Rings of Power GALADRIEL vs. House of the Dragon RHAENYRA | Anatomy of a Character

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 6 ต.ค. 2024

ความคิดเห็น • 67

  • @LanaMarie
    @LanaMarie  ปีที่แล้ว +25

    This analysis has a particular, rather narrow focus, but there are certainly other ways in which these two can be compared - what would YOU add to the comparison between Rhaenyra and Galadriel?

      @APOLLOPATRIOT ปีที่แล้ว

      I would totally add peanut butter and jelly 🤣👍

    • @Running-withscissors
      @Running-withscissors ปีที่แล้ว +2

      RoP Galadriel seems like a series of bullet points for a plot line was the beginning and end of the process, with nothing between each point. It just happens because it needs to for the story they want to tell. She ends up shallow and irrational.
      Rhanyra's story depends on those areas left empty by the bullet points we are given in the actual book are filled in to make it a engaging story. Its that depth and details that makes her - one of the many - compelling character in HoD.

    • @isabellajensen9480
      @isabellajensen9480 ปีที่แล้ว +4

      I think the relationships. Rhaenyra has very complex relationships with the people around her. Her father defends all her shenanigans, her very inappropriate relationship with Daemon, friendship with Alicent, her lovers, her kids and losing her mother. We see her as a rebellious teenager as well as a matured mother. She makes a lot if mistakes and often has to pay the price for them, that's why her journey is so interesting even if you don't see her as a protagonist.
      The only thing I know about Galadriel is that she's obsessed with revenge, loves her knife and wants to speak to the manager..

    • @Running-withscissors
      @Running-withscissors ปีที่แล้ว +1

      @@isabellajensen9480 You forgot.. apparently she REALLY likes horses :p

    • @isabellajensen9480
      @isabellajensen9480 ปีที่แล้ว +3

      @@Running-withscissors oh yeah that, which you can clearly see by her slo mo riding "smile"

  • @Boblw56
    @Boblw56 ปีที่แล้ว +224

    Rheanyra journeyed from willful, entitled princess, to loving mother with real thoughtful apprehension about destroying the kingdom just because her throne was usurped. She was flawed, but consistent with the author’s world. Galadriel was born immature and never grew, and Tolkien would have hated her.

  • @jpiccone1
    @jpiccone1 ปีที่แล้ว +156

    RoP is so comically bad that Galadriel comes off as the villain of the story, and Sauron's role is to spend the whole series trying to get her to calm down and stop treating people poorly.

  • @barbaraludwiczak6798
    @barbaraludwiczak6798 ปีที่แล้ว +78

    Rhaenyra has other thing working against her - it is her Valyrian legacy. Her conflict with the Greens is partly personal partly cultural. Yes, she doesn't behave like a proper princess that is proper Andal princess. Andal women are supposed to fit in three essential roles - the maiden, the mother, the crone. Yet Rhaenyra is a Targaryen. She doesn't believe in the gods and by being a Targaryen she feels to be above the rules and rights of the Andals.
    Even her sex life fits into her heritage - if you look at the Valyrian frescoes in King's Landing, they all feature some pretty weird Valyrian orgies.
    There is only problem - she lives in Westeros where the dominant culture and religion are rather oppressive towards women. So her real dilemma is: whether she should submit to the Westerosi notions of femininity or follow the traditions of her house.
    And I really really liked how, in the last episode, she made her sons swear on Seven Pointed Star - westerosi equivalent of the Bible. And she understood that, even though they don't really belong in Westeros, the Targaryens must compromise and at least pretend to accept the dominant religion.

    • @pIayingwithmahwii
      @pIayingwithmahwii 9 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      i would choose to be the crone. crones have magic power right?

