I Got Fired From My Job In Germany

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 23 ม.ค. 2025

ความคิดเห็น • 202

    @NALFVLOGS  2 หลายเดือนก่อน +7

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    • @estaesta2476
      @estaesta2476 2 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Hi Nick 🙋

  • @mojbeka
    @mojbeka 2 หลายเดือนก่อน +225

    My Lutheran mother from northern Germany always insisted on not decorating for Christmas before Totensonntag ("Sunday for the Dead" or "Eternity Sunday") which is the Sunday before the first Advent. In rural areas many people still follow this rule.

    • @LythaWausW
      @LythaWausW 2 หลายเดือนก่อน +23

      We are rural but we would follow this rule if we were city. It's a matter of respect.

    • @viomouse
      @viomouse 2 หลายเดือนก่อน +22

      I would never decorate that early. One reason, it's still fall. Not christmassy at all. We decorate just before the first of advent.

    • @OrangeTabbyCat
      @OrangeTabbyCat 2 หลายเดือนก่อน +4

      Over here in Upper Franconia people are slowly breaking with this and some are rebelling by putting up lights and winter decorations. To be honest it makes a very very dull November a bit more colorful so why not? Christmas markets are starting earlier in some cities too but these people have a hell of a job being outside in winter all the time, so what if they want a weekend or two more and make some more money.

    • @Mirabellism
      @Mirabellism 2 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      Exactly ☝️😅

    • @theogantenbein7870
      @theogantenbein7870 2 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

      Only heathens put up Christmas decorations before the 1st Advent 😄.

  • @stefan0325
    @stefan0325 2 หลายเดือนก่อน +76

    I am guessing you didn't get fired or laid-off, but rather that you were working as a freelancer and they just ended the business relationship. Getting laid off is much more difficult, if you were an actual employee, in Germany.

  • @john_smith1471
    @john_smith1471 2 หลายเดือนก่อน +55

    A freelancer with several jobs has one of the jobs with no contract discontinued.

    • @mareiketje4899
      @mareiketje4899 2 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      Riveting content, right?

  • @DagmarFelger
    @DagmarFelger 2 หลายเดือนก่อน +63

    Hi Nick! I'm 80 years old and follow your videos with great pleasure. I am very impressed by your knowledge of german life, history and political matter. Thank you for sharing your interesting views, how a young american guy thinks and feels about living in Germany. Good luck and all the best. By the way, where is Laura?

    • @steelcrown7130
      @steelcrown7130 2 หลายเดือนก่อน +3

      5:08 She was going to eat pizza and watch football.

    • @valeriachilders
      @valeriachilders 2 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      It is so funny I was thinking about the same thing. Where is Laura?😊

  • @Aine197
    @Aine197 2 หลายเดือนก่อน +100

    I think all your German viewers knew immediately that your firing couldn‘t have gone the way you depicted - that would be totally illegal in Germany and you could sue the living daylights out of yout employer if they really did that

    • @xornxenophon3652
      @xornxenophon3652 2 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

      It really depends. There is no legal protection against unlawful dismissal in small companies (10 or less employes) in Germany...

    • @arnodobler1096
      @arnodobler1096 2 หลายเดือนก่อน +12

      I don't think he was employed, but self-employed and his contract was terminated or not renewed.

    • @friedrichstock6377
      @friedrichstock6377 2 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

      "To sue the living daylights out of someone" - I never heard this expression. Is it a real idiom? In British or American English?

    • @alwood4088
      @alwood4088 2 หลายเดือนก่อน +3

      Wird er nun nach dieser Veränderung auch zu seinem Haaransatz stehen und die Haare nicht mehr 'rüber kämmen'?

    • @pe.bo.5038
      @pe.bo.5038 2 หลายเดือนก่อน +3

      @@xornxenophon3652 BS!-You can always sue at the Arbeitsgericht!

