Harusan.こんにちは!最近出会ってbe動詞から観させていただいでおります。 1.The refrigerator might break,it doesn't make ice 2.I might be hungry. 3.I might to have to reserve hair salon,because she always busy. 4.I might go to there, tomorrow.
might have to 、might be able to 使った事なかったので勉強になりました。 may とmight の違いで、”might の方がよく聞くのでこっち使ってます” このハルさんの言葉、頭にスッと入ってきました😊 ネイティブが多く使うのなら、あれこれ考えずmight 使っていきまーす! 今回もとっても分かりやすかったです。 ありがとうございます😊
分かってたつもりでしたが、モヤモヤがスッキリしました😊 あとは練習のみ!ですね👍 I might be able to see him in summer this year , but I don’t know yet. It depends on the Covid. He was going to come to Japan last year. but he couldn’t.🥲
ハル先生いつも楽しい授業ありがとうございます!宿題やってみました! 1. It might be sunny next Sunday. 2. I might finish working at 6 pm. 3. The Italian restaurant might close next month. 4. We might see the actor there. 5. My wife might be angry. 6. I might have to go back home. 7. You might have to have an umbrella. 8. I might be able to take the train. 9. She might be able to be promoted. But she doesn’t know yet. It depends on the result of the test. 10. I might be able to speak English in the near future.
She might have fiver. It might sunny today. My mom might come my home today. I might have to go to work tomorrow. I might have to cook dinner. You might have to go there. You might have to says her beforehand. I might be able to meet friends tomorrow. I might be able to go out for dinner next on Sunday. I might be able to eat a little. 毎日ハルさんの動画を何度も繰り返し見て勉強しています!最後の文章は少しなら食べられるかもというニュアンスで作ってみました。
ハルさんの授業が好きです。宿題長文すみません。 1. 彼は事故に遭ったのかも。 He might have had an accident. 2. 私はもしかしたら間違っているかも。 I might be wrong. 3. すぐに出発した方がいいかも。 You might leave as soon as possible. 4. 働かないといけないかも。 I might have to work. 5. 彼は明日、勉強しないかも。 He might not study tomorrow 6. 私は来週、彼女に会えるかも。 I might be able to meet her next week. 7. 私は来週、ひょっとしたら彼女に会えないかも。 I might not be able to meet her next week. 8. 次の日曜日は雨かも。 It might rain next Sunday. 9. 今夜、雨が降ると思いますか。->そうは思いません。 Do you think it rains tonight? -> I'd say No. / I don't think so. 10. 明日までに宿題を終えられるかもしれない。 I might finish my homework by tomorrow.
いつもわかりやすい動画ありがとうございます! 質問なのですがthis that itの違いを教えて頂きたいです。例えば”新しい英語の動画見た?”と聞かれて、”それは日本では見れない” と答えたい場合”I can’t watch it in Japan.”で良いのでしょうか?いつもthis that it のどれを使えば良いのか混乱してしまいます。お時間があれば動画での説明作って頂きたいです!
ハルさんこんにちは! いつも分かりやすく解説してくれてありがとうございます! 例文10個作ってみたのでもし良ければ添削をお願いします^^ ①It might be wrong それは違っているかもしれない。 ②A product ordered last Saturday I might get today. 先週の土曜日に注文した商品は今日届くかもしれない。 ③I might not be able to go to work tomorrow. 私は明日仕事に行けないかもしれない。 ④She might be getting a cold. 彼女は風邪を引いているかもしれない。 ⑤I might have to see him tomorrow. 私は明日彼に会わなければならないかも。 ⑥The store might close down soon あのお店はもうすぐなくなるかもしれない。 ⑦We might be able to visit to america next year. 私たちは来年アメリカに行けるかもしれない。 ⑧I heard she said she might be able to back home at 6pm today. 今日彼女が18:00には家に帰れるかもしれない。と言っているのを聞きました。 ⑨I haven't eaten it but I might like it. それは食べたことないけど、好きかもしれない。 ⑩ if I left home 5 minutes later, I might not have been in time for the train. あと5分遅く家を出てたら、電車に間に合わなかったかもしれない。
②A product ordered last Saturday I might get today. 先週の土曜日に注文した商品は今日届くかもしれない。 I might receive the product I ordered last Saturday. ⑦We might be able to visit to America next year. 私たちは来年アメリカに行けるかもしれない。 VisitはToなしでOKです。 visit America
5.I might go shopping this weekend. 6.He might be happy. 7.If i invited him,he might come. 8.I might go to us this summer. 9.I might be a little late for the airport. 10.I'm not sure,but i might be true.