  • @Esta-Beed
    @Esta-Beed ปีที่แล้ว +86

    I still have not warmed to Amazons Galadriel, it's a bad mix of poor writing and portrayal. For me Kate Blanchett is the only Galadriel

  • @bebbization
    @bebbization ปีที่แล้ว +60

    I find it weird that ROP tries to make the enemy more sympathetic, and trying to put everyone more on the gray moral scale, like in GoT. It should be obvious that Tolkien's stories and Martin's stories use completely different narratives, even though they both write about fantasy in the middle ages. Tolkien's stories are way more philosophical and mythical, in which it fits to have clearly good and evil characters, while Martin's stories are way more history-like, fitting for morally complicated characters. Either way, they both know well how to do each narrative!
    In ROP, I feel like they don't understand how this works, so they end up with mixing both Tolkien and Martin kind of stories, failing to do either type of story. In this I mean by how we end up rooting for the Orcs in the story, and how they try to make Galadriel morally complicated while still trying to tell us she is a "good" character.

  • @johnrichards7337
    @johnrichards7337 ปีที่แล้ว +55

    Thanks for another good analysis. Objectively, the young Rhaenyra is pretty obnoxious - look at the scene where she is rude to potential suitors who are only there because he father have her the extraordinary privilege of choosing her own husband - but we are prepared to cut her some slack because she is a teenager and we assume she will mature, which she does. By contrast, Galadriel is presented to us as a mature - very mature in fact - and somehow accomplished leader of men, so we do not expect her to act like a spoilt teenager. We always judge relative to our expectations, so Rhaenyra rises above the proto-Deanerys we fear she might become when we first meet her while Amazon Galadriel falls below what we expect when we are told she is Commander of the Northern Armies, General of the Felix Legions, whatever.

    • @gagerouane7422
      @gagerouane7422 ปีที่แล้ว +12

      I love your point and it reflects more consequences for Rhaenyra's actions. Reactors laughed when Rhaenyra was cutting down suitors at Storms End but it really screws her later. When she needs allies for the war, the families she spurned arent going to be happy with her. The Baratheon lord that denied her son at the end was told by his father that Rhaenyra was spoilt and petulant. I do not believe the Baratheons were impressed by Rhaenyra's flippant attitude when she was a teen in their hall. Its awesome, because now rhaenyra has to learn and overcome her mistakes. Feels like just a huge gap in writing quality between the shows. Consequences are awesome.

    • @wezul
      @wezul ปีที่แล้ว +1

      I know that in Rhaenyra's world getting to choose who she marries is a privilege. On the other hand, the fact that most women are forced to marry without real consent isn't something we should be defending. I cut her slack not because she's a teenager, but because anyone in that situation has every right to be pissed as hell. Most of her suiters were three times her age and should've been ASHAMED of themselves. They weren't so Rhaenyra shamed them, deservedly so!

    • @rasalasblack
      @rasalasblack ปีที่แล้ว +5

      My point exactly, Galadriel should be "an accomplished leader of men". The show fails to portray THAT. She was accomplished for she has the plot armor to arse her way. Leader of men though? Nu-uh. She was supposed to be thousands of years and she does NOT show it in her demeanor. Elves are calm and collected because of their long lives. But, Galadriel acts like a YA character.

    • @annieandelsieofarendelle3294
      @annieandelsieofarendelle3294 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@wezul That's not the point though. Even if she doesn't marry them mocking them directly to their faces will only make them hate her and distrust her when she sits on the Iron Throne. She's already in a precarious enough position being a female heir with a younger brother so gleefully mocking potential allies will and does come back to bite her in the end.

    • @wezul
      @wezul ปีที่แล้ว +1

      I said her actions were understandable, not that they were tactically advantageous.

  • @langdalepaul
    @langdalepaul ปีที่แล้ว +14

    The hubris involved in taking a masterpiece and thinking that you can not only improve a character, but entirely rewrite it and create a brand new character arc, is breathtaking. It’s like a teenager trying to rewrite Shakespeare because they want to add more depth to the characters.

  • @mariusmitre492
    @mariusmitre492 ปีที่แล้ว +31

    A Mary Sue Karen vs a well written character, meaning Rhaenyra.

  • @geoffreyburton2654
    @geoffreyburton2654 ปีที่แล้ว +21

    A really good video with a great analysis of two characters. The problem with rings of power they come from a school of film making where you have big scenes to cover the flaw of very little character development.

