The steps were put in place to prevent cross compatibly with Dart Zones "Rival" blasters, such as the Powerball. The Pathfinders compatibility issues are a side effect, not sure why they didn't just use the Finishers design, that thing feeds everything! Lol
almost seems like someone made a mistake to me both the finisher and pathfinder have a staggered magazine catch to grab onto the stairsteps on the magazines. but the finisher grabs steps 0 and 1, while the pathfinder grabs 1 and 2 (hence the offset). it's like someone had the right idea, but brainfarted and missed.
I've added shims to 5 magazines now, just 1/16" or 2mm thick plastic is all it takes to make them compatible in the Pathfinder, and still work in the older blasters. I used Liquid Nails as an adhesive, and cut the shims off an old strip of plastic packaging material with pliers.
I have this blaster and this couldn’t be a more complete and thorough guide. Dang nice video, I literally had all these issues and observations but was left with , “how do I fix this, cause this blaster is pretty cool”. Thanks again!
Spot on. I just ordered some knockoff black magazines for my pathfinder only to discover this myself, so I immediately hopped on tinkercad, replicated the steps, and glued them in place. Magazines work great now. wish I had known someone else already made the file public
Thank you very much for posting this. I have truthfully never taken a close enough look at the mags and assumed that all of the clear ones were the same. My guess would be that it was done to prevent these mags from working in dart zone stuff or to prevent knock off rival mags from fitting in these. It's cool that the fix is easy tho, and also mad props for offering to send out the little pieces Also for your blaster shooting soft, part of that could be that we live in a colder climate right now, and potentially different humidity. I know that plays a role with spring powered dart ones. Comparing the accuracy, I do think most of that has to do with the barrels, as well as the ergomics. I noticed this pretty quick comparing the Hades, Kronos, and Roundhouse. The latter of which was visibly more accurate. With Rival's hop up, holding the thing at even a slight tilt can cause balls to dive off to the left or right when used in the real world, so the Hades for example being heavy and using a vertical forgrip is more prone to random shots than the smaller ones that naturally held themselves more straight up and down. It also has a lot of stuff going on in the barrel where the Roundhouse does not, so I would imagine those two factors work in the Pathfinder favour. Additionally, the the blue balls (giggidy) being a little denser and rubbery sort of like the x shot chaos rounds, they may have advantages outside where wind and humidity play a role. There also might be something on the production side of things that makes them more consistant, and not simply a case of larger dimples.
Bunch of great points! I would pin this but I already pinned an answer on what those steps were supposed to do haha (You nailed it). Now I wanna chrono more Rival. I admit I used a bunch of other stuff I had chronographed recently to verify mine wasn't off because of lighting or something. Maybe some others are soft as well and it is a climate thing!
@@maritimefoam I have probably put too much thought into this haha. Would the chronograph function differently based on where the light source is coming from or if the ball is spinning? I can also imagine that with rival ammo, golf and baseball studies could potentially be helpful as well in regards to techniques, materials, and other variables.
@@TrueNomadSkies Ha, I like the deep thoughts & speculation, but, it seems that Ziploc has experienced the same speeds with the same chrono, and it just might also be a little slower? Ha, sometimes the simplest answer... I am never going to judge anyone for putting to much thought into anything as a guy with a massive plastic armoury and a Nerf channel :P
Looking at how the magazine fits the older blasters and this new one. Look at how the mag lock works. The mag well is much shorter than on the older blasters, and so it locks on a different part of the mag. When you insert the mag into the pathfinder the skinnier part is opposite than on the older blasters. Thanks for the fix!
