Considering, he looks more white than latino makes me think, he does not understand what its like to be looked at and be seen as lesser due to the skin color or eyes or whatever thung the racists latch onto.
It's understandable why he would be ashamed. Should he have been? No. But in America people look at that as bad. As a child, you see that and it affects some kids.
@Oletta Wisemon I'm not reading into it to be negative. I don't see a reason a child should be ashamed of their parents accent. I and everyone in my family has an accent and it never bothered me that I was different. It sad to see that children have such low self esteem that they are ashamed of who they and their parents are.
I never had an issue with my accent, no matter who didn't like it. I never cared. It's called self esteem and for something as simple as an accent to be a problem is sad that they are afraid to love who they are. People should never be so hateful as to make fun of people especially for being who they are.
@Nazgûl Volante the irony is stating that we cannot claim people, while stating, "Raza for Trump 2020." P.S. We do speak, read and write Spanish...fluently. 😉
@Nazgûl Volante en primer lugar, si no sabe, es mejor guardar silencio. Mi lengua nativa es Español, porque yo no fui nacida en los EEUU, aunque ahora es mi país por decisión. Nadie está contra nuestros modales o religión. El ser republicano o demócrata no remueve lo que uno representa como latino o hispano. Simplemente es, en mi opinión, una forma de pensar sobre la pólizas que representan como funciona nuestro pais. Personalmente, soy una persona que mantiene las tradiciones que nos inculcan en nuestra cultura. Afortunadamente, también estoy consiente de que este país es un país diverso que fundamentalmente, necesita estar representado acordado a sus personas. Si yo como latina puedo reconocer esto, porque usted no? Desde pequeña e conocido lo que es el racismo y la discriminación. Y este presidente definitivamente, es racista. No hay nada que usted me puede decir contra lo que se que es verdad. El racismo, la discriminación, o el fanatismo, no siempre es evidente, si no, sutil. Este presidente es tanto obvio como sutil. Sus mentiras, tanto como su generalización de nuestra gente un luz negativa, tanto como su inabilidad de denunciar a los supremacistas blancos, o antisemitas, y sus palabras contra la gente morena es más que suficiente para indicar como verdaderamente piensa y siente. No confunda sus maniobra políticas con anhelo. Ese hombre solamente dice y hace lo que le conviene y lo que le resulta justo a sus motivos personales.
@Nazgûl Volante muchas gracias por su disculpa. Se por experiencia que todos los hombres no hablan de esa manera. Mi padre, mis tios, primos, y hasta mi esposo miden sus palabras porque reconozen que los caballeros se comportan de sierta forma. No hay que demoralizar ningun partido politico para poder dar a entendernos. Serpientes hay en ambos lados. Ninguna persona es perfecta, y decir que Biden no ha echo nada en su tiempo es una gran mentira. Biden no es perfecto, pero a tratado, y el mismo a dicho que ha echo errores en su carrera politica. Obvio, cuando hay dos partidos que prefieren partido sobre patria, claro, muchas cosas no se van a realizar. Eso es lo malo y lo feo de la politica. En un mundo perfecto, ambos partidos trabajarian juntos para poder representar a su gente tanto como superar el pais. Biden no quiere quitar las armas. Nuestra constitucion esta protegida. Lo que quiere es que las reglas se repasen que es completamente racional. Solamente los tiroteos escolares es mas que suficiente para realizar que un cambio es necesario. Ningun estudiante deberia temer acudir a sus estudios. Al igual, uno nunca sabe cuando una person (usualmente hombres blancos) van a empezar a balaziar a la gente ya sea en las iglesias, en los mercados, las escuelas, o en cualquier otro lugar publico. Este pais tiene una epidemia de hombres que piensan que la solucion es matar gente inocente a puros balazos. Si eso no le presta un poco de pausa, no se que decirle. Y eso se lo digo como persona que utiliza y tiene varias armas. En este instante no habido evidencia contra las acusaciones de que Biden tiene intereses en otros paises. Trump mando a el senor Barr y Wray a que investigaran a Biden, y no encontraron nada. En este pais, uno es inocente hasta que se encuentren culpables. Trump solamente quiere quitar enfoque de su inabilidad como lider de este pais. Lo unico que sabe hacer es culpar sin puebras, mentir, e insultar. Poque? Pues, porque no tiene nada concreto ni con sus polizas ni con su registro de politica. Ahora, sobre el petroleo....claro que lo quiere quitar....eventualmente. Los recursos naturales no se pueden renovar en nuestra vida. Es obvio que lo mas sensato es empezar a acudir a otro tipo de recursos naturales. Supongamos que nuestro petroleo se acaba en 10 anos, y por no pensar en el futuro, se nos acaba la abilidad de manejar nuestros vehiculos, producir energia, operar nuestras maquinas, aviones, barcos, submarinos, etc. La lista es larga. Pero si no tenemos nada cuando se nos acaba, como exactamente vamos a operar nuestra vida? El no tener el modo de operar lo que nos sostiene, tiene repercusiones severas. Sobre los, si los quiere subir. Pero a las personas que hacen mas de $450,000 al ano. Y eso es justo. Trump le a dado a la gente mas rica de este pais, una reduccion de impuestos. Los economistas sobre varios anos han dicho que reducir los impuestos como los a reducido Trump, es malo. Tarde que temprano, va a haber una reduccion de impuestos que impacta a muchos de los programas gubernamentales. Desafortunadamente, la gente de clase media o de bajos recursos son los que tenemos que pagar mas para que ese vacio que los ricos que no pagan impuestos han creado, se pueda fundar. Trump a dicho que los impuestos para los ricos estan muy altos, y no es cierto, si no que son bajos a comparacion de decadas anteriores. Tambien, los impuestos que quieren subir para los mas ricos, es despues de 10 millones de dolares. Osea, se cobran lo normal de $0 a 10 millones de dolares, y qualquier cantidad despues de 10 millones, se cobra a una taza mas alta. Despues de ajustes el increso de impuestos es justo y es equivalente a lo que uno paga. Digame por favor, como es justo que una persona que hace billones de dolares page nada o menos que una persona que hace menos de $100,000 al ano? Sabia usted, que el plan que quiere Trump dar para el COVID, le sirve a los ricos y completamente dana a los demas? Por ejemplo, el programa que rechazo Nancy Pelosi, indica que los mas ricos pueden tener otra reduccion de impuestos, mientras quitan el Child Tax Credit, y el Earned Income Credit. Asi que si usted tiene hijos menos de 17 anos de edad, y hace menos de $55,000 (dependiendo de como declara sus impuestos) el ano que entra, ese dinero no va estar presente, y tiene que pagar mas en impuestos, mientras los mas ricos pagan menos o nada. Tambien ese programa, todavia no tiene palabras directas que ayudan a la gente mas pobre o vulnerable contra la epidemia. Pero Trump, lo hace ver como que los Democratas, no quieren darles $1,200 a la gente Americana, y solamente el puede darles dinero si votan por el. No sabiendo la realidad de la situacion. Y esa situacion es que Trump siempre hace lo que es mejor para su gente rica. Sobre los abortos....los abortos nunca se han pagado con los impuestos de la gente. La unica excepcion es cuando una mejer a sido violada o victima de incesto. En ese estado, si, si se pueden pagar utilizando los fondos que son parte del cuidado reproductivo que da el gobierno. Ay de mas, los abortos tienen que ser pagados por la mujer que gusta terminar su embarazo ante de su termino. Mire, yo no me llevo por palabras si no por datos, y todo lo que yo he investigado y estudiado, resulta que todo lo que dice Trump, son puras mentiras. No le niego que no ha echo una que otra cosa buena, pero generalmente, el no ha sido buen presidente. Sus polizas tanto como sus acciones es pruebra de eso. Una cosa mas, la unica razon que no le han dado ningun cargo es porque un presidente activo no puede ser cargado/acusado hasta que termine su termino. No se le hace raro que 8 meses antes de la eleccion del 2016 los Republicanos no querian que Obama pusiera otra justicia en la corte suprema que porque no era bueno y que la gente Americana deberia tener el derecho a decir quien quieren poner en el asiento de justicia. Eso indicaba que el siguiente presidente es el que elije esa persona. Y como que ahora SEMANAS antes de la nueva eleccion pusieron a Amy Coney Barret en la corte suprema?! Unas de las preguntas que le hicieron cuando la estaban confirmando es que piensa ella sobre el perdon de el lo nego....Porque? Porque bien sabemos que Trump la puso en ese asiento para que lo pueda perdonar si lo acusan o cargan de todos los crimenes que ha comitido. Bueno, esto se esta convirtiendo en un libro. :-D Muchas gracias por su atencion y discusion. Me alegra poder hablar civilmente con otra persona sobre cosas que nos perjuidica en hoy dia. Buenas noches, espero que tenga una linda noche. :-)
That's such a valid point & I'm Glad Don stated That BC he likes to play that "I'm a minority too" card as if he's exempt from being a racist and I noticed something else he said about being "embarrassed"of his father & talked about how heavy his accent was. I think that speaks volumes on his point of view.
Steve comes across about as Latino as Gomer Pyle. "LUH-tee-no." He strikes me as an Oreo-brown on the outside, white on the inside. All I'm saying is he can't actually relate. That's an analogy, not a racist comment.
Lion and hedgehog 1 please how is Barack Obama a pedophile? What evidence do you have? Conspiracy theories? People also called him The Anti-Christ, terrorist, Alien, I guess you can add Pedophile to that list too. Tell us how Barack is a pedophile???
@@lionandhedgehog1837 wow n word hard R and you are speaking for him ???? I rest my case this dude is ashamed of his own history I would think you would understand about history since you want to keep all those monuments and flags
No but there seems to be some weird reason you were ashamed of that...maybe because you knew there were possibly some prejudices among your peers or outsiders. That's kind of fucked up. And I think as a reasonable adult you should reflect on notions like that. But maybe I'm crazy.
Steven Cortes is an embarrassment to himself and is obviously ashamed of not only who he is but where he comes from and of his parents and I see that as the ultimate disrespect and disgrace that one could ever exhibit
Man that can anyone, a kid especially, say that "thank you for picking this for me" (relating to the cotton comment)...that's so disgusting
I was def shocked that child would say that but you know, we can't blame the kid here, children are impressionable and malleable. BUT We have to think what type of disgusting racist shit is he hearing at home or at school for that to come out of his mouth and for him to think it was acceptable. Then for him to get away with it at that moment, probably affirmed to him that he was right and his belief and words were correct. The problem becomes when these kids are constantly hearing this hate speech, growing up thinking black people evil or violent, and become adults in this country and continue to breed that hate and kill innocent black people.. All around just sad and disgusting..
Arnold k You can be a minority and still be a bigot cnn is such garbage it’s not news and it destroys race relations not only is it pure trash but cnn and especially don should have to start each show with some kind of disclaimer saying it’s not actually news that it’s a pro Democrat broadcast it’s anti trump and there is no actual research detective work or investigation cnn and don are basically the same as those gossip magazines like the ones that their frunt page says queen Elizabeth is a reptilian alien or president trump is a racist..... the guys the best president we’ve had in 50 years so all they can do is run 24/7 absolutely ridiculous “reports”!that trump is a racist and he’s the reason why racism exists he created it he spreads it and it’ll go away when he’s gone lol I love to how they try to be like he’s the same as the racist guy who says I can’t be racist my best friend is black you know that racist trump try’s acting like he can’t be racist JUST because the woman he married is a brown skinned IMMIGRANT who he had kids with and his ex wife is an immigrant who he also had kids with lol like they really compared the two as if he did that to prove he’s not a racist way before he ever became president and they actually get away with that kind of talk that shit is ignorant as hell its racist in its self it’s so disrespectful to the president and to the First Lady and to the kids of the president the whole first family it’s spreading lies misinformation it’s basically the worst of everything political correctness stands for the thing they preach that makes it hypocritical and they call that news and he calls him self a real reporter just plain disgusting
@@lipsohlips97 I remember when I read the story of the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah as an adult... I remembered wondering why God destroyed the children along with the parents, after all I'm sure there were children there as well, and I remember thinking how sad that the children were destroyed as well....but then it came to me that these children were corrupted from the womb. They would have continued to spread the disease of their lasciviousness and lewed behavior because it was what they saw and were taught and it was in their nature. People that hate learn this behavior at a very early age. And when it runs really deep it's introduced before first learning to speak. It helped me to understand that, even as Abraham pleaded on behalf of the people of Sodom, God never informed Abraham that He would spare not one of their children because the seed was wicked too. He only brought out Abraham's nephew Lot and his family . I guess I said all that to say racism has very very deep roots and children learn this behavior from generations of a belief system practiced and taught. This kid learned this at home and felt too comfortable saying it out loud. Somebody has emboldened him on a regular basis and he has adopted this as his own ideology. I'm sure if someone at home had taught him to see people as people and to be color blind, he would not have chosen that comment to make. I also believe as parents we will be held accountable for what we teach our children about other races and ethnic groups.