  • @Queenfloofles
    @Queenfloofles ปีที่แล้ว +11

    You hit the nail on the head re consequences.
    I found show Galadriel a psychopath, totally unlikable, manipulative in a really bad way and undiplomatic. I found myself wanting Adar to succeeded. They also managed to make Sauron almost likable.
    Rhaenyra I could understand a sympathise with her actions and motivations and yes there were logical outcomes from decisions she takes, both good and bad.
    The difference between the two is one feels like a real world the other comes across as badly written can fiction written by someone who only scan read the source material twenty years ago. One I'll keep watching, one I will not.

  • @danguillou713
    @danguillou713 ปีที่แล้ว +11

    You don't talk about book Galadriel. I see why. I agree with your reasons for leaving the source material out of your comparison.
    But when I watched these two shows I kept thinking that Rhaenyra is in some ways a better Galadriel adaptation than Amazon Galadriel.
    So, canonically, Galadriel was an extremely impressive person. She was smart, perceptive, brave, strongwilled and magically powerful. But not flawless, she was also impetuous and ambitious. She went to middle earth mostly because she wanted to be a ruler a kingdom of her own. This ambition was a flaw because it was a vanity project. She wanted the job, but in order to prove herself, not because of what it would mean for others. In the end she does find herself as ruler of an elf kingdom, but I think that by that time she has lost the urge to glorify herself and does it out of responsibility. A young Galadriel would probably not have been able to reject Frodos ring offer.
    And this makes me think of Rhaeny. She is smart, brave, and strongwilled, she wields a dragon instead of songmagic, but you know. And she desperately wants to be ruler, she wants the heiress position, the throne. But never once does she seem to stop and ask herself: what for?

    • @gunkulator1
      @gunkulator1 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      Galadriel in the books and the PJ movies shows up very little in LOTR however even in the short time she has, the character shows more growth than all the hours of ROP Galadriel. Book/movie Galadriel is sorely tempted by the ring and even comes close to taking it from Frodo. She knows the ring is the only way she continue to rule the kingdom in Middle Earth that she has worked and fought so hard for. In the end she resists the temptation, knowing that her power will greatly diminish because of this choice. She learns that it is wrong to cling to power, even though the pursuit of power is why she came to Middle Earth in the first place.

  • @wezul
    @wezul ปีที่แล้ว +8

    Galadriel's talk with Adar makes it absolutely clear that Galadriel is the villain of the story, and the Uruk are the underdog heroes.

  • @marikka9347
    @marikka9347 ปีที่แล้ว +9

    It does not seem that RoP can redeem their version of Galadriel from the extreme low they have dragged her character to and then somehow she is the Lady of Light. Tolkien gave her flaws, but would never have had his Galadriel threaten to keep Adar alive while she went off and killed all the orcs, just so she could return and tell him all his 'children' are dead and then kill him. There is no path back that could make her into what she was in LoTR. Just as she said Sauron is unredeemable, so have they written her to be.

    • @christiankrueger2330
      @christiankrueger2330 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      A diamond has flaws. The RoP Galadriel is so poorly conceived and executed I have to agree that she can't be redeemed. As my old film teacher used to say - "you can't polish a turd"

  • @detrik01
    @detrik01 ปีที่แล้ว +6

    Rings of Power, being a prequel, should have just been about a bunch of OCs, or alternatively about tertiary characters (at best) from the novels and movie, who writers could have more narrative freedom with. It should have never about about Galadriel(or any main character from LoTR) herself. That's just my take

  • @nuca9087
    @nuca9087 ปีที่แล้ว +12

    i have only watched 2 episodes of rings of power and already despise “galadriel”. the show tries so hard to portray her as a strong female lead but in reality, she’s just stubborn and irrationally arrogant. what i like about house of the dragon is that, like you mentioned, a strong perfect character doesn’t exist. even the main lead Rhaenyra has done some questionable things that come with consequences but thats what makes her HUMAN, therefore relatable for the audience. meanwhile, galadriel is praised for her toxic actions and that is somehow empowering? makes no sense. anyway i loved this comparison video so much!🤍 you truly never disappoint :)

  • @samhui9517
    @samhui9517 ปีที่แล้ว +12

    Thank you for another excellent video! For me, additional comparisons can be about each actor’s screen presence, acting abilities, and chemistry with their fellow actors. Ultimately though, a comparison of the characters comes down to a comparison of each author / writer, their ability to create or adapt, their proficiency in bringing a character to life, and their skill in making their characters memorable. As a member of the audience, I care about whether a character is believable and relatable, if I can empathize with their pain, celebrate their growth, and be uplifted by their success.

