Clearing the Prophetic Chessboard Part 1 - Gary DeMar

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 24 ก.ย. 2024
  • A Purchased Victory Conference - Gary DeMar - Clearing the Prophetic Chessboard: Redemption Accomplished and Applied Part 1

ความคิดเห็น • 62

  • @Jonathanped
    @Jonathanped 3 ปีที่แล้ว +36

    I've only recently been introduced to the post mil position and I have already learned so much more about what scripture says about eschatology than from a few years in the default pre-mil positions. Having an eschatology that is actually grounded in scripture is so much better than newspaper exegesis. It's incredible that I have spent 8 years as a christian now and I had never once heard that revelation is full of Old Testament quotes and allusions. How on earth could that possibly be!? Thanks for this video and keep up the glorious work of opening up the scriptures. Praise God!

    • @michaelnapper4565
      @michaelnapper4565 3 ปีที่แล้ว +5

      So blessed to hear you say that. Keep digging my friend. You will find treasure, upon treasure. Knowing these truths will open the scriptures in a way you could never have imagined. I'm very happy for you... And me! Praise King Jesus!

    • @michaelnapper4565
      @michaelnapper4565 3 ปีที่แล้ว +6

      Also, look up Ken Gentry. He will truly help you.
      Take my word. You'll see.

    • @itsmeyask2608
      @itsmeyask2608 ปีที่แล้ว

      @Re L you did hear where he stated Jesus called Peter Barjonah ... so yes DeMar misspeaks a few times through out his lecture, that you find Grace, so that it not be offensive or a stumbling block as I have found the modern Darby & Scoffield propagation of the current modern dispentational view....

  • @geraldreineke1348
    @geraldreineke1348 9 หลายเดือนก่อน +4

    Thank you Gary, I've held to post mill eschatology since 1972, 3 years after my conversion having a Pentecostal back gowned and was considered weird , I believed the Gospel would change the world , I wrote this little verse back then [ I believe the Gospel and no other means will heal the nations as it enlightens and redeems, i cannot tell how or when but this I know for sure the victory won at Calvary will bring about the cure ] again thank you Gary

  • @ninerocks
    @ninerocks 2 ปีที่แล้ว +10

    I've recently taken a serious look into the postmillennial position and have been blown away by it's scriptural soundness, while at the same time surprised at just how much eisegesis happens in the dispensational premillennial view and how much of it's core tenants simply have no scriptural support (e.g. the parenthesis in Daniel's 70 weeks). I started out amillennial, got caught up in premillennialism via MacArthur (I still appreciate his teaching, it helped me out of a long period of being backslidden and introduced me to the world of reformed theology) and now it seems I've had my eyes opened to see the clarity of the postmillennial position. And what a beautifully optimistic and Gospel powered position it is!

  • @mattleitner5194
    @mattleitner5194 3 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    Very useful teaching! I grew up premil, just recently started looking at these teachings!

  • @conservativecalvinist
    @conservativecalvinist 3 ปีที่แล้ว +10

    Thank You Cruciform Ministries for sharing these talks.

  • @Fetsimo
    @Fetsimo ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Excellent talk and overview of key issues 👏👏

  • @brentl.vaneaton6901
    @brentl.vaneaton6901 ปีที่แล้ว +5

    you can tell he's not a dispen-sensationlist because he didn't say buy my book or tickets to my conference to get the rest of the story...☺

    • @DearDawah
      @DearDawah 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      He does have good books tho 😂

  • @michaelnapper4565
    @michaelnapper4565 3 ปีที่แล้ว +4

    Yes! Love it. Agree whole heartedly!

  • @danielturcotte9146
    @danielturcotte9146 3 ปีที่แล้ว +7

    Awesome message!!!

  • @robertdages5392
    @robertdages5392 3 ปีที่แล้ว +4

    Wonderful illustration w/ chess and thinking w/ re to eschatology basics!

  • @mikezieg80
    @mikezieg80 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Mankind will always be here with the spiritual church.
    Here or in the New Jerusalem which is all believers. Rev21,22.

  • @flyfishing739
    @flyfishing739 8 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    I NEED to see you debate any differences with Don Preston! Yes!!! Please PLEASE! I would love to gain wisdom from the discussion.

  • @debtorofgodslavishgrace5129
    @debtorofgodslavishgrace5129 3 ปีที่แล้ว +10

    Is there a place to get the outline Uncle Gary speaks of from this talk?
    Thank you for this wonderful teaching being made available. ✝️

    • @NnannaO
      @NnannaO 3 ปีที่แล้ว

      Did you ever get it?

  • @OGDreamer
    @OGDreamer 2 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    So good!! Thank you!

  • @mikehoehn1475
    @mikehoehn1475 2 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Just awesome

  • @ryangallmeier6647
    @ryangallmeier6647 3 ปีที่แล้ว +5

    He's exactly right that "Scripture interprets Scripture".
    It's a shame that Partial Preterist/Postmillennialists don't use this method.
    It's a shame that Dispensational Futurists don't either.
    They read into Scripture what isn't there; and, they take from Scripture what is.
    God's prophetic Word deserves more.

