I am from Kazakhstan. I want to choose Hungarian as extra language at university . It’s just beautiful . We are related somehow, descendants of Hunns. We also have tribe called magyars. Greetings ❤️
ElTompito of course . It’s been a while . We mixed our blood with some Mongolian tribes, then with Russians . I am half german for example . And you guys lived with Austrians . No one is pure nowadays . But still I love ur culture .
Ez nagyon nagyon szép vers és dal. Mindig nagyon szépek a magyar nép dalok. Nagyon szeretem a nyelvet és a kulturát. Tudom, hogy sokszor használtam a nagyonot de ez az igazság :) (Harom évvel ezelött kezdtem hallani ezt a dalot de akkor nem jól ismertem a nyelvet ezért nem írtam semmit na most írom :)) Szeretettel Törökországból!
Thank you and love from Hungary!❤✌🏽 Azerbaijan is a very beautiful country. I was in Baku 2 years ago, i have never met such beautiful girls like there. ❤
A Ceausescu-brainwashed Romani should keep its mouth closed!
4 ปีที่แล้ว +2
@@kontryhel_tv why?
4 ปีที่แล้ว +2
@@satordweller you sound like Argentinian (who is well informed, and we are a few). Soros and the elite world government are everywhere... sadly.. and with this imposed quarantine bad changes are coming...
@ Because they are taught the old hungarian political propaganda BS instead of the true history, to be proud to be Hungarians... I will exaggerate a little, just to illustrate this, no offence, but it sounds a bit like: "The ancient Hungarians were the first inhabitants of Europe, etc... Adam was the first Hungarian, etc... The Hungarians are superior in anything, etc... The surrounding countries should belong to the Great Hungary, because they were stolen from the Hungarian Kingdom during the conspiracy of the surrounding Slavic nations after the First World War, etc etc..."
As I see my family,I am a 'central-european shake,with-some -herbs' So: Every neighbor nation is my family wing. so,I have a bigggg family,and I have a big home. I am lucky! sorry my poor english.You understand this,when you want.
Go away with your Turanic shit please. On every video, on every Finnic/Finno Ugric comment you have to bring it up. Hungarian language is URALIC. Learn it already. Basic words are shared with Mansi and are similar in Finnish and Estonian. Not in anywhere else. Other words than base words are culture words, which are basically loanwords. Any resemblence mean they met sometimes, but the language is not of that origin.
vivenkeful Pardon me, but I'm not a turanist. Not at all. Although I can not agree with you on something, that has been disproven for at least 50 years. The problem about what you said about the basic words is that the roles of the giver and taker were changed. Let's see what the finno-ugrist Hungarian history tells us: We start of at: - Hungarians are genetically not Uralic, but linguistically yes - Finno-Ugric peoples live somewhere at the Urals, collecting food and hunting - But Hungarians are still JUST linguistically Uralic (all of the three previous statements are what the official history says) So. Nobody knows when, but it occours that the Mansi and the Khanty peoples (the so-called closest linguistical relatives of Hungarians) decide to migrate north, and continue their previous lifestyle, but DUH these damn Hungarians rather go South, and become nomads (hmm... how "mysterious" it is, that this never happens again in history, but let's ignore this fact). BUT WAIT! This was a bad decision! Hungarians are attacked in the back by the Pechenegs, and what do they do? YES, of course! Why would they make a revenge? Nonsense! Migrate west! No wait! They are conquered by the Khazars! Damn! What should they do now? Maybe get assimilated into Turkics, as they are surrounded by Turks only? NO! - they said - we are Finns and proud! Nvm, let's move on, and boom, they are in the Carpathian-basin. What do they do? YES! They slaughter everyone (as it's also said that the locals were Slavs, but let's ignore this again as it's not even close to reality). And I wasn't even exaggerating. If this wasn't enough, let's get into what I said first, about the word giver and the word taker. Hungarian is an extremely odd (and also old) language. You can't show a single language that would at least get a bit close to mutual intelligibility, and not a single language that's written form would be found similar for native Hungarian speakers. The Hungarian language, with hundreds of thousands of words and "word bushes" (Hungarian: szóbokor) is said that back in its Uralic era, used to have only a maximum of *660 WORDS* ! Exactly! Every other word in Hungarian is said to be a loanword! And also, words that are said to be of Finno-Ugric origin, are most likely taken by the Uralics FROM Hungarian! As I mentioned the word bushes, their "bush" version only exists in Hungarian. And if we want to be linguists, then if the bush is Hungarian, then the actual word is Hungarian. Hungarian currently knows no living linguistical relatives, and this needs to be declared, as it has been needed to be declared for at least a hundred years...
Correct. Thank you for your comment. For sure there is a historical link between Finnish, Estonian and Hungarian. But nobody is sure. In Hungarian language we have words that are the same in Slovak, Romanian and Serbian. I know that all these languages have words that come from Turkish.That's a product of Ottoman presence in Central Europe. It doesn't make these languages "Turkic".
The forest is beautiful The forest is beautiful when it's green When the wild dove is hatching in there. The wild dove is like a girl, Who walks after her mate crying.
These thick woods I walk This brown-haired girl I am waiting for This brown-haired girl is a violet, I am the one who consoles her.
Come here, there is no mud this way There is no lock on my door. There is a wooden knob on my door Oh God, I don't even have a lover.
Oh, I used to walk so much, so tired, When I was looking to get married I could not find anyone to my taste My only lover is who I already had. lyricstranslate.com
I am Turkish and I found this song (Hungarian) by chance. I don`t speak one word in Hungarian but I must say that I will ''almost'' understand this song...but I can`t lol, it is weird. Sorry didn't mean to offend anybody..