  • @annieandelsieofarendelle3294
    @annieandelsieofarendelle3294 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    It also doesn't help that Galadriel looks like she is always on the brink of demanding the manager.

  • @dronesclubhighjinks
    @dronesclubhighjinks ปีที่แล้ว +11

    Another great video! I really enjoy your analysis. The way you are able to explain what makes ROP Galadriel so infuriating (in fewer words than I would’ve thought possible) is a gift. are you the real Sauron? Hahaha
    I don’t know anything about House of the Dragon but I’m getting more intrigued by it. I haven’t finished watching your costume analysis of that show yet but I am blown away by how gorgeous their costumes are! I am green with envy, just like She-Hulk, speaking of annoying female characters. I’m really glad the House of the Dragon girl is forced to deal with reality. I read somewhere that humans have a hardwired sense of innate fairness (so do rats) and it’s so frustrating watching someone behave horribly constantly, and having the recipients of the horrible behavior apologize to her while she just keeps on being rewarded 😡
    Thank you for the video!

  • @82dorrin
    @82dorrin ปีที่แล้ว +9

    "But did Rings of Power succeed in creating a character with consistent and logical motivations?"
    Short answer: No. They did not.

  • @skipklauber1162
    @skipklauber1162 ปีที่แล้ว +6

    Looking forward to the analysis. Hoping for better understanding on my part of how designers use costumes & accessories to reflect character and personality. Part of being better to show, and not always tell.

    @LOLZYLA ปีที่แล้ว +15

    We all know galadriel is a usurper to the "girl boss" title... That title belongs solely to our beloved Lana Marie

  • @shawnredmond8402
    @shawnredmond8402 ปีที่แล้ว +5

    Alicent Hightower doing peak Macbeth with a dagger, in front a fire, with all the passion in the world, going "where is duty where is sacrifice" might be great and all, but it certainly doesn't match the GREATNESS that is Galadriel's "I have a tempest in me 💨".

  • @SpoopyGhost95
    @SpoopyGhost95 ปีที่แล้ว +4

    Basically elves went from semi immortal elegant wise radiant beings to humans with pointy ears

  • @iassinjar1537
    @iassinjar1537 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    Whats crazy is that I never even thought about an agenda with Rheanyra I just liked her but with Galadriel it was so obvious they wanted her to make men look dumb and weak

  • @deborahfrost7884
    @deborahfrost7884 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Love the comparisons. Thank you for the great video.

  • @canislunaticus
    @canislunaticus ปีที่แล้ว +1

    7:22 Also I love that we haven't even seen all the consequences to just the smallest of actions that she took or didn't take in her youth, like making fun of the young lords that wanted to be her suitor.

  • @deeplydownside
    @deeplydownside ปีที่แล้ว

    What the heck I’ve just discovered your channel today and…. You’re just so amazing?! These videos are all bangers!!!!!

    @APOLLOPATRIOT ปีที่แล้ว +4

    I saw this video in the future 😂🤣 !
    I totally agree with you on the elf women regime .

  • @darjasrpcic2955
    @darjasrpcic2955 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Thanks for another good analysis.

  • @grifterx76
    @grifterx76 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Lol you gave Galadriel the perfect definition of a KAREN!

  • @artemfortunat7647
    @artemfortunat7647 ปีที่แล้ว

    I didn't watch any of this series, but enjoyed your explaining.

