Society just labels natural Born leaders as narcissist... The most important thing is to redirect narcissistic ways for Selflessism. We are All One. We must look out for what is best for the vast majority of existence.
Worse than being a narcissist is being a whiny little 8itch who won't take responsibility for their own faults and problems in life and want to watch videos about narcissists and how bad they are so they can feel better about being victimized even though some victims may enjoy being victims.
The most powerful narcissist become selfless... They realize everything came from The Big bang AKA The Singularity AKA God which is all-encompassing and completely alone... This is a kaleidoscope reality where the singularity can divide itself up what's the temporarily forget the fact that it's all encompassing and completely alone... A good narcissist will use other people for the benefit of the vast majority of existence... Selflessism, one for all but never all for one...
I would think a true narcissist would not want to be considered a narcissist if they were really a major narcissist so they would go out of their way to make videos about narcissistic traits and constantly talk about narcissist all the time so no one ever thinks that they're actually a narcissist... Lol 😂
Social media has build a bubble around the consumer, the content they consume is directed to a sector which over hypes their value. Many social media platforms use algorithms that synchronize content based on user preferences, creating echo chambers. This reinforces narcissistic views by surrounding individuals with opinions or content that validates their own beliefs and perspectives. Low emotional intelligence not only makes narcissist unable to accept the reality of others, but also creates hatred and psychosis over a potential clash of ideals.
Ah yes, Krishnamurti. The guy who allowed to be called a reincarnation of Jesus. Many teachers, such as Neville Goddard and Swami Vivekananda's practitioners often called him a fool. Instead of quoting such a man. Live by these quotes instead: "...Whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue and if there be any praise, THINK on these things." - Philippians 4:8 "As a man thinketh in his heart, so is he." - Proverbs 23:7 "Be you transformed by the renewing of your mind." - Romans 12:2 "Neither shall they say, look here! or, look there! for behold, the Kingdom of Heaven is within you." - Luke 17:21 "Jesus answered them, 'Is it not written in your law, I said, You are Gods.'" - John 10:34-38 "Men of Athens, I perceive that in every way you are very religious. For as I passed along and observed the objects of your worship, I found also an altar with this inscription: 'To the unknown god.' What therefore you worship as unknown, this I proclaim to you." - Acts 17:22-31 “As some of your own poets have said, ‘We are his offspring.’” "In him we live and move and have our being." - Acts 17:28. [This is a message from Paul to the Athenians, which speaks on our soul being the essence of God, and that praise is not found outside of ourselves. God hears, sees and feels all from within.] "Mind, O Tat, is of the very nature of God. ...If you do not make yourself equal to God, you cannot apprehend God; for like is known by like." - Hermes Trismegistus "You are what you think. All that you are arises from your thoughts. With your thoughts, you shape your world." - Gautama Buddha "A strong imagination begets the event itself." - Michel de Montaigne "In your own bosom, you bear your heaven and earth. And all you behold, though it appears without, It is within; in your imagination. Of which this world of mortality is but a shadow." - William Blake "We are what our thoughts have made us; so take care about what you think. Words are secondary. Thoughts live; they travel far." - Swami Vivekananda "Most persons are so absorbed in the contemplation of the outside world that they are wholly oblivious to what is passing on within themselves." - Nikola Tesla "Logic will get you from A to B. Imagination will take you everywhere. ...Imagination is more important than knowledge." - Albert Einstein "The mood decides the fortunes of people, rather than the fortunes decide the mood." - Winston Churchill "The mouth of God is the mind of man. ...God is your wonderful human imagination." - Neville Goddard "The man who has no imagination has no wings." - Muhammad Ali "Every thought we think and every word we speak is an affirmation." - Louise L. Hay
As soon as I heard the word, "selfie", I knew bad times were ahead. One day, nobody was taking pics of themselves. The next day everyone was taking a stream of them.
There is a story that I was told years ago. When explorers visited a remote, as yet uncontacted tribe in the Amason, the explorers took photos of the members of the tribe. When the people saw the pictures, they became scared and upset. They believed that the explorers were stealing the tribe members souls. These people may have been correct in this. Selfies do seem to remove parts of people's souls, with every shot.
The persistence of narcissism shows that humanity is far away from reaching its most serious potential, not only critical thinking is scarce, but also constant emotional intelligence is not a state of mind that is accepted by most people.
@@Hoodiemelo mother, father, siblings...etc. it does not matter. Anyone who has a regular presence in your life, has the potential to reach you with his energy, whether positive or negative. That's why family members and "friends", are the ones to possibly hurt you the most. Strangers couldn't care less about you.
@aminabdullah350 I get what you are trying to say... but I think in the case of a mother, there is an argument for it being harder to deal with than the others... on the simple fact that our mum is usually known to be the figure who gives you the most unconditional form of love that you receive in your life. So to have that relationship be manipulated or sabatoged, it really rocks your foundation and trust for everything else.
Other characteristics: Thoughts of omnibenevolence: they judge your intents based on how your actions make them feel while only judging themselves as having good intent despite the consequences of their actions. Hyper talkative: interrupt you and instead of listening they just wait for you to stop talking Need to be perceived as good or better than (this usually involves codependent aspect) Headline intelligence: no deep competence. People collectors: they collect people like baseball cards, while only having shallow relationships
When you say "most people are kinda stupid", where do you obtain that data? According to the Gaussian Curve most people are of average intelligence. Roughly 80% of the population. (The Gaussian Curve, commonly referred to as the Normal distribution, was utilised by Karl Friedrich Gauss and Abraham De Moire to solve statistical problems.)
mix that with those people being manipulated and lied to by media and government then mix it with those people only staying in their echochambers then mix it with them blocking anyone who disagrees with them and you have mental illness and them wanting to be ignorant and even wanting to control speech
I find it amazing that people do not realize that Narcissists are actually fundamentally insecure people who put on a good act. The Act is the grandiosity and the fantasy-oriented perception, which is a means of avoidance. I once read a book that explained that narcissistic traits are something we all mature through and out of in our teens. Well, judging by what we are seeing nowadays, that maturation just isn't happening. We are at a point where people literally act like abuse victims when they're faced with adversity but yet, think grandiose about him/herself. It is quite the mess.
Very good perception If it wasn't enabled fed allowed worshipped then as you said people would grow out of it. Unfortunately People outside of a narcissists inner circle FEED narcissists/narcissism, even when they know the person is awful at home, they don't care because they are getting something from the narcissists, I know a man who is a complete malignant narcissist, but outside the home he runs his sporting club, is the top player, sponsors the club, is a complete arrogant controlling pig, but they all love him praise him feed him enable him ... he even cheats with alot of their wives ... Unfortunately narcissists are seen as a Strength a POWER people WANT to be around & gain off . And when the majority of our leaders /politicians are complete narcissists seeking POWER CONTROL it's been allowed to flourish under them !
@@azaleaslightsage1271 Yup. My dad an everchanging circle of sycophants around him and when I refused to attend his funeral they started socially attacking me and my family.
You're on the right track. Narcissists can be insecure people, but not all insecure people are narcissistic. To a narcissist everybody else in their life is an "NPC" and it's okay to abuse them and use them. They will play the victim in front of others, when their actual victim defends themselves. Rules and consequences are for others, not for them. They know more than any "NPC" because NPC's aren't really a Doctor, aren't really an Engineer, aren't really an expert, or aren't really the authority. Narcissists are NEVER wrong, that's everybody else.
Our culture promotes, encourages, and rewards narcissism and anti social behaviors like it such as greed. This causes people to cultivate these traits even if they aren’t natural to them. America has many narcs.
that's not what culture is you mean society, civilization, it is structured around exploitation and control, and is human-centric by design (this is narcissism)
@ and you’re wrong. Culture is defined as “the behaviors and beliefs characteristic of a particular group of people, as a social, ethnic, professional, or age group (usually used in combination)” among other things. In the context in which I used it culture is perfectly appropriate.
Indeed. I'm reading this on my laptop and resisted a "smart" phone for years. I think I only have one app on it. When I am out in "the world" I leave email, LI, etc. behind.
My father was a narcissistic sociopath who spent his entire life using and manipulating people; he died 4 days ago and I don’t know anyone who’s sad about it.
The question is : did he die before turning many individuals' life experience into a punishment ?. Narcissists tend to focus on destroying the psyche of their own children because it is retaliation-free. They are the biggest cowards there is. I speak from experience.
My mentally erronous adopted father thought that hanging a six figure inhertance over my head gave him carte blanche to subject me to his torments and abuses, my response was to refuse it and let him know what a complete prick I thought he was, best money I ever spent, my presence at his death bed was requested several times even getting his step sons, the thankless recipients of my inheritance into shaming me on social media in his attempts at demanding my presence, he never got it, he passed away un attended and un lamented by me, I wasnt saddened one iota at his passing, although I was very sad that our relationship was the way it was and sadder still that the only recourse I felt left to me was the one I opted for. I guess that being financially challenged and still having the balls to refuse his toxic money even though it ran into the hundreds of thousands of pounds hugely reinforced my inner resolve and strength, I came out of it a lion, not a loser, dad though was a different kind of character entirely.
Sounds like my husband's dad. He was a millionaire and left him nothing. Left everything to his narcissistic wife. He cheated on my husbands mom and basically abandoned his kids.
Narcissism can be ever so subtle, it's only when you truly pay full attention to oneself; that you really get a true sense of who is so self-grandiose.
