Phreak is a Riot employee and also has his own stream with a decent audience. I seriously doubt he is going to be that jealous just because Tyler makes a few more bucks than him lol
Tyler1 gets banned for inting/toxicity. Jensen gets unbanned after being banned because he was DDOSING. DDSOING IS ILLEGAL and what tyler1 did is not. Jensen is also a pro player. Nice logic riot.
Jensen was also inting/being toxic like hell lmao. I don't play anymore though I still pay a little attention to the pro scene, but back in s2 I was diamond. There were a few high rated players on euw that were basically just like old tyler1. The worst of em was darkwinjax, but I can def tell you Jensen was one too ;) Kid used to be toxic as fuck
Jensen was super toxic before he started ddosing . He was more toxic than tyler at the time . Imagine a little kid playing league - He doesnt get blue , starts flaming and feeding - that was Jensen in a nutshell and if one of hes team was killed he would flame hard again . The ddosing came after the toxic shit
What tyler did was kinda ilegal because you SHOULD NOT feed and int. But those two things arent that bad than DDOSing because if some of your teammate feed or int you can still manage somwhow to win. (I had guy that just bought boots and ran it down mid from the beggining of the game but i still carried it.) But once your whole team has connection lags, you just cant win no matter how good you are.
Shockwave Inting in a video game is not illegal, is it against league rules? Yes. But ddosing is litterally taking someones whole internet offline and making it impossible for them to get back online until the ddoser stops.
Azir Main you do? :D Well i couldnt play from main for 2 weeks i have a ban until today, so i was on other accounts this period.. yyee i also own a channel.. you can take a look.. what was ur name in ranked game??
I've been watching tyler since before his ban and after and honestly, he's a different person i really think hes reformed i mean i seen this guy do some embarrasing stuff for his viewers amusement this guy ... this guy is good # FreeTyler1
No joke tyler isn't gonna pass Nightblue3 and Imaqtpie.I enjoy the 3 a hell lot.But Tyler is blowing up man...400k Subs on youtube and 400k Followers on Twitch in less than a year.Hes growing fast without playing LoL.If riot lets him stream it again i see him being the number 1 fast.Also he was never a pro player.Nb3 was sponsored by TSM and Gross Gore helped him grow a bit, and Imaqtpie was a pro player.This guy just started on his own not hoping for much when he started streaming and look at him now.
Saku Laakkonen thats why rito is not allowing one player to talk, but have no problems of rito employee talking about how shitty this player is. sure, sure
I don't understand why people put any weight on what phreak says. He's part of e sports, an iconic rioter, and sometimes makes content when new champs come out. It's unlikely that he has any direct involvement with the player behavior teams.
Wow okay wasn't expecting the surprise level-headed response to Phreak doing his classic thing of being a passive-aggressive douchebag. With gaming gloves.
How was he a passive-aggressive douchebag? Tyler1 was banned for good reasons. However, in this video, Phreak talked truth about Tyler, and Tyler was calm and collected, and wasn't raging or anything. Both respected each other, and viewers of Tyler should too.
Jack Fairwind Some people can't recognize passve aggressive speech/tone. But you're right, he is usually like that. So don't listen to the others that can't read his language.
David Razberry Thanks guys although to be fair Grimm's entitled to his opinion. I was maybe a little harsh in my comment, but Phreak just irks me. He's always slapping down people with snooty comments on his Twitter, and this is just the classic from his stream - his friends are having a joke and some banter, meanwhile Phreak's just like 'Oh God' and stretching his neck, trying to avoid the conversation as much as possible. Yeah in fairness he was probably aware that whatever he said was gonna end-up getting quoted, which is never a nice situation, but even so - saying he treated Tyler with 'respect' while saying shit like 'that doesn't even deserve to be in the same sentence, those are actually good for the game' doesn't really fit.
I mean I can understand why Tyler has been banned, but I do think after all this crap and mess he actually cares more about his stream than about being toxic in LoL Chat or going 6 tears midlane. But I kinda loose my confidence in Riot about these things. Its not only this, but also about that Singed player, which goes around everywhere. Just feels to me like they are trying a little too hard.
? What do you mean? Both were toxic, therefore Tyler was banned and that Singed player still has his account, he was just Temp'd. The Singed player painted himself in a positive light. If we still had *Lyte* around I'd guarantee you he'd pull up logs and show everyone how toxic he was. People came out who played with the guy saying how toxic he was.
I think my english is well understandable. Nobodys perfect ^^ And well, even if that singed just got tempbanned, he got tempbanned for playing singed on support and the adcs didnt like his playstyle, basically.
It was less. I think if you get put on a ban from playing its like a week, month and then year or something and some times month to permanent. They gave him like two or three and then he was perma so all the other accounts would get banned just for him having them.
How can he prove he's reformed, if he is banned at sight? This is Riot just pretty much showing that they know their "permaban" doesn't do what it's supposed to.
TheCheck43 He's banned for a good reason dude xd 12 accs he runned down mid/tilted/flamed .. this at all needs to get banned. But at all i hope he get unbanned cuz i love his gameplay xooooo
my main problem with their system is that its a catch 22 situation. You can't play until you play nice. Can't play nice if you can't play at all. Therefore he has no games of playing nice so he gets no chance to play at all.
