
A very essential part of the Lordship of Jesus is to believe that He saves eternally.
Because that is the exact reason why He came to die and rise again.
John 3:16 is the most common bible verse in the whole of the Christian world but then, people still do not get what Jesus is saying
The reason why anyone will not perish in hell is because Jesus gave eternal on the basis of Faith in Him. You will never go to hell you have eternal life.
If you don't believe this, then your idea of the Lordship of Jesus is very faulty
God bless you bro
Mr poster you have made me think that something good is still in Nigeria. You can't lose salvation!!!
I like the fact that comments are neutral..... No bully of any pastor...... but the truth is that, if you go back to your sin you will surely lose your salvation.
What is sin?
What sin is that? You sound so ignorant? What sin makes one to loose their salvation?
@@splendidwittyman2611 even crime committed leads one to prison, resulting in the of loss of freedom. How much more spiritual things that pertains to God. Don't let any one deceive you, God standard is still same.
@@outrightjoe God bless you.
Isaiah 54:17b "...This is the heritage of the servants of the LORD, and THEIR RIGHTEOUSNESS IS OF ME, saith the LORD."
Salvation ( eternal life or everlasting life) is the altimate rewards that God almighty through his son Jesus Christ will give to his faithful worshiper who serve him faithfully to the end ,
Serve 📝
Serve? That sound like slavery. A reward, not a gift. That's not Christ! Christ showed the proof of His love, that, while we were sinners, he died for the ungodly.
This is the dispensation of Grace. Freely have you received!
God declared the end from the beginning, He is waiting till the end to bless us,, he blessed us from the beginning. Don't be enslaved! 🙏 🙏
Not waiting till the end ( correction)
The problem with the once saved forever saved doctrine is that it tries to take away responsibility from the children of God themselves
We as Christians have a part to play in maintaining our salvation. We are sealed unto the day of salvation by the Holy Spirit but this same holy spirit can be grieved and quenched by who? By we ourselves!
Let's always try to preach a balanced gospel.
Just as there is salvation there is also righteousness and there's also holiness. That we were given a gift doesn't mean we can't misuse and manhandle it. No matter how much God holds on to us, he will not go against our will. If we are not disciplined enough to live in accordance with the statutes of God as members of his kingdom, then we have by our own hands removed ourselves from the commonwealth of the faith
We may not have a part to play in receiving salvation, but we have a big part to play in staying saved
God bless us
the rsponsibility for salvation is God's not ours. he is the one working in us to desire to do good. nothing that a man does can exempt him from physical death,,just as much as nothing that a believer is exposed to can exempt him from life. from adam, we copy a pattern of unavaoidable physical death thru birth,,,from chrost we copy a pattern of eternal life thru believing in him.
If it's not once saved then how can one be unborn again and what best can l do to keep being born again
For it is impossible for those who were once enlightened, and have tasted of the heavenly gift, and were made partakers of the Holy Ghost, And have tasted the good word of God, and the powers of the world to come, If they shall fall away, to renew them again unto repentance; seeing they crucify to themselves the Son of God afresh, and put him to an open shame.
Mike Okwonkwo once explain the verse. You can taste something and spit it out.
I'm wondering, why haven't anyone seen this scripture...A believer can never lose his salvation. However, he can decide to reject Christ. Now, looking at Heb6:4-6, not every Christian can reject Christ. There are 5 criteria before you can. A new convert who doesn't know his left from his right cannot reject Christ after confessing Christ as Lord and Saviour. The Holy Spirit remains with him because he's a baby Christian.
Let's look at it like this. A child of 12years goes to school and suddenly says he's changing his surname because he doesn't just want the name. He wants to have a better surname(remember, Christ gave us the power to use His name). As long as he's not of legal age to change that name, he can't and will not. That's exactly how HEB 6:4-6 is explaining. Unless you have tasted the Good word of God AND...The Bible records 'AND' not 'OR'. So until you meet the 5 criteria in that ain't loosing no salvation
Only unbelief,if you stop believing what you first believed when you were saved, simple!
@@lovekingdomofbelievers.2893 yes u can Definitely taste something and spit it out but not the word of God....who tastes life and wants death?
Both of them were speaking their idealogy of understanding but the truth about salvation is theology of God whereby his plan for every human being is be saved by surrending to Jesus Christ.
You've actually said nothing different.
The Truth is can a child disobey his father Live Reckless is impossible to access to what the father Has.
Thank God my Papa did not disappoint me
Next time contribute wisely.
But he wasn't speak of his own ability and understanding.....Sir.....2 Timothy 3: 25-17, 2 Peter 1:22.....
I am happy to see Preachers preach about Salvation and argue about truth which is salvation than argue with miracle and powers . May God bless them that's encouraging to me.
So you don't like miracles then it not gospel of Jesus christ coz Jesus performed many miracles and he said Luke 10: 19 I have given you power to cast out devils
The spirit of God is the anchor of our salvation, if you can loose the holy spirit you can loose the salvation
You can't lose it. If you lose it, it only mean you never had it in the first place
How do u lose holy spirit, didn't the Bible said the gift of God is without repentance.
@john, david prayed in psalms 51, that Hod should not take His spirit away from him
Yes He did pray that but was the Holy Spirit given as a seal from God YET?
@@enduranceokololise2269 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
Was David born again?
If anyone is Safed, he will live a SAVED Life...
This why evil has taken over Nigeria, , kidnapping, ritual, Yahoo, kpekusv in highest level etc. No need to repent because we all are oce save and for all enternity.
Let no one deceive you: ONCE SAVED IS NOT ALWAYS SAVED. Born again christians can lose out of their salvation, but then, there's always room to go back to Calvary.
This is rather deceptive cause no one truly saved will ever lose his salvation.
@@dr.nnachiamah6319 Hebrews 6:4-6 ”For it is impossible for those who were once enlightened, and have tasted of the heavenly gift, and were made partakers of the Holy Ghost, And have tasted the good word of God, and the powers of the world to come, IF THEY SHALL FALL AWAY, to renew them again unto repentance; seeing they crucify to themselves the Son of God afresh, and put him to an open shame.”
@@anotheperspective Can you give the verse an explanation, please? So that others may learn. Thank you, and will be waiting.
@@anotheperspective One mistake we believers make often is the constant misuse or taking verses out of context and that, without a careful examination or applying exegesis in our interpretation. One question I want you to answer while trying to respond is this, who was this verse written to and why was it written? Thank you.
@@dr.nnachiamah6319 okay, I will post another translation in you don’t understand kjv
Hebrews 6:4-6 AMP “For [it is impossible to restore to repentance] those who have once been enlightened [spiritually] and who have tasted and consciously experienced the heavenly gift and have shared in the Holy Spirit, and have tasted and consciously experienced the good word of God and the powers of the age (world) to come, and then have fallen away-it is impossible to bring them back again to repentance, since they again nail the Son of God on the cross [for as far as they are concerned, they are treating the death of Christ as if they were not saved by it], and are holding Him up again to public disgrace.”
