Thank you for this video. My mother-in-law was an atheist.. My wife prayed the Rosary for her while her mother was dying, even though my wife is Jewish. Hours or less before my mother-in-law died, my wife had a dream where a beautiful golden=haired woman, with turquoise blue covering over a silky red long dress with a matching blue cloth belt, she stood in front of a solid pitch-black wall with a warm wooden door, shaped like an arch, rounded at top. I believe the Blessed Virgin Mary took my wife's mother with her, and spared her Hell. August 30th is the three-year anniversary of this event. Thanks Be To God.
What a beautiful story! I believe you must be correct! Nobody loved Jesus more than Mary. Nobody loved Mary more than Jesus. Apparently, Jesus has a pretty hard time saying no to his mother! What a sweet, good son! What a loving mother! Thank you God! Peace be with you!
PLEASE PLEASE READ! There is NO Purgatory. Once you die you are either instantly with The Lord Jesus in Heaven Forever or instantly in Hell Forever. John 3:16 is the Heartbeat of the whole Bible which Proclaims only ONE WAY to Heaven. His Name is Jesus! Sin is an archery term and it means to miss the perfect bullseye. Miss even a tiny bit and you have sinned. God gave us The Ten Commandments to show us what The Bullseye is and to show us our utter helplessness to reach it and to point us to His Son Jesus Christ. God says there is NO ONE who does Good not even one. And that the wages of sin is Death, Eternal separation from Him in Hell. And that without the shedding of blood there is no remission of sins. FACT: You are a sinner and you have the death penalty. But WAIT! Here is the GOOD NEWS Proclaimed throughout The whole Bible! Jesus laid down His Eternal Glory, took on Human Flesh, and willingly went to the Cross to shed His Blood as Payment in FULL for All your sins. Jesus's last words on the Cross were "It Is Finished!" Your sin debt has been Paid in FULL and Eternal Life is God's FREE GIFT to be Freely received! You 100% WILL stand before Jesus one day either as Savior or Judge. Either Innocent because All of your sins are Covered by Jesus's Blood and going to Heaven OR Guilty as Charged as your life is Judged by God's Law The Ten Commandments and going to Hell Forever. The choice is yours. God will not take you against your will. You can do absolutely nothing to earn or deserve or keep your salvation. It's All Jesus. Pure Grace. You can Pray to Jesus right now right where you are, admitting you are a sinner and believing that Jesus Paid for All your sins with His Blood and Rose again. Tell The Lord Jesus that you are placing all your faith in what He already did for you and accepting Him as your Savior. Jesus will save you instantly and never ever let you go. If you decide to try to get to Heaven by your good works Prepare to be Judged according to God's Law and to be found Guilty as Charged. Nothing but the Blood of Jesus can wash you White as Snow! Mary got saved the same way! There is only ONE WAY! His Name is Jesus! 💖💖💖💖💖
NO. There is NO Purgatory. Once you die you are either instantly with The Lord Jesus in Heaven Forever or instantly in Hell Forever. John 3:16 is the Heartbeat of the whole Bible which Proclaims only ONE WAY to Heaven. His Name is Jesus! Sin is an archery term and it means to miss the perfect bullseye. Miss even a tiny bit and you have sinned. God gave us The Ten Commandments to show us what The Bullseye is and to show us our utter helplessness to reach it and to point us to His Son Jesus Christ. God says there is NO ONE who does Good not even one. And that the wages of sin is Death, Eternal separation from Him in Hell. And that without the shedding of blood there is no remission of sins. FACT: You are a sinner and you have the death penalty. But WAIT! Here is the GOOD NEWS Proclaimed throughout The whole Bible! Jesus laid down His Eternal Glory, took on Human Flesh, and willingly went to the Cross to shed His Blood as Payment in FULL for All your sins. Jesus's last words on the Cross were "It Is Finished!" Your sin debt has been Paid in FULL and Eternal Life