Definitely save your money and wait, $100 isn't going to get you anything that is worth it. He's right, $350 is about entry level and it's extremely important, once you get an actually comfortable chair like this you will literally feel the change in your life quality day to day
Id say look at second hand office supply stores and see if they have any inexpensive ergonomic chairs there. A second hand ergonomic chair would still have a decent amount of life in it, as they are made to last 10+ years vs a $100 chair which may be made to last 1 or 2 years.
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Any suggestion for less than $100?
I’m not too sure for that price you can probably only get a basic office chair
Definitely save your money and wait, $100 isn't going to get you anything that is worth it. He's right, $350 is about entry level and it's extremely important, once you get an actually comfortable chair like this you will literally feel the change in your life quality day to day
Id say look at second hand office supply stores and see if they have any inexpensive ergonomic chairs there. A second hand ergonomic chair would still have a decent amount of life in it, as they are made to last 10+ years vs a $100 chair which may be made to last 1 or 2 years.