①I might have to study english tomorrow. ②I might be able to play soccer next class.but it depends on the weather. ③He might cook tonight but he can leave for home early. ④I might have to go to the office early morning. ⑤I might be read books. よろしくお願いします
②I might be able to play soccer next class.but it depends on the weather. in the next class ③He might cook tonight but he can leave for home early. 文章の意味はどうなりますか? ④I might have to go to the office early morning. early in the morning ⑤I might be read books. I might be reading books.
Hi, I made 10 sentences with using Might. This story might be true. She might be very tired after doing that. My son might be interested in this one. This event might be able to be held tomorrow but It depends on the weather. I might be coming. My husband might join us too. The boys might be hanging out in Ken's yard. My kids might be able to back to school Next Monday. It might take 30 minutes waking there but I don't know, I have not walked there.why don't you drive there ?
mayとmight: おぼえづらいのですが、「可能性の違いの差」ということならすっきり理解できます。 タスクは以下を挙げておきます。 Next Tuesday might be a day working from home. 今度の火曜は在宅勤務になるかもしれません。 I might not be able to sleep well tonight. 今夜は眠れないかもしれません。
ハル先生こんばんは。宿題しました〜😆 ①I might have to go to work earlier than usual today. ②I might be able to go get some butter 🧈. ③I might have to take a taxi to get there. ④I might have to write an essay in order to get a school credit. ⑤I might be able to go with you tomorrow. ⑥I might be able to do it instead of you. ⑦It might snow tomorrow. It’s really cold and getting dark. ⑧My daughter might come home early today cause of the COVID-19 statement of emergency. ⑨My husband might do house chores for me. He’s being so kind these days. ⑩You might have to wear a surgical mask covering the nose. ‥‥‥🤔うーむ‥‥‥ 宜しくお願いいたします🙇🏻♀️
1. I might have seen the movie. 2. I might have made her angry. 3. He might be able to solve the problem. 4. She might not have heard the story yet. 5. She might not be aware of me being here. 6. He might still haven’t returned home. 7.I might have to finish the work by today. 8. We might be able to use his idea to change this situation. 9. We might not need to use a landline phone no more in this era. 10. It’s supposed to snow tomorrow, so it might be very cold. I tried a lot. Do you understand my English?
Vaccination might begin in this area too. She might leave for her home town whthin two weeks. We might have light work tomorrow. He might be tired. It might be nice weather this weekend. You might have to finish this task by next Monday. I might have to speak in English at the next conference. It might have to be repaired. We might be able to attend the party depending our boss feeling at that time. I might be able to return to Japan temporarily this summer. This task was very tough but helpful, thank you so much. (^^♪
Ryoga: I might be able to go to Tendo's home party tomorrow. Ranma: Oh...sounds good...But, you might have to bring some stomach medicines. Akane might cook at the party. Ryoga: ...Actually, I might get lost....
I might be able to go shopping tomorrow. I might not make pendants tomorrow. She might come here late. I might stop by the post office on my way shopping. I might as well go shopping by car. I might as well not go shopping. You might watch this video to learn English. He might be able to get some meats cheaper than usual. Might my friend come home? You might not eat some snacks too much.
例文 その店にはオリーブオイルがたくさん売っているのかもしれない。 The shop might sell a lot of oliveoil. オリーブオイルを買った方がいいよ。 You might buy oliveoil. 鉛筆を買ったかもしれない。 I might buy pencil. 明日は雪が降るかもしれない。 It might snow tomorrow. 彼女は疲れているかもしれない。 She might be tired.
・He might have more lose weight ・He might not be able to come to Japan because the coronavirus is going around ・I might be able to go Australia working holiday next year
・He might have to lose more weight. ・He might not be able to come to Japan because the coronavirus is going around.◎ ・I might be able to go Australia with a working holiday next year.
「~による」It depends onの使い方
00:00 Mightの意味
00:23 助動詞とは?
01:10 might+Do動詞
02:36 might+Be動詞
03:45 might have to~
05:41 might be able to~
07:55 mightとmayの違い
I might have loved haru, because she has a shiny smile and it makes me happy.
Might を聴く機会が結構あって私も真似してましたが、ハルさんが日本語で解説してくださることでぐっと理解が深まりました!!
Thank you for watching this channel too Yuka san :) I'm glad you liked the videos.
お疲れです😘 英会話の勉強にもなるけど、声が可愛すぎて見てしまう💕
1.The refrigerator might break,it doesn't make ice
2.I might be hungry.
3.I might to have to reserve hair salon,because she always busy.
4.I might go to there, tomorrow.