is God's FREE GIFT to be Freely received! You 100% WILL stand before Jesus one day either as Savior or Judge. Either Innocent because All of your sins are Covered by Jesus's Blood and going to Heaven OR Guilty as Charged as your life is Judged by God's Law The Ten Commandments and going to Hell Forever. The choice is yours. God will not take you against your will. You can do absolutely nothing to earn or deserve or keep your salvation. It's All Jesus. Pure Grace. You can Pray to Jesus right now right where you are, admitting you are a sinner and believing that Jesus Paid for All your sins with His Blood and Rose again. Tell The Lord Jesus that you are placing all your faith in what He already did for you and accepting Him as your Savior. Jesus will save you instantly and never ever let you go. If you decide to try to get to Heaven by your good works Prepare to be Judged according to God's Law and to be found Guilty as Charged. Nothing but the Blood of Jesus can wash you White as Snow! Mary got saved the same way! There is only ONE WAY! His Name is Jesus! 💖💖💖💖💖
PLEASE PLEASE READ! There is NO Purgatory. Once you die you are either instantly with The Lord Jesus in Heaven Forever or instantly in Hell Forever. John 3:16 is the Heartbeat of the whole Bible which Proclaims only ONE WAY to Heaven. His Name is Jesus! Sin is an archery term and it means to miss the perfect bullseye. Miss even a tiny bit and you have sinned. God gave us The Ten Commandments to show us what The Bullseye is and to show us our utter helplessness to reach it and to point us to His Son Jesus Christ. God says there is NO ONE who does Good not even one. And that the wages of sin is Death, Eternal separation from Him in Hell. And that without the shedding of blood there is no remission of sins. FACT: You are a sinner and you have the death penalty. But WAIT! Here is the GOOD NEWS Proclaimed throughout The whole Bible! Jesus laid down His Eternal Glory, took on Human Flesh, and willingly went to the Cross to shed His Blood as Payment in FULL for All your sins. Jesus's last words on the Cross were "It Is Finished!" Your sin debt has been Paid in FULL and Eternal Life is God's FREE GIFT to be Freely received! You 100% WILL stand before Jesus one day either as Savior or Judge. Either Innocent because All of your sins are Covered by Jesus's Blood and going to Heaven OR Guilty as Charged as your life is Judged by God's Law The Ten Commandments and going to Hell Forever. The choice is yours. God will not take you against your will. You can do absolutely nothing to earn or deserve or keep your salvation. It's All Jesus. Pure Grace. You can Pray to Jesus right now right where you are, admitting you are a sinner and believing that Jesus Paid for All your sins with His Blood and Rose again. Tell The Lord Jesus that you are placing all your faith in what He already did for you and accepting Him as your Savior. Jesus will save you instantly and never ever let you go. If you decide to try to get to Heaven by your good works Prepare to be Judged according to God's Law and to be found Guilty as Charged. Nothing but the Blood of Jesus can wash you White as Snow! Mary got saved the same way! There is only ONE WAY! His Name is Jesus! 💖💖💖💖💖
PURGATORY MENTIONED IN THE BIBLE: 1 Peter 3:19, where Christ preached to the imprisoned spirits. 1 Peter 4:6, where the gospel was preached to the dead. 2 Corinthians 5:10, where we must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ. 2 Corinthians 7:1, where we must cleanse ourselves from every defilement of body and spirit. Hebrews 9:27, where it is appointed for men to die once and then face the judgment. Hebrews 12:14, where we must strive for holiness without which no one will see the Lord. Hebrews 12:23, where the spirits of the righteous are made perfect. 1 Corinthians 3:13-15, where our work will be tested by fire and we may suffer loss but be saved.
@@jover4653 Novus Ordo is an invalid mass because the priest who are ordained after 1968 are not a valid priest because they changed the ordination rites. This is what we are facing and it’s as very scary one.