Woow ... my grandma used to sing me this song when I was a little girl.... she was half Slovak half Hungarian :-) she taught me the language a little bit (actually my mother tongue is Slovak and in this language we used to speak in our family) but even though we could manage a small, simple conversation with my granny in Hungarian as well...now I 'd like to improve myself...but anyway, beautiful song!! It's been 6 years my grandma passed by, but I miss her so much...and this song always will be a reminiscence of her and my childhood..thank you so much for upload :-)
Akkor szép az erdő, mikor zöld. Mikor a vadgalamb benne költ. Olyan a vadgalamb, mint a büszke lány. Sírva jár a legények után. Megvágtam az ujjam kiskéssel. Bekötöm csipkés kis kendővel. Csipkés kis kendő az édesanyámé. Soha nem leszek a babámé. Nem vagyok én oka semminek. Édesanyám oka mindennek. Mért nem adott engem juhász fiának. Akit választottam magamnak. (Nem vagyok én oka semminek. Édesanyám oka mindennek.) Nem vagyok én oka…
Als großer Freund Ungarns in Deutschland begeistert mich diese wunderschöne Musik unheimlich. Ungarn ist ein wunderbares Land, die Ungarn sind ein sehr gastfreundliches Volk. Die Kultur des ungarisches Volkes hat es mir bereits vor dreißig Jahren angetan.
I have visited Hungary three times and it is also where I found the love of my life. A lovely country and a lovely music ❤️. I do wish this was on Apple Music, or at least on Spotify. I could not find it on either.
at first for my biggest sorry, but your name is eternal (forever) slava (slave), but it can be change polak węgier dwa bratanki magyar lengyel két testvér polak and magyar two brothers but if you are smart you can see, that wegier and lengyel is same, magyar say lengyel=polish, polish say wegier=magyar, so its about polish=magyar ( but enslaved by language - slavic languages, polish were brothers and speak magyar for long time
@@istvankrisztiankalincsak2790 No way dudes... Everybody in this region of Europe was previously speaking only the slavic and german languages and dialects, long before the invasion of the old Hungarian nomads, who then conquested and forced the few slavic tribes in Panonia to speak hungarian... It is really funny how You are trying to persuade a person from Poland that they were firstly speaking hungarian or some proto-ugro-finnic before the slavic language... LMFAO... Peace to You my hungarian brothers and sisters, but You just need a little wake up from the deep brainwashing of the chauvinist hungarian education system... Justt saying ;)
@@istvankrisztiankalincsak2790 Yes, the turkic Bulgarians, who were originally nomadic and were also better military organised, conquested the more populous slavic tribes in that region... The Bulgarians became the military and aristocratic elite of the newly formed kindom... But in the cultural context these bulgarian warriors were assimilated by the culturally more developed slavic population, and also adopted their language. I think this process was also somehow related to the christianisation of the pagans, and the politics of the "holy" church.
I really like folk music and hungarian happens to be my favourite. Most of the Arany zoltan songs are amazing. This music just takes me back in time, to another place. I'm not laying on a bed with a tablet anymore, now I'm in XVIII age Hungary, feeling this music, this magic, watching people dance in their national costumes. This is amazing. This music, *folk* music always takes me away. It has a soul. These tunes fulled with history, ages, magic, these beautiful landscapes and this mystery. Yes, this mystery, contained in nature... God, bless the authors. (And really big thank you for Arany Zoltan) Greetings from Poland ;) Naprawdę uwielbiam muzykę ludową, a węgierska zdaje się jest moją ulubioną. Większość nagrań Arany'ego Zoltana jest niesamowita. Ta muzyka zabiera mnie w przeszłość, w inne miejsce. Już nie leżę na łóżku z tabletem, teraz jestem na XVII-wiecznych Węgrzech, czując tą myzykę, tą magię, oglądając ludzi tańczących w ludowych strojach. To jest niesamowite. Ta muzyka, muzyka *ludowa* zawsze odrywa mnie od rzeczywistości. Ma duszę. Te dźwięki przepełnione historią, wiekami, magią, te piękne krajobrazy i ta tajemnica zawarta w przyrodzie...Boże, błogosław autorów. (I naprawdę bardzo dziękuję Arany'emu Zoltanowi) Pozdrowienia z Polski ;)
thank you from Argentina! My grandpa was Hungarian, but from the part Romania stole territory (Timișoara) Thanks to these videos i can connect with half my heritage!. Here in the Americas when is the cultural diversity day the representatives are the native Americans and i don't have any of that.
@@alexfrt01 just ignore him, Magyars (incorrectly called Hungarians) genetically don't exist, so they need to prove themselves something since they have complexes.
Volt egyszer egy felesegem, Zsofianak hivtak, lett is tole egy gyerekem. Mindig azt enekeltem neki: "Akkor szep az erdo, mikor zold, mikor a Zsofia benne kolt..." Dr. Kiss Akos Johannesburg
Ős-ősi dallam ez. Egy Hazánkfia elektromérnök a maga tudományával elemezve népzenénket arra jutott, hogy a kecsua és a magyar népzenlk egy lényegűek. Egyik hozzászóló a furulyaszót ebben a dalban andesi ízűnek találta. Ősi a zenei anyanyelvünk is, ahogy beszélt nyelvünk is. Ki tudja, lehet hogy a Vízözön előtt, a Bábel tornya építése előtt az egyész Földünkön magyarul beszéltek s ilyen dalokat énekeltek. Talán ezért nincs édes anyanyelvünknek rokona. Ez az ősnyelv. minden nyelv későbbi s belőle ágaztak ki, mint hajtásai. Teller Ede bácsi azt mondta már aggastyánként, úgy találja, ha nem a magyar nyelv lenne anyanyelve, csak egy középszerű fizikatanár lett volna belőle. Elgondolkoztató.
