No beep moment will ever beat that post fight interview with derrick lewis tho. Starts interview with “my nuts are sweaty” gets bleeped the whole rest of the way through his speech and then they let one final fuck slip in the last second. It was perfect
Izzy helped do that by bringing race into it and saying all that nonsense at the start, we don't roll like that down under. Calling a white person the n-word here is like calling a black Man that word, we don't think it's cool in the slightest, it's embarrassing af.
@@chrisom4699you’re picking and choosing. They’ve both brought race into it in an unnecessary and cringe worthy way. I thought Adesanya was the cringelord of the UFC, but after watching this, I’d have to give it to Strickland. That was hard to watch and the guy comes off as a prick.
bro that was so outta pockett, it's one thing talking about jerking off your own dick, it's another thing talking about jerking off an animal's dick. literally wtf is this sentence 💀
@@MM-qi5mk If Whittaker couldn't hold him down I doubt Strickland can. And Whittaker did a much better job with the grappling than Brunson or Vettori in the second fight
@Major98 Sean has better cardio and can lay a better pace. It's how he wins every fight. He also has great defense, but that didn't save him from Pereira, cuz one hit = death from Pereira. post fight here... NOW WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU ALL THINKING?!?! CHINA MAN GOT FUCKING GASSED AND SEAN'S DEFENSE AND PACE WAS TOO MUCH FOR HIM. LITERALLY PREDICTED IT BITCHES. FUCKING SUCKS TO SUCK
@Lezrozen94he isn’t afraid to get blackballed/ lose sponsors to speak his mind. He believes in free speech, and refuses to water him self down or “self censor. He’s not a “neo nazi”, he used to be, people aren’t defined by periods of their live. Everyone has the potential to grow. As a matter of fact, people that grow and elevate themselves out of extreme life scenarios actually inherently gain wisdom and insight in ways others who haven’t done so never could. He may not always be “right”. But there is a growing censorship problem in our country, and it spills over in a lot of ways a lot of people don’t/ won’t see and no one can ever foresee the full extent of. Social justice is a righteous cause, but we must be careful that we don’t sacrifice our individuality and important freedoms/rights. So in his own super crude way he is opposing some of that.
It was very interesting to see Izzy getting booed in Australia, I was thinking it will be the exact opposite but I was very wrong lol, people seem to love Sean
@@orellmuhammad1106 roberies and assaults included.... art and science not so much xdd I think that the main reason why people in australia like Sean more is just the fact that Israel is cringelord and would by hated more over Sean anywhere except maybe China or NZ :D EDIT: it seems like the dude who wrote its because Izrael is black and that white people are racist and that black people are better at anything they engage deleted his comment due to my reaction :DDDD but forgot that his nickname will be forever pinned in my comment :DDD
I'm proud of how Strickland represented America. I'm a casual MMA fan but I'm going to watch him whenever he fights. His talk reminds me of how Floyd Mayweather used to talk trash before his fights and then back it up in the ring.
Floyd running all fight was "backing it up"? The funny thing is, pretty boy floyd didn't talk much but backed it up. All money Mayweather did was talk, dodge fights, and run
@@stoicsavage509 By the state of mind Adesanya have in the media report it could be true. But the real suspense lies in the fact who is gonna be the most confident and calmer one at the saturday night inside the octagon.
@@token6274na, still gonna be interesting. Obviously they both acting, at least a little bit here. I think Sean putting up this drunk step father look to get isreal off his game. I’m rooting for Sean cause his roast of Izzy’s tic
LOL I will say the UFC is rigged. Because no way is Strickland going to win this fight. His mouth is getting him this paycheck NOT his performance. LOL his performance on Alex was it for me, he don't have what it takes to go against dangerous striker's. He's going to try to choke out Izzy 😂 he DEF ain't finna go toe to toe with him😆. Look what happened with Alex second-round and lost his belt 🤘
strickland wins only if Izzy loses his eyesight and 1 of his arms... strickland is garbage and the fact that hes gonna have a title fight makes me think that the caliber of fighters in that division leaves too much to be desired
I gotta admit I wasn’t looking forward to this fight and there’s a 99 percent chance Sean loses, but dude’s doing a good job building a fight that was seemingly thrown together.
omg strickland is so funny! he's so genuine. he makes everything izzy says sound even more scripted and cringe than it already is. i love how someone is calling izzy out on his phoniness. love it love love it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
@@bigbuba9401stricklands about to get whooped most likely but who cares, he exposed tf out of his weirdo dog lover.. i don't see how people could still be fans of izzy
Eh not really, he talked about stuff we already know about he kept saying china man over and over. I like Sean but he stooped so low to Izzy’s cringe level that he sounded fucking cringe.