When I was trying to mod mine one of the pieces that holds the balls in place fell out and I didn't put it back and if you hold down the trigger and prime it you can prime it again so that means I can double pump it and shoot 2 rounds and even 3 rounds
Quick ammo accuracy update: I did a 500 ball test with 100 of each of 5 types, shooting at 40' range into a 3' tall x 2' wide catching net set 3' off the ground (to roughly simulate an adult torso). I fired all the balls of each type before starting the next set, using a Helix with an added stock (from PalmtopSupply on Etsy). Results: Blue Accuballs: 70/100 (caught in the net), Red X-shot Balls: 69/100, Yellow Rival Balls 68/100, Green Headshot Balls 65/100, Orange Dartzone 63/100. That's not a huge difference, but I'd be interested to see how other tests pan out. I then tested just the blue and Orange balls with a Hera with a fully-=charged rechargeable battery. Result: Blue 71/100, Orange 40/100. The Orange balls were just flying everywhere, and I was very surprised how badly they did. I may repeat this test, and do all the ball types, when I have an opportunity. I will say also that the Accuballs, and also the red X-Shot balls, have a less porous skin/material, and so if they get wet they are very quick to wipe dry. The old yellow balls soak up water like a sponge, and if they get thoroughly soaked have to be dried out.
Ha, this is awesome. If we get two days in a row without a blizzard or freeze here I’d like to do the same. Good point on the blue ones soaking up less water. I had a few rival balls in the back yard that got caught in the rain and they definitely are sponges. I didn’t test nearly as many shots as you but I did about 40’ in my basement (there is a thin diagonal line clear through some pillars I can use ha) but I definitely saw little difffernce with blue and yellow. I didn’t try flywheelers at all. I need to do this with a semi and full auto for sure. Thanks for sharing al of this, it’s great to be able to have some data to compare too!
you can tell the new balls are a little more acurate in a blaster like the perses where you fire tons of balls fast and they fly a little better in a high powered springer as well
🤚 Team Clear! Nice mag comparison, it is weird that regular mags work in Finishers. So glad that Nerf came out with new Rivals. I wonder though if it varies in performance per blaster? I hate when the target falls 😆! Oh I just noticed the prime indicator on the side. I do really like the overall look, can’t wait to get one. Great review! Thanks!
The finisher thing is weird. Maybe the whole thing was an error because it makes very little sense. Team clear for sure! Apparently the Fate is the best performer, the vision is similar to the pathfinder :) It’s a miracle my targets aren’t broken, I should tape them on!
My Hypnos magazines work fine, all the balls feed - plus the Finisher magazine, and the short one that came with my red Helios. Nonetheless I'll eventually want to shim my other magazines, or fix the catch. FPS on the Pathfinder is mid-high 80s, never broke above 90 fps, but it's accurate enough at 50 feet so I'm nor bothered. Sometimes pushing the fps higher can make for less accuracy. The Fate shoots a tad harder, 90-95 fps most shots, the Vision is the same fps range as the Pathfinder.
Interesting. That Hypnos mag issue was consistent for me. Bizarre. Finisher was good. Good to hear on the FPS, though I’ve seen XFoxGames and others get higher, but, I dunno, maybe we all have some chrono variance. Yeah, I wondered if the key to the accuracy is finding an FPS sweet spot for speed vs accuracy. Thanks for all the details! Gave you a shout out for letting me know about the Hypnos thing :) always appreciate everyone’s comments filling in the blanks on videos like this!
@@maritimefoam I heard the shout out, thanks! I use the same Chrono you do, not sure what XFoxGames uses. He reviewed the Fire Rat today, I have the same blaster (orange body, comes ready-assembled from China) and fps is around 110, BUT the short darts drop sooner that the rival balls for any of these new Rival blasters, due to the backspin on the balls (I think). Of course the balls also take longer to reach the target, but that could be an advantage in some game situations. fps is interesting, but as long as we're in that 75+ range it doesn't make much difference to me, I'm only shooting at 70 feet maximum range most of the time. Very odd about those Hypnos magazines. Mine have barely been used but I don't think they're likely to wear down much.
@@ziploc2000 cough cough... I am fairly sure it was me who identified the Hypnos mag as the stepped clear one. In addition i can confirm that the last batches of seperately sold 12 dart rival mags also have the pseudo step. I have one Hypnos, but three such mags - in 2019 i bought two refill packs. all older mags do not have the step.
@@Hoeni2000 I never claimed to have discovered it, you get the credit for that, I'm just passing on the information. My apologies for any misunderstanding.
I don’t have a printer can we purchase a few sets of the spacers, or at least the dimensions and I can probably just make one. But I don’t want to glue unless I’m positive.