  • @Frohds14
    @Frohds14 2 หลายเดือนก่อน +237

    🙂Alle Jahre wieder... leiste ich gerne Aufklärungsarbeit.
    Ich bin Pfarrerin und deshalb in unserem Brauchtum zu Hause. Lasst es euch erklären.
    1. Die christliche Woche beginnt mit dem Sonntag. Samstag ist der 7. Tag (an dem Gott nach er"schöpfender" kreativer Arbeit ruhte), Sonntag der 1. Tag der Woche (an dem Jesus auferstand)
    2. Der christliche Tag beginnt nicht mitten in der Nacht um 0.00 Uhr, sondern mit Sonnenuntergang, dann, wenn man einen grauen nicht mehr von einem schwarzen Faden unterscheiden kann. D.h., der Sonntag beginnt eigentlich schon am Samstagabend (deshalb läuten da auch alle Glocken, der Sonntag wird angeläutet).
    3. Das Kirchenjahr unterscheidet sich vom weltlichen Jahr. Das Kirchenjahr - evangelisch wie katholisch - beginnt am 1. Advent und endet mit der Woche vom Totensonntag, der eigentlich Ewigkeitssonntag oder Christ König Sonntag heißt und ein Auferstehungsfest ist. D.h. nicht der Totensonntag-Sonntag ist der letzte Tag des Kirchenjahres, sondern der Samstag danach.
    Folglich beginnt der 1. Advent und damit die Vorbereitung auf Weihnachten erst am Samstag vorm 1. Advent mit Sonnenuntergang, dann wenn man einen schwarzen nicht mehr von einem grauen Faden unterscheiden kann. Und ERST DANN schalten wir die Lämpchen an und zünden die erste Kerze an.
    Allerdings steht in der Bibel nichts davon. Und wer schon früher Bedürfnis nach Lichterglanz hat, der kann natürlich den Schalter auch schon früher umlegen. Er oder sie kommt dafür nicht in die Hölle. Denn man könnte hier auch historisch argumentieren. Zur Zeit der frühen Kirche war die Adventszeit nämlich 6 Wochen lang, begann am 12. November (also am Tag nach St. Martin, der Grund warum am 11.11. Fastnacht beginnt, denn es folgt wie nach Karneval, eine fast 7-wöchige Fastenzeit, vor der man es erst noch mal richtig krachen lassen wollte). Papst Gregor der Große änderte das zwar, schon Ende des 6. Jahrhunderts und verkürzte die Adventszeit auf vier Wochen, fügte aber ans Ende des Kirchenjahres zwei Bußwochen an (deshalb die traurigen Feste am Ende). Die Menschen peilten deshalb nicht wirklich den Unterschied zu vorher. In vielen Regionen hielten sich deshalb 6 Adventssonntage bis in die Zeit der Gegenreformation, als es endgültig festgelegt wurde. In manchen Orten Südeuropas, wo man in Opposition zum gerade herrschenden Papst ging, hat sich die 6-wöchige Adventszeit bis heute gehalten. In Mailand z.B. Ihr könnt ja erzählen, ihr identifiziert euch als Mailänder, falls jemand mit dem Scheiterhaufen droht, weil ihr schon am 12. November die Lichter anknipst.😇
    Und weil ich gerade im Erklärbär-Modus bin:
    - Den Weihnachtsbaum stellt man traditionell nach dem St.-Thomas-Tag (20. Dezember) auf und lässt ihn bis zum Abend des 6. Januar stehen. (Das macht Sinn, weil früher bis zum 20. für den Winter geschlachtet und bevorratet wurde. Man brauchte Platz. Nach dem 20. ist die Wintersonnwende, die 10 dunkelsten Nächte des Jahres stehen an, da braucht man Grünes fürs Gemüt und etwas, das gut riecht.) Man kann den Baum auch gleich schmücken, mit Lichtern geschmückt wird der Baum aber erst am Heiligen Abend, also am Abend des 24. Dezember (der nach meinen Ausführungen oben, eigentlich schon der 1. Weihnachtstag ist, halt der Abend von Weihnachten).
    - Evangelische Christen feiern am 6. Januar Epiphanias (die Taufe Jesu, als Jesus sich erstmals offenbarte), katholische den Dreikönigstag. Den Haussegen, den die Sternsinger bringen, darf man sich auch als evangelischer Christ geben lassen. Denn es wird nicht das Gebäude gesegnet, sondern das Haus als Hausgemeinschaft, also die Menschen die drin wohnen.
    - Die Krippe bleibt stehen bis Lichtmess am 2. Februar. Und so lange kann man sich auch noch Frohe Weihnachten und ein Frohes neues Jahr wünschen, denn bis dahin sind wir im Weihnachtsfestkreis. Dahin gehören auch die Weihnachtsfeiern. Feiern im Advent nennt man Adventsfeiern.
    - Die Ostereier hängt man am Samstag vorm Sonntag Lätare in die Sträucher draußen. Der Sonntag Lätare ist der mittlere Sonntag der Passionszeit/Fastenzeit - Halbzeit quasi. An dem Sonntag wird in den Predigten schon mal die Osterfreude angedeutet (wohl damit die Menschen durchhalten) und man darf als Fastender außerdem auch mal wieder Eier und Fleisch essen, harten Alkohol trinken und GV haben. Ehe man dann die nächsten drei Wochen, - bis zum Karsamstag, - weiter darbte. Entfernt werden die Eier in den Sträuchen nach Himmelfahrt. (Früher wurden die wahrscheinlich gar nicht entfernt, sondern blieben an den ausschlagenden Sträuchern hängen und wurden allmählich durch die Blütenpracht verdeckt und zerbröselt, waren ja Natur.)
    - Karfreitag ist ein ECHTER Fastentag. Da sollte man früher gar nix essen. Evangelischerseits isst man an diesem Bußtag zumindest kein Fleisch, sondern Fisch. (Der einzige Tag, wo es bei mir zum Abendbrot Dosenhering mit Tomatensoße gibt. Kindheitserinnerungen.)
    - Gründonnerstag hat nichts mit der Farbe zu tun, man muss keine Grüne Soße, Spinat, Mangold oder Grünkohl essen. Grün kommt von greinen, weinen/klagen. Gut, manch einer klagt auch über Spinat auf dem Teller, vielleicht deshalb...
    - Und ja, beim Osterfeuer darf man ohne schlechtes Gewissen Bratwürstchen essen und Bier trinken und laut und fröhlich sein. Denn, wenn das Feuer entzündet wird, ist es ja in der Regel schon dunkel und der Ostertag hat begonnen. Wir wissen ja doch als Christen, dass Ostern schon war.
    In manchen Landstrichen pflegt man andere Rhythmen und hat ganz eigene Deutungen warum und wieso. Es ist also kein Gesetz und es gibt eigentlich kein wirkliches Richtig und Falsch. Ich komme aus einem noch sehr traditionell lebenden Dorf in Hessen und hatte einen Ururopa (geboren 1855), der das Brauchtum gesammelt und für die Nachwelt festgehalten hat.