    • @firstnamelastname2552
      @firstnamelastname2552 3 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      So what's the correct view then?

    • @ryangallmeier6647
      @ryangallmeier6647 3 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      @@firstnamelastname2552 Same view as the Reformation and post-Reformation writers.
      Hope you already know what it is.

  • @davidboyer2290
    @davidboyer2290 4 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    What you describing as 'newspaper exegesis ' is actually ' newspaper eisegesis'.
    Newspaper exegesis is the correct way to show fulfillment of prophecy. Peter did newspaper exegesis when he gave his Acts speech at the temple. Peter basically read the headlines of the day and showed how they were the fulfillment of prophecy.
    When the newspaper reads like the Bible... something is probably going on. Don't alter the Bible in light of the headline (eisegesis) but see if the headlines match the Bible(exegesis).

  • @larrytruelove8659
    @larrytruelove8659 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Dee Dee Warren wrote “It’s Not the End of the World” as a research paper. She created a small book on the Subject of Matthew. She largely made me a preterist. Matthew 24 made a lot more sense if interpreted as she suggests.
    A-mill, post-mill and a bunch of other views were not defined as I began to understand it. I had to throw away a bunch of stuff.

  • @Tractorman-xj4gt
    @Tractorman-xj4gt 2 ปีที่แล้ว +4

    Jesus: I go to prepare a place for you (John 14:3)
    Post Mil: The Church will prepare a place for Him
    Question: When we read scripture, is the return of Jesus described as a peaceful event where Jesus is welcomed back to Earth to conduct the Final Judgment and usher in the eternal state by a mostly "Christianized" world, or do we read of the return of Jesus as a violent and bloody event where the Son of God goes to war against His enemies and includes the rescue of Israel (Zech 12-14, Rev 19) ??

    • @alstroemeria227again4
      @alstroemeria227again4 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      But isn't that verse about Heaven?

    • @Tractorman-xj4gt
      @Tractorman-xj4gt 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@alstroemeria227again4 Yes, John 14 is, but the Post-Mil advocate believes that the Church, through its discipling of the nations, will in a sense, create 'heaven on earth'... according to their own theologians, this present world will one day become "vastly Christianized", that the governments of this world including its politics, the economy, the media, arts, entertainment - will be under the authority and rule of Christ.. and at some point, Jesus will return to this Christianized world. I'm simply asking if this is what we read in scripture.

    • @alstroemeria227again4
      @alstroemeria227again4 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@Tractorman-xj4gt oh ok. This is quite the interesting eschatological view. Are you post-mil or just seeking eschatological truth like I am?

    • @Tractorman-xj4gt
      @Tractorman-xj4gt 2 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      @@alstroemeria227again4 Lots of folks like Jeff Durbin, Doug Wilson and Gary DeMar, whom I respect, are Post-Mil. I am Pre-Mil but am always open to being wrong... keep studying my friend.

    • @alstroemeria227again4
      @alstroemeria227again4 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@Tractorman-xj4gt I'm in the same boat. God Bless you.

  • @maxmustermann1206
    @maxmustermann1206 4 หลายเดือนก่อน

    The actually quote from Searching for Bobby Fischer is "Clear the line of men in your head...", not "Clear the lines of lint in your head..." It's misquoted here as well as misquoted on IMDB.

  • @josiajones9774
    @josiajones9774 3 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Presuppositions set in stone have blocked the truths of escotology.

  • @micahlantz905
    @micahlantz905 2 ปีที่แล้ว +4

    So there's no rapture. Period

  • @dallaskenn
    @dallaskenn 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    A Gary DeMar, un dominionista che si finge preterista

  • @sishrac
    @sishrac 6 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Will somebody provide the scriptures for the common millennial position (a-, pre-, post-) that the new covenant in Christ will have an end like the old covenant did?