Rev Damina is right!
You can not loose your salvation once gotten but that does not mean you should live as you want because the wages of sin remains death!
Your pastor is wrong and you have been deceive. God is righteous and if you most follow him you have to watch your ways or you might be left out.
Listening to all these preachers, and analysing them all personally, I agree with Bishop Oyedepo opinion. Even though all of them maybe scripturally right in their own opinion
Work out your salvation with fear and trembling . The bible say examine yourself. Take heed take heed . A believer can lose his salvation if he refuses to take heed, not willing to yield to the holy spirit , you will lose your salvation. The blood of Jesus is not to be played it and treat salvation carelessly. You will lose it. It depends on you yielding to the holy spirit and God . Salvation is a two way, playing my part and God always play his part. Working out means God l surrender to your will, discipline , scourging to be conformed to the image of your son.
do you know many, I mean many who attend church today are just church attendees? , they play with the saving opportunity presented to them. This warning goes to those always in church, contributing in church, even evangelizing but have not surrendered their lives to christ yet. The bible says when you come to Christ nothing, not even sin can separate you from his love. It's, for this reason, we say we are saved by grace, that is why we call Him Merciful. Saying that your salvation depends on you, simply rejects the work of Christ on the cross. If I have to work to be saved, then why did Jesus die? working for my salvation is returning under the law. We need to study the bible with so much discernment and really surrender to the Holy Spirit for wisdom. The disciples of Christ lived at the cross line between the dispensation of the law and of grace, many of them still spoke with under-the-law mentality, remember Peter still considered non-Jewish people as unclean, he never understood the vastness of God's grace while Apostel Paul understood.
Work OUT, not work FOR. It means what you have in you, let it show forth. But you can't show it if you don't have it. The issue here is not that you have the salvation, it is to let that salvation reflect in your life and conduct.
It's an issue of IDENTITY vs CONDUCT. By virtue of believing on the death, burial and resurrection of Christ, you become a child of God. That's your new IDENTITY and nothing can change that.
Now that you're saved, you are expected to grow and mature and behave as a child that you are. It's possible to be a child and still misbehave, it doesn't mean your sonship has been rescinded, but that you've not taken up responsibility yet as a child. Your son can offend you at home and be rude to you, but he still remains your child. With good training and maturity, he'll begin to behave more as he ought to. The way you'd react to him would be as a son, compared to if it were a random boy outside, even if they both displayed the same rude behaviour towards you. Same concept here, we are children of God, and will remain so, because we believed the gospel of Christ, not because of what we did. This is why we're to grow in knowledge of Christ, to renew our minds, to not be conformed to this world. The more we grow in Christ, and in consciousness of who we are as children of God, the more we begin to conduct ourselves as we ought to. The conduct is not to become saved, but as a result of our salvation, and growing in the faith. This is what it means to work out. After all, you can't bring out what isn't there in the 1st place.
If you're told to go fetch water from a well or tap, you don't go there wondering if water is there, you go with the assurance that the water is IN the well ALREADY, your own job is to bring it out. This is our assurance, that we are saved eternally. It's on us to behave like responsible children. A good understanding of this will even help you shun the "anyhow" lifestyle. Some people say it's the license to sin, no. Our free will was the license to sin from the beginning. Now, we live after the nature of whom God has made us, saved men.
In fact, many times Paul wrote to the churches in the epistles, reprimanding them and correcting them and telling them how to conduct themselves in line with their IDENTITY as Christians. Yet, at the beginning of every letter, he always addressed them as FELLOW SAINTS and BRETHREN, even when he was correcting their acts.
Because he knew that, they were still growing in the faith, and would make mistakes, and when they come to fill realisation of who they are in Christ, and walk in responsibility, in the calling of Christ and their conduct, it would reflect in their conduct.
This is even what makes a difference between us believers and unbelievers. Because why else would I tell an unbeliever to become saved, if after coming to Christ, he can't even be sure he's fully secured in him or I can't be assured of my own salvation. He might as well continue in his ways, if we're both in the same shoes then. What makes us saved is believing in the redemptive work of Christ, and we gain that IDENTITY of saved men forever. That is the foundation on which we build our faith walk, and take on responsibility.
I think Abel Damina gave verses were Jesus said we shall never lose enternal life (salvation). If you don't understand salvation.....
God bless you! Indeed the Spirit of God is One. The Holy Spirit was just teaching me about the exact points you've raised before seeing your comment. And your enlightenment is spot on!
Thank God it says "work out", not "throw out"! My dear, stop all these nonesense. YOU CANNOT LOSE SALVATION! PERIOD!!!
The Bible is not sealed ooooo. The veil has been turned open, direct access to the Holy of Holies. Its all about Christ from Genesis to Revelation. Yes, Christ was concealed (in symbols, types, shadows, etc) in the old testament, but manifested (in Body) in Mathew to John, returned (in Spirit) in Acts of Apostles, revealed in the Epistles. Thank you Jesus!
Salvation biblically means free from influence of the devil and eternal perdition...
Jesus said the first shall last and the very elects will even be deceived and Paul said those that think they stand should becareful that they don't fall(1cor10:12). Only those who endured to the end will be saved Dema lost his salvation 2Tim4:10
Salvation is a continuous assessment. Our salvation is perfected on the day Jesus welcomes us to God's kingdom.
Thank you bro,the Bible is there for all to read and understand.this end time men of devil claiming to be men of God with their false doctrine would lead so many to hell.salvation can not be lose,what a lie of the devil then why did Jesus Christ tell Peter ,"I pray for you so the devil don't get you."
I'm glad to exalt Jesus’ finished work again!
Christ presents you holy, blameless and faultless before God.
Colossians 1:22 In the body of his flesh through death, to present you holy and unblameable and unreproveable in his SIGHT;
Look at the word "IN HIS SIGHT"
In the sight of men you may look blemish and defiled,
But in the sight of God you are blameless and flawless just because you are in Christ.
When God sees a believer he sees Christ perfection!
You honour men by your deeds but you honour God by faith.
Men judge you by your conduct but God judges you by your faith.
He warned us to walk by faith, not by sight.
Colossians 1:23 If ye continue in the faith grounded and settled, and be not moved away from the HOPE of the GOSPEL, which ye have heard...
The word Hope in Greek is “elpis” means;
Joyful and confident expectation of ETERNAL SALVATION.
Being blameless before God is not a function of your moral conduct or capacity to fulfill the law of Moses.
You can't please God by your works, because they are like a filthy rags!
You can only please God by faith in Christ.
Matthew 3:17 And lo a voice from heaven, saying, This is my beloved Son, in whom I am WELL PLEASED.
It's only in Christ that you can actually please God...
Ephesians 2:8 For by GRACE are ye saved through FAITH; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God:
2:9 Not of works, lest any man should boast.
Your works have no input in what God is doing,
You can't work for salvation, it's solely the work of Jesus.
Your works can't complement what God has perfected through Christ.