NO. There is NO Purgatory. Once you die you are either instantly with The Lord Jesus in Heaven Forever or instantly in Hell Forever. John 3:16 is the Heartbeat of the whole Bible which Proclaims only ONE WAY to Heaven. His Name is Jesus! Sin is an archery term and it means to miss the perfect bullseye. Miss even a tiny bit and you have sinned. God gave us The Ten Commandments to show us what The Bullseye is and to show us our utter helplessness to reach it and to point us to His Son Jesus Christ. God says there is NO ONE who does Good not even one. And that the wages of sin is Death, Eternal separation from Him in Hell. And that without the shedding of blood there is no remission of sins. FACT: You are a sinner and you have the death penalty. But WAIT! Here is the GOOD NEWS Proclaimed throughout The whole Bible! Jesus laid down His Eternal Glory, took on Human Flesh, and willingly went to the Cross to shed His Blood as Payment in FULL for All your sins. Jesus's last words on the Cross were "It Is Finished!" Your sin debt has been Paid in FULL and Eternal Life is God's FREE GIFT to be Freely received! You 100% WILL stand before Jesus one day either as Savior or Judge. Either Innocent because All of your sins are Covered by Jesus's Blood and going to Heaven OR Guilty as Charged as your life is Judged by God's Law The Ten Commandments and going to Hell Forever. The choice is yours. God will not take you against your will. You can do absolutely nothing to earn or deserve or keep your salvation. It's All Jesus. Pure Grace. You can Pray to Jesus right now right where you are, admitting you are a sinner and believing that Jesus Paid for All your sins with His Blood and Rose again. Tell The Lord Jesus that you are placing all your faith in what He already did for you and accepting Him as your Savior. Jesus will save you instantly and never ever let you go. If you decide to try to get to Heaven by your good works Prepare to be Judged according to God's Law and to be found Guilty as Charged. Nothing but the Blood of Jesus can wash you White as Snow! Mary got saved the same way! There is only ONE WAY! His Name is Jesus! 💖💖💖💖💖
Purgatory, false doctrine. Unbiblical !!! Jesus, paid the full penalty for our sins once for all (Hebrew 10:10,12) It is finished (John 19:30) Repent, believe Lord Jesus his finished work on the cross for your sins, with faith, you will saved. No one pay for his own sins ! Our self righteous works are nothing, but FILTHY rags !!! ( Isaiah 64:6)
Purgatory is a transitional state after death where souls undergo purification to achieve the holiness necessary to enter heaven. We know this to be the case, because Jesus says we must become perfect as the Father is perfect, Matthew 5:48 and then Revelation 21:27, says nothing impure can enter heaven. Since we all die in impurity without overcoming every sin and sinful inclination, we must undergo some purification post mortem.
Purgatorial purification, post mortem, is not eternal and is distinct from hell. Purgatory can be seen in 1 Corinthians 3:11-15, specifically verse 15, talks a purification process, "as through by fire" thatbis occuring post death. 2 Maccabees 12:45, which suggest prayers and actions can assist the souls in this process.
Please people do not believe this person. There is only heaven and hell there is no purgatory Please do not pray to anybody but Jesus! It’s a great sin to pray to anybody else stop lighting candles, praying for the dead and all this other stuff that you’re being fed. Please please please.
@@Alfieruben-j1l in the Bible, it says do not cast a pearl to the swine. Matthew 7:6. A warning to not waste good things on those who do not want to hear it. That is faith and knowledge I don’t expect you to believe what I’m saying the only person that can help you understand is the Holy Spirit and I pray that the Holy Spirit will lead you to that knowledge. I used to be a Catholic and I don’t know about now then they did not like reading the Bible. That’s what you need todo. Read the Bible and asked the Holy Spirit to speak to you. Blessings. Skk
@@sharonkropka6557 Purgatory is a transitional state after death where souls undergo purification to achieve the holiness necessary to enter heaven. We know this to be the case, because Jesus says we must become perfect as the Father is perfect, Matthew 5:48 and then Revelation 21:27, says nothing impure can enter heaven. Since we all die without being perfected, and in a state of impurity without overcoming every sin and sinful inclination, we must undergo some purification post mortem. This is logically true, and this is also shown in the Bible.