  • @SpotterVideo
    @SpotterVideo ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Jesus Foretells Destruction of Jerusalem (subtitles from eSword)
    Luk 21:20  "But when you see Jerusalem surrounded by armies, then know that its desolation is near. 
    (Mat 24:15  "Therefore when you see the 'ABOMINATION OF DESOLATION,' spoken of by Daniel the prophet, standing in the holy place" (whoever reads, let him understand), 
    (Look at the reference to Hanukkah in John 10:22, if you want to know what the Jews of Jesus time understood about Antiochus Ephiphanes attacking the city during 167 BC, when his forces killed thousands of Jews, and stopped the sacrifices. Those two things also happened during 70AD.)
    Luk 21:21  Then let those who are in Judea flee to the mountains, let those who are in the midst of her depart, and let not those who are in the country enter her. 
    (Mat 24:16  "then let those who are in Judea flee to the mountains.) 
    Luk 21:22  For these are the days of vengeance, that all things which are written may be fulfilled. 
    Luk 21:23  But woe to those who are pregnant and to those who are nursing babies in those days! For there will be great distress in the land and wrath upon this people. (See also Luke 23:28-31.) 
    (Mat 24:19  But woe to those who are pregnant and to those who are nursing babies in those days! )
    Luk 21:24  And they will fall by the edge of the sword, and be led away captive into all nations. And Jerusalem will be trampled by Gentiles until the times of the Gentiles are fulfilled. 
    (Almost all Bible scholars agree that the first part of the verse above is about 70 AD. At the end of the verse we find a period of time known as “the times of the Gentiles”. In Romans 1:16 Paul said the Gospel was taken “first” to the Jews, and then to the Greeks (Gentiles). We are now in that time period when the Gospel is being taken to the whole world. Paul also referred to this time period in Romans 11:25, and Acts 28:28. In the verses that follow we find the future Second Coming of Christ. )
    The Coming of the Son of Man
    Luk 21:25  "And there will be signs in the sun, in the moon, and in the stars; and on the earth distress of nations, with perplexity, the sea and the waves roaring; 
    (Mat 24:29  "Immediately after the tribulation of those days the sun will be darkened, and the moon will not give its light; the stars will fall from heaven, and the powers of the heavens will be shaken.) 
    Luk 21:26  men's hearts failing them from fear and the expectation of those things which are coming on the earth, for the powers of the heavens will be shaken. 
    Luk 21:27  Then they will see the Son of Man coming in a cloud with power and great glory. 
    (Mat 24:30  Then the sign of the Son of Man will appear in heaven, and then all the tribes of the earth will mourn, and they will see the Son of Man coming on the clouds of heaven with power and great glory.) 
    Luk 21:28  Now when these things begin to happen, look up and lift up your heads, because your redemption draws near." 
    (Mat 24:33  So you also, when you see all these things, know that it is near-at the doors!)
    Multiple Second Coming Visions in Revelation: (book not in chronological order )
    Christ returns one time in the future. However, there are several different visions of His return shown from different perspectives in the Book of Revelation.
    Christ returns at the end of Revelation chapter 6, with signs in the sun, moon, and stars, as are found in the Olivet Discourse.
    Those at the end of the chapter are hiding from the wrath of the Lamb.
    Why would they be hiding if Christ is not present?
    The "kings", "captains", "might men", "free", and "bond" are also found in chapter 19 at the return of Christ.
    He returns at the 7th trumpet, which is the last trumpet in the Bible, and the time of the judgment of the dead in Revelation 11:15-18.
    The beginning of chapter 12 is a history lesson containing the fall of Satan, and the birth and death of Christ, who is the seed promised to crush the head of Satan in Genesis 3:15.
    The Second Coming is found in the "harvest" of chapter 14, which is related to the parable of the wheat and tares in Matthew chapter 13.
    He comes as a thief at Armageddon, and we find the greatest earthquake in history in chapter 16. This occurs when the 7th angel pours out his vial. How powerful is an earthquake which moves islands and destroys the mountains? What is happening to the planet?
    He comes on a horse in chapter 19.
    Chapter 20?
    Does He come with the fire, and the judgment of the dead at the end of chapter 20, which agrees with what Paul said in 2 Thessalonians 1:7-10, and 2 Timothy 4:1?
    (The time of the judgment of the dead is also found in Revelation 11:18.)
    There are no mortals left alive on the planet at the end of Matthew 25:31-46.
    Why does an angel come down from heaven with a key to unlock the bottomless pit in Revelation 9:1-2, if the pit was not already locked before that time? Are there wicked angels in the pit in Rev. 9:11? If the beast "ascends" from the pit in Rev. chapter 11, where was the beast before that time?
    Does your view agree with Peter in 2 Pet. 2:4, and Jude in Jude 1:6, when they both said wicked angels are already in chains of darkness?
    Revelation 9:14 proves some of the angels were previously bound in some manner.
    Because the two witnesses were bodily resurrected from the dead in Revelation 11, the "first resurrection" at the beginning of Revelation 20 is not the first bodily resurrection in the book.
    The principle of "Recapitulation" means there are multiple visions of His return.

  • @kennethhiggins5508
    @kennethhiggins5508 6 หลายเดือนก่อน

    " God so loved the world..." because the world matters. In the Lord's prayer where does the kingdom come? Where is God's will to be done?

  • @mikezieg80
    @mikezieg80 ปีที่แล้ว

    How can a believer be better then Better.
    The New Covenant.
    How we represent Christ on earth is our one chance to represent Him to the world.
    Christ Came one time to speak His Father's words. Then go back to Him upon death. That was the greatest moment in history to His followers. I hope so🤔. For all the world.
    Especially for those of us who believed.

    • @mikezieg80
      @mikezieg80 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      I believe there will Always be people (saints) who represent Him to the world.
      Our 1 chance then die to live with Him forever in the heavenly kingdom.
      What did we do with that ONE CHANCE?