I kinda stopped mailing them out, because it got away from me, but fun fact, a small flat topped circular Lego piece is then right height. Otherwise the part is on thingiverse, and even if you don’t have a 3D printer, if you download Cura and open it; you can see the height in MM! I would do this for you but I’m swamped with a move!
funny because the pathfinder i got new today is completly the opposite. The new mag sits too high and the second round actually jams into the chamber preventing it from closing and all my old mags and 3rd party mags all load smoothly just fine with all ammo without any modification
I got so busy my secret shame is I flaked on two people that asked for them, so I am afraid to say yes to more. :S better to say no than yes and then not do it… I think you could probably make some out of a piece of dollar store plastic cutting board or something pretty easy!
You can, and I think there is even a comment in this list with a fix, I just honestly never got around to it and this method was pretty easy and harmless to other blasters :)
I just got the Rival Pathfinder at my local Walmart for$10 and my magazine for the Rival stormtrooper Blaster works absolutely perfectly and I didn't put the shims into the magazine. The seven round magazine fires all of them. What gives
Hi! im buying a nerf for my 12yo. options are this rival, nerf fortnite compact smg, fortnite B-AR and dinosquad rex rampage. what would you recommend? ty a lot
Hmmm, I’d say not the B-AR, maybe compact SMG from these. Travelling so I can’t get into it, but that’s my guy. The B-AR has a long barrel and slows darts. Rex rampage is a fav though if he doesn’t mind more cartoony!
The moment I found out about the mag issues with older mags, I immediately cancelled my order of a Pathfinder. I am not supporting them being dicks to early adopters, and for no other reason other than them not wanting their mags to be used with different manufacturers.
@@maritimefoam have you ever thought about nerf so much you wanted to throw up? I'm an amateur and I regret some of the stuff in my vids but I still talk smack about the systems so people can see my frustration. I recently sorted my collection into 6 battle systems (afrer vids) because each system kinda' one-ups the last... Musket style single shot blasters Load as you go pistols Heavy pistols Load as you go shotguns Over-lever mag fed Under-lever mag fed... I had 5 systems but the k25 siege50 changed all that and now i'm making myself sick trying to decide between another couple of sieges or pathfinders. Looks like all it's probs can be fixed with shims and a double mag holder on the belt. I just don't have any upgraded rival guns hitting 60 feet accy like the siege. It's a conundrum. On the one hand you do have to drop it down to prime, but on the other, it's pretty easy to get it up to 72 ammo cap with clips. Ugh...i'm feeling woozy again!!
@@maritimefoam hahahaha! Yeah right! You gotta admit it's a tough question. It's been bothering me for weeks. After sorting lag shotguns away from lag pistols, (Underlever is so intuitive that it's cheap) it depressingly dawned on me that I'd have to do the same with mag fed systems. Had never taken on 2 to 3 targets at once and that's when the Eureka happened. Sadly Hypnos is too expensive/rare so it comes down to these big 2! Me jumping to k25 siege was easy after k25 rush40 blew me away, but then I remembered those #$%^ OOD or Worker belt ammo holders and found yours and OOD's @#$% shims!! Haha - i'm thinking 3 sieges now that i've typed it all out. Helios was my fave and you can fling that prime back for extra speed to go against shotguns - SO THIS IS A PANDORAS BOX I COULD CLOSE RIGHT NOW. Do we need shotguns? Long answer no - our collections do not need shotguns - they ruin everything. The short answer is yes. To take to our friends houses and obliterate. I got 50 ft of accy on a metal tray on an upward slope with my k25 Visions...that's pretty close and pathfinder would be great against helios...see I'm doing it again! Grrr @#$% these slightly varying pokemon I mean blasters. (Edited) obviously analytical folks are going to research the mags and end up here. Woke up today completely sure that I was skipping pathfinder. Sorry if blew you up. Siege is just so accurate and I really don't want dorky drac shin/belt holders - i've made up my mind. Haha it's all your fault too. Jk. Great vid!! I'm DJ Analysis/Star Shirt. My channels are pg13+ watch out!!
