Most Singaporeans can speak at least 2 version of English....."proper"and informal. Informal is the version which is spoken among friends and fellow Singaporeans. The so called Singlish is our informal version. It's very local and if one happens to hear another person speaking in Singlish in any part of the world, one will know it has to be a fellow Singaporean. You just can't fake it. As for the so called "proper", it's just the version of English being taught in school, or understood by those who think that's the one and only correct version.
“As long as we can understand each other; it is already very good” is exactly what Wennie said at 6:51. We probably share the same opinion about Singapore English :)
@@billandwennie6428 So in your opinion, American English is the best as it seems like what most Taiwanese/Chinese think. Accented English has little to do with whether or not a person speaks good or bad english. Really good spoken english is the Brit Received Pronunciation (Queen's English) which probably less than 3% of native English speakers still speak. American English is just another variant of english. It seems more popular because of the reach of american media and entertainment. So long as one is understood by most people even from foreign countries, that's all it matters. 送您俩两个子字。。。。傻逼!
谁说our English is 不好听。 是have 特色ok. You懂不懂啊。哈哈哈哈 This video isn’t trying to be serious, singaporean pls do not get baited to be upset. FINISH the video first. Hahaha Do not bash them too.
It's funny that they think american english is the standard. When accent differ from country to country. Not to mention they can barely speak the language themselves.
It's very weird that both of us comment this Mandarin video in English hehe. Why not focus on the positive message that they are trying to promote about Singapore culture?
@@yukilong7388 really? 😊 I never finish the video as i feel weird that they commenting in Chinese. .Ya, reading the title, perhaps it's ok to do it in Chinese. . hahaha
@@newaccy8087I know, so many people jump the gun. A lot of hateful comments here. I can't imagine how these two guys are going to feel. After all they made a video to defend our culture and only got bashing by our fellow Singaporeans.
It's strange for a Taiwanese/Chinese to comment on someone's else English when that someone else (most of us Singaporeans) has been using English since birth as most young Singaporeans below 40 do. Even if it isn't such as those above 40, by the time they left school after 10 to 12 years they would have acquired a decent standard of English if not superb. My 65 year old mum is one such person. JJ Lin from ACS and Stef Sun from St Nicholas (or was it RGS?) where English std is strong! Where as most Taiwanese learn English with an american accent. Just because we don't speak English with an american or brit accent means it sounds bad? What bollocks! That shows we don't have to and are confident in our own skin than some Taiwanese or Chinese from traditionally chinese-speaking countries who try to mimic an accent wholly foreign to them, usually American accent. Accent got little to do with speaking good english. An american can still speak/write eng with an american accent and has sentences punctuated with way too many grammatical mistakes and spellings.
She is from RGS. We share the same opinion about Singapore English that it has a unique accent which doesn't matter when it comes to communication and of course, nobody should say that it sounds bad.
Hi two of you spoke English with heavy Chinese slang and that sound pretty weird too! Somehow you don’t look confident to me when you spoke English. And you certainly did not articulate well in your own native language too.
Yes-si, it's-si Singapore-si english-si is-si not-a very the good-ta, you speak-a sung english-si i hear? you happy i do a wedeo in english-si talking-the cainees-si peepol speak-a cainees-si and taione-nees-si cainees-si also not-the very good-a. You cainees-si say tortis-si no laff water tortis-si, u noe?!
Dude, please watch the whole video before casting a judgement. You just make yourself look freaking dumb here by commenting as if u have not watched the video at all.
Hong Kong people are also learning the Traditional English from UK but how come the big difference in pronunciation between HK and Singapore , especially in Singapore TV Programe (Chinese Chanel)? Is it deliberate?
Mr. Yang也是这么说的~只要别人听得懂英语就好
siyuwoaini 燕姿是在新加坡排名第一二的大学毕业的,英语当然厉害。爸爸是大学教授,妹妹好像是医生。全家都超厉害的😂
@@xXx-tm5sr 她姐姐是企业高管😂 孙家三姐妹都很优秀
Guys, please watch the ENTIRE video before posting a comment. The uploaders are SUPPORTIVE of Singapore English.
@Yong It still doesn't warrant the hatred in the comment section right? They just voiced out their support, what's there to hate about?
