We had this boat tour last year and even though the trip itself was good the service was awful. First of all, you are in Turkey so you have to announce it in Turkish, then English then if the majority is Russian, German etc use that...But what we found out was distasteful...For the whole trip the woman you put as the guide has no other language other than Russian! Unacceptable! Not only I felt awkward but also couldn't inform my husband nor he could understood anything her Russian.And we weren't the only ones half of the boat was full of Turkish and English speaking people. How can this be possible in a touristic trip like this. I wish I could complain about this to the owner so that he then maybe try to hire someone who can speak English at least or hire more than one guide to cover up English and Turkish needs...That was ridiculous and unbelievable... oh and if you go next to the guide and ask in English something she firmly turns her head and runs away without even apologizing. I felt ashamed next to my husband and surely I will check and ask these little details in our next trip and of course I won't be choosing viking tour or any other company related to those...
Good job white production ,i enjoyed every second
cıko dogana sana ve dıgerlerıne selam olsun kardesım kısa surelıde olsa sızınle calısmak guzeldı allah yolunuzu acık etsın bol bol kazanclar versın
хотелосьбы ещё))супер!!!это нечто
Согласен. был там вайфай free
What is this song?
Tanchy29 Ясогласин я тоже Хочу)))
We had this boat tour last year and even though the trip itself was good the service was awful. First of all, you are in Turkey so you have to announce it in Turkish, then English then if the majority is Russian, German etc use that...But what we found out was distasteful...For the whole trip the woman you put as the guide has no other language other than Russian! Unacceptable! Not only I felt awkward but also couldn't inform my husband nor he could understood anything her Russian.And we weren't the only ones half of the boat was full of Turkish and English speaking people. How can this be possible in a touristic trip like this. I wish I could complain about this to the owner so that he then maybe try to hire someone who can speak English at least or hire more than one guide to cover up English and Turkish needs...That was ridiculous and unbelievable... oh and if you go next to the guide and ask in English something she firmly turns her head and runs away without even apologizing. I felt ashamed next to my husband and surely I will check and ask these little details in our next trip and of course I won't be choosing viking tour or any other company related to those...