+volkswageninetta That'd make sense if he didn't already have 10+ chances of actually playing nice. Where do you draw the line on giving someone chances? At some point you just have to say, "Well, this guy just isn't getting it. It isn't worth hurting other peoples experiences when this guy is obviously not going to change. Ban on sight."
iLuvcheat How many times has Jensen and Kaceytron been banned? As far as I know Jensen was only banned ONCE and immediately reformed. Kaceytron has not been banned ever. Riot doesn't have game masters handing out bans. PLAYERS report other players then Riot reviews those reports. So maybe there just isn't enough report against Kaceytron. Why? She is always bronze V with extremely low MMR, so players in her MMR play with similar KDA ratios. Versus Tyler1 who would sell all his items, buy tears or boots, then literally run it down mid. Do you see the difference? Jensen got banned ONCE and immediately straightened up. Kaceytron has never been banned probably because her gameplay is acceptable in an MMR so low the system can barely calculate it, so she never gets reported. Tyler1 has been banned 10+ times and STILL does the same exact thing since the first ban. Hello?
Reshaos kaceytron was gold at some point. Jensen DDOSed someone, it's 10 000x worst than ''running it down mid'', DDOSing is a federal offense in some countries.
Reshaos i do get what you are saying. it does make a lot of sense and if i didnt know his personality and watched his content and i just looked at a form sent with the info id probably agree with you. Maybe riot should implament a situation where toxic people play by themselves in a world of toxic fucks. If they are shown to have good behavior then hey its even better because they would be dealing with the shittiest of people
iLuvcheat She isn't gold now. Jensen stopped ddosing after only one ban. If you are looking for further punishment that would be on the person he ddosed and their ISP, not riot.
just make an adult version for league of legends: graves can have his cigar back, no chat rules / restrictions anymore and no restrictions on skins. i know we have dota but im used to LoL.
mute doesnt undo the flame you already got from teammates. Also they will still spam-ping you. Also you should see csgo. People are so toxic in the voice and text chat, but nobody gives a fuck and it hurts nobody. Rito does give a fuck for what reason tho? Just to ban people and make them make new accounts so they get more money.
2:55 so he's saying RIOT went on his stream and banned his accounts, and his problem is that he wasn't even toxic... DUDE, 12 accounts banned for toxicity. It's not the accounts, it's YOU. It's their game, they don't want you. You can try and act like an angel now, it's too late. How on earth does he have fans?
tbh they should just let him have 1 or 2 accounts that they check once in a while and disable his chat function completely like a perma-chat ban. Everything would be fine since he doesnt int anymore he cant flame in chat. that easy
Iso's Lips Yeah that's what I figured, I can actually relate a lot, I've gotten banned for toxic behavior but I've learned to calm down/ get mad outside of the game haha. So I don't see why another person can't be brought out of a ban haha.
i think they should get him a tryout: give him a acc and nit bann it but watch it to see if he can keep his cool. disable ranked on that acc for the trail period and add it again when they see that he is reformed. i would realy want riot to at lesst try to see if he actualy is reformed
he entertains, just like qt and nightblue. They get a lot more views than let's say someone boring like meteos. No one really wants to watch someone that is boring
I can't stand toxicity, but he legit is just one of the most entertaining streamers out there. His personality is such a contrast to most LoL players that it really makes him stand out, and he actually puts a lot of effort into varying his content on his streams.
because other players have limitations, as if they were politicians. he just says what is on his mind like an entertainer, He has charisma. There's a personality behind him, so many people stream on twitch and make loads of money only because they are or were pro. If the Korean pros spoke English and streamed i dont see why you would donate to people who was in the NA scene for anything but their personality. It's lackluster
Tyler is definitely reformed now. I'm impressed by his growth and maturity. his actions before were unexcusable since it effected the quality of enjoyment for his teammates, but it's clear to see now that his mindset has changed quite dramatically hence the change of his actions in game. I hope Riot can be unbiased in their judgment and exercise their authority to unban Tyler.
This reminds me of Dunkey beating Sky in sma.. no but for real, this reminds me of Dunkey being banned and i like his last words, especially "The root of toxicity is the game itself... Its just not fun!".
I Wear A Fez Now people also got banned because they wanted to supp with the champ they wanted and didnt follow the meta. some guy play singed support and actually won games because he ganked a fuck ton but bot lane would rage and he ended up getting to diamond i believe and got permabanned
He's getting permaban because he doesn't play singed support, he plays as a second jg and leaves his adc alone to 1v2, while he farms the enemy jg, and the proxy, starving his adc, and on top of that, without warding. He also didn't comunicate with his team, so whenever they would be loosing, they would just assume this asshole was trolling in the enemy jg. He may have had a "decent" win rate, but he was still toxic as fuck to his teammates, not because he raged, but because he wouldn't tell them what he was doing, and would fuck off lane to play his way, depsite the way his teammates may feel, especially the adc, who was left alone to lose(every adc he "supported" ended up the game doing less damage than he, due to the fact that they were so behind). You should look up into it, as i can assure you, this guy, despite playing to win, had a gamestrategy toxic as fuck to his teammates.
Common Sense No, it's a banable offense to have a playstyle that ruin the experience for people on your team. How would you like a support that takes your farm, doesn't ward, and just roams the enemy jg proxyng like he didn't chose a role that requires to do very specific things?(peeling, warding, etc) Go watch his videos, he may win some games(because his winrate wasn't that good either, specially for one of his mains), yet he still wins at expense of other people, be it by not explaining what he is doing(which is bannable, not comunicating is a bannable offense actually) or actually starving his ally laners with proxy. This isn't riot killing off meta picks, it is riot trying to shut down a style of play that isn't healthy for the game. The keyword isn't "good winrate" because 2 things, his winrate with Singed support isn't that good, and 2, he just becames a depriment for his team, since he chose a very unortodox and personal strategy, and because he chose it regardless of the rest of the team.