"Right now right here, I don't really see anything that he has for me that I haven't seen before but yeah uh..." Everyone doubting and laughing at Sean thinking he had no chance. Izzy didn't see the possibility of getting straight up dominated.
@@MichaelRodriguez-ci3dr Why do you think that has anything to do with it? Why are so many people in this comments so deadset that NZ/AU hate each other... Where did that stupid idea come from?
@@tamateaholdaway-howard2537 because it does, New Zealand and Australia have had a sibling rivalry since the 1930’s so of course they’d cheer for the person who isn’t from New Zealand. It’s not that difficult to understand or get emotional about.
@@MichaelRodriguez-ci3dr Buddy he moved here when he was 11.. he's not 'from new zealand'. Im not sure where you're seeing emotion, but it's definitely not coming from me bud, just getting you to check your facts. Id cheer for an aussie MMA fighter before i cheer for a neo nazi piece of crap like Strickland.
lol for real. Izzy accuses Sean of shilling for Monster, but isnt Izzy doing the same with Prime? I heard the CEO of Prime is more corrupt than the CEO of Monster as well.
7:16 I almost feel bad for izzy after this interaction bro. Izzy made a good choice not responding to that because he would have shown how much that pissed him off
@@izayoikishazuka7122 nah I’m just a realist it might sound exaggerated but if he’s willing to show him playing with his dogs bits what’s he not showing us. The man follows dog porn accounts and litterally said he had sex with a puppy code word or not
I think ppl forget Sean is the least hit fighter. His defense is actually fucking great. And his counter strikes are good. If Izzy isn't carful he can find himself on the wrong end of a lucky knock out real quick
Wow someone who actually watches the fights. Everyone forgot how many fights Sean has had and how great of a striker he can be. Probably because they sit on social media more than they watch ufc. I applaud you.
The only sensible comment on this entire video. And not only did you get it right, Strickland went above and beyond, defending everything Izzy threw while outboxing him round after round
Man, Sean is as real as it gets. All joking aside.he isn’t afraid to get blackballed/ lose sponsors to speak his mind, and still managed to get monster sponsorship in spite of that (impressive). He believes in free speech, and refuses to water him self down or “self censor. He’s not a “neo nazi”, he used to be, people aren’t defined by periods of their live. Everyone has the potential to grow. As a matter of fact, people that grow and elevate themselves out of extreme life scenarios actually inherently gain wisdom and insight in ways others who haven’t done so never could. He may not always be “right”. But there is a growing censorship problem in our country, and it spills over in a lot of ways a lot of people don’t/ won’t see and no one can ever foresee the full extent of. Social justice is a righteous cause, but we must be careful that we don’t sacrifice our individuality and important freedoms/rights. So in his own super crude way he is opposing some of that.
I don't see how Sean wins this fight, but I also didn't expect Bisping of all people to knock rockhold out cold and take his belt. If Sean wins he's going to be maybe the biggest star in the UFC. Dude is comedy 24/7
💯 Sean's 1st class! His authentic af!! 💯 so glad i picked him and he won! I was worried about him being drawn into a hand position fight like he did when Piereir knocked him out, but he didn't.
Shouldn’t have either really because Izzy shills for PRIME which is a way shadier company than Monster, plus his friend Kamaru Usman is also sponsored by Monster, though I doubt he’d say that he sold his soul. Adesanya is just clutching at straws because he‘s embarrassed that the Chinese Communist Party made him into their gimp and had him spit on that African heritage he’s supposedly so proud of. Said it himself, he did it for the money. So he sold out his people. Fraudulent.
Sean's word to *beep* ratio is crazy
Weird that the first 2 F-bombs weren't beeped out but the rest were 🤣🤣
@@fabiantimmins2224I just came to say the same thing 🤣
It's something to aspire to.
His extreme lack of vocabulary requires him to use that word repeatedly.
Wank the. Dg was funny Sizzy curled up. On that
I can’t believe Sean is beating the shit out of Izzy as I write this comment
believe it brother the cocky ass attitude finally caught up with his bitch ass served his bitch ass a big slice of humble pie
China man
@@prashantdahiya1635 Brother it’s awesome to see someone get a smile/laugh out of it but it is true
U were right 😂
God, it’s so satisfying that Sean not only won but dominated him from bell to bell.