  • @ricoyochanan
    @ricoyochanan 8 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Joe 3:14 Multitudes, multitudes in the valley of decision: for the day of the LORD is near in the valley of decision.
    Joe 3:15 The sun and the moon shall be darkened, and the stars shall withdraw their shining.
    Joe 3:16 The LORD also shall roar out of Zion, and utter his voice from Jerusalem; and the heavens and the earth shall shake: but the LORD will be the hope of his people, and the strength of the children of Israel.
    Joe 3:17 So shall ye know that I am the LORD your God dwelling in Zion, my holy mountain: then shall Jerusalem be holy, and there shall no strangers pass through her any more.
    Rev 20:6 Blessed and holy is he that hath part in the first resurrection: on such the second death hath no power, but they shall be priests of God and of Christ, and shall reign with him a thousand years. Rev 5:10 And hast made us unto our God kings and priests: and we shall reign on the earth.

  • @suzan2336
    @suzan2336 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Too much about Bobby fischer ...and who is wrong...references to other authors... what does the Bible say???

    • @ninerocks
      @ninerocks 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      Did you watch all the way through? Also, this is a multi-part talk, this was basically just an introduction. He very much goes into what scripture says.

    • @suzan2336
      @suzan2336 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@ninerocksIn fairness to the clip no I did not watch all the way thru his presentation style just didn't appeal to me, Thank you perhaps when I have more time I will delve into it.

  • @havivben-chaim84
    @havivben-chaim84 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    Amen deaf me haviv

  • @donhaddix3770
    @donhaddix3770 8 หลายเดือนก่อน

    post biblical is not biblical.

  • @robertmcgee1771
    @robertmcgee1771 ปีที่แล้ว

    So to my understanding the Bible only talks about 2 ages and there is nothing actually stating that there's any kind of end to the Christian age....
    I think the problem in religious circles, people are reading these other Scholars instead of just reading the book..
    I read the book and when I read the book I realized religion doesn't even line up to the book no matter what religion you name it takes 5 minutes to prove the religious community is guilty of blatant replacement theology..

    • @mikezieg80
      @mikezieg80 ปีที่แล้ว

      But we need to share what we see, understand.
      Not keep it to yourself.
      Amazing that we all have the same Bible and Holy Spirit.
      There is Salvation of God.
      But doctrine of men.

    • @robertmcgee1771
      @robertmcgee1771 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@mikezieg80 I would say it is not so much doctrine of men but rather people taking real letters out of their proper context and inserting themselves into them when they clearly are someone else's mail...
      So when you look at what Paul is saying in his letters, it states clearly only the children of Isaac can receive the promise,..
      This is why the scribes and Pharisees were persecuting them, you see the scribes and Pharisees were actually the children of Ishmael... and Paul was basically saying they were not included..
      Galatians 4:28¶Now we, brethren, as Isaac was, are the children of promise.
      29But as then he that was born after the flesh persecuted him that was born after the Spirit, even so it is now.
      30Nevertheless what saith the scripture? Cast out the bondwoman and her son: for the son of the bondwoman shall not be heir with the son of the freewoman.
      Also note..
      Paul wouldn't write people at Rome, telling them those things, if those people were not the"northern House" the remnant of the bloodline of Isaac..
      Romans 9 7Neither, because they are the bloodline of Abraham, are they all children: but, In Isaac shall thy bloodline be called.
      8That is, They which are the children of the flesh,= Ishmael ) are not the children of God: but the children of the promise=( Isaac) are counted for the bloodline.
      9For this is the word of promise, At this time will I come, and Sara shall have a son.
      Note, Paul in Romans 99 refers you to this prophecy..
      Genesis 17:21 But my covenant will I establish with Isaac, which Sarah shall bear unto thee at this set time in the next year.
      Now in doing this,Paul is making it clear they are Abraham's promised seed or bloodline through Sarah, would be the only ones to receive the promise

    • @qwerty-so6ml
      @qwerty-so6ml 4 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Only one Gospel:
      The Gospel of Reconciliation.
      Jesus Christ came into THEIR kingdom
      to reconcile fallen angels unto Himself.
      We are the fallen angels (ELOHIM) kept in DNA chains of darkness.
      If you do not confess being a fallen angel in Lucifer's kingdom, then you are an unbeliever.
      Unbeliever = those that claim to be made in the image of ELOHIM(gods).

  • @larrythepcguy5474
    @larrythepcguy5474 3 ปีที่แล้ว

    1 Corinthians 15:20-26 mirror revelation 20:4-6
    The WORD to Paul was *in Adam all died (not all at once)*
    In Christ *all will be raised, not all at once* ,
    but *in order* of the symbolic millennium (church age) known as Amillenniumism or partial preterism starting in 70 AD imho..
    We await Gog attack ! Before the resurrection of the non first fruits resurrection.
    Shalom 👍🏻🙏

