Whos died? Eddie Ronnie Snart H. R Laurel Iris's mum Barry's parents Lady: Oh, I'm very sorry.... Umm... That's a lot. Barry: Its OK iris : no it's not!! Barry : I gotta go
barry: i've gotta go iris: you gotta go? barry: *shows her the phone* iris: he's gotta go iris: you're gonna write that down that he left, aren't you? sharron: yes!
Cisco: "I like the look of you." Gypsy: "What the Hell" Cisco: "Easy! Its just the motherboard of the month. July of 07, just look at it. brrrrr" Gypsy: "I wish it was a girl."
A lot of people cope with grief by making jokes. And it’s also pretty clear that Barry was uncomfortable, so he was also likely using humor to deflect from talking about his issues, trying not to show the grief (And also the writers made this whole scene into a joke, generally speaking)
The beginning be like expressing 5 emotions in 2 seconds 🤣😢😮 Edit: Cisco: when a girl says there fine they r not fine Kaitlin: amen Cisco: boi ur a girl
Kaitlyn: ok, I’m gonna go out on a limb here and say that the reason you can’t focus on anything is because of what is happening with Gypsie. Cisco: sorry I wasn’t listening, but I think, that the reason I can’t focus on anything is because of Gypsie! Kaitlyn: oh really. Good idea!
I would like to see the three notebooks of the therapy notes consisting of how Barry decided that marrying his sister was a good idea and why Iris decided to marry her brother that sounds like a therapy visit in itself
Cisco:Fellas, so sorry I’m late the curls were not cooperating this morning. OH GOOD LORD! WHY WOULD YOU SHOW ME THAT! Barry: (smirks) Me: 😂 Cisco is amazing!
See, that’s y u either A. Get a therapist that knows ur the flash, or B. Don’t get on at all And u gotta love the Iris: “you’re gonna right down that he ran out of here aren’t you?” Therapist: “yes!” *with that ur wasting my time and pissing me off woman* face 😂
what does it mean to a therapist that someone ran out of a session? i would take that as being to uncomfortable to stay. but i dont have the proper training to say that's correct.
Cisco: "Rule number one: When a girl says its fine, it's not fine!"
Caitlyn: *"AMEN!"*
Anchorzz AMEN!!
Anchorzz *it's
when i say 'it's okay or it's good' it's GOOD!!! when i say it's fine. it's not fucking fine!!
Had me tearing up. 😂
Barry: I've gotta go
Iris: you gotta go?
Barty: shows phone
Iris: he's gotta go
the gate keeper Barty?
Yeah, barty is my favorite character in the flash
@@OleSMM same
“I wrote you an instruction manual!”
Barry is hilarious😂
I think he did not know what to say😂
The funny part was the therapist wrote something down. In reality, she was just making groceries list lol
Wait really?
She made groceries list with Cecile and Joe
They really were just notes for her XD
Therapists in a nutshell... honestly.
Iris: but I really think it could help us..
Barry: what is it ;) ;) ;)
Iris: couples therapy
Barry: :(
Cassie Harper He was hoping for a 3 way lol
Bill The Bull Gates 😂
What he was hoping?
@@holmione sex
@@curiouslilbi7445 a threesome to be exact.
“oh, my dad died too. 😊 Aaa, just for you’re notes.” ~
Kill me, this boi.
Barry: I gotta go.
Iris: you gotta go?
Barry: (shows distress alert)
Iris: he’s gotta go.
Whos died?
H. R
Iris's mum
Barry's parents
Lady: Oh, I'm very sorry....
Umm... That's a lot.
Barry: Its OK
iris : no it's not!!
Barry : I gotta go
Lily Man a
100th like
And then count all the other metahumans in season 4 that trusted Barry who was killed by Devoe.