"If only there were evil people somewhere insidiously committing evil deeds, and it were necessary only to separate them from the rest of us and destroy them. But the line dividing good and evil cuts through the heart of every human being. And who is willing to destroy a piece of his own heart?" -Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn, based
The narcissist is a truly wretched being. His own horrendous behavior prevents him from having the one thing he truly wants: acceptance. And since he is unwilling to change his behavior, he is doomed to live a soul crushing never-ending cycle of desire and disappointment.
My grandma (dad's mum) was a narc. Demanding, emotionally unstable, mean, drama always surrounded her, everything was someone else's fault. I remember when my other grandmother died, she tried to OD on pills because she was upset nobody was paying attention to her. I cut her off entirely after that. When she finally died, I got home from work and my mom's like "I have sad news, your grandma passed today". And my reaction was like "oh, that's too bad, what's for supper?" I normally would have felt like a POS for thinking like that, but that was basically the reaction of everyone in the family. By the end none of her grandkids wanted to go see her. This is the ultimate fate for most narcs. They spend their whole lives bringing down others to prop up their delusions. Then when the end comes, their death is treated like a relief rather than a tragedy. Unfortunately she passed these traits on to my dad. Narcs can do a lot of damage to their children. Their wants supersede your needs. They view you as competition or an extension of themselves. If you show better aptitude than them for something, this is a cause for scorn, not celebration. They feed their shame into you. They have little empathy for their child. They frequently criticize them and put them down. They're emotional unstable, unpredictable, and the inconsistent way they show love can also lead their children to develop insecure attachment styles. Particularly the "fearful-avoidant" type. You have trouble making friends, and it makes intimate relationships as an adult... quite difficult, to put it mildly. And it's hard to turn off that defensive autopilot.
I'm sorry you had to experience this...but as far as I'm aware a narcissist would never attempt to commit suicide because their self-worth is too high.
@@Dr_Lucozade their inflated self-worth is entirely superficial, unrooted, and dependent. It is all a game to them. There was a concept i was thinking of earlier, too much friction where the rubber meets the road, and the treads corrode faster. Yet, frictionless living is impossible, but many still want it.
@@Dr_Lucozade You are wrong on that point. A narcissist is at his/her core, a self-hating individual cloaking himself/herself in self-love and self-worth. Instead of harming himself/herself, he/she will make it a sacred mission of his/hers to harm others in so many subtle and not so subtle ways. Do not confuse 'egomaniac' with 'narcissist'.
It helps to be able to put a proper narrative on it, and understanding the dynamics can help you heal. Especially those attachment styles start to make perfect sense why we do what we do, so we can start doing something better.
"oh, that's too bad, what's for supper?" they live and feed on you feeling like a bad person. you have the be merciless. im kinda of guy who doesnt help evil people get up after they fall
The song Reflection by Tool taught me much about narcissism. It is a beautiful song about the hole of narcsissism one finds oneself in. One looks out in the night of their despair and sees the moon, shining brightly. The moon tells them that "this light is not my own. A million light reflections pass over me. Her light is bright and endless, she rescuscitates the hopeless. Without her we are lifeless drifting satellites." The moon admits that the reflections of the sun illuminated the beauty that the moon appeared to possess. Reflection is used both as a light reflection and a thought reflection in this song. When they reflected on how everything depends on others to shine beautifully, and in my view, how we all depend on our Creator to loan us these blessings, we are able to "crucify the ego" that was "soothing our narcissism". I'll never forget the bike rides and walks I had while looping that song, meditating on its meaning. When I look up at the moon, my faith in God permeates deeply. It's really a wonderful song.
As if being a narcissist was not bad enough, the COVERT narcissist is in a league of his own. I was cursed for having such father. I'lll say no more for your sake.
My parents and sibling are abusive narcissistic sociopaths with no empathy who thinks they're never wrong and always the victim 💀 Covert narcissism is the worst because only YOU know they're monsters because they're so "nice" to everyone else
I currently am living in one of those sick societies in East Asian. I've seen things here that make me feel that I might not belong AT ALL, in this big metropolitan city full of superficiality, insincerity & brainwashing. Your videos is a ray of hope that somewhere out there, there could be people who are much like me, who share the same values, whom i can respect and love as my fellow humans🙂 What I struggle to understand is who is their right mind would be willing to waste their time.. consuming that kind of mind-numbing narcistic display from others(mostly people they don't even know personally) that are just carefully cultivated lies?..
@@migspeculates literally every single country outside of china is like this because europe ruined everywhere else. they tried to ruin china too but were too busy screwing everyone else over to fully complete the task.
it's been increasing faster than I ever imagined it would, the NPD people I've been teaching (warning) people about NPD for over 20 years, helping ladies in a battered women's shelter learn so they can heal .... it's amazing how many people have been using the terminology recently
I feel that I have developed some traits of narcissism myself and struggles to overcome that inflated image of myself every day. To not be overly fragile to criticisms and remember that three ideal person I wish to become isn't who I truly am in reality.
I find learning as a good way to humble myself as I do see myself as somewhat a narcisstic (i did some manipulation in the past, nothing really harmful tho). Read/listen about the story of others who are different than you can bring some empathy. Also self love or self acceptance is really important, in admitting our own fallacy.
I think the simple act of you checking for that, and keeping yourself in line by acknowledging it, is a good tick against you being NPD. I think we all feel narcissistic and self focused sometimes, and that's a human trait, but it's just good to see it there as the temptation it is, and keep overcoming it.
I really applaud your honesty and humility in seeing this “part” of your whole💜 We are many parts, thank GOD💜 Stay humble and close to our creator and you’ll do just fine💜
I learned in elementary school Greek mythology class that the recipe for creating a narcissistic personality was to sit in front of a mirror and imagine what others thought about you. When you see our phones as a sophisticated sort of mirror, combined with social media, the situation today becomes a predictable debacle. Read this as a suggestion for reverse engineering the solution. 😊
Yeah.. I gotta admit that I was or even still one of the people who fall on this Dunning Kruger effect. The more I learn, the more I see my own fallacies, the more humble I become.
no its being fueled by monarchists and their loyalists. the only people on earth who benefit from empowering narcissists. this stuff is so easy to understand if you can separate emotional attachment to europe and monarchy.
@nayeon I’m right there with you. I used to think I was incredibly smart and profound, then I encountered people on this channel who knocked me down several pegs. And I’m a better person for it.
Interesting observation. Having unearned opinions (in the sense that the opinion is not formed through true understanding) does seem very much like overestimating the individuals own abilities through ignorance of their understanding and abilities.
7:00 The tragic "grandiose" irony here is that shame is really a gift. If only the narcissist could allow himself to truly experience shame, he would be greatly benefited. Sadly, for whatever reason, he's chosen to be an eternal coward and insists that he himself never process this bitter but salvific medicine, the cause for the fertile ground sustaining all other innate psycho-noethetic capacities: humility. Humility is the antidote to pride and shame is the ballast that brings a man back into a hard-won equilibrium, an honest sobriety that holds him steady, clear-eyed, perspicuous and accountable to himself and the people in the world around him. It sharpens his intellect, heart and spirit, keeping him balanced and open to life’s true encounters-be they beautiful, fearsome, and everything in between. As a result of this shameless emotional/cognitive atrophying and lack of humility, he has doomed himself to not authentically exist as a human being, but only as toddlers' fantastical impressions of them.
anxiety is also a gift. I spent many years medicating my anxiety away and didn't come to realize how valuable and necessary anxiety is, until I stopped the medication and learned to live with it as a learning tool which helps to make different decisions and improve circumstances.
hey someone else who can recognize and admit that all well off peoples brains stopped developing in toddlerhood because thats the last time their behavior ever had a negative consequence
Being with my ex narc for the past 8 yrs. made me observe this very pattern. I think they wanted to feel very important in a way that is disturbing. Instead of building trust with their intimate partners, they destroy the trust that they built with you (in that case lying when they tried to put you in their pedestal). Once they have a committed partner, they can’t stand being loved authentically by one person. Instead they go on and prey on other women that is susceptible to their love bombing. My ex narc was a compulsive pursuer in a relationship. He would go back and forth to the women he were involved before or try to meet women in complicated situation so that going public isn’t an option while having you as their main supply. In the end they destroy the very person that loved them. They are like toddlers testing your love for them. Showing and telling them you love them isn’t enough, they will cheat on your face to make you feel inadequate even if you are more than they deserve. They want to test your love for them so they keep hurting you and when you have enough of their abuse, you leave. Then they tell you, ‘you never loved me because you abandon me’. Well in fact it’s their actions and narcissistic behavior that made you leave or in other cases they discard you and will give silly reasons of the discard. Mine would use, ‘she’s crazy’, ‘she’s a nega-star’, ‘she insults me’, ‘she cheated on me’ et al. So with this pattern of infidelities and emotional abuse (who knows what else) it’s better to walk away. I did walk away and is now rebuilding my life with our daughter. We are struggling financially because I’m not earning enough to provide for my daughter but now we get to laugh and bring with us sunshine every day. No lies, no abuse and no fake love. We only live once, forgive yourself and move forward but never forget the lesson that narc abuse taught you. That is to respect yourself to walk away from what’s hurting and destroying you. That you deserve a life of solitude, happiness and love. Hugs*** :) Additionally I got to know about my narc husband bad ways when I reach out to a private detective digitalinvestigate@gmail. com for help he did a perfect work for me I can see everything he’s doing on his device.