Purgatory can be seen in 1 Corinthians 3:11-15, specifically verse 15, talks a purification process, "as through by fire" that is occuring post death. We are being purified like how precious metals are purified, by exposing them to heat to separate the pure from the inpure. Purgatorial purification, post mortem, is therefore not eternal and is distinct from hell. Additionally, we can see in 2 Maccabees 12:45, that Judas Maccabeus requests the High Priest in Jerusalem to make offerings for the souls of his soldiers that were worshipping YHVH and other gods. This shows that the Israelites had a belief that post death purification was possible, which is why they were making post death offerings.
PLEASE PLEASE READ! There is NO Purgatory. Once you die you are either instantly with The Lord Jesus in Heaven Forever or instantly in Hell Forever. John 3:16 is the Heartbeat of the whole Bible which Proclaims only ONE WAY to Heaven. His Name is Jesus! Sin is an archery term and it means to miss the perfect bullseye. Miss even a tiny bit and you have sinned. God gave us The Ten Commandments to show us what The Bullseye is and to show us our utter helplessness to reach it and to point us to His Son Jesus Christ. God says there is NO ONE who does Good not even one. And that the wages of sin is Death, Eternal separation from Him in Hell. And that without the shedding of blood there is no remission of sins. FACT: You are a sinner and you have the death penalty. But WAIT! Here is the GOOD NEWS Proclaimed throughout The whole Bible! Jesus laid down His Eternal Glory, took on Human Flesh, and willingly went to the Cross to shed His Blood as Payment in FULL for All your sins. Jesus's last words on the Cross were "It Is Finished!" Your sin debt has been Paid in FULL and Eternal Life is God's FREE GIFT to be Freely received! You 100% WILL stand before Jesus one day either as Savior or Judge. Either Innocent because All of your sins are Covered by Jesus's Blood and going to Heaven OR Guilty as Charged as your life is Judged by God's Law The Ten Commandments and going to Hell Forever. The choice is yours. God will not take you against your will. You can do absolutely nothing to earn or deserve or keep your salvation. It's All Jesus. Pure Grace. You can Pray to Jesus right now right where you are, admitting you are a sinner and believing that Jesus Paid for All your sins with His Blood and Rose again. Tell The Lord Jesus that you are placing all your faith in what He already did for you and accepting Him as your Savior. Jesus will save you instantly and never ever let you go. If you decide to try to get to Heaven by your good works Prepare to be Judged according to God's Law and to be found Guilty as Charged. Nothing but the Blood of Jesus can wash you White as Snow! Mary got saved the same way! There is only ONE WAY! His Name is Jesus! 💖💖💖💖💖
Mathew 5 25 “Settle matters quickly with your adversary who is taking you to court. Do it while you are still together on the way, or your adversary may hand you over to the judge, and the judge may hand you over to the officer, and you may be thrown into prison. 26 Truly I tell you, you will not get out until you have paid the last penny. What prison is Jesus talking about? You can call it whatever you want. Jesus, mentions a prison, the Church calls it purgatory!
Thank you for this video. My mother-in-law was an atheist.. My wife prayed the Rosary for her while her mother was dying, even though my wife is Jewish. Hours or less before my mother-in-law died, my wife had a dream where a beautiful golden=haired woman, with turquoise blue covering over a silky red long dress with a matching blue cloth belt, she stood in front of a solid pitch-black wall with a warm wooden door, shaped like an arch, rounded at top. I believe the Blessed Virgin Mary took my wife's mother with her, and spared her Hell. August 30th is the three-year anniversary of this event. Thanks Be To God.
What a beautiful story! I believe you must be correct! Nobody loved Jesus more than Mary. Nobody loved Mary more than Jesus. Apparently, Jesus has a pretty hard time saying no to his mother! What a sweet, good son! What a loving mother! Thank you God!
Peace be with you!
Maria, thank you for your faithful heart praying for those in purgatory 🙏
There is NO Purgatory. Once you die you are either instantly with The Lord Jesus in Heaven Forever or instantly in Hell Forever. John 3:16 is the Heartbeat of the whole Bible which Proclaims only ONE WAY to Heaven. His Name is Jesus!
