This is exactly what I needed today. It’s not that we have any doubts about our beliefs and our Lord but it’s the sadness and deep sorrow we feel that we need affirmation. Allah is great and his wisdom is beyond human comprehension. Very well explained and as for the non believers (atheists and agnostics) “ it’s not the eyes that are blind but the hearts”.
We cannot question what الله does! HE knows exactly what HE'S doing and HE'S in total control of us and the universe! May الله help us all to understand why calamities and disasters happens to some of us more than others from the Quran and Sunnah! امين 😥🥺
Don't question. Just watch this horrific tragedy and close down your mind. Just listen and obey. Don't ask why an all-powerful and merciful being would allow this even if it's an obvious question to ask. Subhanallah.
Some people is commenting "it's the result of praying wrong God...Specially from India and US. As a believer we must submit our "free will " and trust in His devine decree 🙏
I pray for ALL who are going through great suffering in this world through earthquakes, tsunami's, fires, tornadoes hurricanes and diseases. It's time for mankind to stop all "evil" and start doing good to one another. Our Father (Allah) does bring "judgement" to wake people up from their stupor and take a look at what they are doing and what they are doing to others. People have been suffering untold tragedies for millenniums because of mans evil. They can hide their evil from man yet not from our Father God (Allah) YaHoVeH Elohim, for He sees and knows ALL.
I have seen online where Christian’s have been persecuted and even killed in Turkey; also that they left their immigrant afghan brothers fleeing war out in the cold to freeze to death . If this be so, the judgement from the Highest will not stop until they repent and ask for forgiveness and not do it again. We are supposed to be caregivers of our beethren😢
Unfortunately living in this modern world where people question everything and enforce that on you. This shaikh answered them beautifully allahuma barik laho with clam and beautiful manner.
Thank you brother Mohamad for asking these questions to the Sheikh for us. This discussion is so deep yet so frank, it's very helpful during these difficult times. May Allah SWT bless and preserve you both!
Beautifully explained. Allah swt has blessed us so much but we forget the goodness and focus on the difficulties forgetting that the One who blessed us in the first place has the Rahma to bless us again maybe in a better way even .in shaAllah heart felt prayers for our brothers in Turkey syria Lebanon and anywhere where people are in difficulty.
Beautifully explained allah swt has blessed us so much but. We forget the goodness that’s Allah swt giving us , what’s ever Allah test us with in this life it maybe good for us To be closer to allah swt JASK Khair shikh for the explanation! From Northern California
Turkey a "muslim land". Turkey and many other "muslim lands" are indeed very secular, and very diverse. I was shocked to realise that alot of "muslim lands" are not much different from many non-muslim lands.
The babies who are orphaned become a responsibility of the ummah, a great Blessing indeed for those who care to ponder upon Allah's Mercy and Blessings
Allah is merciful but He puts us in the exam, we can not understand the pain who lost their loved one for better life, May Allah give Sabr Sabr and Sabr to all families. Ameen
The lesson is to the law makers, the bribery and corruption, and the Mercy is for the people who suffer or died as well as a reminder for the survivors and observers
We should stop corruption. It's one of the reasons why people become sinners. There are drug addicts bwcause of corruption. There are theives because of corruption. There lots of hungry people because of corruption. And many people die in earthquake because corruption.
@@Makeitgreat1 That's true. There are different kinds of wake ups calls I suppose. According to the most prevalent "wrongs" of those in so-called "power" who are elected to be the care givers to their citizens. In other countries, or states of other countries, maybe there are various other natural disasters or catastrophes, or civil unrest, or widespread unprecedented specific illnesses..... but I'm not saying that I know what only God Knows. Just making a guess really. And after watching some videos on the architecture of the buildings and the films of how they collapsed, it looked very obvious that the weak infrastructure caused even more deaths than if the buildings had been built with better specs. If the people in charge of a country know that earthquakes are commonplace, for example, then they should research how to build houses and offices that can withstand those earthquakes. Of course if it was a first off and not expected then nobody can blame the authorities, right?
I'm not Muslim I'm Christian, however in our group just recently we were discussing this issue. Part of the answer I believe is at the time of creation, he gave man a choice because love cannot be forced it has to be a choice and man chose not to follow God's way, at that time everything changed even the very nature of things changed, people , animals, weather, and nature and today we have many disasters whether natural or manmade. Murders, suicide, vehicular accidents and many more. But even in all this tragedy God is present. Look at the outpouring of world assistance when there is a disaster regardless of differences. But look at what happens when this is over, we go back to hating each other, we didn't learn anything. Look at what's happening in one part of the world there is a vicious war and not far away a tragedy that no man could predict or control , everybody is affected, what have we learnt...... nothing!!!! Thank you for a great discussion.
Watched a video the other day and the Imam was talking about a hadith - how the our Prophet PBUH talked about how when the people of ease (those of us that live relatively healthy and comfortable lives) saw how the people of patience (those of us that go through much hardship in this dunya) were getting rewarded in the hereafter, they would have wished they had lived their entire lives getting cut open by a scissor. Can you even imagine that? How awe-inspiring and overwhelming that reward must have been for someone to WISH they had lived their entire lives with open wounds all over their body just so they could get that reward too??? Subhanallah
Whittark Islam is the only religion that says so. Absolute oneness of the creator. Islam again is the only faith that made backward integration of all previous prophets as one of the main tenets. It is a great tenet that brings unity.