13:50 this is the most important part of the video. People being so fixated on convincing others “social media” on a false representation of themselves is driving people crazy. Go offline and just live and just be who you are. Love to all 🤟
A woman I once loved fell prey her whole life to her own mother, being the youngest of 3 girls that cut the ties with her, she was poorly treated her whole childhood and manipulated into marrying her cheating boyfriend to "save the family" was forced to leave Ireland so she wouldn't find her.. now she's left with a broken heart, years of therapy still have her waking up in the middle of the night screaming at the age of 38
This is such an informative video for me because a few months ago I stopped interacting with a long-time friend of mine because he exhibited some of the traits described in this video. I don't think he was a malignant narcissist, but I have been consistently frustrated with his behaviour for the 20 years that I have known him. One of the biggest indicator is that he has been absurdly clueless to how the people around him felt despite being a socially likeable guy. He seems to just always go about life at his own pace and didn't notice the discomfort I felt around him. When we argued about politics, his stance was always on the side of mainstream consensus, very often he would point out my arguments being "far-right", "non-conformist" as if the only merit one's arguments needs are mainstream validation. For example 4 years ago, he would criticize me for thinking that COVID was leaked from a lab. Four years after that, all of a sudden he is more accepting of this idea and he explicitly told me that the only reason why he believes it now is because it is more socially acceptable LOL. This is despite him being a doctor and him painting himself as someone who is hyper rational. He was born to an immigrant Chinese family of doctors, and I think when he was younger, he might have experienced severe pressure from his parents to succeed academically which stunted him emotionally, similar to what this video described.
An excellent video. Especially good because you explain something: Narcissism is a reflection of the competitive society we live in. An isolated population of men and women who hate each other. Children raised without parents because those parents are working. Raised without communities because no one trusts their neighbour; and we can't trust them because we're all poor. And people who don't think they're poor , the so-called middle class only think that because they consume and consume. And the actual rich people are the most narcissistic of all. Which makes sense because narcissists will go to any length to not deal with their lack. Using others as stepping stones. Narcissism is a reflection of the material conditions around it. Wanna stop narcissism? Let's build communities that support each other. Where you can talk to a great number of people and think of all humans the way you think of your family. Fomenting empathy. Where we galvanise each other as opposed to pull others down. Capitalism will never allow for this system to exist. Divide and conquer, is where we live. A people divided will create narcissists.
I thought this was a classic video from 10 years ago. It's really profound and had a lot of thought put into it, I felt like I needed to watch it multiple times to fully grasp the intent behind each section, but it was posted 13 hours ago. What a world I live in. Thank god.
I never heard of the word until 2019. My spiritual sister was going through a divorce after almost 40 years of marriage!! She was listening to a therapist and he explained what this was. I’ve been in shock since. Had no idea many are this way. Live and learn
Another reason is that more than 11 million kiddos are falsely diagnoses with ADHD and medicated with a highly addictive pharma that interferes with normal psychological development, personality development, and the development of a conscience, empathy and kindness. It creates apathy and a lack of joy.
ADHD is indeed as common as people say, using technology too much creates a habit that fuels anxiety, multi-tasking and different types of feelings related to the pace of the content they consume: Easily bored, impatient, lack of concentration and creativity issues are some of these reactions
Kinda makes me glad I have a face for radio and come from a humble background. I'm also glad I grew up in an age where climbing trees, playing football in the rain, and just running around was how we spent our free time. You were also 100% certain when it came to knowing if you were a boy or a girl, little communication devices you carried in your pocket only existed in Star Trek and the word selfie didn't exist. I feel for the kids growing up in a time where dual realities compete for your soul. Does that empathy eliminate me from the narcissistic club or does the fact I'm taking time to comment here mean I'm living in denial about my place in the Matrix? You know what, I'm not too old to get a new hobby. Maybe that's what's missing. Things that make you go hmmm...🤔
back in that time everyone looked like cavemen too because we were all treated like literal livestock by our european overlords and were forced to breed with people we were related to because eugenics was and still is the guiding goal of eurocentric culture.
My girlfriend at the time the WTC collapsed was a paralegal in Manhattan. When everyone was running for their lives the attorneys told her to keep working. She left that career and never returned.
Thank you, this is useful to me both to feel ok with cutting the relation with a narcissist and by self honing by also sharing my weaknesses and failures with people around me and not participate in projecting some polished image of myself onto others.
Narcissism has greatly increased among women because every single institution has dedicated itself to "empowering" them. Destigmatizing single motherhood, in particular, has been devastating to society.
I have a suspicion many narcissists today are some of the same people screaming how everyone else is a narcissist. Another irony is narcissism's lack of concern for others, yet narcissists now feed their narcissism by grandiose showiness of their "social virtues".
I love spotting them before they can do any real damage. Its mostly easy, but some hide it well. Its a sad way to live...fake it til you make it, or just accept reality and get over yourself.
Im a teacher I can say that the younger grneration has a narcissim epidemic because of social media hivemind. Young people think they are bettwr than their preddcessors and even their peers. At the same time, everytime life humbles them, they get mad and blame "society"
2:51 I have been making this point about the neccessity of religion or to be more specific, the necessity of believing in something OUTSIDE of yourself, that not only humbles you but leads to higher purpose and self sacrifice, so that you don't become self absorbed, for the LONGEST now. LESSGO😭💯🔥. Life starts making way more sense...and NO sense at the same time given the choices we make DAILY when we start OBSERVING more and CONSUMING LESS. Humans are so unware of our own nature its acrually tragic
The most dangerous thing about a narcissist is that normal people do not understand them. We can pretend that we understand them, but we do not, and we never will. We will not be able to predict in any way what they will do and more importantly, we will not understand why they do what they’s a riddle for you: how can a person have an inflated sense of self when they actually have no self at all? That is a paradox that you will never resolve.
I was writing up a comment about how my mother is a narcissist and I've known it since I was in high school, but then realized that I am a narcissist myself after watching your video. I do tend to shut myself off from the outside world and I am always constantly worrying about other's judging me, causing me to want to imitate someone else. I also always attempt to show everyone the best parts of me while hiding the worst from fear of rejection or judgement. I'm in no way a malignant narcissist, but I think it's important to learn these things about yourself so that you can change them or work at changing them.
I’m an egotistical narcissist, it’s almost a family vocation on my dad’s side. But I see it and I really really fight it (in myself)- it’s tough. Thankfully my wife of 25 years is the most selfless and giving person I’ve ever encountered. We all need good role models.
Brother, you are not an egotistical narcissist you are God‘s child. Don’t subscribe to that communist ideology. You’re perfect the way you are brother you are God‘s child. Everyone out of 38 America struggle with autism there’s 333. Million of us are mind-body and spirit is getting poisoned. Don’t be hard on yourself you are God‘s child. We all are Don’t subscribe to this shit bro.
yeah, mine is partly nature and nurture because my Dad is a narcissist... but i have nurtured it with my choices and i fight it too and it literally feels like satan is in my head but often lose
I told my narcissist friend that empathy is what separates you from others. She said ' I am emphatic, isn't wanting to set yourself on 🔥 to protest the Israel war empathy?'. No it isn't. She was shocked and of course likely didn't believe me.
Excellent, the best one yet. I didnt consider the link between credit and narcissism, it makes sense. I have for a while been aware of the image people create on FB and then come to believe.
Photography used to be cool. I love film photography. But I can't do it in public without feeling like an ass becaus somewhere in my mind I am acutely aware that every schmuck has a camera on their phone and is constantly taking mediocre photos of everything. Dunno why that affects me so deeply but there it is.
You are not far off in that assessment. These days, it is easy to gauge who is and who is not a total narcissist by measuring just how image conscious people are based upon the amount of selfies they post. Personally, I tend to avoid anyone who posts more selfies than I do, and that means that they probably shouldn't post more than 6 a year to have my attention. In fact, I don't usually follow individuals online. Then again, why would anyone want my attention? You see; therein lies the problem with narcissism; needing acceptance by others.
@@sigmatomcat5389 we're social creatures, we need some form of regulation and time spent with other humans but it's a spectrum. But yep i'm the same... if i see someone whos posting a selfie a day it's like sure you're pretty but.... you need everyone to tell you that you are.... makes you less pretty haha.
Read "The Culture of Narcissism" by Christopher Lasch, published in 1979. It's kind of forgotten about now, but it was a best-seller back then. Way more relevant now. Essential reading. Lasch as a writer and iconoclast is severely underrated.
Thanks for mentioning Lasch's book. To support your comment, I am adding Claude AI's summary: "The Culture of Narcissism" (1979) by Christopher Lasch is a cultural critique analyzing how American society had become increasingly narcissistic. Here are the key points: Main Arguments: Post-WWII American society shifted from a culture of competitive individualism to one of narcissistic self-preoccupation *Traditional institutions and authority structures broke down, leading to psychological insecurity* Consumer capitalism promotes narcissistic traits and endless consumption *Therapeutic culture replaced genuine community and moral frameworks* Key Features of Narcissistic Culture: Obsession with personal authenticity and self-fulfillment *Decline of historical consciousness and connection to past/future* Fear of aging and death *Superficial relationships and inability to form deep attachments* *Celebrity worship and pursuit of fame* Bureaucratization of personal life *Erosion of family structures* Dependence on experts and therapeutic solutions Social Impacts: *Weakening of political engagement* Loss of craftsmanship and professional standards Education becoming more focused on self-esteem than learning Managers replacing entrepreneurs Decline of genuine authority figures Growing sense of personal inadequacy despite outward success The book argues these trends create a society of anxious, depressed individuals seeking validation through consumption and superficial achievements rather than genuine accomplishment or meaningful connections. Lasch saw this as a cultural crisis requiring recognition of limits and restoration of cultural/moral traditions rather than purely political solutions. The work remains influential in analyzing modern individualism, consumer culture, and social atomization.