Sin is an archery term and it means to miss the perfect bullseye. Miss even a tiny bit and you have sinned. God gave us The Ten Commandments to show us what The Bullseye is and to show us our utter helplessness to reach it and to point us to His Son Jesus Christ.
God says there is NO ONE who does Good not even one. And that the wages of sin is Death, Eternal separation from Him in Hell. And that without the shedding of blood there is no remission of sins.
FACT: You are a sinner and you have the death penalty.
But WAIT! Here is the GOOD NEWS Proclaimed throughout The whole Bible! Jesus laid down His Eternal Glory, took on Human Flesh, and willingly went to the Cross to shed His Blood as Payment in FULL for All your sins. Jesus's last words on the Cross were "It Is Finished!" Your sin debt has been Paid in FULL and Eternal Life is God's FREE GIFT to be Freely received!
You 100% WILL stand before Jesus one day either as Savior or Judge. Either Innocent because All of your sins are Covered by Jesus's Blood and going to Heaven OR Guilty as Charged as your life is Judged by God's Law The Ten Commandments and going to Hell Forever. The choice is yours. God will not take you against your will.
You can do absolutely nothing to earn or deserve or keep your salvation. It's All Jesus. Pure Grace.
You can Pray to Jesus right now right where you are, admitting you are a sinner and believing that Jesus Paid for All your sins with His Blood and Rose again. Tell The Lord Jesus that you are placing all your faith in what He already did for you and accepting Him as your Savior. Jesus will save you instantly and never ever let you go.
If you decide to try to get to Heaven by your good works Prepare to be Judged according to God's Law and to be found Guilty as Charged.
Nothing but the Blood of Jesus can wash you White as Snow!
Mary got saved the same way! There is only ONE WAY! His Name is Jesus!
@@francesknoef6524 sorry but Maria your prayers are in vain. purgatory does not exist
@@sharonkropka6557 You will see ??
Both sobering and encouraging. Thanks for pulling together these parts of her revelations for us.
Lord Jesus bless me and my family zamirah and Jeremy with good health and bless David that he may go for mass and confession amen 🙏
Thank you for sharing. Godbless
Our pleasure!
A good reminder for everyone as to how to live day by day to bring a harvest of souls to Heaven.
NO. There is NO Purgatory. Once you die you are either instantly with The Lord Jesus in Heaven Forever or instantly in Hell Forever. John 3:16 is the Heartbeat of the whole Bible which Proclaims only ONE WAY to Heaven. His Name is Jesus!
Sin is an archery term and it means to miss the perfect bullseye. Miss even a tiny bit and you have sinned. God gave us The Ten Commandments to show us what The Bullseye is and to show us our utter helplessness to reach it and to point us to His Son Jesus Christ.
God says there is NO ONE who does Good not even one. And that the wages of sin is Death, Eternal separation from Him in Hell. And that without the shedding of blood there is no remission of sins.
FACT: You are a sinner and you have the death penalty.
But WAIT! Here is the GOOD NEWS Proclaimed throughout The whole Bible! Jesus laid down His Eternal Glory, took on Human Flesh, and willingly went to the Cross to shed His Blood as Payment in FULL for All your sins. Jesus's last words on the Cross were "It Is Finished!" Your sin debt has been Paid in FULL and Eternal Life is God's FREE GIFT to be Freely received!
You 100% WILL stand before Jesus one day either as Savior or Judge. Either Innocent because All of your sins are Covered by Jesus's Blood and going to Heaven OR Guilty as Charged as your life is Judged by God's Law The Ten Commandments and going to Hell Forever. The choice is yours. God will not take you against your will.
You can do absolutely nothing to earn or deserve or keep your salvation. It's All Jesus. Pure Grace.
You can Pray to Jesus right now right where you are, admitting you are a sinner and believing that Jesus Paid for All your sins with His Blood and Rose again. Tell The Lord Jesus that you are placing all your faith in what He already did for you and accepting Him as your Savior. Jesus will save you instantly and never ever let you go.