@@mohammednazrulla1126 I’ll have to subscribe. I’m learning from multiple faiths. Ajahn Brahm and Pema Chodron for Buddhist teachings. I think I just found a good Rabbi on here, too. Sadhguru gives great wisdom as well. The one I worship is great enough to love them all. Which is similar to what you’re saying. Other faiths and tellings add dimension - perspectives I never had before. I was raised Christian - that was my gateway. But there’s room enough in the iris of Allah for all of us. ❤️
@@whittark111 you are going in wrong direction. You study and you will know the truth. For ex. Buddha acted a coward rejecting God given life. Sad guru murdered his wife. Stolepreciuos forest government land fooling the masses. I was born in the same state as Sadguru. I have studied him. I know anything Buddha because I studied with mostly hindu curriculum
@@mohammednazrulla1126 I appreciate your concern, but have no fear. I don’t follow mortal leaders- I’m only interested in their ideas. Like you, I’m not afraid to explore and ask. 😊
Well said Sheik and explained! I am deeply very sorry and sad for big disaster in the region of Turkey and Syria. May God give them peace, patience, and love to overcome from this tragedy all united and praising God. Allow me Sheik and Mr. Elshinawy to share my input in regard of the asked questions. With all the respect of all the religions we all are created equally in love of God. God, created humanity for His glory, to repent faithfully denying self from the work of world that leads to destruction and serve Him with good deeds. If we believe in Him faithfully that He is our Gracious God, then we understand His heavenly wisdom that His ways are not like ours His works are not like ours; book of Isaiah 55:8-9 NIV 8 “For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways,” declares the Lord. 9 “As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts. Unfortunately, every disaster, pestilence, pandemics, earthquakes etc... are all works of evil to turn humanity from their faith away from God and turn them to himself and to his evil works, that is his motive and plan; but, sometimes God allows disasters to happen as a wake up call to humanity to repent. if we read the book of Job (Ayoub) in the Bible we see God, had allowed satan to test Job's faith to show to satan the faithfulness of His servant Job will not turn away from his faith. And, yes Job stayed faithful inspite of all disasters he experienced and he never turned his face away from God, on the contrary said, “The Lord gave and the Lord hath taken away; blessed be the name of the Lord” (Job 1:21). We all know every person before their birth to this world; God, made their destiny and how to live in this world bringing Him glory; for example if we give a piece of bread to someone we need to glorify His name He is the provider and we never take a credit to ourselves. As in book Romans 8:29 NIV 29 For those God foreknew (in womb) he also predestined to be conformed to the image of his Son, that he might be the firstborn among many brothers and sisters. We don't why He gave life to baby Aya, I am sure He has a good plan for her to glorify Him. Thank you for allowing me to share my input, may God's grace and blessings be upon you all, and keep us all safe and protected under His Holy wings and always seek His mercy and forgiveness. And, give us strength and power to be able to reach and help the victims in both countries to bring glory to our Gracious God's name. In Jesus Mighty name. Amen.
@@pqirnbvgso And their Lord hath accepted of them, and answered them : " Never will I suffer to be lost the work of any of you, be he male or female: ye are members, one of another : those who left their homes, or been driven out thereof, or suffered harm, in my Cause, or fought or been slain, - verily I will blot out of them their inequities, and admit them into Gardens with rivers flowing beneath ; - a reward from the Presence of Allaah, and from His Presence is the best rewards. 3 : 195. ; *Qur'an* There are infinite ways to die. O ye who believe! Fear Allaah as He should be feared, and die not except in a state of Islam. 3 : 102 ;. *Qur'an* The best.....!
Masha'Allah - you couldn't have selected a better person to comfort our hearts and settle our minds on this subject. May Allah bless & preserve Sh. Elshinawy. I highly recommend the Yaqeen paper he wrote on this same subject.