It gave me Fury Vs Wilder Vibes
That’s way off Izzy didn’t rock Sean once
@@TheShowOff2IIzzy wasn’t himself tbh
@@JudeGlizwhat about yesterday? he wasn't himself either?
I’m Australian and I’m backing Strickland alllll the way…
Cz u are white. 😂😂😂😂😂3
I used to like Israel but he’s gone….go Sean
@@LKA53501 he’s a cringe lord, back to painting he’s nails now after that loss…
Of course you are
I love the fact that whomever tried to censor Strickland's foul mouth just couldn't keep up 😂😂😂😂
He earned his money lol
Who gives a fuck??? The official one doesn’t censor
The Mac MMA channel or whatever has it uncensored
I'm pretty sure there's a certain amount of curse words allowed for a video or like you can't curse on the first some seconds to start
How TF is that pillow fisted bald dude getting a titleshot? UFC absolutely sucks now.
Sean dropped his first F bomb too fast for the the beep to catch him 🤣
I'm surprised they're letting him get away with saying china man 😄
@@smokestrong1000 They begged him to stop saying China's Little Slut.
"It's the least racist epithet. It literally means man from China"@@smokestrong1000
@@joshyc2006 If it were an Asian guy he was fighting, pretty sure UFC would tell him to keep his mouth shut
No beep moment will ever beat that post fight interview with derrick lewis tho. Starts interview with “my nuts are sweaty” gets bleeped the whole rest of the way through his speech and then they let one final fuck slip in the last second. It was perfect
Sean calling Izzy the china man gets me every time 😂
Was only mildly funny the first time out of 100. Talk about running out of material...
@@alphabravo431 cringelord was fitting and hilarious 🤣
Smooth brain
I mean he is 😂 he said he was Chinese 😂
Strickland won the crowd over being the away fighter. It really is amazing. And he’s a true American, something USA really needs at the moment.
Damn skippy
"puppy porn"
He’s a Canadian…. Say what you’re really mean…, he’s what white people needed 💯
@@niadrezouzoua8544 Sean isn’t Canadian..
Aussies don't really like Izzy so wasn't hard
Sean sounds like my drunk father. He even has the same hat
I wanted to say the guy is drunk
Does he have the same backhand?
A Crocodile Dundee hat? I think he's making fun of Izzy, but maybe it went over my head, too.
@@jamesbishop8210 izzy will knock him down the first round, wait and see!
@@mkuluwaukae2221nobody was even talking about the fight you weirdo
Strickland sounds like Gaethje but with a deeper voice and more drunk 😂
Good catch.
Oh shite he does
gaethje could never be this entertaining
Wtf are you talking about?? When has Justin ever took a big ole sheet on anyone.
He’s punch drunk
Sean is pure comedy lmaoooooo
is he though?
If you have a 7th grade sense of humor
@@ayooooitsShan الموت للإسلام
Except he isn't funny. Did you see any of the other fighters laughing up there.
funny is opinion though.. you can dislike the guy but apparently a lot of people find him funny..@@adamevans7945
Sean is literally the American Mcgregor when it comes to the talking, only difference is that he doesn’t care about the money 😭😂
and he won!
And he backs it up
American Bisping fits him better. Mcgregor is in a league of his own when it comes to trashtalk 😂
@@Zee-lf7no true sean is not anywhere as cool or smooth, as *old* conor.
Somewhere chael sonnen is smiling at you
Damn Strickland actually got Australia to back him haha
Do we really need to analyse why?
Izzy helped do that by bringing race into it and saying all that nonsense at the start, we don't roll like that down under. Calling a white person the n-word here is like calling a black Man that word, we don't think it's cool in the slightest, it's embarrassing af.
@@chrisom4699He called him a "Chinaman."
Take *Deez* Down Under there with you.
@@chrisom4699you’re picking and choosing. They’ve both brought race into it in an unnecessary and cringe worthy way. I thought Adesanya was the cringelord of the UFC, but after watching this, I’d have to give it to Strickland. That was hard to watch and the guy comes off as a prick.
@@johnathanhamilton5248 how the fuck does that compare to?.... izzy claimed... you're dumb. 😂😂
The dog got that Izzy in him.
Underrated bro!😂😮💨
You win today mate, good job.
Shauns stock just hit the roof, win or lose. People that hate how the world has gone woke see him as the voice of truth.