  • @skipklauber1162
    @skipklauber1162 ปีที่แล้ว +7

    The only addition I would suggest is your perspective, as a young woman, as to how these characters, as young women, utilize their sexuality. My view is the writing around Rhaenyra on this issue makes her story more three dimensional while the ham-handed handling of any sexuality vis a vis Galadriel accentuates her dull, boring, two dimensional nature. But your views might be more incisive

  • @starofgalaxies
    @starofgalaxies ปีที่แล้ว +1

    "Reality" is an issue I've seen a lot on media lately. Writers or producers don't believe that audiences will be interested in a story with clear cut baddies vs goodies so everyone's morally ambiguous, sort of if the writing's not bad. Some people love reveling in the despicable and hammy nature of classical villains while being inspired by the unwavering good nature of a hero. Morally ambiguous also seems like something a smart and clever writer would do, so to seem smart and clever one must make someone complex by graying some morals because inconsistency is brilliant writing

  • @KittySnicker
    @KittySnicker ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Rhaenyra just has a more powerful arc whereas RoP Galadriel has NO arc! Rhaenyra is cunning yet discerning. For some reason, as a woman, Rhaenyra inspires me while RoP Galadriel does not. Now Peter Jackson’s Galadriel is my QUEEN!!

  • @mrnegative48
    @mrnegative48 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    having a character arc for galadriel is like having a character arc for an 80yo person, her character is too old to be so petty and immature, too old for change
    she should never have been the main character, if you want character arcs then move away from the elves
    Rhaenyra on the other hand is a real person, we can see the long-term consequences for her impatience and need for an intimate partner

    • @LBF522
      @LBF522 9 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Yes but even someone has old and power as Galadriel is suppose to be had to have her start and be new to her abilities. I can see the criticism regarding her. She does come off as unlikable.

  • @jedibrooks7235
    @jedibrooks7235 ปีที่แล้ว

    Solid video its incredible that these shows came out at the same time. You should check out my rings of power comparison videos they are similar to yours but a bit more ruthless lol

  • @Kezia.G
    @Kezia.G ปีที่แล้ว

    It seems more like a close-to-main character vs. a villian, more like 😂

  • @nadinefeiler9204
    @nadinefeiler9204 ปีที่แล้ว

    Lets make another Fantasy show with a male Character Golodriel as villain.
    Golodriel is an eternal being. An exceptionally capable fighter. He is shown to have little concern for the life or wellbeing of people under his command. When he and his men invade the home of an ice creature and the ice creature attack's them to defends its place Golodriel kills the creature in a display of superior fighting skill and cold efficiency not showing any emotions. Golodriel insults and belittles people he does not see as his equal, especially mortals. At one point he tells Adara, the captured leader of an opposing army, who's goal it was to find a place for her people to call home, that he will keep her alive, so she can witness Golodriel completely eradicating each and every last one of her people and family before he will kill her.
    Similarities to a leading character of a very expensive tv show are purely accidental and not intentended😈

    @APOLLOPATRIOT ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Great video 🤣🤣🤣🤣😂😂💯

  • @nikorasub1410
    @nikorasub1410 ปีที่แล้ว

    We don't care about the character story the most important thing is that Galadriel is so BADASS

  • @darkinferno1469
    @darkinferno1469 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Good breakdown on bad writing

  • @andyrobin7196
    @andyrobin7196 ปีที่แล้ว

    House of the Dragon does not push Rhaenyra as the hero of the story? Strongly disagree. They whitewashed all her negative qualities and cruel actions while demonizing her rival brother. They want everyone in the audience to be rooting for Rhaenyra.

  • @BenjCano2020
    @BenjCano2020 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    “No character in House of the Dragon is wholly good or bad.”
    So we’re not gonna talk about wife murderin’ Daemon then?

  • @peterb3832
    @peterb3832 ปีที่แล้ว

    𝐩яⓞ𝓂𝓞Ş𝐦 😇

  • @Gandalf-The-Gay
    @Gandalf-The-Gay ปีที่แล้ว +4

    I'm not saying Rhaenyra is a bad character, but if I were to chose between her and Galadriel... I'd rather not chose at all.

    • @RoseBaggins
      @RoseBaggins ปีที่แล้ว

      This is when I start running back to Peter Jackson, the cartoons, and the books.

    • @Gandalf-The-Gay
      @Gandalf-The-Gay ปีที่แล้ว

      @@RoseBaggins Amen.

    • @daemontarg000
      @daemontarg000 ปีที่แล้ว +9

      Rhaneyra is a bad person but not a bad character

    • @alexiamelo644
      @alexiamelo644 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      I love Nyra in the show, but in the books she's nuts lol

    • @nileverdeen3797
      @nileverdeen3797 ปีที่แล้ว

      ​@@daemontarg000 bad person? How?