I was orphaned at 17 and my childhood was horrible. Every day has been hell. I have searched for the answer to this for yrs despite being a Xian for 40 yrs. I could never relate to Jesus bc he had family but when I heard that Muhammad was an orphan, I immediately had respect and intrigue. It was through this that I was lead to Islam. The other thing that spoke to me was that, in the face of suffering, I heard muslims say alhamdulillah. I know that their love for Allah in the face of this earthquake has touched my ppl back home in Ireland. They have all noticed. I know a lot of ppl will come to Islam through this. As a child left without parents, losing everything and having nobody, I have to try and keep going and accept that Allah knows. I feel for every child left without 😔. I dont have any words left 😔
Assalamu alaikum dear Linda, what a beautiful message you wrote here! I hope and pray that Allah heals the scars and horrible memories from your traumatic childhood, and replaces them with noor (light) and every form of goodness! As you said correctly: alhamdulillah for everything! - So may I say that maybe, if it weren't for this terrible childhood you would have never searched for answers, you would never have felt this connection to our beloved Prophet (saw), and thus never opened your heart to this beautiful religion of Islam! Allah surely wanted to guide you to His beautiful deen, alhamdulillah! Whatever you lost in the process can never be as precious as the Creator you found, for He is Ever Lasting, Ever Living, Ever Caring, Ever Providing - He will never let you walk alone! The most important aspect of all: on the Day of Judgement not even your parents will be able to help you - it will be you and Allah, the Most Merciful Creator, Whom you worshipped in this life in the most beautiful way, and this will bring you everlasting peace, bliss and happiness, inshaAllah! Nothing you will ever encounter in this Dunya, with all the people and things in it, will match a life of eternity in Jannah! So thank Allah that you did have your parents for some time in your life, and do your best to please Him as this will give you a blessed life in this Dunya (with all its hardships) and grant you the entry into Jannah by the Will and Mercy of Allah! May Allah comfort you, bless you, heal you and grant you all forms of goodness! Your sister Katie
We are in End time and in Bible according to Lord Jesus Earth quakes and wars will not the punishment of God but it is signs of second coming of Lord Jesus back to the world... ... praise the Lord .. Amen 🙏
Brother assalam alaikum, would you like pronounce the word Turkey as Türkiye. Turkish government changed the international name of the country officially. It is Turkiye not Turkey anymore. Thank you
I don't think of God as micromanaging the planet or the humans who live on it. He gives his love to all, to those we think of as deserving it and to those we think of as undeserving. He judges, not we. Our work is to help those who suffer in the ways that we can and to the extent that we can. That's all.
alhamdulila subhanullah, I've learn a lot in this podcast. I've learn that in every situation THAT Allah (swt) is in control. astiqfarallah I've remember bad happens and I ask allah why me. then if it's Good happen I didn't ask this topic really an opening eyes to validate oneself.ameen jazakallahu khairan to this.
We shouldn't question the Qadr of Allah swt. But coming from a catholic faith and becoming Muslim is a Mercy from Allah. The most clear path too Allah swt. It's clear that we are living very difficult times. May Allah swt guide us , keep us firm on his path Ameen Ya Rabbi and take us when you are pleased with us. Ameen
Our Eternal Father YaHoVeH Elohim is loving, merciful and gracious, desiring that not a single soul should perish. He see and knows all that is happening in earth. It is mans hardening of their hearts in disobedience to His instructions to "love, honor and obey His teachings and instructions and to " love our neighbor, not only those we know, but also the stranger and our enemies". To help the poor and the needy, the elderly, the homeless and fatherless and the orphan. OUR Eternal Father disciplines His children just as a human parent does with his own children as one wants them to follow a good path not a bad one. The world today including their "Leaders" treat their citizens shamefully as well as the treatment of woman and children the weaker ones. Our Father is also "JUST" and those that perpetrate evil will receive their reward in due season. "Chopping woman's heads off because if not wearing a covering us not our Father will but mans". They too will be held accountable for this too. For it's not about what one displays from the outside but the inside "the heart and mind".
Amina, The people who died from the earthquake are not martyrs; they are victims. Martyrs are the early Christians who were sentenced to death and killed by animals or burnt to death for their belief and faith in Jesus Christ.
Allah Almighty is the Dominion of. *all things* ( moving or at rest ; Good or Evil ; calamaties and tragedies). Glory to Allah Almighty All Praises Be to Him.
This is clear, the people who lived in these area are battling each other every days. Just to be divided. So when they get to their prayer sites they asks the Almighty for help so that, they can be divided. See what happing in that area.
The problem is many people assumes that they know God as if God is their next door neighbor...God is this God is that He is d most kind d most merciful then when calamities strike and many innocent muslim dies(women,children old people)they will try to defend God as if God needs their defence..and they will say u cannot question God!!!
Jesus is god but he asked mercy from god.. so which one is god? God Allah is already The Almighty.. he doesn't need a human He created to become a second god
If i tell you estagfrullah dont get me wrong. Cats can talk and Have one feet. Do you believe that? No you Want to know If its real. How do we know Allah really If we cant judge? How we get right answers If we dont Ask? Its kinda foolish to believe something you dont know. Imagine someone ask you about your religion you say ibdont know i just believe
Allah is the Most Merciful in ways that we cant comprehend may seems no mercy. but being raised to be martyrs and given jannah, is every ones true dream..only if the deads could tell us that...surely all will not mind dead that way...tested badly but steadfast...the final test....
If you want the answers to Earthquake in Turkey, read the Book of Revelation. Revelation 1:11 mentioned Seven Churches, all of these ancient Churches are located in Turkey. Patmos Island the island where John was brutally imprisoned was also located near Turkey. Read the proceeding chapters and find the answers to your queries. Let's turn to Yeshua the Messiah and we shall over come another impending disasters.
Many Earth Quakes fear and to prepare that one way or another the call for each soul babies and if we are of those who strive it is said the gentle leaving we pray that was their case and hope it be ours Insha Allah
People suffer because THIS is not Heaven. There is also evil and when you build cities on earthquake faults, what would you expect? Now, Heaven is gained thru the ransom paid by Christ so that by faith in Him, I gain Heaven. His love constrains me to share that Good News!
