There are 2 rakes for Kalaburagi Vande Bharat Express at the moment. Once the maintenance moves from SMVB to Kalburagi, only orange one will run. Current pit lines at Kalaburagu is not VB ready. You can watch both the rakes in this video -
Good evening 😊nice video😊
Thank you
Ex CAM twins Rust WAG5 thunderbolt twins
*seduction on wheels*
Deadly wonder set on me. 💜💜💜💜💜Thanks
Thank you
Thank you
Wonderful Capture
Thank you
Thank you
When did the Saffron Colour Vande Bharat of 22231 smvt banglore to kalburagi chande to the white and blue one????
It's KCG to YPR 20703 Vande Bharat Express
There are 2 rakes for Kalaburagi Vande Bharat Express at the moment. Once the
maintenance moves from SMVB to Kalburagi, only orange one will run.
Current pit lines at Kalaburagu is not VB ready.
You can watch both the rakes in this video -