@Yong You sound disrespectful man... they are Chinese not ah tiongs and so are you.
i like how they keep asking everyone to "respect everyone's culture"
it's really strange for people who can't speak proper english to comment on singapore english
it really depends on individual. I don't say tree, i said three. Bill's mandarin isn't that perfect either.
It's really strange for people who don't make any video to comment on other's video
Hikou Dokuko the pot calling the kettle black
Hikou Dokuko was referring to you. Ppl who do not make any videos commenting on others... and i second @seng cheong tan opinion.
Really don’t know how to describe them as being a Singaporean 😂😂😂
It's nice to see someone who has been staying in Singapore long enough to defend our culture. Will support u guys, just subscribed.
Edit: 评论里说一堆人没看完视频就胡说八道。uploader明显支持新加坡英语。视频看不懂,不会看简介吗?简介还看不懂不会看标题的?反问句不知道是啥意思?
你是認真的嗎? 你在關於兩位新加坡華語歌手的視頻說新加坡人不講華語?
JJ speaks good English no local accent. ACS Boy
说得挺客观的呀 勇于出来讨论就很棒了
Bravo JJ.Lin
Cute couple
Our English standard is much higher than normal American English!
Most Singaporeans can speak at least 2 version of English....."proper"and informal. Informal is the version which is spoken among friends and fellow Singaporeans. The so called Singlish is our informal version. It's very local and if one happens to hear another person speaking in Singlish in any part of the world, one will know it has to be a fellow Singaporean. You just can't fake it. As for the so called "proper", it's just the version of English being taught in school, or understood by those who think that's the one and only correct version.
nice video! Keep up your good work guys!
What's the name of the variety show that jj Lin attended?
Bill and Wennie Bill也是一个可爱的男孩纸呢😏
Singlish 是一般底辰及老一代的人所用的啊!如果你们是移民过来的 千万别去学它!
1) 你为什么不在新加坡说英语?
2) 为什么人们会和你说英语? 你必须要求别人翻译中文给你。
3) 在工作场所,人们向您开放订单,但在订单中要求中文。
看了你们的视频, 我突然间有信心去拍一个视频来品评论中国人的中文!
As long as we can understand each other; it is already very good why we should compare and comment on other? Who are they???
“As long as we can understand each other; it is already very good” is exactly what Wennie said at 6:51. We probably share the same opinion about Singapore English :)
@@billandwennie6428 So in your opinion, American English is the best as it seems like what most Taiwanese/Chinese think. Accented English has little to do with whether or not a person speaks good or bad english. Really good spoken english is the Brit Received Pronunciation (Queen's English) which probably less than 3% of native English speakers still speak. American English is just another variant of english. It seems more popular because of the reach of american media and entertainment. So long as one is understood by most people even from foreign countries, that's all it matters. 送您俩两个子字。。。。傻逼!
(题外:孙燕姿的这个访问有一part是rapid fire,我想问她形容自己的三个词中第二个是什么?我英文没太好听了好久都不懂🤦)
Ok啦,新加坡people 的English no bad啦。。
好吧就这么说 如果北京的普通话发音是中文的标准 那我能不能说你们俩的中文都说得很烂 不标准
很多中国南方 福州人习惯把 说成 '灰机票' 天气很 说成天气很'乐'
由于中文的发音是一个字一个音 很多人在学英语时就会采用同样的语法 所以就会把一些英文字发音的不太对
如没有把 'th' 发对音, 'What'的 t, 'talk'的 k, 'chairs' 的 s, 和plural发音 .
有这些语病的 比较多都是在邻里学校 你们在新加坡的邻里学校就读 就会感觉到了
新加坡的一些中学学生 如来至 ACS, RI, RGS的英文发音就会相对比较强
同样的 如果我要找中文发音比较标准的学生 人民大学附属中学 上海中学 师范 都算一等的
如果你在香港工作 香港人会用英加粤语跟你沟通 在新加坡也一样
新加坡是一个多元种族的国家 可能只有在新加坡你才会见识到真正的种族和谐
大家多多少少都会说说几句彼此的语言 认知他们的宗教 节日 食物
时间久了 接触久了 我们的英语都参进 Alamak, lei, lor, hor, lah, what lao
就是这些字把我们的种族颜色淡化了 把彼此拉近了
写作时 大家也从不会把这些字加进文字里
如果你们在新加坡读完JC或Poly 才去美国英国澳洲读大学
你会发觉新加坡给你的教育会让你胜过其他国家的同学 尤其是做 Group Assignments
之前看过新加坡搞笑 TH-camr,我还觉得挺好玩的啦
谁说our English is 不好听。 是have 特色ok. You懂不懂啊。哈哈哈哈
This video isn’t trying to be serious, singaporean pls do not get baited to be upset. FINISH the video first. Hahaha
Do not bash them too.