Pain itself is the lot of this world, what ever misfortune befell on us is apart of it, It is not because God would not punish the Thousand of innocents.
I think some earthquakes are man made, I think that earthquake has something to do with turkey s mountain of gold being discovered after the euphrates dried up ,point is I think the earthquake was man made
Allah is most wise, merciful and loving,in Him there is life, the Devil is the course of suffering and pain. God allows things to happen for a reason and to vindicate the evil and the enemy of the creatures that He has made, that is Satan.
Jesus is coming soon. If you have not yet accepted Jesus Christ as your Savior & Lord, accept Him now. GOD said, “My spirit will not stay with humans for long, for they are but mortal flesh. For the Lord himself will descend from heaven with joy, with the voice of the archangel and with the trumpet of God, and the dead in Christ will rise first. Then we, the living and the remnant, will be caught up with them into the clouds to meet the Lord in the air, and so we will always be with the Lord.
god isn’t to misunderstand as a magician. and he isn’t a person. he is allover, so persons can be with him and feel. when persons not near to this inner whispering, they can’t help each other. men have to live, help people, not be corrupt, than god can help from their heart.
When Allah asked Noh a.s to stop dawa, Noh new that his qaum will be destroyed. When Allah asked Lut a.s to leave his qaum, Lut knew his qaum will be destroyed, when Allah Musa to leave Egypt, Firaun is destroyed, When Yunus gave up dawa to his qaum, punishment from Allah is about to come.Yunus a.s admit that he is zalim to leave dawa to his qaum. Allah told us all the above in Alquraan, and Alquraan is not history book, it is alive, applicable, then, now and until qiamat. So, when we the umah of Nabi Mohammad s.a.w neglected and stop dawa the way Rasul did,,same thing will happen..So to avoid these disaster is to perform dawa the way Rasullalah did.
Believed me d last One, never happened again Through out D World, insyAllah Ta'alah... This World moving even not that fast, but For BUILDING DEVELOPERS, MUST build With Proper Guide line, so that Building^ Wouldnt easily collapsed and can Withstand The Quake. Like Some other Country through Out The World. SO, FOR BUILDING DEVELOPERS More careful when build Flatted Housing.
We all needed to read the Bible carefully and obey his words, call upon him and he will never let us down, Jesus Christ suffer for our sin, he said follow me, and I will make you all fishers of men, follow the works, and the word of God 🙏 and he will protect us from harm and evil.
Allah says all catastrophes and disasters are caused by man's hands.. if you study you will know the reason why.. nature has long asked permission from Allah to punish the unbelievers but Allah abstain because He loves every soul that He created.. the disasters are caused by man.. if you know
This is exactly what I needed today. It’s not that we have any doubts about our beliefs and our Lord but it’s the sadness and deep sorrow we feel that we need affirmation. Allah is great and his wisdom is beyond human comprehension. Very well explained and as for the non believers (atheists and agnostics) “ it’s not the eyes that are blind but the hearts”.
The orphan that adopted the world - prophet Muhammad (saw)
So beautiful never ever thought of him that way!
We cannot question what الله does! HE knows exactly what HE'S doing and HE'S in total control of us and the universe! May الله help us all to understand why calamities and disasters happens to some of us more than others from the Quran and Sunnah! امين 😥🥺
May Allah put Barakah in our knowledge of the Deen.
Don't question. Just watch this horrific tragedy and close down your mind. Just listen and obey. Don't ask why an all-powerful and merciful being would allow this even if it's an obvious question to ask. Subhanallah.
Why use HE why not SHE while talking about god?
Some people is commenting "it's the result of praying wrong God...Specially from India and US. As a believer we must submit our "free will " and trust in His devine decree 🙏
Sheikh shinawy has really done a lot in building my iman may Almighty Allah reward him abundantly and bless his family
I pray for ALL who are going through great suffering in this world through earthquakes, tsunami's, fires, tornadoes hurricanes and diseases. It's time for mankind to stop all "evil" and start doing good to one another. Our Father (Allah) does bring "judgement" to wake people up from their stupor and take a look at what they are doing and what they are doing to others. People have been suffering untold tragedies for millenniums because of mans evil.
They can hide their evil from man yet not from our Father God (Allah) YaHoVeH Elohim, for He sees and knows ALL.
I have seen online where Christian’s have been persecuted and even killed in Turkey; also that they left their immigrant afghan brothers fleeing war out in the cold to freeze to death . If this be so, the judgement from the Highest will not stop until they repent and ask for forgiveness and not do it again. We are supposed to be caregivers of our beethren😢
Unfortunately living in this modern world where people question everything and enforce that on you. This shaikh answered them beautifully allahuma barik laho with clam and beautiful manner.
Thank you brother Mohamad for asking these questions to the Sheikh for us. This discussion is so deep yet so frank, it's very helpful during these difficult times. May Allah SWT bless and preserve you both!
Love and prayers from Pakistan
More than 46000 lives have been lost in this earthquake so far .Blessed are the merciful, for they will see the mercy of God.
Beautifully explained. Allah swt has blessed us so much but we forget the goodness and focus on the difficulties forgetting that the One who blessed us in the first place has the Rahma to bless us again maybe in a better way even .in shaAllah heart felt prayers for our brothers in Turkey syria Lebanon and anywhere where people are in difficulty.