Hebrews 10:14 For by one offering he hath PERFECTED for ever them that are sanctified.
The assurance and the joy of all we received from Christ therefore, is that, it is PERFECT and COMPLETE already!
You are not SAVED to begin to look for how to perfect it!
Your salvation is PERFECTED IN CHRIST.
You are not RIGHTEOUS to begin to look for how to maintain it.
Look closely at this word;
Not just for a season, not just for some time.
But he has perfected for ALL TIME every spiritual blessings he gave us.
FLESH will say “ yesterday i was righteous, today I'm not RIGHTEOUS because of my conduct”
FAITH will say " I'm the RIGHTEOUSNESS of God in Christ Jesus, irrespective of my conduct or deeds"
Jesus authored our salvation and he perfected it at the same time.
Hebrews 12:2 Looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our FAITH...
Now, what can we to this Scripture???
Philippians 2:12 Wherefore, my beloved, as ye have always obeyed, not as in my presence only, but now much more in my absence, WORK OUT your own SALVATION with fear and trembling.
Does this Scripture implies that we need to work to sustain or perfect salvation??
WORK OUT means to #prove_show or #display
It's different from #WORK_FOR!
We need to work to prove we're saved not work to earn salvation,
We Work because we are saved not because we want to be saved!
A believer must gather with other believers for a beautiful fellowship not to fellowship with other believers because he wants to be saved!
A believer must GIVE generously and LOVE passionately because it's his responsibility not because he wants to make HEAVEN.
Get this clarity,
There's a work because of FEAR
There's a work because of LOVE.
A believer works because of LOVE not because of FEAR!
This is what this verse is saying,
Prove that you are saved by good works not work to earn salvation.
Do we get the picture now?
#The_Bible_can't #antagonize_each_other,
#It_can't #say_otherwise_in_another_portion...
Because HE'S the central message of the Bible, you take Christ out of it you get a story book!
The Bible is not a book of do's and don't,
Filled with moral instructions,
The New Testament is a LOVE LETTER! To all sinners to salvation.
Salvation is Once saved forever saved.
One can definitely lose his salvation.
Hebrews 10vs38-39 says "if any man draw back my soul shall have no pleasure in him. But we are not of them that draw back unto perdition.."
1 John 2:9 says "He that saith he is in the light, and hateth his brother, is in darkness even until now."
Beware of they that seek to turn you away from the faith
God bless
You seem to neglet the whole book of chapter 2 and just pick 9
@@jedsteve6353 rhe same reason your pastor does not always read the whole bible in church every sunday
@@ikayanyim1370 Now I never mentioned my pastor. We are having a civil conversation. Read that entire chapter and you will understand clearly. And by the way. We take out time to read Contextually every Sunday in church as we don't believe the Bible was written in verses. But as a book. A lot can be lost in removing a verse from a context. It's a lazy attitude towards God's Word.
@@jedsteve6353 you miss my point.
However, if you think once saved is forever saved, wonderful, suit yourself
@@ikayanyim1370 the idea is you cannot claim you are saved on the mission is fufilled. How can you claim you saved someone from something deadly but that thing still happened to him.
Imagine I am a doctor: someone is dieing and I was called to save him. I rushed to his side gave him some drugs and he calms down a little. But 2 hours later he dies. Then I come out and tell his family I saved him. I am sure they will slap me.
Salvation is Total deliverance from sin and it's consequences (Death: Eternal separation from God). Jesus cannot claim to save you when you still died.
It's either you are saved or you are not simple. There is nothing like loosing your salvation.
Bible says he that endures to the end shall be saved, shall we continue in sin that grace may abide
Hebrews 6:4-6 For it is impossible for those who were once enlightened, and have tasted of the heavenly gift, and were made partakers of the Holy Ghost,
And have tasted the good word of God, and the powers of the world to come,
If they shall fall away, to renew them again unto repentance; seeing they crucify to themselves the Son of God afresh, and put him to an open shame.
Abel Damina is going to win this one. His doctrine is far more sound than Oyedepo’s.
Ezekiel 18:24 But when the righteous turneth away from his righteousness, and committeth iniquity, and doeth according to all the abominations that the wicked man doeth, shall he live? All his righteousness that he hath done shall not be mentioned: in his trespass that he hath trespassed, and in his sin that he hath sinned, in them shall he die.
@@luhstephen3016 When a pastor says "if you do not tithe you are cursed", he has missed his way. He has never known Christ. He's completely lost. When you study the topic in detail you begin to wonder what preachers like Oyedepo spend their time studying. It's like someone reading so much about cars but he tells you that cars are made out of plastic. He doesn't even know that they are made from metal. That's how shocking it is but nigerian christians are mumucious unfortunately. They do not read.
@@joshononiell5085 I carried Oyedepo on my head for many years. I even tried to pray like him and talk like him - I was a worker and even service unit leader. But at some point I started to realize that some of the fundamental things he preached did not look like the bible so I started studying and praying. A year later I finally knew and understood Christ for the first time. These days I can hardly listen to Oyedepo. He hasn't really understood the grace of God and the finished work of Christ. He's stuck in the old testament. Stuck with Moses and the Prophets trying to do what Christ has already finished.
Really??? Have you ever read Hebrew 6:4-6? I know a few people that were hot Christians and have now denounced Christianity, salvation etc, TOTALLY!!!!
@@luhstephen3016 perhaps you didn’t read my comment properly. I never insulted him. I only said that I struggle to listen to him anymore because of doctrinal reasons. Also the tithing doctrine is just one item in the pile but it’s one of the obvious ones that keep people in bondage. I have no personal issues or anger towards Oyedepo - It might internet you to know that his teaching series on Fulfilling the ministry are still some of my favourite teachings of all time. God uses everybody - those who preach sound doctrine and those who don’t. The thing is when you start to grow in Christ certain kinds of doctrine will naturally repel you. It’s not for me anymore but the time I was there was valuable because it one way or the other added to my understanding of the Bible even if it may taught me more what not to do or what not to follow as doctrine.
Salvation is like nativity(nationality)
That one commits a crime does not deny him his nationality.
But there is more to Salvation than keeping or losing it
Really,this is an anti Christ doctrine because if Jesus Christ told Mary Magdalene go and sin no more that shows sin can make one lose is salvation.if one is saved and continues in sin he or she will lose their salvation that's why it is written you are neither hot or cold.... please get full understanding of God's word...the wages of sin is death, salvation is to be free from death which is caused by is written by sin death came añd through salvation life came by Jesus Christ.
@LU Berry u ar right. If you read my comment well you will realise that I said there is more to that
What I said is one side of the coin while the more... is another side of it.
To tell you the truth, 'once save is already saved thing' is a half truth and because it is a half truth is no truth. When one is save the change he received began from the spirit. No physical effect is experienced bcs one's bad life is still there. There is a great tendency that that person will rise and fall. But if in any case that such happens to sin, salvation is already there. All he needs to do is to reconcile with our maker and continue the journey. It is a transformation process not an automated process.