  • @graceambassador65
    @graceambassador65 3 ปีที่แล้ว

    Grace And Peace, Precious friend(s). Yes, *_"Patiently_** waiting for Blessed Hope!...”*
    ...So, rather than the Discouraging Doomsday "speculation and guessing" Of the
    _Confusing_ Complexity of Various End-Time doctrines of “prophecy” experts,
    we *_Prefer,_** Scripturally, “Simplicity In CHRIST!”:*
    *In God’s **_Mystery_** Of Pure GRACE, HE Gave HIS **_"NOW Abiding_** THREE Gifts":*
    "faith, hope, And love!”
    And, *The GREATEST Of These Is LOVE!!*
    *”...All the law Is FULFILLED In **_ONE WORD: LOVE!_** thy neighbor!...”*
    *(Galatians 5 : 14; Romans 13 : 8-10 KJB!)* Amen?
    However, BEFORE one could *Possibly Perform This ONE WORD,* he/she
    *Must Have Already “Performed the WORD* Of: faith,” i.e.: “believed!:”
    *The Gospel Of The GRACE Of God!:*
    *“For I [ Paul! ] delivered unto you first of all That Which I also received,*
    *How That CHRIST Died For our sins According To The Scriptures;*
    *And That HE Was Buried, And That HE Rose Again the third day*
    *According To The Scriptures!” ( 1 Corinthians 15 : 3-4 KJB! )*
    *"For By GRACE are ye SAVED Through faith; and that not of yourselves:*
    *It Is The Gift of God: Not of works, lest any man should boast!"*
    *( Ephesians 2 : 8-9! cp Most of Romans through Philemon # KJB! )*
    *{ GRACE **_Found_** 85 Times! }*
    Then, *Because Of God's Work* in us, can we *"Fulfill All The Law!”:*
    *”And hope maketh not ashamed; Because The LOVE Of God Is Shed*
    *Abroad in our hearts By The Holy Ghost Which Is Given Unto us.”*
    *(Romans 5 : 5 KJB!)*
    And, Finally, Once *Those TWO WORDS are In Effect in the GRACE*
    believer’s life, *Then, Will Come The Third ONE, That Of HOPE,* In What?:
    Well, *According To The Scriptures, That WILL BE!:*
    *God’s BLESSED HOPE, The Glorious Appearing Of The LORD JESUS CHRIST,*
    *For our FINAL GLORIFICATION, When HE “Changes” us Into* *IMMORTALITY!!*
    *(Titus 2 : 13; 1 Thessalonians 4 : 13-18; 1 Corinthians 15 : 51-57 KJB!)* Amen?
    So, IF we are “In the End { _ONLY_ God Knows! },” and *HIS Great GRACE Departure*
    *Is **_Imminent { “COULD_** [ With NO **_Preceding_** SIGNS! ] Happen At ANY Moment!” },*
    Then { IF you have not Already Done So }, Please, Prayerfully memorize:
    *”Henceforth there is Laid Up for me a crown of righteousness, which The LORD*
    *The Righteous Judge Shall Give me At That Day: and not to me only, but unto all*
    *them Also which Love HIS Appearing!!” (2 Timothy 4 : 8 KJB!)*
    Isn’t *The Blessed Saviour, JESUS CHRIST, Just The Most WONDERFUL There IS!?*
    *# Romans - Philemon KJB! = God's GRACE Love Letters For us **_Today,_*
    *For: Consolation, Comfort, Edification, Enjoyment, Encouragement, And*
    *_spiritual_** Building Up Of All The BLOOD-Washed "members ( saints!" )*
    *In The Body Of CHRIST!, HIS Church, Seated In **_Heaven!_* Amen?
    brother Chris
    PS: What think ye?: *"Solves* _ALL "religious" Confusion"?_ =
    *NO "Other" Doctrine Than "Right Division!"*
    {Perchance Disobedience to *THIS **_"Sound_** Doctrine" Of God!* is _The Cause_
    Of ALL Of The "Controversial/Contradictory/Confusing/DIVIDING" Issues? }:
    Friend, are you *"Approved Unto God"?* or, Are you *"Grieving HIS Spirit"?*
    And, whether *"Imminent" Great GRACE Departure* is “sooner OR Later”:
    Double Checked "Prepared And Ready" For *IT!!* ✔✔ Amen?
    *"To The Praise Of The Glory Of HIS {Amazing!} GRACE!!"*

