Practicing tm brought me to a deep gratitude and reverence for the Bible. Pre-Tm, it was just dogma to me. Now, I recognize each verse of the Bible oozing Truth
Although I grew up in a Christian family, I went to Christian school, to holy mass, I confessed, ministered, and prayed according to Christian teachings for years...I only understood the teachings of the Lord Jesus Christ when I began to meditate and through TM, I started to experience God in Unity with mySelf, I found the Kingdom of Heaven that lies within me... "I and the Father are One"(John 10:30)🙏☀️Transcendental Meditation helps Christians to fully embrace Christ's teaching, helps us to pray effectively, as taught by the Lord Jesus🙏🌄 Infinite Gratitude to Maharishi Mahesh Yogi and the Great Masters of the Holy Tradition🙏💐 that They brought this ancient technique to mankind so that we can finally Truly Understand the teachings of the Divine Avatars, like Lord Jesus Christ💛🙏and🙏💛Lord Krishna.
I learned after meeting Maharishi TM and have been practicing TM for years since I was approx 7 yrs old. A joy just to meditate in the same room and after talking with him brought me such insight at a very young age. I am Roman Catholic and I am loyal to the One God Almighty. At no time did I have any other God's only our one God our Father in Jesus Christ. My religion only got deeper after learning TM. I left the Protestant Episcopalian Church and eventually moved into being confirmed into the Roman Catholic Church with the Bishops consent where I stand to be a devoted member to this day 2023. Becoming Roman Catholic has only brought me closer with a deeper understanding of God. Maharishi was a pleasure to meet and a joy to have his friendship through all of my days. He is in God's Heavenly Kingdom now where we shall be together again in God's Kingdom in God's complete unconditional L❤️ve. Hope to see all there! 🙏✌️🌈🤲😇✝️♾️🍀🌹🌺🕊️🚪
Maharishi has seen the greatest beauty in Christianity--'The Kingdom of Heaven is Within you'. As a Christian, I love this approach of practicing transcendental meditation and getting to the inner essence of life. Common sense, and completely in tune with Christ's teaching. Thank you for sharing this with us!
Once a person starts seeking from within, rather than from outside their life will begin to take a turn for the better. Great message and teaching from the Guru. The Kingdom of Heaven is within us and we have to seek it.
Maharishiji is relaxed as he answers the questions related to attacks by the catholic fraternity. He gives a subtle hint to all his detractors to try TM practice. He offers them infinity thru TM. Use of simple language has always been the hallmark of Maharishiji. He is at his persuasive, charming, smiling and loving Best. What else can I say? How can one describe Infinity with finite words? Words fail and one is left speechless at the end of any and everyone of his discourses.
This man rocks every incarnation he has, including when he was Jesus. Thank you for raising me up and streamlining my spiritual practice to deepen my Catholic belief. Thank you, you will always be my saviour. You always are my light in the darkness. Thank you Gabriel. Michael. Ma Tara.
I have always believed in Jesus Christ, and I started TM 43 years ago to experience Him more deeply. My experience has always been to meditate and settle in to a very deep state of stillness, and it's there that I feel closest to Christ - I am just sitting at His feet. From there prayer begins to flow very spontaneously and deeply. I LOVE this path Christ has put me on. PS to cristalsoldier: I follow the messages from thewarningsecondcoming daily - I am very grateful for them!
God is visible in him. That is why he is so beautiful. I cannot believe a single negative thing anyone has said about this man. Light from God emanates from this man. The things he says are true. I know at whose feet I should bow.
Thanks for uploading such a wise and exclusive talk about the ignorance, Christ, and the teaching "the Kingdom Lies within" ..........really beautiful...
Maharishi, the embodiment of pure knowledge, is for me a master who can guide everyone with his easy to learn natural technique, the TM, in his own light in order to realize the holistic knowledge in himself. Do not miss this rare opportunity to realize holistic knowledge in your own consciousness. Based on the holistic knowledge of what created creation, your life spontaneously transforms itself into something positive. We are born to experience and live the inner and outer abundance. With this complete knowledge we can start our new life, which is carried and guided by the laws of nature. You will experience the support of nature in your thinking and your actions and your life will shine more and more in the divine light! Each of us is blessed with the divine knowledge and with the realization of the divine knowledge in our own consciousness and in our personal life. With Vedic knowledge we realize and experience from our Self the inner and outer fullness.
jai guru dev all religion is same god is within u u have get thru ur own self conciseness thru TM if u travel form one place to other u may go by air and the same place i might reach little later by train,or other sores but we reach the same place of" kingdom of haven"u may follow any religion but thru TM u can make ur life full of bright joyful happiness of your soul and mind. Jai Guru Dev
Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it. But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it.