Egyszer jártam 15 évvel ezelőtt Kunfehértón, ahol két zenésszel találkoztam, akik hasonló stilusú zenét játszottak, odamentem hozzájuk, és mondtam nekik a nevedet, és azt mondták, hogy ismernek téged. :D Eléggé szürreális volt.
@@chaosqueen1703 The forest is beautiful when it's green When the wild dove is hatching in there. The wild dove is like a girl, Who walks after her mate crying.
These thick woods I walk This brown-haired girl I am waiting for This brown-haired girl is a violet, I am the one who consoles her.
Come here, there is no mud this way There is no lock on my door. There is a wooden knob on my door Oh God, I don't even have a lover.
Oh, I used to walk so much, so tired, When I was looking to get married I could not find anyone to my taste My only lover is who I already had.
Hermosa canción te hace pensar en otras épocas, donde el espíritu era más libre y alejado del materialismo. (spanish). Beautiful song :) Nagyon szeretem!! Greetings from Colombia.
+ckahraman54 Akkor szép az erdő mikor zöld Mikor a vadgalamb benne költ Olyan a vadgalamb, mint a lány Sírva sétál a párja után. Erre gyere, erre nincsen sár Az ajtómon nincsen semmi zár Az ajtómon, van egy fakilincs Jaj istenek, még szeretőm sincs. Refr: Ezt a kerek erdőt járom én Ezt a barna kislányt várom én Ez a barna kislány Viola Én vagyok a vigasztalója. Téged látlak minden álmomban, Álmom után minden dolgomban, Ha sóhajtok érted a panasz, Ha örülök érted vagyok az Jaj de sokat jártam, fáradtam Mikor házasodni akartam, Nem találtam kedvemre valót, Csak az a szeretőm, aki volt
Ez a dal engem nagyon meg érintett és meg kell hogy mondjam hogy ott belül zokogtam hogy milyen szép érzelmi tartalma van. Szóval Köszönöm néktek a feltöltést!
Akkor szép az erdő Akkor szép az erdő, mikor zöld Mikor a vadgalamb benne költ. Olyan a vadgalamb mint a lány, Sírva sétál a párja után.
Ezt a sűrű erdőt járom én Ezt a barna kislányt várom én Ez a barna kislány viola, Én vagyok a vígasztalója.
Erre gyere, erre nincsen sár Az ajtómon nincsen semmi zár. Az ajtómon van egy fakilincs Jaj Istenem, még szeretőm sincs.
Jaj, de sokat jártam, fáradtam, Mikor házasodni akartam Nem találtam kedvemre valót Csak az a szeretőm, aki volt. The forest is beautiful when it's green When the wild dove is hatching in there. The wild dove is like a girl, Who walks after her mate crying.
These thick woods I walk This brown-haired girl I am waiting for This brown-haired girl is a violet, I am the one who consoles her.
Come here, there is no mud this way There is no lock on my door. There is a wooden knob on my door Oh God, I don't even have a lover.
Oh, I used to walk so much, so tired, When I was looking to get married I could not find anyone to my taste My only lover is who I already had.
Akkor szép az erdő, mikor zöld. Mikor a vadgalamb benne költ. Olyan a vadgalamb, mint a büszke lány. Sírva jár a legények után. Megvágtam az ujjam kiskéssel. Bekötöm csipkés kis kendővel. Csipkés kis kendő az édesanyámé. Soha nem leszek a babámé. Nem vagyok én oka semminek. Édesanyám oka mindennek. Mért nem adott engem juhász fiának. Akit választottam magamnak. (Nem vagyok én oka semminek. Édesanyám oka mindennek.) Nem vagyok én oka semminek. Édesanyám oka mindennek. Mért nem adott engem juhász fiának. Akit választottam magamnak. Aki szeret, s párra nem találhat oly hontalan, mint amilyen gyámoltalan a szükségét végző madár.
Istenem, milyen régóta kerestem ezt a zenét. Németországban élek, itt nem minden videót lehet megnézni. Imádom ezt a dalt. Minden nap énekelem munkában... Honvágy ellen.... :)
@@csaba850320 Ilyenkor nem német yt- de nem is magyart kell használni, hanem oroszt, az a leglazább. Csak a .com után írod hogy .ru és utána már automatikusan az ikonnál is úgy jelzi. Nyelven marad a beállított. Vagy csak a profképre kattintva és a "helyet" kell átállítani. És úgy is jó.
My father was Hungarian, youngest of 6 and my mother was Romanian, youngest of 7 but they were not allowed to learn to speak their native tongue because they were made fun of for being immigrants and they desperately wanted to fit in and be Americans. And Hungarian is apparently one of the most difficult languages to learn. My how things have changed.
The music a such language that every person understand in the world! Hungarian folk music the most beautiful! I like it a lot! Wish you all the best! Greetings from Hungary!!
Üdvözlet Litvániából.
Jogaila's wife was Jadviga (Hedvig) 💪
I am from Kazakhstan. I want to choose Hungarian as extra language at university . It’s just beautiful . We are related somehow, descendants of Hunns. We also have tribe called magyars. Greetings ❤️
I heard about the "magyars" living in Kazakhstan, we took a genetic sample from them a couple of years ago, but unfortunately we were not related.
ElTompito of course . It’s been a while . We mixed our blood with some Mongolian tribes, then with Russians . I am half german for example . And you guys lived with Austrians . No one is pure nowadays . But still I love ur culture .