Here in America, we are ignorant as we believe our media is the only media. They might cut the shit out if white and black Americans realized they were BOTH hated around the world. They also would worry about Latin America more than Middle east as the beheading videos coming out of Mexico and Brazil PUT ISIS TO SHAME! lol. Never seen ISIS cut off a mans hands and skin his face off.
“Latino” ? I can bet his family owned slaves in a so called Latin country . Speaking Spanish don’t make you a minority same as speaking English . Smh you people
@@novvst.rivver394 I do believe MOST are FULL AWARE of this. I can't speak for others however a lot of Hispanics and Latinos who consider themselves white or Caucasian doesn't mean they forget their Heritage. Unfortunately, some have.....
Novv St. Rivver exactly they are just sell outs people will sell their own family to the devil in any race people don’t understand life isn’t just about race it’s about good and evil in every race and religion period
Don lemon you're not doing any justice for this show you afraid what sorows will say i think you all are sell outs even fox news went into shock at mention of his namey
Steve Cortez was on a preamble about how his past gives him a shared empathy where as the others pointed out that is irrelevant because you can be a POC and still be a piece of shit. It shouldn’t need to be pointed out but Cortez comes through with the cookie cutter presentation and points. It must be hard though to defend trump on racism lmao
You can be a minority and still be a bigot cnn is such garbage it’s not news and it destroys race relations not only is it pure trash but cnn and especially don should have to start each show with some kind of disclaimer saying it’s not actually news that it’s a pro Democrat broadcast it’s anti trump and there is no actual research detective work or investigation cnn and don are basically the same as those gossip magazines like the ones that their frunt page says queen Elizabeth is a reptilian alien or president trump is a racist..... the guys the best president we’ve had in 50 years so all they can do is run 24/7 absolutely ridiculous “reports”!that trump is a racist and he’s the reason why racism exists he created it he spreads it and it’ll go away when he’s gone lol I love to how they try to be like he’s the same as the racist guy who says I can’t be racist my best friend is black you know that racist trump try’s acting like he can’t be racist JUST because the woman he married is a brown skinned IMMIGRANT who he had kids with and his ex wife is an immigrant who he also had kids with lol like they really compared the two as if he did that to prove he’s not a racist way before he ever became president and they actually get away with that kind of talk that shit is ignorant as hell its racist in its self it’s so disrespectful to the president and to the First Lady and to the kids of the president the whole first family it’s spreading lies misinformation it’s basically the worst of everything political correctness stands for the thing they preach that makes it hypocritical and they call that news and he calls him self a real reporter just plain disgusting
@bede Doesn't matter if no one has a chance to speak. Just like the Barr hearing. Ask a bunch of questions and refuse to let him answer. The left just likes to drown out voices and then claim moral superiority. Its worthless
As a minority myself (Native American), my 2 cents on Steve Cortes is that he backs Trump to feel better about himself and feel accepted by white Republicans. My sister is the same, thinking that condemning her heritage will make her more accepted by whites. Like he said about feeling shame when his father spoke with an accent, and now speaking with an accent like he's at the country club, It's a wonder that he hasn't changed his name to Brock or Todd.
Carlos Vacano Do you mean the guy who said "They don't look like Indians to me"? The guy who rallies his supporters to chant "Pocahontas"? Fuck that guy, and I say that with no disrespect to our country. I'd never support Trump on anything because he was racist against my people since I was a kid, and I never lost sight of his thin skin since then. I don't ask you to understand my perspective, but I also ask that you don't ask me to support a coward when my family never backed down on our national service and sacrifice.
@Len Smittey wow I'm a Democrat? I didn't know that since I personally vote for george Bush Sr and junior. So first stop assuming shit. I'm also a member of the NRA, but I guess because I'm black and I have issues with the current president makes me a liberal. Oh wait I had serious issues with Obama administration also...again people like you are what's wrong with today's American society. You are angry and you like to label people without even knowing them. So let me give you another stereo type myth...Most middle class and higher African americans when polled on various topics actually have very conservative views. So now do you have a logical rebuttal to my comment? If not save the trolling for one of those calls from the middles east asking for your social security number.
@Len Smittey and yes taking a knee is perfectly fine. What is not fine is burning the flag or pissing on it. But taking a knee to a song that stand against every blk person in this country yes. But again the knee wasn't about the flag or service your research, it was a army ranger idea to take a knee...which is the standard posture for fallen soldiers. You let the president tell you it was about the flag and the military...and you obviously cant think for yourself. You need to wake up and stop following blindly and vote based on your own personal agenda and not one of a party.
We are living in a time where deception is rampant.There are many lies being spread through liberal sources like mainstream news (CNN, CBS, Buzzfeed, Wallstreet Journal) and Hollywood. These sources of influence have been around our whole lives and appear to be benevolent but they are actually brainwashing you. They are spreading propaganda. The Democratic party wants your vote because they want power. They do not care about people; they care about power so they can control you. They come up with ways to appeal to certain demographics (blacks, latinos, gays, women) but they do not care about these demographics, they simply care about their votes. If they actually care about these people they would EMPOWER them, not victimize them. Here is an example: most blacks live in poverty and in prison cells because they have been brainwashed by the media to believe all they can do in life is be a drug dealer or a gang member. Not only is that, in their communities father absentee-ism is the norm. 85% of youth in prison grew up in fatherless homes. Guess who spreads these lies? Rappers, Hollywood puppets, and democratic politicians... liberals DO NOT CARE ABOUT BLACK PEOPLE. Liberals care about POWER not people. Liberalism perpetuates SIN. Sin HURTS people. God knows our DNA better than any human being; if God says to abstain from sin it's because he knows it will hurt us! This is just one of the many lies going around right now. Jesus Christ can free you from the lies. When you believe in the crucifixion, burial and resurrection of Jesus you receive the Holy Spirit. When you receive the Holy Spirit you receive the Spirit of Truth and you will be guided into truth that will set you free. Read the Bible and pray to God to "feed" the Holy Spirit so you can continue being guided into all truth and sharpen your godly intuition. John 8:32: And you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.” John 14:6: Jesus answered, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.
@Len Smittey dude you need a life, better yet some sex because you still on this bs. Its America...we dont have to think or agree on every political issue.
Everything he 🗣 endswith BOOM lol. It should have ended there but Lemon wanted to continue to continue to humor the goon. We bring ready receipts, where are his📍❓
Only an ignorant 7th grade argument uses ad hominem as an argument. BOOM. Allow me to explain the argument to you my leftist child. One guy says electing a blm president means US is not "systemically racist", and that's a fair point. The 7th grader says "this guy this racism was eradicated by a blm president". The first guy did NOT day racism was eradicated. Who is the 7th grader?... Hmmm...possibly the guy that throws out childish insults. BOOM. CNN make people stupid. Because they behave like children for children. BOOM. Shame that the democrats still want blm all to stay on their policy plantation and that so many still believe they will actually get better lives this way. Progress comes from within not from dependency. Wake up.
Tim Wise is one of the most eloquently spoken individuals I’ve ever heard on anti-racism advocacy in America. He mopped the floor with Steve Cortez in this session.
it was "impossible mission" to conquer trump's evilish circle, to contineously drag out them all out are big achievements, to expose their real color not impossible for brilliant news personnel .
Sophia Winnett he said he HAD been embarrassed by his father’s accent when he was a child, which is understandable, given his circumstance. He is a man now, and no longer thinks or feels that way. It’s important to LISTEN to what people are saying and try to ignore the filter in your brain according to your world view.
There's always been racists and hateful ppl, but they've become so emboldened lately. They don't even try to hide it. I've never saw ppl so outright disrespectful to each other just because they have different beliefs. The change is palpable, and it seems to be felt since Trump has been in office. I've never experienced anything like this in my 38 years. If it's not Trump, then what else could this universal, nationwide effect be attributed to? Why are his followers so volatile and respond with such venom?
So how are interracial married people with families doing? Why hasn't that been brought up? Jesus doesn't see color, he sees love and justice. Wake up people!
@@watchwomanofthedragon8376 My family is doing the same now, as before Trump took office (my husband and our 2 sons are black). My husband has a good job that has allowed me to be a stay-at-home mom before and during the Trump administration. We live in a small town where everybody knows everybody, and their business, and we don't run into too much blatant, overt racism, but it's still there lurking. A few years ago, there was a KKK march in our small town. Mostly, it's little things that fly under other's radar. The white man behind you in line while you're buying clothes for your kids, sighing and looking at you pointedly because you've got so much stuff to ring up, and you're holding him up even though there are 5 other registers with a line, but you know he's probably thinking that your black husband is a drug dealer because they can't believe a black man could possibly be legitimately successful. Finding out your new neighbor, lamented to his co-worker (who happened to be your cousin lol!) that a black family bought the house next door and there was a bunch of black kids running in the yard. We couldn't just be the new neighbors; my family's race had to be pointed out. Little things. The one thing that's bothered me the most so far, is when my son turned 16 and got his permit. I had to tell him things that white kids don't need to be told - if you're stopped by police, for any reason, keep your hands in sight on the dash, tell the officer what you are going to do before you do it because a sudden movement to get your insurance out of the glove compartment could get you shot and killed, don't resist if they do treat you unfairly and restrain you like an animal for nothing, etc. I worry everytime my son and his wife (also black) go out of town. I worry about them getting pulled over because the cop thinks they're suspicious because they have out of town or state plates, and they're black, so they must be transporting drugs, in his mind. It's not fair, and others have it even worse than that.
I'm democrat and I think that this lady is wrong when she says that racists started with Donald Trump, racist existed since the Europeans invaded this country.
Bien dicho Antonio! Trumoron needs to know or he knows...the "MAYFLOWER" cane with those killers, thieves, rapists, criminals ...and that is who run this so called nation. Been waiting all my life to say this. Jag hoppas att vi inte är dömda ... men. I finally said it! Tack.
He says “I HAVE BEEN CALLED A RACIST CONSTANTLY!” With a big smile on his face.. people who arent racist DO NOT get called racist constantly.. ever. *slap*Wake up!
@@wk8000 You're going to have to try a different argument that that. The whole "Democrats are true racist party, they wanted slavery" thing was true, until like 1967 when both parties flipped their ideals, making GOP slavery supporters. It's 2020 now. Get your facts straight.
Oh darling we're onto your liberal bullshit...its the era of Trump darling and we're taking our country back from dangerous liberal policies of open borders, sanctuary cities, the abolition of ICE..We have witnessed the devastation liberal polices have had on first class cities like St Francisco, LA, Chicago, Seattle of feces, needles, drugs, garbage, lawlessness, and homelessness in the streets....we ain't bigoted darling we're just indignant in the face of Democratic policies..