Your TH-cam might be the best I've ever seen
Thank you for saying that😊
might have to 、might be able to 使った事なかったので勉強になりました。
may とmight の違いで、”might の方がよく聞くのでこっち使ってます”
ネイティブが多く使うのなら、あれこれ考えずmight 使っていきまーす!
I might be able to see him in summer this year , but I don’t know yet. It depends on the Covid.
He was going to come to Japan last year. but he couldn’t.🥲
Thanks for leaving a comment. Hope you guys can see each other soon🍀
1. It might be sunny next Sunday.
2. I might finish working at 6 pm.
3. The Italian restaurant might close next month.
4. We might see the actor there.
5. My wife might be angry.
6. I might have to go back home.
7. You might have to have an umbrella.
8. I might be able to take the train.
9. She might be able to be promoted. But she doesn’t know yet. It depends on the result of the test.
10. I might be able to speak English in the near future.
2. I might finish work at 6 pm.
7. You might have to bring an umbrella.
I might have to work at home ,
because cold are popular around my city.
Take care of cold.
いいですね、becauseのあとは、a cold is going around in my city. Take care! が良いと思います😊
She might have fiver.
It might sunny today.
My mom might come my home today.
I might have to go to work tomorrow.
I might have to cook dinner.
You might have to go there.
You might have to says her beforehand.
I might be able to meet friends tomorrow.
I might be able to go out for dinner next on Sunday.
I might be able to eat a little.
Thank you :)
動画の中のThey might still be~の例文はThey might be still~とはならないのは何故でしょうか?
現在完了は3つ動画を出ています😊5分英会話 初中級のプレイリストをご覧ください🙇♀️
1. 彼は事故に遭ったのかも。
He might have had an accident.
2. 私はもしかしたら間違っているかも。
I might be wrong.
3. すぐに出発した方がいいかも。
You might leave as soon as possible.
4. 働かないといけないかも。
I might have to work.
5. 彼は明日、勉強しないかも。
He might not study tomorrow
6. 私は来週、彼女に会えるかも。
I might be able to meet her next week.
7. 私は来週、ひょっとしたら彼女に会えないかも。
I might not be able to meet her next week.
8. 次の日曜日は雨かも。
It might rain next Sunday.
9. 今夜、雨が降ると思いますか。->そうは思いません。
Do you think it rains tonight? -> I'd say No. / I don't think so.
10. 明日までに宿題を終えられるかもしれない。
I might finish my homework by tomorrow.
質問なのですがthis that itの違いを教えて頂きたいです。例えば”新しい英語の動画見た?”と聞かれて、”それは日本では見れない” と答えたい場合”I can’t watch it in Japan.”で良いのでしょうか?いつもthis that it のどれを使えば良いのか混乱してしまいます。お時間があれば動画での説明作って頂きたいです!
この記述は通用するでしょうか? ネイティブだとどう表現するでしょうか?
It might get slow my pace if I run while listen to your TH-cam channel.
Because that is really interesting.
My running pace gets slow because I listen to TH-cam videos and they are really interesting.
①It might be wrong
②A product ordered last Saturday I might get today.
③I might not be able to go to work tomorrow.
④She might be getting a cold.
⑤I might have to see him tomorrow.
⑥The store might close down soon
⑦We might be able to visit to america next year.
⑧I heard she said she might be able to back home at 6pm today.
⑨I haven't eaten it but I might like it.
⑩ if I left home 5 minutes later, I might not have been in time for the train.
②A product ordered last Saturday I might get today.
I might receive the product I ordered last Saturday.
⑦We might be able to visit to America next year.
visit America
It might snow,because the temperature is dropping down.
That's great!
We might not be able to travel around Europe and the US etc next year.
Yeah it'll still be hard I guess.
5.I might go shopping this weekend.
6.He might be happy.
7.If i invited him,he might come.
8.I might go to us this summer.
9.I might be a little late for the airport.
10.I'm not sure,but i might be true.
①I might have to study english tomorrow.
②I might be able to play soccer next class.but it depends on the weather.
③He might cook tonight but he can leave for home early.
④I might have to go to the office early morning.
⑤I might be read books.
②I might be able to play soccer next class.but it depends on the weather.
in the next class
③He might cook tonight but he can leave for home early.
④I might have to go to the office early morning.
early in the morning
⑤I might be read books.
I might be reading books.
I might be able to watch your u-tube channel a lot tomorrow because I will be day off.
Nice! You can say *I'll have a day off tomorrow.
Thank you for fixing .
Might it rain tomorrow?
Do you think it will rain tomorrow?
Is it raining tomorrow?
