I have a question..Which would be better for using in the Mountains.. Tall Trees, Rocks, Hills and Valleys? After I buy an Upgraded Antenna for the Radio.. Which one would work best for my situation, UHF or VHF?
hello, please help me with some information. I bought a Motorola GP 688 two way walkie talkie, when I turn it on, NO PERSONALITY appears on the display. I tried to enter the menu, no button responds. what can i do? thank you
i have the same problem.... but another problem is that i can't comunicate with other walkie talkies (topcom 1300)...i don't have an ideea abut comunication..do you know what the problem is?
Vorrei un aiuto Ho baofeng777s radio che va a canali pero con tutto che va a canali il problema sta che la tengo da mesi pero non so mai riuscito a parlare con altri eccome se non ci fosse nessuno o meglio la accendo ricevo segnale pero non sento nessuna voce. come posso fare ?
What hz are you using for the 5 tone signaling
I have a question..Which would be better for using in the Mountains.. Tall Trees, Rocks, Hills and Valleys? After I buy an Upgraded Antenna for the Radio.. Which one would work best for my situation, UHF or VHF?
hello, please help me with some information. I bought a Motorola GP 688 two way walkie talkie, when I turn it on, NO PERSONALITY appears on the display. I tried to enter the menu, no button responds. what can i do? thank you
I have a Motorola Astro Spectra VHF and would love a desk mic like the ones you have instead of the palm mic.. whats the model number of those?
i have the same problem....
but another problem is that i can't comunicate with other walkie talkies (topcom 1300)...i don't have an ideea abut comunication..do you know what the problem is?
GP380 UHF is that UK version ?
Hi this is Alex. please. how i can insert direct insert \ select frequency? For exemple 431.000? i have two GP380 one UHF , one VHF. Thanks a Lots
Mat MLM tmn HT saya Motorola GP 338plus. Tdk bisa masuk repiter. Mohon petunjuk
73 from ITALY IW3BTS Paolo Motorola.
Vorrei un aiuto Ho baofeng777s radio che va a canali pero con tutto che va a canali il problema sta che la tengo da mesi pero non so mai riuscito a parlare con altri eccome se non ci fosse nessuno o meglio la accendo ricevo segnale pero non sento nessuna voce. come posso fare ?
Bisa beli knob volume ht motorola gp 380 gan
Hi could you shere flash upgrade sowftwares ?
Cara setting channel manualnya bagaimana???
anyone sells gp388 software cd????????
@paologrisu lo sapevo che ti beccavo qua :) 73 de IZ5TJE