    • @arnodobler1096
      @arnodobler1096 2 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      WochenENDE enthällt den Sonntag oder nicht? Der 1. Arbeitstag der Woche ist Montag, meist (okay für Pfarrer auch nicht 😜).

    • @denycast
      @denycast 2 หลายเดือนก่อน +19

      Dankeschön. Das war ein interessanter Kommentar

    • @Frohds14
      @Frohds14 2 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Das WochenENDE existiert erst seit 150 Jahren und ist tatsächlich eine britische Erfindung. Dort war es das Lebensziel als Rentier von seinen Investitionen leben zu können und nie mehr arbeiten zu müssen, so wie der Hochadel. Damit keine Langeweile aufkam, entwickelte sich eine ausgeprägte Sport und Freizeit Kultur. Weil man unter der Woche in seine Herrenclubs ging, wurden die Aktivitäten im Freien aufs Wochenende verlagert. Man fuhr auf seinen Landsitz zum Jagen, Reiten oder Cricket spielen oder zumindest an den Stadtrand ins Grüne. In Deutschland und anderen Ländern kopierte man das. Natürlich nur die Wohlhabenden, der Adel und das Großbürgertum. Die einfachen Leute mussten samstags arbeiten. Ich bin so alt, dass ich mich noch an den Werbeslogang der Gewerkschaften erinnern kann „Samstags gehört Papi mir.“ Damit kämpfte man in den 60-er und 70-er Jahren fürs Wochenende für Angestellte und Arbeiter. Ich hatte auch noch samstags Schule.
      Bis Anfang der 70-er eine ISO den Wochenanfang weltweit vereinheitlichte (USA hat nicht mitgemacht, wie schon bei den Verkehrsschildern und dem metrischen System), war auf den Kalendern meist der Sonntag der erste Tag. Noch heute gibt es solche Kalender. Mein Pfarrerkalender fährt beide Systeme.
      Montags frei bei Pfarrern klappt bei 52 Montagen im Jahr an 26 nicht. Gerade eben 6.15 Uhr - wurde ich aus dem Bett geklingelt, weil jemand heute Nacht gestorben ist. Da muss ich natürlich unterstützen. Freizeit ist immer Bereitschaftszeit, zumindest in Dorfgemeinden, wo man noch weiß, wo der Pfarrer wohnt. Eigentlich bei allen Professions-Berufen auf dem Land so.

    • @jpj77263
      @jpj77263 2 หลายเดือนก่อน +16

      Meinen ganz herzlichen Dank für diese detaillierte Erklärung. Habe viel gelernt.

    • @Bueddenwarder-Aggerschnagger
      @Bueddenwarder-Aggerschnagger 2 หลายเดือนก่อน +9

      Das war TOTAL interessant und bis auf wenige Ausnahmen wusste ich (als Biodeutsche, 60+) das tatsächlich nicht.

  • @trainerfrank9786
    @trainerfrank9786 2 หลายเดือนก่อน +52

    In Germany you can not fire someone over the phone. Because of that and the wording it was obviously fake.

    • @LythaWausW
      @LythaWausW 2 หลายเดือนก่อน +6

      Also he was not fired. Just laid off. Totally different.

    • @paestum70
      @paestum70 2 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

      he said that at 4:45

    • @trainerfrank9786
      @trainerfrank9786 2 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      @@paestum70 I know. That was not the point.

  • @Danilyn_Livao
    @Danilyn_Livao หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    You have such a great energy and passion for what you do, Nick! 🙂 Keep inspiring us with your content! 🙂

  • @geab.2182
    @geab.2182 2 หลายเดือนก่อน +4

    I couldn't do it - put up my Christmas decorations before Totensonntag or Ewigkeitssonntag and I think I wouldn't want to do it even before the first Advent Sunday... But the re-enactment of the boss phone call (3:51) was SO funny, I was laughing my head of...
    The way you first objected, but then demurely agreed to some of the obviously untrue and fake insults.
    I mean obviously it was obvious that no one ever said such a thing and that this was a joke.
    But still or just because it was SO funny 👌👌👌

  • @dreamsequences3992
    @dreamsequences3992 2 หลายเดือนก่อน +24

    Strange to see Schwäbisch Hall again.. Left Hall (lived and worked there for 2 years) in August for Rostock, northeast Germany on the Baltic coast. Glad I did! Although Hall is a quaint little town, it was to small and to conservative in some way for me. I´m from the Netherlands, so seaside feels definitely more like home..

