What a lady, what a devoted and honored servant of The Most High One. How much there is to know about her - by the will of The Glorious and Most Honorable and The Most High One - and how much we do not know about her.. اللهم صل على محمد وال محمد
The Night of Qadr meaning the Night of Ordainment is a night in which the Holy Quran was revealed to the Holy Messenger. This Blissful event did happen in the latter part of Ramezan. month of fast ,also it is believed by the Shia that in the Night of Qadr, the fate of the world for the coming year will be Qrdained by God the almighty, and then it will be revealed to imam of the time the twelfth Inafallible Imam. By the Angels and the Holy Spirit for taking action accordingly.
ISLAM is true faith sent down by GOD to The Prophet MUHAMMAD (sas) ISLAM was COMPLETED during the Life of the Prophet ISLAM cannot be changed Nothing can be ADDED No Shia Sufi....etc etc etc. etc
Thanks to Allah that we got the chance to watch this
Our special prayers for the family members of our beloved prophet MUHAMMADUR-RASUL-ALLAH (SAW)!
Our TRUE love for the lady FATIMA
اللهم صل على محمد وال محمد احسنتم وطيب الله انفاسكم وحفظكم
❤ma sha Allah
Jazakallah ❤
What a lady, what a devoted and honored servant of The Most High One.
How much there is to know about her - by the will of The Glorious and Most Honorable and The Most High One - and how much we do not know about her..
اللهم صل على محمد وال محمد
I like how you said treasures are hidden.
اللهم صل على محمد وال محمد
Allahumma sali ala muhamd wali muhamd wajjil farzahum alaihassalm
Jazakum Allahu Khairan. Allahumma Sali Ala Muhammad wa Ale Muhammad.
Fatima is highly exalted among all women, alongside Mary. She is so blessed by Allah swt.
💚Baqir Al Qazwini 💙
Sallahu alaihi wa alihi wasslam
Beautiful lecture may alah bless you sayed
Thank you for educating us , may Allah give u long life
Yarhamuka ya uzatdz
Salam, Laylatul qadr is till Fadżr time or sunrise ?
Waalikum salam
Till Fajr
The Night of Qadr meaning the Night of Ordainment is a night in which the Holy Quran was revealed to the Holy Messenger. This Blissful event did happen in the latter part of Ramezan. month of fast ,also it is believed by the Shia that in the Night of Qadr, the fate of the world for the coming year will be Qrdained by God the almighty, and then it will be revealed to imam of the time the twelfth Inafallible Imam. By the Angels and the Holy Spirit for taking action accordingly.
Where is this book from FatimaSA? I would like to have it pls.
Only the Imam has it.
teach me please
i need to have epic comment like that mohamedali
thnks bro
np mohamedali
ISLAM is true faith sent down by GOD to The Prophet MUHAMMAD (sas)
ISLAM was COMPLETED during the Life of the Prophet
ISLAM cannot be changed
Nothing can be ADDED
No Shia Sufi....etc etc etc. etc
Jaga jaga penceramah puak Shiah ni pembohong