My humble opinion is that we are facing a period of time like the Great Depression. We are now in the beginning of the Bear Market and it will take a year or two until we see the bottom. There were huge rallies during the 1929 crash all the way through 1930 to 1931. Be careful out there and stay healthy!
I wonder what are the best opportunities to invest now are, there are opinions but a little later I find out these opinions dont matter as a totally different turn of events play out with the stocks they discussed therein.
Dont just venture into the market in these times without consulting a professional. I got the help of a financial expert and investment advisor with goldman sachs, she goes by emily rebecca baker, google search her and learn more on how she can help you if you need help with investing or with a portfolio
America came back from the great depression. From WW2 and 9-11. We will come back. Stronger than ever and will defeat the DEMONCRATS in november. Will it be hard? YES. Will it be a struggle,yes. And will it take time..YES. But we will do it!!!
We were an industrial nation at the time We are now a consumer economy You emerge from a depression strong if you are a producer We’re fucked! China is your new daddy
All of the individuals and companies who have sold out U.S. interests for personal gain (offshoring etc), shouldn't be bailed out, and should be put at the end of the line for social services. Our institutions have been corrupted by greed, unearned wealth, and more apparently even gross incompetence.
Heading into the new year, investors have to make smart portfolio moves, with the COVID-19 recent outbreak, the stock market provides an opportunity for people to get involved as various stocks will experience tumbling. It’s wise for investors to seek guidance that’ll help to easily navigate lucrative positions to earn from.
The idea of a stock market crash in the near term is unsettling, I’ve already made so much trade losses this year and I don’t know what I’m doing wrongly.
@@derrickadams8416 The stock market provides opportunities to earn some decent payouts, I’ll advise you seek guidance, and get a reliable brokerage for more profitable trades, the stock market is lucrative to invest in and this year has been quite profitable for me.
You didn't want those jobs, and the US couldn't make things cheap enough to be cost-effective. If everything was made in America, everyone but the rich would be living in lower standards and broke.
Before the crack in october 1929, the Fed did the same to shore up confidence in spring 1929. Once the system starts to react to bloated stock values and subpar credit default swaps (est 30 trillion $ domestic market), there's no way back. Oh. And the financial system has been further deregulated during the last 3 years. Good luck to us all. We'll need it.
The market and investors (such as myself) also take the long-term view. While this is a significant crisis and we will feel a huge financial impact, we’ve gotten past the Great Recession, the housing crisis, the financial crisis, the 1980s savings and loan debacle, 911, etc. This is a time to invest over the long term focusing on fundamentals and companies that have a buffer against the impact (and strong balance sheets) and whose industries will see growth after this mess bc of shifts in society and consumer views (think green energy, plant-based products, etc).
@@keltecdan Finally someone gets it. Research how investors became super rich during and after the mortgage crisis of 2008 and follow a similar strategy. The final outcome of this health crisis will not be about COVID-19 survivors but rather it will be about how the wealthy became multi-millionaires due to massive consolidation of wealth (stock buybacks) and additional corporation bailouts (currency printing, QE). Maximize your 401(k) and other investments or you will get left behind. Remember the aftermath in 2011, occupy Wall Street? This will indeed be a phony economic recovery and will make the mortgage crisis seem like child's play but you can guarantee that it will make a lot more millionaires thus continuing to decimate the middle class. We are approaching the Weimar Republic, Germany, 1923. The wealthy were the SHAREHOLDERS, while the average German citizens starved all due to massive money printing (hyperinflation) to pay the debt from WW1. We all know how things changed by 1933.
By saying a company is to big to fail they are admitting there is not enough competition in that market. They aren't using that terminology this time but you can translate that into unlimited equity and the need for liquidity.
@Freethinkers you are talking about billion dollar companies with a few million dollar companies as competitors that's not competitive. If it was an nba game it would be the dream team vs. Some guy named Jerry that's played nba 2k a couple times.
This economic catastrophe hasn't even gotten to second base and he is already talking about being out of it. No one has any idea how any of this is going to play out geo-politically.
Latest U.N. statistics. 195 million people have lost their jobs globally. 500 million people have slipped below the poverty line to join the 820 million already there. That's 1.32 billion in poverty and malnourished. Estimated 50 million Americans thrown out of work in the last 6 weeks. 37 million Americans are food insecure. Food banks are already overwhelmed. Where's the bounce back? This isn't a recession it's a global economic catastrophe.
poor people don't have money and don't now how market works its the rich people who invest money with risk and make country work you fool . i am an investor myself. Know the real truth !
I don't care if they open up restaurants, bars or hair salons. I'm not an idiot and put myself in position where I will get infected for sure and hair clippers are a great investment. Also, even if we get through the summer relatively easy, just wait for next fall/winter. It's going to be horrific from an health and economic standpoint.
Carl Icahn has shorted the entire commercial real estate market. Warren Buffet is increasing his liquidity. Hedgefunds have lost massive amounts on oil. Supply chains are battered. IMF estimates at least 5% contraction.