Beautifully explained allah swt has blessed us so much but. We forget the goodness that’s Allah swt giving us , what’s ever Allah test us with in this life it maybe good for us
To be closer to allah swt
JASK Khair shikh for the explanation!
From Northern California
@@mohamedhugais5775 oóppp LPp
Turkey a "muslim land". Turkey and many other "muslim lands" are indeed very secular, and very diverse. I was shocked to realise that alot of "muslim lands" are not much different from many non-muslim lands.
Sheikh you were outstanding. A new breed of scholar with a traditional spirit. Tired of listening to giant egos.
جزاک اللہ خیرا
The babies who are orphaned become a responsibility of the ummah, a great Blessing indeed for those who care to ponder upon Allah's Mercy and Blessings
Allah is merciful but He puts us in the exam, we can not understand the pain who lost their loved one for better life, May Allah give Sabr Sabr and Sabr to all families. Ameen
The lesson is to the law makers, the bribery and corruption, and the Mercy is for the people who suffer or died as well as a reminder for the survivors and observers
We should stop corruption. It's one of the reasons why people become sinners. There are drug addicts bwcause of corruption. There are theives because of corruption. There lots of hungry people because of corruption. And many people die in earthquake because corruption.
Please tell me where there has not been bribery, corrupt law makers?
That's true. There are different kinds of wake ups calls I suppose. According to the most prevalent "wrongs" of those in so-called "power" who are elected to be the care givers to their citizens. In other countries, or states of other countries, maybe there are various other natural disasters or catastrophes, or civil unrest, or widespread unprecedented specific illnesses..... but I'm not saying that I know what only God Knows. Just making a guess really. And after watching some videos on the architecture of the buildings and the films of how they collapsed, it looked very obvious that the weak infrastructure caused even more deaths than if the buildings had been built with better specs. If the people in charge of a country know that earthquakes are commonplace, for example, then they should research how to build houses and offices that can withstand those earthquakes. Of course if it was a first off and not expected then nobody can blame the authorities, right?
Jazakum Allahu khairan! May Allah relieve their situation and grant them Paradise!
I'm not Muslim I'm Christian, however in our group just recently we were discussing this issue.
Part of the answer I believe is at the time of creation, he gave man a choice because love cannot be forced it has to be a choice and man chose not to follow God's way, at that time everything changed even the very nature of things changed, people , animals, weather, and nature and today we have many disasters whether natural or manmade. Murders, suicide, vehicular accidents and many more.
But even in all this tragedy God is present.
Look at the outpouring of world assistance when there is a disaster regardless of differences.
But look at what happens when this is over, we go back to hating each other, we didn't learn anything.
Look at what's happening in one part of the world there is a vicious war and not far away a tragedy that no man could predict or control , everybody is affected, what have we learnt...... nothing!!!!
Thank you for a great discussion.
May Allah bless our brothers and sisters of ummah ❤️🤲
Watched a video the other day and the Imam was talking about a hadith - how the our Prophet PBUH talked about how when the people of ease (those of us that live relatively healthy and comfortable lives) saw how the people of patience (those of us that go through much hardship in this dunya) were getting rewarded in the hereafter, they would have wished they had lived their entire lives getting cut open by a scissor. Can you even imagine that? How awe-inspiring and overwhelming that reward must have been for someone to WISH they had lived their entire lives with open wounds all over their body just so they could get that reward too??? Subhanallah
I pray everyone gets saved.i pray for the people of Turkey and Syria. Prayers for Israel also
May Allah Accept your works, and make it a means of acceptance and Guidance for the Ummah!
Sounds like we love and are loved by the same God. ❤ thank you for your teaching!
Whittark Islam is the only religion that says so. Absolute oneness of the creator. Islam again is the only faith that made backward integration of all previous prophets as one of the main tenets. It is a great tenet that brings unity.
@@mohammednazrulla1126 I’ll have to subscribe. I’m learning from multiple faiths. Ajahn Brahm and Pema Chodron for Buddhist teachings. I think I just found a good Rabbi on here, too. Sadhguru gives great wisdom as well. The one I worship is great enough to love them all. Which is similar to what you’re saying. Other faiths and tellings add dimension - perspectives I never had before. I was raised Christian - that was my gateway. But there’s room enough in the iris of Allah for all of us. ❤️
@@whittark111 you are going in wrong direction. You study and you will know the truth. For ex. Buddha acted a coward rejecting God given life. Sad guru murdered his wife. Stolepreciuos forest government land fooling the masses. I was born in the same state as Sadguru. I have studied him. I know anything Buddha because I studied with mostly hindu curriculum
@@mohammednazrulla1126 I appreciate your concern, but have no fear. I don’t follow mortal leaders- I’m only interested in their ideas. Like you, I’m not afraid to explore and ask. 😊
@@whittark111 good
Well said Sheik and explained! I am deeply very sorry and sad for big disaster in the region of Turkey and Syria. May God give them peace, patience, and love to overcome from this tragedy all united and praising God. Allow me Sheik and Mr. Elshinawy to share my input in regard of the asked questions. With all the respect of all the religions we all are created equally in love of God.
