A stirring but soothing performance beautifully done. Thank you for the gifts you give us especially needed during these times of greatest suffering. I heard two other pieces today by Bach, Oeffne dich, mein ganzes Herz and Schmuecke Dich, performed at the Riverside Church.
Maravilla de música inspirada por el creador que llega al alma del oyente. Bach es hijo del Creador mayor quien transmite estos divinos sonidos para deleite nuestro.
A stirring but soothing performance beautifully done. Thank you for the gifts you give us especially needed during these times of greatest suffering. I heard two other pieces today by Bach, Oeffne dich, mein ganzes Herz and Schmuecke Dich, performed at the Riverside Church.
Perfect tempo and fluidity! Very well played! Thank you.
Maravilla de música inspirada por el creador que llega al alma del oyente. Bach es hijo del Creador mayor quien transmite estos divinos sonidos para deleite nuestro.
Permitime corregirte: Bach es un apéndice del Creador. Y como tal, es el mejor hijo de Dios. Su música está diagramada en connivencia con el Señor.
He are using a virtual pipe organ software.