Jesus meditated 40 days and 40 nights. Jesus said" if it's blood that provide life then do not take it for it provides life". Therefor life is precious
No Christian should suffer because Christ has said 'Kingdom of Heaven is within you.' Every Christian should enjoy that bliss consciousness, that freedom, which is the essential message of Christ. - Maharishi
And since we are his children, we are his heirs. In fact, together with Christ we are heirs of God’s glory. But if we are to share his glory, we must also share his suffering. (Romans 8:17 NLT) Suffering is inevitable. We live in a fallen world. Anyone who says we shouldn't experience different seasons of our lives is lying to us. I'll trust God's word over man's any day. God Bless.
How could anyone ever suffer while with Christ? I expect the translation should be like the quote: 'suffer the little children to come unto me.' I.e: Suffer means 'to allow'. So to 'suffer' with Jesus would be to allow Him to be with us, and have our heart and mind illumined by Him. Then it makes sense. see dictionary: Archaic use of the word 'suffer'. it means 'to allow.'
Form20 you cite Romans 8:17 and then you say "I'll trust God's word over man's any day." Romans 8:17 is a Letter to Romans from an Apostle (follower of Christ). Letter written by a man = words of a man.
@lahve Six: You wrote "Romans 8:17 is a Letter to Romans from an Apostle (follower of Christ). Letter written by a man = words of a man." 1 Corinthians 14:37 - "If any man think himself to be a prophet, or spiritual, let him acknowledge that *the things that I write unto you are the commandments of the Lord.* " 2 Peter 3:16 - "As also in *all his epistles* , speaking in them of these things; in which are some things hard to be understood, which they that are unlearned and unstable wrest, as they do also *the other scriptures* , unto their own destruction." 1 Thessalonians 4:15 - "For this *we say unto you by the word of the Lord* , that we which are alive and remain unto the coming of the Lord shall not prevent them which are asleep." 1 Corinthians 7:10 - "And unto the married *I command, yet not I, but the Lord* , Let not the wife depart from her husband:" Conclusion: Paul's writings are the word of God! @Form20: You wrote "I'll trust God's word over man's any day." But you quoted the NLT! That version contains an error in Mark 1:2, like ALL Bibles based on "the Greek" (i.e., the corrupted remnants of inferior texts left to us by the ravages of history since 1611). Here, proof: "This is the Good News about Jesus the Messiah, the Son of God. It began just *as the prophet Isaiah had written: “Look, I am sending my messenger ahead of you, and he will prepare your way.* " (Mark 1:2, NLT) Problem! The prophet Isaiah wrote no such thing, the prophet Malachi did! - "Behold, I will send my messenger, and he shall prepare the way before me" (Mal 3:1) Even a single error in this "Bible" you quote shows it to be a counterfeit and not the true and perfect word of God. @dave haworth: You wrote "How could anyone ever suffer while with Christ? " Acts 9:15-16 - "But the Lord said unto him, Go thy way: for *he is a chosen vessel unto me* , to bear my name before the Gentiles, and kings, and the children of Israel: For I will shew him how great things *he must suffer for my name's sake.* " 1 Corinthians 4:12 - "And labour, working with our own hands: being reviled, we bless; *being persecuted, we suffer it:* " 1 Thessalonians 3:4 - "For verily, when we were with you, *we told you before that we should suffer tribulation* ; even as it came to pass, and ye know." 2 Timothy 3:12 "Yea, and *all that will live godly in Christ Jesus shall suffer persecution.* " You got the picture now Dave? Remember to read the Bible itself, and don't take Maharishi's (or anyone else's) word for it!
I read the Gayatri book, meaning and written chant. But, it's funny how I learned to pronounce everything (wrong). This is why we go straight to the source, (an experienced Guru) not from books.