God, created humanity for His glory, to repent faithfully denying self from the work of world that leads to destruction and serve Him with good deeds. If we believe in Him faithfully that He is our Gracious God, then we understand His heavenly wisdom that His ways are not like ours His works are not like ours;
book of Isaiah 55:8-9 NIV
8 “For my thoughts are not your thoughts,
neither are your ways my ways,”
declares the Lord.
9 “As the heavens are higher than the earth,
so are my ways higher than your ways
and my thoughts than your thoughts.
Unfortunately, every disaster, pestilence, pandemics, earthquakes etc... are all works of evil to turn humanity from their faith away from God and turn them to himself and to his evil works, that is his motive and plan; but, sometimes God allows disasters to happen as a wake up call to humanity to repent. if we read the book of Job (Ayoub) in the Bible we see God, had allowed satan to test Job's faith to show to satan the faithfulness of His servant Job will not turn away from his faith. And, yes Job stayed faithful inspite of all disasters he experienced and he never turned his face away from God, on the contrary said, “The Lord gave and the Lord hath taken away; blessed be the name of the Lord” (Job 1:21). We all know every person before their birth to this world; God, made their destiny and how to live in this world bringing Him glory; for example if we give a piece of bread to someone we need to glorify His name He is the provider and we never take a credit to ourselves. As in book Romans 8:29 NIV 29 For those God foreknew (in womb) he also predestined to be conformed to the image of his Son, that he might be the firstborn among many brothers and sisters. We don't why He gave life to baby Aya, I am sure He has a good plan for her to glorify Him. Thank you for allowing me to share my input, may God's grace and blessings be upon you all, and keep us all safe and protected under His Holy wings and always seek His mercy and forgiveness. And, give us strength and power to be able to reach and help the victims in both countries to bring glory to our Gracious God's name. In Jesus Mighty name. Amen.
Allah Almighty Most Gracious Most Merciful Most High Most Powerful Most Exalted in Might Most Wise.
Assallamoalykum Jesus pbuh prophet of God and his Father in heaven is mighty
Maybe because they worship Allah
And their Lord hath accepted of them, and answered them : " Never will I suffer to be lost the work of any of you, be he male or female: ye are members, one of another : those who left their homes, or been driven out thereof, or suffered harm, in my Cause, or fought or been slain, - verily I will blot out of them their inequities, and admit them into Gardens with rivers flowing beneath ; - a reward from the Presence of Allaah, and from His Presence is the best rewards.
3 : 195. ; *Qur'an*
There are infinite ways to die.
O ye who believe! Fear Allaah as He should be feared, and die not except in a state of Islam.
3 : 102 ;. *Qur'an*
The best.....!
Amen 🙏
Masha'Allah - you couldn't have selected a better person to comfort our hearts and settle our minds on this subject. May Allah bless & preserve Sh. Elshinawy. I highly recommend the Yaqeen paper he wrote on this same subject.
against wickedness and LIES
I was orphaned at 17 and my childhood was horrible. Every day has been hell. I have searched for the answer to this for yrs despite being a Xian for 40 yrs. I could never relate to Jesus bc he had family but when I heard that Muhammad was an orphan, I immediately had respect and intrigue. It was through this that I was lead to Islam. The other thing that spoke to me was that, in the face of suffering, I heard muslims say alhamdulillah. I know that their love for Allah in the face of this earthquake has touched my ppl back home in Ireland. They have all noticed. I know a lot of ppl will come to Islam through this. As a child left without parents, losing everything and having nobody, I have to try and keep going and accept that Allah knows. I feel for every child left without 😔. I dont have any words left 😔
If you ask Jesus to come and live in your heart through the Holy Spirit you will find peace.
Assalamu alaikum dear Linda, what a beautiful message you wrote here!
I hope and pray that Allah heals the scars and horrible memories from your traumatic childhood, and replaces them with noor (light) and every form of goodness!
As you said correctly: alhamdulillah for everything! - So may I say that maybe, if it weren't for this terrible childhood you would have never searched for answers, you would never have felt this connection to our beloved Prophet (saw), and thus never opened your heart to this beautiful religion of Islam! Allah surely wanted to guide you to His beautiful deen, alhamdulillah! Whatever you lost in the process can never be as precious as the Creator you found, for He is Ever Lasting, Ever Living, Ever Caring, Ever Providing - He will never let you walk alone! The most important aspect of all: on the Day of Judgement not even your parents will be able to help you - it will be you and Allah, the Most Merciful Creator, Whom you worshipped in this life in the most beautiful way, and this will bring you everlasting peace, bliss and happiness, inshaAllah! Nothing you will ever encounter in this Dunya, with all the people and things in it, will match a life of eternity in Jannah!
So thank Allah that you did have your parents for some time in your life, and do your best to please Him as this will give you a blessed life in this Dunya (with all its hardships) and grant you the entry into Jannah by the Will and Mercy of Allah!
May Allah comfort you, bless you, heal you and grant you all forms of goodness!