Yes we need to be self sufficient. Do for ourselves and not depend on other countries for our necessities. We need to get back to work and take care of our own.
Yup, observing that pattern for the past several weeks. there's no volume/demand to support the higher prices, hence the pump and dump.. These usually happen to small cap stocks, but now, even large cap stocks are inflicted with this pump and dump madness.
All this crisis shows us is that UBI won’t work, we could barely afford a one time stimulus check of 1200 dollars let alone a monthly 1k check. Congress won’t keep approving payouts without finding a way to fund it. Also, the unemployment reserve fund in California is already down to 40 % capacity, I would presume it’s similarly depleted in other states as well. If States don’t receive zero interest loans from the Feds, then they’ll start to go bankrupt and unemployment benefits will get cut. UBI only works in a healthy strong economy since it’s funding depends on big companies doing well.
Bhuvanesh s.k no, he is not for Medicare for all and he is a phony, great speaker and is a sellout and bent the knee to the DNC and the corporate Democrats.
@@southchum101 I liked Andrew Yangs idea but you are correct, it only works in a very good economy where you can have automated companies and online retailers be able to pay the UBI. Unsustainable financially to just print out UBI checks.
"God bless Bill Gates." I don't like how we are looking to one person to solve all of our problems because he finances mass vaccines. That's a lot of power for one person.
I’m pretty worried about political polarisation tbh. I don’t like to take sides but I’ve never seen the US being this split on a global issue. It seems the red and blue are sworn enemies ...
I wish more people saw it that way. Polarization is probably the most dangerous thing happening in America politically right now, IMO, and I know that's saying a lot.
Look... 14 days & “see”... They’re politicians They will take a poll There’s no anger? Continue the lockdown Americas is pissed? STAGED OPENING My family’s been in politics all my life My father was a mayor in California Also ran for Congress This is how things work There is never a plan solid All contingent on public sentiment
I think the last 3 years witnessed the US drop the ball in International Affairs, and the role as the World Hegemon really will be gone when this all blows over, with the Chinese probably even able to pose a serious threat to the US military rule over the seas, which will leave this a a more dangerous world, I believe
Bryan Angelo Perez stock market is being pumped up by the Fed printing money. I will be very surprised if this isn’t a W shaped recession. No way everything will be fine in 3 months. Way to many unemployed people, and way too many businesses loaded with debt.
The stock resurgence was simply a way to get shareholders and corporations some money before the depression gets deep It’s been known that whoever was president at this time would catch it Something like squirrels putting nuts away for the winter We’ve all been HAD...
@@danielhill3261 - Correct, Daniel. The Fed is borrowing money at a record pace. The Trump/Ryan tax cut created a federal deficit of over one trillion dollars per year. This stimulus just added another two trillion dollars. With Trump's campaign donors sweeping up the majority of funds, the Fed is poised to borrow even more. Toss that on the heap of Trump's broken promises. This one is big because one of Trump's most enormously stupid campaign lies was his promise that he would eliminate the national debt in eight years. For people who were familiar with the history of Donald Trump and The Trump organization, that statement was beyond hilarious. Prior to Donald Trump's electoral victory, The Trump Organization had never earned a profit and was constantly buried in billions of dollars worth of debt. Trump's first business venture, following his father's departure as head of the family business, was the purchase of New York's historic Plaza Hotel. Donald paid far beyond the market value of the property through leveraged loans, and then further borrowed to cover the elaborate renovations that he desired. The result was that the Plaza went into foreclosure by Wells Fargo, which negotiated a controlling interest, later selling it to more responsible ownership. Trump's business fortunes went downhill from there, although he learned not to invest any of his personal finances in his own real estate projects after losing almost a billion dollars on his Plaza Hotel failures. Trump Taj Mahal is a thing of financial legend. It was an overbuilt, poorly thought out idea that completely fell apart shortly after opening. It rarely operated at 50% capacity and the daily maintenance costs far exceeded the daily receipts. Trump tried to sell it off to Merv Griffin, but failed to disclose the financial infeasibility of the establishment and the enormous debt incurred in its construction. Trump ended up having to buy it back and eventually sold it for pennies on the dollar. Numerous Trump real estate projects went belly-up during the development phase, leaving partially constructed hulks or undeveloped, cleared ground. Trump is a business failure who has run the U.S. in the same fashion that he irresponsibly ran his businesses. I hope you are not one of his gullible minions.
Sigh, finance people are so stupid about this pandemic. This guy is NOT bad. But he is wrong, the curve will be first wave then a more severe second wave and hopefully it subsides BUT there have been cases of a smaller third wave (1918 pandemic).
This is going to be bad, probably worse than the Great Depression. A lot of businesses, the really small ones, will not survive. And a lot of people will build up a massive debt and people will not be going out as much. Also you are ignoring the impact of the significantly increased debt.