    • @monolith2063
      @monolith2063 2 หลายเดือนก่อน

      The south is different from the north and I can believe that the seaside gives you more a home feeling when you come from the Netherlands.

  • @sp7873
    @sp7873 2 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    all the best for your new venture! i am sure it will be a success!

  • @cakesyouth
    @cakesyouth 2 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

    I haven't watched your videos in a while because I'm currently studying in South Korea and honestly seeing you in Schwäbisch Hall makes me feel quite homesick because I really miss my hometown (of Schwäbisch Hall). But today, I decided it was time to get over that and watch you again and I'm glad I did. Sure, seeing them set up the christmas market, knowing I won't be able to go there felt bittersweet but I really missed seeing Hall from your perspective. It's already a beautiful town as is but somehow the way you capture it makes it truly have that fairytale feeling to it. Also made me even more excited about returning back home at the end of January.

  • @philipmarriott3186
    @philipmarriott3186 2 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    Dear Nalf, I think you are awesome !!! .... And you don't need to be concerned about being fired, cos it's obviously gonna be the start of something new and better where you can be more appreciated. I always had the feeling that you were gonna become a cherished media figure in Germany who'd be on all the best talk shows. I came to live in Germany by accident after living in Gainesville Florida and making a song to promote friendship between the USA & the Soviet Union in the 1980's. I never ever thought I'd live in germany but I came to appreciate it deeply. I would say you've played a major role in helping folks from the US and UK appreciate the greatness of Germany from the time of Martin Luther who was the greatest figure of the lat 500 years. Thank U man...... I look forward to watching any videos you make about anything. very warm greetings Phil. (from Hamburg)

  • @zandvoort8616
    @zandvoort8616 2 หลายเดือนก่อน +3

    Glad things are still going well and will def check out your Podcast!

  • @jpj77263
    @jpj77263 2 หลายเดือนก่อน +20

    I resent the clickbait. Please don't do this.

  • @cyrielwollring4622
    @cyrielwollring4622 2 หลายเดือนก่อน +11

    In the Netherlands we used to have the tradition that Christmas decorations up after Sinterklaas . Saint Nicholas 6 december. The Christ mas stuff was available in stores since last month. The first Sinterklaas treats showed op in srptember.

  • @Amlux1984
    @Amlux1984 2 หลายเดือนก่อน +12

    Thanks for sharing, good thing you have multiple revenue streams!

  • @JPGoertz
    @JPGoertz หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    Do not worry, Nick! Things will be good after next year ;-) Come and visit us in Berlin - and make your way to the West as well. We got lots of great connections into the European Football League / Rhine Fire ownership...

  • @xxyyzzplants131
    @xxyyzzplants131 2 หลายเดือนก่อน +7

    Enjoy the fall in Deutschland-Baden Württemberg so much beauty.

  • @dagmarfrerking2235
    @dagmarfrerking2235 2 หลายเดือนก่อน +3

    Advent decorations go up just before the first of Advent, Christmas tree on the 24th in the morning and stays up until someone has time to take it down after January 6th. Candles are out and used all winter, which is probably an influence from the scandinavian family background.

  • @nancyrafnson4780
    @nancyrafnson4780 2 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    You’re doing a great job on your videos Nalf! Keep it up please. Love from your neighbour to the North (where hockey is KING 😂😂!) 🇨🇦🇨🇦

  • @LythaWausW
    @LythaWausW 2 หลายเดือนก่อน +23

    Nalf, traditionally it's not totally OK to put up Cmas decorations in Germany before Totensonntag. It's the same thing as Thanksgiving in America as the OK date. To act celebratory is considered rude in the month of November when we honor our loved ones who have died. Today was a holiday, Volkstrauertag, the day of rememberance of those who died in wars and are still suffering in wars. I attended my city's ceremony. People should have respect for the dead in November, and not start hanging lights in October.

    • @Dennis_01-cb5iz
      @Dennis_01-cb5iz 2 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Ich glaub die Toten haben andere Sorgen

    • @lm1314
      @lm1314 2 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Some people in the States put up Christmas decorations the day after Halloween. Already, some homes have their lights up. Stores start with selling Christmas before Halloween now. I think part of it is because they love the holiday and since for us, Thanksgiving is 4th Thursday of the month, doesn't give a lot of time. I kind of wish we are more like Canada with it in October or 2nd Thursday in November.