Your sister Katie
Muhammad 💚💚💚 peace and Blessings of Allah be upon him 🌿⚘🌿⚘🌿⚘🌿⚘🌿⚘🌿⚘🌿⚘🌿⚘🌿⚘
We are in End time and in Bible according to Lord Jesus Earth quakes and wars will not the punishment of God but it is signs of second coming of Lord Jesus back to the world... ... praise the Lord .. Amen 🙏
This troubles come s to prove that your faith is pure This purity of faith is worth more than gold
Brother assalam alaikum, would you like pronounce the word Turkey as Türkiye. Turkish government changed the international name of the country officially. It is Turkiye not Turkey anymore. Thank you
Akhi Mohammed Zoud, I would like to translate this into urdu.
I will just display a poc of your video with my audio in the background is that ok?
Jazak Allah khairan Sheikh for an amazing explaination...
Subhanallah! What a beautiful explanation
God knows his time, it's all over the world, Blessings to Sirie and Turkey
MashaAllah, Alhumdulillah ❤️❤️❤️
How about judgement you said then who is to Be Judge? And Why?
I don't think of God as micromanaging the planet or the humans who live on it. He gives his love to all, to those we think of as deserving it and to those we think of as undeserving. He judges, not we. Our work is to help those who suffer in the ways that we can and to the extent that we can. That's all.
Good questions, great answers!
alhamdulila subhanullah, I've learn a lot in this podcast. I've learn that in every situation THAT Allah (swt) is in control. astiqfarallah I've remember bad happens and I ask allah why me. then if it's Good happen I didn't ask this topic really an opening eyes to validate oneself.ameen jazakallahu khairan to this.
Indeed...human kind is ungrateful to the Bounties of His LORD...Questions His LORD....!!!!!
Masha Allah
This has answered so many questions and added positivity to the situation
We shouldn't question the Qadr of Allah swt. But coming from a catholic faith and becoming Muslim is a Mercy from Allah. The most clear path too Allah swt. It's clear that we are living very difficult times. May Allah swt guide us , keep us firm on his path Ameen Ya Rabbi and take us when you are pleased with us. Ameen
Our Eternal Father YaHoVeH Elohim is loving, merciful and gracious, desiring that not a single soul should perish. He see and knows all that is happening in earth. It is mans hardening of their hearts in disobedience to His instructions to "love, honor and obey His teachings and instructions and to " love our neighbor, not only those we know, but also the stranger and our enemies". To help the poor and the needy, the elderly, the homeless and fatherless and the orphan.
OUR Eternal Father disciplines His children just as a human parent does with his own children as one wants them to follow a good path not a bad one. The world today including their "Leaders" treat their citizens shamefully as well as the treatment of woman and children the weaker ones. Our Father is also "JUST" and those that perpetrate evil will receive their reward in due season.
"Chopping woman's heads off because if not wearing a covering us not our Father will but mans". They too will be held accountable for this too. For it's not about what one displays from the outside but the inside "the heart and mind".
الله يبارك فيكم ويجزاكم خير 💜 I loved the choice u guys made & the title you choose , thank you so much .
Those people that died are marthas even better than most of us.
*"M A R T Y R E S"*
*Kindly note:*
*T h i n g s = w h i c h.*
*P e o p l e = w h o.*
*"M A R T Y R E S."*
The people who died from the earthquake are not martyrs; they are victims.
Martyrs are the early Christians who were sentenced to death and killed by animals or burnt to death for their belief and faith in Jesus Christ.
Allah Almighty is the Dominion of. *all things* ( moving or at rest ; Good or Evil ; calamaties and tragedies).
Glory to Allah Almighty
All Praises Be to Him.
This is clear, the people who lived in these area are battling each other every days. Just to be divided. So when they get to their prayer sites they asks the Almighty for help so that, they can be divided.
See what happing in that area.
That sweet baby will be taken care by her Uncle Inshallah.
Beautifully explained jazakallahu khairan
Yahweh reigns !!
The problem is many people assumes that they know God as if God is their next door neighbor...God is this God is that He is d most kind d most merciful then when calamities strike and many innocent muslim dies(women,children old people)they will try to defend God as if God needs their defence..and they will say u cannot question God!!!
They read the Qur'an..
@@lindmohamad3726 God said He is unlike unto anyone..(period)
God never punish us , he wants us repent 🙏
Almighty God
fear of Almighty God gives wisdom Proverbs 1-3. Holy Bible
Did we or do we think that we would not be tested.?
The Muslim community will always suffer became they reject the only true God, Jesus Christ, but Jesus still loves them and wants them to come to him.
@Free Palestine 🇵🇸 Jesus is God
Not true please.
Jesus is god but he asked mercy from god.. so which one is god? God Allah is already The Almighty.. he doesn't need a human He created to become a second god
think of how many will waste their life on purpose
and when god wastes how many judge god
nobody is there to judge others
If i tell you estagfrullah dont get me wrong. Cats can talk and Have one feet.
Do you believe that? No you Want to know If its real.
How do we know Allah really If we cant judge? How we get right answers If we dont Ask?
Its kinda foolish to believe something you dont know. Imagine someone ask you about your religion you say ibdont know i just believe
God promised to shake this whole earth one day even the stars and moon and sun will fall down.
We are passersby.This world is not our home.