I`d like to hug you,not because I agree with you,but because people strongly attached to a way of thiking live you, have very unhappy lives. Your church has put you against all the others ways of thinking in order to keep their bussiness,and you,like many people,can`t see it. I hope that God brings clarity to your mind. Bless
Worry about ur life here first before dreaming about ur place in eternity which u are not even sure of.B practical and wise n live ur life happily and help others attain the same instead.
Everything in life is just theories. Nothing's certain. Everything can flip in an instance. We must not be too rigid in our thoughts, perceptions and understandings of how such things can work. Were able to play immense tricks on ourselves if we allow it. Just sit back and watch the show and accept what is and what works for you. This life is continuously unwrapping itself to us. Its full of many experiences good or bad. No punishments but awakenings. God truly does work in mysterious ways.
In the Gospel of Thomas Jesus says that if you do not know yourself then you dwell in poverty. No teacher can lead you to self knowledge. They can teach you methods that can help you along the path. But ultimately only YOU can find the way within yourself.
This man is soooo much more than you seem to understand,but that's his help the people that are ignorant to his beliefs and don't know what he's talking about.I would think some of you just want to float around you tube and look for a place to Look like you know what's really going on,but you know not what you say.If you're going to be a critique of his beliefs..first look to his thought's from allllll sources..Not just one video. You don't have to watch it if you don't like it.
The Kingdom Of Heaven Is WITHIN Every Individual,. Of Any Faith , Religion Or Not--Religious...True Religiousness Is To Live The Life, Anchored Into The BEING Of The INNERMOST SELF,. The INFINITY, The UNBOUNDED, The LIMITLESSNESS,... WITHIN...
you misunderstand, no person should ever be revered as a god, he's simply a person who understood the ultimate selfless reality of life and because he realizes this he comes across as a being not from this world, emanating pure bliss out of his eyes. Don't look for god without but within is what he would say i reckon.
No one ( except true non-believers0 is denying that God is full of Love and I guess Maharishi felt this too. The Lord is the Creator of all this and I doubt he would let any sincere devotee suffer, whatever religion or creed they are practising.
@rooizilver You are right to say God reveals Himself to his people by the Light of the holy Spirit. You are a child of God far more than these who are deceived.
Why can't everyone embrace all religions, and not fight over who's religion is right and who's is wrong..there is no right or wrong religion, it's really all the same in the sense that we all want happiness.
infinity all is well..kingdom within .. to that level . to the field..TM practice ... a fully develope a fullfil man all enjoy pure consciousness good religion .. here all take the course insight TM is friend of all religion..truth doesnt change..never change the meaning doest change..reality thru TM..practical teaching.. a joy essential message .. guide to do what the teacher says..the messege the kingdom of God.. a habbit . developing structure suffering ..freedom. no suffer..TM root suffering ease. Kimball Barrett
Yes the Kingdom of Heaven is within and can be found by yourself in reaching out to God the Father and Jesus the Christ and the Holy Spirit, to be holy is the greatest and highest way to be and to love one another and all things that are good like the great prophet Isaiah said None Shall hurt nor destroy in my Holy Mountain and the lamb shall lay down with the wolf and the lion shall eat straw like the ox and a small child shall lead them, the love of God the Father shall be in all!
All depends on your mind and what you want to believe... if you believe it and makes you happy then what ever you believe is good... then your life is fulfilled.
I think as long as you are happy at the end of the night and you have harmed no one in doing so..that's what matters..and I dislike Christianity and I live in the bible belt....
I agree with most of what this yogi is saying but the idea that I can be one with the creator is way out there. My understanding of higher consciousness comes in the form of lucid dreams, visions, OOBEs, and a connection with the astral or dream body. Shamans throughout the world have practiced dream skills since the dawn of man tens of thousands of years ago. That is where the study of "spirituality" and spirit worlds originated. The ancient Toltec shamans of Mexico described the seven gates of dreaming. Levels of course in dreams. All of us have this ability. We no longer practice this art. Iike T.S. Eliot said..."where is the life we have lost in living, where is the knowledge we have lost in information." We must learn again that the balance of our inner and outer worlds is a key to harmony. Know thyself.