No. By un-permabanning they mean, un-permabanning him as a person, not his account. Tyler is banned as a *person*. Meaning any account attached to him gets automatically banned. All his old 15 accounts will not get unbanned. They're gone forever. If they decide to un-permaban him, it just means that if he makes a new account it won't get automatically banned and he can also stream League.
You aren't permabanned, your account is. Tyler1's account won't get unbanned, Tyler1 the player will be unbanned so Riot will stop banning his accounts on sight.
Not a big fan of Tyler, I do watch him from time to time, but really Riot should give him a break. I actually digged some of his old videos, I can see why he would get banned. But he really changed, and not only that, ever since it seems he improved a lot more.
yeah it does, and also, you don't ruin the game for the 5 enemy players, did you never win a ranked because of a troll/afk? it may not be awesome but still it's freelo
man people who loved league since +- end of season 2 or earlier will always have respect and love for phreak. No need to hate this guy's great but a bit salty on the tyler case indeed. Tyler got people to dislike him, which is the reason phreak is salty about that.
No it's not people disliking him many people like tyler1, and I must say before he was toxic af but now he's so reformed then what he was I feel like they should give him a chance for like a day or a week and see how it goes with him being allowed to stream LoL personal opinion
their are people who don't like greek and people who do, I honestly don't know why you could dislike him he's funny asf 20% of tylers stream doesn't like him what I can't undertand
Donut they ruined games themselves. If Tyler were to smurf, he's playing to win. The way league is right now you need to work together, he can't 1v5 against a grouped enemy team with at least 3 hard cc. So if his team decides to fuck around and not listen to Tyler who has a lot more game knowledge and experience, Tyler has a good reason to get angry about it. Basically, if you have a challenger level player try to win the game for you and none of you listen and make the game much harder just because you refuse to give the challenger draven blue buff because its meta to give it to midlander, you deserve it. You ruined the game yourself, all he's doing is shortening the game length by helping the enemy team claim the victory faster instead of playing out the game with 4 retards and causing a 50 minute loss when it can just be done in 20 minutes
smither1mina this. I'm nowhere near challenger, but even when I smurf in silver (from diamond V) I feel the exact same way. It's such a team game now, even if you have 1 member of your team not listening and cooperating/ playing intelligently, you have a much harder time winning. And it's super demoralizing to lose a silver game as a diamond player. I can imagine it was even worse for Tyler, losing platinum/low diamond games as a challenger player. Usually because someone is playing like a fucking dumbass or just flat out making the game harder for him. I can see why he is toxic. This super teamwork based cooperation meta just breeds frustration, because you can't control what your 4 other teammates do
Phreak: "Tell that to his other 15 accounts that got banned" Tyler1: 22... *A few moments later* Phreak: "Over the course of 15 accounts he never got the hint." Tyler1: "22!"
Actually phreak didn't say so much bad things in this vid? He said its possible for them to consider unbanning him. Tyler1 was toxic and inted for any reason (like not giving blue to adc).I suggest giving him an account that is on probation.
Coffee Mug the context is that they're ultimately making fun of him, whether they were pointing out his actions or not. Isn't that one of the rules of being "toxic"? It's a bit ironic in my opinion.
Hmm then you have to take everything everyone says seriously and offensive. For the same token Tyler called phreak a bitch during their game. I think this is just banter and way too looked into.
"Toxicity" only revolves around what you do IN GAME Just like they said he is free to rage all his wants on his stream but once you start typing stuff IN GAME it becomes toxic. The same thing happened when ppl were freaking out about Dardoch when he was losing his shit on stream. It wasn't what he said about the thresh on stream that was the problem (you're entitled to be upset about stuff) it was the typing to the thresh IN GAME that he was the worst player he had ever seen and he should uninstall the game. When you agree to the summoners code it only applies to what you do IN GAME. Riot cant come to ur house and make sure that ur not flaming ur little brother for not taking out the trash.
i actually wants Tyler1 to get unbanned for my XMas gift that's all i want , really someone else said that in the comments too i'v been watching him since forever
aw feel bad for tyler, he obvs has trouble handing certain emotional situations, you could see how he started getting worked up and it was harder for him to says things :( hes trying give the poor guya break at least hes not as mean anymore
I think he is definitely better than he was and should be unbanned as long as he doesn't flame people in game typing at them etc. and start inting again there's no need to do shit like that it's quite pathetic.If they unbanned people like Jensen then it wouldn't really be fair to treat Tyler differently.
Guys Tyler is a changed man. Now all he has to do to get unbanned and when asked by Riot if he's rehabilitated, he needs to quote Morgan Freeman's Red character from The Shawshank Redemption. "I learned my lesson. I can honestly say that I’m a changed man. I’m no longer a danger to society. That’s God’s honest truth." Then we will get back our boy tyler1.
That perma ban actually helped Tyler reach where he is now.
he was already big before the indefinate. Now his stream is boring af without any draven games
prepare for hate buddy
it really is Greek was funny af but now hes just fucking annoying he needs to be unbanned. H1Z1 ResidentSleeper
Boring? Have you seen his arma 3 streams?