@@haru.puzzle-eikaiwa ありがとうございます。
It is raining tomorrow.のようなingの使い方のビデオがありましたね。
I want to watch your video tomorrow, but I might have to work all-day. I wish my tomorrow's job would be canceled.
Aww thank you for saying that. Good luck on the job tomorrow! I hope it's not too busy...!
Hi, I made 10 sentences with using Might.
This story might be true.
She might be very tired after doing that.
My son might be interested in this one.
This event might be able to be held tomorrow but It depends on the weather.
I might be coming.
My husband might join us too.
The boys might be hanging out in Ken's yard.
My kids might be able to back to school Next Monday.
It might take 30 minutes waking there but I don't know, I have not walked there.why don't you drive there ?
My kids might be able to *go back to school next Monday.
mayとmight: おぼえづらいのですが、「可能性の違いの差」ということならすっきり理解できます。
Next Tuesday might be a day working from home. 今度の火曜は在宅勤務になるかもしれません。
I might not be able to sleep well tonight. 今夜は眠れないかもしれません。
いい感じです!You can say:
I might be working from home next Tuesday🙋♀️
He might be able to join as well/too.をよく聞きます:)
@@haru.puzzle-eikaiwa ありかとうございます😍
①I might have to go to work earlier than usual today.
②I might be able to go get some butter 🧈.
③I might have to take a taxi to get there.
④I might have to write an essay in order to get a school credit.
⑤I might be able to go with you tomorrow.
⑥I might be able to do it instead of you.
⑦It might snow tomorrow. It’s really cold and getting dark.
⑧My daughter might come home early today cause of the COVID-19 statement of emergency.
⑨My husband might do house chores for me. He’s being so kind these days.
⑩You might have to wear a surgical mask covering the nose.
1. I might have seen the movie.
2. I might have made her angry.
3. He might be able to solve the problem.
4. She might not have heard the story yet.
5. She might not be aware of me being here.
6. He might still haven’t returned home.
7.I might have to finish the work by today.
8. We might be able to use his idea to change this situation.
9. We might not need to use a landline phone no more in this era.
10. It’s supposed to snow tomorrow, so it might be very cold.
I tried a lot. Do you understand my English?
I’m sorry. I found some mistakes after I sent these sentences using 〃might 〃to you.
might の後には動詞の原形が来るんでした。
no more → any more
They all sound natural to me. Great work!
I might understand how to use 'might'.(^^)
Yay ☺️
Vaccination might begin in this area too. She might leave for her home town whthin two weeks. We might have light work tomorrow. He might be tired. It might be nice weather this weekend. You might have to finish this task by next Monday. I might have to speak in English at the next conference. It might have to be repaired. We might be able to attend the party depending our boss feeling at that time. I might be able to return to Japan temporarily this summer.
This task was very tough but helpful, thank you so much. (^^♪
Wow! lots of Might sentences!I'm impressed!
I might have to go the hospital tomorrow. Because I have a fever and need to take a PCR test.
Oh no. hope it's just a cold.
mightやhave toをいつも単体で使っていたので、とても勉強になる動画でした(^_^)
I might have to do my homework tonight😭
Oh no.. hope it's not a big one😢
Ryoga: I might be able to go to Tendo's home party tomorrow.
Ranma: Oh...sounds good...But, you might have to bring some stomach medicines. Akane might cook at the party.
Ryoga: ...Actually, I might get lost....
you might get lost?
You might say that, it’ tastes b...great! fantastic!😹
I might be able to improve English. No, I must be going to improve!
I'm sure you will :)
I might be able to go shopping tomorrow.
I might not make pendants tomorrow.
She might come here late.
I might stop by the post office on my way shopping.
I might as well go shopping by car.
I might as well not go shopping.
You might watch this video to learn English.
He might be able to get some meats cheaper than usual.
Might my friend come home?
You might not eat some snacks too much.
I like how you used "might as well" as well :)
I'd say: You might not want to eat too much snacks.
@@haru.puzzle-eikaiwa Thank you for telling me about it.
The shop might sell a lot of oliveoil.
You might buy oliveoil.
I might buy pencil.
It might snow tomorrow.
She might be tired.
You might want to buy some olive oil
Well done!
・He might have more lose weight
・He might not be able to come to Japan because the coronavirus is going around
・I might be able to go Australia working holiday next year
・He might have to lose more weight.
・He might not be able to come to Japan because the coronavirus is going around.◎
・I might be able to go Australia with a working holiday next year.
She might be pass the examination,because she has been studying long time.
She might pass the exam because she's been studying for a long time
@@haru.puzzle-eikaiwa 😃Thank you !
I might bleach my virgin hair tomorrow.
Cool! I've never done that before. Hope it goes well :)