    • @talonice3289
      @talonice3289 2 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Never heard that before lol

    • @Anon54387
      @Anon54387 2 หลายเดือนก่อน

      My neighbor put his up on November 19th. Should I call the police? Sue him? Yell at him? Or just say live and let live?

  • @willfb1
    @willfb1 2 หลายเดือนก่อน +4

    Update Nick, here in the US Christmas now starts the week of Halloween. Retail store decorations, Christmas music and of course the commercials.

  • @peterboil4064
    @peterboil4064 2 หลายเดือนก่อน +4

    Germans put up their Christmas decorations after Totensonntag at the end of November. It's an unwritten rule, but many don't dare do it before then.

  • @daphnelovesL
    @daphnelovesL 2 หลายเดือนก่อน +10

    In the Netherland you can put up your Christmas decoration after Sinterklaas the 5th of December.

    • @LythaWausW
      @LythaWausW 2 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      My question for you is, how long is it appropriate to keep them up? Cuz if we follow the Thanksgiving rule, we also ...usually subscribe to the Jan 1 rule for taking everything down. That would be a really short time for you guys.

    • @serebii666
      @serebii666 2 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

      @@LythaWausW In Czechia, you'd take your decorations down after January 6th - the Epiphany day/Three Kings day (Epifanie/svátek Tří králů), i.e. the last day of the 12 days of Christmas. Basically when you do the chalking of doors. Noone would do Jan 1st - everyone is partying or hungover from the Sylvester.

    • @LythaWausW
      @LythaWausW 2 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      @@serebii666 Thank you. Very interesting. Most Americans are too lazy to take the deco down on the 1st. Then again they have moving lit-up reindeer and dancing snowmen and santas on the roof they worked so hard on. So they don't flip the switch.

    • @dutchman7623
      @dutchman7623 2 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      Winter season decorations are put up in the first half of November in the Netherlands. Shops and streets in the center are ready for St.Nicolas shoppers.
      St.Nicolas arrives in the country on the 16th November, 17th locally.
      Adults exchange gifts on the evening of 5th December, kids get theirs on the 6th.
      After that we switch to Christmas decor, trees, bells etc. We keep it until the 6th of January in the south, Three Kings-day, but in other parts just until the 2nd January or until the New Years celebration at the workplace.
      Some lights stay on just for winter season, and are taken down when Carnaval gets near. And we switch to those decorations.

  • @JK-dk8ec
    @JK-dk8ec 2 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

    There are more than one selection for Quiver, can you specify which one?

  • @sitagarg4238
    @sitagarg4238 2 หลายเดือนก่อน +4

    Good Lord!
    That voice made it very short and clear
    No mercy

  • @jpack85
    @jpack85 2 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

    I was in my hometown of Corvallis for the first time since I was 2 years old. I picked up a Beavs t-shirt at the student store! In fact, I just wore it yesterday.

  • @PierreMullin
    @PierreMullin 2 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Butterbreze & Cappuccino - My absolute favorite! I live in Nürnberg from 2018 to 2020, but get back on business trips occasionally. On a recent trip last month, a good Breze at was at the top of my list.

  • @gisobo
    @gisobo 2 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

    6:03 you bought a Tauberschmidt Pretzel in Schwäbisch Hall? So you were probably at their market stand. It's one of my favorite bakeries around Schwäbisch Hall besides Krimmer in Untermünkheim. ☺️

  • @horst4439
    @horst4439 2 หลายเดือนก่อน +3

    For next sunday i've been invited to attend the service in Michelfeld, a part of the Schwäbisch hall community, where my mother recently died. That's part of the griefance process which might help to deal with this situation. Despite being an atheist, it's important to me to take part in the world of my mother for a last time. After this, christmas will be welcome as a cultural event in this part of the world, as it was all the time.

    • @dutchman7623
      @dutchman7623 2 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      Religious or not, last farewells are a transition for those left behind.
      Wish you strength and courage! We will all face the same someday, it is part of life, but we have to deal with it on our own...

  • @wieslawirzyniec4527
    @wieslawirzyniec4527 2 หลายเดือนก่อน +19

    so why did you take almost 9 minutes to get to the point? I really do not like the catchy titles that end up with nothing. interesting...

  • @uncle.d.
    @uncle.d. 2 หลายเดือนก่อน +15

    Very much nothing else than self marketing. It gets boring.

  • @markspurgeon4556
    @markspurgeon4556 2 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Your brother and the OSU Beavs just scored before halftime to pull ahead of the WSU Cougs 21-17. Go Beavers!!

  • @eastfrisian_88
    @eastfrisian_88 2 หลายเดือนก่อน +11

    Haha, the re-enacted scene with the dismissal was funny I was dismissed last year in January but really similarly via Skype during my probationary period because I had the cheek to abide by the law, refused to lie and called in sick for four days just before Christmas because of Covid. I predicted imminent bankruptcy and told them to go to hell, this April they actually filed for bankruptcy, ha! 🤣And it really is the case that when one door closes, another soon opens. Life just goes on.