    • @graceambassador65
      @graceambassador65 3 ปีที่แล้ว

      Grace And Peace, friend(s). Have you Prayerfully And Carefully _Considered!:_
      *(1) Rightly Dividing God's WORD Of Truth, And,*
      *(2) NO water baptism for Today!*
      Yes, we all _Should_ "be ready" But, _Should_ we not "fulfil
      *God's Purpose For* us, *Get HIS Great GRACE Gospel* to the lost, finding the
      "last member" Of *The Body Of CHRIST, And, **_Then_* we Can be *Caught Up In*
      *Great GRACE Departure to Go HOME, Forever!?*
      *Is The Following "God's Purpose"? Please Be Very RICHLY Blessed And Encouraged!:*
      Part 1 *Approval Unto God!:*
      *Grace And Peace From God, The Father, And From*
      *The LORD And Saviour, JESUS CHRIST!*
      *LORD JESUS, Before Thou Comest To Gather us Home To Heaven, Please*
      *Grant Thy Divine Help to understand Thy Word Of Truth, Rightly*
      *Divided!"* Amen:
      *What Would God, In HIS Age Of GRACE Today, Have* us Also "DO,"
      that was *"learned, and received, and heard, and seen, In Paul"* ?
      *(Philippians 4 : 9!)*
      *"Study to shew thyself Approved Unto God, a workman That*
      *Needeth not to be ashamed, Rightly Dividing The Word Of Truth!"*
      *(2 Timothy 2 : 15!)*
      *_"Example"_** Of Rightly Dividing The Word Of Truth!:*
      *Leaders/Numbers / Salvation/Commissions* in:
      *God's TWO **_"Different"_** Programs:*
      (1) _Representative_ apostles + number! For: *God’s LAW/PROPHETIC* Program:
      *“prophesied since the world began!”* (Luke 1 : 68-70; Acts 3 : 21!):
      God’s Complete Number TWELVE “represents:”
      TWELVE baptismS, TWELVE apostles who will rule in the "Prophesied" kingdom
      With CHRIST!, on TWELVE thrones, Over the TWELVE tribes of Israel!
      (Genesis 49 : 28; Isaiah 9 : 7, 32 : 1; Matthew 19 : 28; Luke 22 : 30; James 1 : 1!)
      ►► Peter [+11], TWELVE "preached!":
      *gospel of the kingdom!:*
      Salvation = "he that believeth *AND is baptized* Shall Be SAVED!"
      (Mark 16 : 16 cp *Luke 7 : 29-30;* Acts 2 : 38; James 2 : 17-18!) ◄◄
      And _Includes_ *The LORD’s FIVE-Part Marching Orders,* the
      so-called ( added as a “Page Header” in *Bibles* ) “Great Commission”:
      *“Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in The Name*
      *Of The Father, and Of The SON, and of The Holy Ghost: Teaching*
      *them to Observe ALL Things Whatsoever I Have Commanded you:*
      *and, lo, I am with you alway, even unto the end of the world. Amen!”*
      (Matthew 28 : 19-20!)
      _Including:_ *“Observe ALL things WHATSOEVER I Have*
      *COMMANDED you!”:*
      *“Then Spake JESUS To the multitude, And To HIS disciples,*
      *Saying, The scribes and the Pharisees sit in Moses’ seat:*
      *ALL therefore whatsoever they bid you observe, that OBSERVE*
      *AND DO; but do not ye after their works: for they say, and do not!”*
      (Matthew 23 : 1-3!)
      *“And HE Said Unto them, Go ye into all the world, and preach the*
      *gospel to every creature. He that believeth And is baptized shall*
      *be saved; but he that believeth not shall be damned. And these*
      *signs Shall Follow them that believe: In MY Name shall they cast out*
      *devils; they shall speak with new tongues; They shall take up serpents;*
      *and if they drink any deadly thing, it shall not hurt them; they*
      *shall lay hands on the sick, and they shall recover…. And they went*
      *forth, and preached every where, The LORD Working With them, and*
      *Confirming The Word With signs following. Amen!”* (Mark 16 : 15-20!)
      *“And that repentance and remission of sins should be preached in*
      *HIS Name among all nations, beginning at Jerusalem. And ye are*
      *witnesses of these things. And, behold, I Send The Promise of MY*
      *Father Upon you: but tarry ye in the city of Jerusalem, until ye be*
      *endued with Power From On High!”* (Luke 24 : 47-49!)
      *“Then Said JESUS To them again, Peace Be Unto you: As MY Father*
      *Hath Sent ME, Even So Send I you. And When HE Had Said This, HE*
      *Breathed On them, And Saith Unto them, Receive ye The Holy Ghost:*
      *Whose soever sins ye remit, they are remitted unto them; and*
      *whose soever sins ye retain, they are retained!”* (John 20 : 21-23!)
      *“But ye shall receive power, after that The Holy Ghost Is Come Upon you:*
      *and ye shall be witnesses unto ME both in Jerusalem, and in all Judaea,*
      *and in Samaria, and unto the uttermost part of the earth!”* (Acts 1 : 8!)
      End of: Salvation / Commission In *God's "Law/Prophetic Program!"*
      continued in *Part 2: Approval Unto God!...*

