As a candidate for San Antonio city council I will not stand for city funding towards abortion !! We will look towards other preventative methods and teach about more responsibility with having sex! Do men not have a say when it comes to being a father?? After all women don’t get pregnant on their own, it takes two to tango !… fathers will have a say in there BABIES LIVES!!!
As a candidate for San Antonio city council I will not stand for city funding towards abortion !! We will look towards other preventative methods and teach about more responsibility with having sex! Do men not have a say when it comes to being a father?? After all women don’t get pregnant on their own, it takes two to tango !… fathers will have a say in there BABIES LIVES!!!
Tax dollars should not be going towards murdering innocent babies.
Nobody should ever Finance Baby Murder You all are Very Sad Fighting for this Like its part of thr constitution