  • @BucketList-qi3sm
    @BucketList-qi3sm 2 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Best part of the video was seeing the leaves and Christmas decorations in SHA in Nov. We live there in the summers and my wife (native Hallerite) is allergic to German winters, so we‘re usually gone my early Oct. In 2025, we have a trip planned to Egypt that returns early Nov and I was concerned she would have a gray sky induced relapse. Now it looks like a pretty pleasant place to be and I‘m now looking forward to it all. Glad you got the Tauberschmidt pretzel too. That‘s my favorite bakery in SHA, although the nice ladies at Graeter will put the pretzels back into the oven if I ask for a warm one. Great town, be back in May.

  • @berndhill6564
    @berndhill6564 2 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    Hi Nalf. There are at least 2 Football games a year in Germany of the NFL. As you have played there and you are well aware of it, take your chance.

  • @SeiFa_
    @SeiFa_ 2 หลายเดือนก่อน +4

    Hey Nick! Will there be a video on the political situation in Germany right now? I really enjoy your videos btw. so I'd love to see more!

  • @karstenvagt1075
    @karstenvagt1075 2 หลายเดือนก่อน +77

    Oh dear...never put your Christmas decoration up before Totensonntag (Dead's sunday)

    • @geneviere199
      @geneviere199 2 หลายเดือนก่อน +7

      And there is a difference between putting up Advent decoration and Xmas decoration. No trees prior to the 23rd/24th. Same with the crib if you have one.

  • @67claudius
    @67claudius 2 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Here in Italy, Christmas decorations usually begin on December 8th, the day of the Immaculate Conception, a holiday deeply felt in the Catholic tradition. However, in recent years there has been a tendency to anticipate decorations, especially in shops and shopping centres, already in mid-November, which honestly irritates me.

  • @marcuskintz
    @marcuskintz 2 หลายเดือนก่อน +5

    8:37 Done and done! When/where can we get some Quiver merch?!?

  • @anama3313
    @anama3313 2 หลายเดือนก่อน +3

    Sorry, but the title is very misleading. First I felt bad, and then when you laughed and thought it was "no big deal" to be let go since you have other sources of income, I was very disappointed by your lack of "self awareness". Food for thought.

  •  2 หลายเดือนก่อน +3

    "When one door closes another one opens" -- my uncle was a really bad builder. ;-)

  • @committransaction
    @committransaction 2 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    Hoped you would have time to go to the Brezelmuseum in Erdmannhausen (50 min drive from Schwäbisch Hall) and VLOG about it...

  • @investmentgammler4550
    @investmentgammler4550 2 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    Don't worry, become an investor and be your own boss!

  • @stephenhowes8937
    @stephenhowes8937 2 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    Thats terrible because I love your videos.

  • @Nabend1402
    @Nabend1402 2 หลายเดือนก่อน

    If theSurge have to cut costs like that, I wouldn't bet on them making it through the next season...

  • @enricakupper245
    @enricakupper245 2 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    you cannot just GET FIRED LIKE THAT IN Germany...
    Companies are not allowed to do a phone call firing.
    lived so long here...
    Know the rules.. but maybe you do freelance .. but... nice to sight see. 👍
    thanks.. just stumbled on your vlog 👋

  • @Biscuit1rl
    @Biscuit1rl 2 หลายเดือนก่อน

    u would think at this stage living in Germany since 2016, its called Autumn in Europe. Only in the Americans its called Fall

  • @TheGermanDragon
    @TheGermanDragon 2 หลายเดือนก่อน

    The new pistachios croissant at Tauberschmidt is worth a try

  • @gailalbers1430
    @gailalbers1430 14 วันที่ผ่านมา

    i’m at the beginning and if I had to guess ; you didn’t get fired from your self employed businesses, like youtube .

  • @susannabonke8552
    @susannabonke8552 2 หลายเดือนก่อน

    The famous Nick Alfieri suspense😂😂

  • @alexandersteinmetz6857
    @alexandersteinmetz6857 2 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Your Humor surely adepted to our sarcastic negative and grim Settings, grats you be integrated;)

  • @dannyf359
    @dannyf359 2 หลายเดือนก่อน

    We in Germany decorate our rooms for x-Mas on the 1 November up to the 2 January .Most from the Germans have the false Christmas tree

    • @janniti5423
      @janniti5423 2 หลายเดือนก่อน

      I don' t know anyone with false xmas tree. We buy real ones.

  • @gailalbers1430
    @gailalbers1430 14 วันที่ผ่านมา

    i do not believe they said that “nobody likes you”.

  • @mojojim6458
    @mojojim6458 2 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    At :18 we see a stork (I think it is) guarding the water entrance.
    One of the white seat planks on the left side of the bench is bent. At the right sight is an unsightly & un-German trash can.
    At :52 a reference to delicious soft chocolate ice cream.
    The yellow car is next to some proper German garbage bins. A comment on the future of the German auto industry?
    At 2:01 I'm proud to belong to polite Christmas decoration society in the States. Besides, you're very willing to make an exception for Kaffee Ableitner. That's where your Noppers reward cake came from.
    At 2:26 a mention of one of the chapters I've been blessed to follow the Nalf through.
    At 3:51 he's not just my boss.
    At 4:00, Terryson, his agent, gives him some blunt feedback.
    At 5:54 a stylish German shopping cart.
    No Warmup...another chapter begins.