@@maritimefoam p.s. I love my 22.5 coil k26 atlas. Lubed the tube - raised the ring. Used rubber bands through the holes in the muzzle for hopup. I use accurounds behind the glowinthedark headshot. Super glued and duct taped a helios rail to the side to get me 18/36 ammo on board..................which isn't much so I may still get the dorky drac shin or belt holders. Tsk tsk. Chip clips attached to the sites hold the balls in extra mags, a piece of dowel is also super glued to the side to keep the balls from falling out of side mag - will be attaching velcro strap to belt clip since external 12 rd mags can't handle jostling. That should put the atlas at 30/60 and oh yeah - light ammo combo isn't precise but hard to miss even at 40 feet. Muzzle profile is so low on atlas and siege you'll have to arc even after upgrades and memorize site picture. Why am I telling you this? The sites on the visions work, and I imagine the pathfinders sites (while a true gimmick) still eliminate the need for an arc...but that is literally all it has going for it. Atlas Hypnos and Siege all kinda have it beat, and nerf knows it hence the reason none of those will be in production again. I'm surprised they let siege50 slide because once you develop muscle memory for k25 hyper - tada - that's it for nerf springers. K26 Helios 55ft, k25 siege 60ft, k25 rush40 70+ft accy. Whew!!!
Another 3d printed Fix: instead of having to mod all your magazines just fix the problem on the Blaster's side of things
its open source creative commons attribution btw. is you can print and distribute as many as you want, even for profit. so long as designer name is listed
Hey! Great work, sorry, I thought you were sharing a link at first and now I see it’s your file! Super cool! I’m going to print it and try it tomorrow!
The steps were put in place to prevent cross compatibly with Dart Zones "Rival" blasters, such as the Powerball. The Pathfinders compatibility issues are a side effect, not sure why they didn't just use the Finishers design, that thing feeds everything! Lol
Great answer! Pinning this comment. Sounds like they were preventing something that would barely happen for 99% or their customers :P
Also, yeah, it’s visually almost identical to the finisher, but… apparently different enough to cause failures. :)
@@maritimefoam Oh, the bickering of huge companies. Lol
@@maritimefoam They might pull a recall, like they did with the Modulus Recon MK-2, Which was also an issue of mag compatibility.
almost seems like someone made a mistake to me
both the finisher and pathfinder have a staggered magazine catch to grab onto the stairsteps on the magazines. but the finisher grabs steps 0 and 1, while the pathfinder grabs 1 and 2 (hence the offset).
it's like someone had the right idea, but brainfarted and missed.
Great review, glad Im not the only one who had mag issues.
Pretty annoying. Mags with the shims are completely reliable though so… take that Nerf :P
I've added shims to 5 magazines now, just 1/16" or 2mm thick plastic is all it takes to make them compatible in the Pathfinder, and still work in the older blasters. I used Liquid Nails as an adhesive, and cut the shims off an old strip of plastic packaging material with pliers.
I have this blaster and this couldn’t be a more complete and thorough guide. Dang nice video, I literally had all these issues and observations but was left with , “how do I fix this, cause this blaster is pretty cool”. Thanks again!
You’re welcome! Glad you enjoyed!
Spot on. I just ordered some knockoff black magazines for my pathfinder only to discover this myself, so I immediately hopped on tinkercad, replicated the steps, and glued them in place. Magazines work great now. wish I had known someone else already made the file public
Well, it’s always neat to make your own solution too!
Bought this gun last week in target, ordered a $5 spring on ebay, replaced in 10 min, now it shoots around 135fps, and accurate as shit!
Nice! Simple spring upgrades can be so awesome! I haven’t opened mine yet, glad it was a breeze!
Thank you very much for posting this. I have truthfully never taken a close enough look at the mags and assumed that all of the clear ones were the same. My guess would be that it was done to prevent these mags from working in dart zone stuff or to prevent knock off rival mags from fitting in these. It's cool that the fix is easy tho, and also mad props for offering to send out the little pieces
Also for your blaster shooting soft, part of that could be that we live in a colder climate right now, and potentially different humidity. I know that plays a role with spring powered dart ones. Comparing the accuracy, I do think most of that has to do with the barrels, as well as the ergomics. I noticed this pretty quick comparing the Hades, Kronos, and Roundhouse. The latter of which was visibly more accurate. With Rival's hop up, holding the thing at even a slight tilt can cause balls to dive off to the left or right when used in the real world, so the Hades for example being heavy and using a vertical forgrip is more prone to random shots than the smaller ones that naturally held themselves more straight up and down. It also has a lot of stuff going on in the barrel where the Roundhouse does not, so I would imagine those two factors work in the Pathfinder favour.