Curt Qualls By labeling an idea as "bull" simply because you lack understanding, you automatically disqualify yourself from ever reaching said understanding. To each their own. I wish you luck in your journey. Namaste. :-)
Shaun Mosher If you think that meditation or energy centers (chakras) will get you all the way then I think that you are mistaken. Anyone that tries to tell you the way are leading you astray. You must continue seeking until you find. Only YOU can know yourself. No guru can teach you that. Good luck.
Practicing tm brought me to a deep gratitude and reverence for the Bible. Pre-Tm, it was just dogma to me. Now, I recognize each verse of the Bible oozing Truth
It's all very inspirational meaningful helpful possitive and very encouraging . Praise God and thank you Maharishi.
Although I grew up in a Christian family, I went to Christian school, to holy mass, I confessed, ministered, and prayed according to Christian teachings for years...I only understood the teachings of the Lord Jesus Christ when I began to meditate and through TM, I started to experience God in Unity with mySelf, I found the Kingdom of Heaven that lies within me...
"I and the Father are One"(John 10:30)🙏☀️Transcendental Meditation helps Christians to fully embrace Christ's teaching, helps us to pray effectively, as taught by the Lord Jesus🙏🌄
Infinite Gratitude to Maharishi Mahesh Yogi and the Great Masters of the Holy Tradition🙏💐 that They brought this ancient technique to mankind so that we can finally Truly Understand the teachings of the Divine Avatars, like Lord Jesus Christ💛🙏and🙏💛Lord Krishna.
I learned after meeting Maharishi TM and have been practicing TM for years since I was approx 7 yrs old. A joy just to meditate in the same room and after talking with him brought me such insight at a very young age. I am Roman Catholic and I am loyal to the One God Almighty. At no time did I have any other God's only our one God our Father in Jesus Christ. My religion only got deeper after learning TM. I left the Protestant Episcopalian Church and eventually moved into being confirmed into the Roman Catholic Church with the Bishops consent where I stand to be a devoted member to this day 2023. Becoming Roman Catholic has only brought me closer with a deeper understanding of God. Maharishi was a pleasure to meet and a joy to have his friendship through all of my days. He is in God's Heavenly Kingdom now where we shall be together again in God's Kingdom in God's complete unconditional L❤️ve. Hope to see all there! 🙏✌️🌈🤲😇✝️♾️🍀🌹🌺🕊️🚪
Delightful! I miss his presence upon this earth and yet, feel so blessed he was here for my generation and left behind many recordings
Maharishi has seen the greatest beauty in Christianity--'The Kingdom of Heaven is Within you'. As a Christian, I love this approach of practicing transcendental meditation and getting to the inner essence of life. Common sense, and completely in tune with Christ's teaching. Thank you for sharing this with us!
Once a person starts seeking from within, rather than from outside their life will begin to take a turn for the better. Great message and teaching from the Guru. The Kingdom of Heaven is within us and we have to seek it.
I'm so infinitly grateful for the wisdom and lectures of Maharishi Mahesh Yogi. Peace and Love to you all.
What a wise and lovely man. Peace brother.
If a person can have a favorite of Maharishis talks.....this has to be one of mine.... (Wonderful)....
People forget that meditation is just a way to better the mind. It's not a religion, not a belief system - you do it, and you experience it.
I like how he takes every question, he emanates positive energy.
Maharishiji is relaxed as he answers the questions related to attacks by the catholic fraternity. He gives a subtle hint to all his detractors to try TM practice. He offers them infinity thru TM. Use of simple language has always been the hallmark of Maharishiji. He is at his persuasive, charming, smiling and loving Best. What else can I say? How can one describe Infinity with finite words? Words fail and one is left speechless at the end of any and everyone of his discourses.
What a beautiful response to a question about the division some create in the name of religion. Thank you for your soft acceptance of all religions.
This man rocks every incarnation he has, including when he was Jesus. Thank you for raising me up and streamlining my spiritual practice to deepen my Catholic belief. Thank you, you will always be my saviour. You always are my light in the darkness. Thank you Gabriel. Michael. Ma Tara.
He is right and a perfect example of what he teaches. A lot of Christians are notorious for NOT growing an inch.
His demeanor and being reflect his message of inner absolute fullness of Being within everyone.
So soothing to hear Maharishi's to be in his presence frequently when I worked on European staff in 75' & 76'...Nothing quite like it...