@fassenkugel no. Hungarians come from the ugric people related to finns and estonians
@fassenkugel the theory was invented in the 1600ds and what you are basically saying is that hungarians and the huns are indo european lol
@fassenkugel how?
A mi falunkban (Erdély) nagyon régi , ismert népdal !!! Gyönyörű !
Such a wonderful song! 💕 Love from Poland for Hungarian brothers and sistes! 🇭🇺 ❤ 🇵🇱
Polak Wiegrie Dwa Bratanky!
Much love fore my Poland brothers and sisters! From hungary!🇭🇺+🇮🇩
@@tamaslajtrik1511 Always!
Oba zuchy, oba żwawi. Niech im Pan Bóg błogosławi. 🇭🇺🤝🇵🇱
"Polak, Węgier, dwa bratanki / I do szabli, i do szklanki / Oba zuchy, oba żwawi / Niech im Pan Bóg błogosławi."
Stay proud and strong, Hungary 🇭🇺 💪🏻 Love from Britain.
We are nothing but an assembly plant of the west and the east. There is no Hungary anymore just an area called hungary.
@@Zodroo_Tint Ezt a baromságot.
@@AlexAlex-zv7fcEz inkább gúny és kritika.
Thanks, God bless you!!!
@@Zodroo_Tint Seggfej.
The most beautiful of languages
Sok ilyen feltöltést please..erre van szükség ebben az értékvesztett világban..
Je suis française et j'adore. Cela m'a plongée dans la culture hongroise et cela a grandement aidé à ma survie psychique durant le confinement
Content de l'entendre. prends soin de toi!
i am romanian and i wanna learn hungarian. i love the hungarian folk music. it is just pure magic
Multumesc! ;)
I am slovakian and I want to learn both hungarian and romanian :)
I'm hungarian and I think romanian language is very nice.
marco xD - thank you! peace neighbour :)
I am hungarian and I want to learn hungarian too haha urg to my grandparents for not passing it on to future generations
Love from USA 🇺🇸, ancient culture is the best.
btw this is from early 1800's. its from hunnic era ~400: th-cam.com/video/Cn1Glwo5N5M/w-d-xo.html
I love reading the comments and see how different people are united in loving this beautiful music. God bless you all.
Same!! Let us sing together, and may there be peace everywhere on our beautiful planet Earth!! 🌍 🎉🎉☮️✌️
Magical Hungary, beautiful Hungarian language and music!
Ez nagyon nagyon szép vers és dal. Mindig nagyon szépek a magyar nép dalok. Nagyon szeretem a nyelvet és a kulturát. Tudom, hogy sokszor használtam a nagyonot de ez az igazság :) (Harom évvel ezelött kezdtem hallani ezt a dalot de akkor nem jól ismertem a nyelvet ezért nem írtam semmit na most írom :)) Szeretettel Törökországból!
Tesekkür ederim! ;)
NAGYON jól megy a nyelv! :) Mint egy született magyar. Isten áldjon!
Ahvel nagyon köszönöm szépen, de jó hallani azokat egy magyar anyanyelvűtől. Nagyon boldog lettem. :)
Mi köszönjük, hogy ilyen szépen megtanultad a nyelvünket, Tengri áldjon! :)
István Krisztián Kalincsák Tengri áldja mind a két országot! :)
We love and support Magyars! Long live the Magyarország! 🇹🇷🇦🇿❤️🇭🇺
Thank you and love from Hungary!❤✌🏽 Azerbaijan is a very beautiful country. I was in Baku 2 years ago, i have never met such beautiful girls like there. ❤
Turk ve Macar kardes! A Türk és a Magyar testvér! Attila the Hun!
Hungary is a country with great history and great culture!!!
Yes it surely is great and interesting... But it is also the country with the biggest brainwashing about the history than I´ve ever seen...
A Ceausescu-brainwashed Romani should keep its mouth closed!
@@kontryhel_tv why?
@@satordweller you sound like Argentinian (who is well informed, and we are a few). Soros and the elite world government are everywhere... sadly.. and with this imposed quarantine bad changes are coming...
@ Because they are taught the old hungarian political propaganda BS instead of the true history, to be proud to be Hungarians... I will exaggerate a little, just to illustrate this, no offence, but it sounds a bit like: "The ancient Hungarians were the first inhabitants of Europe, etc... Adam was the first Hungarian, etc... The Hungarians are superior in anything, etc... The surrounding countries should belong to the Great Hungary, because they were stolen from the Hungarian Kingdom during the conspiracy of the surrounding Slavic nations after the First World War, etc etc..."
I have chills when listening to it. Üdvözlet Lengyelországból~
Wonderful! Greetings from BULGARIA!!!
Very beautifull.With great pleasure listen it in Russia.
I'm half finnish, half latvian. Amazing music.
Suomi-Eesti-Magyar forever!
As I see my family,I am a 'central-european shake,with-some -herbs' So: Every neighbor nation is my family wing.
so,I have a bigggg family,and I have a big home. I am lucky!
sorry my poor english.You understand this,when you want.
You Finnics are great peoples, but we Hungarians are NOT Uralic! We have never been! Although we are related ;)
Go away with your Turanic shit please. On every video, on every Finnic/Finno Ugric comment you have to bring it up. Hungarian language is URALIC. Learn it already. Basic words are shared with Mansi and are similar in Finnish and Estonian. Not in anywhere else. Other words than base words are culture words, which are basically loanwords. Any resemblence mean they met sometimes, but the language is not of that origin.
vivenkeful Pardon me, but I'm not a turanist. Not at all.
Although I can not agree with you on something, that has been disproven for at least 50 years.
The problem about what you said about the basic words is that the roles of the giver and taker were changed.