First, we need to keep ourselves when approaching this topic. This means that we do not lose any of our value and self-love. Second, we must look for incongruity, power trips, emotionalism, and key language that denote an entity who does not convey what we intuitively and logically know is good and true. Just because it is an otherworldly entity that makes us feel special when we can hear from it does not mean it is any greater than we are; it is just different. If you want to be lifted up, then perhaps you need to introspect to see if you are supporting egotism and hierarchy that perpetuate power plays.
lol people are waaaaay too emotionally attached to monarchs and the notion that they could some day become a monarch too. walt disney single handedly did more to protect and expand european monarchs wealth/power than any military campaign ever has. here we are in 2024, we can build transistors atom by atom, but all the well off people cant acknowledge that never paying for labor is a bad thing and cant be sustained... all because europe still has monarchs who still continue to get more wealthy despite not contributing anything beneficial to the world whatsoever.
@@PraveenSrJ01 the social media poison is global now. It's a worldwide issue now, unfortunately. The falling birth rates everywhere are one of the largest signs of this.
All people are potentially narcissists. But some people are dominated by self-praise or by the deserved or undeserved applause they receive from flatterers. A narcissist may be fine despite the harm he causes and has caused, but his final task is more difficult than that of other people. Like everyone else, he too grows old, gets sick and inevitably dies. But a narcissist is not able to accept aging naturally and tolerate the suffering of illness. Above all, a narcissist is incapable of appreciating the beauty of death and of considering it a privilege denied even to the gods.
narcissism is really just monarchism when you think about it. and most people dont want to be monarchs. but you first have to humanize the 99% of our species who are not well off to think that most people are not susceptible to becoming that way. its almost exclusively a trait of those born well off because they stop facing negative consequences for their behaviors after toddlerhood
“The new narcissist is haunted not by guilt but by anxiety. He seeks not to inflict his own certainties on others but to find a meaning in life. Liberated from the superstitions of the past, he doubts even the reality of his own existence.” ― Christopher Lasch, The Culture of Narcissism: American Life in An Age of Diminishing Expectations
While listening to this, I kept thinking about these nutty reaction videos post election of people crying throwing childlike tantrums. Women shaving their heads, swearing to obstain from relations with men, name calling, and having a nervous breakdown because they didn't get their way. Young people have been taught to be narcissistic that they and their feelings are all that matters. It's sad and frightening to see them have to face reality. They are not prepared to face it because they are taught to retreat from fear instead of face it. They are ever in a perpetual child like state. Prestiges colleges create "safe spaces" and provide students with comfort items and puppies to pacify their anxiety. All young people should read 12 Rules For Life!
ALL well off eurocentrics are physically stuck with a toddler level of development in their brains. its the only way you can say with full confidence that murdering 99% of our species with labor induced starvation is the best thing humans have ever done or could do. or that monarchy should be tolerated and isnt orchestrating all the strife on earth today. or that working 10 full time jobs per day is a reasonable expectation for those not born well off to be able to begin to earn their right to have necessities. nothing is more child brained than well off eurocentrics
I just got out of a three year relationship with one, i didn't even consider these type of people even existed! Its like at first getting into a nice soft bed with silky sheets, and waking up in a sticky, slimy web you cant climb out of! I cut loose only by literally having myself evicted to the point of the sheriff coming just to get it through his head were parting today! And at that point only he flipped! It hit him all at once that me saying i wanted to break up 500 times was happening now. So then the tentacles tried to follow me and cling on, and i was able to hack the last of them off by pure ignoring him, not replying to anything and blocking him on everything.. even my mother had to block him
This may be my malignant narcissism talking: But I’m sure everyone is trying their best with the hand they have been dealt . It’s human nature to seek praise, approval, validation and wealth. We all go the same way in the end, I feel we should be more sympathetic to humanity. we have all been thrown into consciousness and without religion what do we have to escape the reality’s of man?
If you think that it is human nature to seek praise, approval and validation, chances are, you will never realize how really miserable and impoverished you really are. Which is not bad after all.
Yes almost everyone does seek approval, validation, praise etc. In a narcissist they want it without a shred of earning it and think it should just be given from strangers immediately. Bonkers, and whats with the evil energy yall give off?
So you believe you're smarter & more enlightened than nearly 70% of American adults? It can't simply be that they have different life experiences and different needs that brought them to a different opinion? And you think *THEY* are the narcissists? Take a look in the mirror, sport.
@@DamePiglet Apparantly you think one man is smarter & more enlightened then 350million people to rule them. Cause that's the point he was making. But it went woosh.
@@DamePiglet I look in the mirror every day, I see an old man that up until just recently has been a debt and wage slave his whole adult life. Part of a group that was kicked in the head by decades of Neoliberal policies that decimated America. I'm a nobody and always will be. The one thing I can see clearly is the corruption on both sides of the political spectrum. The love of money and power above all else. It's a dangerous game and it doesn't always work well; history has proven that time and again. Let's just say, it's easier to lie and get named king than it is to govern wisely. Time will tell.
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Society just labels natural Born leaders as narcissist... The most important thing is to redirect narcissistic ways for Selflessism. We are All One. We must look out for what is best for the vast majority of existence.
Worse than being a narcissist is being a whiny little 8itch who won't take responsibility for their own faults and problems in life and want to watch videos about narcissists and how bad they are so they can feel better about being victimized even though some victims may enjoy being victims.
The most powerful narcissist become selfless... They realize everything came from The Big bang AKA The Singularity AKA God which is all-encompassing and completely alone... This is a kaleidoscope reality where the singularity can divide itself up what's the temporarily forget the fact that it's all encompassing and completely alone... A good narcissist will use other people for the benefit of the vast majority of existence... Selflessism, one for all but never all for one...
@@AquarianSoulTimeTraveler I'm frightened...
I would think a true narcissist would not want to be considered a narcissist if they were really a major narcissist so they would go out of their way to make videos about narcissistic traits and constantly talk about narcissist all the time so no one ever thinks that they're actually a narcissist... Lol 😂
The most important thing i learned about narcissism is that it is far more common than we currently realize.
The real epidemic.
Amen to that.
I think everybody has narcissistic tendencies built into us but we have a choice to overcome that or to let it be our ruler.
We migth be one.
Social media has build a bubble around the consumer, the content they consume is directed to a sector which over hypes their value. Many social media platforms use algorithms that synchronize content based on user preferences, creating echo chambers. This reinforces narcissistic views by surrounding individuals with opinions or content that validates their own beliefs and perspectives. Low emotional intelligence not only makes narcissist unable to accept the reality of others, but also creates hatred and psychosis over a potential clash of ideals.
"It is no measure of health to be well adjusted to a profoundly sick society." ~Krishnamurti. One of my favorite quotes and certainly relevant.
This. This quote can transform your life if you're paying attention.
If you are able to adjust/conform with a profoundly sick society, does it mean you are healthy?
Consider the Covidians and their conforming to the Church of the Holy Innoculate.
How healthy is a culture that points and labels everyone narcissistic? Or crazy, or left or right?
Ah yes, Krishnamurti. The guy who allowed to be called a reincarnation of Jesus. Many teachers, such as Neville Goddard and Swami Vivekananda's practitioners often called him a fool. Instead of quoting such a man. Live by these quotes instead:
"...Whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue and if there be any praise, THINK on these things." - Philippians 4:8
"As a man thinketh in his heart, so is he." - Proverbs 23:7
"Be you transformed by the renewing of your mind." - Romans 12:2
"Neither shall they say, look here! or, look there! for behold, the Kingdom of Heaven is within you." - Luke 17:21
"Jesus answered them, 'Is it not written in your law, I said, You are Gods.'" - John 10:34-38
"Men of Athens, I perceive that in every way you are very religious. For as I passed along and observed the objects of your worship, I found also an altar with this inscription: 'To the unknown god.' What therefore you worship as unknown, this I proclaim to you." - Acts 17:22-31
“As some of your own poets have said, ‘We are his offspring.’”
"In him we live and move and have our being."
- Acts 17:28. [This is a message from Paul to the Athenians, which speaks on our soul being the essence of God, and that praise is not found outside of ourselves. God hears, sees and feels all from within.]
"Mind, O Tat, is of the very nature of God. ...If you do not make yourself equal to God, you cannot apprehend God; for like is known by like." - Hermes Trismegistus
"You are what you think. All that you are arises from your thoughts. With your thoughts, you shape your world." - Gautama Buddha
"A strong imagination begets the event itself." - Michel de Montaigne
"In your own bosom, you bear your heaven and earth. And all you behold, though it appears without, It is within; in your imagination. Of which this world of mortality is but a shadow." - William Blake
"We are what our thoughts have made us; so take care about what you think. Words are secondary. Thoughts live; they travel far." - Swami Vivekananda
"Most persons are so absorbed in the contemplation of the outside world that they are wholly oblivious to what is passing on within themselves." - Nikola Tesla
"Logic will get you from A to B. Imagination will take you everywhere. ...Imagination is more important than knowledge." - Albert Einstein
"The mood decides the fortunes of people, rather than the fortunes decide the mood." - Winston Churchill
"The mouth of God is the mind of man. ...God is your wonderful human imagination." - Neville Goddard
"The man who has no imagination has no wings." - Muhammad Ali
"Every thought we think and every word we speak is an affirmation." - Louise L. Hay
I knew things were gonna get ugly when we got forward facing cameras on phones lol
I use it to photograph work, as opposed to my ass on tik tok.
They started out as video call cameras and ended up becoming cameras for selfie
I knew when Myspace came out...