I have always believed in Jesus Christ, and I started TM 43 years ago to experience Him more deeply. My experience has always been to meditate and settle in to a very deep state of stillness, and it's there that I feel closest to Christ - I am just sitting at His feet. From there prayer begins to flow very spontaneously and deeply. I LOVE this path Christ has put me on.
PS to cristalsoldier: I follow the messages from thewarningsecondcoming daily - I am very grateful for them!
I cannot justify or question what his saying - absolutely true fact about christianity and any follower of christ. Peace is yours and mine.
Thankyou Beloved MAHARISHI......
God is visible in him. That is why he is so beautiful. I cannot believe a single negative thing anyone has said about this man. Light from God emanates from this man. The things he says are true. I know at whose feet I should bow.
Beautiful. I’m so grateful that I came across this
Thanks for uploading such a wise and exclusive talk about the ignorance, Christ, and the teaching "the Kingdom Lies within" ..........really beautiful...
So true !
After learning TM i felt i truly understood Christianity for the first time...So much more meaningful and inspiring.
Maharishi, the embodiment of pure knowledge, is for me a master who can guide everyone with his easy to learn natural technique, the TM, in his own light in order to realize the holistic knowledge in himself.
Do not miss this rare opportunity to realize holistic knowledge in your own consciousness.
Based on the holistic knowledge of what created creation, your life spontaneously transforms itself into something positive.
We are born to experience and live the inner and outer abundance.
With this complete knowledge we can start our new life, which is carried and guided by the laws of nature.
You will experience the support of nature in your thinking and your actions and your life will shine more and more in the divine light!
Each of us is blessed with the divine knowledge and with the realization of the divine knowledge in our own consciousness and in our personal life.
With Vedic knowledge we realize and experience from our Self the inner and outer fullness.
It all makes sense if you listen to what he's saying. Talking straight from the heart as always
Elegant, eternal message: find the Kingdom of Heaven within using meditation.
Suffering... meaning is different in Christianity... we're called to be in Bliss of the Kingdom of God in every situation 🙏
I'm loving this yogi - thank you :)
Jai Guru Dev 🙏🌻
very interesting and life changing
jai guru dev all religion is same god is within u u have get thru ur own self conciseness thru TM if u travel form one place to other u may go by air and the same place i might reach little later by train,or other sores but we reach the same place of" kingdom of haven"u may follow any religion but thru TM u can make ur life full of bright joyful happiness of your soul and mind. Jai Guru Dev
Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it. But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it.
Jesus meditated 40 days and 40 nights. Jesus said" if it's blood that provide life then do not take it for it provides life". Therefor life is precious
- beautiful breath of fresh air.
peace in heaven lovely man.
Wow amaizing
Masterful... so incredibly masterful.
Watched it again...brilliant!
seems very calm and relaxed
No Christian should suffer because Christ has said 'Kingdom of Heaven is within you.' Every Christian should enjoy that bliss consciousness, that freedom, which is the essential message of Christ. - Maharishi
And since we are his children, we are his heirs. In fact, together with Christ we are heirs of God’s glory. But if we are to share his glory, we must also share his suffering. (Romans 8:17 NLT)
Suffering is inevitable. We live in a fallen world. Anyone who says we shouldn't experience different seasons of our lives is lying to us. I'll trust God's word over man's any day. God Bless.
How could anyone ever suffer while with Christ?
I expect the translation should be like the quote: 'suffer the little children to come unto me.' I.e: Suffer means 'to allow'. So to 'suffer' with Jesus would be to allow Him to be with us, and have our heart and mind illumined by Him. Then it makes sense. see dictionary: Archaic use of the word 'suffer'. it means 'to allow.'
Form20 you cite Romans 8:17 and then you say "I'll trust God's word over man's any day." Romans 8:17 is a Letter to Romans from an Apostle (follower of Christ). Letter written by a man = words of a man.
@lahve Six: You wrote "Romans 8:17 is a Letter to Romans from an Apostle (follower of Christ). Letter written by a man = words of a man."
1 Corinthians 14:37 - "If any man think himself to be a prophet, or spiritual, let him acknowledge that *the things that I write unto you are the commandments of the Lord.* "
2 Peter 3:16 - "As also in *all his epistles* , speaking in them of these things; in which are some things hard to be understood, which they that are unlearned and unstable wrest, as they do also *the other scriptures* , unto their own destruction."