Allah is the Most Merciful in ways that we cant comprehend may seems no mercy. but being raised to be martyrs and given jannah, is every ones true dream..only if the deads could tell us that...surely all will not mind dead that way...tested badly but steadfast...the final test....
May Allah bless you sheikh Mohamed , may Allah grant you Janet Alferdoos, Ameen
If you want the answers to Earthquake in Turkey, read the Book of Revelation. Revelation 1:11 mentioned Seven Churches, all of these ancient Churches are located in Turkey. Patmos Island the island where John was brutally imprisoned was also located near Turkey. Read the proceeding chapters and find the answers to your queries. Let's turn to Yeshua the Messiah and we shall over come another impending disasters.
Many Earth Quakes fear and to prepare that one way or another the call for each soul babies and if we are of those who strive it is said the gentle leaving we pray that was their case and hope it be ours Insha Allah
Jazakkallah shiek for explaining we can not question Allah qaqdar Allah knows best may Allah guide muslims ameen
Jazakumullah khair! Barak'Allahu feekum!
Problem of evil does not disprove God. One can only assert God to be not loving (astagfirullah).
People suffer because THIS is not Heaven. There is also evil and when you build cities on earthquake faults, what would you expect? Now, Heaven is gained thru the ransom paid by Christ so that by faith in Him, I gain Heaven. His love constrains me to share that Good News!
Pain itself is the lot of this world, what ever misfortune befell on us is apart of it, It is not because God would not punish the Thousand of innocents.
MasyaALLAH...thank you for this podcast.
Repentance Repentance Repentance
Slms it's so sad what happened to our Muslim brothers and sisters and children may Allah protect them all from CALAMITIES
Humans always want God to follow their pleasures and desires.
SubhanAllah! Jazak’Allah khair to both of you and your team for this beautiful talk full of wisdom
Very enlightening..
I think some earthquakes are man made, I think that earthquake has something to do with turkey s mountain of gold being discovered after the euphrates dried up ,point is I think the earthquake was man made
And United as One Ummah Ameen Ya Rabb
Assalamu alaikum alhamdulillah please make duaa for me always
Thats bkoz ALLAH could not hear and answer.all lines were busy and unreachable
Allah is most wise, merciful and loving,in Him there is life, the Devil is the course of suffering and pain. God allows things to happen for a reason and to vindicate the evil and the enemy of the creatures that He has made, that is Satan.
The Creator is the all wise The just .
Jesus is coming soon. If you have not yet accepted Jesus Christ as your Savior & Lord, accept Him now. GOD said, “My spirit will not stay with humans for long, for they are but mortal flesh. For the Lord himself will descend from heaven with joy, with the voice of the archangel and with the trumpet of God, and the dead in Christ will rise first. Then we, the living and the remnant, will be caught up with them into the clouds to meet the Lord in the air, and so we will always be with the Lord.
Allah who is God sent His Son ..born to be like us ...DIED for our sins ...So we should live according to His word...holy lives.
Mashallah blessings 🙌 🙏
god isn’t to misunderstand as a magician. and he isn’t a person. he is allover, so persons can be with him and feel. when persons not near to this inner whispering, they can’t help each other. men have to live, help people, not be corrupt, than god can help from their heart.
how the black stone forgive sins
Yeah, it crossed my mind . Why not in ISRAEL? For all the cruelty.
"He upgraded them" so you'd let an airline beat you up to upgrade you from economy to first class?
I'm hafeela from Sri Lanka wattarantenne kandy thanks I please make duaa for me always
Every thing anything in this world is a trier from how we handle the circumstances bad and good
Jazak Allahu khairan
When Allah asked Noh a.s to stop dawa, Noh new that his qaum will be destroyed.
When Allah asked Lut a.s to leave his qaum, Lut knew his qaum will be destroyed, when Allah Musa to leave Egypt, Firaun is destroyed, When Yunus gave up dawa to his qaum, punishment from Allah is about to come.Yunus a.s admit that he is zalim to leave dawa to his qaum.
Allah told us all the above in Alquraan, and Alquraan is not history book, it is alive, applicable, then, now and until qiamat. So, when we the umah of Nabi Mohammad s.a.w neglected and stop dawa the way Rasul did,,same thing will happen..So to avoid these disaster is to perform dawa the way Rasullalah did.
Believed me d last One, never happened again
Through out D World, insyAllah Ta'alah...
This World moving even not that fast, but
With Proper Guide line, so that Building^
Wouldnt easily collapsed and can Withstand
The Quake. Like Some other Country through
More careful when build Flatted Housing.
Why are people questioning what Allah does? Pray for them and trust what Allah does and created.
I think it may have Ben mad made. I got no proof. But it can be done.
We all needed to read the Bible carefully and obey his words, call upon him and he will never let us down, Jesus Christ suffer for our sin, he said follow me, and I will make you all fishers of men, follow the works, and the word of God 🙏 and he will protect us from harm and evil.
Allah says all catastrophes and disasters are caused by man's hands.. if you study you will know the reason why.. nature has long asked permission from Allah to punish the unbelievers but Allah abstain because He loves every soul that He created.. the disasters are caused by man.. if you know