Its by design... And its the greatest transfer of wealth in history... Both are PAINFULLY OBVIOUS... (please do your own research if you truly want to know... I have...)
the system yes, the virus probably not.. the system is designed like a set of loaded dice, regardless of what happens, they will always come out way ahead while we lose
@David Watson , donnie disinfectant didn't do anything, stock market was overvalued, it's called the end of a ten year run, ask any stock broker if it would be wise to put your life savings with someone who has declared bankruptcy six times, how can their be 30million ei filings with a rising market? answer: the FED!!.
If I had 5 lemonade stands, and I knew that they wouldn't make much money (or any at all) for 2-3 years, I'd consider selling my stands and just playing with the kids on the block. I hope they U.S. economy does not think along the same lines.
Follow the money. The Chinese are doing gangbuster business with investments in a lot of developing countries that are going to default on the economic development packages giving China the option to take control of their assets rather than turning over the infrastructure to the various nations.
The chineese did that without the virus.The chineese were taken over the world,they didn’t needed this virus to increase their policy of growth.Not to mention that ,the hatred we going to see towards China for a long run,will cause damage for the chineese for sure.Personly,if I can buy anything not made in China from now on,I will.Not an easy thing to do,but I’m not contributing of enriching this fucking communist country.
The virus was no accident. It's being used to bring down the economy, give government more control over us financially and to implement surveillance in the name of keeping us safe. Fascism is coming.
What is the point or relevance of quoting the Stock Indices in your video. Ordinary people (ie the taxpayer) are losing their jobs, cannot pay their mortages or rent and have no money when their modest savings are exhausted. They will soon have no food to eat. Yet the stock market is quoted as if it is important. The way it gyrates merely shows that it is nothing more that a glorified casino for the uber rich and investment institutions.
The gist of Ian Brenner's rant goes like this: The USA is economically much healthier than The EU, because we remember the problems of the Greek crisis. What bullshit! The US is in fact an economically weak, war-mongering, disillusioned and bankrupt nation, close to a currency meltdown. On top of that, the American policy makers try to isolate The US from the rest of the world. Of course, the European nations as a group are facing severe political and economical challenges, but the saving grace is that The EU project is not about starting a war against China. Many European countries are flourishing in the company of China, for example Sweden and Germany. It's better to trade than to fight!
Pekka Astrom couldn’t agree more. Ian is stating that the US is coming out stronger than the EU. Delusional. In 4 weeks time the US went to a unemployment rate north of 20%. People are dying and there’s no safety net, so people will get even more poor than they already are.
Europe doesn't have tec? Is that a joke? If we Europeans don't use google search, don't buy on amazon, buy Samsung instead of apple phones and close our FB acounts, you'll all be lining up for a bowl of soup at the salvation army.
that is how dumpie became THE chosen one he has no heart...he is a russian collaborater,,,this maybe part of dumpies payback,,distroy this country on the inside.
Janet Yellen promised we would not have another economic collapse in our life time. She could not have been more wrong. Luckily we have the Fed to push the markets higher and higher with monetary debasement.
I look at it this way: if all these rich Wall St types end up at the soup kitchen for dinner I'll finally have a chance to tell them what I think of them lol.
The stock market is no longer connected to the world. I hope it dose crash and if there is any justice in the world stock brokers and hedge fund managers will be on the street begging for change.
There a quite a few Geo Political Futurist Analysts out there but I have always thought that Ian Bremner is the best of the lot... I do think he is the most accurate and astute of them all...
The markets can't be this stupid. wtf is going's like they want to pump it up to make back as much of their gains as possible before they sell out
No, they're trying to keep it from collapsing. When you stop most of the economy and nearly 20% of people are suddenly out of work, many businesses would go bankrupt without support, which could cause the entire economy to crash. Even good, healthy businesses would fail if that happens. They're trying to prevent that from happening.
To my knowledge there are at least 7 companies/institutes that are working on vaccine 2 in USA, 2 in Germany, 2 in China and 1 is Oxford university (who are modifying the exiting vaccine and has a good potential for success). One of the vaccine making companies in India (Serum Institute of India) is having an collaboration with Oxford and making preparations to produce vaccine in millions and they are going to produce the vaccine parallel to the testing. So in case if the tests are successful, then they have vaccine ready for distribution. Of course if the tests are not successful they are willing to take the hit. Interestingly Oxford declined to sell the exclusive rights of their drug to US companies (as per last know information to me).
That’s untrue. Unlike any other recession this one is artificial and self imposed. The majority of businesses will throw the switch and go right back to where they were. Doctors, dentists and other direct services will go back to full employment which a backlog which may generate overtime employment. Other businesses will spring back as people have demands that will be met as soon as the doors are thrown open.
We don't care if it is the worst recession or worse depression or end of the world. As long as Jerome's printer is still functioning, it can print $100 trillion or more! These issues are peanuts compared to the magical machine.
Ongo Mobile because he fucking went on TED and said a virus is the biggest threat to the global economy and we elected an idiot that dismantled the pandemic response team and told our head scientists to look into possibly injecting bleach.