Let's see what the finno-ugrist Hungarian history tells us:
We start of at:
- Hungarians are genetically not Uralic, but linguistically yes
- Finno-Ugric peoples live somewhere at the Urals, collecting food and hunting
- But Hungarians are still JUST linguistically Uralic
(all of the three previous statements are what the official history says)
Nobody knows when, but it occours that the Mansi and the Khanty peoples (the so-called closest linguistical relatives of Hungarians) decide to migrate north, and continue their previous lifestyle, but DUH these damn Hungarians rather go South, and become nomads (hmm... how "mysterious" it is, that this never happens again in history, but let's ignore this fact). BUT WAIT! This was a bad decision! Hungarians are attacked in the back by the Pechenegs, and what do they do? YES, of course! Why would they make a revenge? Nonsense! Migrate west! No wait! They are conquered by the Khazars! Damn! What should they do now? Maybe get assimilated into Turkics, as they are surrounded by Turks only? NO! - they said - we are Finns and proud! Nvm, let's move on, and boom, they are in the Carpathian-basin. What do they do? YES! They slaughter everyone (as it's also said that the locals were Slavs, but let's ignore this again as it's not even close to reality).
And I wasn't even exaggerating.
If this wasn't enough, let's get into what I said first, about the word giver and the word taker.
Hungarian is an extremely odd (and also old) language. You can't show a single language that would at least get a bit close to mutual intelligibility, and not a single language that's written form would be found similar for native Hungarian speakers.
The Hungarian language, with hundreds of thousands of words and "word bushes" (Hungarian: szóbokor) is said that back in its Uralic era, used to have only a maximum of *660 WORDS* ! Exactly! Every other word in Hungarian is said to be a loanword!
And also, words that are said to be of Finno-Ugric origin, are most likely taken by the Uralics FROM Hungarian! As I mentioned the word bushes, their "bush" version only exists in Hungarian. And if we want to be linguists, then if the bush is Hungarian, then the actual word is Hungarian.
Hungarian currently knows no living linguistical relatives, and this needs to be declared, as it has been needed to be declared for at least a hundred years...
Correct. Thank you for your comment. For sure there is a historical link between Finnish, Estonian and Hungarian. But nobody is sure. In Hungarian language we have words that are the same in Slovak, Romanian and Serbian. I know that all these languages have words that come from Turkish.That's a product of Ottoman presence in Central Europe. It doesn't make these languages "Turkic".
My grand-father was hungarian, i'm proud of it, i don't understand the hungarian but this song is really beautifull...
My grandpa is hungarian too and I am very proud of it
mine too!!
Hungarian grandpa gang! My Hungarian grandpa moved to Australia at the age of 20
With English subtitles th-cam.com/video/lDFBgUn7W8I/w-d-xo.html
Best song ever, greetings from Croatia.
žarko klaić greetings neighbor!
nagyon szép! Üdvözlet Argentínából
Greetings from Kerala,India.
truly the music break all the barriers of language , i don't understand a word but i can feel them , greeting from Algeria
One of my favourite algerien singer is Idir 🥰 Greetings from Hungary
@@homolyamartina ohh Idir is such a legend. He revive our kabyle folk music and make it universal. May his soul rest in peace
@@haydarhannachi9374 RIP
Angol felirattal th-cam.com/video/lDFBgUn7W8I/w-d-xo.html
Hi ! I from Turkey 🇹🇷 testvéreim
Merhaba arkadash! 🤝
We are not brothers
We share more common history from before we took the christianity with the turks than with europe@@tomip.6661
Why not? We are brothers.
Szevasz Török testvér.
Ez szerintem nagyon szép dal 4dikes vagyok 2ásodikba halotam utoljára köszönöm a feltöltést
I don't know how many times I came here to listen to it. Again I don't understand a single word but i can feel it
The forest is beautiful
The forest is beautiful when it's green
When the wild dove is hatching in there.
The wild dove is like a girl,
Who walks after her mate crying.
These thick woods I walk
This brown-haired girl I am waiting for
This brown-haired girl is a violet,
I am the one who consoles her.
Come here, there is no mud this way
There is no lock on my door.
There is a wooden knob on my door
Oh God, I don't even have a lover.
Oh, I used to walk so much, so tired,
When I was looking to get married
I could not find anyone to my taste
My only lover is who I already had.
@@Illes-b i felt it 😍 thanks for the translation
Szia Magyars,
Lengyelorszag :)
Drogowit Pomorski Greetings Polish brother!
❤️❤️ Cześć Polak,
Węgry =)
@@kh2866 🇭🇺♥️🇵🇱
Beautiful song! Greetings from Poland! LOVE HUNGARY
"Polak, Węgier, dwa bratanki / I do szabli, i do szklanki / Oba zuchy, oba żwawi / Niech im Pan Bóg błogosławi."
Cool song. Hello from Moldova
Beautiful music! Greetings from Brazil!
I am Turkish and I found this song (Hungarian) by chance. I don`t speak one word in Hungarian but I must say that I will ''almost'' understand this song...but I can`t lol, it is weird. Sorry didn't mean to offend anybody..
I have some Szekely and AustroHungarian blood tucked away in my ancestry, even some KhantyMansi. Beautiful music, amazing culture.
Woow ... my grandma used to sing me this song when I was a little girl.... she was half Slovak half Hungarian :-) she taught me the language a little bit (actually my mother tongue is Slovak and in this language we used to speak in our family) but even though we could manage a small, simple conversation with my granny in Hungarian as well...now I 'd like to improve myself...but anyway, beautiful song!! It's been 6 years my grandma passed by, but I miss her so much...and this song always will be a reminiscence of her and my childhood..thank you so much for upload :-)
Alexandra Dankova I am sure your nagymama is very proud that you can speak some magyar language.