And then Ralph (even though he's still alive)
Lily Man Eobard a few times too
Lily Man laurel had nothing to do with team flash maybe snart did but laurel didn’t
3:44 when she just starts listing people. LOL. The list goes on and one forever
The fact Snart made the list makes my day every time
barry: i've gotta go
iris: you gotta go?
barry: *shows her the phone*
iris: he's gotta go
iris: you're gonna write that down that he left, aren't you?
sharron: yes!
4:00 amen!!
Cisco: "I like the look of you."
Gypsy: "What the Hell"
Cisco: "Easy! Its just the motherboard of the month. July of 07, just look at it. brrrrr"
Gypsy: "I wish it was a girl."
funny as heaven
Rule no 1 when a girl says it’s fine, IT’S NOT FINE
Amen 😂😂😂👍🏽👍🏽👍🏽 I love her 😍
this ep was by far the funniest.i just kept on laughing!
Me too! I loved it.
I found the part where they start naming the people that had died so hilarious(is that bad??)
Andy Castillo nope I did too
No 😂
Yes, iris a bitch who needs to die
Cisco: oh good lord why would you show me this you've ruined siracha for me!
me: oh god! the image! Rly Carlos
"Rule number 1. When a girl says it's fine, it's not fine!"
Cisco rule number one when a girl says it's fine it is not fine
catlin amen
Iris: (listing everyone that died previously)
Barry: Yeah. We been to a lot of funerals.
How is this so wrong but so funny at the same time!? 😂
:Cisco first when a girl says it's fine it's not fine
:katlin AEMEAN
Jake Reacts Caitlin* Amen*
0:50 Me too
Barry: I gotta go.
Iris in shock: YOU GOTTA GO?
Barry: *shows her his phone*
Iris: He's gotta go.
I love Gypsy & who told Cisco to open up a cube that was meant to be open in private? Not a breakup cube, Cisco 🤣🤣🤣
Not in episode 2
Joe Masters He didn't know it wasn't a break up cube its not his fault
Well... they broke up
0:40 he thought some else 😂😂😂😂
I think the music was a little loud... otherwise good job!
supposed to be........ to avoid copyright
This episode was so funny i can't😂
Did anyone notice the newspaper about Oliver being Green Arrow? LMFAO
Season 4 is the funniest season by far
OH MY I just realised the whole "oh John snow died, oh he's alive!" Is a nod to katelyn SNOW aka killer FROST I am an idiot
That or it’s a nod to Jon Snow dying in Game of Thrones and then coming back to life...
The only thing I can think about is how the gold standard couple needs couples therapy😂
Cisco: rule #1 when a girl says it's fine it's not fine
Caitlin: AMEN
3:37 i never liked that Barry laughed at the fact that Eddie is dead
I love how barry sees a long instruction manual and forgets he has super speed and can read it in one second.
Why was Barry so happy when he said his died too like what😂
So glad someone wrote this comment 😂😂
A lot of people cope with grief by making jokes. And it’s also pretty clear that Barry was uncomfortable, so he was also likely using humor to deflect from talking about his issues, trying not to show the grief
(And also the writers made this whole scene into a joke, generally speaking)
Barry thought he was gonna get some 😂
I'm soooo happy that for season 4 they went back to hilarious !
My Mom
Proud Hufflepuff Henry, Nora, ray (later revived), stein, Sara (later revived)
@Saurabh Adhikari Stein died in 3X08 and they did know Sara died
his father died 2
Snart 😭😭
Winchesterfamilyforever i had a crush on smart that I cried when he died and also when stein and HR died 😭💔
"Those are the magazines you collected in high school?"
Wally never missing an occasion to roast someone.
Those Cisco and Gypsy moments lol
The beginning be like expressing 5 emotions in 2 seconds 🤣😢😮
Edit: Cisco: when a girl says there fine they r not fine
Kaitlin: amen
Cisco: boi ur a girl
Iris reeling off people in their lives who died*
Therapist taking notes on each one*
Me: xD
Kaitlyn: ok, I’m gonna go out on a limb here and say that the reason you can’t focus on anything is because of what is happening with Gypsie.