Anothere thing I will like u to know is that the 'expected end' is not to enjoy this world but to come to the fullness of christ.
That is why 2corint 3:18 is there. For us to behold and keep transforming until we come to that full image.
I love Papa Damina . once saved always saved period.
Its never true...let the Holy spirit teach u
@@bismarkjohnson1631 hahahaha sorry brother the entrance of God's gives light and gives understanding to the simple. I wish I had time to open up your mind on this topic but your mind is static to something wrong and you are determined to defend the wrong interaction of scriptures that's why I cant help you. But think if you didn't give yourself salvation you cant keep but if he brought salvation to you he will keep it for you for himself . so if you lose salvation you were never saved in the first place. scripture are all over my dear brother.
PS DAVID continue in sin
When a preacher don't understand the scripture deeply he can say anything from ordinary understanding . Pls children of God, be open to the Holy Spirit for deeper understanding of the WORD!
@@michaelgideon208 How?
The scriptures he used were accurate and biblical, he followed the context of the whole bible before arriving and that conclusion, so why would you say that?
In my own opinion, the word of God is not automatic, there is always a part we can play to keep what is entrusted to us. Nothing is automatic in the kingdom of God.
This is getting interesting...
Man, you are helping me see clearer what'sup amongst some men of God. The analysis is smth I'll love to be a part of the deliberation.
The Kingdom of GOD is automatic but you've have to sow the word
You be mumu..
I totally agree with pastor OYEDEPO..100%, come to think of you think the devil is here on earth to just allow you to be saved and go to heaven just like that..see the book of act14:22..hahaha saved in the context does not mean saved to make heaven, it is a first step in acceptance to the testimony of Jesus Christ as a joint believers in the kingdom of God, you can be save and return into captive.. Even our lord warns a certain man and said sin no more, let's the worst comes upon you, even after he was just been heal and saved from sin that brought him afflictions..Remember also that the lord brought them out of Egypt.. how many of them made it to the promised land, of course they were all saved from bondage of 430 yrs.. hahaha..even after the lord has destroyed their enemies.. righteousness belongs to God and its heavenly property, righteousness is an alien to humanity only through but Jesus who became the righteousness of God. You can loose your salvation.. and made it even at the last minute..while some can received their salvation at the later end..and still made at last...see Mathew 20:1..
God bless you our GLOBAL BABA, DR. ABEL DAMINA. The truth has come and nothing can take it away. Gloryyyyyyyyyyyyyy
You have taken side on this topic. What you are asked to guide jealously can be lost. Both are saying the same thing but in different terms and understanding. Eternal Salvation - secured by Jesus Christ can't be lost; is a finished work but individual salvation can be lost.
Fact! Eternal salvation is like an ocean that will never dry while individual salvation is like 20litres of water fetched from the ocean which can exhaust if not carefully used.
The first thing I will ask is what is salvation?
Heb 10:39 "But we are not of them that draw back unto perdition; but of them that believe to the saving of the soul"... implication is that one can lose his/ her salvation.
You don't understand English
Only unbelief
You don't understand scripture.
Have you seen Hebrews 7 v 25
Let's look at this from this perspective.
According to the dictionary, Salvation is a PROCESS of being restored or made new. This simply means, the process is continuous. You can be saved, you later return to the world, then you still come back.
Even though Bible said, I bring to you life and death, choose one. Its a choice. Several things could make you decide to go back to the world. That's where the word "BACKSLIDING" come to play.
In conclusion, you can loose your salvation and because its a continuous process, you can still come back. That's where the Grace of God comes in.
Even though your sins are ad dark as scarlet, it shall be made whiter than snow. Remember that statement.
Any day you decide to follow Jesus, He'll welcome you. The day you decide to go back, you're free.
God gave us the power of will/choice.
He did not make us as robots, he gave us the power to make decisions.
So Bishop Oyedepo is not wrong.
I side with you
Never means you lost your salvation. When you got born again, Jesus gave you the authority to his name. The fact that you wronged your father doesn't mean you don't bare his surname again.
If you can loose your salvation any time you received it at the time of repentance it goes to say you were never born again, you were a fake. The nature of Christ that entered you at the new birth didn’t happen.
But if you received the new man that was of Christ, He Christ will give you the power to live above sin and it’s cravings because the new man cannot sin as long as your focus is on Christ. For this reason it is written “ keep looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith”.
@@theresaedeh5293 Dearie, read that verse you quoted in NLT and start from verse one.
Firstly, I think we have missed the meaning of "Salvation". Lemme illustrate it this way.
I was in the orphanage with no parents. One very day a man walks in and adopts me. Gives me a new life, new name, etc. Everything I desired. I'm his child now. Then I misbehave and then he takes me back to the orphanage and drops me back there until I repent before he can adopt me again...I'm even trying to make sense out of it.
You see, the fact that we wrong God doesn't mean He will disown us. Even in our domestic homes, our parents don't disown us when we wrong them. Yes, we wronged them and they are not happy and we need and must apologized to them, it doesn't mean we have lost our salvation. Salvation is our right to be a member of the family. We wronged them but we are still members.
Wow this is good topic indeed, so I will say that both of them are right ,when you see a matured believer who is going down in faith just call pst Abel and when is a baby believer also pst David, we need each other to make it on the last day because our grace and area of calling is not the same, but with joist effort we all will worship God together on that great day of the Lord... Big thanks to everyone who has one way or another comment on this topic may God bless you real good, also we need the wisdom Of God to be able to understand his words
Once saved for ever is a message for babies.As you grow up in Christ and as you begin to undestand the scripture you will begin to understand that SALVATION can be lost...
Someone can be 100% right in a level and be 100% wrong in another level...
As ones grow up He will begins to see better and understand better and this truth is not dependent on your congregation level.You can have 1millions babies and another has 12 matured...
A baby in the Lord cannot lose his salvation but a MATURED CHRISTIAN can lose his salvation goes to Hell.Some babies who tends towards losing salvation is either JUDGED by the Lord and has his salvation preserved or he judge himself.This is one reason why some dies young...
We can have a call to have this understanding sorted out
My brother I beg to differ it is not for baby Christians as you say, it's simple and deep which is the gospel. Once saved is always saved however your lifestyle is still dependent on principles that are applicable here on earth.
The soil on the ground serves as your salvation the question is what seed or seeds of your lifestyle are you planting ?
You don't plant orange and expect beans don't live recklessly and expect awesome result . The soil (salvation) remains the same for you but the seeds (lifestyle) is dependent on you, do you water it with the word, prayer and love or do you plant recklessly , abandon it or over water it (living an unbalanced lifestyle- overspiritualising) . God bless you bro and I pray the Holy spirit reveals more to you
@@dasilvaibekwe662 There is no however..
Is either you stand by one save forever saved or you stand in the position of ones ability to lose salvation by your WORKS/FRUIT..
Now when I said is a message of babies I mean when you go to a congregation that are matured (not in age but in understanding and in disciples of teaching of Christ) what is being taught is fashioning your life not after your own lust,your desires your old man way of life but to become like Christ not only in your Spirit but also in your act.