I fucking love Sean “Give me a fucking dirt bike I fucking love monster” 🇺🇸🇺🇸😂
Sean always sounds like he just drank a liter of whiskey. Legend! 🤣👍👍👍
😂 you just said "a liter of whiskey"
Props for Jon Anik for keeping a straight face, when Sean was talking about "the dog". He can barely hold it.
bro that was so outta pockett, it's one thing talking about jerking off your own dick, it's another thing talking about jerking off an animal's dick. literally wtf is this sentence 💀
the jokes, the voice, the badass pressentation. Grow him a moustache and you have Frye Jr. top
Lol right man.
Came here to say this lol
I'm the biggest Strickland guy but Don Frye isn't even a man. He's a mythical beast.
Strickland got that wwe voice🤣
Stone cold Steve Austin ikr
Dude youre so right every single wrestler has that super aggressive raspy voice lol
You can clearly see Izzy have a hard time with opponents like this. Nothing he says faces Sean
@@jakedalton6236 fieces
@@jakedalton6236this is what it’s like living in a world of izzys. You’re just constantly correcting fools. It gets tiring
Can’t imagine the fight being this entertaining
Sean put to sleep in like 1 minute so yeah can't ever be this exciting
Sean has no advantages. Anything could happen but I'd be shocked If he wins
Edit after the fight: Wow
@@Major98I think grappling he does
@@MM-qi5mk If Whittaker couldn't hold him down I doubt Strickland can. And Whittaker did a much better job with the grappling than Brunson or Vettori in the second fight
@Major98 Sean has better cardio and can lay a better pace. It's how he wins every fight. He also has great defense, but that didn't save him from Pereira, cuz one hit = death from Pereira.
Strikland interview is pure legendary..can't get enough
he's just dropping f bombs and being a degenerate... says a lot about you
@Lezrozen94he isn’t afraid to get blackballed/ lose sponsors to speak his mind. He believes in free speech, and refuses to water him self down or “self censor. He’s not a “neo nazi”, he used to be, people aren’t defined by periods of their live. Everyone has the potential to grow. As a matter of fact, people that grow and elevate themselves out of extreme life scenarios actually inherently gain wisdom and insight in ways others who haven’t done so never could. He may not always be “right”. But there is a growing censorship problem in our country, and it spills over in a lot of ways a lot of people don’t/ won’t see and no one can ever foresee the full extent of. Social justice is a righteous cause, but we must be careful that we don’t sacrifice our individuality and important freedoms/rights. So in his own super crude way he is opposing some of that.
He literally sounds like an idiot, yeah I’d like to know what makes his interviews legendary too?
Sean is so cringe n corny…
@Lezrozen94 I see that point of view and respect it.
Sean is giving Stone Cold Steve Austin vibes 😅
Lmao wait you’re right 😂 felt like I was watching WWE for a sec 😂😂😂
Hell yeah!!!!!!!
No, dummy.
Stone cold sean Strickland
Izzy must regret having this moment, Sean humiliated him. Lmao 😂😂😂
He just told the truth, had the balls to say it. It's not easy to tell somebody that he jerks his dog, on a world stage, it's very awkward
"Am ready to lose the Bisbing eye"😂😂😂 Am dead!!
O fuck the grammar police 😂 find something better to do with your time guys how's my grammar (troll the trolls 🧌
China man 😂😂😂
Same here that coughs off guard 💀
Came back to watch this knowing how much better it would be, and it's even better than I expected
Izzy got the belt but Sean is the one who selling this fight . I loved it
And thats the only reason Sean is there. He should not be in the cage with Izzy
This will be Sean's highest pay
@@mhxxd4you're right Izzy should be selling cage dog matches on only fans.
Sean Strickland is like The Dude, Walter and Donnie combined. 😂
I watched that movie yesterday
I am the walrus
If Donnie can stay in his element, Sean’s got this
The dude Lebowski? Nothing like him
Izzy my friend, you are entering a world of pain.
"-I`m proud of who i am, do you proud of who you are?"
Fucking Legend
Jon Anik's pokerface was under great threat 😆
hes a izzy dckrider
@@illmatics2456peeped that too , nodding his head to what Adesanya says. minus respekt for anik
Man I love Strickland he is like Eric Cartman in NASCAR episode but IRL.
He reminds me off bad dad at the little league games.
Dey tek er jerbs
I'm gonna throw a jab and tuurn left
Sean is a legend, happy for his win
Sean is like everybody’s rambling drunk uncle
Except everything he said is true
@@eliasalalam6522 nah
he dont drink or use drugs
Two minutes into the press conference,and i already know from the energy its going to be lit!!