As soon as I heard the word, "selfie", I knew bad times were ahead. One day, nobody was taking pics of themselves. The next day everyone was taking a stream of them.
There is a story that I was told years ago.
When explorers visited a remote, as yet uncontacted tribe in the Amason, the explorers took photos of the members of the tribe.
When the people saw the pictures, they became scared and upset.
They believed that the explorers were stealing the tribe members souls.
These people may have been correct in this.
Selfies do seem to remove parts of people's souls, with every shot.
A narcissist would dismiss this discussion as 'cope'
Tf is a cope anyway?
It makes sense when you think about it, because a narcissist will not allow themselves to “cope” or heal out of shame.
They resent healing ❤️🩹
Entire video is cope🎉
sometimes it is. they like to use half and ugly truths to justify it and to hurt people.
All is cope.
Death benches 1,000 lbs.
The persistence of narcissism shows that humanity is far away from reaching its most serious potential, not only critical thinking is scarce, but also constant emotional intelligence is not a state of mind that is accepted by most people.
Infantile impulses witnesses and mimicked. The great nation is dead by self infliction.
AGREE!! 💯💯💯💯💯💯💯
It certainly is a main hindrance for our ascension as enlightened beings!!!
A plan of Satan, of course💜
Well said!
The piece of equipment used most in a gym is the mirror.
@msyemaya as some one with peripheral neuropathy, this rings so true.
It might be a camera nowadays.
for me its my watch starting and stopping the rest timer.
My gym has no mirrors it’s in my home….
That's got alot more to do with body dysmorphia though, alot of people at the gym hate the way they look until they have a pump
Having a narcissistic mother is the worst
@@Hoodiemelo mother, father, siblings...etc. it does not matter. Anyone who has a regular presence in your life, has the potential to reach you with his energy, whether positive or negative. That's why family members and "friends", are the ones to possibly hurt you the most. Strangers couldn't care less about you.
@aminabdullah350 I get what you are trying to say... but I think in the case of a mother, there is an argument for it being harder to deal with than the others... on the simple fact that our mum is usually known to be the figure who gives you the most unconditional form of love that you receive in your life. So to have that relationship be manipulated or sabatoged, it really rocks your foundation and trust for everything else.
@@aminabdullah350 na friends are replaceable, your mom isn’t.
Actually anti-social personality dissorders borderline, narcissist, histrionic and psychopathic are all bad
I agree. Your mother is your first mirror to understanding your own self, so if that mirror is cracked, you're lost.
I hope you know how valuable these videos are to me, not only as an individual, but to all of our society.
And I hope you know you’re not alone.
Question them, people in bad situations tend to believe anything
@@ericsuarez834 because we are to scared to take personal responsibility for our own lives.
sometimes all it takes is to influence just one person...
I've brought this up to him before, without videos like this, we really are screwed.
Other characteristics:
Thoughts of omnibenevolence: they judge your intents based on how your actions make them feel while only judging themselves as having good intent despite the consequences of their actions.
Hyper talkative: interrupt you and instead of listening they just wait for you to stop talking
Need to be perceived as good or better than (this usually involves codependent aspect)
Headline intelligence: no deep competence.
People collectors: they collect people like baseball cards, while only having shallow relationships
You nailed it. Exactly my take.
Boom. Mic drop...
FB is great for these people 😢
Unfortunately its making its way into politics too
Victimisation and gaslighting also.
Narcissim mixed with the fact that most people are kinda stupid is not a good combo for the fabric of reality lol
Kinda? 😂
When you say "most people are kinda stupid", where do you obtain that data?
According to the Gaussian Curve most people are of average intelligence.
Roughly 80% of the population.
(The Gaussian Curve, commonly referred to as the Normal distribution, was utilised by Karl Friedrich Gauss and Abraham De Moire to solve statistical problems.)
I would say it's more ignorant than stupid.
mix that with those people being manipulated and lied to by media and government
then mix it with those people only staying in their echochambers
then mix it with them blocking anyone who disagrees with them and you have mental illness and them wanting to be ignorant and even wanting to control speech
Modern society has been intentionally setup to be this way.
I find it amazing that people do not realize that Narcissists are actually fundamentally insecure people who put on a good act. The Act is the grandiosity and the fantasy-oriented perception, which is a means of avoidance. I once read a book that explained that narcissistic traits are something we all mature through and out of in our teens. Well, judging by what we are seeing nowadays, that maturation just isn't happening. We are at a point where people literally act like abuse victims when they're faced with adversity but yet, think grandiose about him/herself. It is quite the mess.
Very good perception
If it wasn't enabled fed allowed worshipped then as you said people would grow out of it.
Unfortunately People outside of a narcissists inner circle FEED narcissists/narcissism, even when they know the person is awful at home, they don't care because they are getting something from the narcissists,
I know a man who is a complete malignant narcissist, but outside the home he runs his sporting club, is the top player, sponsors the club, is a complete arrogant controlling pig, but they all love him praise him feed him enable him ... he even cheats with alot of their wives ... Unfortunately narcissists are seen as a Strength a POWER people WANT to be around & gain off .
And when the majority of our leaders /politicians are complete narcissists seeking POWER CONTROL it's been allowed to flourish under them !
@@azaleaslightsage1271 Yup. My dad an everchanging circle of sycophants around him and when I refused to attend his funeral they started socially attacking me and my family.
Actually, Dr Peter Salerno said that narcissism is hard-wired in the central nervous system and they aren't insecure at all.
He's on TH-cam.
You're on the right track. Narcissists can be insecure people, but not all insecure people are narcissistic. To a narcissist everybody else in their life is an "NPC" and it's okay to abuse them and use them. They will play the victim in front of others, when their actual victim defends themselves. Rules and consequences are for others, not for them. They know more than any "NPC" because NPC's aren't really a Doctor, aren't really an Engineer, aren't really an expert, or aren't really the authority. Narcissists are NEVER wrong, that's everybody else.
what insecurity exactly?
Our culture promotes, encourages, and rewards narcissism and anti social behaviors like it such as greed. This causes people to cultivate these traits even if they aren’t natural to them. America has many narcs.
that's not what culture is
you mean society, civilization, it is structured around exploitation and control, and is human-centric by design (this is narcissism)
@ and you’re wrong. Culture is defined as “the behaviors and beliefs characteristic of a particular group of people, as a social, ethnic, professional, or age group (usually used in combination)” among other things.
In the context in which I used it culture is perfectly appropriate.
@@maverickbull1909 no, you're confused, /sigh
The device we're holding right now is the primary contributer to our narcissistic society
Indeed. I'm reading this on my laptop and resisted a "smart" phone for years. I think I only have one app on it. When I am out in "the world" I leave email, LI, etc. behind.
i solidly disagree, the phone is just a physical tool, the sickness is rooted in our social hierarchy
This device is a tool. Nothing more. Let's keep things in perspective here.
I would say certain apps feeds into narcissism today.
Social media has fuelled it further,as well as a camera.
A narcissist would even see the success of this video as a threat to their power…
belittling ensues…
My father was a narcissistic sociopath who spent his entire life using and manipulating people; he died 4 days ago and I don’t know anyone who’s sad about it.
The question is : did he die before turning many individuals' life experience into a punishment ?. Narcissists tend to focus on destroying the psyche of their own children because it is retaliation-free. They are the biggest cowards there is.
I speak from experience.
My ex husband was a malignant narcissist and when I left him he was left with nothing but his shame he killed himself. I felt like I won the lottery.
How sad
My mentally erronous adopted father thought that hanging a six figure inhertance over my head gave him carte blanche to subject me to his torments and abuses, my response was to refuse it and let him know what a complete prick I thought he was, best money I ever spent, my presence at his death bed was requested several times even getting his step sons, the thankless recipients of my inheritance into shaming me on social media in his attempts at demanding my presence, he never got it, he passed away un attended and un lamented by me, I wasnt saddened one iota at his passing, although I was very sad that our relationship was the way it was and sadder still that the only recourse I felt left to me was the one I opted for. I guess that being financially challenged and still having the balls to refuse his toxic money even though it ran into the hundreds of thousands of pounds hugely reinforced my inner resolve and strength, I came out of it a lion, not a loser, dad though was a different kind of character entirely.
Sounds like my husband's dad. He was a millionaire and left him nothing. Left everything to his narcissistic wife. He cheated on my husbands mom and basically abandoned his kids.
Narcissism can be ever so subtle, it's only when you truly pay full attention to oneself; that you really get a true sense of who is so self-grandiose.
"If only there were evil people somewhere insidiously committing evil deeds, and it were necessary only to separate them from the rest of us and destroy them. But the line dividing good and evil cuts through the heart of every human being. And who is willing to destroy a piece of his own heart?"
-Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn, based
Ye shall know them by their fruits.
Ever so true💜
The narcissist is a truly wretched being. His own horrendous behavior prevents him from having the one thing he truly wants: acceptance. And since he is unwilling to change his behavior, he is doomed to live a soul crushing never-ending cycle of desire and disappointment.
My grandma (dad's mum) was a narc. Demanding, emotionally unstable, mean, drama always surrounded her, everything was someone else's fault. I remember when my other grandmother died, she tried to OD on pills because she was upset nobody was paying attention to her. I cut her off entirely after that. When she finally died, I got home from work and my mom's like "I have sad news, your grandma passed today". And my reaction was like "oh, that's too bad, what's for supper?" I normally would have felt like a POS for thinking like that, but that was basically the reaction of everyone in the family. By the end none of her grandkids wanted to go see her. This is the ultimate fate for most narcs. They spend their whole lives bringing down others to prop up their delusions. Then when the end comes, their death is treated like a relief rather than a tragedy.
