I Solved Ethical Conundrums in the Trolley Problem

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 24 ก.ย. 2024

ความคิดเห็น • 15

  • @dylantalley8340
    @dylantalley8340 8 วันที่ผ่านมา +5

    This was a fun watch. Decision based games are fun just because you can see how people brains work to rationalize their decisions.

  • @jojoo1702
    @jojoo1702 8 วันที่ผ่านมา +3

    I love watching these philosophical problem discussions! To the Nazi discussion (as a German) it's not just that people were manipulated and fed propaganda but you would also be executed and put into camps yourself if you didn't cooperate. I do think the people have a certain amount of blame (especially people in power) but I also think that most people did not have a choice. I know this is probably stupid to say as a German but I just don't think it's as easy as to blame everyone back then. I can really recommend the movie "Jojo Rabbit" by Taika Waititi, it's a movie from the pov of a young child in nazi Germany. Always love listening to Blau's perspectives tho, I swear he has increadible takes!

    • @lilgrannyari
      @lilgrannyari 8 วันที่ผ่านมา +1

      I also thought of Jojo Rabbit during the Nazi discussion, but I didn't think of Jojo, I thought of Klenzendorf. I think Blau's example of a Hitler youth is a bit too myopic, there were far more ordinary and every day Germans who were part of the Nazi machine, and many of them new a life before Nazism where they lived side-by-side with their Jewish (and gay and intellectual) neighbors. We like Klenzendorf, he's funny and seems like a good guy. But do not forget he was complicit in spreading Nazi propaganda, in radicalizing youth, and who knows what he was involved in before we meet him in the story. And his redemption only occurs when death is certain. For many Germans, they became Nazis out of fear. Fear of what would happen to their families, yes, but also fear for themselves. I pose this question: in 2024, if you were imprisoned and told to kill another prisoner, a stranger, or else you and every member of your family would die, what would you do? Of course we would laud the self sacrificing person, willing to lay their lives and the lives of their loved ones down for a stranger...but is that a typical response? Would it not be reasonable, nay understandable, to kill in that situation? Would you blame someone who did? And we like to reason through these situations, we like to ask for more information--for proof of an outcome. Most Nazis couldn't ask for clarification. They couldn't ask for proof that the SS would kill their families if they disobeyed.
      Judge not lest ye be judged.

  • @garystern2294
    @garystern2294 7 วันที่ผ่านมา

    The biggest flaw with Blau's argument against the assassin being responsible, is in placing all the blame on the 'higher ups', he is essentially removing any onus or responsibility on the individual - be them secret operative or soldier. This does mean that he is removing the burden of guilt from the soldiers, gestapo agents, concentration camp guards, etc from the Nazi war-machine. So too the guilt of mongol soldiers under the Khan's, Imperial Japan, the troops under Custer who slaughtered the Native American tribes, etc etc.

  • @jojoo1702
    @jojoo1702 8 วันที่ผ่านมา

    ALSO! If you're interested in another decision making game I can recommend "Slay the princess" it's not thaat philosophical but still super interesting to see what route people take!

  • @garystern2294
    @garystern2294 7 วันที่ผ่านมา

    Additionally, Blau was 100% correct in his comments about it being 'complicated' vis-a-vie the Israel/Palestine situation. Whoever that Yosir193 person was is completed misinformed and clearly did not understand context or history. Linking the Ottoman Empire to the Palestinian people is simply ludicrous. Salah Al'Din was Kurdish, btw. Another people who 'deserve' an independent state, yet do not receive it because of grim political realities. It is disappointing how rarely that is brought up in the Israel/Palestine conversation.

  • @angieaheyhey1352
    @angieaheyhey1352 8 วันที่ผ่านมา

    People need to stop letting their kids play on the road is the real problem

  • @Silentwisher
    @Silentwisher 8 วันที่ผ่านมา

    What an interesting watch.

  • @apoloblue
    @apoloblue 8 วันที่ผ่านมา +1

    😂 Blau you should play the Trolley card game with friends. The point of the game is to get the one person choosing to choose the other persons track. Its a funny game.

  • @apoloblue
    @apoloblue 8 วันที่ผ่านมา

    📝😲 there was a doctor who did perform euthanasia on patients "assisted suicide". I call him the kind killer, he got fired for kill a lot of people. After he fixed his van up so he can continue. He had a button for them to push to end it all. His Van is in the Haunted Museum in Las Vegas Nevada now.

  • @neggispringfeild
    @neggispringfeild 8 วันที่ผ่านมา

    I feel very few can disassociate from themselves and associate with someone else out of time and space…. I can though which is why sometimes i feel mad

  • @tdot8146
    @tdot8146 8 วันที่ผ่านมา

    I already disagree with number 1 lol I can’t believe 70% of people would get involved. I def feel like people are trying to “win the game “ instead of using their reality

    • @SaberRiryi
      @SaberRiryi 8 วันที่ผ่านมา

      I feel like it's not that surprising. We're social animals. We take care of our tribes and generally feel the urge to help others if they're in danger. Walking away is still a choice that you're making... when you definitely have the power to affect the outcome. So if you're making a choice either way, then it makes sense to try to preserve as many people's lives as possible. Personally, I can't imagine not doing something.
      Edit: also just to add this, they've done anonymous surveys of people with the trolley problem long before the game existed. And the percentage tends to be closer to 90%. No game to be won, no social consequence for answering honestly.

    • @renvesir8713
      @renvesir8713 8 วันที่ผ่านมา

      Don't get what you mean since there is no possible way to "not be involved" the question isn't if you'd seek the situation out it starts with the premise that you're already involved