The Monster energy.
Monster energy bot detected
Brought to you by Monster Energy and Xzyience
It was very interesting to see Izzy getting booed in Australia, I was thinking it will be the exact opposite but I was very wrong lol, people seem to love Sean
He's a Kiwi, Aussie's and Kiwi's have always had a sports rivalry.
Bcs he took thr belt from bobby haha.
Because they are racist. That’s why Black men dominate everything we engage in.
@@orellmuhammad1106 roberies and assaults included.... art and science not so much xdd
I think that the main reason why people in australia like Sean more is just the fact that Israel is cringelord and would by hated more over Sean anywhere except maybe China or NZ :D
EDIT: it seems like the dude who wrote its because Izrael is black and that white people are racist and that black people are better at anything they engage deleted his comment due to my reaction :DDDD but forgot that his nickname will be forever pinned in my comment :DDD
@unknown_user-mh7cb Thank you. It's why the fans in Australia were cheering for Sean.
I'm proud of how Strickland represented America. I'm a casual MMA fan but I'm going to watch him whenever he fights. His talk reminds me of how Floyd Mayweather used to talk trash before his fights and then back it up in the ring.
Floyd running all fight was "backing it up"?
The funny thing is, pretty boy floyd didn't talk much but backed it up. All money Mayweather did was talk, dodge fights, and run
@@alvininthechipmonksthe best to ever do it, 50-0, say what you will but Mayweather was a genius
@@generalwipe3955agee people can say whatever they want he ran the fade with everyone people said he was scared of
@@generalwipe3955 damn was?? That's sad also Floyd ain't shit on the mic just Mcgregor 😂
@@alvininthechipmonksit's called superb footwork you dummy
I love how they bleep out Sean but not Izzy 😂
Black privilege.
@@tadficuscactusDawg what
Gayyu privilege
Chinese privilege
lol this is so funny for so many possible reasons.. lol🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
yeah man that dog could be Sean.
@@ShahAbeezurRahman more than likely
@@stoicsavage509 By the state of mind Adesanya have in the media report it could be true. But the real suspense lies in the fact who is gonna be the most confident and calmer one at the saturday night inside the octagon.
@@ShahAbeezurRahman Ok
@@ShahAbeezurRahman”it could be true” bro… there’s literally a video
There was no way this press conference was ever going to match expectations.
What? It surpassed them, as they always do when Sean's involved.
@@defdazthats what i am saying, no idea what this beanbag is talking about lol
I think you mean that expectations never had a chance of matching reality lmfao
It’ll be entertaining if you hate Sean or love Izzy
@@token6274na, still gonna be interesting. Obviously they both acting, at least a little bit here. I think Sean putting up this drunk step father look to get isreal off his game. I’m rooting for Sean cause his roast of Izzy’s tic
"I will knock you out" lands like 1 jab😂
If Sean wins
Everyone is going to go crazy
I will literally lose my house😂😂😂 this is the surest fight that there's ever been ever
LOL I will say the UFC is rigged. Because no way is Strickland going to win this fight. His mouth is getting him this paycheck NOT his performance. LOL his performance on Alex was it for me, he don't have what it takes to go against dangerous striker's. He's going to try to choke out Izzy 😂 he DEF ain't finna go toe to toe with him😆. Look what happened with Alex second-round and lost his belt 🤘
strickland wins only if Izzy loses his eyesight and 1 of his arms... strickland is garbage and the fact that hes gonna have a title fight makes me think that the caliber of fighters in that division leaves too much to be desired
@robertminto542 This reminds me of Chael v. Jones. We all knew he'd lose, but boy was the shit talking fun.
@@mhxxd4I am leaving my comment here in case it goes south
Welp. That’s it folks. The highlight of this fight is over. Hope you enjoyed it. 😂
Just wait till face off, Izzy wearing a red rocket for Sean this time instead of a collar 😂
The highlight has been over. It climaxed when Izzy jerked his dog's hog 🎉
@@willsatchel5255 😂😂😂
You mean except for the actual knockout..
I love Sean Strickland!! My dog is even laughing at that!
Izzy's dog ain't laughing doe
Sean is my favorite. He so well deserved this title shot and so glad he won.
Anik having to sit there with a straight face through that was hilarious 🤣
"I'm ready to embrace the Bisping and give up the f***ing eye" got me 🤣🤣
Damn, Sean really closed it well when he stood up all charged up
Volkov was sitting there the whole time like holly shit this guy is crazy.