    • @graceambassador65
      @graceambassador65 3 ปีที่แล้ว

      Part 2 *Approval Unto God!:*
      Previous "study!:" Salvation / Commission In *God's "Law/Prophetic Program!"*
      {friend, do you "think" this is for you "Today"?} *Or...* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
      From *CHRIST To HIS TWELVE,* _on the earth!_ { _Currently_ “On HOLD!” }
      *Rightly Divided (2 Timothy 2 : 15 KJB!) From **_“Things That DIFFER!”:_* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- *...Is This FOR us Today?:*
      *From CHRIST To HIS “one,” **_From Heaven!!_** { **_Currently_** ACTIVE!}*
      *God’s Salvation And Commission In HIS "Revelation Of The MYSTERY!"*
      *God’s “Heavenly Hidden” Purpose BEFORE “the foundation of the world”...Kept*
      *Secret **_”since the world began”_** (Romans 16 : 25; Ephesians 1 : 4-11, 3 : 5-9!)*
      *(2) **_Representative_** apostle + number! For:*
      *God’s Revelation Of GRACE In HIS MYSTERY,*
      *From CHRIST, **_In Heaven,_** To...*
      { Friend, IF you have NEVER prayerfully/carefully “studied”
      *This Important Doctrine ( Paul’s **_“Distinctive”_** ministry From God! )*
      before, Please take some time for *”Approval Unto God!,”* Please? }
      *"Howbeit for this cause I obtained Mercy, That In me **_First_** JESUS CHRIST*
      *Might Shew Forth ALL Longsuffering, For a **_Pattern_** to them which should*
      *hereafter believe on HIM to life everlasting!” (1 Timothy 1 : 16 KJB!)* ◄◄◄
      *...Paul, Chosen By God, as ONE individual apostle,*
      *BOTH Roman and Hebrew,*
      *(Acts 9 : 6, 15, 13 : 2, 20 : 24, 22 : 1-15, 21, 25-28, 26 : 17-18;*
      *Philippians 3 : 5; Romans 1 : 1, 11 : 13, 15 : 16-18;*
      *Galatians 1 : 15, 2 : 7-8; Ephesians 3 : 1; 1 Timothy 1 : 11, 2 : 7;*
      *2 Timothy 1 : 11!), **_represents:_*
      *Reconciliation, By GRACE (2 Corinthians 5 : 17-6 : 2!), of*
      *BOTH Jew and Gentile, as “INDIVIDUALS,” Into “ONE New Man!”*
      *(Ephesians 2 : 15-16!)*
      *SPIRITUALLY Baptized ( And "Spiritually United as*
      *_members of one another!"_** ), BY: ONE Baptism!*
      *(1 Corinthians 12 : 13 cp Ephesians 4 : 5, 5 : 30 KJB!), Into:*
      *ONE Body, In HEAVEN!,* ...
      ... *[ By The DEADLY, But Amazingly Wonderful CROSS! ] Of CHRIST,*
      *The Risen And Glorified SAVIOUR, The **_Only_** HEAD Of HIS Church!!*
      *(1 Timothy 3 : 16; Ephesians 1 : 22, 5 : 23; Colossians 1 : 18 KJB!)*
      *Praise HIS Precious NAME!* Amen?
      *The Gospel Of The GRACE Of God!:*
      *“For I [ Paul! ] delivered unto you first of all That Which I also received,*
      *How That CHRIST Died For our sins According To The Scriptures;*
      *And That HE Was Buried, And That HE Rose Again the third day*
      *According To The Scriptures!” (1 Corinthians 15 : 3-4!)*
      *"For By GRACE are ye SAVED Through faith; and that not of yourselves:*
      *It Is The Gift of God: Not of works, lest any man should boast!"*
      *( Ephesians 2 : 8-9! cp Most of Romans through Philemon! # )*
      *{ GRACE **_Found_** 85 Times! }*
      *And, The MYSTERY **_Includes_** The LORD’s "Greater" GRACE Commission! =*
      *Ministry of RECONCILIATION!*
      *"And all things are of God, Who Hath Reconciled us To Himself By*
      *JESUS CHRIST, And Hath Given To us the ministry of reconciliation;*
      *to wit, That God Was In CHRIST, Reconciling the world Unto Himself,*
      *Not Imputing their trespasses unto them; And Hath Committed Unto us*
      *The Word Of Reconciliation!*
      *Now then we are ambassadors for CHRIST, as though God Did Beseech*
      *you by us: we pray you in CHRIST’s Stead, be ye reconciled to God! For*
      *HE Hath Made HIM To Be sin For us, WHO Knew no sin; that we might Be*
      *Made The Righteousness Of God In HIM!*
      *We then, as workers together with HIM, beseech you also that ye receive*
      *not The GRACE Of God in vain! (For HE Saith, I Have Heard thee in a time*
      *accepted, and in the day of salvation have I succoured [helped] thee: behold,*
      *now is the accepted time; behold, NOW IS THE DAY OF SALVATION!!)”*
      *(2 Corinthians 5 : 18-6 : 2!)*
      End: *God’s Salvation And Commission In HIS Revelation Of The MYSTERY!*
      *# Romans - Philemon = God's GRACE Love Letters For us **_Today_** For:*
      *Consolation, Comfort, Edification, Enjoyment, Encouragement, And*
      *_spiritual_** Building Up Of All The BLOOD-Washed "members ( saints!" )*
      *In The Body Of CHRIST, HIS Church, Seated In **_Heaven!_* Amen?
      Friends, after “comparing” Law vs *GRACE!* Which is FOR us Today? Or:
      Are they BOTH FOR us, today, in which case we ask:
      ALL The "NUMBERS experts" know there is A Vast "Difference" Between 12
      And *"ONE,"* Correct?
      Would not “Choosing” BOTH Make This Fatal ERROR, & we can just stay with
      the _Modern_ "wonderful And marvelous 2000-year-old judeo/christian combo":
      (1) LAW + *(2) GRACE* = (3) "religious _Confusion_ Of Contradictions"
      { or, "Pick & Choose!" } Method…
      ..."remaining" as: a weak And
      _Severely Divided_ *Church, Displeasing God!,* Correct?
      Friends, _which_ of these "gospels do you Believe," In *God’s Age*
      *Of GRACE **_Today,_** Are CURSED By God! (Galatians 1 : 6-9!)?*
      *(2) Gospel of GRACE!* || (1) gospel of the kingdom, (3) “Combo gospel”
      IF your _particular_ group "subscribes" to (1) OR (3),
      Please, *Obey God, As HE "Beseeches"!:*
      *"Wherefore Come Out from among them, and be ye Separate,*
      *Saith The LORD, And touch not the unclean [ ACCURSED!? ]*
      *thing; and I Will Receive you, And Will Be A Father Unto you,*
      *And ye Shall Be MY sons and daughters, Saith The LORD Almighty!"*
      *(2 Corinthians 6 : 17!)*
      *LORD JESUS, we humbly pray that Any And ALL **_confused_** over the*
      *"Division of Many Over salvation/baptismS/commissionS,” have been*
      *Truly Blessed With This **_Solving The Confusion_** study! Amen.*
      *GRACE/Repentance, Through Faith, & PEACE, Found In SCRIPTURE,*
      *to The Honor And GLORY Of GOD, The Father, Through The LORD And*
      Concluding questions:
      (1) Friend(s), Do you believe you are *"Approved Unto God"? (2 Timothy 2 : 15 KJB!)*
      (2) Do you believe you should _Turn Away_ *FROM God’s “Chosen” Apostle*
      *Of HIS PURE GRACE?:*
      *"This thou knowest, that ALL THEY WHICH ARE IN ASIA TURNED AWAY*
      *From me; of whom are Phygellus and Hermogenes." (2 Timothy 1 : 15 KJB!)*
      Again, friend(s), *Please Be Very RICHLY Blessed In “God’s WORD Of Truth, Rightly*
      *Divided” (2 Timothy 2 : 15 KJB!)*
      brother Chris
      PS: What think ye?: *"Solves* _ALL "religious" Confusion"?_ =
      *NO "Other" Doctrine Than "Right Division!"*
      {Perchance Disobedience to *THIS **_"Sound_** Doctrine" Of God!* is _The Cause_
      Of ALL Of The "Controversial/Contradictory/Confusing/DIVIDING" Issues? }:
      Friend, are you *"Approved Unto God"?* or, Are you *"Grieving HIS Spirit"?*
      And, whether *"Imminent" Great GRACE Departure* is “sooner OR Later”:
      Double Checked "Prepared And Ready" For *IT!!* ✔✔ Amen?
      *"To The Praise Of The Glory Of HIS {Amazing!} GRACE!!"*