Unfortunately she passed these traits on to my dad. Narcs can do a lot of damage to their children. Their wants supersede your needs. They view you as competition or an extension of themselves. If you show better aptitude than them for something, this is a cause for scorn, not celebration. They feed their shame into you. They have little empathy for their child. They frequently criticize them and put them down. They're emotional unstable, unpredictable, and the inconsistent way they show love can also lead their children to develop insecure attachment styles. Particularly the "fearful-avoidant" type. You have trouble making friends, and it makes intimate relationships as an adult... quite difficult, to put it mildly. And it's hard to turn off that defensive autopilot.
I'm sorry you had to experience this...but as far as I'm aware a narcissist would never attempt to commit suicide because their self-worth is too high.
@@Dr_Lucozade their inflated self-worth is entirely superficial, unrooted, and dependent. It is all a game to them. There was a concept i was thinking of earlier, too much friction where the rubber meets the road, and the treads corrode faster. Yet, frictionless living is impossible, but many still want it.
@@Dr_Lucozade You are wrong on that point. A narcissist is at his/her core, a self-hating individual cloaking himself/herself in self-love and self-worth. Instead of harming himself/herself, he/she will make it a sacred mission of his/hers to harm others in so many subtle and not so subtle ways.
Do not confuse 'egomaniac' with 'narcissist'.
It helps to be able to put a proper narrative on it, and understanding the dynamics can help you heal. Especially those attachment styles start to make perfect sense why we do what we do, so we can start doing something better.
"oh, that's too bad, what's for supper?" they live and feed on you feeling like a bad person. you have the be merciless. im kinda of guy who doesnt help evil people get up after they fall
Been too long since I had my daily dose of life-changing information
It's horrible out there these days
It really is. It's honestly fascinating how much things have taken an absolute nosedive since the mid 2010s.
I don't find that "it's horrible out there" these days.
Perhaps that's why you named yourself KILL JOY? 🤔
U aint lyin
@@punishedvenomsnake716 I'm a Boomer who remembers the relative normalcy of the 60's and 70's. How do you think I feel? :D But I agree.
Too many disgraceful and bitter ignorants out there
The song Reflection by Tool taught me much about narcissism. It is a beautiful song about the hole of narcsissism one finds oneself in. One looks out in the night of their despair and sees the moon, shining brightly. The moon tells them that "this light is not my own. A million light reflections pass over me. Her light is bright and endless, she rescuscitates the hopeless. Without her we are lifeless drifting satellites." The moon admits that the reflections of the sun illuminated the beauty that the moon appeared to possess. Reflection is used both as a light reflection and a thought reflection in this song. When they reflected on how everything depends on others to shine beautifully, and in my view, how we all depend on our Creator to loan us these blessings, we are able to "crucify the ego" that was "soothing our narcissism". I'll never forget the bike rides and walks I had while looping that song, meditating on its meaning. When I look up at the moon, my faith in God permeates deeply. It's really a wonderful song.
Tool fan pontificates, no-one is surprised.
@SutekhTheDestroyer 🤣 was my comment that bad?
@@noosy530 No, was not that bad. I love Tool too. And this song is really fantastic (with Disposition and Triad ;)
That's so beautiful 🌓☀️✨
I had never heard this song before but loved your description of it. I now love it. Thanks for sharing (:
As if being a narcissist was not bad enough, the COVERT narcissist is in a league of his own. I was cursed for having such father. I'lll say no more for your sake.
I was cursed by having one for a daughter.
My parents and sibling are abusive narcissistic sociopaths with no empathy who thinks they're never wrong and always the victim 💀
Covert narcissism is the worst because only YOU know they're monsters because they're so "nice" to everyone else
There are some of us who understand that's all you had to say. Others will never get it till they get bit and maybe not even then.
They the worst
@@susanmercurio1060 your daughter was not born a narc, so you know
I currently am living in one of those sick societies in East Asian. I've seen things here that make me feel that I might not belong AT ALL, in this big metropolitan city full of superficiality, insincerity & brainwashing. Your videos is a ray of hope that somewhere out there, there could be people who are much like me, who share the same values, whom i can respect and love as my fellow humans🙂
What I struggle to understand is who is their right mind would be willing to waste their time.. consuming that kind of mind-numbing narcistic display from others(mostly people they don't even know personally) that are just carefully cultivated lies?..
Let me guess: Japan 😂
@@migspeculates literally every single country outside of china is like this because europe ruined everywhere else. they tried to ruin china too but were too busy screwing everyone else over to fully complete the task.
it's been increasing faster than I ever imagined it would, the NPD people
I've been teaching (warning) people about NPD for over 20 years, helping ladies in a battered women's shelter learn so they can heal .... it's amazing how many people have been using the terminology recently
I feel that I have developed some traits of narcissism myself and struggles to overcome that inflated image of myself every day. To not be overly fragile to criticisms and remember that three ideal person I wish to become isn't who I truly am in reality.
I find learning as a good way to humble myself as I do see myself as somewhat a narcisstic (i did some manipulation in the past, nothing really harmful tho). Read/listen about the story of others who are different than you can bring some empathy.
Also self love or self acceptance is really important, in admitting our own fallacy.
I think the simple act of you checking for that, and keeping yourself in line by acknowledging it, is a good tick against you being NPD. I think we all feel narcissistic and self focused sometimes, and that's a human trait, but it's just good to see it there as the temptation it is, and keep overcoming it.
I really applaud your honesty and humility in seeing this “part” of your whole💜
We are many parts, thank GOD💜
Stay humble and close to our creator and you’ll do just fine💜
Do not worry. Father time will humble you as your become wrinkled and senile.
I learned in elementary school Greek mythology class that the recipe for creating a narcissistic personality was to sit in front of a mirror and imagine what others thought about you.
When you see our phones as a sophisticated sort of mirror, combined with social media, the situation today becomes a predictable debacle.
Read this as a suggestion for reverse engineering the solution. 😊
boom...mind opening
Narcissism is being fueled by the Dunning Kruger syndrome as if that was gasoline on a bonfire.
Bullseye. Dunning Krugers with constant Illusory Truth Effect plus DARVO.
Yeah.. I gotta admit that I was or even still one of the people who fall on this Dunning Kruger effect. The more I learn, the more I see my own fallacies, the more humble I become.
no its being fueled by monarchists and their loyalists. the only people on earth who benefit from empowering narcissists. this stuff is so easy to understand if you can separate emotional attachment to europe and monarchy.
@nayeon I’m right there with you. I used to think I was incredibly smart and profound, then I encountered people on this channel who knocked me down several pegs. And I’m a better person for it.
Interesting observation. Having unearned opinions (in the sense that the opinion is not formed through true understanding) does seem very much like overestimating the individuals own abilities through ignorance of their understanding and abilities.
7:00 The tragic "grandiose" irony here is that shame is really a gift. If only the narcissist could allow himself to truly experience shame, he would be greatly benefited. Sadly, for whatever reason, he's chosen to be an eternal coward and insists that he himself never process this bitter but salvific medicine, the cause for the fertile ground sustaining all other innate psycho-noethetic capacities: humility.
Humility is the antidote to pride and shame is the ballast that brings a man back into a hard-won equilibrium, an honest sobriety that holds him steady, clear-eyed, perspicuous and accountable to himself and the people in the world around him. It sharpens his intellect, heart and spirit, keeping him balanced and open to life’s true encounters-be they beautiful, fearsome, and everything in between. As a result of this shameless emotional/cognitive atrophying and lack of humility, he has doomed himself to not authentically exist as a human being, but only as toddlers' fantastical impressions of them.
"shame is the ballast" is a great metaphor for modemodern malady
Well said . 😊
EXCELLENT content and presentation -- way-more than just useful.
anxiety is also a gift. I spent many years medicating my anxiety away and didn't come to realize how valuable and necessary anxiety is, until I stopped the medication and learned to live with it as a learning tool which helps to make different decisions and improve circumstances.
hey someone else who can recognize and admit that all well off peoples brains stopped developing in toddlerhood because thats the last time their behavior ever had a negative consequence
Being with my ex narc for the past 8 yrs. made me observe this very pattern. I think they wanted to feel very important in a way that is disturbing. Instead of building trust with their intimate partners, they destroy the trust that they built with you (in that case lying when they tried to put you in their pedestal). Once they have a committed partner, they can’t stand being loved authentically by one person. Instead they go on and prey on other women that is susceptible to their love bombing. My ex narc was a compulsive pursuer in a relationship. He would go back and forth to the women he were involved before or try to meet women in complicated situation so that going public isn’t an option while having you as their main supply. In the end they destroy the very person that loved them. They are like toddlers testing your love for them. Showing and telling them you love them isn’t enough, they will cheat on your face to make you feel inadequate even if you are more than they deserve. They want to test your love for them so they keep hurting you and when you have enough of their abuse, you leave. Then they tell you, ‘you never loved me because you abandon me’. Well in fact it’s their actions and narcissistic behavior that made you leave or in other cases they discard you and will give silly reasons of the discard. Mine would use, ‘she’s crazy’, ‘she’s a nega-star’, ‘she insults me’, ‘she cheated on me’ et al. So with this pattern of infidelities and emotional abuse (who knows what else) it’s better to walk away. I did walk away and is now rebuilding my life with our daughter. We are struggling financially because I’m not earning enough to provide for my daughter but now we get to laugh and bring with us sunshine every day. No lies, no abuse and no fake love. We only live once, forgive yourself and move forward but never forget the lesson that narc abuse taught you. That is to respect yourself to walk away from what’s hurting and destroying you. That you deserve a life of solitude, happiness and love. Hugs*** :) Additionally I got to know about my narc husband bad ways when I reach out to a private detective digitalinvestigate@gmail. com for help he did a perfect work for me I can see everything he’s doing on his device.