If you cannot express the finish work of grace in your flesh then it means your work of salvation is not complete. 1 Thessalonian 5 vs 25.God desire is that all your tripartite part of me and you be made holy unto the Lord.
You cannot be living the works of the flesh consistently without repentance and think the heart of the Lord rejoices over that. This is the reason why they Lord place genuine repentance in our walk of salvation.
Backslidding or fallen is inevitable but the Lord will have you acknkwledge your mistake ,repent of it by confess it and believe that He hears you and having a consecration not to repeat such again.
In case you do the same thing again and again,the Lord is not bitter against but shows that you are baby and we require you to grow above such and not to celebrate and multiply the fleshy lifestyle.
Salvation is not much of what you say you believe but more of the lifestyle you live that project what you believe...1 John 3 vs 7
The Lord deserve a fruit that abound unto righteousness,righteousness exalts a nation. Is a babies that doesn't seek to change his childish attitude and that why I repeat that once saved forever save is a message of babes (not in age but in understanding).The is sobberness ans sobriety in christian
Amen Dr ABEL Damina you right you can't lose your salvation because it is the Life of God in you forever
If you can loose salvation by your actions it then implies you could get saved by actions. But it says you are saved by faith not of your works lest anyone should boast.
Yee 🙆🏿♂️…. Let me jot this one 📝
@@BeingRealGeorge Great work Sir. Been watching from Cameroon
@@ewanentiege8931 Rom 10:10 with your mouth confession is made unto salvation
Where is the place of repentance?
It is only by experience you can understand the concept of salvation..Once saved is not always saved.That doctrine is wrong, because Apostle paul himself said in 1st conrithians 9:27 "but I keep under my body, and bring it into subjection: lest that by any means, when I have preached to others, I myself should be a castaway" it means it is possible for him to still loose his salvation by being casted away...If you don't learn to balance doctrines, you will mis-interpret the scriptures..
this is deep......if a christian goes back into his Sinful lifestyle and DIE im sorry such cant go to heaven.
A Born-Again Christian cannot sin.
"....he CANNOT sin because he is born of God...." 1st John 3:9.
The state of a person at the point of departure matters a lot.. As no unclean or unholy thing or person will enter heaven
To my understanding, He or she that is genuinely saved, shall not loss it, on the condition that he or she remains in Christ Jesus. Genuine salvation makes us to guide our salvation with fear and trebling in Christ Jesus in order not to loss it. These days, a lot of people are faking their salvation.
Why do you have to guide it? So if you don't guide it, what will happen?
If you’re saved you’re saved.
How are you saved at the first place because you believed .
If believing is a child’s play, all will believe.
Don’t forget the scripture says all our good deeds are like filthy rag in God’s eye.
So which of the work are you claiming that is helping you keep your salvation-- none I will say.
Work out your salvation some people always mistake to be the work you do to maintain your salvation.
Let me ask you do you think believing is not a hard work to do. Please don’t underestimate believing in salvation. That on its own is a big deal and a big task to perform.
No one got us back to God but Christ through what he did at the cross and that single handed got us salvation nothing else did not even our trying or our good deeds.
George kudos bringing this our way. Truth is always so clear to truth lovers. Blessings 👏👏👏👏👏👏
This is the conclusion of the whole serious matter, "Believing".
The concept of believing is realing unknown to many. The mystery of this construct is the revelation and understanding of what salvation is. God bless you real good, a loud amen!!!
Maybe you have read the admonition of the Apostle Paul to the church in Corinth. How he reminded them of the Israelites that left Egypt, passed through the red sea and were baptised into Moses were destroyed on their way to the promised land...and he stressed that God was not pleased with some of them, stating that it was written for us as example.
Moreover, brethren, I would not that ye should be ignorant, how that all our fathers were under the cloud, and all passed through the sea;
2 And were all baptized unto Moses in the cloud and in the sea;
3 And did all eat the same spiritual meat;
4 And did all drink the same spiritual drink: for they drank of that spiritual Rock that followed them: and that Rock was Christ.
5 But with many of them God was not well pleased: for they were overthrown in the wilderness.
6 Now these things were our examples, to the intent we should not lust after evil things, as they also lusted.
7 Neither be ye idolaters, as weresome of them; as it is written, The people sat down to eat and drink, and rose up to play.
8 Neither let us commit fornication, as some of them committed, and fell in one day three and twenty thousand.
If you can't lose your salvation by your deeds, then Apostle Paul wouldn't have said in
1Co 9:27 But I keep under my body, and bring it into subjection: lest that by any means, when I have preached to others, I myself should be a castaway.
This means that a believer can be a castaway, if not, Jesus wouldn't say in Mat7
21 Not every one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that doeth the will of my Father which is in heaven.
22 Many will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name? and in thy name have cast out devils? and in thy name done many wonderful works?
23 And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity.
This set of people are the ones that are saying "once saved is always saved". They are the ones that were filled with the Holy Ghost and that prophesied and did diverse miracles but they lost their "salvation" through their work of iniquity. And they will come boldly before tge throne to say, "I preached (once saved always saved)", "I healed the sick in your name", "I cast out demons in your name" therefore I'm qualified to enter into the kingdom of heaven. But Jesus judging their works says " depart from me ye WORKERS of iniquity.
OMG! You nailed it bro, you nailed it..and brought tears to my eyes with your preceding comment. You fully understood the concept of salvation and the person who school you in did a very good job on you.
So if I was save and later become an arm robber and I got killed, so I'm still save?
Good question
My Q is what did u do to be saved, coz it’s like u lost it during your life if robbing?
@@penandahalemona2240 when u give ur life to Christ, you are save but along the line you can backslide and when u backslide, are u still save?
Of course you are saved, just come back to following the correct road or you will just be more miserable then before because you know a better way of living, if one backslides.
Brilliant topic Sir..I like d way you ended it. When jesus is trully Lord over my life, I don't have to worry about losing or not losing my salvation .
Abel Damina is a motivational speaker. He is preaching what people want to hear.
Since Damina discarded the prosperity gospel I think he is a better preacher but here I diagree with him. a person can lose their salvation
It depends on who saves you. You yourself, or the Lord. If it's the Lord's salvation, then we Know that whatsoever he does, he does forever!
If you saved yourself, sorry then you can loose it. God has no hands in that.
Salvation is of the Lord! We can lose.
The reason for the controversy is that many pastors have a wrong notion of salvation. There is a difference between salvation and conversion. Salvation is the ultimate reward given at the end of faithful service to God. St Peter said, "Receiving the end of your faith, even the salvation of your souls". 1Pet. 1:9. Christ said "iniquity shall abound, the love of many shall wax cold but those who endure till the end will be saved." Matt. 2412,13. Once saved at the end is always saved.
I like your point
If salvation is lost no one will enter heaven not even one, As long as we're still in our body of flesh, we will sin but the Lord will make us persevere till we leave this world.