  • @lohikarhu734
    @lohikarhu734 2 หลายเดือนก่อน

    how are house rental prices in SHA country?
    Not liking GP area so much, but your videos make SHA look quite attractive!

  • @flohteppich1363
    @flohteppich1363 2 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

    Why buying this one-time used take-away cup of coffee. I do not understand it. Just to carry it home where you have a coffee machine anyways, and throw it away there to be burned as it is not possible to recycle because of the paper layered with plastics. Strange

  • @nocturne6548
    @nocturne6548 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Are you the guy who plays the American in Radical Living's videos?

  • @HelgeV.
    @HelgeV. 2 หลายเดือนก่อน

    dont be sad, if one door closes another opens ;-)

  • @FootballInPillole
    @FootballInPillole 2 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Redefining budget and cutting media guys might be a huge mistake especially when the quality of the production is as good as yours, brother

  • @Torfmoos
    @Torfmoos 2 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Why i m not surprised ... 😀

  • @daved6664
    @daved6664 2 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    I am visiting SH in 3 weeks for work. Do you have any recommendations for my visit?

    • @Regine-i5y
      @Regine-i5y 2 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

      Visit Lübeck my hometown especially around the Christmas season

  • @GeneRauXxX
    @GeneRauXxX 2 หลายเดือนก่อน

    That’s about time.

  • @AttackCop
    @AttackCop 2 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Nick knew it was coming it was not a surprise. Will you be able to stay in Germany or will you have to come back.

  • @t.kausch419
    @t.kausch419 2 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Du liebst Schwäbisch Hall.... Schwabenland das merkt man.Und Du liebst Weihnachtsmarkt... Du wirst deutscher, aufpassen ist nicht immer gut. Ich wrürde es lieben wenn auch der Nick sich von Wegwerfbechern verabschieden würde... gibt schöne Alternativen. Viel Spaß beim Podcast

  • @jamesd9900
    @jamesd9900 2 หลายเดือนก่อน +4

    I can see why you love it there, it's absolutely beautiful like most of Germany. My wife and I have been over there three times in the past 2 years and honestly, we can't get enough. We have another trip booked already for 2025 and I can't wait! Germany is simply awesome!

  • @alberto-u9b8u
    @alberto-u9b8u 2 หลายเดือนก่อน

    It was not common growing up in Schwabenland close to NALF to have christmas decorations up in November. I think its taken from an Americanization of Germany given such commercial copy cats as Black Friday sales in Germany and much more. They want to sell more and earlier copying the USA model so they now put their Christmas decorations up much earlier in Schwabenland than years ago. Its true that most Christmas decorations are put up in the USA right after Thanksgivinng which is a 4 day holiday onto itself.
    Sorry you got fired but with so many projects and jobs brewing, you ll surely barely miss it. Happy Thanksgiving for now, RM, NYC, USA.

  • @CarlosMiro-j3g
    @CarlosMiro-j3g 2 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Well, “what’s done cannot be undone” (Lady Macbeth), meaning the firing, layoff, whatever. But what I’d like to know is, will you get unemployment benefits?

  • @sns4748
    @sns4748 25 วันที่ผ่านมา

    I didn’t even know you got a regular job 🙈

  • @lannifincoris6482
    @lannifincoris6482 2 หลายเดือนก่อน +5

    I am not religous, but even I refuse to put up christmas decoration before Totensonntag..😅
    And, as you see, I am not worried for you. You will find new jobs on your way 😊

  • @carianin5293
    @carianin5293 2 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Beautiful country. Why don't you do a calendar and come on back to the USA.

  • @megbenge4767
    @megbenge4767 2 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Ahhh I love the Surge!

  • @patrickbukamp6198
    @patrickbukamp6198 2 หลายเดือนก่อน

    the city of Innsbruck launched it's Christkindl markets last Friday Nov.15th).already, and the lights are up all over the town and parks.
    Hey Nafa, hope this question isn't too intimate for you, but where is your girlfriend gone to whom you proposed some months ago.

  • @christiankastorf4836
    @christiankastorf4836 2 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

    Advent is the four weeks before the birth of Christ, it means the coming of Christ. The church or better Liturgical year starts with it. And that means that the old year must be over before those weeks of joyful anticipation can begin. And when does the Liturgical year end? Yes, it is the last Sunday (Eternity Sunday) before the first Sunday of Advent, and that Sunday is for looking back and not for looking forward. The names of the ones who have passed away within that previous year are read out in church in a commemorative service just as otherwise the names of those who left us within the previous week are read out and the congregation prays for their resurrection. Yes, those November weeks are dull and dreadful in our society. Today (November 17th) is Rememberance Sunday for the victims of war and political persecution. Then comes that Wednesday of Remorse and Prayer in the Lutheran Church, then is Eternity Sunday and when all that is over we can look forward again. Even people who are not very religious or do not believe in anything beyond the world that we can directly see and feel will see the logic in that.