Alexandra you must be such a lovely soul:)
The original concept of The Hungarians was to improve and save each and every soul on this planet. It's so sad that The Evilness had a differet plan.
Grandmas are always the best ♥️ sometime they love you more then anyone else
Istenem,de gyönyörű.
Akkor szép az erdő, mikor zöld.
Mikor a vadgalamb benne költ.
Olyan a vadgalamb, mint a büszke lány.
Sírva jár a legények után.
Megvágtam az ujjam kiskéssel.
Bekötöm csipkés kis kendővel.
Csipkés kis kendő az édesanyámé.
Soha nem leszek a babámé.
Nem vagyok én oka semminek.
Édesanyám oka mindennek.
Mért nem adott engem juhász fiának.
Akit választottam magamnak.
(Nem vagyok én oka semminek.
Édesanyám oka mindennek.)
Nem vagyok én oka…
Als großer Freund Ungarns in Deutschland begeistert mich diese wunderschöne Musik unheimlich. Ungarn ist ein wunderbares Land, die Ungarn sind ein sehr gastfreundliches Volk. Die Kultur des ungarisches Volkes hat es mir bereits vor dreißig Jahren angetan.
Ich freue mich um das! Bleiben sie stark, bessere Führer werde kurz ihnen kommen .
One of my favourite traditional songs! Akkor szep az erdö!! :)
// Iranian
This is really, really beautiful!
I really love the Hungarian culture and folk songs. :-)
Greetings from Westphalia, Germany.
Even though, I am not Hungarian, but I really do love Hungary and Hungarians, Cheers fellows
+ECommando Zrinq Thanks! Are you from where?
The United States my friend
***** you got that right
Im finnish and i sort of know that feel. When in hungary i constantly heard very familiar speak but couldnt understand a word.
I feel the same in the Finnish language.
Maybe 5000 years ago our ancestors were able to understand each other.
Your languages share Finno-Ugric origins!
As a Turk, I feel the same.
@@ahmetyars4780 "Hungary's mother is Uralic, his father is Turkic"
Beautiful!! Love from Poland
I love Hungarian folk
gyönyörű zene - pozdrowienia dla Braci Węgrów
I have visited Hungary three times and it is also where I found the love of my life. A lovely country and a lovely music ❤️.
I do wish this was on Apple Music, or at least on Spotify. I could not find it on either.
Ελισάβετ Παπαδοπούλου It is on Spotify. Péter Szabó Szilvia-Akkor szép az erdő...
Me too I cross all over Europe Hungary is my lovely place. Greetings for Greece.
Love this language so much *-* "Gods will you help me to learn it someday please...." with love from Poland.
at first for my biggest sorry, but your name is eternal (forever) slava (slave), but it can be change
polak węgier dwa bratanki
magyar lengyel két testvér
polak and magyar two brothers
but if you are smart you can see, that wegier and lengyel is same, magyar say lengyel=polish, polish say wegier=magyar, so its about polish=magyar ( but enslaved by language - slavic languages, polish were brothers and speak magyar for long time
You had a language quite similar to this
before the slavic one, just saying :)
@@istvankrisztiankalincsak2790 No way dudes... Everybody in this region of Europe was previously speaking only the slavic and german languages and dialects, long before the invasion of the old Hungarian nomads, who then conquested and forced the few slavic tribes in Panonia to speak hungarian... It is really funny how You are trying to persuade a person from Poland that they were firstly speaking hungarian or some proto-ugro-finnic before the slavic language... LMFAO... Peace to You my hungarian brothers and sisters, but You just need a little wake up from the deep brainwashing of the chauvinist hungarian education system... Justt saying ;)
@@kontryhel_tv but bulgarians were originally a turkic
tribe, who adopted slavic language, just sayin ' :D
@@istvankrisztiankalincsak2790 Yes, the turkic Bulgarians, who were originally nomadic and were also better military organised, conquested the more populous slavic tribes in that region... The Bulgarians became the military and aristocratic elite of the newly formed kindom... But in the cultural context these bulgarian warriors were assimilated by the culturally more developed slavic population, and also adopted their language. I think this process was also somehow related to the christianisation of the pagans, and the politics of the "holy" church.
Amo a Hungria
„Lengyel, Magyar - két jó barát, együtt harcol, s issza borát”
Zawsze! :)
ez a zene közel van a szívemhez. Ez azért lesz, mert van néhány magyar vérem. SK:Veľké ďakujem=Nagy köszönöm
Gyönyörű és megható üdv Felvidékről-Nádszeg
Üdv a Bakonyból :)
Üdv Erdélyből!:)
Akkor szép az erdő tatsächlich! Long may the Germanic-Magyar friendship reign tall, greetings from Bavaria! :)
This music sounds beautiful! And Hungary is a beautiful country! ❤ Greetings from Poland!
I really like folk music and hungarian happens to be my favourite. Most of the Arany zoltan songs are amazing. This music just takes me back in time, to another place. I'm not laying on a bed with a tablet anymore, now I'm in XVIII age Hungary, feeling this music, this magic, watching people dance in their national costumes. This is amazing. This music, *folk* music always takes me away. It has a soul. These tunes fulled with history, ages, magic, these beautiful landscapes and this mystery. Yes, this mystery, contained in nature... God, bless the authors.