And the Bully which I really enjoyed.
Phreak - "Tell that to his other 15 accounts that got banned"
Tyler - "22"
really showed him lol
Tyler1 ain't playin no more
He is playing. He even uploaded a game where he destroyed phreak recently.
Kretias its rhetorical dumbass xD
Phreaks just pissed that Tyler clapped his ass
Briasuo Phreak is just jelous because Tyler makes more money than him
Phreak is a Riot employee and also has his own stream with a decent audience. I seriously doubt he is going to be that jealous just because Tyler makes a few more bucks than him lol
Angelos Ambrose Domenico oh he is bud he is super upset about it you can tell
Phreak is jealous that tyler still has a hairline too
phreak founded riot you fucking idiot
you made me happy xD
Founded with marc Merill and Brandon Beck. Phreak holds a good portion of the shares too
ure full of shit phreak didnt found anything
oh shit he did? I didn't think so...i thought he was just the face of riot
The longer tyler 1 is banned the more phreak's hairline will recede. Your move, Phreak.
Vincent what hairline?
chill LMAO
Hentai Lord :)
Hentai Lord do you know any good hentai's?
Tyler: Idk if you guys were here when I had about 50 viewers
Entire twitch chat: MEE ME ME ME ME I WAS HERE
Jerahmi turns out you're a little bitch kid eh
Ayy Lmaoo Ok?
Cracked me up for real xDDD nice1
AHAHAAHAHAHAHAH "tell that to his other 15 accounts banned" "22"
thirsty nigga
how to bait prey
Fuhikie Waie i know right, its almost as low as having a anime profile pictu..... oh wait.
League of Legends, the only game where devs can troll on live broadcasts, but punish trollers.
Tyler is actually a super cool dude to watch. He gives us toxic people a home to go to.
Ghost Rider this comment is so fucking original
Slayr bich
Hayden- Your profile pic is so fuckings original too
"Switch the profile pic before i put you in missary , you have 3 hours ;)"
@@revivedsoul1099Did he switch it?
Officially Cinadeeye and this has 22 likes nice.
no it doesnt
That part killed me.
Phreak: "tell that to the other 15 accounts he got banned"
Tyler: "22"
I fucking died
All I want for Christmas is for Tyler1 to be unbanned BibleThump
hey your wish came true
Tyler1 gets banned for inting/toxicity. Jensen gets unbanned after being banned because he was DDOSING. DDSOING IS ILLEGAL and what tyler1 did is not. Jensen is also a pro player. Nice logic riot.
Jensen was also inting/being toxic like hell lmao. I don't play anymore though I still pay a little attention to the pro scene, but back in s2 I was diamond. There were a few high rated players on euw that were basically just like old tyler1. The worst of em was darkwinjax, but I can def tell you Jensen was one too ;) Kid used to be toxic as fuck
Jensen was super toxic before he started ddosing . He was more toxic than tyler at the time . Imagine a little kid playing league - He doesnt get blue , starts flaming and feeding - that was Jensen in a nutshell and if one of hes team was killed he would flame hard again . The ddosing came after the toxic shit
Nasko K. Dimov glad Jensen stopped with that
What tyler did was kinda ilegal because you SHOULD NOT feed and int. But those two things arent that bad than DDOSing because if some of your teammate feed or int you can still manage somwhow to win. (I had guy that just bought boots and ran it down mid from the beggining of the game but i still carried it.) But once your whole team has connection lags, you just cant win no matter how good you are.
Shockwave Inting in a video game is not illegal, is it against league rules? Yes. But ddosing is litterally taking someones whole internet offline and making it impossible for them to get back online until the ddoser stops.
Reaction of tyler - no show feelings
reformed lol
your challenger or masters right? annie top
Nah, p5 currently #feelsnotthatbadtho
Annie Top I remember seeing you in a plat game, and on youtube...
Azir Main you do? :D Well i couldnt play from main for 2 weeks i have a ban until today, so i was on other accounts this period.. yyee i also own a channel.. you can take a look.. what was ur name in ranked game??
I've been watching tyler since before his ban and after and honestly, he's a different person i really think hes reformed i mean i seen this guy do some embarrasing stuff for his viewers amusement this guy ... this guy is good # FreeTyler1
#FreeTyler1 even though running it down mid isn't something I condone.
As a plat league of legends player that has been reformed! I vouche my account for Tyler1... free Tyler!
Havent been bann in 2 months now. Just rolling with my 4 account and hoping its clear outside with no beta cucks.
thanks jack
Didnt get a ban in 7 years..... You guys are happy if you get 2 months without a ban. Thats amazing. :D
Riot: We are gonna permaban you on sight now try to be reformed
Fk logic i guess ( i miss those 3k chat restricts)
No joke tyler isn't gonna pass Nightblue3 and Imaqtpie.I enjoy the 3 a hell lot.But Tyler is blowing up man...400k Subs on youtube and 400k Followers on Twitch in less than a year.Hes growing fast without playing LoL.If riot lets him stream it again i see him being the number 1 fast.Also he was never a pro player.Nb3 was sponsored by TSM and Gross Gore helped him grow a bit, and Imaqtpie was a pro player.This guy just started on his own not hoping for much when he started streaming and look at him now.
Virgio all i can say is "Started from the bottom now we here"
But he got famous because of Phreak
It is grammatically correct to press the space bar after a full stop.