Say you sin, you and who?
🤦🏿♂️. Take it easy. No man is without sin.
@@emmanuelasamoah159 1 John 1:8-10 ESV
"If we say we have no sin, we deceive ourselves, and the truth is not in us. If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness. If we say we have not sinned, we make him a liar, and his word is not in us."
Repent from your self righteousness my friend!
Take heed less you fall means you can actually fall, and Jesus also said only those who endured till the end shall be saved.
No you have put it out of context bro read it properly...and put it right I love u sir
@@ogwalmoris8070 The word fall does not have two meanings . This gospel of GRACE will lead a lot of people to hell. The heavenly race is a straut and narrow one not a one of a bed 9f roses
Here brother Paul was talking about falling into the temptation not salvation , bro read properly you know one thing About bible reading always let the Bible give you what to think not you thinking for the Bible
@@ogwalmoris8070 so when you fall into temptation is that sin or not ? Where would sin take you to ? And tell me what Jesus meant when he said those that endured till the end shall be save?
@@amanosichris1004 that you sinned didn't make you sin
This seems like diverging view, especially considering the persuasion with which both parties speak, their objective I chose to believe is same
It looks persuasive co each of them is reacting. It's a reaction.
Brother, read your bible , any body can loss his salvation
For this you know, that no fornicator, unclean person, nor covetous man, who is an idolater, has any inheritance in the kingdom of Christ and God. LET NO ONE DECEIVE YOU WITH EMPTY WORDS, for because of these things the wrath of God comes upon the sons of disobedience. Therefore do not be partakers with them. For you were once darkness, but now you are light in the Lord. Walk as children of light (for the fruit of the Spirit is in all goodness, righteousness, and truth), finding out what is acceptable to the Lord. And have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather expose them. For it is shameful even to speak of those things which are done by them in secret. But all things that are exposed are made manifest by the light, for whatever makes manifest is light. Therefore He says: “Awake, you who sleep, Arise from the dead, And Christ will give you light.” See then that you walk circumspectly, not as fools but as wise, redeeming the time, because the days are evil. Therefore do not be unwise, but understand what the will of the Lord is.
Ephesians 5:5-17
Awwwwh!!! Thank you soo much. You touched my heart😭😭😭😭. God bless you.
Thank u George instead of focusing on the little difference we have we should focus on what binds us together I pray God reveals himself to us in Jesus name.. Amen
I want us to consider how one gets saved. You chose to agree with Jesus Christ and you answered His call to salvation, then you are saved. Jesus Christ did not force you. You made the decision on your own based on "IF".
"IF" is a conditional word. If you decide to accept and follow Jesus Christ and endure till the end, you shall be saved. Perhaps we should look into BEING saved and BE saved. Matthew 10:22, John 10:9.
However, if you decide not to follow Jesus Christ anymore and go back to your vomit, Jesus Christ will look for you to bring you back to the fold but will not force you to come back. Decision is yours. If you refuse to come back and you die in your sin, you lose eternal life for there's no repentance in the grave.
Don't let entertainment distract you. Truly no one can snatch you from Jesus Christ but only you can snatch yourself from Him. God forbid. This is the last days. Please read the Holy Bible for yourself prayerfully and the Holy Spirit will guide and teach you.
Salvation is not a thing of entertainment but a very serious thing and that is why it cost God His only begotten Son Jesus Christ the only true way that we can get eternal life and escape eternal death. AMEN.
Best answer for me. I don’t have to do anymore justice.
The Bible make mention of the great fallen away of the believers,once save is not save forever,you can lose your salvation when you go back doing ur old life.
Hahahahaha...... Bro read it in context
Bro pls share that scripture with me and we understand together pls.....I love you Sir
Tge fall away say if you trampole on the blood of grace meaning you deny everything that Christ represents that there is no more sacrifice for repentance.
@@akinolaoke3322 hahahahaha.....I love you bro but we have to understand what bro Paul was meaning here by falling away from Grace, let me explain to you Sir, Galatians 5:4.....He was talking about making your works or keeping the law as a qualification of your salvation.....Grace mean you didn't deserve it , it's unmerited favor, undeserve, so your works don't qualify you to be Born again or child of God ....but it's faith in Christ, for we are saved by Grace through faith in Christ.....not our works pls read the pretext(1,2,3) of that chapter 5 of verse 4.... Thank you Sir
Does the great falling away mean from eternal Salvation, or falling away from the faith here on earth?
We got salvation through grace right! Rom 6:1-2. Shall we continue in sin that grace may abound? the answer is, NO?
Shall we continue in sin is not shall we continue to sin. Get it right. Salvation is totally dependant on Jesus.
Let me give you an illustration to explain that scripture and you can try to read the whole chapter and find something in verse 15.
So I give you the latest Mercedes Benz SLS and I tell you "No matter how you drive this car, it cannot turn over". Now the question is this Can you drive the car recklessly because it cannot turn over, God forbid. God forbid you driving it not the car not being able to turn over.
Rom6:15 KJV "What then? Shall we sin because we are not under the law, but under grace? God forbid.
Rom 5:20kjv "Moreover the law entered, that the offence might abound. But where sin abounded, GRACE DID MUCH MORE ABOUND".
Got it?!
John 17:12
[12]While I was with them, I kept and preserved them in Your Name [in the knowledge and worship of You]. Those You have given Me I guarded and protected, and not one of them has perished or is lost except the son of perdition [Judas Iscariot-the one who is now doomed to destruction, destined to be lost], that the Scripture might be fulfilled. [Ps. 41:9; John 6:70.]. Jesus Christ Himself said Judas was lost, so that's what is important and not what men say. A child who decides to live in sin could be lost. He was born again, he was an ApostleMatthew 10:1-4
[1]AND JESUS summoned to Him His twelve disciples and gave them power and authority over unclean spirits, to drive them out, and to cure all kinds of disease and all kinds of weakness and infirmity.
[2]Now these are the names of the twelve apostles (special messengers): first, Simon, who is called Peter, and Andrew his brother; James son of Zebedee, and John his brother;
[3]Philip and Bartholomew [Nathaniel]; Thomas and Matthew the tax collector; James son of Alphaeus, and Thaddaeus [Judas, not Iscariot];
[4]Simon the Cananaean, and Judas Iscariot, who also betrayed Him. He lost his apostleship through transgression, Acts 1:25
[25]To take the place in this ministry and receive the position of an apostle, from which Judas fell away and went astray to go [where he belonged] to his own [proper] place. Be careful whom you listen to so you don't follow them to hell. Stay blessed.
@@alfredokwori4061 At what point do you disown your child?
Judas was born again and he was lost, people go to hell by choice, God never sends them there. Matthew 10:33
[33]But whoever denies and disowns Me before men, I also will deny and disown him before My Father Who is in heaven.
He came to seek and save that which was lost then how can he lose what he has saved he's the one that keeps use secured in him no one can lose they salvation because you didn't save your self it's all about election by grace that he saved us not according to our works but according to his grace and purpose that's my comment
verse out your own salvation with fear and trembling
verse 14: for it is God who works in you both to will and to work, for his good pleasure.
