Es ist sher schön zu sehen wie deutschland Es Wertschätzt und pflegen tut.. Was meine vorfahren die übrigens immer noch al die schönen Sachen produzieren dank Erdogan dem großen. 1453-2050
Kıymetli Yaşar, Geçmiş olsun... İyilik haberine sevindim. Güzel Yılbaşı Kutlama dosyası nefis... Sevdiklerinle nice güzel yıllar sizlerle olsun... Ailecek selam ve sevgiler... Yaşar AKSU İstanbul İTÜ-1973 İnşaat
Magnificent Ottoman Turkish Splendour, Europeans calls us Barbarians. This exhibition is the prime example and the historical proof that the TURKS are highly civilised and sophisticated Empires/Nations. I think it’s time to EU nations look at they own history first and stop telling lies about the Turks..!
Великолепная османская цивилизация, культура высочайшего уровня. Наконец-то, османская коллекция - в открытой экспозиции.
Es ist sher schön zu sehen wie deutschland
Es Wertschätzt und pflegen tut..
Was meine vorfahren die übrigens immer noch al die schönen Sachen produzieren dank Erdogan dem großen. 1453-2050
Erdogan dem Großen ???????
very nice !
schönes video
Das ist super
Die kulturellen
@yalina90 das is alt-deutsch ... so haben die leute damals gesprochen und geschrieben ;)
Kıymetli Yaşar, Geçmiş olsun... İyilik haberine sevindim. Güzel Yılbaşı Kutlama dosyası nefis... Sevdiklerinle nice güzel yıllar sizlerle olsun... Ailecek selam ve sevgiler... Yaşar AKSU İstanbul İTÜ-1973 İnşaat
Magnificent Ottoman Turkish Splendour, Europeans calls us Barbarians. This exhibition is the prime example and the historical proof that the TURKS are highly civilised and sophisticated Empires/Nations. I think it’s time to EU nations look at they own history first and stop telling lies about the Turks..!