If you decide to try to get to Heaven by your good works Prepare to be Judged according to God's Law and to be found Guilty as Charged.
Nothing but the Blood of Jesus can wash you White as Snow!
Mary got saved the same way! There is only ONE WAY! His Name is Jesus!
Lord please have mercy on us all and souls of purgatory especially those most in need of Thy Mercy 🙏🏼🕊️🙏🏼🩸🙏🏼🕊️🙏🏼♾️
There is NO Purgatory. Once you die you are either instantly with The Lord Jesus in Heaven Forever or instantly in Hell Forever. John 3:16 is the Heartbeat of the whole Bible which Proclaims only ONE WAY to Heaven. His Name is Jesus!
Sin is an archery term and it means to miss the perfect bullseye. Miss even a tiny bit and you have sinned. God gave us The Ten Commandments to show us what The Bullseye is and to show us our utter helplessness to reach it and to point us to His Son Jesus Christ.
God says there is NO ONE who does Good not even one. And that the wages of sin is Death, Eternal separation from Him in Hell. And that without the shedding of blood there is no remission of sins.
FACT: You are a sinner and you have the death penalty.
But WAIT! Here is the GOOD NEWS Proclaimed throughout The whole Bible! Jesus laid down His Eternal Glory, took on Human Flesh, and willingly went to the Cross to shed His Blood as Payment in FULL for All your sins. Jesus's last words on the Cross were "It Is Finished!" Your sin debt has been Paid in FULL and Eternal Life is God's FREE GIFT to be Freely received!
You 100% WILL stand before Jesus one day either as Savior or Judge. Either Innocent because All of your sins are Covered by Jesus's Blood and going to Heaven OR Guilty as Charged as your life is Judged by God's Law The Ten Commandments and going to Hell Forever. The choice is yours. God will not take you against your will.
You can do absolutely nothing to earn or deserve or keep your salvation. It's All Jesus. Pure Grace.
You can Pray to Jesus right now right where you are, admitting you are a sinner and believing that Jesus Paid for All your sins with His Blood and Rose again. Tell The Lord Jesus that you are placing all your faith in what He already did for you and accepting Him as your Savior. Jesus will save you instantly and never ever let you go.
If you decide to try to get to Heaven by your good works Prepare to be Judged according to God's Law and to be found Guilty as Charged.
Nothing but the Blood of Jesus can wash you White as Snow!
Mary got saved the same way! There is only ONE WAY! His Name is Jesus!
Thank you. I learnt much from this.
Glad it was helpful!
1 Peter 3:19, where Christ preached to the imprisoned spirits.
1 Peter 4:6, where the gospel was preached to the dead.
2 Corinthians 5:10, where we must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ.
2 Corinthians 7:1, where we must cleanse ourselves from every defilement of body and spirit.
Hebrews 9:27, where it is appointed for men to die once and then face the judgment.
Hebrews 12:14, where we must strive for holiness without which no one will see the Lord.
Hebrews 12:23, where the spirits of the righteous are made perfect.
1 Corinthians 3:13-15, where our work will be tested by fire and we may suffer loss but be saved.
Now no soul is asking for mass to be said for their souls because Novus Ordo mass is an invalid mass and it will not help them at all.
Novus ordo mass is valid as long as the consecration of Eucharist is done correctly
@@jover4653 Novus Ordo is an invalid mass because the priest who are ordained after 1968 are not a valid priest because they changed the ordination rites. This is what we are facing and it’s as very scary one.
@@Maya-yp2eyare you a nun ? How be it this knowing
@@lracegroeg7990 pray to the Blessed Mother to give you the grace to accept the truth that Vatican2️⃣ is not the Catholic Church.
@@Maya-yp2ey ohhh I know that with there "snake" aputheater and Satan worshipping and fish hats with red shoe club bunch of sick individuals 😥
God forgives us and perfects us in the blink of an eye! He doesn't say: I forgive you, but now I must burn the hell out of you for a while!
in the last days an abundance of false teachers
once she said only 1 life than im knew its pointless to liesten to the rest.. reincarnation is a fact,, no one is gonna convince me otherwise
Yes, you.