I gotta admit I wasn’t looking forward to this fight and there’s a 99 percent chance Sean loses, but dude’s doing a good job building a fight that was seemingly thrown together.
@chriscuomo9334no way you think Chimaev deserves a middleweight title shot
@@mroctomelon we all know chimaev is a top contender.
@@THEMANHASCOME-c5lNo we don’t! He’s literally barely beaten Gilbert Burns (at ww) and Kevin Holland (barely a top 10 guy) 😂
Sean winning sorry bud
@@izzy031096he beat kevin holland in about 45 seconds and gilbert burns was and is a top 5 guy what are u talking about
omg strickland is so funny! he's so genuine. he makes everything izzy says sound even more scripted and cringe than it already is. i love how someone is calling izzy out on his phoniness. love it love love it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Another Sean Strickland masterclass
lol “masterclass” of what?
@@kjxxiv your gonna see tonight it’s gonna be a Sean Strickland masterclass
@@bigbuba9401stricklands about to get whooped most likely but who cares, he exposed tf out of his weirdo dog lover.. i don't see how people could still be fans of izzy
@@nitsuanomrah6997 Hahahah watching rn so hyped
@@nitsuanomrah6997hey casual, what’s that you were saying?
“This the champion we have and it’s a god damn shame!” Love Strickland ❤️
7:36 I respect those who have been through suffering and speak openly about it to inspire others to embrace their suffering.
'Kelvin is Mexican so they're built differently' 😂😂
It’s true Mexicans we have a great chin
But not in a good way. That chin hasnt helped him with those losses
They just able to continually take a beating nothing to be proud of😂😂
@@senpapi3058why? You are just born in a different country. What makes your chin different?
@@eddiebear34 genetics
Sean verbally ko’d Izzy.. and I loved every beep moment of it 😂
Eh not really, he talked about stuff we already know about he kept saying china man over and over. I like Sean but he stooped so low to Izzy’s cringe level that he sounded fucking cringe.
Seans trash talking was trash in this press conference ngl.
If you get off on Sean's apparent trash talking, it pretty much sums up your personality.
Sean was cringe af kid. How you even saw this as a win for the hillbilly?
These clowns man
@@RussDaBustait was trashed cause we’ve heard everything before.
That didn’t age well. Strickland champ baby
Hahaha Sean is a absolute wild man 😂🤘👊 I love John Annik trying not to laugh
He’s an absolute clown. All I heard was blah blah blah
*trying not to cringe too hard
@@Avogadros_numberJust like Izzy fans Cringed when Sean dropped his ass
Love how uncomfortable Jon Anik looks when Strickland talks LOL
Far out can't stop laughing Sean is a true comedian... absolutely hilarious
He won over Australia. You could hear the crowd turn in Izzy over Sean speaking the truth.
As a Aussie huge respect for desean stricklando for wearing the crocodile dundee hat
The reign of SEAN has begun.
Sean seems to be the fan favourite at least in the audience😂
"Right now right here, I don't really see anything that he has for me that I haven't seen before but yeah uh..."
Everyone doubting and laughing at Sean thinking he had no chance.
Izzy didn't see the possibility of getting straight up dominated.
izzy was struggling to not burst into laughter 😆
he was *trying to burst into laughter
He was thinking about banging his dog
He was trying to come up with a dumb Frozen quote or something cringy
He was crying and going back to the ridiculous monster argument 😂
Jon Anik's pokerface was under great threat . The Prime comeback was right there for Sean!.
Surprisingly Sean got a better reception than Izzy🤯😂
It’s not surprising at all. Izzy is a kiwi.
@@MichaelRodriguez-ci3dr Why do you think that has anything to do with it?
Why are so many people in this comments so deadset that NZ/AU hate each other... Where did that stupid idea come from?
It's not surprising
@@tamateaholdaway-howard2537 because it does, New Zealand and Australia have had a sibling rivalry since the 1930’s so of course they’d cheer for the person who isn’t from New Zealand. It’s not that difficult to understand or get emotional about.
@@MichaelRodriguez-ci3dr Buddy he moved here when he was 11.. he's not 'from new zealand'. Im not sure where you're seeing emotion, but it's definitely not coming from me bud, just getting you to check your facts. Id cheer for an aussie MMA fighter before i cheer for a neo nazi piece of crap like Strickland.