C thank you, I honestly needed to hear that bc I started crying I’m so stressed. I’m one of those people who forgets to examine credibility bc I know so little about economics!
What will forced localisation of industrial production in the US do to consumer prices? Can the US economy take that price increase? Asian production is very cheap
LOWES store #1726 in Birmingham,Al. Ph.# 205-981-4100 have fired a front line worker after asking:"When can Lowes employees get the CV-19 virus test?"A question after a customer explained why they didn't need to wear a mask in that store,as they already have the virus. This caused great fear in the fired employee as their 89 yr. old mother could be killed with the virus.This employee worked there 17 yrs without ever being written up.When does money override safety for employees or the public? Please call this store and ask them why don't they provide the life saving test or Why fire employees that ask about one? President Trump said there are enough test for everyone and this employee ask him to help the front line workers and they will vote for him again,thank you.
No growth in the European south? Portugal has had a quicker GDP growth than any of the northern neighbours, and the Dutch have been with a poor economy for a long time, even though they defend austerity like there's no tomorrow
My humble opinion is that we are facing a period of time like the Great Depression. We are now in the beginning of the Bear Market and it will take a year or two until we see the bottom. There were huge rallies during the 1929 crash all the way through 1930 to 1931. Be careful out there and stay healthy!
I wonder what are the best opportunities to invest now are, there are opinions but a little later I find out these opinions dont matter as a totally different turn of events play out with the stocks they discussed therein.
Dont just venture into the market in these times without consulting a professional. I got the help of a financial expert and investment advisor with goldman sachs, she goes by emily rebecca baker, google search her and learn more on how she can help you if you need help with investing or with a portfolio
@@philipwebb8632 I need help with an impartial advisor, I sent her an email and asked to connect on linkedin I hope she helps.
Umm, Emily, I mean Philip... are you kidding?
@Marcelino Barrows My point is that it's probably Emily herself that left that post. If I was Emily, that's what I'd do.
Even when restaurants and supermarkets open, people don’t have the money to spend on, so open or not open doesn’t made any difference.
America came back from the great depression. From WW2 and 9-11.
We will come back. Stronger than ever and will defeat the DEMONCRATS in november.
Will it be hard? YES. Will it be a struggle,yes.
And will it take time..YES.
But we will do it!!!
We were an industrial nation
at the time
We are now a consumer economy
You emerge from a depression strong if you are a producer
We’re fucked!
China is your new daddy
Welcome to tRump's New Venezuela.
All of the individuals and companies who have sold out U.S. interests for personal gain (offshoring etc), shouldn't be bailed out, and should be put at the end of the line for social services. Our institutions have been corrupted by greed, unearned wealth, and more apparently even gross incompetence.
Well said !
Heading into the new year, investors have to make smart portfolio moves, with the COVID-19 recent outbreak, the stock market provides an opportunity for people to get involved as various stocks will experience tumbling. It’s wise for investors to seek guidance that’ll help to easily navigate lucrative positions to earn from.
investors should make more practical moves this coming year and seek guidance where needed since the future is unknown.
Stocks with solid operational performance and financial strength, should be considered .
The idea of a stock market crash in the near term is unsettling, I’ve already made so much trade losses this year and I don’t know what I’m doing wrongly.
@@bernardogutierrez8392 Investor should prepare their portfolio for 2021
@@derrickadams8416 The stock market provides opportunities to earn some decent payouts, I’ll advise you seek guidance, and get a reliable brokerage for more profitable trades, the stock market is lucrative to invest in and this year has been quite profitable for me.
"We want those jobs in US, not China" - big company CEO's have different ideas
u.s. expensive labor, company cannot afford it.
You didn't want those jobs, and the US couldn't make things cheap enough to be cost-effective. If everything was made in America, everyone but the rich would be living in lower standards and broke.
Come on 3 months it will be at least 3 years..................We never GO back to normal -we will Recreate everything you know and call NORMAL.
Before the crack in october 1929, the Fed did the same to shore up confidence in spring 1929.
Once the system starts to react to bloated stock values and subpar credit default swaps (est 30 trillion $ domestic market), there's no way back.
Oh. And the financial system has been further deregulated during the last 3 years.
Good luck to us all. We'll need it.
The market is so detached from reality right now. I believe there are going to long lasting economic effects that are not priced in.
When people are allowed to open all business you can determine a true market.
I’m just trying to figure out how to profit from all of this pandemic.
The market and investors (such as myself) also take the long-term view. While this is a significant crisis and we will feel a huge financial impact, we’ve gotten past the Great Recession, the housing crisis, the financial crisis, the 1980s savings and loan debacle, 911, etc. This is a time to invest over the long term focusing on fundamentals and companies that have a buffer against the impact (and strong balance sheets) and whose industries will see growth after this mess bc of shifts in society and consumer views (think green energy, plant-based products, etc).
