"The knife everyone's talking about!" Bro I must just be super isolated form other people who care about these things in life, nobody I know talks about knives AT ALL, some country boys way out in the Styx might only people I know who give a crap are here on youtube, or someone might brag to some one "oh yea I just got nice new kitchen knives yeah! I can't understand why they always get so dull.pft!" And then you try to explain to em but they don't actually care.
"The knife everyone's talking about!" Bro I must just be super isolated form other people who care about these things in life, nobody I know talks about knives AT ALL, some country boys way out in the Styx might only people I know who give a crap are here on youtube, or someone might brag to some one "oh yea I just got nice new kitchen knives yeah! I can't understand why they always get so dull.pft!" And then you try to explain to em but they don't actually care.