Just out of curiosity, if you make the adjustment for the VFC Glock to the Holster, will the AAP-01 fit be looser? I have both guns and want to use this holster.
Currently thinking how I can modify the holster to work with a custom Trigger for the AAP01, since the AAP has a mushy trigger out of the box, i changed it, it is now a flatter trigger that is closer to the trigger point. Did you think about this? Is there a chance to exchange the holding pockets? Maybe attaching different pads for the trigger guard part of it?
Just out of curiosity, if you make the adjustment for the VFC Glock to the Holster, will the AAP-01 fit be looser? I have both guns and want to use this holster.
Currently thinking how I can modify the holster to work with a custom Trigger for the AAP01, since the AAP has a mushy trigger out of the box, i changed it, it is now a flatter trigger that is closer to the trigger point. Did you think about this? Is there a chance to exchange the holding pockets? Maybe attaching different pads for the trigger guard part of it?
are you guys going to build a version of this for HiCAPA? I would be very interested
My aap01 isn’t holding week inside, do you guys knows why ? It has not been modified
My AAP 01 holster fell apart today and lost the middle bolt. Don't suppose you know the size of it lol
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