NO. There is NO Purgatory. Once you die you are either instantly with The Lord Jesus in Heaven Forever or instantly in Hell Forever. John 3:16 is the Heartbeat of the whole Bible which Proclaims only ONE WAY to Heaven. His Name is Jesus!
Sin is an archery term and it means to miss the perfect bullseye. Miss even a tiny bit and you have sinned. God gave us The Ten Commandments to show us what The Bullseye is and to show us our utter helplessness to reach it and to point us to His Son Jesus Christ.
God says there is NO ONE who does Good not even one. And that the wages of sin is Death, Eternal separation from Him in Hell. And that without the shedding of blood there is no remission of sins.
FACT: You are a sinner and you have the death penalty.
But WAIT! Here is the GOOD NEWS Proclaimed throughout The whole Bible! Jesus laid down His Eternal Glory, took on Human Flesh, and willingly went to the Cross to shed His Blood as Payment in FULL for All your sins. Jesus's last words on the Cross were "It Is Finished!" Your sin debt has been Paid in FULL and Eternal Life is God's FREE GIFT to be Freely received!
You 100% WILL stand before Jesus one day either as Savior or Judge. Either Innocent because All of your sins are Covered by Jesus's Blood and going to Heaven OR Guilty as Charged as your life is Judged by God's Law The Ten Commandments and going to Hell Forever. The choice is yours. God will not take you against your will.
You can do absolutely nothing to earn or deserve or keep your salvation. It's All Jesus. Pure Grace.
You can Pray to Jesus right now right where you are, admitting you are a sinner and believing that Jesus Paid for All your sins with His Blood and Rose again. Tell The Lord Jesus that you are placing all your faith in what He already did for you and accepting Him as your Savior. Jesus will save you instantly and never ever let you go.
If you decide to try to get to Heaven by your good works Prepare to be Judged according to God's Law and to be found Guilty as Charged.
Nothing but the Blood of Jesus can wash you White as Snow!
Mary got saved the same way! There is only ONE WAY! His Name is Jesus!
Purgatory, false doctrine.
Unbiblical !!!
Jesus, paid the full penalty for our sins once for all (Hebrew 10:10,12)
It is finished (John 19:30)
Repent, believe Lord Jesus his finished work on the cross for your sins, with faith, you will saved.
No one pay for his own sins !
Our self righteous works are nothing, but FILTHY rags !!! ( Isaiah 64:6)
Protestantism is a filthy rag of heretics
!!!AMEN!!! Nothing but The Blood of Jesus!!! 💖💖💖💖💖
Purgatory is a transitional state after death where souls undergo purification to achieve the holiness necessary to enter heaven. We know this to be the case, because Jesus says we must become perfect as the Father is perfect, Matthew 5:48 and then Revelation 21:27, says nothing impure can enter heaven. Since we all die in impurity without overcoming every sin and sinful inclination, we must undergo some purification post mortem.
Purgatorial purification, post mortem, is not eternal and is distinct from hell. Purgatory can be seen in 1 Corinthians 3:11-15, specifically verse 15, talks a purification process, "as through by fire" thatbis occuring post death.
2 Maccabees 12:45, which suggest prayers and actions can assist the souls in this process.
Please people do not believe this person. There is only heaven and hell there is no purgatory Please do not pray to anybody but Jesus! It’s a great sin to pray to anybody else stop lighting candles, praying for the dead and all this other stuff that you’re being fed. Please please please.
Heretic Protestantism is the Greatest Sin ! Pray for yourself that you may receive the grace that you need.