Additionally, the the blue balls (giggidy) being a little denser and rubbery sort of like the x shot chaos rounds, they may have advantages outside where wind and humidity play a role. There also might be something on the production side of things that makes them more consistant, and not simply a case of larger dimples.
Bunch of great points! I would pin this but I already pinned an answer on what those steps were supposed to do haha (You nailed it). Now I wanna chrono more Rival. I admit I used a bunch of other stuff I had chronographed recently to verify mine wasn't off because of lighting or something. Maybe some others are soft as well and it is a climate thing!
@@maritimefoam I have probably put too much thought into this haha. Would the chronograph function differently based on where the light source is coming from or if the ball is spinning? I can also imagine that with rival ammo, golf and baseball studies could potentially be helpful as well in regards to techniques, materials, and other variables.
@@TrueNomadSkies Ha, I like the deep thoughts & speculation, but, it seems that Ziploc has experienced the same speeds with the same chrono, and it just might also be a little slower? Ha, sometimes the simplest answer...
I am never going to judge anyone for putting to much thought into anything as a guy with a massive plastic armoury and a Nerf channel :P
Looking at how the magazine fits the older blasters and this new one. Look at how the mag lock works. The mag well is much shorter than on the older blasters, and so it locks on a different part of the mag. When you insert the mag into the pathfinder the skinnier part is opposite than on the older blasters. Thanks for the fix!
When I was trying to mod mine one of the pieces that holds the balls in place fell out and I didn't put it back and if you hold down the trigger and prime it you can prime it again so that means I can double pump it and shoot 2 rounds and even 3 rounds
Quick ammo accuracy update: I did a 500 ball test with 100 of each of 5 types, shooting at 40' range into a 3' tall x 2' wide catching net set 3' off the ground (to roughly simulate an adult torso). I fired all the balls of each type before starting the next set, using a Helix with an added stock (from PalmtopSupply on Etsy).
Results: Blue Accuballs: 70/100 (caught in the net), Red X-shot Balls: 69/100, Yellow Rival Balls 68/100, Green Headshot Balls 65/100, Orange Dartzone 63/100.
That's not a huge difference, but I'd be interested to see how other tests pan out.
I then tested just the blue and Orange balls with a Hera with a fully-=charged rechargeable battery.
Result: Blue 71/100, Orange 40/100.
The Orange balls were just flying everywhere, and I was very surprised how badly they did. I may repeat this test, and do all the ball types, when I have an opportunity.
I will say also that the Accuballs, and also the red X-Shot balls, have a less porous skin/material, and so if they get wet they are very quick to wipe dry. The old yellow balls soak up water like a sponge, and if they get thoroughly soaked have to be dried out.
Ha, this is awesome. If we get two days in a row without a blizzard or freeze here I’d like to do the same.
Good point on the blue ones soaking up less water. I had a few rival balls in the back yard that got caught in the rain and they definitely are sponges.
I didn’t test nearly as many shots as you but I did about 40’ in my basement (there is a thin diagonal line clear through some pillars I can use ha) but I definitely saw little difffernce with blue and yellow. I didn’t try flywheelers at all. I need to do this with a semi and full auto for sure.
Thanks for sharing al of this, it’s great to be able to have some data to compare too!
you can tell the new balls are a little more acurate in a blaster like the perses where you fire tons of balls fast and they fly a little better in a high powered springer as well
🤚 Team Clear! Nice mag comparison, it is weird that regular mags work in Finishers. So glad that Nerf came out with new Rivals. I wonder though if it varies in performance per blaster? I hate when the target falls 😆! Oh I just noticed the prime indicator on the side. I do really like the overall look, can’t wait to get one. Great review! Thanks!
The finisher thing is weird. Maybe the whole thing was an error because it makes very little sense. Team clear for sure!