(And really big thank you for Arany Zoltan)
Greetings from Poland ;)
Naprawdę uwielbiam muzykę ludową, a węgierska zdaje się jest moją ulubioną. Większość nagrań Arany'ego Zoltana jest niesamowita. Ta muzyka zabiera mnie w przeszłość, w inne miejsce. Już nie leżę na łóżku z tabletem, teraz jestem na XVII-wiecznych Węgrzech, czując tą myzykę, tą magię, oglądając ludzi tańczących w ludowych strojach. To jest niesamowite. Ta muzyka, muzyka *ludowa* zawsze odrywa mnie od rzeczywistości. Ma duszę. Te dźwięki przepełnione historią, wiekami, magią, te piękne krajobrazy i ta tajemnica zawarta w przyrodzie...Boże, błogosław autorów.
(I naprawdę bardzo dziękuję Arany'emu Zoltanowi)
Pozdrowienia z Polski ;)
Thank haha, I do Hungarian dancing and am Hungarian so that was a big compliment for me haha
This is why we said to be like two brothers! :) I live in england and my polish friends keep me alive! dziękuję bardzo !
Yes, folk song is like magic, it touches the deepest layers of the soul.
István Csörgő I couldn't say it better. Exactly.
thank you from Argentina! My grandpa was Hungarian, but from the part Romania stole territory (Timișoara) Thanks to these videos i can connect with half my heritage!. Here in the Americas when is the cultural diversity day the representatives are the native Americans and i don't have any of that.
Great that you connect with your Hungarian heritage! Love from Hungary!
Transylvania is Romanian land!
@@czakoangol I bet you would say a similar thing about the Slovak land.
@@alexfrt01 just ignore him, Magyars (incorrectly called Hungarians) genetically don't exist, so they need to prove themselves something since they have complexes.
one of my favorite hungarian song... beautiful!
Nagyom finom! üdvözlés horvát valami Senkőc.
Volt egyszer egy felesegem, Zsofianak hivtak, lett is tole egy gyerekem.
Mindig azt enekeltem neki: "Akkor szep az erdo, mikor zold, mikor a Zsofia benne kolt..."
Dr. Kiss Akos Johannesburg
Érdekes ez a sok külföldi hozzászólás. Messzemenően érdekes .
Ős-ősi dallam ez. Egy Hazánkfia elektromérnök a maga tudományával elemezve népzenénket arra jutott, hogy a kecsua és a magyar népzenlk egy lényegűek. Egyik hozzászóló a furulyaszót ebben a dalban andesi ízűnek találta. Ősi a zenei anyanyelvünk is, ahogy beszélt nyelvünk is. Ki tudja, lehet hogy a Vízözön előtt, a Bábel tornya építése előtt az egyész Földünkön magyarul beszéltek s ilyen dalokat énekeltek. Talán ezért nincs édes anyanyelvünknek rokona. Ez az ősnyelv. minden nyelv későbbi s belőle ágaztak ki, mint hajtásai. Teller Ede bácsi azt mondta már aggastyánként, úgy találja, ha nem a magyar nyelv lenne anyanyelve, csak egy középszerű fizikatanár lett volna belőle. Elgondolkoztató.
Egyszer jártam 15 évvel ezelőtt Kunfehértón, ahol két zenésszel találkoztam, akik hasonló stilusú zenét játszottak, odamentem hozzájuk, és mondtam nekik a nevedet, és azt mondták, hogy ismernek téged. :D Eléggé szürreális volt.
Love this music from Algeria 🇩🇿
Szeretlek Magyarországi!!!
❤❤❤❤🎉😊😊😊csodálatos szuper szép gyönyörű dal akordo zöld köszöni zenész Laci ezért régi dalert ok ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
What a beautiful song, I don't understad lyrics, but I feel it so much ❤️ Greetings from Poland, Brothers 🔥
The lyrics of the song are in the description below.
@@sabinehornungfan7371 but they're in Hungarian so it doesnt help
The forest is beautiful when it's green
When the wild dove is hatching in there.
The wild dove is like a girl,
Who walks after her mate crying.
These thick woods I walk
This brown-haired girl I am waiting for
This brown-haired girl is a violet,
I am the one who consoles her.
Come here, there is no mud this way
There is no lock on my door.
There is a wooden knob on my door
Oh God, I don't even have a lover.
Oh, I used to walk so much, so tired,
When I was looking to get married
I could not find anyone to my taste
My only lover is who I already had.
@@Illes-b bruh, I'm Hungarian so I understand, don't tell me, tell the girl who was asking
@@chaosqueen1703 Elnézést! Elrontottam.
I love everything about this video - the voice, the music of the language, the guitar, the flute, the ambiance and the images. Well done!
Hermosa canción te hace pensar en otras épocas, donde el espíritu era más libre y alejado del materialismo. (spanish). Beautiful song :) Nagyon szeretem!! Greetings from Colombia.
nagyon szép szebb jövőt Magyarország!!
Imàdom minden pillanatát.Abszulut kedvenc.
I don't understand a word of it but that is why folk song are so beutifull. Greetings from Turkey
+ckahraman54 Turkey...
Akkor szép az erdő mikor zöld
Mikor a vadgalamb benne költ
Olyan a vadgalamb, mint a lány
Sírva sétál a párja után.
Erre gyere, erre nincsen sár
Az ajtómon nincsen semmi zár
Az ajtómon, van egy fakilincs
Jaj istenek, még szeretőm sincs.
Ezt a kerek erdőt járom én
Ezt a barna kislányt várom én
Ez a barna kislány Viola
Én vagyok a vigasztalója.
Téged látlak minden álmomban,
Álmom után minden dolgomban,
Ha sóhajtok érted a panasz,
Ha örülök érted vagyok az
Jaj de sokat jártam, fáradtam
Mikor házasodni akartam,
Nem találtam kedvemre valót,
Csak az a szeretőm, aki volt
+ckahraman54 you can ctrl+V in google translate :D
+zsófia saár thank you friend
+Audrey thank you
I love Hungary,been there few times,so beautiful
Beautiful Hungarian Song.My Dad taught us some and we still sing them.So many memories.