I knew it. Farming clicks.
Chatgpt generated text
13:50 this is the most important part of the video. People being so fixated on convincing others “social media” on a false representation of themselves is driving people crazy. Go offline and just live and just be who you are. Love to all 🤟
Never thought narcissism was associated with shame, very interesting.
imo, it's one of the key symptom of a narcissist. They can't handle shame/embarrassment (directed at them) well in front of others.
A woman I once loved fell prey her whole life to her own mother, being the youngest of 3 girls that cut the ties with her, she was poorly treated her whole childhood and manipulated into marrying her cheating boyfriend to "save the family" was forced to leave Ireland so she wouldn't find her.. now she's left with a broken heart, years of therapy still have her waking up in the middle of the night screaming at the age of 38
Maybe therapy was the problem.
Jeane Twinge has been all over this for 20+ years.
Her books “Gen Me” and “The Narcissism Epidemic” are very insightful.
This is such an informative video for me because a few months ago I stopped interacting with a long-time friend of mine because he exhibited some of the traits described in this video. I don't think he was a malignant narcissist, but I have been consistently frustrated with his behaviour for the 20 years that I have known him.
One of the biggest indicator is that he has been absurdly clueless to how the people around him felt despite being a socially likeable guy. He seems to just always go about life at his own pace and didn't notice the discomfort I felt around him.
When we argued about politics, his stance was always on the side of mainstream consensus, very often he would point out my arguments being "far-right", "non-conformist" as if the only merit one's arguments needs are mainstream validation. For example 4 years ago, he would criticize me for thinking that COVID was leaked from a lab. Four years after that, all of a sudden he is more accepting of this idea and he explicitly told me that the only reason why he believes it now is because it is more socially acceptable LOL. This is despite him being a doctor and him painting himself as someone who is hyper rational.
He was born to an immigrant Chinese family of doctors, and I think when he was younger, he might have experienced severe pressure from his parents to succeed academically which stunted him emotionally, similar to what this video described.
An excellent video. Especially good because you explain something:
Narcissism is a reflection of the competitive society we live in. An isolated population of men and women who hate each other. Children raised without parents because those parents are working. Raised without communities because no one trusts their neighbour; and we can't trust them because we're all poor. And people who don't think they're poor , the so-called middle class only think that because they consume and consume. And the actual rich people are the most narcissistic of all. Which makes sense because narcissists will go to any length to not deal with their lack. Using others as stepping stones.
Narcissism is a reflection of the material conditions around it. Wanna stop narcissism? Let's build communities that support each other. Where you can talk to a great number of people and think of all humans the way you think of your family. Fomenting empathy. Where we galvanise each other as opposed to pull others down. Capitalism will never allow for this system to exist. Divide and conquer, is where we live. A people divided will create narcissists.
I thought this was a classic video from 10 years ago. It's really profound and had a lot of thought put into it, I felt like I needed to watch it multiple times to fully grasp the intent behind each section, but it was posted 13 hours ago. What a world I live in. Thank god.
Been waiting on one like this thank you
I never heard of the word until 2019. My spiritual sister was going through a divorce after almost 40 years of marriage!!
She was listening to a therapist and he explained what this was. I’ve been in shock since. Had no idea many are this way. Live and learn
💜This is why, “thou shalt not have false idols” is so important 💜
💜”Do unto others, that which you would have done unto you!”💜
Great episode. Thank you for sharing
Another reason is that more than 11 million kiddos are falsely diagnoses with ADHD and medicated with a highly addictive pharma that interferes with normal psychological development, personality development, and the development of a conscience, empathy and kindness. It creates apathy and a lack of joy.
As someone who was briefly in that situation, can confirm. Don't chemically zombify your kids.
@@SepticFuddy exactly and the younger and longer it is done the worse it is.
Chemical lobotomy is scary.
@ yes!
ADHD is indeed as common as people say, using technology too much creates a habit that fuels anxiety, multi-tasking and different types of feelings related to the pace of the content they consume: Easily bored, impatient, lack of concentration and creativity issues are some of these reactions
Kinda makes me glad I have a face for radio and come from a humble background. I'm also glad I grew up in an age where climbing trees, playing football in the rain, and just running around was how we spent our free time. You were also 100% certain when it came to knowing if you were a boy or a girl, little communication devices you carried in your pocket only existed in Star Trek and the word selfie didn't exist. I feel for the kids growing up in a time where dual realities compete for your soul. Does that empathy eliminate me from the narcissistic club or does the fact I'm taking time to comment here mean I'm living in denial about my place in the Matrix? You know what, I'm not too old to get a new hobby. Maybe that's what's missing. Things that make you go hmmm...🤔
back in that time everyone looked like cavemen too because we were all treated like literal livestock by our european overlords and were forced to breed with people we were related to because eugenics was and still is the guiding goal of eurocentric culture.
Love your comment!!! You rock!
^^^ agreed
You have 10 first person references in a 7 line comment. You think about yourself too much.
They want YOU to feel THEIR shame and pain, and they'll do anything they can to make that happen.
The scarier thing for me is that people worship narcissistic behavior and think it is a good thing.
My girlfriend at the time the WTC collapsed was a paralegal in Manhattan. When everyone was running for their lives the attorneys told her to keep working. She left that career and never returned.
Thank you, this is useful to me both to feel ok with cutting the relation with a narcissist and by self honing by also sharing my weaknesses and failures with people around me and not participate in projecting some polished image of myself onto others.
It's actually because I am not a narcissist that I withdraw from the world.
Narcissism has greatly increased among women because every single institution has dedicated itself to "empowering" them. Destigmatizing single motherhood, in particular, has been devastating to society.
Women are left as single mums due to the guys being addicts to something or other
I have a suspicion many narcissists today are some of the same people screaming how everyone else is a narcissist. Another irony is narcissism's lack of concern for others, yet narcissists now feed their narcissism by grandiose showiness of their "social virtues".
Powerful Truth Well Told.
This was everything well worded. Great video, I never thought about the deep shame the narcissistic person wants to avoid.
I love spotting them before they can do any real damage. Its mostly easy, but some hide it well. Its a sad way to live...fake it til you make it, or just accept reality and get over yourself.
Im a teacher I can say that the younger grneration has a narcissim epidemic because of social media hivemind. Young people think they are bettwr than their preddcessors and even their peers. At the same time, everytime life humbles them, they get mad and blame "society"
Great video as always! Would love to see you make a video on autism. Autism often gets misconstrued as narcissism and I'd love you take on it!
2:51 I have been making this point about the neccessity of religion or to be more specific, the necessity of believing in something OUTSIDE of yourself, that not only humbles you but leads to higher purpose and self sacrifice, so that you don't become self absorbed, for the LONGEST now. LESSGO😭💯🔥.
Life starts making way more sense...and NO sense at the same time given the choices we make DAILY when we start OBSERVING more and CONSUMING LESS. Humans are so unware of our own nature its acrually tragic
Fantastic analysis of narcissism.
Not even close. Search "Vaknin", the father of the field. Enjoy the ride.
The most dangerous thing about a narcissist is that normal people do not understand them. We can pretend that we understand them, but we do not, and we never will. We will not be able to predict in any way what they will do and more importantly, we will not understand why they do what they’s a riddle for you: how can a person have an inflated sense of self when they actually have no self at all? That is a paradox that you will never resolve.
I was writing up a comment about how my mother is a narcissist and I've known it since I was in high school, but then realized that I am a narcissist myself after watching your video. I do tend to shut myself off from the outside world and I am always constantly worrying about other's judging me, causing me to want to imitate someone else. I also always attempt to show everyone the best parts of me while hiding the worst from fear of rejection or judgement. I'm in no way a malignant narcissist, but I think it's important to learn these things about yourself so that you can change them or work at changing them.
So if society is so obsessed with themselves, is there anyone left to pay attention to them because people only notice themselves and no one else?
Thanks for making a video about Canada's Crime Minister
Ideas make us think. Too many people refuse to think for themselves. Mental illness is hard to recognize in a society full of shallow values.
I’m an egotistical narcissist, it’s almost a family vocation on my dad’s side. But I see it and I really really fight it (in myself)- it’s tough.
Thankfully my wife of 25 years is the most selfless and giving person I’ve ever encountered. We all need good role models.
Brother, you are not an egotistical narcissist you are God‘s child. Don’t subscribe to that communist ideology. You’re perfect the way you are brother you are God‘s child. Everyone out of 38 America struggle with autism there’s 333. Million of us are mind-body and spirit is getting poisoned. Don’t be hard on yourself you are God‘s child. We all are Don’t subscribe to this shit bro.
yeah, mine is partly nature and nurture because my Dad is a narcissist... but i have nurtured it with my choices and i fight it too and it literally feels like satan is in my head but often lose
It’s only going to get worse. Look how people present themselves on social media. Everything is about external validation.
This is really great work.
I told my narcissist friend that empathy is what separates you from others. She said ' I am emphatic, isn't wanting to set yourself on 🔥 to protest the Israel war empathy?'. No it isn't. She was shocked and of course likely didn't believe me.
Profoundly perfect timing with the topic of this video we are in the midst of an epidemic
One like and comment for this video!
Jokes apart, thanks for such a wonderful articulation and compilation on this brutal psychic epidemic.