1 Thessalonians 4:15 - "For this *we say unto you by the word of the Lord* , that we which are alive and remain unto the coming of the Lord shall not prevent them which are asleep."
1 Corinthians 7:10 - "And unto the married *I command, yet not I, but the Lord* , Let not the wife depart from her husband:"
Conclusion: Paul's writings are the word of God!
@Form20: You wrote "I'll trust God's word over man's any day." But you quoted the NLT! That version contains an error in Mark 1:2, like ALL Bibles based on "the Greek" (i.e., the corrupted remnants of inferior texts left to us by the ravages of history since 1611). Here, proof:
"This is the Good News about Jesus the Messiah, the Son of God. It began just *as the prophet Isaiah had written: “Look, I am sending my messenger ahead of you, and he will prepare your way.* " (Mark 1:2, NLT)
Problem! The prophet Isaiah wrote no such thing, the prophet Malachi did! - "Behold, I will send my messenger, and he shall prepare the way before me" (Mal 3:1)
Even a single error in this "Bible" you quote shows it to be a counterfeit and not the true and perfect word of God.
@dave haworth: You wrote "How could anyone ever suffer while with Christ? "
Acts 9:15-16 - "But the Lord said unto him, Go thy way: for *he is a chosen vessel unto me* , to bear my name before the Gentiles, and kings, and the children of Israel: For I will shew him how great things *he must suffer for my name's sake.* "
1 Corinthians 4:12 - "And labour, working with our own hands: being reviled, we bless; *being persecuted, we suffer it:* "
1 Thessalonians 3:4 - "For verily, when we were with you, *we told you before that we should suffer tribulation* ; even as it came to pass, and ye know."
2 Timothy 3:12 "Yea, and *all that will live godly in Christ Jesus shall suffer persecution.* "
You got the picture now Dave? Remember to read the Bible itself, and don't take Maharishi's (or anyone else's) word for it!
TM is great for health and relaxation. I don't think religion should be brought into it
that's a masterpiece.
I read the Gayatri book, meaning and written chant. But, it's funny how I learned to pronounce everything (wrong). This is why we go straight to the source, (an experienced Guru) not from books.
if your eye be single, your body will fill with light.. God is not a man, God is light!
Dit is thrue "Bouddhisatva"
You would like his book; "The Science of Being and The Art of Living" Underline and take notes. He is wise and beautiful.
At The end ,is going to be a lot of surprises .
Great Words!
I`d like to hug you,not because I agree with you,but because people strongly attached to a way of thiking live you, have very unhappy lives. Your church has put you against all the others ways of thinking in order to keep their bussiness,and you,like many people,can`t see it.
I hope that God brings clarity to your mind. Bless
Jai Guru Dev!
Worry about ur life here first before dreaming about ur place in eternity which u are not even sure of.B practical and wise n live ur life happily and help others attain the same instead.
Everything in life is just theories. Nothing's certain. Everything can flip in an instance. We must not be too rigid in our thoughts, perceptions and understandings of how such things can work. Were able to play immense tricks on ourselves if we allow it. Just sit back and watch the show and accept what is and what works for you. This life is continuously unwrapping itself to us. Its full of many experiences good or bad. No punishments but awakenings. God truly does work in mysterious ways.
beautiful . . .
In the Gospel of Thomas Jesus says that if you do not know yourself then you dwell in poverty. No teacher can lead you to self knowledge. They can teach you methods that can help you along the path. But ultimately only YOU can find the way within yourself.
This man is soooo much more than you seem to understand,but that's his help the people that are ignorant to his beliefs and don't know what he's talking about.I would think some of you just want to float around you tube and look for a place to Look like you know what's really going on,but you know not what you say.If you're going to be a critique of his beliefs..first look to his thought's from allllll sources..Not just one video. You don't have to watch it if you don't like it.
What an amazing beard.
The Kingdom Of Heaven Is WITHIN Every Individual,. Of Any Faith , Religion Or Not--Religious...True Religiousness Is To Live The Life, Anchored Into The BEING Of The INNERMOST SELF,. The INFINITY, The UNBOUNDED, The LIMITLESSNESS,... WITHIN...
Love it!!