Apparently the Fate is the best performer, the vision is similar to the pathfinder :)
It’s a miracle my targets aren’t broken, I should tape them on!
Are any retailers selling the pathfinder mags separately?
Sadly no. Nerf doesn’t tend to sell a lot of stand alone mags. I should clarify not that I’m aware of :)
@@maritimefoam hopefully next year for rivals new stuff .
My Hypnos magazines work fine, all the balls feed - plus the Finisher magazine, and the short one that came with my red Helios. Nonetheless I'll eventually want to shim my other magazines, or fix the catch.
FPS on the Pathfinder is mid-high 80s, never broke above 90 fps, but it's accurate enough at 50 feet so I'm nor bothered. Sometimes pushing the fps higher can make for less accuracy. The Fate shoots a tad harder, 90-95 fps most shots, the Vision is the same fps range as the Pathfinder.
Interesting. That Hypnos mag issue was consistent for me. Bizarre. Finisher was good.
Good to hear on the FPS, though I’ve seen XFoxGames and others get higher, but, I dunno, maybe we all have some chrono variance.
Yeah, I wondered if the key to the accuracy is finding an FPS sweet spot for speed vs accuracy. Thanks for all the details! Gave you a shout out for letting me know about the Hypnos thing :) always appreciate everyone’s comments filling in the blanks on videos like this!
@@maritimefoam I heard the shout out, thanks! I use the same Chrono you do, not sure what XFoxGames uses. He reviewed the Fire Rat today, I have the same blaster (orange body, comes ready-assembled from China) and fps is around 110, BUT the short darts drop sooner that the rival balls for any of these new Rival blasters, due to the backspin on the balls (I think). Of course the balls also take longer to reach the target, but that could be an advantage in some game situations. fps is interesting, but as long as we're in that 75+ range it doesn't make much difference to me, I'm only shooting at 70 feet maximum range most of the time.
Very odd about those Hypnos magazines. Mine have barely been used but I don't think they're likely to wear down much.
@@ziploc2000 cough cough... I am fairly sure it was me who identified the Hypnos mag as the stepped clear one. In addition i can confirm that the last batches of seperately sold 12 dart rival mags also have the pseudo step. I have one Hypnos, but three such mags - in 2019 i bought two refill packs. all older mags do not have the step.
@@Hoeni2000 I never claimed to have discovered it, you get the credit for that, I'm just passing on the information. My apologies for any misunderstanding.
Hey Anthony! Now that I have the Pathfinder do you think you could send some of those shims to me?
Hey I'm in Newfoundland and there doesn't seem to be any on shelves here as of yet. Where did you manage to grab yours?
Got mine from Amazon, but the Fate and Vision are now at Toys R Us :) where abouts in NFLD are you?
In the top left is that part of a 3d printed calaburn 'nerf' gun?
Keen eye! You are correct! I did a short on it awhile back! Might be easy to find in a channel search!
I have an Apollo, lost the mag and was wondering if the new orange ones would fit in jt, thanks
I’m pretty sure it’s compatible!
I don’t have a printer can we purchase a few sets of the spacers, or at least the dimensions and I can probably just make one. But I don’t want to glue unless I’m positive.
I kinda stopped mailing them out, because it got away from me, but fun fact, a small flat topped circular Lego piece is then right height. Otherwise the part is on thingiverse, and even if you don’t have a 3D printer, if you download Cura and open it; you can see the height in MM! I would do this for you but I’m swamped with a move!
funny because the pathfinder i got new today is completly the opposite.
The new mag sits too high and the second round actually jams into the chamber preventing it from closing
and all my old mags and 3rd party mags all load smoothly just fine with all ammo without any modification
Oh really? Ha, that’s so weird! But great! I didn’t like the mag that came with it at all. I love clear mags all the way!
I know it’s just a toy, but damn do you ever keep your finger off the trigger?
Where can u buy some of thoses tabs
when i bought mine the mag it came with still did not feed correctly, even tho it had the steps pls help
Haven’t fixed mine yet :(
Would you be able to send one of those shims?