NOTE: This working out is actually done by God himself who lives in the believer. The believer's role is to yield to the training of God which is done by the WORD.
Jude 1:24 Now unto him that is able to keep you from falling....
The believer is not the one keeping himself from falling. The ability to keep a believer is in the hands of God himself. A believer can only lose his salvation if he is the one keeping himself.
Hebrews 7:25 Wherefore he is able to save them to the uttermost that come to God by him, seeing he ever liveth to make intercession for them
The word uttermost means completely, perfectly, finally, and for all time and eternity.
Jesus has the ability to save a man forever. If a believer can lose his salvation it means Jesus does not have the ability to save a believer to the uttermost.
So, anyone thinking that a believer can lose salvation does not even understand the bible.
Salvation is of the Lord!
So he keeps it😊
John Piper, John MacArthur, Justin Peters, Jim Osman , Paul Washer, Bro Gbile Akanni and many more for me any day the preachers of the true Gospel.
You missed Bro Moses Alu.
Wow you know BRO GBILE AKANNI? That great you have really being Taking in great messages
The bible... Sola scriptura. All these men of God mentioned believe in the inherency of the scriptures. As it relates to the topic. OSAS is consistent with the scriptures. By faith you have been saved through grace. That means you did not save yourself so God who saved you has you covered.
The basic answer to this question is to think of how one is saved, no one can save himself only God can save. Salvation is the work of God through the Holy spirit. If you did not save yourself then you cannot lose the salvation God has given you
Never heard about him I will check him out thanks
check John 17:12 John 10:27-29. He left 99 sheep on the mountain and went for one that is missing. So 100 is completion. If He looses any, then the body is not complete
Hebrews 6:4-6 ”For it is impossible for those who were once enlightened, and have tasted of the heavenly gift, and were made partakers of the Holy Ghost, And have tasted the good word of God, and the powers of the world to come, IF THEY SHALL FALL AWAY, to renew them again unto repentance; seeing they crucify to themselves the Son of God afresh, and put him to an open shame.”
great verses that prove OSAS
Can Christ be crucified the second time?
@@EmilyRoze87 it is a metaphor the Bible uses to illustrate how that if you fall way from the walk with God and reject the faith you become no different from those who crucified the Son of God and shamefully disgraced Him.
Salvation is of the Lord! And it's a calling.
I watched 2 videos a couple weeks ago. In the one, a young lady confessed to have been SAVED and have been a very avid worshipper for some time. However her prayer requests continued to remain unanswered, no matter what she did.
She then gave up on Jesus and turned to the religious beliefs and practises of African culture and NOW, ALL of her prayers are being met.
In the second video, a middle-aged man was speaking before what appeared to be a sophisticated audience. He confessed to having been a evangelical pastor for many years and BELIEVED in the baptism of the Holy Ghost and speaking in other tongues and all that went with his FAITH.
NOW he said, I have denounced ALL of that and have found it to be merely high emotions, without real substance.
Is either of these two, or are both of them still SAVED? I think NOT.
The church has always been encouraged that...ONLY THOSE WHO ENDURED TO THE END SHALL BE SAVED.
None of these Men of God die for me, I will treasure the Blood of the only begotten son of God and never go back to my vomit of old life.
Jesus died so that you too can be a begotten son of the father. He is no longer the only begotten.
Ephesians 1:5 ".....he predestined us to be adopted as his sons through Jesus Christ".
He is the first begotten son of the father and the first begotten of the dead and when we believe in him we are also begotten sons of God who have died and resurrected with him.
@@ChimaChindaDev I didn't dispute I am part of the heir with the begotten, I'd only said I treasure the Blood of the begotten son of God.
Once saved Is not always save, imagine after being born again an individual get himself involved in Armed Robbery can we say such an individual is still save?
Hmmm but you as been saved, are you saying you don't sin everyday?? Whether armed robbery or u abuse someone, sin is sin to God, there is no sin bigger than the other. Nah here on earth we say one sin is greater than the other
U said once saved is not always saved. So u r trying to say that d person that got saved got saved by what he did right n not d blood of jesus, so if he got involved in armed robbery, he has lost his salvation, that means its by works then. If u got saved by grace, then u can never sustain ur salvation by ur works but by faith in jesus christ n his finished works. But shall we continue to sin bcos of grace, God forbid, know he not that he that is dead is freed from sin.
Right on the cross, an armed robber who acknowledged Jesus, will be with Him in paradise same day. Mind you, he didn't repent of his sins on the cross beside Christ, he had believed in him b4....but only acknowledged and testified of Him, though his own ways on earth was contrary. Thank you Jesus.
You know when we talk about salvation, we must first ask ourselves few questions:
1) what is it to be saved?
2) what us salvation?
3) what is eternal life?
4) before Jesus came and died what did we do in order for us to earn eternal life?
5) is there anything one Must do in order for him to be saved?
6) why salvation is called a gift?
7) the meaning of a gift
8) can someone work for in oder for him to qualify for a gift?
9)faith what it is
10) jesus and eternal life
11) Christ death and resurrection
12) Holiness and righteousness
Man's righteousness and Christ's righteousness.
13) why Christ is our righteousness?
14) The death of Christ what it means.
These few questions we can look at when talking about once saved always saved.
1. The Soul of man
2. Salvation is life hid in Christ
3. Eternal life is man's reconciled life in God
4. Those our father of old BELIEVED on Christ that was to come to take away the sins of man..... our dispensation is to BELIEVE on Him that came.
5. Only BELIEVE IN CHRIST cum his purpose of Salvation to you and ALL MEN
6. A GIFT is strictly thought of, conceived by and executed by the giver. You work for man and receive wages, but God gives as he desires. Those that worked from morning to evening with those that worked an hour, received same dollars of the the Lord. Salvation is of the Lord as a Gift to man. Receive, and be appreciative. Give thanks unto the Lord, for He has done great things 👍
Confusions everywhere, Salvation is different from Eternal life.
God help us.
Sure ...they are confused.. salvation is different from eternal life...
The truth is Salvation is not the same with eternal life...many believers do not study the word
You can never loose your salvation, because God is not a gambler, Rev13:8
For if we sin wilfully after that we have received the knowledge of the truth, there remaineth no more sacrifice for sins, But a certain fearful looking for of judgment and fiery indignation, which shall devour the adversaries.
Stop interpreting the bible wrongly!
To sin wilfully from that passage is to reject the Jesus Christ whose blood had been offered for your sin.
To sin wilfully is to reject salvation!
That brings us back to the question, a man who has received salvation already, can that salvation be invalidated by his actions ?
Big No.
You did not save yourself in the first place Jesus saved you
God does not record sin against a saved man.
Romans 4:8 Blessed is the man to whom the Lord will not impute sin.
It's simple
And if the righteous scarcely be saved, where shall the ungodly and the sinner appear?
1 Peter:4:18
Can u explain this verse to me sir?