Cisco: sorry I wasn’t listening, but I think, that the reason I can’t focus on anything is because of Gypsie!
Kaitlyn: oh really. Good idea!
3:12 Killer Frost Ova Hurr 😂😂😂
Cisco: Rule number 1 when a girl says she’s fine she’s not fine
Caitlin: Amen!
**Cisco and Gypsy look at her like wtf**
Caitlin: I’m gonna go
Lol couples therapy are for normal couples not when one of them is superhero. This is hilarious
This was hilarious i was dying 😆❤️❤️❤️👍🏽👌🏽
The therapy scenes are hilarious
3:08 lol
His expression.... Lamo😝😝
Barry :What is it
Iris: couples therapist
Me: lol 🤣🤣
This is one of the funniest episodes i think
am i the only one confused to why barry was disappointed when iris said couples therapy. it looked like he thought she meant something else
"3.11.25. 3 again. Bulbasaur?"
The lip bite at the end😍
I’m laughing so HARD 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
Ok I have to admit that this episode was really funny 😂😂
Barry: I gotta go
Iris: You gotta go?
*shows phone*
Iris: he's gotta go
Funniest episode so far 😂😂 love Barry
This was hilarious! Good vid
that episode was an amazing one , just ditch the music will ya ..
The music made it better to me
1:39 love Cisco, love
I would like to see the three notebooks of the therapy notes consisting of how Barry decided that marrying his sister was a good idea and why Iris decided to marry her brother that sounds like a therapy visit in itself
0:51 I just relized olivers face is on the magazine!!!!
I’ll be honest I like the editing
I love the beginning 😂😂😂
Cisco is literally me with that curls line
Caitlyn: AMEN! I got to go
lol i love her
Cisco:Fellas, so sorry I’m late the curls were not cooperating this morning. OH GOOD LORD! WHY WOULD YOU SHOW ME THAT!
Barry: (smirks)
Me: 😂 Cisco is amazing!
See, that’s y u either
A. Get a therapist that knows ur the flash, or
B. Don’t get on at all
And u gotta love the
Iris: “you’re gonna right down that he ran out of here aren’t you?”
Therapist: “yes!” *with that ur wasting my time and pissing me off woman* face 😂
Poor therapist... She is NOT pay enough!!!!
Cisco:the curls were not cooperating this morning
I have never realted to anything so hard in my entire life
At 0:05 it looks like it says "Pretty Little Liars, Starring Grant Gustin"
2:58 "oh jon snow died... oh hes alive!' BAHHHAHA who else is a game of thrones fan
“me with pretty little liars”
1:03 that’s what she said
0:50 yeah...
Best episode of Flash imo
Love iris tank top when she went to talk to a it and said were Barry and Iris
They should revisit the therapist. Curious to know what the progress is and if she secretly knows by now if he's the flash.
“SNART” lol 😂
3:48 can yall remind me who tf is laurel
Caitlyn in this episode was AMAZING!
Definitely one of the funniest episodes of The Flash, true.
this season was so funny!!
I saw the first 2 and I have never liked a video so fast
AMEN-caitlyn 😂😂😂
Wish there was more like these!!!! LOL LMAO ROFL.....
You know what's funny she's talking to Caitlin about it and shes like yeah but secrsecretly shes probably like SHUT UP
Caitlin: AMEN *looks at everyone else*
This was really funny buy please turn down the music
The music was actually lower than than the episode audio but I'll try to keep it to a minimum next time.
cherrysbomb. The music is shit
When Barry's suit was good looking
i actually mad a video about that part with there deaths by it
mad is made
what does it mean to a therapist that someone ran out of a session? i would take that as being to uncomfortable to stay. but i dont have the proper training to say that's correct.
this is really funny
oofies sowwy about that 😅
That is me watching Pretty Little Liars
4:00 Amen!
0:00 =season 1 of the Flash