@@keltecdan Finally someone gets it. Research how investors became super rich during and after the mortgage crisis of 2008 and follow a similar strategy. The final outcome of this health crisis will not be about COVID-19 survivors but rather it will be about how the wealthy became multi-millionaires due to massive consolidation of wealth (stock buybacks) and additional corporation bailouts (currency printing, QE). Maximize your 401(k) and other investments or you will get left behind. Remember the aftermath in 2011, occupy Wall Street? This will indeed be a phony economic recovery and will make the mortgage crisis seem like child's play but you can guarantee that it will make a lot more millionaires thus continuing to decimate the middle class. We are approaching the Weimar Republic, Germany, 1923. The wealthy were the SHAREHOLDERS, while the average German citizens starved all due to massive money printing (hyperinflation) to pay the debt from WW1. We all know how things changed by 1933.
We used to bust monopolies now we build them.
Freethinkers you can’t possibly be seripus
Amazon, walmart, google, Microsoft, koch, Boeing, chase, literally every company that's "to big to fail." Feel free to freely think instead of troll.
By saying a company is to big to fail they are admitting there is not enough competition in that market. They aren't using that terminology this time but you can translate that into unlimited equity and the need for liquidity.
Name the competition for any of these companies that are also based in the us.
@Freethinkers you are talking about billion dollar companies with a few million dollar companies as competitors that's not competitive. If it was an nba game it would be the dream team vs. Some guy named Jerry that's played nba 2k a couple times.
This economic catastrophe hasn't even gotten to second base and he is already talking about being out of it. No one has any idea how any of this is going to play out geo-politically.
Wow this guy is really deep. It shows that you can have a financial show that isn't like a children's show.
Frisco Bay extended SIP until June. Putting the nails in the coffins of 90% of all small businesses
such a shame corporations stole the money from small business money intended to help them
Unemployment is closing small businesses. The fed benefits pay the employees more than the small business ever could!
How are people paying there rent and mortgages in Frisco? Lol
ShakespeareCafe , better than putting nails in actual coffins
We are facing a humanitarian crisis indeed but that’s not obvious in Wall Street. The Main Street is suffering, the Wall Street is prospering.
The stock market is prospering because the 1% is supporting it! LOL
Manos Koukourakis at the expense of main streets fiat purchasing power.
Latest U.N. statistics. 195 million people have lost their jobs globally. 500 million people have slipped below the poverty line to join the 820 million already there. That's 1.32 billion in poverty and malnourished. Estimated 50 million Americans thrown out of work in the last 6 weeks. 37 million Americans are food insecure. Food banks are already overwhelmed. Where's the bounce back? This isn't a recession it's a global economic catastrophe.
I have to admit, the meat and produce at 3 supermarkets was slim this, REALLY slim
Famous last words: I don’t believe they would let this happen to the economy.
I’m disgusted by this whole thing!
It's only the begining
I think that’s the majority of folks out there.
The richer the stock market gets - the poorer normal people get. How else would it work?
poor people don't have money and don't now how market works its the rich people who invest money with risk and make country work you fool . i am an investor myself. Know the real truth !
Trilochan Hansdah : he is correct, the poor people put their money into the stock market and lose it to the rich.
Money in not a zero sum game, wealth gets created when stocks go up.
Submerging markets - that's a good one.
I don't care if they open up restaurants, bars or hair salons. I'm not an idiot and put myself in position where I will get infected for sure and hair clippers are a great investment. Also, even if we get through the summer relatively easy, just wait for next fall/winter. It's going to be horrific from an health and economic standpoint.
One of the best analysis reports I have listened to to date. Thank you.
I think the 'petro' dollar isnt so safe anymore as they'd like you to think
They said the same thing in 87,2000,2001 and 2008. We will recover and prosper again.
Btw: Giving Eurasia CEO this much airtime is a joke.
Carl Icahn has shorted the entire commercial real estate market. Warren Buffet is increasing his liquidity. Hedgefunds have lost massive amounts on oil. Supply chains are battered. IMF estimates at least 5% contraction.
yes, the world goes on, but who's left holding the bag, whose lives are ruined irreparably... etc. it's not if, it's HOW
Yes we need to be self sufficient. Do for ourselves and not depend on other countries for our necessities. We need to get back to work and take care of our own.
This is not at all a Recession this is all about Depression to the whole world.
And it's intentional go listen to Greta Thunberg this is all connected to climate change and agenda21
This video needs to go viral
Eventually all that goes up, must come down...Hard.
The bigger they are the harder they fall.
@@themarbleking That is what she said! LOL
We will never get back to normal.
I'm not sure what "normal" is
The traders are pumping up the stocks and then dump them. They used the same tactics during the dot com era.
Jay H makes me think we’re done.
Yup, observing that pattern for the past several weeks. there's no volume/demand to support the higher prices, hence the pump and dump.. These usually happen to small cap stocks, but now, even large cap stocks are inflicted with this pump and dump madness.
Big short
Bring Andrew Yang ..... He was ryt .... Of many many things. It's happening ryt now. Bring him back as democratic Presidential candidate
Bhuvanesh s.k least for VP
@Timothy Somerville not right, RYT!