Not really, it was the Disco Heat video that got him loads of attention
I started watching Tyler after the Disco Heat video.
why did he looked so scared at 4:15 when he said he talked with riot lmao
he probably got flashbacks
Saku Laakkonen thats why rito is not allowing one player to talk, but have no problems of rito employee talking about how shitty this player is. sure, sure
I don't understand why people put any weight on what phreak says. He's part of e sports, an iconic rioter, and sometimes makes content when new champs come out. It's unlikely that he has any direct involvement with the player behavior teams.
he says he does
cmck he does. the same way jatt is in the balance department
cmck Phreak was community manager and coordinator.
Wow okay wasn't expecting the surprise level-headed response to Phreak doing his classic thing of being a passive-aggressive douchebag. With gaming gloves.
How was he a passive-aggressive douchebag? Tyler1 was banned for good reasons. However, in this video, Phreak talked truth about Tyler, and Tyler was calm and collected, and wasn't raging or anything. Both respected each other, and viewers of Tyler should too.
How do you not see how phreak was being passive aggressive? lol either your blind or just passive agressive yourself without even realizing it.
Jack Fairwind Some people can't recognize passve aggressive speech/tone. But you're right, he is usually like that. So don't listen to the others that can't read his language.
David Razberry Thanks guys although to be fair Grimm's entitled to his opinion. I was maybe a little harsh in my comment, but Phreak just irks me. He's always slapping down people with snooty comments on his Twitter, and this is just the classic from his stream - his friends are having a joke and some banter, meanwhile Phreak's just like 'Oh God' and stretching his neck, trying to avoid the conversation as much as possible.
Yeah in fairness he was probably aware that whatever he said was gonna end-up getting quoted, which is never a nice situation, but even so - saying he treated Tyler with 'respect' while saying shit like 'that doesn't even deserve to be in the same sentence, those are actually good for the game' doesn't really fit.
I don't think you guys know what passive-aggressive is.
I mean I can understand why Tyler has been banned, but I do think after all this crap and mess he actually cares more about his stream than about being toxic in LoL Chat or going 6 tears midlane.
But I kinda loose my confidence in Riot about these things.
Its not only this, but also about that Singed player, which goes around everywhere.
Just feels to me like they are trying a little too hard.
GeFoxx your grammar is cucking aids
SoarinH Your grammar is absolutely shit as well, fam.
What do you mean? Both were toxic, therefore Tyler was banned and that Singed player still has his account, he was just Temp'd. The Singed player painted himself in a positive light. If we still had *Lyte* around I'd guarantee you he'd pull up logs and show everyone how toxic he was. People came out who played with the guy saying how toxic he was.
SoarinH Yeah, what's it like? You tell me.
I think my english is well understandable.
Nobodys perfect ^^
And well, even if that singed just got tempbanned, he got tempbanned for playing singed on support and the adcs didnt like his playstyle, basically.
they should give him a chance.
Dusky Gaming they gave him 22 chances kek
still :)
22 fking chances pretty sure thats enough
It was less. I think if you get put on a ban from playing its like a week, month and then year or something and some times month to permanent. They gave him like two or three and then he was perma so all the other accounts would get banned just for him having them.
A periodic re-evaluation would be fair.
Like a once in a year unban under strict behaviour monitoring (won't need to be manually).
How can he prove he's reformed, if he is banned at sight? This is Riot just pretty much showing that they know their "permaban" doesn't do what it's supposed to.
Riot is a shit company, run by a bunch of hardcore Hillary voters.
+Red Fad lol best comment
like im a Hilary dude and i love this comment xD
I would expect you to know how to spell Hillary in that case bro
LukusGames oh an honest spelling error lol. really matters a lot in a TH-cam comment section
Just witnessed these two play together on the LCS stage. Tyler1 has made a full circle from villian to hero.
And phreaks still a beta bitch
Phreak? Never heard of her.
I cant wait for the day I see on reddit "Phreak personally pardons Tyler1"
I literally have lost respect for Riot, they make a great game. But handle players horribly. And reading up on Jensens ban, like wtf.
TheCheck43 He's banned for a good reason dude xd 12 accs he runned down mid/tilted/flamed .. this at all needs to get banned. But at all i hope he get unbanned cuz i love his gameplay xooooo
TheCheck43 jensen DDosed in league, gets to play in lcs, tyler1 toxic, needs to reform ???
how many times have you seen Jensen DDos since? If Tyler isn't toxic in game then hurray he gets unbanned
Michael Böck He isn't toxic in game anymore, he only does it when his fans do it to him, as a quick friendly banter.
TheCheck43 then let's see. I honestly have no opinion on the current Tyler 1.
i laughed my ass when he held up the finger and said it LOL
mad0uche looool
is that reference to something? im not sure what that means
He got 22 accounts banned not 15. did you watch the video?
+arooni rojas phreak said he got 15 account banned and Tyler cut him off and said 22
my main problem with their system is that its a catch 22 situation. You can't play until you play nice. Can't play nice if you can't play at all. Therefore he has no games of playing nice so he gets no chance to play at all.
+volkswageninetta That'd make sense if he didn't already have 10+ chances of actually playing nice. Where do you draw the line on giving someone chances? At some point you just have to say, "Well, this guy just isn't getting it. It isn't worth hurting other peoples experiences when this guy is obviously not going to change. Ban on sight."
iLuvcheat How many times has Jensen and Kaceytron been banned? As far as I know Jensen was only banned ONCE and immediately reformed. Kaceytron has not been banned ever.