Nop you stop .... America is a Continent if you have had born on any of this country you are Americans Antigua y Barbuda: Antiguano/na Argentina: Argentino/a Bahamas: Bahameño/ña Barbados: Barbadense Belice: Beliceño/ña Bolivia: Boliviano/a Brasil: Brasileño/a; Brasilero/a Canadá: Canadiense Chile: Chileno/a Colombia: Colombiano/a Costa Rica: Costarricense Cuba: Cubano/a Dominica: Dominiqués Ecuador: Ecuatoriano/a El Salvador: Salvadoreño/ña Estados Unidos: Estadounidense Granada: Granadino/a Guatemala: Guatemalteco/a Guyana: Guyanés/esa Haití: Haitiano/a Honduras: Hondureño/a Jamaica: Jamaicano/na o Jamaiquino/na México: Mexicano/a Nicaragua: Nicaragüense Panamá: Panameño/ña Paraguay: Paraguayo/a Perú: Peruano/a Puerto Rico: Puertorriqueño/ña República Dominicana: Dominicano/na San Cristóbal y Nieves: Cristobaleño/ña San Vicente y las Granadinas: Sanvicentino/na Santa Lucía: Santalucense Surinam: Surinamés/esa Trinidad y Tobago: Trinitense Uruguay: Uruguayo/a Venezuela: Venezolano/a Puerto Rico: Puertorriqueño/ña - Al ser un Estado Libre Asociado se incluye en Estados Unidos.
For Steve to say that he was embarrassed of his father's accent tells me that he is ashamed of his ethic background which destroys any validity to the statements that he is making
Did Steve's father slap his face when Steve told him about his embarrassment of his father's accent? What kind of son is he? No matter how well Steve speaks English but he is still a Latino, not white. He should not feel the embarrassment of the accent. Childish !
C'mon.. He said he WAS embarrassed as a child not that he still is.. The title alone warned all who watched it was incitefull with devisiveness.. Why can't everyone be entitled to their opinion and keep an open mind at same time ?? There is no human that has ever been 1000% correct..and lack of admitting such doesn't make them 1000% correct either. Can't we all just get along ?? Do we not have a common ground at all ?? How about child sex trafficking ?? Can we stand united against that ?? Priorities please !!
@@sept21-urgentseemyaboutdes2 When a child feels so embarrassed about his dad's accent is a problematic issue. When he grows up, he will be like Steve. Steve is a Latino man who feels he is white. He discriminated against his own father since he was a child. He never appreciated his dad brought him to the US and giving him an opportunity to live in a free world. He never said he was wrong to feel embarrassed because of his dad's accent.
He said “ He was embarrassed by his dad speaking English with a heavy accent.” Told you most Spanish think of themselves as white people. He is one of them.
What can you say about a person that was embarrassed by how his dad spoke. Instead of being pround that he was bilingual. That alot of people are not. Shameless.
Scooby Doo I'm Hispanic and live in a very liberal city. Steve is right...they are racist people on both sides.. Trump didnt cause this problem.. this problem was here already. the only people people bitching and causing are the poor in this country.. liberal whites are the most dangerous in this country to minorities because their efforts is to mind fuck you. Make you think you one of them and while making sure you stay in your place.. trust me democrats dont allow you to think for yourself if you a minority. Trump dont give a fuck about who are..he just cares about the economic health of this country. All these people do is like to play the blame game.
G. Menjivar don’t try to level an uneven field when there aren’t many case of racist liberals but there are a lot of racist conservatives. And if you are acknowledging racism exist why push back on obvious racism on the right.
Or just maybe it's a little hard to understand what someone is saying when three of them kept talking all at the same time..I was having trouble when they weren't able to talk one at a time like an adult and then give a person a chance to answer ...Sorry but where does the deflecting come in?
Don't know exactly what was meant by " triggering" but when the word " racist " is added, then the next thing is " take the guns away "! It's almost like what you see when it comes to being human and when it comes to the Bible. And I may add the constitution. People want the constitution to work for all because we are and have the right to equally, but not the part that says we gave a right to bear arm. So yea little by little we are doing away with the constitution and the Bible! Like I said so many times, no law that is passed ie going to change people's minds . It starts in the heart. So yeah go ahead and teardown everything America stands for it should stand for. And it's not only the white race that is responsible. Hispanics and blacks are also responsible for the way things are in America. Yes sir let's not deny it! I said blacks and Hispanics too! So when you see American torn down to the ground, we are going to face another problem like with the pandemic and not having enough PPE. Only this time it will be not enough pecifyers fir all the cry babies, all the ones who would not even try to work together and played the victims. And you wonder why do many people want to come to America? And those of us who are the true Americans with all the given rights are trying to tear it down!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Time Wise had my jaw open and laughing the entire time. So well read and understanding of the different levels of racial prejudice in America and how it seeps into different generations.. i cant even. So well spoken. A really great speaker
@@akihitochan9988 thatz yor opinion, but itz OBVIOUS it isn't the majority!!!... I have NEVER BEEN in a black home nor church that teaches racial divide... Im sure itz some that are ignorant, but Ur in denial if U think that itz more prevalent in the black community... Every year...EVERY YEAR a video surfaces with a group of white kids beit high school or college age where they are being and acting RACISTS.... where do they get that from?😔 Just recently an all Black church in Ft.Worth,TX appointed a white minister as their Pastor after the death of the previous one. I wonder if we could find an all "anything else" church esp, in the south, with aBlack Pastor.... Im NOT making this up, don't have to... We all need to preach and teach against racism, itz IGNORANT on All sides. But, in this soceity,as in most, IT IS SYSTEMIC and those systems need to be dismantled... Think about the Fact that it is PERFECTLY Normal for Generation Z and even most Millennials to know a Black President, ALL KINDS OF Black Leaders from Sports, Entertainment, Business, Government, Military, Schools, Where, just where is the thought that Blacks are "less than" coming from?🤔 it Should die the, even if they are around ppl with such ignorant beliefs they should be like... "Nawl y'all lying on them" but the fact we 👀 a gang of them on video time and time again chanting, singing,etc. some stupid, racists shit is the reason i say maybe the homes and churches are failing, just my opinion...and add to it, the majority of these "lone wolves" that commit these mass shootings on innocent ppl are white males... Something is wrong... Every Community needs to address their problems, none of us should be in Denial... Therez alot that needs to be done in the BLACK community, law enforcement community,etc...So, i wasn't trying to state that itz all "them" never me nor us... Not at all, like the saying goes... "If we can't stand United, then Divided we'll fall"... No-one has to stand on anyone else to stand tall... Peace and Blessings to All!😉
@@keanusimpson8785 that is true my friend, because Steve said he is spanic and Trump is a recist attacking spanic and Steve talking on behalf of Trump. That is sad, I m not spanic and I love spanic; may be Steve looking for job in White House, but ain't gonna happen because Trump hates Spanic people
This man was sad and pathetic. In reality, these anti-Hispanic, anti-Black individuals are insecure and afraid their privileges will be pulled. The parents teach the kids about race. I watch children play with one another and when race is introduced by ignorant parents, we have these deep-seated issues.
I said what I did as a joke to lighten things up but I speak or habla espanol, very little and Francis un put (misspell) but I do try, but for those coming up here should be able to speak English completely to blend in, and help those wanting to learn the language so they can help, if that makes sense?
@@ericanthony402 I'm as white as you can get blonde with blue eyes and I played with black kids as a child and proud to be friends with many as an adult and never felt a need to look at what some poll says
You can be a minority and still be a bigot cnn is such garbage it’s not news and it destroys race relations not only is it pure trash but cnn and especially don should have to start each show with some kind of disclaimer saying it’s not actually news that it’s a pro Democrat broadcast it’s anti trump and there is no actual research detective work or investigation cnn and don are basically the same as those gossip magazines like the ones that their frunt page says queen Elizabeth is a reptilian alien or president trump is a racist..... the guys the best president we’ve had in 50 years so all they can do is run 24/7 absolutely ridiculous “reports”!that trump is a racist and he’s the reason why racism exists he created it he spreads it and it’ll go away when he’s gone lol I love to how they try to be like he’s the same as the racist guy who says I can’t be racist my best friend is black you know that racist trump try’s acting like he can’t be racist JUST because the woman he married is a brown skinned IMMIGRANT who he had kids with and his ex wife is an immigrant who he also had kids with lol like they really compared the two as if he did that to prove he’s not a racist way before he ever became president and they actually get away with that kind of talk that shit is ignorant as hell its racist in its self it’s so disrespectful to the president and to the First Lady and to the kids of the president the whole first family it’s spreading lies misinformation it’s basically the worst of everything political correctness stands for the thing they preach that makes it hypocritical and they call that news and he calls him self a real reporter just plain disgusting
It takes a white guy to confirm all the s*** that black people been saying for decades but I do applaud his efforts of clarifying all the things that black people have been going through
I live in South Africa, and even my boss, who I know is racist, couldv'e jumped over the moon with joy when Trump was elected as president. Trump's reach stretches further than you could possibly fathom and for Steve Cortes to sit there and deny that Trump is a racist is just stupid. It makes him look stupid as s@#&.....
I often have to "defend" the "West" against Twitters from Russia or China, but I'm always confronted with the things which are happening right now in the USA. That's why I have to be careful with my criticism regarding HongKong. I always mention that West Europe (which is not perfect) is the part of the "West", but the "West" as the Russians and Chinese understand it, does not include the USA.
It went past me so quickly that I hadn't even realized the weight of that comment. LOL But yeah, that's pretty bad. She probably thought she was saying something mild but the comment is actually not mild.
yeah pretty sad because that guy was extremely polite, she can’t have a civil conversation without shouting like a stupid bitch and calling names, that’s CNN for ya.
Because they knew they wouldn't be able to put the lid back on that pandora's box once it was know moma,daddy, uncle, cousin pookie and ray ray was coming!!....I'm sure cell phones were burning up in those kids hands! I could hear my own calling me saying " ma let me tell you what this! "........
LOL. Black people love this "get your people" comment. Its in line with their collectivist way of thinking. White people are always confused at this because we don't see white people as "our people".
@@jayk5764 Yeah, except the statement "...we don't see white people as 'our people'." Is a collectivist way of thinking. You don't know that all white people don't think of whites as their people, and to claim so is collectivist.
@@franklin3271 I guess that's why I have 14 thumbs up. Children are imprinted at a very young age by their guardians; parents, grandparents, aunties, uncles, etc. If you have the attitude that you have, I can guarantee you've passed that along to your children.
Trump has done more for minorities than any other are listening to the wrong voices!! CNN reports to the Democrat party....not their own conscience...wake up people
Anna Irvin You can be a minority and still be a bigot cnn is such garbage it’s not news and it destroys race relations not only is it pure trash but cnn and especially don should have to start each show with some kind of disclaimer saying it’s not actually news that it’s a pro Democrat broadcast it’s anti trump and there is no actual research detective work or investigation cnn and don are basically the same as those gossip magazines like the ones that their frunt page says queen Elizabeth is a reptilian alien or president trump is a racist..... the guys the best president we’ve had in 50 years so all they can do is run 24/7 absolutely ridiculous “reports”!that trump is a racist and he’s the reason why racism exists he created it he spreads it and it’ll go away when he’s gone lol I love to how they try to be like he’s the same as the racist guy who says I can’t be racist my best friend is black you know that racist trump try’s acting like he can’t be racist JUST because the woman he married is a brown skinned IMMIGRANT who he had kids with and his ex wife is an immigrant who he also had kids with lol like they really compared the two as if he did that to prove he’s not a racist way before he ever became president and they actually get away with that kind of talk that shit is ignorant as hell its racist in its self it’s so disrespectful to the president and to the First Lady and to the kids of the president the whole first family it’s spreading lies misinformation it’s basically the worst of everything political correctness stands for the thing they preach that makes it hypocritical and they call that news and he calls him self a real reporter just plain disgusting
We are living in a time where deception is rampant.There are many lies being spread through liberal sources like mainstream news (CNN, CBS, Buzzfeed, Wallstreet Journal) and Hollywood. These sources of influence have been around our whole lives and appear to be benevolent but they are actually brainwashing you. They are spreading propaganda. The Democratic party wants your vote because they want power. They do not care about people; they care about power so they can control you. They come up with ways to appeal to certain demographics (blacks, latinos, gays, women) but they do not care about these demographics, they simply care about their votes. If they actually care about these people they would EMPOWER them, not victimize them. Here is an example: most blacks live in poverty and in prison cells because they have been brainwashed by the media to believe all they can do in life is be a drug dealer or a gang member. Not only is that, in their communities father absentee-ism is the norm. 85% of youth in prison grew up in fatherless homes. Guess who spreads these lies? Rappers, Hollywood puppets, and democratic politicians... liberals DO NOT CARE ABOUT BLACK PEOPLE. Liberals care about POWER not people. Liberalism perpetuates SIN. Sin HURTS people. God knows our DNA better than any human being; if God says to abstain from sin it's because he knows it will hurt us! This is just one of the many lies going around right now. Jesus Christ can free you from the lies. When you believe in the crucifixion, burial and resurrection of Jesus you receive the Holy Spirit. When you receive the Holy Spirit you receive the Spirit of Truth and you will be guided into truth that will set you free. Read the Bible and pray to God to "feed" the Holy Spirit so you can continue being guided into all truth and sharpen your godly intuition. John 8:32: And you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.” John 14:6: Jesus answered, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.