Ez a dal engem nagyon meg érintett és meg kell hogy mondjam hogy ott belül zokogtam hogy milyen szép érzelmi tartalma van. Szóval Köszönöm néktek a feltöltést!
Ki énekel? Ki, kik kísérik? Egyébként nagyon szép.
Puszi! Anna-Maria Romaniabol :)
Greetings from Morocco .
magur, maur, mauritania, morocco, maori, maghreb, magyar
you don't look saracen lol
Akkor szép az erdő
Akkor szép az erdő, mikor zöld
Mikor a vadgalamb benne költ.
Olyan a vadgalamb mint a lány,
Sírva sétál a párja után.
Ezt a sűrű erdőt járom én
Ezt a barna kislányt várom én
Ez a barna kislány viola,
Én vagyok a vígasztalója.
Erre gyere, erre nincsen sár
Az ajtómon nincsen semmi zár.
Az ajtómon van egy fakilincs
Jaj Istenem, még szeretőm sincs.
Jaj, de sokat jártam, fáradtam,
Mikor házasodni akartam
Nem találtam kedvemre valót
Csak az a szeretőm, aki volt.
The forest is beautiful when it's green
When the wild dove is hatching in there.
The wild dove is like a girl,
Who walks after her mate crying.
These thick woods I walk
This brown-haired girl I am waiting for
This brown-haired girl is a violet,
I am the one who consoles her.
Come here, there is no mud this way
There is no lock on my door.
There is a wooden knob on my door
Oh God, I don't even have a lover.
Oh, I used to walk so much, so tired,
When I was looking to get married
I could not find anyone to my taste
My only lover is who I already had.
Nagyon szép előadás. Köszönöm , hogy hallhattam.
Gyönyörű a dal! Egyszerűen IMÁDOM! Ez nem véletlen. Nagyon szeretem hallgatni ezt a hangot és a zenét!
Bele lehet pusztulni...S annyira rólunk szól Testvérem ....😢
great song m8! greetings from Poland and all the best to our Hungarian brothers and sisters! stay strong in your culture and faith and tradition
Thanks to God, there is no other way for The Hungarians.
Les images sont absolument superbes ! L'accompagnement instrumental est vraiment très agréable ! Merci de France ! 🎉 😊
Gyönyörű! Köszönöm szépen!
There is something magic in this music........love it 💗
Csodálatos. Mint mindig. :)
Akkor szép az erdő, mikor zöld.
Mikor a vadgalamb benne költ.
Olyan a vadgalamb, mint a büszke lány.
Sírva jár a legények után.
Megvágtam az ujjam kiskéssel.
Bekötöm csipkés kis kendővel.
Csipkés kis kendő az édesanyámé.
Soha nem leszek a babámé.
Nem vagyok én oka semminek.
Édesanyám oka mindennek.
Mért nem adott engem juhász fiának.
Akit választottam magamnak.
(Nem vagyok én oka semminek.
Édesanyám oka mindennek.)
Nem vagyok én oka semminek.
Édesanyám oka mindennek.
Mért nem adott engem juhász fiának.
Akit választottam magamnak.
Aki szeret, s párra nem találhat oly hontalan, mint amilyen gyámoltalan a szükségét végző madár.
KOCHAM TĄ PIOSENKĘ >Węgier , Polak dwa baratanki i o szabli i do szklanki> Mam ochotę napić się palinki z Węgrem
I want to drink Poland vodka. ;)
Też uwielbiam, a jeszcze bardziej kino węgierskie!
csoda szép... a hátamon feláll a szőr... köszönöm...
Beautiful songs of old fashion ones soul in robes of love and light🙏🏻🔥❤️
Istenem, milyen régóta kerestem ezt a zenét. Németországban élek, itt nem minden videót lehet megnézni. Imádom ezt a dalt. Minden nap énekelem munkában... Honvágy ellen.... :)
@Tóth Erika Nekem sem engedi Németben minden 5. zene blokkolva van lehet cenzura van.
@@csaba850320 Ilyenkor nem német yt- de nem is magyart kell használni, hanem oroszt, az a leglazább. Csak a .com után írod hogy .ru és utána már automatikusan az ikonnál is úgy jelzi. Nyelven marad a beállított. Vagy csak a profképre kattintva és a "helyet" kell átállítani. És úgy is jó.
Metálos vagyok, de ez a dal engem is nagyon megfogott. Csodálatos!
I love this song.Ez az én hangulat. ......köszönöm Zoltán
Köszönöm Kisjenő-böl🤝
Master Arany 😮 i' m your biggest fan ,this is Stan ! Xd
My father was Hungarian, youngest of 6 and my mother was Romanian, youngest of 7 but they were not allowed to learn to speak their native tongue because they were made fun of for being immigrants and they desperately wanted to fit in and be Americans. And Hungarian is apparently one of the most difficult languages to learn. My how things have changed.
Linda de mais essa canção.
A magyar vèr mindig magyar vèr marad bàr hol is laksz.Erdely, köszönöm.
Nem lépünk ki a főrendből.
Greeting from Turkey! We are brothers of Turan.Great sound and great music.
nagyon jo😇
Very beautiful music! I love very much your very beautiful country!
Gyerekkoromban hallottam utoljára....hát nem veszett el, KÖSZÖNÖM !
The music a such language that every person understand in the world! Hungarian folk music the most beautiful! I like it a lot! Wish you all the best! Greetings from Hungary!!
Egyik kedvencem!! :)
Love it, such peaceful music.