Riot doesn't have game masters handing out bans. PLAYERS report other players then Riot reviews those reports. So maybe there just isn't enough report against Kaceytron. Why? She is always bronze V with extremely low MMR, so players in her MMR play with similar KDA ratios. Versus Tyler1 who would sell all his items, buy tears or boots, then literally run it down mid.
Do you see the difference?
Jensen got banned ONCE and immediately straightened up. Kaceytron has never been banned probably because her gameplay is acceptable in an MMR so low the system can barely calculate it, so she never gets reported. Tyler1 has been banned 10+ times and STILL does the same exact thing since the first ban.
Reshaos kaceytron was gold at some point. Jensen DDOSed someone, it's 10 000x worst than ''running it down mid'', DDOSing is a federal offense in some countries.
i do get what you are saying. it does make a lot of sense and if i didnt know his personality and watched his content and i just looked at a form sent with the info id probably agree with you. Maybe riot should implament a situation where toxic people play by themselves in a world of toxic fucks. If they are shown to have good behavior then hey its even better because they would be dealing with the shittiest of people
iLuvcheat She isn't gold now. Jensen stopped ddosing after only one ban. If you are looking for further punishment that would be on the person he ddosed and their ISP, not riot.
I would give my shitty g1 account to tyler1, even if he gets perma after one game, still worth.
do it
just make an adult version for league of legends: graves can have his cigar back, no chat rules / restrictions anymore and no restrictions on skins.
i know we have dota but im used to LoL.
well theres mute option, so that makes sense.
mute doesnt undo the flame you already got from teammates. Also they will still spam-ping you. Also you should see csgo. People are so toxic in the voice and text chat, but nobody gives a fuck and it hurts nobody. Rito does give a fuck for what reason tho? Just to ban people and make them make new accounts so they get more money.
the thing about people being toxic in shooting games is that it is funny :D
This is so truthful it hurts lol
"Toxic" refers to more than just your feelings.
Thanks so much for uploading these vids. 10/10 channel :D
2:55 so he's saying RIOT went on his stream and banned his accounts, and his problem is that he wasn't even toxic... DUDE, 12 accounts banned for toxicity. It's not the accounts, it's YOU. It's their game, they don't want you. You can try and act like an angel now, it's too late. How on earth does he have fans?
Tabacaru Mihai shh. Dont try to ne logical here.
except its not too late, even riot said so lol
Tabacaru Mihai hehe xd i need my safe space! so what if im the worst player ever dont be mean to me its so mean omg
Well he's really funny tho.. I mean look at the dumb shit he sometimes does lol ban is still justified
i rather see tyler1 unbanned than gross gore unbanned on twitch , that's how much i hate Gross Gore
Gross gore isn't even a good Entertainer all he does is yell and be obnoxious. Tyler is actually pretty damn entertaining
Rance gross gore is fking disgusting
There are 15 accounts of his which got banned. " 22 " hehe xd
Hey I'm all for bringing back people from perma bans as long as they don't type in game or let their anger affect the game.
Khamis1203 Well he still plays off stream and as far as his match history and replays goes he actually shows a lot of good behavior in his games
tbh they should just let him have 1 or 2 accounts that they check once in a while and disable his chat function completely like a perma-chat ban. Everything would be fine since he doesnt int anymore he cant flame in chat. that easy
Iso's Lips Yeah that's what I figured, I can actually relate a lot, I've gotten banned for toxic behavior but I've learned to calm down/ get mad outside of the game haha. So I don't see why another person can't be brought out of a ban haha.
i think they should get him a tryout: give him a acc and nit bann it but watch it to see if he can keep his cool. disable ranked on that acc for the trail period and add it again when they see that he is reformed. i would realy want riot to at lesst try to see if he actualy is reformed
create a new account or be forced to play normals by riot? ill take the first
Rance i dont mean forced forever but for like a week or a month so he can show riot he has reformed.
if they do unban him they will just keep an eye on his account, doing what you said is pointless
Good idea, pls like this com maybe someone see it
I Love Boku no Pico wtf is that name...
Only real men watch it
No one watch boku no pico, I REPEAT DONT WATCH IT. It will scar you like 2 girls 1 cup.
hehe flex d
I still can't jive with this dude. Don't know how he has fans at all.
he entertains, just like qt and nightblue. They get a lot more views than let's say someone boring like meteos. No one really wants to watch someone that is boring
lcs players and casters were the ones who hyped him up anyways. I mean that's how I got here hehe xd
I can't stand toxicity, but he legit is just one of the most entertaining streamers out there. His personality is such a contrast to most LoL players that it really makes him stand out, and he actually puts a lot of effort into varying his content on his streams.
Honestly I didn't even care that he was toxic.
because other players have limitations, as if they were politicians. he just says what is on his mind like an entertainer, He has charisma. There's a personality behind him, so many people stream on twitch and make loads of money only because they are or were pro.
If the Korean pros spoke English and streamed i dont see why you would donate to people who was in the NA scene for anything but their personality. It's lackluster
Tyler is definitely reformed now. I'm impressed by his growth and maturity. his actions before were unexcusable since it effected the quality of enjoyment for his teammates, but it's clear to see now that his mindset has changed quite dramatically hence the change of his actions in game. I hope Riot can be unbiased in their judgment and exercise their authority to unban Tyler.