This why mexican nationals and central americans hate us american born hispanics.I am more than ashamed of this fake ass, kiss a... will be your fault if get my a.. basturd
That stupidity is so old! That people have an accent! Alot of Americans gave them even if they were born and raised in the USA. And everybody knows. Tell me something new. Look at Texas and then north Carolina! Look! Different accents and please don't be dismayed!
Now I know that kids say cruel things at times, but let's be honest. The kid who made the racist cotton shirt remark, didn't learn that from his fellow students. This came straight from one or more of the parents of the kids in this group. Yes we have a racial problem in this country. Which truly needs to be addressed..
@@emersonschneeman5591 So I guess we should just not speak on the incidents & sweep it under the rug? When it happens, it's being reported on. It just so happens that majority of the times it's reported, it's being perpetrated by Caucasians. This isn't a war on your race, it's stating the facts of the situation. Therefore, we clearly have a system to account for said incidents & the people who are doing these crimes can be put forth for judgement & scrutinized. Sad it has come to this, but people simply don't know how to love, respect & appreciate our differences.
😲😲😲🆗️Just seeing this to date 5/24/2021. THIS IS EVEN WORSE NOW THAT he is no longer president & under investigation...😲😲😲OMG🔊🔊🔊🇺🇸🇺🇸Wake Up to OUR Country's reality. Smh🤐🤐
Albert Wilson : Wise destroys everybody. Unless you’re Michael Eric Dyson, Jesse Jackson, Jane Elliott, or Barack Obama - or someone if that ilk - he’s pretty much going to destroy you.
Like always lately,, more specific since our president today,,a running yesterday",if someone come on CNN,,on no defense but on stand in what is the true,they always eat them alive,, normal",
yeah Tim is a liberal lickspittle like you..meanwhile blacks in the inner liberal cities are being devastated by liberal policies..thank God Trump came along
Because we had a black president doesn't mean America is not racist.
It seems like electing Obama was the straw that broke the camel's back for the racist.
Amer. will always breed bottom feeder racebaiting, supremacist.
Amer. will always breed bottom feeder, racebaiter, wht. supremacist.
The #45 has NO problem pushing his own DEADLY agenda on America.
Blacks are the most racist today
He said in the beginning he was ashamed of his father’s accent... that speaks to how he feels about himself as Latino.
Thank you for pointing that out. I can’t believe he said that about his father.
Good thing I noticed .
*Snort* bruuuuuh
Considering, he looks more white than latino makes me think, he does not understand what its like to be looked at and be seen as lesser due to the skin color or eyes or whatever thung the racists latch onto.
@@andreaskarlsson5251 He probably only claims his heritage when his allies are called out for exclusionary behavior.
His father's accent made him shame??. Lord have mercy on this man, he is crazy.
It's understandable why he would be ashamed. Should he have been? No. But in America people look at that as bad. As a child, you see that and it affects some kids.
@Oletta Wisemon I'm not reading into it to be negative. I don't see a reason a child should be ashamed of their parents accent. I and everyone in my family has an accent and it never bothered me that I was different. It sad to see that children have such low self esteem that they are ashamed of who they and their parents are.
@Hyper Visual I'm from the Caribbean and I'm black. 🤷♀️🤷♀️
I never had an issue with my accent, no matter who didn't like it. I never cared. It's called self esteem and for something as simple as an accent to be a problem is sad that they are afraid to love who they are. People should never be so hateful as to make fun of people especially for being who they are.
He's ashamed of his fathers heavy latino accent translation: ashamed of his race or background. That explains everything.
As a latina, we don't claim that guy.
Amen to that I second that
Amen! He's a disgrace!
@Nazgûl Volante the irony is stating that we cannot claim people, while stating, "Raza for Trump 2020." P.S. We do speak, read and write Spanish...fluently. 😉
@Nazgûl Volante en primer lugar, si no sabe, es mejor guardar silencio. Mi lengua nativa es Español, porque yo no fui nacida en los EEUU, aunque ahora es mi país por decisión. Nadie está contra nuestros modales o religión. El ser republicano o demócrata no remueve lo que uno representa como latino o hispano. Simplemente es, en mi opinión, una forma de pensar sobre la pólizas que representan como funciona nuestro pais. Personalmente, soy una persona que mantiene las tradiciones que nos inculcan en nuestra cultura. Afortunadamente, también estoy consiente de que este país es un país diverso que fundamentalmente, necesita estar representado acordado a sus personas. Si yo como latina puedo reconocer esto, porque usted no? Desde pequeña e conocido lo que es el racismo y la discriminación. Y este presidente definitivamente, es racista. No hay nada que usted me puede decir contra lo que se que es verdad. El racismo, la discriminación, o el fanatismo, no siempre es evidente, si no, sutil. Este presidente es tanto obvio como sutil. Sus mentiras, tanto como su generalización de nuestra gente un luz negativa, tanto como su inabilidad de denunciar a los supremacistas blancos, o antisemitas, y sus palabras contra la gente morena es más que suficiente para indicar como verdaderamente piensa y siente. No confunda sus maniobra políticas con anhelo. Ese hombre solamente dice y hace lo que le conviene y lo que le resulta justo a sus motivos personales.
@Nazgûl Volante muchas gracias por su disculpa. Se por experiencia que todos los hombres no hablan de esa manera. Mi padre, mis tios, primos, y hasta mi esposo miden sus palabras porque reconozen que los caballeros se comportan de sierta forma. No hay que demoralizar ningun partido politico para poder dar a entendernos. Serpientes hay en ambos lados. Ninguna persona es perfecta, y decir que Biden no ha echo nada en su tiempo es una gran mentira. Biden no es perfecto, pero a tratado, y el mismo a dicho que ha echo errores en su carrera politica. Obvio, cuando hay dos partidos que prefieren partido sobre patria, claro, muchas cosas no se van a realizar. Eso es lo malo y lo feo de la politica. En un mundo perfecto, ambos partidos trabajarian juntos para poder representar a su gente tanto como superar el pais. Biden no quiere quitar las armas. Nuestra constitucion esta protegida. Lo que quiere es que las reglas se repasen que es completamente racional. Solamente los tiroteos escolares es mas que suficiente para realizar que un cambio es necesario. Ningun estudiante deberia temer acudir a sus estudios. Al igual, uno nunca sabe cuando una person (usualmente hombres blancos) van a empezar a balaziar a la gente ya sea en las iglesias, en los mercados, las escuelas, o en cualquier otro lugar publico. Este pais tiene una epidemia de hombres que piensan que la solucion es matar gente inocente a puros balazos. Si eso no le presta un poco de pausa, no se que decirle. Y eso se lo digo como persona que utiliza y tiene varias armas. En este instante no habido evidencia contra las acusaciones de que Biden tiene intereses en otros paises. Trump mando a el senor Barr y Wray a que investigaran a Biden, y no encontraron nada. En este pais, uno es inocente hasta que se encuentren culpables. Trump solamente quiere quitar enfoque de su inabilidad como lider de este pais. Lo unico que sabe hacer es culpar sin puebras, mentir, e insultar. Poque? Pues, porque no tiene nada concreto ni con sus polizas ni con su registro de politica. Ahora, sobre el petroleo....claro que lo quiere quitar....eventualmente. Los recursos naturales no se pueden renovar en nuestra vida. Es obvio que lo mas sensato es empezar a acudir a otro tipo de recursos naturales. Supongamos que nuestro petroleo se acaba en 10 anos, y por no pensar en el futuro, se nos acaba la abilidad de manejar nuestros vehiculos, producir energia, operar nuestras maquinas, aviones, barcos, submarinos, etc. La lista es larga. Pero si no tenemos nada cuando se nos acaba, como exactamente vamos a operar nuestra vida? El no tener el modo de operar lo que nos sostiene, tiene repercusiones severas. Sobre los, si los quiere subir. Pero a las personas que hacen mas de $450,000 al ano. Y eso es justo. Trump le a dado a la gente mas rica de este pais, una reduccion de impuestos. Los economistas sobre varios anos han dicho que reducir los impuestos como los a reducido Trump, es malo. Tarde que temprano, va a haber una reduccion de impuestos que impacta a muchos de los programas gubernamentales. Desafortunadamente, la gente de clase media o de bajos recursos son los que tenemos que pagar mas para que ese vacio que los ricos que no pagan impuestos han creado, se pueda fundar. Trump a dicho que los impuestos para los ricos estan muy altos, y no es cierto, si no que son bajos a comparacion de decadas anteriores. Tambien, los impuestos que quieren subir para los mas ricos, es despues de 10 millones de dolares. Osea, se cobran lo normal de $0 a 10 millones de dolares, y qualquier cantidad despues de 10 millones, se cobra a una taza mas alta. Despues de ajustes el increso de impuestos es justo y es equivalente a lo que uno paga. Digame por favor, como es justo que una persona que hace billones de dolares page nada o menos que una persona que hace menos de $100,000 al ano? Sabia usted, que el plan que quiere Trump dar para el COVID, le sirve a los ricos y completamente dana a los demas? Por ejemplo, el programa que rechazo Nancy Pelosi, indica que los mas ricos pueden tener otra reduccion de impuestos, mientras quitan el Child Tax Credit, y el Earned Income Credit. Asi que si usted tiene hijos menos de 17 anos de edad, y hace menos de $55,000 (dependiendo de como declara sus impuestos) el ano que entra, ese dinero no va estar presente, y tiene que pagar mas en impuestos, mientras los mas ricos pagan menos o nada. Tambien ese programa, todavia no tiene palabras directas que ayudan a la gente mas pobre o vulnerable contra la epidemia. Pero Trump, lo hace ver como que los Democratas, no quieren darles $1,200 a la gente Americana, y solamente el puede darles dinero si votan por el. No sabiendo la realidad de la situacion. Y esa situacion es que Trump siempre hace lo que es mejor para su gente rica. Sobre los abortos....los abortos nunca se han pagado con los impuestos de la gente. La unica excepcion es cuando una mejer a sido violada o victima de incesto. En ese estado, si, si se pueden pagar utilizando los fondos que son parte del cuidado reproductivo que da el gobierno. Ay de mas, los abortos tienen que ser pagados por la mujer que gusta terminar su embarazo ante de su termino. Mire, yo no me llevo por palabras si no por datos, y todo lo que yo he investigado y estudiado, resulta que todo lo que dice Trump, son puras mentiras. No le niego que no ha echo una que otra cosa buena, pero generalmente, el no ha sido buen presidente. Sus polizas tanto como sus acciones es pruebra de eso. Una cosa mas, la unica razon que no le han dado ningun cargo es porque un presidente activo no puede ser cargado/acusado hasta que termine su termino. No se le hace raro que 8 meses antes de la eleccion del 2016 los Republicanos no querian que Obama pusiera otra justicia en la corte suprema que porque no era bueno y que la gente Americana deberia tener el derecho a decir quien quieren poner en el asiento de justicia. Eso indicaba que el siguiente presidente es el que elije esa persona. Y como que ahora SEMANAS antes de la nueva eleccion pusieron a Amy Coney Barret en la corte suprema?! Unas de las preguntas que le hicieron cuando la estaban confirmando es que piensa ella sobre el perdon de el lo nego....Porque? Porque bien sabemos que Trump la puso en ese asiento para que lo pueda perdonar si lo acusan o cargan de todos los crimenes que ha comitido. Bueno, esto se esta convirtiendo en un libro. :-D Muchas gracias por su atencion y discusion. Me alegra poder hablar civilmente con otra persona sobre cosas que nos perjuidica en hoy dia. Buenas noches, espero que tenga una linda noche. :-)
5:37 YESSS!!!!!! "You can still be a minority and still be a bigot!!".
