narendra modi still will market yoga other than what else an education will give this that carried other than this much decade beliving congess to bjp what changes so for carried decleine from wealthiest country to poor remarks related to poltican and running corporates a state district radius itself not in the hands of to make and equipp to serve the district needs and today biggest jokes four qualities of marketing tools for raising indian parties 1000 times each one will start for necessity and keep on fighting what indian development more politcal party to oppose and support this how india growth
hyderabad once carried huge heights and got divided kcr been posted as cm as per state needs divide and rule but today how the investment coems form where the money has come that is what telgana start up , muslim community bpo kpo for IT all that now all election stunts what does today kcr so for from divide and rule wht as possible change this much years constructing a building to run his dyanasty a office can be worked in shift basis andra cm and talgana cm their ego and work schedule demands to run separate office this how the mechanism what an idea again expanding where people go this and all hurdles and now it is named as telgana new state starter up company carried this much investment where the investment came from is it from the sky or what
narendra modi still will market yoga other than what else an education will give this that carried
other than this much decade beliving congess to bjp what changes so for carried decleine from wealthiest country to poor
remarks related to poltican and running corporates a state district radius itself not in the hands of to make and equipp to serve the district needs and today biggest jokes
four qualities of marketing tools for raising indian parties 1000 times each one will start for necessity and keep on fighting what indian development more politcal party to oppose and support this how india growth
hyderabad once carried huge heights and got divided kcr been posted as cm as per state needs divide and rule
but today how the investment coems form where the money has come that is what
telgana start up , muslim community bpo kpo for IT all that now all election stunts what does today kcr so for from divide and rule wht as possible change this much years
constructing a building to run his dyanasty
a office can be worked in shift basis andra cm and talgana cm their ego and work schedule demands to run separate office this how the mechanism what an idea again expanding where people go
this and all hurdles and now it is named as telgana new state starter up company carried this much investment where the investment came from is it from the sky or what