@@Alfieruben-j1l in the Bible, it says do not cast a pearl to the swine. Matthew 7:6. A warning to not waste good things on those who do not want to hear it. That is faith and knowledge I don’t expect you to believe what I’m saying the only person that can help you understand is the Holy Spirit and I pray that the Holy Spirit will lead you to that knowledge. I used to be a Catholic and I don’t know about now then they did not like reading the Bible. That’s what you need todo. Read the Bible and asked the Holy Spirit to speak to you. Blessings. Skk
I Corinthians 2:12-14
@@sharonkropka6557 Purgatory is a transitional state after death where souls undergo purification to achieve the holiness necessary to enter heaven. We know this to be the case, because Jesus says we must become perfect as the Father is perfect, Matthew 5:48 and then Revelation 21:27, says nothing impure can enter heaven. Since we all die without being perfected, and in a state of impurity without overcoming every sin and sinful inclination, we must undergo some purification post mortem. This is logically true, and this is also shown in the Bible.
Purgatory can be seen in 1 Corinthians 3:11-15, specifically verse 15, talks a purification process, "as through by fire" that is occuring post death. We are being purified like how precious metals are purified, by exposing them to heat to separate the pure from the inpure. Purgatorial purification, post mortem, is therefore not eternal and is distinct from hell.
Additionally, we can see in 2 Maccabees 12:45, that Judas Maccabeus requests the High Priest in Jerusalem to make offerings for the souls of his soldiers that were worshipping YHVH and other gods. This shows that the Israelites had a belief that post death purification was possible, which is why they were making post death offerings.
Says you
There is NO Purgatory. Once you die you are either instantly with The Lord Jesus in Heaven Forever or instantly in Hell Forever. John 3:16 is the Heartbeat of the whole Bible which Proclaims only ONE WAY to Heaven. His Name is Jesus!
Sin is an archery term and it means to miss the perfect bullseye. Miss even a tiny bit and you have sinned. God gave us The Ten Commandments to show us what The Bullseye is and to show us our utter helplessness to reach it and to point us to His Son Jesus Christ.
God says there is NO ONE who does Good not even one. And that the wages of sin is Death, Eternal separation from Him in Hell. And that without the shedding of blood there is no remission of sins.
FACT: You are a sinner and you have the death penalty.
But WAIT! Here is the GOOD NEWS Proclaimed throughout The whole Bible! Jesus laid down His Eternal Glory, took on Human Flesh, and willingly went to the Cross to shed His Blood as Payment in FULL for All your sins. Jesus's last words on the Cross were "It Is Finished!" Your sin debt has been Paid in FULL and Eternal Life is God's FREE GIFT to be Freely received!
You 100% WILL stand before Jesus one day either as Savior or Judge. Either Innocent because All of your sins are Covered by Jesus's Blood and going to Heaven OR Guilty as Charged as your life is Judged by God's Law The Ten Commandments and going to Hell Forever. The choice is yours. God will not take you against your will.
You can do absolutely nothing to earn or deserve or keep your salvation. It's All Jesus. Pure Grace.
You can Pray to Jesus right now right where you are, admitting you are a sinner and believing that Jesus Paid for All your sins with His Blood and Rose again. Tell The Lord Jesus that you are placing all your faith in what He already did for you and accepting Him as your Savior. Jesus will save you instantly and never ever let you go.
If you decide to try to get to Heaven by your good works Prepare to be Judged according to God's Law and to be found Guilty as Charged.
Nothing but the Blood of Jesus can wash you White as Snow!
Mary got saved the same way! There is only ONE WAY! His Name is Jesus!
There is no such thing as purgatory , an invention of the church for a revenue source
just like being a mystic - revenue source
Mathew 5
25 “Settle matters quickly with your adversary who is taking you to court. Do it while you are still together on the way, or your adversary may hand you over to the judge, and the judge may hand you over to the officer, and you may be thrown into prison. 26 Truly I tell you, you will not get out until you have paid the last penny.
What prison is Jesus talking about?
You can call it whatever you want. Jesus, mentions a prison, the Church calls it purgatory!
@@elenag2965 Once again Purgatory is not mentioned once in the Bible at all, yes maybe the word prison, please don't get the 2 mixed up.
@@4T9ERS so I ask you, what is this prison, Jesus mentions? Hell, Heaven, or purgatory?
Kaluoy nimo oi.
You’ll find out one day and thank God for His Mercy