That's such a valid point & I'm Glad Don stated That BC he likes to play that "I'm a minority too" card as if he's exempt from being a racist and I noticed something else he said about being "embarrassed"of his father & talked about how heavy his accent was. I think that speaks volumes on his point of view.
Yay Nandani!!!
Did you look at the look on his face when he said that it was priceless😸😸😸
Hence, Steve Cortes!
Yeah that one really dug in there.
steve’s argument has zero merit, especially after outing himself as being embarrassed by his latin father‘s accent
Steve comes across about as Latino as Gomer Pyle. "LUH-tee-no." He strikes me as an Oreo-brown on the outside, white on the inside. All I'm saying is he can't actually relate. That's an analogy, not a racist comment.
@@c948141 Like I stated above, Politics Trump Ethnicity... Pun intended.....!!
Sadly,this guy has complexity.Lost child.👎👎👎
Idc Trump is An amazing president
This guy is a lost cause just like Trump
I wish they called him out on being ashamed for his father's accent. That's some racism right there.
qp4fg he did say he had regret over that shame.
Lion and hedgehog 1 please how is Barack Obama a pedophile? What evidence do you have? Conspiracy theories? People also called him The Anti-Christ, terrorist, Alien, I guess you can add Pedophile to that list too. Tell us how Barack is a pedophile???
@@lionandhedgehog1837 wow n word hard R and you are speaking for him ???? I rest my case this dude is ashamed of his own history I would think you would understand about history since you want to keep all those monuments and flags
i also felt like this as a kid but my mom was russian, does this mean i was racist as a 10 year old ?
No but there seems to be some weird reason you were ashamed of that...maybe because you knew there were possibly some prejudices among your peers or outsiders. That's kind of fucked up. And I think as a reasonable adult you should reflect on notions like that. But maybe I'm crazy.
what would happen if native americans started saying , WE WAN'T OUR COUNTRY BACK .
Were the native Americans conquered hence the takeover? Plz take that horrible thought back.
@Richard Williams lol, you paint cowboys like some humans with super powers and immense strength.
Probably war.
Embarrassed by his dad speaking English with a heavy accent. This guy clearly suffers from deep seeded self hatred.
Steven Cortes is an embarrassment to himself and is obviously ashamed of not only who he is but where he comes from and of his parents and I see that as the ultimate disrespect and disgrace that one could ever exhibit
headed in the direct direction
Could not have said it better myself. Cortes is an embarrassment to the Latino community. *A Pure Pendejo through and through. *
I thought I was the only one who heard that. Embarrassed by your parents being Mexican? He qualified himself as a self hater
PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE!!! Bring on Tim Wise again! He made better points than 90% of your guests and was well able to handle the discussion.
I dito this comment. He was awesome
Joe Walker says the guy who provides no supporting evidence for his bullshit thesis.
White guy scores again....
Condescending Don.....the purveyor of points....all democrat...all the time...f*** the truth bring the popcorn he'll baffle you with bullsh**
Man that can anyone, a kid especially, say that "thank you for picking this for me" (relating to the cotton comment)...that's so disgusting
I was def shocked that child would say that but you know, we can't blame the kid here, children are impressionable and malleable. BUT We have to think what type of disgusting racist shit is he hearing at home or at school for that to come out of his mouth and for him to think it was acceptable. Then for him to get away with it at that moment, probably affirmed to him that he was right and his belief and words were correct. The problem becomes when these kids are constantly hearing this hate speech, growing up thinking black people evil or violent, and become adults in this country and continue to breed that hate and kill innocent black people.. All around just sad and disgusting..
Arnold k You can be a minority and still be a bigot cnn is such garbage it’s not news and it destroys race relations not only is it pure trash but cnn and especially don should have to start each show with some kind of disclaimer saying it’s not actually news that it’s a pro Democrat broadcast it’s anti trump and there is no actual research detective work or investigation cnn and don are basically the same as those gossip magazines like the ones that their frunt page says queen Elizabeth is a reptilian alien or president trump is a racist..... the guys the best president we’ve had in 50 years so all they can do is run 24/7 absolutely ridiculous “reports”!that trump is a racist and he’s the reason why racism exists he created it he spreads it and it’ll go away when he’s gone lol I love to how they try to be like he’s the same as the racist guy who says I can’t be racist my best friend is black you know that racist trump try’s acting like he can’t be racist JUST because the woman he married is a brown skinned IMMIGRANT who he had kids with and his ex wife is an immigrant who he also had kids with lol like they really compared the two as if he did that to prove he’s not a racist way before he ever became president and they actually get away with that kind of talk that shit is ignorant as hell its racist in its self it’s so disrespectful to the president and to the First Lady and to the kids of the president the whole first family it’s spreading lies misinformation it’s basically the worst of everything political correctness stands for the thing they preach that makes it hypocritical and they call that news and he calls him self a real reporter just plain disgusting
@@alfredvanasse7380 LOL so cute you're trying to spread your venom with copy paste :)
@@lipsohlips97 I remember when I read the story of the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah as an adult... I remembered wondering why God destroyed the children along with the parents, after all I'm sure there were children there as well, and I remember thinking how sad that the children were destroyed as well....but then it came to me that these children were corrupted from the womb. They would have continued to spread the disease of their lasciviousness and lewed behavior because it was what they saw and were taught and it was in their nature. People that hate learn this behavior at a very early age. And when it runs really deep it's introduced before first learning to speak. It helped me to understand that, even as Abraham pleaded on behalf of the people of Sodom, God never informed Abraham that He would spare not one of their children because the seed was wicked too. He only brought out Abraham's nephew Lot and his family . I guess I said all that to say racism has very very deep roots and children learn this behavior from generations of a belief system practiced and taught. This kid learned this at home and felt too comfortable saying it out loud. Somebody has emboldened him on a regular basis and he has adopted this as his own ideology. I'm sure if someone at home had taught him to see people as people and to be color blind, he would not have chosen that comment to make. I also believe as parents we will be held accountable for what we teach our children about other races and ethnic groups.
We know he won’t be doctor.
“We have the receipts where are yours?” Period!!!!!! 15:36
@@onism8906 lol 😂
This country is going to hell.
The 2K KING been there bro, we just getting there faster now
Help out some. Be positive
H. E. double hockey sticks as they say....
jay k You're not foooling me
Here in America, we are ignorant as we believe our media is the only media. They might cut the shit out if white and black Americans realized they were BOTH hated around the world.
They also would worry about Latin America more than Middle east as the beheading videos coming out of Mexico and Brazil PUT ISIS TO SHAME! lol. Never seen ISIS cut off a mans hands and skin his face off.
Shoutout to the white guy for being more educated on racism than the “Latino man” on the panel.
Which proves "Politics" Trump Race....!! Pun intended....!!!
“Latino” ? I can bet his family owned slaves in a so called Latin country . Speaking Spanish don’t make you a minority same as speaking English . Smh you people
@@novvst.rivver394 I do believe MOST are FULL AWARE of this. I can't speak for others however a lot of Hispanics and Latinos who consider themselves white or Caucasian doesn't mean they forget their Heritage. Unfortunately, some have.....
Novv St. Rivver exactly they are just sell outs people will sell their own family to the devil in any race people don’t understand life isn’t just about race it’s about good and evil in every race and religion period
Don lemon you're not doing any justice for this show you afraid what sorows will say i think you all are sell outs even fox news went into shock at mention of his namey
“YOU CAN BE A MINORITY AND STILL BE A BIGOT” sent me to the graveeeeee !!!!
Bring It Out Don ‘put it where I like it’ Lemon said that
Steve Cortez was on a preamble about how his past gives him a shared empathy where as the others pointed out that is irrelevant because you can be a POC and still be a piece of shit. It shouldn’t need to be pointed out but Cortez comes through with the cookie cutter presentation and points. It must be hard though to defend trump on racism lmao
You can be a minority and still be a bigot cnn is such garbage it’s not news and it destroys race relations not only is it pure trash but cnn and especially don should have to start each show with some kind of disclaimer saying it’s not actually news that it’s a pro Democrat broadcast it’s anti trump and there is no actual research detective work or investigation cnn and don are basically the same as those gossip magazines like the ones that their frunt page says queen Elizabeth is a reptilian alien or president trump is a racist..... the guys the best president we’ve had in 50 years so all they can do is run 24/7 absolutely ridiculous “reports”!that trump is a racist and he’s the reason why racism exists he created it he spreads it and it’ll go away when he’s gone lol I love to how they try to be like he’s the same as the racist guy who says I can’t be racist my best friend is black you know that racist trump try’s acting like he can’t be racist JUST because the woman he married is a brown skinned IMMIGRANT who he had kids with and his ex wife is an immigrant who he also had kids with lol like they really compared the two as if he did that to prove he’s not a racist way before he ever became president and they actually get away with that kind of talk that shit is ignorant as hell its racist in its self it’s so disrespectful to the president and to the First Lady and to the kids of the president the whole first family it’s spreading lies misinformation it’s basically the worst of everything political correctness stands for the thing they preach that makes it hypocritical and they call that news and he calls him self a real reporter just plain disgusting
It's true minorities can be bigots.
yeah just basically called bro a bigot, like wtf, can you not have a civil convo? butthurt pussys bro I swear
Tim was over it before the conversation began just by his expression LMAOO they ate him up 😂😂😂
He the best
Three against one. Typical limp lefty tactic.
@@masontiptoewell your's is a typical limp dick comment
@@masontiptoe lefty tactic???
@@Leodoll85 aye
They killed this man😂 He is being humiliated and is too ignorant to figure it out. Love it!!!😂😂
Who are these guys, I need to understand what are their views now
i wish they would let him speak abit more causee this looked like a gang, don lemon is so arrogant
These shows aren't worth watching. No one gets ample time to make a reasonable argument. Watch intelligent podcasts instead
@bede Doesn't matter if no one has a chance to speak. Just like the Barr hearing. Ask a bunch of questions and refuse to let him answer. The left just likes to drown out voices and then claim moral superiority. Its worthless
He is too addicted to male "circle of friends"-building. Just as long as he isn't affected there is no problem.
As a minority myself (Native American), my 2 cents on Steve Cortes is that he backs Trump to feel better about himself and feel accepted by white Republicans. My sister is the same, thinking that condemning her heritage will make her more accepted by whites. Like he said about feeling shame when his father spoke with an accent, and now speaking with an accent like he's at the country club, It's a wonder that he hasn't changed his name to Brock or Todd.
Carlos Vacano Do you mean the guy who said "They don't look like Indians to me"? The guy who rallies his supporters to chant "Pocahontas"?
Fuck that guy, and I say that with no disrespect to our country. I'd never support Trump on anything because he was racist against my people since I was a kid, and I never lost sight of his thin skin since then. I don't ask you to understand my perspective, but I also ask that you don't ask me to support a coward when my family never backed down on our national service and sacrifice.
that's why you are a racist who is bond to your race and Steve Cortes is a real American that doesn't fall for the race baiting crap.
damn u a minority homie, u must have that special opinion man
Oh Snap!!! Why can everyone be so openly racist against whites? "Brock or todd"? "Country club"?
Oh Snap!!!
Here is a take..."If" Trump isn't a Racist, then he sure as hell markets himself to racists and has made it a brand.