I got so busy my secret shame is I flaked on two people that asked for them, so I am afraid to say yes to more. :S better to say no than yes and then not do it… I think you could probably make some out of a piece of dollar store plastic cutting board or something pretty easy!
I sent out a bunch… lemme see if I still have some printed…
don't slam fire this thing, it broke after 3 uses
can't you instead change something inside the blaster?
You can, and I think there is even a comment in this list with a fix, I just honestly never got around to it and this method was pretty easy and harmless to other blasters :)
I just got the Rival Pathfinder at my local Walmart for$10 and my magazine for the Rival stormtrooper Blaster works absolutely perfectly and I didn't put the shims into the magazine. The seven round magazine fires all of them. What gives
There was a mold change at some point; that one must have come after the change! I do have some 12 rounders that work fine!
@@maritimefoam okay,thanks. 😁
Hello I was looking on getting some tabs or where I can buy some is there anyway u can help me wanting my magazines for the pathfinder
Hey! Send me a DM with your address and I can mail you some! No charge, as it was Blasterhub news who designed them and put them on Thingiverse!
I wonder if the Pathfinder can take the Worker 15s.
Good question! Looking forward to popping this open.
@@maritimefoam once I grab a Pathfinder I'll let you know. The 15s I have only work in my Helios and Foam Knight XC.
@@m00k61 Please do!
Please tell me what Canadian retailers are selling this now? Available in USA for $30 but cheapest I can find in Canada is Amazon for $70 CAD. Thanks
So, no retailers :( I found one in January on Amazon for 46 or 47 dollars? No idea why.
@@maritimefoam any ideas when it will be available at stores? Amazon is $70 rn RIP
@@nolanspeller283 unsure :(
The thing is, if you get the little 3d printed things from Out Of Darts, you still have to may like $23 shipping. Really unfortunate
I’ve heard a flat topped circular Lego dot works :)
@@maritimefoam aw drat, I got rid of all my Legos 2 years ago
Sounds like I can also just use some popsicle sticks like I have been using when I make "iron sights" for some of my other Nerf guns
Makes sense, a popsicle stick might be a little high, maybe? But you could sand it if you had too :)
Hi! im buying a nerf for my 12yo. options are this rival, nerf fortnite compact smg, fortnite B-AR and dinosquad rex rampage. what would you recommend? ty a lot
Hmmm, I’d say not the B-AR, maybe compact SMG from these. Travelling so I can’t get into it, but that’s my guy. The B-AR has a long barrel and slows darts. Rex rampage is a fav though if he doesn’t mind more cartoony!
@@maritimefoam sorry, I meant the rival pathfinder 1200, it's the other option
@@maritimefoam thanks!
The og mag isnt working for me
Yeah, that happened to one of mine too. This blaster had some weird geometry or something
seriously why nerf dont sell additonal magazine? They forcing ppl to buy the whole gun just for the mag?
Not sure why they don’t sell magazines :(
I guess Hasbro figured their new accurounds are so accurate you don't need to reload lol.
One mag one tag… because you only have one mag…
Am I seriously the the only person with a pathfinder that isn't a lemon?
What do you mean? The lowish FPS?
@@maritimefoam mags in my pathfinder work just with no problems
@@thekailwolfsinshow8374 huh. Weird. Are they mags from the Hypnos? Because those work.
@@maritimefoam a hypnos and hera
@@thekailwolfsinshow8374 interesting. Maybe the Hera mags have the same update as the Hypnos mags.
I do not recommend the vision! It has a bad grip; it is at an angle. The pathfinder and the fate are best.
Ha! I have a review of the vision that goes on about the same thing, totally agree!
The moment I found out about the mag issues with older mags, I immediately cancelled my order of a Pathfinder. I am not supporting them being dicks to early adopters, and for no other reason other than them not wanting their mags to be used with different manufacturers.
I get it, though, all my mags are now compatible and it cost me a tiny bit of time and under a dollar in materials, but, it was a bad move for sure.
68,413 shim request letters and counting. Jk
Ugh, it’s my shame that I had a couple requests I never fulfilled and then kinda lost track of them. I will be filed as a flake by two subs for sure.