U can loose yr salvation. Only those dat endured to the end shall be saved. Matt. 24 vs 13. Mark 13 vs 13
You can ask the HOLY SPIRIT SIR ...
You don't understand English
John 10:28-29
Bishop is right my brother one can lose his salvation o.
If you think you can lose your salvation then you don't believe in Christ
Yes by his grace we are saved but let me tell you are the unbelievers saved? was the Grace not for everybody? is it not only when you acept him, Jesus Christ and confess and believe what he did for you that's when you'll be saved? Romans said it .
Revelation chapter 2 has answered this topic. Read it for yourselves. Why would Jesus warn the seven churches to repent of their sins if salvation cannot be lost? Be careful of the devil's tricks of always trying to deceive the children of God. I'm not a fan of Oyedepo but he is right on this one.
Guess what ends each of those warnings in Revelation? "He that overcomes shall...." Etc.
Now, who is it that overcomes the world , but He that believes that Jesus is the Christ.
The victory that overcomes the world is our faith...the same faith by which we are saved through grace.
Everybody who is truly Born again will overcome
one can loose salvation....
salvation is power...and this power came from the Gospel of our lord Jesus Christ...
if you remain in him, he will make you bear fruits, if you depart from him, you will be cut off
He that sinneth( born again or not. Saved or not) IS OF THE DEVIL, because the devil sinneth from the beginning.
Salvation is like a marriage relationship between a man and a woman and for a marriage to stand the both party must work together so the marriage can stand for salvation with the LOrd you must keep to your own party of the relationship with the Lord to keep going on
I like your explanation, absolutely on point.
In the pastor Chris segment, you didn't play the whole video which is sad. Pastor Chris isn't saying that one can't lose his/her salvation but that whenever anyone makes a mistake he can come back.
Here is the full clip
Pastor Chris was also saying that making a mistake is not losing salvation.
@@lovekingdomofbelievers.2893 exactly
@@ikayanyim1370 Walking away from Jesus Christ back into vomit and not coming back and die in sin, will lead into eternal death.
Therefore the last moment of a man's life on earth matters
Ezekiel 33 18 says that if a righteous man turn from his righteousness and do evil that he shall die because of it but if an evil man turn from his wicked ways and do what is good and lawful he shall live and not die , that's to tell you that no matter how righteous and holy you are the moment you turn from doing righteously and set your heart in doing evil from that day you are no longer righteous 1 Corinthians 6:9 say do you not know that the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of God . So once righteous is not forever righteous so pls guide your heart The moment you leave this earth there is no second chance over there so be guided
Brotherly, I have a question....What happens to a bornagain Christian, who fell and was living in sin....and died without repentance, will such still make heaven?
“If we give up and turn our backs on all we’ve learned, all we’ve been given, all the truth we now know, we repudiate Christ’s sacrifice and are left on our own to face the Judgment-and a mighty fierce judgment it will be! If the penalty for breaking the law of Moses is physical death, what do you think will happen if you turn on God’s Son, spit on the sacrifice that made you whole, and insult this most gracious Spirit? This is no light matter. God has warned us that he’ll hold us to account and make us pay. He was quite explicit: “Vengeance is mine, and I won’t overlook a thing” and “God will judge his people.” Nobody’s getting by with anything, believe me.”
Hebrews 10:26-31 MSG
@@peteraliu3340 My brother, the bible has said it all...we still use our shallow mind to read and misinterprete it. "One saved is forever just grammar." Now this narrative has led many astray and living in sin today. Even the bible said he that stand, need to take heed less he fall. Corinthians 10:12 ...What dies this mean? There are chances one could fall.
Now what does it mean to fall?
Once you are saved, you are heaven bound and when you fall the direction changes to the later before you were saved. My question now is what is the essence of your salvation after you fall? Its only valid if you repent. Without repentance you have lost it.
If one saved is always saved. Then a person can be saved and then go about and live their own doing things that are inconsistent with the ways of God, brcause once saved is always saved
Then the person doesn't understand the meaning of salvation.
How do you reconcile our good deeds like filthy rags in God’s eye.?
We contributed nothing to the salvation and hence cannot take it away.
Believing in that salvation is a huge task because if it’s not the whole world will believe.
Take you and you parents for example. You offend them 24/7 and yet you’re still their child.
To be a believer at the first place, makes you understand what God loves and hates.
That you decide after knowing the good and evil and dwell in evil will not make even your parents to say you’re not their child talk less of God.
And if the person repents the name will be yanked in 📝
@@BeingRealGeorge 😂😂😂
Meaning they should define who a believer is. A believer that goes about doing what hurts God intentionally is never a believer.
Adam and Eve were born to live eternally but they lost eternal life and they died and all their offspring were and are being born dead. 1 Corinthians 15: 22 & 45.
Remember the parable of 10 virgins. Carelessness costs 5 virgins eternal life. That will not be our potion in Jesus Christ's name AMEN.
Do you think Adam and Eve are in heaven or not?
Very brilliant hiscoming
@@vanbonitabo2049 They are with Jesus Christ.
Be careful with these kinds of teachings. Yes the Holy Spirit will gently convict you and impress on you to walk the right walk but the decision to either obey or not rests solely with you. Jesus Himself says in Matthew 7:21, "Not everyone who says to Me, 'Lord Lord,' shall enter the Kingdom of heaven, but he who does the will of My Father in heaven." So it's definitely about what you do. Don't be deceived. How else does anyone know you are born again if you are not producing fruits worthy of repentance. - Luke 3:8. Jesus says those who don't will eventually be uprooted and will not be allowed to continue to use up the ground if they don't turn away from their sins. "Do not give what is holy to the dogs nor cast your pearls before swine." You either repent genuinely or you perish. If you are truly born again then you must obey the Holy Spirit. Period.
All these scripture in context do not talk about the Christian
But it doesn't mean I support sin. A Christian is a tool of righteousness and must therefore live as such but you see when one mess up as a human being doesn't make him a dog and that's the same with our faith, that person however is meant to receive his 'reward' in heaven.
1 Cor 3
Frank yeboah God bless you, you have say it all.
@@samsarfo3660 I agree that making a mistake does not make one a dog. I said this in the context of people who indulge the flesh on the basis of the belief that because their sins are forgiven, that they can do whatever they want and it not will matter. The dogs are those who go back to your vomit WILLINGLY. So I am simply saying the grace of God is not a license to go back to your former way of life. For that will mean treating the blood of Jesus with contempt.
And please Jesus saying not everybody who says to Him "Lord Lord will enter into heaven but only those who do the Father's will" applies to Christians. Don't be deceived. If you don't think so, then I want to ask you this, what makes you a Christian or a disciple, if you don't intend to follow Him? He says His sheep know His voice and they follow Him. If you are following, then you were not a sheep in the first place. Think about it. God bless you.
Abel damina said it all out of the purest of revelation
Error in his teaching, he is wrong
Daddy oyedepo God bless you sir all this people are teaching heresy