@Len Smittey wow I'm a Democrat? I didn't know that since I personally vote for george Bush Sr and junior. So first stop assuming shit. I'm also a member of the NRA, but I guess because I'm black and I have issues with the current president makes me a liberal. Oh wait I had serious issues with Obama administration also...again people like you are what's wrong with today's American society. You are angry and you like to label people without even knowing them. So let me give you another stereo type myth...Most middle class and higher African americans when polled on various topics actually have very conservative views. So now do you have a logical rebuttal to my comment? If not save the trolling for one of those calls from the middles east asking for your social security number.
@Len Smittey and yes taking a knee is perfectly fine. What is not fine is burning the flag or pissing on it. But taking a knee to a song that stand against every blk person in this country yes. But again the knee wasn't about the flag or service your research, it was a army ranger idea to take a knee...which is the standard posture for fallen soldiers. You let the president tell you it was about the flag and the military...and you obviously cant think for yourself. You need to wake up and stop following blindly and vote based on your own personal agenda and not one of a party.
We are living in a time where deception is rampant.There are many lies being spread through liberal sources like mainstream news (CNN, CBS, Buzzfeed, Wallstreet Journal) and Hollywood. These sources of influence have been around our whole lives and appear to be benevolent but they are actually brainwashing you. They are spreading propaganda. The Democratic party wants your vote because they want power. They do not care about people; they care about power so they can control you. They come up with ways to appeal to certain demographics (blacks, latinos, gays, women) but they do not care about these demographics, they simply care about their votes. If they actually care about these people they would EMPOWER them, not victimize them.
Here is an example: most blacks live in poverty and in prison cells because they have been brainwashed by the media to believe all they can do in life is be a drug dealer or a gang member. Not only is that, in their communities father absentee-ism is the norm. 85% of youth in prison grew up in fatherless homes. Guess who spreads these lies? Rappers, Hollywood puppets, and democratic politicians... liberals DO NOT CARE ABOUT BLACK PEOPLE. Liberals care about POWER not people. Liberalism perpetuates SIN. Sin HURTS people. God knows our DNA better than any human being; if God says to abstain from sin it's because he knows it will hurt us! This is just one of the many lies going around right now.
Jesus Christ can free you from the lies. When you believe in the crucifixion, burial and resurrection of Jesus you receive the Holy Spirit. When you receive the Holy Spirit you receive the Spirit of Truth and you will be guided into truth that will set you free. Read the Bible and pray to God to "feed" the Holy Spirit so you can continue being guided into all truth and sharpen your godly intuition.
John 8:32: And you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.”
John 14:6: Jesus answered, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.
@Len Smittey dude you need a life, better yet some sex because you still on this bs. Its America...we dont have to think or agree on every political issue.
@@ljp9402May God bless you . that was very inspiring and Made me and my girl hopeful
I would like to thank you so much more. But.
I’m DEAD! He said there’s 3 minorities on this panel, make your point please.. all tea all shade honey 🗣
The best line, "This is taking too long, move it along."
Tim Wise collected and gathered and got Steve's ass together so good. One of the best slayings I've seen on national television👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾
Come👏🏾👏🏾get 👏🏾your 👏🏾people👏🏾👏🏾 please 🤣🤣🤣
This is not a conversation. Give me a break
Tim Wise is Jewish.
" That's an ignorant 7th grade argument" BOOM! case closed!!👌🏿
Everything he 🗣 endswith BOOM lol. It should have ended there but Lemon wanted to continue to continue to humor the goon. We bring ready receipts, where are his📍❓
Only an ignorant 7th grade argument uses ad hominem as an argument. BOOM.
Allow me to explain the argument to you my leftist child. One guy says electing a blm president means US is not "systemically racist", and that's a fair point. The 7th grader says "this guy this racism was eradicated by a blm president". The first guy did NOT day racism was eradicated. Who is the 7th grader?... Hmmm...possibly the guy that throws out childish insults. BOOM.
CNN make people stupid. Because they behave like children for children. BOOM.
Shame that the democrats still want blm all to stay on their policy plantation and that so many still believe they will actually get better lives this way. Progress comes from within not from dependency. Wake up.
I think I groaned as loud as them when he brought that up lol
why insult a man instead of makign ur point in nice rational way so the otherside wouldnt get emotional, and u could have civil discussion
Tim is me. I am Tim. 😂😂 He subtly collected Steve chileeee.
Tim Wise is one of the most eloquently spoken individuals I’ve ever heard on anti-racism advocacy in America.
He mopped the floor with Steve Cortez in this session.
Nick Grenier yes he sure did! Facts!💯👑‼️
I didn't see any eloquence I just heard someone running roughshod over someone else.
quite soul lifting real wisdom, mind opener👍✌👊
it was "impossible mission" to conquer trump's evilish circle, to contineously drag out them all out are big achievements, to expose their real color not impossible for brilliant news personnel .
Steve, has a problem from childhood. I was never embarrassed of my parents. Proud of them.
Sophia Winnett, He was just being honest!
@@teresawicks-kq3bq honest my Ass
He literally acknowledged that he shouldn't have been embarrassed.
Sophia Winnett he said he HAD been embarrassed by his father’s accent when he was a child, which is understandable, given his circumstance. He is a man now, and no longer thinks or feels that way. It’s important to LISTEN to what people are saying and try to ignore the filter in your brain according to your world view.
Trump 2020 !!
She is absolutely right about racest people feeling protected by trump
I can't stand racist people, but don't be ignorant, don't stack it on Trump!!!
Young lady, you have valid points, but your blaming the wrong people, get a clue, you making an idiot of yourself, and your group!!!
There's always been racists and hateful ppl, but they've become so emboldened lately. They don't even try to hide it. I've never saw ppl so outright disrespectful to each other just because they have different beliefs. The change is palpable, and it seems to be felt since Trump has been in office. I've never experienced anything like this in my 38 years. If it's not Trump, then what else could this universal, nationwide effect be attributed to? Why are his followers so volatile and respond with such venom?
So how are interracial married people with families doing? Why hasn't that been brought up? Jesus doesn't see color, he sees love and justice. Wake up people!
@@watchwomanofthedragon8376 My family is doing the same now, as before Trump took office (my husband and our 2 sons are black). My husband has a good job that has allowed me to be a stay-at-home mom before and during the Trump administration. We live in a small town where everybody knows everybody, and their business, and we don't run into too much blatant, overt racism, but it's still there lurking. A few years ago, there was a KKK march in our small town. Mostly, it's little things that fly under other's radar. The white man behind you in line while you're buying clothes for your kids, sighing and looking at you pointedly because you've got so much stuff to ring up, and you're holding him up even though there are 5 other registers with a line, but you know he's probably thinking that your black husband is a drug dealer because they can't believe a black man could possibly be legitimately successful. Finding out your new neighbor, lamented to his co-worker (who happened to be your cousin lol!) that a black family bought the house next door and there was a bunch of black kids running in the yard. We couldn't just be the new neighbors; my family's race had to be pointed out. Little things. The one thing that's bothered me the most so far, is when my son turned 16 and got his permit. I had to tell him things that white kids don't need to be told - if you're stopped by police, for any reason, keep your hands in sight on the dash, tell the officer what you are going to do before you do it because a sudden movement to get your insurance out of the glove compartment could get you shot and killed, don't resist if they do treat you unfairly and restrain you like an animal for nothing, etc. I worry everytime my son and his wife (also black) go out of town. I worry about them getting pulled over because the cop thinks they're suspicious because they have out of town or state plates, and they're black, so they must be transporting drugs, in his mind. It's not fair, and others have it even worse than that.
I'm democrat and I think that this lady is wrong when she says that racists started with Donald Trump, racist existed since the Europeans invaded this country.
I think she meant to say Donald Trump making it worse and more openly OK to be racism compared to last time.
Bien dicho Antonio! Trumoron needs to know or he knows...the "MAYFLOWER" cane with those killers, thieves, rapists, criminals ...and that is who run this so called nation. Been waiting all my life to say this. Jag hoppas att vi inte är dömda ... men. I finally said it!
I am pretty sure she knows that.
Why she is saying is.
It became more relevant?
She didn’t say that racism started with Donald Trump she said Donald Trumps behavior emboldens this kind of behavior
@@luisbautista308that's exactly what she said
He says “I HAVE BEEN CALLED A RACIST CONSTANTLY!” With a big smile on his face.. people who arent racist DO NOT get called racist constantly.. ever. *slap*Wake up!
@@wk8000 You're going to have to try a different argument that that. The whole "Democrats are true racist party, they wanted slavery" thing was true, until like 1967 when both parties flipped their ideals, making GOP slavery supporters. It's 2020 now. Get your facts straight.
Steve was absent when the teacher was telling the class about the meaning of RACIST
Actually, the problem is that Steve was present the entire time.
@@Palkuba • actually Steve listened well and went home and told his dad about it who then told him don't believe the lies.
he was on the other hand missed that lecture..get out of your liberal bubble moron
@@anthonymagliaro364 • wasamatta? Hurt your bigoted heart?
Oh darling we're onto your liberal bullshit...its the era of Trump darling and we're taking our country back from dangerous liberal policies of open borders, sanctuary cities, the abolition of ICE..We have witnessed the devastation liberal polices have had on first class cities like St Francisco, LA, Chicago, Seattle of feces, needles, drugs, garbage, lawlessness, and homelessness in the streets....we ain't bigoted darling we're just indignant in the face of Democratic policies..
Other than Native Americans we're all foreigners.
yep my family was here before America was "discovered"
Bs I’m black this my planet
Nop you stop .... America is a Continent if you have had born on any of this country you are Americans
Antigua y Barbuda: Antiguano/na
Argentina: Argentino/a
Bahamas: Bahameño/ña
Barbados: Barbadense
Belice: Beliceño/ña
Bolivia: Boliviano/a
Brasil: Brasileño/a; Brasilero/a
Canadá: Canadiense
Chile: Chileno/a
Colombia: Colombiano/a
Costa Rica: Costarricense
Cuba: Cubano/a
Dominica: Dominiqués
Ecuador: Ecuatoriano/a
El Salvador: Salvadoreño/ña
Estados Unidos: Estadounidense
Granada: Granadino/a
Guatemala: Guatemalteco/a
Guyana: Guyanés/esa
Haití: Haitiano/a
Honduras: Hondureño/a
Jamaica: Jamaicano/na o Jamaiquino/na
México: Mexicano/a
Nicaragua: Nicaragüense
Panamá: Panameño/ña
Paraguay: Paraguayo/a
Perú: Peruano/a
Puerto Rico: Puertorriqueño/ña
República Dominicana: Dominicano/na
San Cristóbal y Nieves: Cristobaleño/ña
San Vicente y las Granadinas: Sanvicentino/na
Santa Lucía: Santalucense
Surinam: Surinamés/esa
Trinidad y Tobago: Trinitense
Uruguay: Uruguayo/a
Venezuela: Venezolano/a
Puerto Rico: Puertorriqueño/ña - Al ser un Estado Libre Asociado se incluye en Estados Unidos.
About Mexicans,we didn't cross the border line,border line cross is,amen
I've never seen somebody being so humiliated by its ignorance and trying to defend the indefensible.
For Steve to say that he was embarrassed of his father's accent tells me that he is ashamed of his ethic background which destroys any validity to the statements that he is making
AMEN!!! And yes, my surname IS Hispanic, but I AM quadrilingual (For those who don't know, that means I speak 4 languages fluently!)
I picked up on that, being embarrassed of his culture or his ethnicity invalidates everything he was saying.
Did Steve's father slap his face when Steve told him about his embarrassment of his father's accent? What kind of son is he? No matter how well Steve speaks English but he is still a Latino, not white. He should not feel the embarrassment of the accent. Childish !
C'mon.. He said he WAS embarrassed as a child not that he still is.. The title alone warned all who watched it was incitefull with devisiveness.. Why can't everyone be entitled to their opinion and keep an open mind at same time ?? There is no human that has ever been 1000% correct..and lack of admitting such doesn't make them 1000% correct either. Can't we all just get along ?? Do we not have a common ground at all ?? How about child sex trafficking ?? Can we stand united against that ?? Priorities please !!