It's funny that they think american english is the standard. When accent differ from country to country.
Not to mention they can barely speak the language themselves.
The girl mentioned Singaporens pronounce 3 as Tree but what about they pronounce N as 恩?
@@janiceleong3602 N is pronounced as 恩 in 汉语拼音。That’s why the confusion
it’s very strange that someone said you should not comment on something when he is just commenting here
不是oner 他大概是说华纳唱片的意思
I have no idea what these two are ranting about. I see no problem with Singapore English, and I am from America. 我不知道這兩個人在胡言亂語什麼。 我認為新加坡英語沒問題,我來自美國。
只有没国际視野 才会拿英式和美式英语比较 还有澳洲式 日式 泰式 印度式 韓式 请英语-流的网友们能不能做个比较 谁最标准
"谁最标准".... No such thing in America. English is not even an official language in America.
在美國沒有這樣的標準。 英語甚至不是美國的官方語言。
@@Andsleeter 说得对 那些无知但又自認英语比别人好的酸民 就爱做这种无聊的比较 来抬高自己
JJ每次在正式采访的时候一般都是很避免说Singlish, 因为非常的不国际化。所以建议想和世界不同地区人很好交流并且想说一口很好听的英语口音的人,尽量不要说Singlish。
英文是新加坡行政用語,不是官方語言,糾正一下, 官方語言是華語,馬來文,淡米爾文三種
误会了!Singlish其实指的是一般日常生活中与熟悉亲戚朋友或友族朋友交流时比较随意relaxed的用语。其中包括了leh, la, loh, meh.....的语助词或者加入福建话、马来语单词使用让彼此交流更加有趣和过瘾。然而在正式场合如面试、公司开会、媒体专访、接待外宾时使用的英语无论在发音、腔调和语法方面一点儿也不含糊。唯一的缺点是有时连珠炮式的说话速度连老外都服了。
up 湖南人??
It's very weird that u both speak Mandarin while commenting local artistes English
It's very weird that both of us comment this Mandarin video in English hehe. Why not focus on the positive message that they are trying to promote about Singapore culture?
@@yukilong7388 really? 😊 I never finish the video as i feel weird that they commenting in Chinese. .Ya, reading the title, perhaps it's ok to do it in Chinese. . hahaha
@@newaccy8087I know, so many people jump the gun. A lot of hateful comments here. I can't imagine how these two guys are going to feel. After all they made a video to defend our culture and only got bashing by our fellow Singaporeans.
How is it weird when our first language is english? Lmao.
Thats some weird 50cents logic.
@@RonLarhz I am just trying to respond to the poster in a funny manner. Can u stop your hateful posts? It's disgusting.
It's strange for a Taiwanese/Chinese to comment on someone's else English when that someone else (most of us Singaporeans) has been using English since birth as most young Singaporeans below 40 do. Even if it isn't such as those above 40, by the time they left school after 10 to 12 years they would have acquired a decent standard of English if not superb. My 65 year old mum is one such person. JJ Lin from ACS and Stef Sun from St Nicholas (or was it RGS?) where English std is strong! Where as most Taiwanese learn English with an american accent. Just because we don't speak English with an american or brit accent means it sounds bad? What bollocks! That shows we don't have to and are confident in our own skin than some Taiwanese or Chinese from traditionally chinese-speaking countries who try to mimic an accent wholly foreign to them, usually American accent. Accent got little to do with speaking good english. An american can still speak/write eng with an american accent and has sentences punctuated with way too many grammatical mistakes and spellings.
She is from RGS. We share the same opinion about Singapore English that it has a unique accent which doesn't matter when it comes to communication and of course, nobody should say that it sounds bad.