  • @musiquefantastique7127
    @musiquefantastique7127 2 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    My wife literally couldn't fire useless employees due to the German Works Council. Just started this video so I'm clueless on your story so far.

  • @PhilipS-t3e
    @PhilipS-t3e 2 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

    Jemand wie du fällt schon auf die Füße 😉 Da bin ich sicher 🤜🤛 schon bei Rhein Fire gefragt?! 😜

  • @BatchelderPatrick
    @BatchelderPatrick 2 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Bavaria, being state supported Roman Catholic, I'm surprised they start Xmas before Advent.

    • @gregorygant4242
      @gregorygant4242 2 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Are most Bavarians Catholic I would think many were also Protestants or Lutherans as well .

  • @alantaylor3239
    @alantaylor3239 2 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    Das scheint schon etwas Klickköder zu sein - This seems to be a kind of clickbait.

  • @LordMcGray
    @LordMcGray 2 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Germany has Totensonntag....no Christmas stuff before that (if you're religious and stick to that stuff)

  • @nic6208
    @nic6208 2 หลายเดือนก่อน +3

    Click bait and I got cancelled in the real world. At least you don’t have a mortgage and family to support just saying. Will this mean you will be making more vids again as they have been very far and few in between.

  • @frankwolfl7499
    @frankwolfl7499 2 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Hey Nick, after beiing fired you now have a lot of spare time, so perhaps you can help us to get more followers. The Freilichtspiele Schwäbisch Hall are celebrate their 100 year birthday next year and this should be a great event for us and the city of SHA. Even the SHA Unicorns and the Salzsieder support us. So perhaps you can help us. reg frank

  • @delanebredvik
    @delanebredvik 2 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

    Thanks for the permission to put up Christmas decorations!

  • @sirtwiz
    @sirtwiz 2 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

    I like your optimism with the one door opens when another closes. Unfortunately after getting laid off I've been out of a job for the entire year, without a lack of trying 😅

  • @OttoYoshi
    @OttoYoshi 2 หลายเดือนก่อน +2


  • @BaluDerBaer933
    @BaluDerBaer933 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Gut zu erfahren, dass der Besatzersport keine Kohle mehr hat!

  • @walterpleyer261
    @walterpleyer261 2 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Spazieren gehen in Fall - very german!

  • @YukiTheOkami
    @YukiTheOkami 2 หลายเดือนก่อน

    I hate this type of clickbait just clicked couse youtube recomendet it to me over and over and over again

  • @newYorkStories
    @newYorkStories 2 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Getting fired in Germany is not even remotely as scary and life threatening as in the US. The government will take care of you there. HARTZ IV anyone?
    While in the US you'll get a maximum of $500/week - for 6 months. And then you're on your own. Unless you make money from your TH-cam gigs, and then the government won't pay you anything

    • @newYorkStories
      @newYorkStories 2 หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@AltIng9154 I got fired in Germany twice. Didn't harm my career at all. But I also never signed up for unemployment benefits.

    • @newYorkStories
      @newYorkStories 2 หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@AltIng9154 I was back then. Now I am only well skilled ;)

  • @lancemurray6216
    @lancemurray6216 2 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Go Bev's!

  • @forresta65
    @forresta65 2 หลายเดือนก่อน

    I helped with the Umbau fuer the Diakonie Klinikum as a foreman in the early 90s in Schwabisch Hall. cool

  • @isana788
    @isana788 2 หลายเดือนก่อน

    He didnt say that he loves fall. I would fire him too now. I hate fall.

  • @germantempo
    @germantempo 2 หลายเดือนก่อน +3

    Cheap student interns? Euphemism man, euphemism.

  • @alexwyler4570
    @alexwyler4570 2 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    did u feel pressure to stop wearing the " American casquette"?

  • @chrisk5651
    @chrisk5651 2 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Does it ever get Blistering Hot in Germany?!?!?

  • @JuergenAschenbrenner
    @JuergenAschenbrenner 2 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Cappuccino with Brezel sounds like Coke with Redwine things only Americans can come up with, ;-) just kidding

  • @friedrichstock6377
    @friedrichstock6377 2 หลายเดือนก่อน

    So the Stuttgart Surge has no need for you any more. Maybe they just couldn't afford your excellent service any longer? Let's see if some student interns are an appropriate replacement for the NALF!

  • @davidk7324
    @davidk7324 2 หลายเดือนก่อน

    You were RIF'd

  • @SheLeftMeUnsupervised
    @SheLeftMeUnsupervised 2 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Christmas decorations shouldn't go up until the 24th of december and come down the 26th of december!!!! uggg. I hate christmas!!! rant over.. for now...