All this crisis shows us is that UBI won’t work, we could barely afford a one time stimulus check of 1200 dollars let alone a monthly 1k check. Congress won’t keep approving payouts without finding a way to fund it. Also, the unemployment reserve fund in California is already down to 40 % capacity, I would presume it’s similarly depleted in other states as well. If States don’t receive zero interest loans from the Feds, then they’ll start to go bankrupt and unemployment benefits will get cut. UBI only works in a healthy strong economy since it’s funding depends on big companies doing well.
Bhuvanesh s.k no, he is not for Medicare for all and he is a phony, great speaker and is a sellout and bent the knee to the DNC and the corporate Democrats.
@@southchum101 I liked Andrew Yangs idea but you are correct, it only works in a very good economy where you can have automated companies and online retailers be able to pay the UBI. Unsustainable financially to just print out UBI checks.
"God bless Bill Gates." I don't like how we are looking to one person to solve all of our problems because he finances mass vaccines. That's a lot of power for one person.
Ashley Williams stop spreading conspiracy theories against the guy who literally warned the world governments!
I’m pretty worried about political polarisation tbh. I don’t like to take sides but I’ve never seen the US being this split on a global issue. It seems the red and blue are sworn enemies ...
I wish more people saw it that way. Polarization is probably the most dangerous thing happening in America politically right now, IMO, and I know that's saying a lot.
They told us 14 days on the lockdown....
@Steve Withers 500,000 people die from cancer each year.
14 days & “see”...
They’re politicians
They will take a poll
There’s no anger?
Continue the lockdown
Americas is pissed?
My family’s been in politics
all my life
My father was a mayor
in California
Also ran for Congress
This is how things work
There is never a plan solid
All contingent on public sentiment
I think we should build a herd immunity like Sweden. I think the economic repercussions will be worse than the virus. People die from starvation also.
I think the last 3 years witnessed the US drop the ball in International Affairs, and the role as the World Hegemon really will be gone when this all blows over, with the Chinese probably even able to pose a serious threat to the US military rule over the seas, which will leave this a a more dangerous world, I believe
Finally!! A financial expert who mentions that polarization can impact the economy!!
"We are facing the worst recession of our lifetime."
No one:
Stock Market: 📈📈📈
Bryan Angelo Perez stock market is being pumped up by the Fed printing money.
I will be very surprised if this isn’t a W shaped recession. No way everything will be fine in 3 months. Way to many unemployed people, and way too many businesses loaded with debt.
@@justSTUMBLEDupon The Fed is not actually printing money.
The stock resurgence
was simply a way
to get shareholders
and corporations some money
before the depression gets deep
It’s been known
that whoever was president
at this time
would catch it
Something like squirrels
putting nuts away for the winter
We’ve all been HAD...
@@danielhill3261 - Correct, Daniel. The Fed is borrowing money at a record pace.
The Trump/Ryan tax cut created a federal deficit of over one trillion dollars per year. This stimulus just added another two trillion dollars.
With Trump's campaign donors sweeping up the majority of funds, the Fed is poised to borrow even more.
Toss that on the heap of Trump's broken promises. This one is big because one of Trump's most enormously stupid campaign lies was his promise that he would eliminate the national debt in eight years.
For people who were familiar with the history of Donald Trump and The Trump organization, that statement was beyond hilarious.
Prior to Donald Trump's electoral victory, The Trump Organization had never earned a profit and was constantly buried in billions of dollars worth of debt.
Trump's first business venture, following his father's departure as head of the family business, was the purchase of New York's historic Plaza Hotel. Donald paid far beyond the market value of the property through leveraged loans, and then further borrowed to cover the elaborate renovations that he desired.
The result was that the Plaza went into foreclosure by Wells Fargo, which negotiated a controlling interest, later selling it to more responsible ownership.
Trump's business fortunes went downhill from there, although he learned not to invest any of his personal finances in his own real estate projects after losing almost a billion dollars on his Plaza Hotel failures.
Trump Taj Mahal is a thing of financial legend. It was an overbuilt, poorly thought out idea that completely fell apart shortly after opening. It rarely operated at 50% capacity and the daily maintenance costs far exceeded the daily receipts. Trump tried to sell it off to Merv Griffin, but failed to disclose the financial infeasibility of the establishment and the enormous debt incurred in its construction. Trump ended up having to buy it back and eventually sold it for pennies on the dollar.
Numerous Trump real estate projects went belly-up during the development phase, leaving partially constructed hulks or undeveloped, cleared ground.
Trump is a business failure who has run the U.S. in the same fashion that he irresponsibly ran his businesses.
I hope you are not one of his gullible minions.
If you think I'm going to read that big block of text, you're crazy.
And no, I'm not.
Sigh, finance people are so stupid about this pandemic. This guy is NOT bad. But he is wrong, the curve will be first wave then a more severe second wave and hopefully it subsides BUT there have been cases of a smaller third wave (1918 pandemic).