Never even played the game, but this guy seems like he's got a good head on his shoulders. Also why is the community so obsessed with toxicity?
You didn't see him before lol. He definitely deserved to be banned before.
people like drama, what can you say?
Iskusmarines lol
nah he's the most toxic shit
This reminds me of Dunkey beating Sky in sma..
no but for real, this reminds me of Dunkey being banned and i like his last words, especially "The root of toxicity is the game itself... Its just not fun!".
DDOS enemy team, flame and feed, riot unbans jensen, tyler just rages permaban no chance of unban, rito logic
bruh he ain't perma banned
I Wear A Fez Now people also got banned because they wanted to supp with the champ they wanted and didnt follow the meta. some guy play singed support and actually won games because he ganked a fuck ton but bot lane would rage and he ended up getting to diamond i believe and got permabanned
Emil Ahlm they said he's perma banned lol. even go to his stream and read the screenshot he posted as his background that's a message from riot
He's getting permaban because he doesn't play singed support, he plays as a second jg and leaves his adc alone to 1v2, while he farms the enemy jg, and the proxy, starving his adc, and on top of that, without warding.
He also didn't comunicate with his team, so whenever they would be loosing, they would just assume this asshole was trolling in the enemy jg.
He may have had a "decent" win rate, but he was still toxic as fuck to his teammates, not because he raged, but because he wouldn't tell them what he was doing, and would fuck off lane to play his way, depsite the way his teammates may feel, especially the adc, who was left alone to lose(every adc he "supported" ended up the game doing less damage than he, due to the fact that they were so behind).
You should look up into it, as i can assure you, this guy, despite playing to win, had a gamestrategy toxic as fuck to his teammates.
Common Sense No, it's a banable offense to have a playstyle that ruin the experience for people on your team.
How would you like a support that takes your farm, doesn't ward, and just roams the enemy jg proxyng like he didn't chose a role that requires to do very specific things?(peeling, warding, etc)
Go watch his videos, he may win some games(because his winrate wasn't that good either, specially for one of his mains), yet he still wins at expense of other people, be it by not explaining what he is doing(which is bannable, not comunicating is a bannable offense actually) or actually starving his ally laners with proxy.
This isn't riot killing off meta picks, it is riot trying to shut down a style of play that isn't healthy for the game.
The keyword isn't "good winrate" because 2 things, his winrate with Singed support isn't that good, and 2, he just becames a depriment for his team, since he chose a very unortodox and personal strategy, and because he chose it regardless of the rest of the team.
Tyler doesn't have to be toxic for views. He's got his fanbase already.
He looks like a younger Shoenice.
Wait if Tyler gets unperma banned does that mean I can too???
Mark Slysz watch the video that's why he's not fully for the idea of it
Nope. He's a someone and you're a no one. They won't care lol.
No. By un-permabanning they mean, un-permabanning him as a person, not his account. Tyler is banned as a *person*. Meaning any account attached to him gets automatically banned. All his old 15 accounts will not get unbanned. They're gone forever. If they decide to un-permaban him, it just means that if he makes a new account it won't get automatically banned and he can also stream League.
You aren't permabanned, your account is. Tyler1's account won't get unbanned, Tyler1 the player will be unbanned so Riot will stop banning his accounts on sight.
King This was a joke just like your comment dude, no need to roast my ass
Not a big fan of Tyler, I do watch him from time to time, but really Riot should give him a break. I actually digged some of his old videos, I can see why he would get banned. But he really changed, and not only that, ever since it seems he improved a lot more.
Me : 6y in lol, 0 acc banned
Tyler : 22 in 2 years ?
c-c-c xD
you: still in bronce 3
Tyler: challenger
Doesnt really matter what league you are in when u behave like a dipshit and ruin the game for 9 people, does it?
yeah it does, and also, you don't ruin the game for the 5 enemy players, did you never win a ranked because of a troll/afk? it may not be awesome but still it's freelo
freelo does not mean good and amusing game even tho I do appreciate it
i haven't seen a lot of Tyler1 intentionally feeding, but when I did it made sense.
22 accounts. Damn. I only got 8 banned. Reformed, but slowly going back to my old ways
man people who loved league since +- end of season 2 or earlier will always have respect and love for phreak. No need to hate this guy's great but a bit salty on the tyler case indeed. Tyler got people to dislike him, which is the reason phreak is salty about that.
No it's not people disliking him many people like tyler1, and I must say before he was toxic af but now he's so reformed then what he was I feel like they should give him a chance for like a day or a week and see how it goes with him being allowed to stream LoL personal opinion
Phreak: 50 bans accounts
Tyler: corrects him 22
Luis Loboff 15*
Rance underrated comment
gimme that Season 7 Draven build :D lethality feels like shit, and youmuus is kinda meeh
Crit works.
I submitted a request to unban and they say "it's not fair to other players " people get unbanned all the time like c9 Jensen
reformed truly reformed
their are people who don't like greek and people who do, I honestly don't know why you could dislike him he's funny asf 20% of tylers stream doesn't like him what I can't undertand
its probably because people think he leeches on tyler which he doesnt but he should really start doing his own streams
I don't like tyler1, but now I like phreak even less wow. He's a bad effin human.