Sean's a gangsta, congrats to the new MiddleWeight champion of the world 💪💯
6:46 Funny cuz Izzy did sell his soul😂😂
Nobody sold their soul dummy none of that shit is real lol
I don’t love Sean. But he makes me smile lol
I used to like him until he went full dumb ass shitting on women and blowing trump!
ayoooo youre mad mook, join izzy
The Prime comeback was right there for Sean!
I don't think he knows the side effects of PRIME
He missed a good moment to fkn roast hard lol
lol for real. Izzy accuses Sean of shilling for Monster, but isnt Izzy doing the same with Prime? I heard the CEO of Prime is more corrupt than the CEO of Monster as well.
@@JoeyCentralizzy be loosing his sponsor by being a wierdo jacking his dog 😂
@@stevecardwell2342I hope so. How could anyone want to be associated with a weirdo like that
Win, lose, or draw, this is going to a fun fight! Strickland is falling right into the heel role real quick!
Are you watching the same thing as everyone else?? Are you 15 years old?
It's "heel" btw.
@@D0W666 Auto text turned on. You're correct 😁 no I'm not 15. It will still be an entertaining fight. Almost has a Old school WWF vibe.
@@D0W666 Do you often feel the need to be a twat to people for no reason?
Strickland is in no way the heel, he is more beloved by aussies than the freak dog rapist izzy
If by fun you mean boring af
3:04 That killer silence....... 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
They were scared of Izzy kicking they’re ass 😂😂😂😂 if they laugh
I know!! I've never seen a crowd go so silent so quick lol 😆 😂 😅
I stg I thought my audio went out for a second 🤣
They were probably slightly disturbed and very confused
10-8 Strickland for this press conference 😂
Nah the Izzy got him with the monster thing. Sean bent over for Hans
@@georgez2702L cope
You know a fighter has no chance in the fight when the fans are more worried about the press conference
@@georgez2702not really he made a valid point that his lifestyle aligns with that brand
@@ChinoGuey he bent over for Hans. He’s gonna be a social media queen for him
Izzy is going to leg kick from range and win on points, calling it. There’s no way he’s risking losing this
Who knows maybe man's ego go bruised and he wants to prove a point and stand and bang with Sean or he'll just leg kick his way to victory
He will destroy sean
Strickland is like Diaz, I don’t care if he wins, loses or shits himself mid fight, it’s a guaranteed good night of entertainment
@@taygodlycasual dog shit take. Sean is a gimmick, dude is a joke. Diaz is a warrior, he's not acting.
Gotta love Strickland he’s funny AF
All I got from this is that Sean will sign anything if you show him a cool motorcycle trick
7:16 I almost feel bad for izzy after this interaction bro. Izzy made a good choice not responding to that because he would have shown how much that pissed him off
How so? You gotta be a incel, especially having that profile picture.
@@iamperennial4910Cope loser, Sean is champ
@@hailarwotanaz5848 Yes he is. What a time to be a ufc fan!! You said nothing, boy.
@@iamperennial4910 Who won?
@@hailarwotanaz5848 Not you, weirdo.
"Let's fucking go to war china man" ✊😂💀 shit had me dead
3:48 Sean takes a moment to drop the heel act to clap and show respect to Izzy's grandmaster. Can't wait for Saturday! 💥💥
Grandmaster dog jerker
@RobotReg I watched the video he only tickles it for 5 seconds, severely disappointed, false advertising from you trolls
@@rml4289that’s what he’s posting on social media plus all the dog fetish evidence. I fully believe that Izzy bums his dog behind closed doors
@@jimmynesbit1803you wierd as hell lol
@@izayoikishazuka7122 nah I’m just a realist it might sound exaggerated but if he’s willing to show him playing with his dogs bits what’s he not showing us. The man follows dog porn accounts and litterally said he had sex with a puppy code word or not
Izzy didn’t want to engage, he knew in this forum it’s a losing battle. Lol
You can’t go to Sean’s clown level because then you’d be a clown as well.
Never let an idiot drag you down to their level. They have far more experience there.
I cringed everytime izzy tried to put the mic down in style 😭 glad he got man handled for 5 rounds
The fucker tried to get back at him with the monster sponsorship. 😂😂 "Izzy does Seans words affecting you? No. Of course of course
If fighting doesnt workout for Sean, he should do stand up comedy this guy is hilarious!!! 😂😂😂
Fighting has worked out for him.
Oh fer shure b
wow, some peeple really are easily amused .
He'd do good!
Sean makes Brenda Schaub seem funny. Dudes a blabbering clown.