@@sept21-urgentseemyaboutdes2 When a child feels so embarrassed about his dad's accent is a problematic issue. When he grows up, he will be like Steve. Steve is a Latino man who feels he is white. He discriminated against his own father since he was a child. He never appreciated his dad brought him to the US and giving him an opportunity to live in a free world. He never said he was wrong to feel embarrassed because of his dad's accent.
Trump’s reign has escalated racism, police brutality, division and injustice in the U.S!🤦🏾♀️
This is why celebrities as presidents is a bad idea
no that was do to uneducated people hating Trump simply because hes white.
@@davidhebenstreit2666 You might want to edit this hahaha
hahahahahaha how appropriate
Actually i think it has always happened.i think now its just the right mix of circumstances to get someyjing actually done aboit it
He said “ He was embarrassed by his dad speaking English with a heavy accent.”
Told you most Spanish think of themselves as white people. He is one of them.
What can you say about a person that was embarrassed by how his dad spoke.
Instead of being pround that he was bilingual. That alot of people are not.
...embarrassed of his Dad's accent...self-hate much?
Cortez always has some idiotic answer that makes absolutely no sense! A real true to life republican!
Scooby Doo I'm Hispanic and live in a very liberal city. Steve is right...they are racist people on both sides.. Trump didnt cause this problem.. this problem was here already. the only people people bitching and causing are the poor in this country.. liberal whites are the most dangerous in this country to minorities because their efforts is to mind fuck you. Make you think you one of them and while making sure you stay in your place.. trust me democrats dont allow you to think for yourself if you a minority. Trump dont give a fuck about who are..he just cares about the economic health of this country. All these people do is like to play the blame game.
G. Menjivar don’t try to level an uneven field when there aren’t many case of racist liberals but there are a lot of racist conservatives. And if you are acknowledging racism exist why push back on obvious racism on the right.
My man said, “deal with him. Come get your people please” 🤣🙌🏽👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽
It probably hurts Steve so much to be seen as an latino. He is longing for the day for Trump to say " hello my white friend "!!
Trump and them racist white people will kill his ass in a minute
How can anyone be embarrassed by his parents accent😏
Kids are embarrassed by parents. This is not farfetched.
I wonder
My parents raised me.
No idea.
That asshole is !!!
Steve Cortes should show up at a Klan rally. He will see how well he is accepted!
He’s a bigot
Indeed. And he can take Rubio with him.
Don, Tara & Tim came with that heat 👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾.
Tim articulates himself so well that anyone who tries to say they do not understand what he’s saying without a doubt is DEFLECTING.
Book Snake lol, thanks for the fun fact.
Or just maybe it's a little hard to understand what someone is saying when three of them kept talking all at the same time..I was having trouble when they weren't able to talk one at a time like an adult and then give a person a chance to answer ...Sorry but where does the deflecting come in?
Hey queen.
Look up
Gurl, I mean you should run for office, point blank truth dear. :)
A lot of thristy ass motha fuckas in this comment section
This interview is extremely triggering.
Yea it really is 🤦🏽
Don't know exactly what was meant by " triggering" but when the word " racist " is added, then the next thing is " take the guns away "! It's almost like what you see when it comes to being human and when it comes to the Bible. And I may add the constitution. People want the constitution to work for all because we are and have the right to equally, but not the part that says we gave a right to bear arm. So yea little by little we are doing away with the constitution and the Bible! Like I said so many times, no law that is passed ie going to change people's minds . It starts in the heart. So yeah go ahead and teardown everything America stands for it should stand for. And it's not only the white race that is responsible. Hispanics and blacks are also responsible for the way things are in America. Yes sir let's not deny it! I said blacks and Hispanics too! So when you see American torn down to the ground, we are going to face another problem like with the pandemic and not having enough PPE. Only this time it will be not enough pecifyers fir all the cry babies, all the ones who would not even try to work together and played the victims. And you wonder why do many people want to come to America? And those of us who are the true Americans with all the given rights are trying to tear it down!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hell yeah 😭😭😭 😡😡😡
Very trigging
“Ignorant, 7th grade argument” 👏👏👏👏👏
Yeah I'm using this one.
Hahaha, l agree with him
Sasquatch Sasquatch 😂😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣
Average american adults.
Time Wise had my jaw open and laughing the entire time. So well read and understanding of the different levels of racial prejudice in America and how it seeps into different generations.. i cant even. So well spoken. A really great speaker
He's a race baiting disingenuous millionaire selling minorities their own oppression.
Tim Wise on the other hand is my brother and I love how he stands up for what's right. ✌🏾💛✊🏾💛🙏🏾
White people need to PREACH AND TEACH AGAINST RASICM in their homes, schools, and CHURCHES for things to improve!
niggas need to stop preaching racism to their kids...
Yeah, you have this backwards. The vast majority of racial stereotypes are being spread in black homes and communities.
@@gradymartin8242 give me some examples... If it happens, it showl should stop... But, in this soceity, we see where it is😒
@@akihitochan9988 thatz yor opinion, but itz OBVIOUS it isn't the majority!!!... I have NEVER BEEN in a black home nor church that teaches racial divide... Im sure itz some that are ignorant, but Ur in denial if U think that itz more prevalent in the black community... Every year...EVERY YEAR a video surfaces with a group of white kids beit high school or college age where they are being and acting RACISTS.... where do they get that from?😔 Just recently an all Black church in Ft.Worth,TX appointed a white minister as their Pastor after the death of the previous one. I wonder if we could find an all "anything else" church esp, in the south, with aBlack Pastor.... Im NOT making this up, don't have to... We all need to preach and teach against racism, itz IGNORANT on All sides. But, in this soceity,as in most, IT IS SYSTEMIC and those systems need to be dismantled... Think about the Fact that it is PERFECTLY Normal for Generation Z and even most Millennials to know a Black President, ALL KINDS OF Black Leaders from Sports, Entertainment, Business, Government, Military, Schools, Where, just where is the thought that Blacks are "less than" coming from?🤔 it Should die the, even if they are around ppl with such ignorant beliefs they should be like... "Nawl y'all lying on them" but the fact we 👀 a gang of them on video time and time again chanting, singing,etc. some stupid, racists shit is the reason i say maybe the homes and churches are failing, just my opinion...and add to it, the majority of these "lone wolves" that commit these mass shootings on innocent ppl are white males... Something is wrong... Every Community needs to address their problems, none of us should be in Denial... Therez alot that needs to be done in the BLACK community, law enforcement community,etc...So, i wasn't trying to state that itz all "them" never me nor us... Not at all, like the saying goes...
"If we can't stand United, then Divided we'll fall"... No-one has to stand on anyone else to stand tall...
Peace and Blessings to All!😉
Um funny you say that never had that preached in my home but my black friends parents hate me because I'm white sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo yeah
"The word is racist"..... I love it
What is their to love about racism??
😂They loved crap like this back then. There's a special corner for Tim Wise and Don liars
Crazy seeing this now with everything going on
Same same, just a different day
@AJKchief39 trump is the original arsehole
Being fully mexican I think I speak FOR EVERY HISPANIC that we do not claim Steve
Lol i know that's right!
You make me laugh about Steve comment
I'm Hispanic and hell to the NO you do not speak for me! Thanks!
And America dont claim not white. Thats your logic you fool.
@@keanusimpson8785 that is true my friend, because Steve said he is spanic and Trump is a recist attacking spanic and Steve talking on behalf of Trump. That is sad, I m not spanic and I love spanic; may be Steve looking for job in White House, but ain't gonna happen because Trump hates Spanic people
This man was sad and pathetic. In reality, these anti-Hispanic, anti-Black individuals are insecure and afraid their privileges will be pulled. The parents teach the kids about race. I watch children play with one another and when race is introduced by ignorant parents, we have these deep-seated issues.
Brooklyn Nikki while there is racism sadly, there’s no such thing as “privilege” based on race
Whats so funny about your comment is that you clearly havent looked at polls of black people's views on other races
@@ericanthony402 ok well PLEASE tell me the polls
I said what I did as a joke to lighten things up but I speak or habla espanol, very little and Francis un put (misspell) but I do try, but for those coming up here should be able to speak English completely to blend in, and help those wanting to learn the language so they can help, if that makes sense?
@@ericanthony402 I'm as white as you can get blonde with blue eyes and I played with black kids as a child and proud to be friends with many as an adult and never felt a need to look at what some poll says
Tim killed it!! When he said come get your people....I fuckin hollered!! 🤣🤣 say it again Tim say it!!!! 👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽 Tim my new friend. 😂
“You can be a minority and still be a bigot.”
Random_berries Right. Most blacks hate whites true
@@m42037 is that what you really think?
Thomas I. Osaze 80% true. I just wrote a paragraph that was deleted i'm not gonna write it again.
@@m42037 oh please with your made up numbers
@@m42037 Sorry, where are you getting this percentage number from?
Mellatt Roberts - why?? What laws do black people have to abide by that whites don’t?
You can be a minority and still be a bigot cnn is such garbage it’s not news and it destroys race relations not only is it pure trash but cnn and especially don should have to start each show with some kind of disclaimer saying it’s not actually news that it’s a pro Democrat broadcast it’s anti trump and there is no actual research detective work or investigation cnn and don are basically the same as those gossip magazines like the ones that their frunt page says queen Elizabeth is a reptilian alien or president trump is a racist..... the guys the best president we’ve had in 50 years so all they can do is run 24/7 absolutely ridiculous “reports”!that trump is a racist and he’s the reason why racism exists he created it he spreads it and it’ll go away when he’s gone lol I love to how they try to be like he’s the same as the racist guy who says I can’t be racist my best friend is black you know that racist trump try’s acting like he can’t be racist JUST because the woman he married is a brown skinned IMMIGRANT who he had kids with and his ex wife is an immigrant who he also had kids with lol like they really compared the two as if he did that to prove he’s not a racist way before he ever became president and they actually get away with that kind of talk that shit is ignorant as hell its racist in its self it’s so disrespectful to the president and to the First Lady and to the kids of the president the whole first family it’s spreading lies misinformation it’s basically the worst of everything political correctness stands for the thing they preach that makes it hypocritical and they call that news and he calls him self a real reporter just plain disgusting
Tim Wise gave the gospel today #glory 🙌🏻
It takes a white guy to confirm all the s*** that black people been saying for decades but I do applaud his efforts of clarifying all the things that black people have been going through
I live in South Africa, and even my boss, who I know is racist, couldv'e jumped over the moon with joy when Trump was elected as president. Trump's reach stretches further than you could possibly fathom and for Steve Cortes to sit there and deny that Trump is a racist is just stupid. It makes him look stupid as s@#&.....
"Theres clearly something wrong culturally in this country that we're not addressing " We're fixing now in 2020 ✊🏿✊🏻✊🏾✊🏼✊🏽
Hannah Sears ✊🏾🙏🏾👍🏾✊🏾🙏🏾👍🏾
I often have to "defend" the "West" against Twitters from Russia or China, but I'm always confronted with the things which are happening right now in the USA. That's why I have to be careful with my criticism regarding HongKong. I always mention that West Europe (which is not perfect) is the part of the "West", but the "West" as the Russians and Chinese understand it, does not include the USA.
Long over due
It went past me so quickly that I hadn't even realized the weight of that comment. LOL But yeah, that's pretty bad. She probably thought she was saying something mild but the comment is actually not mild.
I was laughing at that too 🤣🤣 there have been way worse things said on national TV though so shes all good
It came and went to naturally I almost missed it I swore she said trump... but she said jackass. Hahah
yeah pretty sad because that guy was extremely polite, she can’t have a civil conversation without shouting like a stupid bitch and calling names, that’s CNN for ya.
Because they knew they wouldn't be able to put the lid back on that pandora's box once it was know moma,daddy, uncle, cousin pookie and ray ray was coming!!....I'm sure cell phones were burning up in those kids hands! I could hear my own calling me saying " ma let me tell you what this! "........
Low IQ?