When everyone is talking about recession is coming, it's almost a sure thing that it's not gonna happen
Its already here
I’m sure you think that sounds profound...
This is going to be bad, probably worse than the Great Depression. A lot of businesses, the really small ones, will not survive. And a lot of people will build up a massive debt and people will not be going out as much. Also you are ignoring the impact of the significantly increased debt.
I have to wonder if this isn't by design. This will be the greatest transfer of wealth in history.
How so (i dont understand)?
Its by design... And its the greatest transfer of wealth in history... Both are PAINFULLY OBVIOUS... (please do your own research if you truly want to know... I have...)
the system yes, the virus probably not.. the system is designed like a set of loaded dice, regardless of what happens, they will always come out way ahead while we lose
Far worse are the environmental statistics , makes all this look like a tiny puff of wind in a real shitstorm .
Market doesn’t go down anymore. It’s crazy comical .
World Guild remember the money will never run out
Just thought about that. . .
Leo C printing more money is not the solution, keep that in mind
@David Watson sorry i dont read novels i dont pay for. . .
@David Watson , donnie disinfectant didn't do anything, stock market was overvalued, it's called the end of a ten year run, ask any stock broker if it would be wise to put your life savings with someone who has declared bankruptcy six times, how can their be 30million ei filings with a rising market? answer: the FED!!.
If I had 5 lemonade stands, and I knew that they wouldn't make much money (or any at all) for 2-3 years, I'd consider selling my stands and just playing with the kids on the block. I hope they U.S. economy does not think along the same lines.
Am I wrong if I say : Something fishy is going on?
Follow the money. The Chinese are doing gangbuster business with investments in a lot of developing countries that are going to default on the economic development packages giving China the option to take control of their assets rather than turning over the infrastructure to the various nations.
The chineese did that without the virus.The chineese were taken over the world,they didn’t needed this virus to increase their policy of growth.Not to mention that ,the hatred we going to see towards China for a long run,will cause damage for the chineese for sure.Personly,if I can buy anything not made in China from now on,I will.Not an easy thing to do,but I’m not contributing of enriching this fucking communist country.
The virus was no accident. It's being used to bring down the economy, give government more control over us financially and to implement surveillance in the name of keeping us safe. Fascism is coming.
An insightful interview thanks
What is the point or relevance of quoting the Stock Indices in your video. Ordinary people (ie the taxpayer) are losing their jobs, cannot pay their mortages or rent and have no money when their modest savings are exhausted. They will soon have no food to eat. Yet the stock market is quoted as if it is important. The way it gyrates merely shows that it is nothing more that a glorified casino for the uber rich and investment institutions.
The gist of Ian Brenner's rant goes like this:
The USA is economically much healthier than The EU, because we remember the problems of the Greek crisis.
What bullshit!
The US is in fact an economically weak, war-mongering, disillusioned and bankrupt nation, close to a currency meltdown.
On top of that, the American policy makers try to isolate The US from the rest of the world.
Of course, the European nations as a group are facing severe political and economical challenges, but the saving grace is that The EU project is not about starting a war against China.
Many European countries are flourishing in the company of China, for example Sweden and Germany.
It's better to trade than to fight!
Pekka Astrom couldn’t agree more. Ian is stating that the US is coming out stronger than the EU. Delusional.
In 4 weeks time the US went to a unemployment rate north of 20%. People are dying and there’s no safety net, so people will get even more poor than they already are.
The FED sucks
Europe doesn't have tec? Is that a joke? If we Europeans don't use google search, don't buy on amazon, buy Samsung instead of apple phones and close our FB acounts, you'll all be lining up for a bowl of soup at the salvation army.
The wealth inequality between multi-billionaires & the other 90-99% is insane.
that is how dumpie became THE chosen one he has no heart...he is a russian collaborater,,,this maybe part of dumpies payback,,distroy this country on the inside.
Let's pretend it's all incidental and not intentional.
One of the enlightened few who realize what happening
This is way beyond recession, economy is zero!!!!!!!!! Depression and dont expect good times in the near future!
the fed not the people it’s not the people market so stop lying
Janet Yellen promised we would not have another economic collapse in our life time. She could not have been more wrong. Luckily we have the Fed to push the markets higher and higher with monetary debasement.
If unemployment keeps going up, the market will go through the roof.
100perdido 😂😂😂
Hyperinflation will finish the US
I look at it this way: if all these rich Wall St types end up at the soup kitchen for dinner I'll finally have a chance to tell them what I think of them lol.
When you realize that the markets are only up because of hyperinflation.
not yet tictictic
The stock market is no longer connected to the world. I hope it dose crash and if there is any justice in the world stock brokers and hedge fund managers will be on the street begging for change.
There a quite a few Geo Political Futurist Analysts out there but I have always thought that Ian Bremner is the best of the lot... I do think he is the most accurate and astute of them all...