    • @graceambassador65
      @graceambassador65 3 ปีที่แล้ว

      Grace And Peace, Precious friend(s). *And, Please Be Very RICHLY Blessed!*
      _water_ *Today?*
      { *FULL "study"* in "link" below...} - - *BaptismS Scriptural SUMMARY!:*
      And, *Please Be Very RICHLY Blessed In CHRIST, And HIS Word Of Truth!:*
      *LORD JESUS, please open our hearts to ALL of Thy Truth.* Amen:
      Prophecy/Law: ►►► The Twelve *WERE SENT* to {water} baptize! ◄◄◄
      The TWO "Main" (of 12) baptismS =
      A) water, For remission of sins!:
      (Matthew 3 : 5-6; Mark 1 : 4; Luke 3 : 3; John 1 : 31; *Luke 7 : 29-30;* Acts 10 : 37)
      (Matthew 28 : 19; *Mark 16 : 16; Acts 2 : 38;* Acts 22 : 16; Ezekiel 36 : 25)
      B) "WITH" The Holy Spirit, Poured Out By CHRIST, for power, signs And wonders!
      (Isaiah 44 : 3; Matthew 3 : 11; *Mark 1 : 8, 16 : 17-18;* Luke 24 : 49;
      *Acts 2 : 17-18, 38;* Acts 8 : 15-17; Acts 11 : 16)
      *Rightly Divided (2 Timothy 2 : 15 KJB!) From **_"Things That DIFFER!":_*
      ►►► Paul *Was NOT Sent* to {water} baptize! Why Not?: ◄◄◄
      *_Today:_** Only ONE Baptism = "BY" The ONE Spirit = God's OPERATION,*
      *Spiritually "Identifying" members In (The ONE Body Of) CHRIST!!*
      *(Ephesians 4 : 5; Colossians 2 : 12; Galatians 3 : 27;*
      *Romans 6 : 3-4; 1 Corinthians 12 : 13!)*
      Conclusion: *God's ONE Baptism **_Today?_** = ONE?* OR, EQUALS TWO?
      *Is it not Possible That God's Answer Of "NO* water baptism, for us *Today," Under*
      *HIS PURE GRACE, Absolutely Vanquishes* "Satan's Confusion" Into *OBLIVION!!?*
      brother Chris
      *FULL "study" of ALL THIRTEEN Bible "baptismS!" (#7)* is available here:
      *"To The Praise Of The Glory Of HIS {Amazing} GRACE!!"*