Donut Hes a complete a hole with the way he responded like that. At least act somewhat decent smh
Donut they ruined games themselves. If Tyler were to smurf, he's playing to win. The way league is right now you need to work together, he can't 1v5 against a grouped enemy team with at least 3 hard cc. So if his team decides to fuck around and not listen to Tyler who has a lot more game knowledge and experience, Tyler has a good reason to get angry about it. Basically, if you have a challenger level player try to win the game for you and none of you listen and make the game much harder just because you refuse to give the challenger draven blue buff because its meta to give it to midlander, you deserve it. You ruined the game yourself, all he's doing is shortening the game length by helping the enemy team claim the victory faster instead of playing out the game with 4 retards and causing a 50 minute loss when it can just be done in 20 minutes
smither1mina this. I'm nowhere near challenger, but even when I smurf in silver (from diamond V) I feel the exact same way. It's such a team game now, even if you have 1 member of your team not listening and cooperating/ playing intelligently, you have a much harder time winning. And it's super demoralizing to lose a silver game as a diamond player. I can imagine it was even worse for Tyler, losing platinum/low diamond games as a challenger player. Usually because someone is playing like a fucking dumbass or just flat out making the game harder for him. I can see why he is toxic. This super teamwork based cooperation meta just breeds frustration, because you can't control what your 4 other teammates do
The big season 7 mid season patch should also include the new draven buff "TylerUnchained"
Basically, 12 for being toxic and the other 10 was about to be toxic, but banned before able to do so.
ONLY 12 BANNED YA KNOW? ONe alone dude, come on.
22* 12 banned of being toxic and 10 because of being his accounts
tyler1 reminds me of the goblin king from adventure time once he gets his eye's back he'll probs go back to slapping them hams
What's the song at 0:35?
Its been recommended so many times I had had to see what his reaction was lmao
ive watched it fuckign twice and it still appears in my recommended
Man FreeTyler1 i already bought every item in your shop to support you, But i hope you can make in the future more league without getting banned
22 inchs?
watching myself spamming in the chat was heart breaking :')
Gin san PHuck your joke you PHREACK!
Phreak: "Tell that to his other 15 accounts that got banned"
Tyler1: 22...
*A few moments later*
Phreak: "Over the course of 15 accounts he never got the hint."
Tyler1: "22!"
Phreak:"Tell that to his other 15 accounts that got baned"
Tyler:"22" xD
Raging issue will never go away as long as you keep doing stuffs that would frequently enrage you.
at least....he realized...12 its pretty much :D:))
Fkin reformed and when Phreak said 15 accounts he was like 22 boyz, 22...
To be honest, Tyler probably wouldn't even be toxic if half of the league community even had a single brain cell.
serves him right, no matter how popular he is,
He has changed now tho, he isn't raging as much as he did before.
Jesus christ let go of your grudge please, it's a fucking internet game, it's not that serious.
Actually phreak didn't say so much bad things in this vid? He said its possible for them to consider unbanning him. Tyler1 was toxic and inted for any reason (like not giving blue to adc).I suggest giving him an account that is on probation.
Coffee Mug the context is that they're ultimately making fun of him, whether they were pointing out his actions or not. Isn't that one of the rules of being "toxic"? It's a bit ironic in my opinion.
Hmm then you have to take everything everyone says seriously and offensive. For the same token Tyler called phreak a bitch during their game. I think this is just banter and way too looked into.
I didnt know this affected you this much..
Coffee Mug in the first video phreak said "he's untalented, unfunny and his no personality"
"Toxicity" only revolves around what you do IN GAME
Just like they said he is free to rage all his wants on his stream but once you start typing stuff IN GAME it becomes toxic. The same thing happened when ppl were freaking out about Dardoch when he was losing his shit on stream. It wasn't what he said about the thresh on stream that was the problem (you're entitled to be upset about stuff) it was the typing to the thresh IN GAME that he was the worst player he had ever seen and he should uninstall the game.
When you agree to the summoners code it only applies to what you do IN GAME. Riot cant come to ur house and make sure that ur not flaming ur little brother for not taking out the trash.
reformed tyler is gud now, phreak respected him. but the fans still toxic and cringy. tyler can never win
Mad props to tyler1 for seemingly being reformed
you look like that guy from prison break.
if i were in riot games i would say FUCK IT RELEASE THE KRAKEN
i actually wants Tyler1 to get unbanned for my XMas gift
that's all i want , really
someone else said that in the comments too
i'v been watching him since forever
aw feel bad for tyler, he obvs has trouble handing certain emotional situations, you could see how he started getting worked up and it was harder for him to says things :( hes trying give the poor guya break at least hes not as mean anymore
Preak just mad cuz he got shit on
I think he is definitely better than he was and should be unbanned as long as he doesn't flame people in game typing at them etc. and start inting again there's no need to do shit like that it's quite pathetic.If they unbanned people like Jensen then it wouldn't really be fair to treat Tyler differently.
I thought phreak was that black dude in the doctor coat. you know, the who bought donkeys guide and found the secrets to win the game
He is. Don't let anyone tell you otherwise.
Free Tyler1
Guys Tyler is a changed man. Now all he has to do to get unbanned and when asked by Riot if he's rehabilitated, he needs to quote Morgan Freeman's Red character from The Shawshank Redemption. "I learned my lesson. I can honestly say that I’m a changed man. I’m no longer a danger to society. That’s God’s honest truth." Then we will get back our boy tyler1.
#freetyler1 #reformed #22
guys whats the name of that troll guy who often plays with tyler ? 0.09
22 hehe xd