Uk english is what singaporean learn. Not usa
Just ask a china man pronounce the alphabet "n" will have a good laugh😂
@@veronham61 说的对 真正懂的英语的人 并不会批评别人说的不好 看看台湾的艺人 有多少人能说流利的英语 都是在装腔作势 但他们就是喜欢在嘲笑别人 以抬高自己
yes 和朋友說Singlish就是一種樂趣
@Jen LL
Of course✌️
错了,台湾人与大陆人根本就不会说纯英式英语而只会美式英语.......就曾经在新加坡这里遇到过大陆人说我们这里人讲的英语口音太重,之后与他更深入交谈他却无法与正确流利英语与我对答,而只能与简单的美式英语回答,问起美语哪学的?只听他说在美国生活了几年,离开美国后基本用不上美语,只能在网上看美剧视频,听英语歌曲,以美式英语与老外网上视频闲聊? ? ?所遇到的台湾人也如此,自以为自己所讲的美式英语最棒了,其实也不过如此,两位应该也好不到哪去吧?从视频开始到结束都不见两位说出正确的英语。
mr5hate 「其實中國人和台灣人是英語最好的」 看到這句我已經「蛤」? 開玩笑吧?如果你可以google的話,你就知道新加坡的英語水平是亞洲第一。說Singlish只是因為比較親切,工作上基本上使用正式英語,只是腔調比美式或英式的平。聽不懂可能是他們的英語差罷了。
现在很习惯说one two tree……其实新加坡英语潮汕味很重
Hi two of you spoke English with heavy Chinese slang and that sound pretty weird too! Somehow you don’t look confident to me when you spoke English. And you certainly did not articulate well in your own native language too.
Yes-si, it's-si Singapore-si english-si is-si not-a very the good-ta, you speak-a sung english-si i hear? you happy i do a wedeo in english-si talking-the cainees-si peepol speak-a cainees-si and taione-nees-si cainees-si also not-the very good-a. You cainees-si say tortis-si no laff water tortis-si, u noe?!
bruh r/ihadastroke
哦那你还没听印度巴基斯坦那堆乱码七糟国家的英语 简直
因为JJ而点进来 后面那两个人可以不要一直干扰吗?吵死了
你为什么在新加坡工作? 我们会说英语。你不知道我们在说什么。
他们不明白可能是自己的英语还没达到基本水平吧! Lol
@@ymhktravel 中国人说英语比新加坡好吗?
@@ymhktravel 他们讲他们的英语很好为什么我讲义简单的英语他们完全听不懂
@@ymhktravel 很多中国人来新加坡做工他们根本不懂英语
@@ymhktravel 那么为什么他们做这个视频他们不讲英语
c跳舞的克卜勒 那是喜感,像在水里吐泡泡一样的声音,哈哈哈哈哈哈哈😂
无聊的两位不如做个中国大陆人南腔北调普通话以及中国台湾''''打灰机‘’‘式闽南口音国语更好?拜托了. .. . .两位
请你们去 language translater 听听白人念 Three 和 Tree 的读音有什么差别; 你们会听出耳油都听不出有差别。只有中国人会死板板的把每一个字母的尾音都很清楚的念出来,还以为自己很标准!
中国人的这种念法就好像日本人把 Bigbang G-dragon 念成 “逼古棒古 G多拉贡”,把 McDonalds 念成 “马古多拉乳多”,把 “Mother Father Gentleman” 念成 “妈甲 花甲 尖偷撸忙” 是一样的道理!
Dude, please watch the whole video before casting a judgement. You just make yourself look freaking dumb here by commenting as if u have not watched the video at all.
It's funny. You are so quick in casting your judgement and yet so slow in apologizing for your blantantly wrong comment. What a coward.
@@yukilong7388 Haha, thank you for your support :)
Hong Kong people are also learning the Traditional English from UK but how come the big difference in pronunciation between HK and Singapore , especially in Singapore TV Programe (Chinese Chanel)? Is it deliberate?
Singlish 是一般底辰及老一代的人所用的啊!如果你们是移民过来的 千万别去学它!
@@billandwennie6428 可以出一些如何在新加坡工作的视频吗?和女票想去狮城☺