10:34 Essentially, we have slowed down only to speed up
The markets can't be this stupid. wtf is going's like they want to pump it up to make back as much of their gains as possible before they sell out
No, they're trying to keep it from collapsing. When you stop most of the economy and nearly 20% of people are suddenly out of work, many businesses would go bankrupt without support, which could cause the entire economy to crash. Even good, healthy businesses would fail if that happens. They're trying to prevent that from happening.
I feel someone in each company will pocket the money. How do we keep accountability on which companies is getting money from the stimulus?
It a "PUMP AND DUMP" scheme by the Fed!
To my knowledge there are at least 7 companies/institutes that are working on vaccine 2 in USA, 2 in Germany, 2 in China and 1 is Oxford university (who are modifying the exiting vaccine and has a good potential for success). One of the vaccine making companies in India (Serum Institute of India) is having an collaboration with Oxford and making preparations to produce vaccine in millions and they are going to produce the vaccine parallel to the testing. So in case if the tests are successful, then they have vaccine ready for distribution. Of course if the tests are not successful they are willing to take the hit. Interestingly Oxford declined to sell the exclusive rights of their drug to US companies (as per last know information to me).
Emerging market will be submerging, lol.
Oil=$10 a barrel, Cash = 1grain silver per ton. Used for wall paper.
10 years in 18 months he said it all 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 so quick war
War is this economic solution to high crimes.
Comrade Chump will disrupt even more America's further loss
That’s untrue. Unlike any other recession this one is artificial and self imposed. The majority of businesses will throw the switch and go right back to where they were. Doctors, dentists and other direct services will go back to full employment which a backlog which may generate overtime employment.
Other businesses will spring back as people have demands that will be met as soon as the doors are thrown open.
Yep it’s over
It’s a depression
We don't care if it is the worst recession or worse depression or end of the world. As long as Jerome's printer is still functioning, it can print $100 trillion or more! These issues are peanuts compared to the magical machine.
We need to open things up again
I heard a kid cough at the beginning of the show. lol
Recession? Fool, this is a depression. This is the Greatest Depression. Enjoy! Oh, and it started in 2019 with the Fed REPO.
October 2019 looking at global debt clock = minus trillions. I became a prepper..I have survival skills and a gun.😷☺
We have been outsourcing our economy for over 30 years. This, combined with the COVID crisis, means we won't have much of an economy left.
When US oil fails (which it will), it will drag US banking with it due to the leverage of the oil cos
More government control, first air bags and seat belts, now face masks! LOL
Well thought
So why does bill gates get a huge smile on his face every time he questioned about current economy?
Ongo Mobile because he fucking went on TED and said a virus is the biggest threat to the global economy and we elected an idiot that dismantled the pandemic response team and told our head scientists to look into possibly injecting bleach.
Because he was warning about this possibility, and tried to get people to prepare for it and no one listened.
Because he's in on it. Wake up buddies
I make my investment decisions based on watching YAHOO News. LOL
C thank you, I honestly needed to hear that bc I started crying I’m so stressed. I’m one of those people who forgets to examine credibility bc I know so little about economics!
I make mine based on listening to donnie disinfectant, 6x bankrupt and usa soon to be #7.
The real essential workers need a raise and better health care
The FED is purposely flying this plane into a nuclear reactor. And we the passengers are asking him to.
But, but, but, Trumps says it will bounce right back better than before!
What will forced localisation of industrial production in the US do to consumer prices? Can the US economy take that price increase? Asian production is very cheap
LOWES store #1726 in Birmingham,Al. Ph.# 205-981-4100 have fired a front line worker after asking:"When can Lowes employees get the CV-19 virus test?"A question after a customer explained why they didn't need to wear a mask in that store,as they already have the virus. This caused great fear in the fired employee as their 89 yr. old mother could be killed with the virus.This employee worked there 17 yrs without ever being written up.When does money override safety for employees or the public? Please call this store and ask them why don't they provide the life saving test or Why fire employees that ask about one? President Trump said there are enough test for everyone and this employee ask him to help the front line workers and they will vote for him again,thank you.
Which one is more important?
Economic recession or your life?
this was actually good insight
Close WallStreet.,,,simple
hety ian ure great
My hope is not in a is in God.
The dollar will fail
Coronavirus Update:
Today (so far)
Confirmed: 1,131,030
Death : 65,753
No growth in the European south? Portugal has had a quicker GDP growth than any of the northern neighbours, and the Dutch have been with a poor economy for a long time, even though they defend austerity like there's no tomorrow
Yahoo Finance, you misspelled Bremmer's name in the caption
very well said
Everyone. Time to donate to the 'Stockbrokers in Crisis". Dig deep Joe Public, dig deep.
First important question during every economic interview should be:
Do you have any conflicts of interest with regard to your position and analysis?
Yeah i like that common cold vaccine lol.
Under the cares act, unemployed people are making more than what they made before the pandemic. Please tell me how will the markets fall?
A national stoppage is not a recession. I cant believe they are labeling this in this way.
美国把业务都搬去澳洲,当然 recession 啦 !!!