@@maritimefoam have you ever thought about nerf so much you wanted to throw up? I'm an amateur and I regret some of the stuff in my vids but I still talk smack about the systems so people can see my frustration. I recently sorted my collection into 6 battle systems (afrer vids) because each system kinda' one-ups the last...
Musket style single shot blasters
Load as you go pistols
Heavy pistols
Load as you go shotguns
Over-lever mag fed
Under-lever mag fed...
I had 5 systems but the k25 siege50 changed all that and now i'm making myself sick trying to decide between another couple of sieges or pathfinders. Looks like all it's probs can be fixed with shims and a double mag holder on the belt. I just don't have any upgraded rival guns hitting 60 feet accy like the siege. It's a conundrum. On the one hand you do have to drop it down to prime, but on the other, it's pretty easy to get it up to 72 ammo cap with clips. Ugh...i'm feeling woozy again!!
@@charlessamuelpenn9374 ha, you might think about Nerf even more than me - and that’s saying something ;)
@@maritimefoam hahahaha! Yeah right! You gotta admit it's a tough question. It's been bothering me for weeks. After sorting lag shotguns away from lag pistols, (Underlever is so intuitive that it's cheap) it depressingly dawned on me that I'd have to do the same with mag fed systems. Had never taken on 2 to 3 targets at once and that's when the Eureka happened. Sadly Hypnos is too expensive/rare so it comes down to these big 2! Me jumping to k25 siege was easy after k25 rush40 blew me away, but then I remembered those #$%^ OOD or Worker belt ammo holders and found yours and OOD's @#$% shims!! Haha - i'm thinking 3 sieges now that i've typed it all out. Helios was my fave and you can fling that prime back for extra speed to go against shotguns - SO THIS IS A PANDORAS BOX I COULD CLOSE RIGHT NOW. Do we need shotguns? Long answer no - our collections do not need shotguns - they ruin everything. The short answer is yes. To take to our friends houses and obliterate. I got 50 ft of accy on a metal tray on an upward slope with my k25 Visions...that's pretty close and pathfinder would be great against helios...see I'm doing it again! Grrr @#$% these slightly varying pokemon I mean blasters. (Edited) obviously analytical folks are going to research the mags and end up here. Woke up today completely sure that I was skipping pathfinder. Sorry if blew you up. Siege is just so accurate and I really don't want dorky drac shin/belt holders - i've made up my mind. Haha it's all your fault too. Jk. Great vid!! I'm DJ Analysis/Star Shirt. My channels are pg13+ watch out!!
@@maritimefoam p.s. I love my 22.5 coil k26 atlas. Lubed the tube - raised the ring. Used rubber bands through the holes in the muzzle for hopup. I use accurounds behind the glowinthedark headshot. Super glued and duct taped a helios rail to the side to get me 18/36 ammo on board..................which isn't much so I may still get the dorky drac shin or belt holders. Tsk tsk. Chip clips attached to the sites hold the balls in extra mags, a piece of dowel is also super glued to the side to keep the balls from falling out of side mag - will be attaching velcro strap to belt clip since external 12 rd mags can't handle jostling. That should put the atlas at 30/60 and oh yeah - light ammo combo isn't precise but hard to miss even at 40 feet. Muzzle profile is so low on atlas and siege you'll have to arc even after upgrades and memorize site picture. Why am I telling you this? The sites on the visions work, and I imagine the pathfinders sites (while a true gimmick) still eliminate the need for an arc...but that is literally all it has going for it. Atlas Hypnos and Siege all kinda have it beat, and nerf knows it hence the reason none of those will be in production again. I'm surprised they let siege50 slide because once you develop muscle memory for k25 hyper - tada - that's it for nerf springers. K26 Helios 55ft, k25 siege 60ft, k25 rush40 70+ft accy. Whew!!!
Another 3d printed Fix:
instead of having to mod all your magazines
just fix the problem on the Blaster's side of things
its open source creative commons attribution btw. is you can print and distribute as many as you want, even for profit. so long as designer name is listed
Ah, I’ll check this out, maybe amend the video I did with a short. Thanks for sharing!
Hey! Great work, sorry, I thought you were sharing a link at first and now I see it’s your file! Super cool! I’m going to print it and try it tomorrow!