@@codyhopper2555 that makes sense. If they stayed any longer their IQs would have dropped tremendously to the racist kids level
@@YuneePug yuneedsomepussy
@@codyhopper2555 dont need what I already have. And if you had 2 different scenarios in mind, both are correct 😉
“come get your people please” hurry UP and come get his ass 😭 asap
“We have the receipts where are yours”
“Now hes you friend deal with him come get your people please” lmaoTim Wise!!!! Love this guy.
LOL. Black people love this "get your people" comment. Its in line with their collectivist way of thinking. White people are always confused at this because we don't see white people as "our people".
@@jayk5764 Yeah, except the statement "...we don't see white people as 'our people'." Is a collectivist way of thinking. You don't know that all white people don't think of whites as their people, and to claim so is collectivist.
@@jayk5764 The history of this nation says otherwise. You all are more collectivist than anyone else in this country.
Come get your people please 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 yes Mr. Wise 👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽👋🏽
Michele Alphonso that was EVERYTHING!!!!! 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
Kimmie B yessssss!!!!!!
Clap 'em up!!!
I know
Come get your people loved it 🥰👏🏽👏🏽👏🏻👏🏽👏🏻👏🏽👏🏻
When I come it's for you
As long as racists are raising children, there is very little hope to level the playing field to make all colors equal.
As long as people think the way you do we will never be equal or free.
That’s the government’s plan divide and conquer they know they can’t control us if we stand together
@@franklin3271 I guess that's why I have 14 thumbs up. Children are imprinted at a very young age by their guardians; parents, grandparents, aunties, uncles, etc. If you have the attitude that you have, I can guarantee you've passed that along to your children.
Edgeworld Pictures 🙌🏾🙌🏾🙌🏾👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾🙏🏾🥰😍
@@madamcfadipe6132 ❤️
The one guy said he was Spanish, but continued to defend the President Trump, who was dragging his people,WOW!!!!!!!
People like that hate what they see in the mirror.
Trump has done more for minorities than any other are listening to the wrong voices!! CNN reports to the Democrat party....not their own conscience...wake up people
@@ricoaztec1 well the minute he said he was embarrassed of his father's accent summed him up.
Anna Irvin You can be a minority and still be a bigot cnn is such garbage it’s not news and it destroys race relations not only is it pure trash but cnn and especially don should have to start each show with some kind of disclaimer saying it’s not actually news that it’s a pro Democrat broadcast it’s anti trump and there is no actual research detective work or investigation cnn and don are basically the same as those gossip magazines like the ones that their frunt page says queen Elizabeth is a reptilian alien or president trump is a racist..... the guys the best president we’ve had in 50 years so all they can do is run 24/7 absolutely ridiculous “reports”!that trump is a racist and he’s the reason why racism exists he created it he spreads it and it’ll go away when he’s gone lol I love to how they try to be like he’s the same as the racist guy who says I can’t be racist my best friend is black you know that racist trump try’s acting like he can’t be racist JUST because the woman he married is a brown skinned IMMIGRANT who he had kids with and his ex wife is an immigrant who he also had kids with lol like they really compared the two as if he did that to prove he’s not a racist way before he ever became president and they actually get away with that kind of talk that shit is ignorant as hell its racist in its self it’s so disrespectful to the president and to the First Lady and to the kids of the president the whole first family it’s spreading lies misinformation it’s basically the worst of everything political correctness stands for the thing they preach that makes it hypocritical and they call that news and he calls him self a real reporter just plain disgusting
Tim Wise is my spirit animal!
Time Wise: "He is YOUR friend. DEAL with your people, please!"
Love Tim Wise, ☠☠ at "Come get your people, please." 🤣🤣
That line had me dead
This man Tim is a savage 😂
His mood is everything
“How is racism still prevalent when we elected a black president?” Chilllldddd, that’s the worst argument I’ve ever heard.
When he said come get your people please I died. Dude was roasted the entire panel.
This lady destroyed Steve. Total evisceration and utter annihilation.
Did Steve say that he was embarrassed by his father’s heavy Latin accent 🤦🏾♂️
yes.....such a his family and his heritage
CHRIS BROWN yes he did because he's a trump ass kissing idiot lol
CHRIS BROWN Hope His Dad didn't hear that if He living that was Low
I assume he wasn't raised in the Hood.
Tim ate him up 💯
"That's an ignorant seventh-grade argument that has just been made on national television." - That comment was everything! LOL
Who let this clown get up here
We are living in a time where deception is rampant.There are many lies being spread through liberal sources like mainstream news (CNN, CBS, Buzzfeed, Wallstreet Journal) and Hollywood. These sources of influence have been around our whole lives and appear to be benevolent but they are actually brainwashing you. They are spreading propaganda. The Democratic party wants your vote because they want power. They do not care about people; they care about power so they can control you. They come up with ways to appeal to certain demographics (blacks, latinos, gays, women) but they do not care about these demographics, they simply care about their votes. If they actually care about these people they would EMPOWER them, not victimize them.
Here is an example: most blacks live in poverty and in prison cells because they have been brainwashed by the media to believe all they can do in life is be a drug dealer or a gang member. Not only is that, in their communities father absentee-ism is the norm. 85% of youth in prison grew up in fatherless homes. Guess who spreads these lies? Rappers, Hollywood puppets, and democratic politicians... liberals DO NOT CARE ABOUT BLACK PEOPLE. Liberals care about POWER not people. Liberalism perpetuates SIN. Sin HURTS people. God knows our DNA better than any human being; if God says to abstain from sin it's because he knows it will hurt us! This is just one of the many lies going around right now.
Jesus Christ can free you from the lies. When you believe in the crucifixion, burial and resurrection of Jesus you receive the Holy Spirit. When you receive the Holy Spirit you receive the Spirit of Truth and you will be guided into truth that will set you free. Read the Bible and pray to God to "feed" the Holy Spirit so you can continue being guided into all truth and sharpen your godly intuition.
John 8:32: And you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.”
John 14:6: Jesus answered, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.
Tim Wise was so on point. He totally blasted Steve Cortes and made him look foolish.
Time Wise ~~ HIGH FIVE!!! Thank you for breaking it down..
Blimey take your head out the sand , embarrasses by his father’s accent, I rest my case
So pathetic
I couldnt believe this pos said that!!! This guy is no latino.
This why mexican nationals and central americans hate us american born hispanics.I am more than ashamed of this fake ass, kiss a... will be your fault if get my a.. basturd
That stupidity is so old! That people have an accent! Alot of Americans gave them even if they were born and raised in the USA. And everybody knows. Tell me something new. Look at Texas and then north Carolina! Look! Different accents and please don't be dismayed!
The guy in the pink shirt was 🔥🔥🔥
Lila2cute seeing him make me know there is good white people.
Should of gone to Specsavers.
Tim wise my peeps look him up he is an incredible author and speaker. He is much smarter than most TV panel guests.
Yeah he came ready
I thought his analogies were shallow, he was arrogant and condescending and his points weren't as sharp as he thought.
Wow, she just said what my mom has been saying about how divided Americans have become because of the President's actions and sentiments.
Black kids were kicked off buses and were told they could not ware tees or hats to school after Obama was elected. That was the first time in history.
Tim Wise is everything! He preached that gospel, I was ready to give an offering!!!!
jesus christ. what's whith black women wanting to worship everybody.
@@georgelwashington7676 You got it. 🤣🤣🤣
Tiffany McLymore preach!!
@@georgelwashington7676 When did she say she wanted to worship him? She simply stated she was going to support his beliefs & motives.
We have the receipts -Tim Wise
Hey tamani
Tim got nothing he's a liberal snowflake like you who wouldn't know shit from shinola..wake up
Anthony Magliaro anytime someone says snowflake, they immediately lose all credibility. You sound childish, grow up and educate yourself
Now I know that kids say cruel things at times, but let's be honest. The kid who made the racist cotton shirt remark, didn't learn that from his fellow students. This came straight from one or more of the parents of the kids in this group. Yes we have a racial problem in this country. Which truly needs to be addressed..
Wow the left is so against generalizations but cnn and other liberal media gets to generalize about all whites based on a few racist white kids
Emerson Schneeman Are you racist???? Probably.
@@emersonschneeman5591 So I guess we should just not speak on the incidents & sweep it under the rug? When it happens, it's being reported on. It just so happens that majority of the times it's reported, it's being perpetrated by Caucasians. This isn't a war on your race, it's stating the facts of the situation. Therefore, we clearly have a system to account for said incidents & the people who are doing these crimes can be put forth for judgement & scrutinized. Sad it has come to this, but people simply don't know how to love, respect & appreciate our differences.
😲😲😲🆗️Just seeing this to date 5/24/2021. THIS IS EVEN WORSE NOW THAT he is no longer president & under investigation...😲😲😲OMG🔊🔊🔊🇺🇸🇺🇸Wake Up to OUR Country's reality. Smh🤐🤐
Tim Wise destroyed Steve Cortez!!!
@N P C And what is your argument exactly?
Aryan Marathe don’t try to excuse the inexcusable 🤷♀️
Albert Wilson : Wise destroys everybody. Unless you’re Michael Eric Dyson, Jesse Jackson, Jane Elliott, or Barack Obama - or someone if that ilk - he’s pretty much going to destroy you.
Cortez needs a really sharp axe buried deep in his wicked,lying,racist love to see the dog beheaded.
Albert Wilson I agree! He murked his ass!💯👑‼️
"We have the receipts, where are yours?" Oh boy he wasn't ready for that.
Don't hit with hate it feed the flame prayer works.
Some are tight hate but can be tough.
Tim Wise epic slaying. Now that is a man I can respect!
Steve is such a dimwit. Selling out his own people. Shame on you Steve. Smh
Tim's a racist looking for spotlight. He's smug and all they ever do is complain about America. Guessing you do too huh lol stop being a victim
Like always lately,, more specific since our president today,,a running yesterday",if someone come on CNN,,on no defense but on stand in what is the true,they always eat them alive,, normal",
Is your IQ 30 Ayanna Grace?
He is actually quite a coward. But if you dont have any self respect then I guess he is a step up.
Love Tim Wise, he has been fighting racism when no one knew who he was.
I love Tim Wise! He's so collected.
Collectively un...Wise
Collectively......un...wise hun...
Yes!!! He is killing all of dude’s arguments. Smh
Me too! He's the best!!!
he's a moron
"Come get your people please!" - Tim Wise
I died😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
Lmfao 😂 Hahaha 🤣😂🤣😂 That shit was hilarious! I died! Haha 😂 Came back 😂🤣😅🤣 and died again!
@@Eric.Mercado 😂😂😂😂😂
Instant classic 😂
This man preached right there...BOOM!
I come back to this video constantly ,Tim killed that guy 😂
It’s KR truth! He murked that sellout bitch!💯👑‼️
Tim a generic cesspool.
"Gosh no!" Well by golly, I think you've convinced me!!
The level of burn during the 17:30 - 17:44 mark gave him the 5th degree.
Tim Wise and Tara gave him the buisness.
@Emmitt thompson, they destroyed him.
They probably can't even spell business.
@@kalijasin His ignorance and stupidity was suicide.
two snowflakes who believe Racism is the problem in this country..what liberal dummies
@@anthonymagliaro364 Is racism a major problem in this country?
Just watched 5/1/21 this Republican should be removed from office, he doesn't respect his own people
The guy on the end is so embarrassing
And right and more logical than everyone else on this segment.
No. I mean the pathetic Trump apologist on the right who clearly can't construct a serious argument.
Don't be so hard on Don Lemon.
Not to Trump voters. They probably posted this video as "Steve Cortez DESTROYS CNN" or "CNN will stop broadcasting after this interview".
Andrew_Owens No. It's more like "This is how we win in 2020. MAGA!"
Tim said "Come get your people please!!!"...LMAO😂😂😂😂 I'M SO DONE...👏👏👏👏👏
yeah Tim is a liberal lickspittle like you..meanwhile blacks in the inner liberal cities are being devastated by liberal policies..thank God Trump came along
I'm screaming
you are a moron
“It’s important Don!”
“No it’s not.” 😂😂😂
As an American we should all get together and be proud of our country and try to make it better for everyone who lives here