Seans so funny, real and just dont gaf hes a dope person. Maybe not always right but hes still authentic
I think ppl forget Sean is the least hit fighter. His defense is actually fucking great. And his counter strikes are good. If Izzy isn't carful he can find himself on the wrong end of a lucky knock out real quick
I have followed him since his fight against Usman. He is having the opportunity because of his record. He has won over 20 fights
U were soo true..
Wow someone who actually watches the fights. Everyone forgot how many fights Sean has had and how great of a striker he can be. Probably because they sit on social media more than they watch ufc. I applaud you.
This aged well
The only sensible comment on this entire video. And not only did you get it right, Strickland went above and beyond, defending everything Izzy threw while outboxing him round after round
I can’t help but love Strickland, he’s freaking a solid man !
can we have a stipe vs strickland press conference. i think my throat would be shredded at the end of it
Sean: “Spineless fuck!”
Major pause 😂
Lmfao bro pause wtf
Say what?? 😂
...yo Sifu was there? He really is a legend. I can't believe he's still kicking it.
Is the Shifu character in Kung-fu Panda named after him?
Shifu means something like a teacher or master of a subject
is the game sifu based off him? serious question i have no idea who sifu is
@@Offtopsumslightit's not who, it's what.
@@Shabaaz-bb7yqshifu= teacher in china
Man, Sean is as real as it gets. All joking aside.he isn’t afraid to get blackballed/ lose sponsors to speak his mind, and still managed to get monster sponsorship in spite of that (impressive). He believes in free speech, and refuses to water him self down or “self censor. He’s not a “neo nazi”, he used to be, people aren’t defined by periods of their live. Everyone has the potential to grow. As a matter of fact, people that grow and elevate themselves out of extreme life scenarios actually inherently gain wisdom and insight in ways others who haven’t done so never could. He may not always be “right”. But there is a growing censorship problem in our country, and it spills over in a lot of ways a lot of people don’t/ won’t see and no one can ever foresee the full extent of. Social justice is a righteous cause, but we must be careful that we don’t sacrifice our individuality and important freedoms/rights. So in his own super crude way he is opposing some of that.
That's all fine and good, still catching that L
@@franktillery558 this comment aged like milk huh? 🤣
@@franktillery558seams Izzy did
@franktillery558 ayo the black guy lost fr fr no cap bussin on god
@@franktillery558yeah he really caught an L 😂 fucked him up every round
D'Sean killed it...doggonit
Bro said it, "this is it...this is his moment. But Sunday's my moment!"
Sean Strickland was definitely a Hulk a maniac growing up
I hope he’s takin his vitamins
The end of the press conference ‘ to war china man ‘ was so funny🤣🤣🤣🤣
I don't see how Sean wins this fight, but I also didn't expect Bisping of all people to knock rockhold out cold and take his belt. If Sean wins he's going to be maybe the biggest star in the UFC. Dude is comedy 24/7
If you believe Izzy and Rockhold are in any way similar then you are delusional
@@prometheus5995 I don't believe he was saying that, learn some reading comprehension lol
@@prometheus5995True. Prime Rockhold was a better mixed martial artist. Israel is just a better striker.
@@prometheus5995so you mean that bisping and Strickland is similar?
Near impossibility
3:19 you can see tbe relief on izzys face when he realizes theg arent talking about the secret photos of him and his dog
💯 Sean's 1st class! His authentic af!! 💯 so glad i picked him and he won! I was worried about him being drawn into a hand position fight like he did when Piereir knocked him out, but he didn't.
Sean felt that monster energy drink comment 😂
Shouldn’t have either really because Izzy shills for PRIME which is a way shadier company than Monster, plus his friend Kamaru Usman is also sponsored by Monster, though I doubt he’d say that he sold his soul.
Adesanya is just clutching at straws because he‘s embarrassed that the Chinese Communist Party made him into their gimp and had him spit on that African heritage he’s supposedly so proud of. Said it himself, he did it for the money. So he sold out his people. Fraudulent.
Better dead than red
we all felt that dog jerk comment tho x.x poor pup
Ya he did,I hate that I feel like he sold his soul,cause he damn sure didn’t refute it
Are we going to pretend that these guys aren't professional fighters? They are doing it to make money.
That crocodile Dundee hat, just tops it off !!! 😂😂😂
Izzy talking about monster but he sold out to Logan Paul and a prime which is a scam
I like both fighters 😂. Izzy trying not to laugh is hilarious.
Sean is a whole different vibe 🤣🤣