Jai Guru Dev.
you misunderstand, no person should ever be revered as a god, he's simply a person who understood the ultimate selfless reality of life and because he realizes this he comes across as a being not from this world, emanating pure bliss out of his eyes.
Don't look for god without but within is what he would say i reckon.
it's healing
All is well and ends well
santo hermoso precioso!!! :)
master of the cosmic consciousness zen😊😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍
No one ( except true non-believers0 is denying that God is full of Love and I guess Maharishi felt this too.
The Lord is the Creator of all this and I doubt he would let any sincere devotee suffer, whatever religion or creed they are practising.
@rooizilver You are right to say God reveals Himself to his people by the Light of the holy Spirit. You are a child of God far more than these who are deceived.
Why can't everyone embrace all religions, and not fight over who's religion is right and who's is wrong..there is no right or wrong religion, it's really all the same in the sense that we all want happiness.
We see the effects of " undeveloped" man all around us. Why don't we try what the Maharishi is suggesting? It may mean a new world!
infinity all is well..kingdom within .. to that level . to the field..TM practice ... a fully develope a fullfil man all enjoy pure consciousness good religion .. here all take the course insight TM is friend of all religion..truth doesnt change..never change the meaning doest change..reality thru TM..practical teaching.. a joy essential message .. guide to do what the teacher says..the messege the kingdom of God.. a habbit . developing structure suffering ..freedom. no suffer..TM root suffering ease. Kimball Barrett
la MT mi ha cambiato la vita JAI GURU DEVA from ITALIA DOLOMITI
Please add in the info, when and where this was recorded, and who is the man shown next to the lady asking the questions.
Laugh is the meaning of life for some of me 🙂
Yes the Kingdom of Heaven is within and can be found by yourself in reaching out to God the Father and Jesus the Christ and the Holy Spirit, to be holy is the greatest and highest way to be and to love one another and all things that are good like the great prophet Isaiah said None Shall hurt nor destroy in my Holy Mountain and the lamb shall lay down with the wolf and the lion shall eat straw like the ox and a small child shall lead them, the love of God the Father shall be in all!
All depends on your mind and what you want to believe... if you believe it and makes you happy then what ever you believe is good... then your life is fulfilled.
Where is this "I" that bows? Who bows to who?
Somehow I can't see this guy making it as New Testament/historical Jesus scholar.....
MrOdsplut I'm still trying to figure out if he's a Pre-dispensationalist or a Post-dispensationalist.
MrOdsplut Thankfully. We don't need anymore ignorance and closed-mindedness in this world. We'll leave that to religious fundamentalism.
I think as long as you are happy at the end of the night and you have harmed no one in doing so..that's what matters..and I dislike Christianity and I live in the bible belt....
I agree with most of what this yogi is saying but the idea that I can be one with the creator is way out there. My understanding of higher consciousness comes in the form of lucid dreams, visions, OOBEs, and a connection with the astral or dream body. Shamans throughout the world have practiced dream skills since the dawn of man tens of thousands of years ago. That is where the study of "spirituality" and spirit worlds originated. The ancient Toltec shamans of Mexico described the seven gates of dreaming. Levels of course in dreams. All of us have this ability. We no longer practice this art. Iike T.S. Eliot said..."where is the life we have lost in living, where is the knowledge we have lost in information." We must learn again that the balance of our inner and outer worlds is a key to harmony. Know thyself.
Curt Qualls You are already one with the Creator. You simply have yet to realize it. Thus, meditation. ;-)
Shaun Mosher Bull...nothingness is not light.
When you can see with your eyes closed in full consciousness then you will know that pure consciousness is the light of the mind.
Curt Qualls By labeling an idea as "bull" simply because you lack understanding, you automatically disqualify yourself from ever reaching said understanding. To each their own. I wish you luck in your journey. Namaste. :-)
Shaun Mosher If you think that meditation or energy centers (chakras) will get you all the way then I think that you are mistaken. Anyone that tries to tell you the way are leading you astray. You must continue seeking until you find. Only YOU can know yourself. No guru can teach you that. Good luck.
Way to go Christians with bringing forth music for meditation.
Haqeeqat kya hain?
ANDY KAUFMANTranscendental Meditation
I agree with him though
cartoon of the individual or end
Deepities, rolling waves of deepities...
Also available with German translation :
seems very calm and relaxed