I grew up with the ZX Spectrum in 1983 and went on to do a computer science degree in 1988. It's now 2024 and I work as a software engineer in Cambridge, via a rather circuitous route back eventually into software - I am so grateful for the UK games makers in the 80s that helped launch people like me into software.
I grew up with the ZX Spectrum in 1983 and went on to do a computer science degree in 1988.
It's now 2024 and I work as a software engineer in Cambridge, via a rather circuitous route back eventually into software - I am so grateful for the UK games makers in the 80s that helped launch people like me into software.
Ah, you were there (5Ways) the year after me. I remember it well and very fondly, just like yourself.A great way to learn software from the ground up.
Wow, prototyping maps out of lego before Kojima did in Metal Gear Solid!