September 4th, 2021 Springfield SDA Church Sermon Live Stream “The Restoration Project”
- เผยแพร่เมื่อ 9 ก.พ. 2025
- Sermon - “The Restoration Project” - Pastor Abel Hagan
“The Restoration Project”
Psalms 23:3
Everything is going well in verses 1,2 then we get to verse 3 and David says He restores our soul. Why?? To continue in the paths of righteousness… we need it. 2 lies are 1 we we can’t go right the other that we can’t go wrong.
Psalms 42:11 David knew what it was like to be down cast.
The Good Shepherd is looking for cast sheep and predators are too. Psalms 103:13,14
God is not upset with lost sheep, he’s able to restore! Like the prodigal, we need to see the Father for who he really is.
Our soul is all that we are psalms 103:1 and once restored we will bless the Lord.
Our role is to point others to Him the one who can restore Galatians 6:1,2
Steps that can lead to sheep being cast down as the remedy of the Good Shepherd: 1 looking for that cozy spot 2. Too much wool 3. Too fat
We must experience regularly and personally restoration.
In the paths of righteousness creatures of habit the shepherd must keep us on the move. Isaiah 53:6 “our own way” is destructive. Christ wants us to count the cost Mark 8:34 Matthew7:13,14
Restoration and Righteousness are inseparable. Only a restores soul can but a restored soul will with desire go right paths.
The voice of the Shepherd will challenge us in direction Hebrews 12: but we will go these paths with Him.
As His people our life becomes merged with His reputation. John 10 He’s known by giving His life for us and by that we hear and follow Him. Let’s move forward honoring and praising Him, confident in His direction and in His ability to carry us to His provided destination!