This really ripples my brain, thank you for the deep incite and words for the greatest minds.
That's right, when people respond this always applies to the other person, striking. And therefore also an epidemic of loneliness, so sad.
Excellent, the best one yet. I didnt consider the link between credit and narcissism, it makes sense. I have for a while been aware of the image people create on FB and then come to believe.
Photography used to be cool. I love film photography. But I can't do it in public without feeling like an ass becaus somewhere in my mind I am acutely aware that every schmuck has a camera on their phone and is constantly taking mediocre photos of everything. Dunno why that affects me so deeply but there it is.
haven't taken a selfie in 12 years. you have to take steps to avoid narcissism.
You are not far off in that assessment. These days, it is easy to gauge who is and who is not a total narcissist by measuring just how image conscious people are based upon the amount of selfies they post. Personally, I tend to avoid anyone who posts more selfies than I do, and that means that they probably shouldn't post more than 6 a year to have my attention. In fact, I don't usually follow individuals online. Then again, why would anyone want my attention? You see; therein lies the problem with narcissism; needing acceptance by others.
@@sigmatomcat5389 we're social creatures, we need some form of regulation and time spent with other humans but it's a spectrum. But yep i'm the same... if i see someone whos posting a selfie a day it's like sure you're pretty but.... you need everyone to tell you that you are.... makes you less pretty haha.
Read "The Culture of Narcissism" by Christopher Lasch, published in 1979. It's kind of forgotten about now, but it was a best-seller back then. Way more relevant now. Essential reading. Lasch as a writer and iconoclast is severely underrated.
Thanks for mentioning Lasch's book. To support your comment, I am adding Claude AI's summary:
"The Culture of Narcissism" (1979) by Christopher Lasch is a cultural critique analyzing how American society had become increasingly narcissistic. Here are the key points:
Main Arguments:
Post-WWII American society shifted from a culture of competitive individualism to one of narcissistic self-preoccupation
*Traditional institutions and authority structures broke down, leading to psychological insecurity*
Consumer capitalism promotes narcissistic traits and endless consumption
*Therapeutic culture replaced genuine community and moral frameworks*
Key Features of Narcissistic Culture:
Obsession with personal authenticity and self-fulfillment
*Decline of historical consciousness and connection to past/future*
Fear of aging and death
*Superficial relationships and inability to form deep attachments*
*Celebrity worship and pursuit of fame*
Bureaucratization of personal life
*Erosion of family structures*
Dependence on experts and therapeutic solutions
Social Impacts:
*Weakening of political engagement*
Loss of craftsmanship and professional standards
Education becoming more focused on self-esteem than learning
Managers replacing entrepreneurs
Decline of genuine authority figures
Growing sense of personal inadequacy despite outward success
The book argues these trends create a society of anxious, depressed individuals seeking validation through consumption and superficial achievements rather than genuine accomplishment or meaningful connections. Lasch saw this as a cultural crisis requiring recognition of limits and restoration of cultural/moral traditions rather than purely political solutions. The work remains influential in analyzing modern individualism, consumer culture, and social atomization.
It seems quite a paradox that they try not to feel shame but still do shameful acts that would invoke shame in normal individuals
First, we need to keep ourselves when approaching this topic. This means that we do not lose any of our value and self-love. Second, we must look for incongruity, power trips, emotionalism, and key language that denote an entity who does not convey what we intuitively and logically know is good and true. Just because it is an otherworldly entity that makes us feel special when we can hear from it does not mean it is any greater than we are; it is just different. If you want to be lifted up, then perhaps you need to introspect to see if you are supporting egotism and hierarchy that perpetuate power plays.
lol people are waaaaay too emotionally attached to monarchs and the notion that they could some day become a monarch too. walt disney single handedly did more to protect and expand european monarchs wealth/power than any military campaign ever has. here we are in 2024, we can build transistors atom by atom, but all the well off people cant acknowledge that never paying for labor is a bad thing and cant be sustained... all because europe still has monarchs who still continue to get more wealthy despite not contributing anything beneficial to the world whatsoever.
Very well written and pleasantly presented. I recognize narcissist in some people. Now checking on myself.
I’m definitely not a narcissist and I care about my fellow human beings even though people seriously mistreated and bullied me as a child 🧒
Crushin' it!!
This whole world is based on Narcissism & lower self
Not the whole world 🌎. Just America 🇺🇸
nahh it's the whole world.
@@PraveenSrJ01 the social media poison is global now. It's a worldwide issue now, unfortunately. The falling birth rates everywhere are one of the largest signs of this.
Excellent, well compiled presentation. A very good, concise analyzes of this mental decease. Thank you.
this sounds like most politicians and world leaders.
Best explanation I've ever heard
All people are potentially narcissists. But some people are dominated by self-praise or by the deserved or undeserved applause they receive from flatterers. A narcissist may be fine despite the harm he causes and has caused, but his final task is more difficult than that of other people. Like everyone else, he too grows old, gets sick and inevitably dies. But a narcissist is not able to accept aging naturally and tolerate the suffering of illness. Above all, a narcissist is incapable of appreciating the beauty of death and of considering it a privilege denied even to the gods.
narcissism is really just monarchism when you think about it. and most people dont want to be monarchs. but you first have to humanize the 99% of our species who are not well off to think that most people are not susceptible to becoming that way. its almost exclusively a trait of those born well off because they stop facing negative consequences for their behaviors after toddlerhood
My father was a narcissist. Nobody was ever good enough for him and he made people feel bad all the time.
Would the world be better without social media?
Big city created narc and psycopath
Quite possibly.
Enjoyed watching this episode and the knowledge behind it.
Canada's PM, cabinet and CBC.
“The new narcissist is haunted not by guilt but by anxiety. He seeks not to inflict his own certainties on others but to find a meaning in life. Liberated from the superstitions of the past, he doubts even the reality of his own existence.”
― Christopher Lasch, The Culture of Narcissism: American Life in An Age of Diminishing Expectations
14:30 Very insightful link between the narcissism epidemic and the economic phenomenon of time preference.
I never knew what a narcissist was until i heard a narcissist call someone else a narcissist.
You're all just jealous that I'm such a fantastic person.
Lol 😂
😂 OMG so accurate
Only getting worse imo. We all need to be very careful & listen to your intuition
While listening to this, I kept thinking about these nutty reaction videos post election of people crying throwing childlike tantrums. Women shaving their heads, swearing to obstain from relations with men, name calling, and having a nervous breakdown because they didn't get their way. Young people have been taught to be narcissistic that they and their feelings are all that matters. It's sad and frightening to see them have to face reality. They are not prepared to face it because they are taught to retreat from fear instead of face it. They are ever in a perpetual child like state. Prestiges colleges create "safe spaces" and provide students with comfort items and puppies to pacify their anxiety. All young people should read 12 Rules For Life!
ALL well off eurocentrics are physically stuck with a toddler level of development in their brains. its the only way you can say with full confidence that murdering 99% of our species with labor induced starvation is the best thing humans have ever done or could do. or that monarchy should be tolerated and isnt orchestrating all the strife on earth today. or that working 10 full time jobs per day is a reasonable expectation for those not born well off to be able to begin to earn their right to have necessities. nothing is more child brained than well off eurocentrics
I just got out of a three year relationship with one, i didn't even consider these type of people even existed! Its like at first getting into a nice soft bed with silky sheets, and waking up in a sticky, slimy web you cant climb out of! I cut loose only by literally having myself evicted to the point of the sheriff coming just to get it through his head were parting today! And at that point only he flipped! It hit him all at once that me saying i wanted to break up 500 times was happening now. So then the tentacles tried to follow me and cling on, and i was able to hack the last of them off by pure ignoring him, not replying to anything and blocking him on everything.. even my mother had to block him
This may be my malignant narcissism talking: But I’m sure everyone is trying their best with the hand they have been dealt . It’s human nature to seek praise, approval, validation and wealth. We all go the same way in the end, I feel we should be more sympathetic to humanity. we have all been thrown into consciousness and without religion what do we have to escape the reality’s of man?
If you think that it is human nature to seek praise, approval and validation, chances are, you will never realize how really miserable and impoverished you really are. Which is not bad after all.
Yes almost everyone does seek approval, validation, praise etc. In a narcissist they want it without a shred of earning it and think it should just be given from strangers immediately. Bonkers, and whats with the evil energy yall give off?
Good question
@@ruckerbrady8342 i dont care about praise i see that as being immature, thats why i cant get addicted to social media 😂
Bingo. Bullseye. Spot on. Direct hit. Right on the nose. You hit the nail on the head.
Be very weary of narcissists in large groups, especially if they have named their king and have bent the knee. How timely!!
Statism relies on the egotistical narcissism.
So you believe you're smarter & more enlightened than nearly 70% of American adults?
It can't simply be that they have different life experiences and different needs that brought them to a different opinion?
And you think *THEY* are the narcissists?
Take a look in the mirror, sport.
@@DamePiglet Apparantly you think one man is smarter & more enlightened then 350million people to rule them.
Cause that's the point he was making. But it went woosh.
@@DamePiglet I look in the mirror every day, I see an old man that up until just recently has been a debt and wage slave his whole adult life. Part of a group that was kicked in the head by decades of Neoliberal policies that decimated America. I'm a nobody and always will be.
The one thing I can see clearly is the corruption on both sides of the political spectrum. The love of money and power above all else. It's a dangerous game and it doesn't always work well; history has proven that time and again.
Let's just say, it's easier to lie and get named king than it is to govern wisely. Time will tell.
Narcissist to the right of me. Psychopaths to the left. Stuck in the middle with you.